Eagle Hill Masthead

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You may make an online donation below

The Eagle Hill Institute functions as an extended family whose members share many interests. Friends of Eagle Hill have many opportunities to help shape its future. Donations are a powerful way to do so. They are tax deductible, since Eagle Hill is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

You may use your credit card or your PayPal account to make your online donation using. We use a PayPal portal for convenience, but you do not need to have a PayPal account.

Major credit cards accepted or PayPal accepted

Both options give you an opportunity to leave a comment about your donation or to make a special request.

You may choose a one-time donation,

or you may pledge an automatic once-a-month donation for 12-months.

Comments or questions at this time?

Director Joerg-Henner Lotze welcomes you reaching out to him.

207-546-2821 Ext. 4, 718-715-2824

Site by Bennett Web & Design Co.