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Dietary Observations of Introduced Common Wall Lizards (Podarcis muralis) in a Suburban Environment, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
   Julien Gullo, Gavin Hanke, Leigh Anne Isaac, Rob Higgins, and Karl Larsen
Macroinvertebrate Survey of a Restored Stream in a Dry Detention Basin
   Kaylie Carver, Jack Norland, Donald Veverka, Alex Langevin, Carla Abel, and Christina Hargiss

The Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl: Hunting Observations from a Neotropical City Restoration
   Rubén Ortega-Álvarez and Dulce A. Paz
Case Study on Blacks Run: A Novel Approach to Assessing Urban Stream Restoration
   Julia M. Portmann, Shannon K. Gillen, Bela H. Starinchak, and Heather P. Griscom

Observations of a Transequatorial Migrant, Tyrannus savana Vieillot 1808 (Fork-tailed Flycatcher), in an Urban Setting on a Tropical Island
   Wayne J. Arendt, Marvin A. Tórrez, María M. Paulino, and Luis R. Paulino
Record of an Urban Ringtail (Bassariscus astutus) Outside of its Typical Geographic Range
   Ann C. Swanson, Alyssa Conn, Judd J. Swanson, and Daniel M. Brooks
The Arrival and Spread of the European Firebug (Pyrrhocoris apterus) in Australia as Documented by Citizen Scientists
   Luis Mata, Blythe Vogel, Estibaliz Palma, and Mallik Malipatil
Urban Nesting of Black Vultures in Houston, Texas, USA
   L. Jen Shaffer, James Garland Hurst, Scott Johnston, Trey Barron, William W. Bowerman, Sonja Krüger,
   Lindy J. Thompson, and Mary Ann Ottinger
A Backyard Puma in Costa Rica: Translocation As a Successful Management Option
   Victor H. Montalvo, Carolina Sáenz-Bolaños, Isabel Hagnauer, Juan C. Cruz-Díaz,
   Pablo Vásquez, Shirley Ramírez, Todd K. Fuller, and Eduardo Carrillo