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A pattern that has been emerging over many years

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The consensus among all who are deeply familiar with Eagle Hill is that there is a logical pattern to its evolution. What is this pattern? Is it one that is merely comfortable, in the sense that it should be statically and “safely”maintained, or is it one that is always changing as uncertain opportunities present themselves and as opportunities are created? Since this is an annual fundraising campaign, what can we collectively envisage accomplishing by way of this year’s campaign?

Building upon a firm foundation in the natural history sciences ... It is important to start considering this by first remembering that we are building upon a firm and venerable foundation. The institute hosts a well-respected series of in-person and online training seminars (since 1987 and 2020, respectively), publishes a suite of 9 peer reviewed scholarly journals (since 1993), and hosts a 500-600 person annual conference (since 2011). Since the pattern among these is not static, how has it been evolving?

Synergy: Training, publishing, and a conference ... The overall pattern is one of a broad synergy that has slowly been maturing over the years. By way of achieving personal natural history science learning goals through Eagle Hill, seminar alumni are better able to continue their self-studies. This gives them opportunities to teach what they have learned and to collaborate with others. This gives them the opportunity to participate in biological surveys and in research projects. They can then consider publishing their findings in one of our scientific journals and also sharing their findings by giving an oral or poster presentation at our Northeast Natural History Conference (April of next year in Albany, NY). High-level synergy!

What is missing?