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For the forseeable future, Forums are being hosted online. The overall program format for all is the same, i.e., they are intended to inspire a delightfully free-flowing and amiable sharing of and discussion of ideas. Participants have the opportunity to enjoy becoming more informed about such topics as international affairs, diplomacy, climate change, the sciences, the arts and humanities, economics, and philosophy, etc.
Forums generally run for up to 2 hours and begin with a 15–30 minute introduction by a guest presenter, after which aspects of the topics that were presented are open for discussion. They take place over a website.
Joining the Forum ... Participants need to have a free account and need to email us by 12 Noon on the day of the Forum ( to receive a directly-clickable link to join. Forums are open 30 minutes prior to their scheduled start time for those who welcome socializing or who may need help with connection issues.
Guidelines ... For practical reasons, the format of each Forum needs to be adapted to the topic and number of participants who sign up ahead of time. The following are general guidelines ...
• A host presides over each Forum.
• A guest presenter first gives a 15–30 minute introduction about the evening's topic.
• A disciplined discussion then follows. The host decides how best to give as many participants as possible a chance to comment and/or ask questions.
• The presenter is welcome to invite personal guests to join them for the forum, with the idea that they can contribute knowledgably to the evening's discussion.
• Brief in-the-moment-appropriate interjections of tangentially-related subject are welcome, at the discretion of the presenter.
The format of the Eagle Hill Forums draws much inspiration from the format of the grand salons of 17th, 18th, and 19th century Europe. For an interesting essay presenting a summary of precedents, please see ... Link
Early requests by email for the login for the next forum are encouraged. ...
Sign up for our community programs email list ...
Suggestions ... are welcome for Forum topics and presenters.