An Invitation to Participate
A cordial invitation is extended to professional organizations whose mission aligns with the focus of the Northeast Natural History conference and would like to partner with us in helping make this conference a valuable experience. Partners can help out with logistics and organization or they can take advantage of the synergism of holding their own parallel meeting within our larger conference forum. Northeastern societies and associations and Northeast chapters-affiliates of national societies and associations are also encouraged to consider the strategic merits of facilitating special presentation sessions by their members, hosting workshops for their members, sponsoring awards relating to their interests, or hosting an evening or dinner reception for their members and potential new members. Each contributes to a greater awareness of the organization’s mission and highlights the fact that the organization is active in the Northeast.
These opportunities will be especially important for national organizations during years when their annual conference is scheduled far outside the northeast.
In addition, through our exhibitor options, you can arrange to have an information table or poster display at the Conference.
To register as a participating organization, or to discuss opportunities for your organization at the conference, please contact us.
Participating partner organizations will be listed below as they are confirmed, along with their logos and links to their websites.
Participating Partner Organizations
About the Conference