Subecoregional Influence on Swift Fox Habitat Suitability
Sarah K. Olimb1*, Donelle L. Schwalm2, and Kristy L.S. Bly1
1Northern Great Plains Program, World Wildlife Fund, 13 S. Willson, Suite 1, Bozeman, MT 59715, USA. 2Department of Biology, University of Maine-Farmington, 173 High Street, Farmington, ME 04938, USA. *Corresponding author.
Praire Naturalist, Volume 53 (2021):1–15
Grassland-dependent Vulpes velox Say (Swift Foxes) occupy only a portion of their historical range in the North American Great Plains and remaining subpopulations are functionally disconnected due to habitat fragmentation and other barriers. Modeling habitat suitability is critical to identifying sites for habitat conservation and reintroduction and increasing subpopulation connectivity. We used mixed-effects modeling to simultaneously evaluate Swift Fox presence against habitat variables and subecoregional location. Our results show that habitat suitability is dependent on geographic location. Individual subecoregional models were each influenced by land cover and soil composition but varied by dominant soil component and correlation with surrounding land uses. These findings prioritize localized data for species management and predict how changing landscape composition may impact Swift Fox distribution.
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Prairie Naturalist
S.K. Olimb, D.L. Schwalm, and K.L.S. Bly
2021 53:1–15
Subecoregional Influence on Swift Fox Habitat Suitability
Sarah K. Olimb1*, Donelle L. Schwalm2, and Kristy L.S. Bly1
Abstract - Grassland-dependent Vulpes velox Say (Swift Foxes) occupy only a portion of their
historical range in the North American Great Plains and remaining subpopulations are functionally
disconnected due to habitat fragmentation and other barriers. Modeling habitat suitability is critical
to identifying sites for habitat conservation and reintroduction and increasing subpopulation connectivity.
We used mixed-effects modeling to simultaneously evaluate Swift Fox presence against
habitat variables and subecoregional location. Our results show that habitat suitability is dependent
on geographic location. Individual subecoregional models were each influenced by land cover and
soil composition but varied by dominant soil component and correlation with surrounding land uses.
These findings prioritize localized data for species management and predict how changing landscape
composition may impact Swift Fox distribution.
Once abundant across the North American Great Plains, Vulpes velox Say (Swift Fox)
populations dwindled in the early 1900s to near extinction due to habitat loss, rodent extirpation
campaigns aimed at prey species such as Cynomys spp. (Prairie Dogs) and Marmota
spp. (Ground Squirrels), and predator eradication policies (Allardyce and Sovada 2003,
Cutter 1958, Egoscue 1979, Kilgore 1969). Reintroduction efforts have helped re-establish
Swift Foxes to some areas where they were extirpated, although some reestablished populations
remain structurally and functionally disconnected from each other and the core
distribution of the species due to habitat fragmentation and other barriers to connectivity
and range expansion (Alexander et al. 2016, Schwalm et al. 2014). In the northern portion
of their range, distinct populations exist in southern Saskatchewan, Canada, and northern
Montana, the western Dakotas, and Wyoming; connecting these populations likely will require
coordination among government and private stakeholders (Alexander et al. 2016). It
will also require site specific habitat assessments to ascertain suitability and address limitations
to potential movement corridors.
Multiple efforts have been made to identify the best habitat in which to restore Swift Fox
populations and to otherwise facilitate connectivity between populations in the northern
extent of the species’ historical range. Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks (2011) used
Maximum Entropy (MaxEnt) modeling to predict likely core habitat based on physical
(habitat) characteristics and life-history information, such as minimum breeding population
size. Olimb et al. (2009) used an expert-opinion based Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)
to relate physical habitat factors (e.g., soil characteristics, distance to water, land cover)
and constraints (e.g., slope, distance to roads, and crop density) to likely occupied habitat.
In their southern Alberta and Saskatchewan study area, Moehrenschlager et al. (2006) used
live-trap data and a suite of habitat variables in a multi-scale analysis to predict Swift Fox
habitat suitability. The habitat variables found to be significant were later used by Olimb
et al. (2010) and Alexander et al. (2016) to extrapolate the habitat suitability index (HSI)
to eastern Montana and portions of surrounding states (North Dakota, South Dakota,
1Northern Great Plains Program, World Wildlife Fund, 13 S. Willson, Suite 1, Bozeman, MT 59715,
USA. 2Department of Biology, University of Maine-Farmington, 173 High Street, Farmington, ME
04938, USA. *Corresponding author:
Manuscript Editor: M. Colter Chitwood
Prairie Naturalist
S.K. Olimb, D.L. Schwalm, and K.L.S. Bly
2021 53:1–15
and Wyoming). Most recently, the Montana Natural Heritage Program (2016) used both
inductive and deductive modeling techniques to predict likely distribution and identify
likely habitat, respectively, for Swift Foxes in Montana. In their inductive approach, they
used MaxEnt with 19 state-wide biotic and abiotic layers as inputs, evaluating final outputs
with an absolute validation index (AVI) and deviance. The deductive approach used location
data to quantify occurrence by type of land cover classification (e.g., mixed grass prairie)
to demonstrate which habitats were most often associated with Swift Fox presence.
In previous Swift Fox habitat modeling, the focus has either been a restricted, localized
area (e.g., Moehrenschlager et. al. 2006) or at the state-wide scale where habitat characteristics
are combined across populations that are geographically distinct. Though the
Montana Natural Heritage Program’s (2016) deductive analysis used Level 3 ecological
systems from the Montana Land Use/Land Cover Data (which assigns a category to each
unique land cover within the state) to inform habitat suitability, no additional ecosystem
location variables were used in conjunction with the land cover classification. To our
knowledge, no study has investigated whether or not the influence of habitat is variable
based on geographic location. Pooling individuals across disconnected populations assumes
that available resources, and the average response of individuals among populations
to those resources, are constant (Gillies et al. 2006). Thus, we pose the question:
Is it appropriate to use the same variables to predict suitable habitat for geographically
separated populations of Swift Foxes?
Existing evidence indicates that Swift Foxes exhibit variable habitat associations
across their distribution. For example, Kamler et al. (2003) and Finley et al. (2005) found
that Swift Fox occurrence was negatively associated with agricultural development, while
Sovada et al. (2001), Matlack et al. (2000), and Kilgore (1969) observed frequent use of
agricultural fields by Swift Foxes. Similarly, in the Northern Great Plains, Swift Foxes are
commonly associated with Prairie Dog colonies (Kotliar et al. 1999), whereas evidence of
negative association has been documented in the southern Great Plains (Nicholson et al.
2006) and Swift Foxes are known to persist in areas outside of the historical distribution
of Prairie Dogs (e.g., Blackfeet Nation; Ausband and Foresman 2007a). While Swift
Foxes are known to occupy sagebrush steppe in Wyoming (Olson and Lindzey 2002a)
and Montana (Moehrenschager et al. 2006), the proportion of sagebrush in the landscape
is negatively associated with inter-population connectivity (Schwalm 2012). In general,
habitat qualities that appear to be universal across the species distribution regardless
of vegetation type include height less than 30 cm and low to gently rolling topography
(Kilgore 1969, Meyer 2009), as this facilitates Swift Fox detection of predators such as
Canis latrans Say (Coyotes; Sovada et al. 1998).
Incorporating site- or region-specific habitat variables for geographically separated
populations of a species has been effectively demonstrated for other species including
Centrocercus urophasianus Bonaparte (Greater Sage-grouse; Doherty et al. 2016), Lynx
canadensis Kerr (Canada Lynx; Hornseth et al. 2014, Vashon et al. 2008), and Lemur
catta Linnaeus (Ring-tailed Lemur; Cameron 2010). We hypothesized that disconnected
populations of Swift Foxes would also respond to varying habitat characteristics or that
certain variables would have a greater or lesser influence in habitat selection in separated
geographic areas. Our objectives through this process were two-fold: 1) to evaluate the role
of subecoregional location on Swift Fox habitat preferences using mixed-effects modeling
(MEM); and 2) to use this information to apply a model (or models) of appropriate and accurate
geographic scale to predict Swift Fox habitat, thereby improving future management,
reintroduction, and connectivity efforts.
Prairie Naturalist
S.K. Olimb, D.L. Schwalm, and K.L.S. Bly
2021 53:1–15
Materials and Methods
Study Area
The study encompassed approximately 400,615 km2, including 38 counties in Montana,
13 counties in North Dakota, seven counties in South Dakota, and five counties in Wyoming
(Fig. 1). The area was primarily within the Level II West Central Semi-Arid Prairies
as defined by the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC 2013). This area is a
portion of the historical distribution of the Swift Foxes in the Northern Great Plains where
population recovery has been limited and where Swift Fox populations are small and separated
from each other by large expanses of habitat of unknown suitability (Fig. 1).
We divided the study area into northern and southern subecoregion parts based on North
American Terrestrial Ecoregions—Level III data from the CEC (Wiken et al. 2011; Fig. 1).
The northern subecoregion was relatively dry (250–550 mm annual precipitation) and defined
by cold winters and warm summers (mean annual temperature 2.5–7° C; CEC 2013).
Figure 1. Vulpes velox Say (Swift Fox) habitat suitability study area for the central Northern Great Plains
divided into northern and southern subecoregional subsections. Presence points used to inform the mixedeffects
and individual subecoregional habitat suitability models are shown. Background data (shaded area)
show the historical distribution of Swift Foxes (Sovada et al. 2009). Inset map shows the relationship of the
study area to the full Northern Great Plains ecoregion. Hill, Blaine, and Phillips Counties, Montana, which
emerged from the model as areas of high habitat suitability, are highlighted in both full and inset maps.
Prairie Naturalist
S.K. Olimb, D.L. Schwalm, and K.L.S. Bly
2021 53:1–15
Vegetation included native grasses (e.g., Bouteloua gracilis (Kunth) Lag. Ex Griffiths [Blue
Grama]) and shrubs, as well as species introduced for forage (e.g., Festuca arundinacea
Schreb [Tall Fescue], and Agropyron cristatum (L.) Gaertn. [Crested Wheatgrass]) and soil
stabilization (e.g., Bromus inermis Leyss [Smooth Brome]). The southern subecoregion was
similarly dry (250–510 mm annual precipitation) and was marked by cold winters and hot
summers (mean annual temperature 5–8.5° C; CEC 2013). Vegetation composition included
a similar suite of grass and shrub species; however, this area included a greater percentage
of sagebrush (e.g., Artemisia tridentata Nutt [Wyoming Big Sagebrush]) and isolated pockets
of Pinus ponderosa Douglas ex P. Lawson & C. Lawson (Ponderosa Pine) and Juniperus
scopulorum Sarg. (Rocky Mountain Juniper). The land ownership of both subecoregions
included a mixture of private, federal, state, and tribal holdings with limited cropland; livestock
grazing ranked as the most common land use activity (W iken et al. 2011).
We compiled Swift Fox observation records within the study area from the relevant
state agencies (i.e., Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks; Montana Natural Heritage Program;
North Dakota Game and Fish Department; South Dakota Department of Game, Fish and
Parks; Wyoming Game and Fish) tasked with monitoring Swift Fox distribution in their
jurisdiction, along with recent and current studies (Mitchell 2018, Schwalm et al. 2014).
We favored high integrity data and removed points with low location (>1 km) and temporal
(>18 years, when reported) precision due to the observed practice of “estimating” imprecise
locations and dates at these values or greater. This resulted in 416 points (300 in northern
subecoregion, 116 in southern subecoregion). We created a used/available dataset by augmenting
observation points with an equal number of naïve points randomly generated using
ArcGIS, excluding uninhabitable areas such as open water (ESRI 2015) and area within 1
km of a used point.
Input habitat variables for regression analysis were derived from variables in Alexander et
al. (2016) and additional variables identified as important by the relevant literature (variable
identity and sources listed in Table 1). All variables, except for topographic complexity variables,
which were derived from 1–km source data and downscaled to 90 m, had resolutions of
100 m or finer; hence, data were generalized to 100-m pixel size, a scale justified for Swift Fox
habitat analysis by Russell (2006) and Alexander et al. (2016). We checked for collinearity of
variables using Variance Inflation Factors (R Development Core Team 2013, package HH).
Percent grass and percent crop were collinear; therefore, we ran individual regressions for
these two variables as well as the two measures of topographic complexity (Terrain Roughness
and Surface Relief Ratio [SRR]), which had known correlation issues (D. Schwalm, University
of Maine-Farmington, Farmington, ME, unpubl. data). Percent grass and SRR were
selected as the more suitable inputs for the regression analysis based on greater R2 values, and
percent crop and terrain roughness were excluded from potential models.
To test for the significance of location as a grouping factor, we first built individual
logistic regression models, one with and one without subecoregion as a random effect,
to evaluate the effects of habitat variables on Swift Fox presence. We scaled the numeric
parameters (n = 14) to account for differences in the order of magnitude of the input variables
(R Development Core Team 2013). For the model including subecoregion, we used a
mixed-effects logistic regression model in R packages lme4 and lmerTest (Bates et al. 2010,
Kuznetsova 2017, R Development Core Team 2013).
Because the mixed-effects model showed that subecoregion did affect model performance,
we built individual models to represent the northern and southern geographies (Fig. 1) using
Prairie Naturalist
S.K. Olimb, D.L. Schwalm, and K.L.S. Bly
2021 53:1–15
Table 1. Input variables for Vulpes velox Say (Swift Fox) habitat suitability indices considered in central Northern Great Plains mixed-effects model and individual subecoregional (northern
and southern) logistic regressions. Expanded from Alexander et al. (2016) using variables deemed important to Swift Fox distribution in relevant literature.
Variable Description Source Reference
Brightnessa Measure of soil reflectance 2010 ESRI Tasseled Cap 2010 Global Land Survey (GLS) datasets
Crop density Percentage of crop cover in 80 surrounding
100 m cells
2015 Plowprint Gage et al. 2016
Distance to nearest black-tailed Prairie Dog
(Cynomys ludovicianus) colony
Euclidean distance to nearest colony edge State/provincial agencies; federal agencies;
natural heritage programs
Montana Natural Heritage Program (2014);
North Dakota Game and Fish (2013); Parks
Canada (2009); South Dakota Game, Fish
and Parks (2011); US Bureau of Indian Affairs
(2012); Wyoming Natural Diversity
Database (2011)
Greennessa Measure of vegetation 2010 ESRI Tasseled Cap 2010 Global Land Survey (GLS) datasets
Land Capability Classification (LCC) Classification of soils based on ability to support
agriculture and other vegetation
STATSGO2 General Soil Map NRCS Soil Survey (2013)
Road density Kilometers of roads in a 1-km search radius National roads networks Canada Road Network 2016; TIGER 2016
Soil composition: sand, silt, clay Percentage of each soil component STATSGO2 General Soil Map NRCS Soil Survey (2013)
Surface Relief Ratio (SRR) b Measure of topographic complexity, calculated
at 1-km resolution and downscaled to 90 m
2012 Digital Elevation Model The National Mapc
Surrounding landcover composition: grass,
forest, scrub, cropb, d
Percent of each land cover type in surrounding
1-km circular window
2011 National Landcover Database Homer et al. 2015
Terrain roughnessb, d Measure of topographic complexity, calculated
at 1 km resolution and downscaled to 90 m
2012 Digital Elevation Model The National Mapc
Wetnessa Measure of moisture content in cover vegetation
and soil
2010 ESRI Tasseled Cap 2010 Global Land Survey (GLS) datasets
a Physical characteristics of the landscape derived via tasseled cap transformation of remote sensing data used widely in ecology and agriculture applications, e.g., Sheng et al. (2011).
bCalculated using the Geomorphometry and Gradient Metrics ArcToolbox add on toolbox (Evans et al. 2014).
cAvailable online at .
dPercent crop and Terrain Roughness excluded from models due to collinearity with other variables.
Prairie Naturalist
S.K. Olimb, D.L. Schwalm, and K.L.S. Bly
2021 53:1–15
the Classification and Regression Training (caret) package in R (Kuhn 2018, R Development
Core Team 2013). For each geography, we randomly split the data into training (80%) and
test (20%) subsets. The test subset was reserved for post-analysis evaluation. Using the training
data, we developed global logistic regression models for each subecoregion using used/
available points as the dependent variable and the suite of habitat variables as the independent
variables (Table 1). We used R package glmulti to derive an exhaustive set of additive models
(i.e., all independent variable combinations were considered) and used AIC values to select
the best model for each geography (Calcagno and de Mazancourt 2010, R Development Core
Team 2013). Though it is common in these analyses to develop an a priori model representing
hypothesized relationships between presence and predictors, it was unnecessary in this scenario
because our variables were based on a previously published model of Swift Fox habitat
preference (i.e., Alexander et al. 2016). We used McFadden’s R2, a common pseudo-R2 value
used to assess logistic regression models, to evaluate the fit of the models. Here, we present
the results of the top subecoregion models (northern and southern) along with the parameters
of the reduced mixed-effects model (including only variables with P < 0.05) for comparison
(Table 2). To display the models spatially, we scaled input variables to match the data used in
the statistical models and applied the models derived for the northern and southern subecoregions.
Both models were rescaled to a 0 (low quality or low preference habitat) to 255 (high
quality or high preference habitat) scale. We used Jenk’s Natural Breaks to divide each model
into five classes ranging from low to very high suitability and used these classes to evaluate
classification accuracy of the test data points reserved for mod el evaluation (ESRI 2015).
A comparison of the mixed-effects model including subecoregion as a random factor
and the null model without subecoregion indicated that geographic location is important in
determining habitat suitability (χ2
1 = 29.42, P ≤ 0.001). Thus, after splitting the data into subecoregion
subsets, our analysis produced two distinct habitat suitability models, one for the
northern and one for the southern subecoregion of the study area. The model for the northern
subecoregion was driven by the following variables (positive or negative association denoted
in parenthesis): Land Capability Classification (LCC) (-), percentage of clay (+) in soil,
percentage of grass (+), road density (+), brightness (+) and wetness (-). The model for the
southern subecoregion of the study included distance to Prairie Dog colony (-), percentage of
sand in soil (+), percent forest (-), road density (+), brightness (+) and wetness (-) (Table 2).
While McFadden’s R2 showed that our northern model had greater explanatory power (0.53)
compared to the southern model (0.26), values for both models were indicative of high model
fit. Unlike standard R2 values, McFadden’s R2 values tend to be much lower; values of 0.2–0.4
are considered an excellent fit and have been compared to values of 0.7 to 0.9 for a standard
measurement of a linear function (Louviere et al 2000, McFadden 1974, McFadden 1979).
Evaluation of test points showed that both models performed very well, with 98.3% (n = 58)
and 100% (n = 16) of positive occurrence test points (i.e., actual Swift Fox locations) for the
northern and southern models, respectively, in the highest suitability class.
Both models included predicted habitat quality ranging from high to low. In the northern
subecoregion, highest quality habitat was concentrated in Hill, Blaine, and Phillips counties
of Montana (Figs. 1 and 2). Lowest quality habitat was predicted on the western edge
of the northern subecoregion where the terrain shifts to the foothills of the northern Rocky
Mountains and surrounding areas of open water such as the Missouri River (Fig. 2). The
range of habitat quality in the northern subecoregion was more distinct with representaPrairie
S.K. Olimb, D.L. Schwalm, and K.L.S. Bly
2021 53:1–15
tion of both extremes (i.e., very high quality and very low quality habitat). Contrarily, the
southern subecoregion, though including large contiguous areas of suitable habitat, lacked
the concentrated areas of very high quality habitat found in the north (Fig. 2). Similar to the
north, the southern subecoregion also had areas of very low quality habitat in areas of hilly
terrain and forest cover (e.g., the Black Hills of South Dakota and the Bighorn National
Forest in north-central Wyoming; Fig. 2).
The northern subecoregion model in this analysis had greater explanatory power; however,
it was roughly half the size of the southern study area with a similar number of sample points.
The predicted area of highest quality habitat was concentrated in the central part of the region
Table 2. Output of Vulpes velox Say (Swift Fox) habitat suitability analysis for northern and southern
subecoregional (logistic regression models) and full central Northern Great Plains (mixed-effects model)
locations. Statistics for covariates are shown for variables included in the reduced subecoregional models.
Numeric parameters have been scaled to account for differences in the order of magnitude of the input
variables. Only coefficients with significance at P < 0.05 (for at least one model) are included.
Habitat variable Northern Southern Mixed-effects model
β (SE) χ2 P β (SE) χ2 P β (SE) P
Intercept -0.01
- 0.99 -2.12
- <0.01 -0.28
Brightness 1.71
23.06 <0.01 0.53
10.21 <0.01 0.80
Distance to nearest blacktailed
Prairie Dog (Cynomys
ludovicianus) colony
- - - -1.82
12.32 <0.01 - -
Land Capability Classification
17.81 <0.01 -0.53
Road density 0.84
5.80 0.02 0.27
4.71 0.03 0.67
Soil composition: sand - - - 0.29
6.41 0.01 0.40
Soil composition: clay 0.68
5.02 0.03 - - -
Surrounding landcover
composition: grass
45.08 <0.01 0.94
Surrounding landcover
composition: forest
- - - -1.26
5.80 0.02 -1.10
Surrounding landcover
composition: scrub
- - - - - - 0.39
Wetness -0.67
4.73 0.03 -0.77
14.82 <0.001 -0.63
Overall model fit
McFadden’s R2 0.53 0.26 -
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S.K. Olimb, D.L. Schwalm, and K.L.S. Bly
2021 53:1–15
in the area with the most Swift Fox location data. Thus, the predicted high quality of this section
likely was due to a combination of actual suitability and a saturation of data points.
Brightness, wetness, and road density were the only variables that occurred in both
individual subecoregion models. Brightness is a measure of surface reflectance; increasing
values indicate reduced vegetation cover or more exposed soils (including agricultural
areas). Wetness values reflect the amount of moisture on the surface and in the soil; thus,
increasing values indicate wetter conditions. Both models had a positive relationship to
brightness and negative relationship to wetness, indicating that Swift Foxes in both geographies
show preference to areas with sparse vegetation cover and relatively drier soils. This
supports prior range-wide research showing Swift Foxes prefer areas of less dense or shorter
vegetation and tend to den on well-drained soils (Meyer 2009).
Both models also showed a positive association with road density. This may be an
artifact of data collection techniques. Though many of the data points were collected in
studies designed to take into account location bias, not all data contain detailed collection
information, and 25% or more of points from natural heritage programs and state agencies
are reported sightings, either roadkill or during travel, potentially biasing the estimate of road
importance. Conversely, many studies have demonstrated a positive link between roads and
Swift Fox presence (Harrison 2003, Hines and Case 1991, Olson 2000, Pruss 1999, Russell
Figure 2. Habitat Suitability Index (HSI) models for Vulpes velox Say (Swift Fox) derived for northern
and southern subecoregions of our central Northern Great Plains study area, shown separated by dashed
line. Habitat quality scale ranges from high quality habitat (255; black) to low quality habitat (0; white).
Prairie Naturalist
S.K. Olimb, D.L. Schwalm, and K.L.S. Bly
2021 53:1–15
2006, Sasmal et al. 2011). Proposed explanations for this relationship include reduced risk of
Coyote predation (Pruss 1999, Russell 2006, Sasmal et al. 2011), movement corridors (Hines
and Case 1991, Pruss 1999), and food subsidies in the form of vehicle-killed carcasses and
increased small mammal densities in roadside ditches (Hines and Case 1991, Klausz 1997).
Thus, although it is possible that the connection between Swift Fox presence and transportation
routes is overemphasized in our models, it is also likely the positive relationship observed
represents an ecological response.
Geographic Variability
The models also indicate the importance of geographic variation in the factors that drive
Swift Fox habitat suitability in the two subecoregions. For example, the northern model
showed a positive association with percentage of clay in the soil and amount of grassland
habitat and a negative association with Land Capability Classification (LCC). The LCC
scale is an assessment of physical land characteristics in respect to agricultural suitability:
Lower values are prime for row crop agriculture, while greater values are limiting to cultivation
(Klingebiel and Montgomery 1961). It is logical that the same requirements for agriculture
can also apply to Swift Fox habitat selection: The lower classes include level or gently
sloping topography with little standing water and deeper soils appropriate for denning.
The greater classes often include steep slopes, high probability of erosion, thin soils, and
standing water, all of which are characteristics generally not associated with prime Swift
Fox habitat. This association implies that there is reasonable potential for future agricultural
development to further influence availability of suitable habitat for Swift Foxes. The positive
association between Swift Fox presence and percent of grass in the landscape implies
that agricultural development may reduce habitat suitability in the northern subecoregion.
Given that Swift Fox response to agricultural development varies across their distribution
(Finley et al. 2005, Kamler et al. 2003, Matlack et al. 2000), improving understanding of the
effect of cropland on Swift Foxes in this region is necessary to prepare for potential future
agricultural expansion in the Northern Great Plains (Sohl et al. 2012).
The southern model also included habitat and soil factors, but they indicated a negative
association with forests and positive association with percentage of sand in the soil. Additionally,
the southern model included a negative association with increasing distance to
Prairie Dog colonies, resulting in a positive association between Swift Foxes and Prairie
Dog colony proximity. Swift Foxes often are associated with Prairie Dog colonies in South
Dakota and Oklahoma (Lomolino and Smith 2003, Sharps and Uresk 1990), and Sasmal
et al. (2011) reported that female Swift Foxes at Badlands National Park in South Dakota
used Prairie Dog colonies in proportion to their availability. Prairie dogs (and other small
mammals) serve as prey for Swift Foxes, their burrows provide shelter and dens in which to
raise young, and their grazing maintains short-statured vegetation—the preferred habitat of
Swift Foxes (Carbyn 1998, Kilgore 1969, Uresk and Sharps 1986). The reduction in Prairie
Dog colony abundance and distribution from sylvatic plague outbreaks, recreational Prairie
Dog shooting, and poisoning may limit the model’s ability to reflect the importance of Prairie
Dogs to Swift Foxes. Conversely, there have been multiple studies confirming a negative
relationship between the Swift Foxes and the presence of Prairie Dog colonies, more
commonly in the southern Great Plains. For example, a three-year study in Texas found
significantly fewer Swift Foxes near Prairie Dog colonies (Nicholson et al. 2006). Also,
in Oklahoma, Swift Foxes were detected less frequently in sites near Prairie Dog colonies
(Shaughnessy and Cifelli 2004). It has been suggested that poisoning of Prairie Dogs and
the presence of additional carnivores, such as coyotes, may influence Swift Fox occurrence
Prairie Naturalist
S.K. Olimb, D.L. Schwalm, and K.L.S. Bly
2021 53:1–15
and density in these areas (Stephens and Anderson 2005). Potentially, differences in the
relationship between Swift Foxes and Prairie Dog colonies in the Northern Great Plains
(+) and the southern Great Plains (-) may also be driven by variation in precipitation and
vegetation height in the dominant grassland community (mixed grass prairie and shortgrass
prairie, respectively), although this relationship has not been formally explored. Also, it is
worth noting that the northern ecoregion represents the northern bound of the black-tailed
Prairie Dog range. In some areas within this ecoregion, the species is naturally absent and
colonial Urocitellus richardsonii Sabine (Richardson’s Ground Squirrels) may serve as an
important surrogate for Swift Foxes. Unfortunately, we are unaware of any Ground Squirrel
dataset of the appropriate scale that could be included in the analyses presented here and
suggest that this is an area where further research is warranted.
Next Steps Toward Improved Understanding of Swift Fox Habitat Suitability
Much of the current understanding of Swift Fox habitat is derived from studies in the
central and southern portion of the species distribution (e.g., Cutter 1958; Finley et al.
2005; Kamler et al. 2003; Kilgore 1969; Matlack et al. 2000; Nicholson et al. 2006, 2007;
Schauster et al. 2002; but see Moehrenschlager et al. 2006). For Swift Foxes in the Northern
Great Plains, there remain several key data needs that could improve understanding of Swift
Fox habitat requirements in the region considerably. First, the addition of an Artemisia
spp. (Sagebrush) habitat classification layer (Homer et al. 2009) could provide a more
accurate representation of suitable Swift Fox habitat; unfortunately, a Sagebrush layer
was not available for this area at the time of the analysis. Swift Foxes are known to occur
in sagebrush steppe in Wyoming (Olson and Lindzey 2002a, b) but it remains unknown if
Sagebrush communities in Montana can support robust Swift Fox populations.
Second, although our model captures broad scale land-use patterns, there are several
other anthropogenic factors that may influence Swift Fox occurrence but are not well
documented in terms of frequency, intensity, or spatial distribution of impact. These
human-induced factors include Coyote control, Prairie Dog poisoning and shooting, and
predator trapping. We argue that understanding contemporary habitat suitability and its
drivers, including anthropogenic influences, is a critical step for informing the conservation
of Swift Foxes and identifying what conditions support Swift Fox occurrence in
human-altered landscapes.
Due to the scale at which some predictor variables were originally calculated (e.g.,
topography complexity variables), our model does not necessarily reflect fine-scale habitat
characteristics at the sub-home range scale. Exploring fine-scale habitat selection by Swift
Foxes, perhaps using Global Positioning System collars, could elucidate additional factors
that influence habitat suitability. Two such factors are prey availability and the influence of
sympatric canids. Several studies have demonstrated that prey availability is not positively
associated with Swift Fox density or survival; rather, these factors appear to be driven by
Coyote abundance (Gese and Thompson 2014, Thompson and Gese 2007). Fine-scale territorial
overlap and resource partitioning between Coyotes and Swift Foxes could be critical
determinants of Swift Fox occurrence in the study area. The impact of these interactions,
and of intensive Coyote control in parts of the study area, are important considerations but
cannot be explored with the data available. Notably, the studies by Thompson and Gese
(2007) and Gese and Thompson (2014) occurred where colonial rodents, such as Blacktailed
Prairie Dogs or Richardson’s Ground Squirrels were uncommon or absent. Colonial
rodents, such as Prairie Dogs, offer a concentrated prey resource, shelter, and reduced vegetation
structure (Hoogland 1995, Kotliar et al. 2005, Miller et al. 1994) but also increased
Prairie Naturalist
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2021 53:1–15
Coyote activity (Eads et al. 2015, Lomolino and Smith 2003). As discussed earlier, the
relationship between Swift Foxes and colonial rodents is variable, and ultimately, poorly
understood. We suggest that collecting systematic fine-scale data that includes Coyote
presence and activity, Coyote control, small mammal community density and distribution,
and colonial small mammal presence and control efforts is critical for informing Swift Fox
habitat suitability.
Management Implications
Our results illustrate the complex, geographically influenced patterns of habitat suitability
exhibited by Swift Foxes. These results suggest emphasizing different habitat characteristics
when targeting habitat conservation or restoration for Swift Foxes between the
two subecoregions. They further support the necessity of considering regional influence of
habitat composition and use when identifying suitable habitats for conservation efforts of
species more generally. Models for the northern and southern subecoregions predict there
are large areas of suitable habitat where Swift Foxes are currently absent or undetected, implying
considerable potential for Swift Fox restoration efforts. Additionally, these areas represent
important targets for habitat conservation, restoration, and subsequent conservation
of active Prairie Dog colonies, reintroducing disturbance and nutrient cycling regimes via
prescribed fire, and grazing by livestock to facilitate short-structured vegetation. Additional
work is warranted to explore why natural recovery has been delayed in these areas. Potential
explanations include distance from the source population to suitable habitat, limited northward
dispersal from the source population, poor survival or reproduction following dispersal,
effects of interspecific competition by Coyotes or other species, site-specific variation
in habitat suitability not captured by these models, or additional barriers to connectivity not
captured through habitat modeling. For these reasons, we recommend ground-truthing local
habitat suitability prior to considering any reintroduction effort.
The authors wish to thank D. Jorgensen and B. Skone for comments regarding the study design or
manuscript. Funding was provided by World Wildlife Fund (WWF). Additional funding for and data
from Swift Fox surveys used in this study was provided by: National Fish and Wildlife Foundation,
project ID 0103.14.045477; Blackfeet Fish and Wildlife Department; Crow Fish and Game Department;
Defenders of Wildlife; Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University; Fort
Belknap Fish and Wildlife; Fort Peck Assiniboine and Sioux Tribes; Office of Natural Resources,
Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks; Northern Cheyenne Tribe, Department of Environmental Protection
and Natural Resources; Emily Mitchell and South Dakota State University; and Wyoming Game
and Fish Department.
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