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The Eagle Hill Supernova Search Team has been scanning the depths of Space for signs of supernovae since January of 2013 and continues to make discoveries.
The Team includes astronomers from eastern Maine. Members search for supernovae in distant galaxies by way of blink comparisons of archived with newly taken photographs by a 16 Schmidt Cassegrain telescope located in Hampden, Maine. Team leader Doug Rich has been searching for supernovae for over ten years and has made many discoveries.
Discoveries ... The Team made its first discovery on April 7, 2013 was Supernova SN2013bl, a type llb supernova in Galaxy UGC 4578, which is about 400 million light years from Earth. Each of the Teams discoveries is featured in the Institute’s website, as follows.
Maine Astronomy Reports ... This site lists discoveries made by astronomers using telescopes that are located in Maine.
New Team members ... Training is available for those who are interested in learning how to search for new supernovas. The search is an exciting and rewarding one. All discoveries are reported to the International Astronomical Union's Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams which sends out a worldwide circular which lists the discovery Team and its members.
"Supernova explosions are much more than astonishing firework displays. They spread heat energy and the products of nucleosnthesis around the universe, and so in particular influence the evolution of galaxies in which they are situated. Especially important for this evolution are the heavy elements … and their fundamental role in the formation of new stars." … Exerpt from John North, 2008, Cosmos: An Illustrated History of Astronomy and Cosmology, University of Chicago Press.
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