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Visiting the Boston Harbor Islands

Northeastern Naturalist, Volume 12, Special Issue 3 (2005): 221–222


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Boston Harbor Islands National Park Area: Natural Resources Overview 2005 Northeastern Naturalist 12(Special Issue 3):221–222 Visiting the Boston Harbor Islands Getting to the Boston Harbor Islands is a breeze! The ferry trip to Georges Island takes only 20 minutes. Passenger ferries depart Long Wharf in Boston daily during summer. Boats also depart from Quincy and Hull. Free shuttle boats connect Georges to five other islands, and park tour boats visit more. Special park boats take visitors to Little Brewster Island for “soft adventure” tours of the oldest lighthouse site in the United States, to Thompson Island for guided tours, and to the outer harbor and islands for guided expeditions. Alternatives to park boats—such as private boats, kayaks, and autos—provide additional transportation options. The Harbor Islands park offers ranger programs, family fun days, and special events to enjoy during your “getaway.” Activities are offered on many islands, in different seasons, and for a variety of audiences. Within sight of downtown Boston, four islands offer “remote” camping, accessible by passenger ferries (reservations are required). Educators are welcome on the islands with students of all ages. School program options and curricula are available at learn. Conducting research The Boston Harbor Islands Partnership conducts and facilitates natural, cultural, and social science studies and scholarly research that support the park mission. Permission for research that would allow the physical disturbance of cultural resources or provide for the collections of objects or specimens is granted on a case-by-case basis. The National Park Service acts as the clearinghouse for research permit applications. For more information: call 617-223-8666 or visit Photo: Ranger Kelly Fellner guiding visitors on Little Brewster Island. (Morss photo) 222 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 12, Special Issue 3 Photo: A quiet day near the campground, Grape Island. (Morss photo) Photo: Landmarks Symphony Orchestra concert, Georges Island. (Morss photo)