Community Composition of Bats in Cusuco National Park, Honduras, a Mesoamerican Cloud Forest, Including New Regional and Altitudinal Records
Pamela Medina-Van Berkum1*, Kevina Vulinec1,2, Declan Crace1, Zeltia López Gallego11, and Thomas Edward Martin1
1Operation Wallacea Ltd., Wallace House, Old Bolingbroke, Spilsby, Lincolnshire, PE23 4EX, UK. 2Delaware State University,Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Dover, DE 19901, USA.*Corresponding author.
Neotropical Naturalist, No. 3 (2020)
Mesoamerican cloud forests support diverse bat communities, but remain poorly studied. Here, we provide an overview of the bat community of Cusuco National Park (CNP), Honduras, an area of tropical cloud forest and adjacent lowland habitats. Our results are based on one of the longest-running bat surveys completed regionally to date. Mist nets were deployed over 14 eight-week research seasons running June through August 2006 to 2019. A total of 6,854 bats were caught, with 59 species identified, including two major range extensions (Natalus lanatus and Eptesicus brasiliensis) and three species at higher elevations than previously reported. Species richness estimators predicted 63 bat species in the park. We highlight CNP as an important center of bat diversity and an important conservation priority.
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No. 3 Neotropical Naturalist 2020
Community Composition of Bats
in Cusuco National Park, Honduras,
a Mesoamerican Cloud Park,
Including New Regional and
Altitudinal Records
Pamela Medina-Van Berkum, Kevina Vulinec,
Declan Crace, Zeltia López Gallego,
and Thomas Edward Martin
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Cover Photograph: Centurio senex in the cloud forests of Cusuco National Park, north-west Honduras.
Photograph © Anikó Kurali.
Neotropical Naturalist
P. Medina-Van Berkum, K. Vulinec, D. Crace, Z. Lopez Gallego, and T. E. Martin
2020 No. 3
Community Composition of Bats in Cusuco National Park,
Hounduras, a Mesoamerican Cloud Forest,
Including New Regional and Altitudinal Records
Pamela Medina-Van Berkum1*, Kevina Vulinec1,2, Declan Crace1,
Zeltia López Gallego1, and Thomas Edward Martin1
Abstract - Mesoamerican cloud forests support diverse bat communities, but remain poorly studied. Here,
we provide an overview of the bat community of Cusuco National Park (CNP), Honduras, an area of tropical
cloud forest and adjacent lowland habitats. Our results are based on one of the longest-running bat surveys
completed regionally to date. Mist nets were deployed over 14 eight-week research seasons running June
through August 2006 to 2019. A total of 6,854 bats were caught, with 59 species identified, including two
major range extensions (Natalus lanatus and Eptesicus brasiliensis) and three species at higher elevations
than previously reported. Species richness estimators predicted 63 bat species in the park. We highlight CNP
as an important center of bat diversity and an important conservation priority.
Cloud forests are complex ecosystems which typically span a range of environmental gradients
related to climate, soil, and geomorphological conditions. Consequently, cloud forests are one of the
more diverse ecosystems worldwide, harbouring high numbers of endemic and threatened species,
as well as providing a range of important ecosystem services (Bruijnzeel et al. 2010, Bubb et al.
2004). In these forests, more than the 40% of mammal species are bats (Bruijnzeel et al. 2010),
which play a pivotal role in ecological processes, acting as seed dispersers, pollinators, and prey
population regulators (Fleming 1993, Kalko et al. 1996, Medellín et al. 2000).
The cloud forests of Central America, which form part of the Mesoamerican biodiversity
‘hotspot’ (Myers et al. 2000, Myers 2003), occur disjunctively from southern Mexico to Panama
and support diverse and highly endemic species assemblages for most faunal groups (CEPF 2019,
Powell and Palminteri 2001). However, despite their biological importance, comparatively little
research has examined the composition of ecological communities in these cloud forests (Bubb et
al. 2004); a trend that includes bat communities (Reid 2009). Most community-level bat research
in Mesoamerican cloud forests to date has focussed on Mexico (e.g., Briones-Salas et al. 2005,
Calderón-Patrón et al. 2013, Pineda et al. 2005) and Costa Rica (LaVal 2004, LaVal and Fitch
1977), with Chiroptera research in the contiguous countries of Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador,
Honduras and Nicaragua largely confined to species-specific records from lowland ecosystems
(e.g., Divoll and Buck 2013, Fenton 2001, Herrera et al. 2018, Loza et al. 2018, Medina-Fitoria et
al. 2015, Mora et al. 2014).
There are many aspects of the distribution and ecology of Honduran bat populations that remain
unknown. Significant knowledge gaps remain regarding distributions of species within different
habitats, as well as data on species ecology, community composition, and spatial patterns of diversity
within different cloud forest ecosystems. Faunal communities in cloud forests are facing severe
threats from deforestation (Bubb et al. 2004, Mulligan 2010) and climate change (Neate-Clegg et al.
2019, Pounds et al. 1999). Without an understanding of regional species distributions, it is difficult
1Operation Wallacea Ltd., Wallace House, Old Bolingbroke, Spilsby, Lincolnshire, PE23 4EX, UK. 2Delaware State University,
Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Dover, DE 19901, USA.
Manuscript Editor: Fredric Vencl
Neotropical Naturalist
P. Medina-Van Berkum, K. Vulinec, D. Crace, Z. Lopez Gallego, and T. E. Martin
2020 No. 3
to identify conservation priority areas or assess the conservation value of specific Mesoamerican
cloud forest ecosystems.
This study attempts to partially address this research gap by summarizing data from one of the
longest-running bat surveys in northern Central America in order to characterize the cloud forest bat
community of Cusuco National Park (CNP), north-west Honduras. We report all species recorded
from these surveys, as well as provide altitudinal delimitations for all species in our inventory
and identify notable range extensions and altitudinal records. We construct species accumulation
curves and non-parametric species richness estimators to extrapolate overall diversity within CNP
and examine species turnover and feeding guild dominance across the Park’s altitudinal gradient.
Thus, we provide the most detailed overview of bat community structure in a northern Central
American cloud forest published to date.
Study site
CNP (15°32′31″ N, 088° 15′49″ W) is a 23,440 ha protected area spanning the departments of
Cortés and Santa Bárbara in north-west Honduras (Fig. 1). It is located in the Sierra de Omoa, part
of the Merendón mountain range, and spans an altitudinal range of 500–2,242 m (Lenkh 2005).
The area of CNP is divided into a 7,690 ha core zone where socio-economic activity is nominally
prohibited, and an encompassing 15,750 ha buffer zone where some limited agriculture and other
land use is permitted (Martin and Blackburn 2009). Average annual precipitation is 2,788 mm,
with 45% of precipitation falling in the wettest months between October–December (Fundación
Ecologista 1994). Mean day time temperatures in summer (June–July) range from 21 °C at
1,150 m (range: 18 °C–23.5 °C) to 15 °C at 2,200 m (13 °C–16.5 °C) (Jones 2020). Broadly, all
ecosystems within the Park fall into the “moist tropical forest” Holdridge life zone (FAO 2002),
although as with many “cloud forest” National Parks, CNP represents a mosaic landscape with
different vegetation types across its various elevational belts. These include cleared land, coffee
plantations, and remnant patches of lowland forest at lower altitudes (500–1,200 m asl), pine-oak
forest and tropical montane cloud forest in the middle-upper altitudinal zones (1,200–2000 m asl),
and “Bosque enano” elfin forest on the highest ridges of the park (>2,000 m asl) (Lenkh 2005).
A long-term biodiversity monitoring program run by the UK-based company Operation
Wallacea (, has been ongoing in CNP since 2006. This program has resulted in
detailed species inventories for several taxa (Hoskins et al. 2018, Martin et al. 2016), and the Park’s
biodiversity is recognized to be of global importance (Le Saout et al. 2013). However, previous
published bat research from CNP is restricted to a genetic analysis of populations of two fruit bat
species (Asher 2009) and a methodological study examining novel means of detecting altitudinal
movements in bats (Erzerberg et al. 2011).
Sampling design
To evaluate the bat community in CNP, we conducted mist-netting surveys for an eight-week
period between June and August each year between 2006 and 2019. Initially, we conducted mistnetting
at 36 sites at seven camps located between 605 and 1925 m asl (Table 1) to cover all the
major altitudinal bands and associated habitat classifications present in the Park. However, the
lowest altitude camp (Santo Tomas, 605 m asl) was not surveyed between 2015 and 2019, thus
only 31 mist-netting sites were surveyed in these years.
Within each camp, we established three to five fixed-location mist-netting sites between 300
and 600 m apart. We typically conducted mist-netting in three camps each night, for six nights a
week. For each survey session at each site, we used five nets (a combination of 6 m x 2.6 m and 12
Neotropical Naturalist
P. Medina-Van Berkum, K. Vulinec, D. Crace, Z. Lopez Gallego, and T. E. Martin
2020 No. 3
m x 2.6 m nets, all with 36-mm mesh and five shelves). The mist nets were opened before sunset
and checked every 15 to 30 minutes for six hours. Mist-netting sites were surveyed in rotation.
Once a mist-netting site was sampled, it was not surveyed again for at least three nights. Mist nets
were always placed in the same positions on each survey night. We did not conduct mist-netting
surveys in heavy rain.
We followed Sikes and Gannon (2011) with regards to protocols for capturing and handling
bats. We extracted bats captured and placed them within cotton holding bags. We processed the
bats by weighing the individuals (g) using pre-calibrated Pesola spring balances and took forearm
measurements (mm) using vernier callipers. Sex, reproductive stage (female: non-reproductive,
pregnant, lactating, post-lactating; male: scrotal, or non-scrotal), and age (juvenile or adult) were also
recorded, with age being determined by the degree of ossification of the metacarpal-phalangeal joints
(Baagøe 1977). We identified individuals to species level using authoritative regional field guides
and taxonomic keys (Medellín et al. 2007, Mora 2016, Reid 2009, Timm and LaVal 1998). We also
recorded weather conditions on each survey night (Rain = 0 or 1, Wind = 0 or 1, Moon = 0 or 1).
Data analysis
We used two broad approaches to examine the data: the construction of an annotated species
inventory for the study site and a quantitative analysis of the diversity and structure of the bat
We compiled a list of all species detected during surveys in CNP following the taxonomy
provided by IUCN (2019), with five exceptions: Sturnira parvidens, Uroderma convexum,
Lasiurus frantzii, Myotis pilosatibialis, and Natalus lanatus—all recently-split species, which
are broadly recognized in the literature (e.g., Castaño et al. 2018, Medina-Fitoria et al. 2015,
Rodríguez-Herrera and Sánchez 2015, Timm and LaVal 2018, York et al. 2019) but remain
unrecognized by the IUCN (2019). We followed the taxonomy provided by Velazco and Patterson
(2013), Mantilla-Meluk (2014), Baird et al. (2015), Mantilla-Meluk and Muñoz-Garay (2014),
Figure 1. Elevation map of Cusuco National Park, showing camps and boundary of the buffer zone and core
zone. Insert shows location of Cusuco National Park within Central America.
Neotropical Naturalist
P. Medina-Van Berkum, K. Vulinec, D. Crace, Z. Lopez Gallego, and T. E. Martin
2020 No. 3
Table 1. Summary of camp locations and survey effort in study camps, and non-parametric species richness estimators of bat species in Cusuco National Park
(CNP), north-west Honduras, as well as species richness estimators for each camp. Chao, Jackknife 1, and Bootstrap are non-parametric species richness estimators
(Colwell and Coddington 1994, Magurran 2004).
CNP Santo Tomas Buenos Aires Guanales Cortecito Base Camp El Danto Cantiles
Elevation (mean m asl) 605 850 1287 1400 1572 1591 1825
Sampling effort (m2h) 398,383 24,408 48,865 56,262 44,824 129,113 44,831 55,535
Individuals captured 6,854 1,139 2,042 646 921 1,481 316 309
Capture rate 0.0172 0.0467 0.0418 0.0115 0.0205 0.0115 0.0076 0.0058
Richness observed 59 40 43 33 35 46 34 21
Chao (± SE) 62.12
(± 3.65)
(± 7.69)
(± 12.11)
(± 12.84)
(± 5.94)
(± 3.46)
(± 7.57)
(± 19.61)
Jacknife 1 (± SE) 63.99
(± 2.23)
(± 3.73)
(± 2.91)
(± 2.58)
(± 3.25)
(± 2.96)
(± 4.36)
(± 4.03)
Bootstrap (± SE) 61.63
(± 1.37)
(± 2.13)
(± 1.62)
(± 1.39)
(± 2.10)
(± 1.84)
(± 2.51)
(± 1.98)
Average richness
estimate 63 48 52 41 40 51 43 31
Neotropical Naturalist
P. Medina-Van Berkum, K. Vulinec, D. Crace, Z. Lopez Gallego, and T. E. Martin
2020 No. 3
and Tejedor (2005) for these four species respectively. We noted endemism and conservation
status of each species. Mesoamerican hotspot endemics were defined by cross-referencing the
demarcations of the hotspot defined in Myers et al. (2000) with range maps provided in Reid
(2009) and IUCN (2019). International conservation status followed IUCN (2019), while national
conservation status followed Hernández (2015). We determined whether our records for each
species represented extensions to their known range by comparing each species in our inventory
with distribution maps provided by IUCN (2019), Reid (2009), and a range of local publications
concerning bat records within Honduras (Appendix S1, in Supplemental File 1, available online
at We used two
classifications for range extensions: “major” range extensions for species that had not previously
been reported in north-west Honduras and “minor” extensions for species that had previously been
reported in north-west Honduras but are not specified by existing range maps to occur in the vicinity
of CNP. We also reported the highest and lowest altitudes where each species was detected in CNP
and determined whether any of these values represented novel altitudinal records by comparing
our data to altitudinal delimitations for each species provided by IUCN (2019), Reid (2009), and
consulted literature (Almazán-Núñez et al. 2018, Sánchez-Cordero 2001, Timm and LaVal 2018).
We categorized each species in our inventory into broad feeding guilds: frugivores, nectarivores,
insectivores, carnivores, and sanguivores based on the relevant literature (Giannini and Kalko
2004, Kalko et al. 1996, Reid 2009, Soriano 2000). Many Neotropical bat species have varied diets
and can switch dietary preferences depending on environmental conditions (Lobova et al. 2009).
Our categories thus reflect primary dietary preference, as indicated in the literature, rather than
an absolute categorization. We assigned relative abundance categories for each species based on
capture frequency, adapted from methods used in Patterson et al. (2017). These categories were: A
= Abundant, (captured more than 201 times); C = common (captured between 101 and 200 times);
U = uncommon (captured between 21 and 100 times); R = rare (captured less than 20 times).
Statistical analysis
To generate bat community diversity estimates, we first merged records of Carollia subrufa
with records of C. sowelli, given that some individuals of these morphologically very similar species
may have been misidentified. Specifically, separating these two species requires examination of
banding patterns on the fur as well as morphometric measurements. It is possible that this was
not checked by some observers in the early years of survey work, potentially leading to some C.
subrufa being incorrectly identified as C. sowelli. As this potential error may have a bearing on
our quantitative analysis, we took a conservative approach of lumping these species together for
all such analysis.
To standardize for unequal sampling effort per night, we divided the total number of bats
captured per night by the total capture effort during those nights. Because we used two different
sizes of mist net, sampling effort was calculated following methods described by Straube and
Bianconi (2002), by summarizing the total meters of net and multiplying this by the number of
hours nets were open per night (normally 540 m2/h).
Considering each night as an independent sampling occasion, we constructed species
accumulation curves with 1000 randomizations for observed and estimated species richness for
the park and the camps. We chose three non-parametric species richness indicators for this; Chao,
Jackknife 1, and Bootstrap (Colwell and Coddington, 1994, Magurran 2004), these being regarded
as particularly suitable for extrapolating richness estimates within biological communities (Walther
and Moore 2005). Following Sodhi et al. (2005), we took the mean value from these three estimators
(rounding to the nearest whole value) as a “true” species richness estimate for CNP, given that the
effectiveness of different estimators varies depending on dataset composition.
Neotropical Naturalist
P. Medina-Van Berkum, K. Vulinec, D. Crace, Z. Lopez Gallego, and T. E. Martin
2020 No. 3
To investigate whether elevation has an influence on bat assemblages, we aggregated the captures
from all mist-netting sites into five elevational ranges, each consisting of a 300 m isocline, ranging
from 600 to 2100 m. We evaluated the efficiency of the sampling effort and the representation of
bat communities in these elevational bands by sampling completeness estimated through coverage
percentage (i.e. proportion of the total number of individuals in a community belonging to the
species represented in the sample) (Chao and Jost 2012).
We estimated Hill numbers (q0, q1, and q2) measures using individual based abundance
rarefaction and extrapolation (Hsieh et al. 2016). This facilitates the comparison of multiple
assemblages by providing estimators for inter- and extrapolation, allowing reduction of sampling
effort effect, estimation of sample completeness and uses a bootstrapping method (Chao et al. 2014,
Hill 1973).The q0 (Species richness) is completely insensitive to species abundance: q1 (Shannon
diversity) measures the number of common species in a community, and q2 (Inverse Simpson
diversity) measures the number of very abundant or dominant species in a community (Chao et al.
2014). Species diversity profiles were compared through overlapping confidence intervals (5–95%).
We used linear regressions to assess whether altitudinal gradient influences the capture rate. To
evaluate a priori if linear models were appropriate for the data, we performed Shapiro-Wilk tests
to determine if residuals possessed a normal distribution (Gotelli 2013). The assumption was met
after the data were square root-transformed.
We performed all analyses using RStudio version 3.6.1 (R Development Core team 2019),
using the packages vegan (Oksanen et al. 2019), and iNEXT (Hsieh et al. 2016), and data were
plotted using the package ggplot2 (Wickham 2016).
Field work in CNP between 2006 and 2019 comprised 398,383 m2 h of total survey effort. A
total of 7,192 individual bats were captured, of which 6,854 (95.7%) could be reliably identified,
representing 59 species, 34 genera, and six families (Table 2). Eight (13.6%) of these species are
endemic to the Mesoamerican biodiversity hotspot. Two species, Natalus lanatus and Eptesicus
brasiliensis, were only the second country records for Honduras and represented major range
extensions in CNP. A further three records represent minor range extensions (Enchisthenes hartii,
Myotis velifer and Dermanura azteca). We detected three species, Centurio senex, Myotis albescens
and Platyrrhinus helleri, at a higher altitude than previously reported elsewhere in the literature.
Centurio senex was found 300 m higher than previously reported and the other two species at 100
meters higher. No species were detected at a lower altitude than previously reported. Regarding
conservation status, Bauerus dubiaquercus is classified as Near-Threatened by IUCN (2019), and
Hylonycteris underwoodi is classified as Threatened in Honduras (Hernández 2015). All species
detected in CNP are summarized in Table 2.
Phyllostomidae represented 86% of the total captures yielded in CNP, followed by Vespertilionidae
(11%), Molossidae (1.4%), Mormoopidae (1.2%), and Natalidae and Thyropidae, each representing
1% of captures. The ten most abundant species caught in CNP comprised 77% of all captures.
On the other hand, 26 species (44% of all species detected) had fewer than 20 captures during
the study period and accounted for 1.8% of the total captures. In most cases, these rarely-caught
species were high-flying insectivorous bats, which are difficult to capture in mist nets; hence our
results cannot be interpreted as indicative of abundance or habitat preferences. However, acoustic
recordings yielded a considerable amount of activity by many of these high-flying insectivorous
species (K. Vulinec, pers. obvs.).
Captures were dominated by two species: Artibeus jamaicensis and Sturnira hondurensis, which
together constituted >2,000 individuals representing 31.3% of the total captures (an average of 80
Neotropical Naturalist
P. Medina-Van Berkum, K. Vulinec, D. Crace, Z. Lopez Gallego, and T. E. Martin
2020 No. 3
and 70 individuals captured per year, respectively). Among the common species found in the park, B.
dubiaquercus and H. underwoodi have a Threatened conservation status, and both species are present
in all the elevation ranges surveyed. Few species showed restricted elevation ranges, despite being
commonly captured. Species such as Carollia castanea, Platyrrhinus helleri, Molossus rufus, and
Vampyressa thyone were mainly captured within villages located in the buffer zone at lower altitudes
between 700 and 1,000 m asl. On the other hand, Chrotopterus auritus and Chiroderma villosum were
mainly captured in the core zone of the Park at an altitude around 1,400 m asl. Moreover, most of
the rarely captured aerial insectivores, such as Lasiurus ega, L. frantzii, L. blossevillii, N. mexicanus,
and N. lanatus were captured between 1,500 and 1,800 m asl (Table 2).
Non-parametric species estimates (Table 1) predict an overall richness of 63 species to be present
in CNP, suggesting our survey effort has detected the majority of understorey bat species (93.6%)
likely to be present in the study area. This is corroborated by the species accumulation curve for CNP
(Fig. 2), the trajectory of which suggests overall richness to be slightly higher than that yielded by our
sampling effort. Bat richness varied significantly between the survey camps (Table 1). According to
non-parametric species estimates, Base Camp, Buenos Aires, and Santo Tomas were the camps with
greatest bat richness (each with >45 species). Cantiles, located at the highest altitude, was the camp
with the lowest recorded richness (21 species).
Sample coverage curves indicated that coverages were above 95% for all elevation ranges, with
elevation range V being the only range that did not yield 100% coverage (Fig. 3a), suggesting that
the community of understory bats in all elevations was adequately sampled. This finding implied
that it is likely unnecessary to correct for sample completeness at the lowest coverage, as it did not
differ drastically from the highest coverage value. Hill numbers show that taxonomic diversity and
richness of species assemblages varied substantially with elevation in CNP (Fig. 3). The comparison
of species richness (q0) showed three distinctive groups: the first group which covers three elevation
ranges from 700 to 1500 m asl ( I, II and III ) had a similar number of species (q0 = 40, 42 and 42,
respectively); the second group, IV, which covers an elevation range from 1500 to 1800 m asl had the
highest richness (q0 = 47), and V, the highest elevation range, had the lowest richness (q0 = 22) (Fig.
3b). However, if we take into account the relative abundance values of all species, species diversity
showed different patterns. Shannon diversity (q1) showed a decline in diversity with increasing
elevation (Fig. 3c), and taking into account the dominant species, Simpson diversity (q2), showed that
as elevation increases, community assemblages become increasingly dominated by a smaller number
Figure 2. Species accumulation curve of bat community
of Cusuco National Park, north-west Honduras.
of species (Fig. 3d). Moreover, the capture rates
showed a similar pattern, yielding a significant
decrease with elevational increase (R2
adj = 0.63,
N = 36, F = 61.2, df = 34, P < 0.001).
Of the six general trophic guilds assessed
in CNP, insectivorous species were the most
speciose group (27 species, n = 988), while
frugivorous species were the most abundant guild
(20 species, n = 5049) (Fig. 4a). On average, per
year, frugivorous bats accounted for 72% of the
captures, mainly because of the high presence
of A. jamaicensis, S. hondurensis, Dermanura
tolteca, and Carollia sowelli. Carnivorous and
omnivorous species were the least abundant and
least diverse guilds, each represented by just two
species, with fewer than five individuals of each
captured per year (Fig. 4a).
Neotropical Naturalist
P. Medina-Van Berkum, K. Vulinec, D. Crace, Z. Lopez Gallego, and T. E. Martin
2020 No. 3
All trophic guilds were present in all the different camps in the park. However, dominance
of feeding guilds differed across the Park’s altitudinal gradient. Frugivorous, nectarivorous, and
insectivorous bats were present across the entire elevational gradient of CNP. Insectivorous bats,
the most speciose guild within CNP, were recorded along the entire elevational gradient but were
mainly captured at higher altitudes. Sanguivorous bats were mainly captured at lower elevations
(buffer zone) close to the villages, whereas carnivorous species were mainly captured in the core
zone at elevations higher than 1300 m asl (Fig. 4b).
Species accounts
Major range extensions
Eptesicus brasiliensis Desmarest, 1819: Twenty-seven individuals were caught: 21 adults, five
juveniles, and one bat whose age and sex were not recorded. Of those, 16 were females and 10 were
males. Sixty-nine percent of the females showed signs of reproductive activity (four were pregnant,
three lactating and two post-lactating). Sixty-three percent of the males caught had the testes
Figure 3. Species diversity based on Hill numbers from bat assemblages of Cusuco National park, north-west
Honduras. a) Sample completeness (as measured by sample coverage) with respect to sample size. The dot
marks the highest coverage achieved in our samples. b) Species diversity based on species richness (q = 0),
c) Shannon diversity (q = 1) and d) Simpson diversity (q = 2) across elevations ranges in Cusuco National
Park. The vertical lines represent the bootstrapped 95% confidence intervals.
Neotropical Naturalist
P. Medina-Van Berkum, K. Vulinec, D. Crace, Z. Lopez Gallego, and T. E. Martin
2020 No. 3
descendent. Eptesicus brasiliensis was trapped in all elevation ranges studied but mainly captured
between 1,300 and 1,500 m asl. This represented the second official record of this bat species in
Honduras. Previously, there was only one record in Choluteca, southern Honduras at 1,082 m asl
(Espinal and Mora 2012).
Natalus lanatus Tejedor, 2005: Only two male juveniles of this species were captured within CNP.
The first capture was on July, 21, 2015 at 19:15, and the second individual was captured on June 29,
2019 at 00:30. This species has been recorded in Costa Rica (Rodríguez-Herrera et al. 2011) and
Nicaragua (Medina-Fitoria et al. 2015). The presence of the species in Honduras has been recently
confirmed through the re-examination of two specimens captured in 1963 in Francisco Morazán and
La Paz (Turcios-Casco et al. 2020). Here, we corroborate the presence of this species in Honduras and
demonstrate its range extends to the north-west of the country. Additionally, in CNP, the individuals
were captured at an elevation of 1,650 m asl. So far, the species was only known from lowland to
middle elevation (1,200 m asl) in México and tropical rainforest in Nicaragua (1,200 m asl) and
Costa Rica (1,405 m asl). The individuals showed the characteristic bicolour ventral long hairs at
base of claws of N. lanatus (Rodríguez-Herrera et al. 2011, Tejedor 2005).This insectivorous species
was described in 2005 (Tejedor 2005); however, López-Wilchis et al. (2012) concluded that there
is not enough evidence to separate the N. lanatus individuals from N. mexicanus.
High elevational range records
Centurio senex Gray, 1842: A total of 316 individuals were captured. Within the adults, 171 were
females, with 76% showing signs of reproductive activity (60 pregnant, 19 lactating, and 51 post
lactating). Regarding the males, 86 were adults, of which 44% had the testes descendent. Centurio
senex was reported at 1650 m asl (Timm and LaVal 2018) in Costa Rica; however, we captured this
species in CNP at 1950 m asl (18 individuals). This species was widespread within the park and
was found in a range of habitats including closed-canopy forest, coffee plantations, and humaninduced
forest clearings. Occasionally large numbers were caught in a short period of time (up to
20 individuals per night). This was probably due to our nets being in close proximity to temporal
feeding resources, ssuch as fruiting palms and figs. However, this requires further micro-habitat
assessments to confirm. Within Honduras, this species has been captured in La Esperanza, Chichicaste
Figure 4. Trophic guilds within the bat community of Cusuco National Park, north-west Honduras. a) Number
of individual bats within each feeding guild captured per year. Mean (± SD) of bats captured depending on
their trophic guilds. Inset Pie chart displays the number of species belonging to a trophic guild. b) Altitudinal
distribution of bats according to their trophic guild. Violin chart show the distribution shape of the data where
width of columns indicates the proportion of a guild found at each altitudinal level.
Neotropical Naturalist
P. Medina-Van Berkum, K. Vulinec, D. Crace, Z. Lopez Gallego, and T. E. Martin
2020 No. 3
(LaVal 1969), Choluteca (Valdez and LaVal 1971) and Francisco Morazán (McCarthy et al. 1993).
Myotis albescens (Geoffroy, 1806): A total of 18 individuals were captured in CNP. Apart from
one female juvenile, all of the individuals were male, of which 50% had the testes descendent. This
species has been reported to be maximal 1500 m asl in Mexico but in CNP was been captured mainly
at 1600 m asl. This species has been previously reported in Choluteca (McCarthy 1993), and Santa
Bárbara (Turcios-Casco et al. 2019).
Platyrrhinus helleri (Peters, 1866): A total of 23 individuals were captured in CNP. Of the adults,
14 females, 86% showed signs of reproductive activity (six pregnant, three lactating and three postlactating),
while all adult males (three) had the testes descendent. This species was captured between 750
to 1600 m asl, but mainly at 1,000 m asl. In Honduras, it has been previously reported in Comayagua
(LaVal 1969), Atlantida (Dick 2013), and Gracias a Dios (Medina-Fitoria and Turcios-Casco 2019).
Threatened species
Bauerus dubiaquercus Van Gelder, 1959 (IUCN Near Threatened): A total of 118 individuals
were caught in CNP, primarily during the first two hours after sunset (83% of the captures). Of
the adults, 58 were males; 76% of these had the testes descendent. Among the females, 54 were
adults, and 74% showed signs of reproductive activity (nine were pregnant, nine lactating, and 22
post-lactating). Bauerus dubiaquercus was trapped between 700 and 1950 m asl, with 40% of the
bats caught between 1600 and 1700 m asl. This species was primarily captured close to rivers and
streams within closed-canopy forest habitats within the core zone of the park and rarely recorded in
human-induced clearings or coffee plantations. This indicates a certain level of intolerance towards
disturbed habitat types. The only other records of this species in Honduras are in Olancho (Graciolli
and Dick 2009, Pine et al. 1971).
Hylonycteris underwoodi Thomas 1903 (IUCN Least Concern, PCMH National Threatened): A
total of 112 individuals were caught. Within the 37 adult females, 29 showed signs of reproductive
activity (21 were pregnant, four lactating and four post-lactating). A total of 64 males were caught,
of which 39 had the testes descendent. Hylonycteris underwoodi was trapped between 750 and
1900 m asl, with 44% of the bats trapped at 1400 m asl. Within Honduras, the species has been also
recorded in Atlántida (Merida and Cruz, 2014), Olancho (Portillo-Reyes et al. 2016), and Gracias a
Dios (Turcios-Casco and Medina-Fitoria 2018).
The results of our surveys produced what we believe to be the most complete description
of a bat community in a northern Central American cloud forest to date. Given that the known
chiropteran richness of Honduras is 114 species (Turcios-Casco et al. 2020, Siles and Baker 2020),
CNP supports at least 52% of all species found nationally in just c. 0.2% of its land area, and 34.7%
of the 170 species known to occur in Central America (Rodríguez-Herrera and Sánchez 2015).
The finding that the lower-lying areas of the Park support the highest diversity of bat species, with
richness decreasing with elevation, conforms with general theories regarding species turnovers
across altitudinal gradients (e.g. Nunes et al. 2016). Our results also contribute records regarding
both the spatial range and altitudinal delimitations of bat species. We reaffirm the presence of
Natalus lanatus in Honduras, and report a major extension range for Eptesicus brasilienses, both
species having been previously reported from southern Honduras (Espinal and Mora 2012, Turcios-
Casco et al. 2020). Additionally, our data provides high-altitude records for three species. All these
findings highlight CNP as an important area for conservation priority.
In Honduras, four areas for priority conservation of bats have been described (Hernández
2015). CNP is included in one of those areas (Gulf of Honduras), but specific information about
Neotropical Naturalist
P. Medina-Van Berkum, K. Vulinec, D. Crace, Z. Lopez Gallego, and T. E. Martin
2020 No. 3
Table 2. Summary of bat species detected in Cusuco National Park, north-west Honduras, from 2006-2019. Taxonomy follows IUCN (2019), Mantilla-Meluk
(2014), Mantilla-Meluk and Muñoz-Garay (2014), Baird et al. (2015), Tejedor (2005), Velazco and Patterson (2013) and York et al. (2019). Species marked
* are regionally endemic to the Mesoamerican biodiversity hotspot as defined by Myers et al. (2000). Species indicated † are assessed as near-threatened by
the IUCN (2019) and species indicated Ω are assessed as nationally near-threatened within Honduras by Hernandez (2015). Species marked in bold represent
major range extensions and underscored species represent minor range. Letters provided in parenthesis after each species name indicates primary dietary guild
as defined by Kalko et al. (1996), Reid (2009) and Soriano (2000): C = carnivorous, F = frugivorous, I = insectivorous, N = nectivorous, O = omnivorous, S =
sanguivorous. Forearm and weight values provided are the mean values of all adult individuals measured, with standard deviation values to two decimal places.
Sample size is given in parenthesis. Pregnant individuals were excluded. Juvenile measurements were excluded in all cases where sample sizes included less
than10 adults, otherwise marked as ×. N/A indicates that no individuals of the corresponding sex were caught for that species. Relative abundance estimates
are denoted as follows: A= Abundant (captured more than 200 times) C = common (captured between 101 and 200 times); U = uncommon (captured between
21 and 100 times); R = rare (captured less than 20 times). Min and max elevation display the lowest and highest points each species was detected in the study
area. Elevations marked in bold represent species captured at higher elevation than previously reported. Known max elevation shows the maximum elevation
each species is indicated to occur in the literature (IUCN 2019; Timm and LaVal, 2018 b, Almazán-Núñez et al. 2018c and Sánchez-Cordero 2001d). Minimum
known elevations for each species are not shown as none of our records in Cusuco National Park were lower than indicated in the literature.
Family Scientific name Forearm ♀
Forearm ♂
Mass ♀
Mass ♂
(g) Captures
elevation in
elevation in
Known max
Desmodus rotundus (S) 60.93 ± 1.43
56.87 ± 2.73
35.66 ± 5.65
31.12 ± 3.48
A (201) 700 1700 2700
Diphylla ecaudata (S) 56.68 ± 1.92
54.6 ± 2.36
34.17 ± 1.94
28.83 ± 6.91
U (21) 1400 1900 1900
Anoura geoffroyi (N) 43.42 ± 1.52
43.47 ± 0.94
15.33 ± 1.03
15.86 ± 1.35
R (13) 750 1900 2500
Choeroniscus godmani (N) 33.95 ± 1.21
33.79 ± 1.24
9.8 ± 3.27
10.55 ± 2.75
U (55) 700 1700 1650b
Glossophaga commissarisi (N) 34.81 ± 1.22
34.19 ± 1.23
10.06 ± 2.01
10.18 ± 1.95
C (157) 750 1700 2000
Glossophaga leachii * (N) 36.36 ± 2.34
34.78 ± 1.01
11.19 ± 4.42
9.6 ± 1.26
U (39) 750 1700 2400
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P. Medina-Van Berkum, K. Vulinec, D. Crace, Z. Lopez Gallego, and T. E. Martin
2020 No. 3
Glossophaga soricina (N) 35.91 ± 1.21
35.06 ± 1.21
11.01 ± 1.73
10.22 ± 2.19
A (212) 700 1700 2600
Hylonycteris underwoodi*Ω (N) 34.67 ± 2.22
33.45 ± 1.18
10.84 ± 2.39
8.35 ± 1.12
C (113) 750 1900 2600
Artibeus jamaicensis (F) 61.61 ± 1.79
61.22 ± 1.93
47.73 ± 7.24
45.86 ± 4.42
A (1130) 700 1700 1700
Artibeus lituratus (F) 67.39 ± 4.25
67.73 ± 3.92
63.83 ±
11.88 (20)
60.33 ±
10.43 (9)
U (53) 700 1650 1700
Centurio senex (F) 43.03 ±
42.99 ± 1.24
21.01 ± 2.78
21.49 ± 2.48
A (316) 750 1950 1650b
Chiroderma salvini (F) 49.15 ± 2.15
48.84 ± 1.28
30.7 ± 3.47
28.1 ± 2.04
U (48) 750 1650 1700
Chiroderma villosum (F) 45.36 ± 2.27
43.93 ±
0.12 (3)
25.22 ± 4.94
17.5 ± 6.71
R (13) 1000 1400 1700c
Dermanura azteca (F) 42.06 ± 1.02
40.78 ± 1.07
17.41 ± 3.26
17.28 ± 3.32
U (71) 800 1950 3000
Dermanura phaeotis (F) 40.15 ± 1.94
39.09 ± 2.82
16.08 ± 2.69
14.93 ± 3.27
U (55) 700 1700 1650b
Dermanura tolteca (F) 40.89 ± 1.1
40.43 ±
17.55 ±
15.95 ± 2.46
A (779) 700 1950 1850b
Dermanura watsoni (F) 40.29 ± 1.15
40.27 ± 1.04
18.25 ± 3.76
14.93 ± 2.69
C (146) 700 1850 1850b
Enchisthenes hartii (F) 39.89 ± 1.64
38.63 ± 2.75
18.24 ± 2.86
17.13 ± 3.47
U (85) 750 1950 2600
Platyrrhinus helleri (F) 39.36 ± 0.86
38.93 ±
0.12 (3)
18.13 ± 1.89
15 ± 1 (3) U (23) 700 1600 1500
Sturnira hondurensis * (F) 44.62 ± 1.48
44.86 ± 1.82
23.44 ± 3.16
25.42 ± 3.49
A (1018) 700 1950 2000
Table 2 continued.
Family Scientific name Forearm ♀
Forearm ♂
Mass ♀
Mass ♂
(g) Captures
elevation in
elevation in
Known max
Neotropical Naturalist
P. Medina-Van Berkum, K. Vulinec, D. Crace, Z. Lopez Gallego, and T. E. Martin
2020 No. 3
Sturnira parvidens * (F) 39.42 ±
39.73 ± 1.72
17.51 ± 2.75
18.42 ± 3.42
A (406) 700 1950 2450d
Uroderma convexum (F) 44 ± 2.16
(4) ×
43 (1) × 20 ± 2.45
(4) ×
19 ± 1.41
(2) ×
R (7) 750 1000 1500
Vampyressa thyone (F) 32.08 ± 0.88
33.04 ±
10.44 ± 1.13
9.7 ± 2.66
U (37) 800 1450 1500
Vampyrodes major (F) 55.77 ± 2.6
54.19 ± 2.27
39.53 ± 4.79
36.47 ± 5.02
U (63) 700 1650 1600b
Carollia castanea (F) 38.95 ± 3.46
36.24 ± 1.38
18.91 ± 7.71
14.83 ± 1.92
U (51) 700 1300 1500b
Carollia perspicillata (F) 44.22 ± 1.84
44.26 ± 1.54
22.05 ± 3.24
23.39 ± 3.21
C (197) 700 1300 1650b
Carollia sowelli * (F) 40.62 ± 1.63
40.64 ± 2.63
18.13 ± 3.28
18.91 ± 4.23
C (521) 700 1700 1700
Carollia subrufa * (F) 40.67 ± 1.15
39.50 ±
0.70 (2)
15 ± 1.41 (2) 14.5 ± 4.95
(5) 1200
Chrotopterus auritus (C) 83 ± 1.8 (3) 82.63 ±
2.25 (7)
> 100 (2) > 100 (7) R (11) 1000 1400 2000
Lonchorhina aurita (F) 50.5 ± 0.71
N/A 15 (1) N/A R (2) 1400 1600 1600
Lophostoma brasiliense (F) 35.55 ± 0.64
36.7 ± 0.42
9 ± 1.41 (2) 12.5 ± 2.12
R (5) 700 1250 1300b
Micronycteris microtis (I) 34.67 ± 2.31
35.65 ± 0.83
7 ± 1.73 (3) 8.3 ± 0.92
R (17) 700 1700 2600
Micronycteris minuta (I) 34.35 ± 0.49
35.5 ± 1.32
9.5 ± 4.95
9.33 ±
R (6) 750 800 800
Table 2 continued.
Family Scientific name Forearm ♀
Forearm ♂
Mass ♀
Mass ♂
(g) Captures
elevation in
elevation in
Known max
Neotropical Naturalist
P. Medina-Van Berkum, K. Vulinec, D. Crace, Z. Lopez Gallego, and T. E. Martin
2020 No. 3
Micronycteris schmidtorum (I) 38 ± 1.41 (2) 34.57 ±
2.37 (7)
8 (1) 8.58 ± 2.42
R (9) 1000 1650 1600b
Mimon cozumelae (F) 58 (1) 56.4 ± 0.85
22 (1) 36 ± 16.97
R (3) 1000 1000 1300b
Phyllostomus discolor (O) 64.5(1) N/A 42.5 (1) N/A R (1) 1050 1050 1300b
Phyllostomus hastatus (O) 91.56 ± 1.25
91.9 ± 0.14
> 100 (7) > 100 (2) R (9) 1000 1600 1600b
Trachops cirrhosus (C) 58.7 ± 1.4
58.65 ± 1.76
31.5 ± 0.71
35 ± 3.64
R (18) 1250 1650 1650b
Bauerus dubiaquercus † * (I) 53.6 ± 2.51
53.16 ± 2.07
20.09 ± 3.3
19.04 ± 2.39
C (118) 700 1950 2300
Eptesicus brasiliensis (I) 42.45 ± 1.77
42.73 ±
0.83 (8)
10.63 ± 0.74
11.81 ± 3.64
U (27) 750 1950 3000
Eptesicus furinalis (I) 41.28 ± 0.95
40.83 ±
1.88 (8)
9.92 ± 1.11
10.21 ± 0.7
U (22) 1000 1650 1800
Eptesicus fuscus (I) 50 ± 3.63 (3) 49.73 ±
3.18 (4)
16.5 ± 4.82
18.13 ± 4.55
R (7) 1050 1950 2700
Lasiurus frantzii (I) N/A 38.67 ±
1.15 (3)
N/A 8.33 ± 0.58
R (3) 1600 1650 2500
Lasiurus ega (I) 46 (1) 45 (1) 12 (1) 13 (1) R (2) 1600 1650 1650b
Myotis albescens (I) 37.7 (1) 35.47 ±
1.69 (11)
N/A 5.45 ± 1.57
R (18) 700 1600 1500
Myotis pilosatibialis (I) 36.87 ± 1.09
36.11 ± 1.19
5.34 ± 1.47
5.24 ± 1.76
A (513) 700 1950 2500
Myotis nigricans (I) 37.3 ± 1.57
36.07 ± 1.28
4.75 ± 0.5
5.17 ± 0.82
U (22) 750 1900 3150
Table 2 continued.
Family Scientific name Forearm ♀
Forearm ♂
Mass ♀
Mass ♂
(g) Captures
elevation in
elevation in
Known max
Neotropical Naturalist
P. Medina-Van Berkum, K. Vulinec, D. Crace, Z. Lopez Gallego, and T. E. Martin
2020 No. 3
Myotis velifer (I) 42.73 ± 1.32
N/A 9.63 ± 2.06
N/A R (5) 750 1950 3300
Perimyotis subflavus (I) 35.5 (1) 32 (1) 5 ± 1.41 (2) 6 (2) R (4) 800 1650 2600
Molossus rufus (I) 50.89 ± 1.22
51.25 ± 2.14
39 ± 3.9 (64) 41.08 ± 4.98
U (92) 800 1600 1500
Molossus sinaloe (I) 46.83 ± 1.01
N/A 21 ± 2 (4) N/A R (4) 800 800 2400
Mormoops megalophylla (I) 54.5 ± 0.71
55.2 ± 1.13
16.5 ± 2.12
16.5 ± 0.71
R (4) 1600 1650 2300
Pteronotus davyi (I) 46.38 ± 1.02
46.63 ±
1.53 (9)
9.54 ± 0.88
9 ± 1.6 (9) U (25) 1000 1950 2300
Pteronotus gymnonotus (I) N/A 53.5 (1) N/A 14 (1) R (1) 1600 1600 1600
Pteronotus mesoamericanus * (I) 59.6 ± 1.17
59.26 ± 1.39
22.59 ± 3.22
22.6 ±
U (65) 700 1950 2200
Pteronotus personatus (I) 45(1) N/A 11 (1) N/A R (1) 1650 1650 1600b
Natalus lanatus (I) N/A 41 (2)× N/A 8 (2) × R (3) 1650 1700 2400
Natalus mexicanus (I) 39 (1) 37.5 ±
2.12(2) ×
8 (1) 7.5 ± 0.71
R (2) 1400 1650 2400
Thyroptera tricolor (I) N/A 35.20 (1)× N/A 16 (1)× R (1) 800 800 1300
Table 2 continued.
Family Scientific name Forearm ♀
Forearm ♂
Mass ♀
Mass ♂
(g) Captures
elevation in
elevation in
Known max
Neotropical Naturalist
P. Medina-Van Berkum, K. Vulinec, D. Crace, Z. Lopez Gallego, and T. E. Martin
2020 No. 3
the bat assemblage here remained until now unpublished. From these described areas, La Mosquitia
National Park and Fonseca Gulf harbour 58 and 49 bat species, respectively (Hernández 2015),
which means that when taking our results into account, CNP possesses the most diverse chiropteran
community in Honduras. This is a result of the strong altitudinal gradient and associated diversity of
habitats found in CNP. However, it is likely that other areas in Honduras, which at present remain
poorly explored, have similar or greater bat diversity than CNP, which reinforces the importance
of long-term monitoring surveys within the country.
Since studies of bat diversity in this area are scarce, several of the species reported here are the
first records for the area. Moreover, some species have been reported only a few times in the country.
For example, Micronycteris minuta has been reported once in Atlántida department (McCarthy et
al.1993) and has recently been reported in Guatemala, about 35 km from CNP (Pérez-Consuegra
et al. 2017). According to geographical range maps in IUCN (2019) and Reid (2009), Enchisthenes
hartii, Myotis velifer, and Dermanura azteca present a minor extension range. These species have
been previously reported in El Paraiso, La Esperanza, and Francisco Morazán departments in
southern Honduras (Goodwin 1942, LaVal 1969, McCarthy et al. 1993), and apparently these
species occur primarily at higher elevations (McCarthy et al. 1993). Generating more information
about the diversity of bats in Honduras could greatly help to identify more conservation priority
areas and improve regional conservation strategies.
Reports of new country records and major extension ranges in Honduras have been increasing
in the last decades (e.g., Espinal and Mora 2012, Medina-Fitoria and Turcios-Casco 2019, Mora
and Lopez 2010, Turcios-Casco et al. 2019, 2020). Here we corroborate the presence of Natalus
lanatus in Honduras, expanding both its known spatial and elevation range. Our records of E.
brasiliensis in the Park also provide a major extension range of this species in Honduras.
Numerous novel altitudinal records have also been reported for other taxa within CNP, most
notably in birds (Martin et al. 2016). The frequency of these records may, in part, be due to the lack
of scientific research completed in Mesoamerican cloud forests (Bubb et al. 2004), highlighting
the need for further fieldwork in these ecosystems, although as >80% of species detected in CNP
are not Mesoamerican endemics, this does not offer a complete explanation. The finding that some
bat species are found in CNP at higher altitudes than reported elsewhere could also relate to the
Park’s proximity to the Caribbean coast, where the mild maritime climate and the influence of the
Alizé trade winds create comparatively warm, humid conditions at middle and high altitudes in
CNP (Martin et al. 2016). These climatic conditions could allow some species to persist at higher
elevations than is possible in the cooler, drier non-coastal mountains. Another hypothesis could be
that the altitudinal records in our dataset are due to the effects of climate change facilitating upslope
elevational shifts in the bat communities here (LaVal 2004). Indeed, such upslope movements have
been previously documented in CNP’s bird community (Neate-Clegg et al. 2019). Such upslope
movements may ultimately have serious conservation consequences for cloud-forest endemics,
representing an “escalator to extinction” (Marris 2007) where the extent of suitable habitats for
these species becomes progressively limited.
Both bat diversity and capture rate showed a negative correlation with elevation, where the
diversity was higher at lower elevations. Patterns of a greater richness at low and mid-elevations
have been reported in bats (Carvalho et al. 2019, Cisneiros et al. 2014), possibly due to higher food
availability. Moreover, forest assemblages at higher elevations have more variable abundances and
are numerically dominated by a small number of species. The highest elevational range we examined
was dominated by few species, particularly S. hondurensis, Myotis pilosatibialis and Dermanura
tolteca (73%), species reported as common at high elevation. In some cases, even small changes in
elevation affected the assemblages (Capaverde et al. 2018). Nevertheless, bat assemblages cannot
be completely explained by elevation. Several studies have reported that variation in temperature,
Neotropical Naturalist
P. Medina-Van Berkum, K. Vulinec, D. Crace, Z. Lopez Gallego, and T. E. Martin
2020 No. 3
precipitation, habitat structure, floristic composition, food availability, and roost areas are some of
the factors that also play an important role in the structure and maintenance of particular species
in an area (Arita 1993, Cisneros et al. 2014, McCain and Grytnes 2010, Oliveira et al. 2018).
Moreover, all these factors can vary among years, causing movements among the bat species, not
only between seasons but also between years.
Frugivores constituted the trophic guild best represented in our bat assemblages and were present
in all elevational ranges of the survey; however, they were mainly found at lower elevations (>1300
m asl). Only seven species of frugivorous bats (out of 20 species) were captured at the highest
elevation of the study (1900 m asl). Insectivorous species were, in general, broadly distributed in all
elevational ranges in CNP but mainly occurred at higher altitudes, primarily due to the large number
of captures of M. pilosatibialis. Both patterns were found in several studies in the neotropics (e.g.
Calderon et al. 2013, Castaño et al. 2018, Pineda et al. 2005, Sanchez-Cordero 2001). However,
new molossid and emballonurid species are particularly likely to be detected if more surveys were
completed in the lowlands using acoustic recorders. Similarly, nectivorous species were broadly
distributed in all elevation ranges; however, only Anoura geoffroyi and H. underwoodi were present
in all elevation ranges. Anoura geoffroyi is a species with a broad occupancy of altitudinal habitats
and is common in high elevations (Calvalho et al. 2019), but was rarely captured in CNP, whereas
H. underwoodi is a species commonly captured in the park, but rarely captured in other areas in
Honduras (Turcios-Casco and Medina-Fitoria 2018). On the other hand, the sanguivorous species,
Desmodus rotundus, was most likely concentrated at lower altitudes due to these predominately
agricultural landscapes supporting large numbers of livestock on which these species feed, whereas
Diphylla ecaudata was mainly captured in the core-zone restricted by the availability of blood
from wild birds (Greenhall et al. 1984, Uieda 1994). The finding that carnivorous species, such as
Chrotopterus auritus and Trachops cirrhosus, are present only in the core zone but not in higher
elevations of the Park is probably because these sections of CNP are still predominately comprised
of intact, closed-canopy forest habitats and thus provide a higher abundance of prey (amphibians,
birds, rodents, etc) (Soriano 2000), corroborating the observation that they are more abundant in
undisturbed than disturbed areas (Fenton et al. 1992, Medellín et al. 2000).
Although all analyses were corrected by sampling effort, it should be highlighted that the
particularly high diversity at Base camp may still be partially a result of significant sampling
biases, given more trapping nights were completed here than any other site. Increasing the number
of surveys increases not only the number of captures but also the possibility of recording rare
species. On the other hand, species such as Phyllostomus hastatus, T. cirrhosus, and Micronycteris
schmidtorum, were only recorded after ten years of surveys in this camp. These species are generally
documented at lower elevations. Thus, the greater species richness at this site may also be due to
the fact that lowland species may be starting to colonize higher elevation habitats (LaVal 2004);
however, further research is needed for drawing conclusions.
While the survey effort underpinning the results in this study is extensive, with an inventory
completeness estimated at ca. 95%, further work remains to be conducted in CNP. Future fieldwork
is particularly encouraged within the lower-lying (500-900 m) sections of the Park, as this elevation
band is likely to represent the most species-rich part of CNP, yet is where we invested the least
fieldwork effort. The cultivated agricultural habitats and remnant patches of lowland forest may
well support new species for the Park, which to date have remained unrecorded by our surveys. It
is also possible that our focus on mist-netting methodologies may have led to several high-flying,
insectivorous species remaining undetected in the CNP, these species being difficult to capture in
nets (Kalko and Handley 2001, MacSwiney et al. 2008). Further work using acoustical recorders,
which are effective in detecting these species, may yield more species records for the Park, since
some species have not been caught despite being potentially present, such as members of the family
Neotropical Naturalist
P. Medina-Van Berkum, K. Vulinec, D. Crace, Z. Lopez Gallego, and T. E. Martin
2020 No. 3
Emballonuridae and Molossidae. The introduction of canopy nets and active searches for roost
sites may also allow for the detection of species rarely captured in understory mist-nest. However,
such approaches are not always practical due to limitations in expertise, time requirements, and the
difficulties of working in rugged terrain (Kalko and Hadley 2001). Moreover, to better understand
the functional ecology of CNP’s bat assemblages, more specific research is needed, including
targeted investigations into diet and habitat relationships.
In summary, the results we present here represent the most comprehensive survey of a bat
community within a northern Central America cloud forest. Our data provides a detailed 14-
year overview of bat diversity and community structure within these poorly-studied cloud forest
ecosystems, as well as describes how this diversity and structure changes across the elevation
gradient of the Park. Our fieldwork has also yielded novel information for species rarely captured
in Mesoamerica, as well as range and altitudinal records for several neotropical bat species. It
highlights CNP as a regionally important center of bat diversity within the Mesoamerican biodiversity
hotspot and an important conservation priority.
This project was supported by Operation Wallacea. We extend thanks to the many members
of the bat survey teams who gathered the data used in this paper and the hundreds of Operation
Wallacea students who have supported the project since 2006. We also thank Expediciones y Servicios
Ambientales de Cusuco for logistical support and Instituto de Conservación Forestal for issuing
annual research permits to support our work in Cusuco. KV thanks Delaware State University for
support. We are especially grateful to our local guides for their assistance and input, in particular
Joxan Orlando Ayala. Finally, we thank two anonymous reviewers for their constructive comments
on an earlier version of the manuscript.
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