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Journal Subscriptions
Information followed by links to subscribe at bottom of the page

Northeastern Naturalist
Online only—yearly subscription includes access to all current and previously published NENA content. Regular and student subscriptions include the Southeastern Naturalist; organization subscription only includes NENA. Regular ($60.00)
Student ($48.00)
Organization ($300.00)

Southeastern Naturalist
Online only—yearly subscription includes access to all current and previously published SENA content. Regular and student subscriptions include the Northeastern Naturalist; organization subscription only includes SENA. Regular ($60.00)
Student ($48.00)
Organization ($300.00)

Caribbean Naturalist
Online only—yearly subscription includes access to all current and previously published CANA content. Subscribers Within the Caribbean Region
   Regular ($15.00)
   Student ($10.00)
   Organization ($125.00)

Subscribers Outside the Caribbean
    Regular ($20.00)
    Student ($15.00)
    Organization ($150.00)

Journal of the North Atlantic
Online only—yearly subscription includes access to all current and previously published JONA content. Regular ($40.00)
Student ($32.00)
Organization ($300.00)

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E-Commerce site required information ... Contact information - Eagle Hill Institute, PO Box 9, Steuben, ME 04680-0009. Customer service: 207-546-2821 # 2, or office@eaglehill.us. Delivery method and timing: This subscription is for four issues which are mailed on a quarterly basis. Refund policy: The subscription is not refundable. Privacy statement: We know that you care how information from you is used. We do not share your information with others.

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