Fire History and Woody Encroachment Influence Saxicolous Macrolichen Community Composition on Dolomite Outcrops in Dry Bluff Prairies of the Minnesota Driftless Area
Connor J. Johanson1*, Samuel A. Schmid2, Neal D. Mundahl3
1Biology Department, Winona State University, Winona, MN 55987. 2Department of Biological Sciences, 219 Harned Hall Mississippi State University, Starkville, MS 39762. 3Biology Department, Pasteur 250 Winona State University, Winona, MN 55987. *Corresponding author.
Prairie Naturalist, Volume 56 (2024):56–70
Driftless Area bluff prairies are remnant dry grassland systems often containing abundant bedrock outcroppings. Bluff prairies frequently experienced fire before settlement and prescribed fire is an important tool used by contemporary managers to limit the spread of woody species in prairies. The frequency of occurrence of macrolichen taxa was investigated on dolomite rocks in southeastern Minnesota bluff prairies of differing fire histories and amounts of woody encroachment near Winona, Minnesota. Dolomite boulders or outcrops in prairie vegetation were surveyed randomly with a 1-m2 plot and all saxicolous macrolichen taxa were recorded, as well as the fire history and estimated class of woody encroachment. Differences in plot richness among treatments were assessed for all taxa, and differences in plot richness between treatments were tested for three of the most frequently occurring taxa. There was a significant decrease in taxa richness per plot with increased numbers of burns. Plots with little or no woody encroachment had significantly lower richness per plot than those with high woody encroachment.
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Prairie Naturalist Notes
Prairie Naturalist
C.J. Johanson, S.A. Schmid, N.D. Mundahl
2024 No. 56
Fire History and Woody Encroachment Influence Saxicolous
Macrolichen Community Composition on Dolomite Outcrops
in Dry Bluff Prairies of the Minnesota Driftless Area
Connor J. Johanson1*, Samuel A. Schmid2, Neal D. Mundahl3
Abstract–Driftless Area bluff prairies are remnant dry grassland systems often containing abundant
bedrock outcroppings. Bluff prairies frequently experienced fire before settlement and prescribed
fire is an important tool used by contemporary managers to limit the spread of woody species in
prairies. The frequency of occurrence of macrolichen taxa was investigated on dolomite rocks in
southeastern Minnesota bluff prairies of differing fire histories and amounts of woody encroachment
near Winona, Minnesota. Dolomite boulders or outcrops in prairie vegetation were surveyed
randomly with a 1-m2 plot and all saxicolous macrolichen taxa were recorded, as well as the fire
history and estimated class of woody encroachment. Differences in plot richness among treatments
were assessed for all taxa, and differences in plot richness between treatments were tested for three
of the most frequently occurring taxa. There was a significant decrease in taxa richness per plot with
increased numbers of burns. Plots with little or no woody encroachment had significantly lower
richness per plot than those with high woody encroachment.
Dry prairies occurring typically on steep bluff slopes with a southern or western aspect,
locally referred to as goat prairies, are remnant grassland communities in the Driftless Area
of the Upper Midwest, USA (Minnesota DNR 2005). Remnant bluff prairies are dry, exposed
sites that have persisted through post-settlement fire suppression and land use change,
and were once more widespread and contiguous with other fire-dependent communities,
especially oak savannas (Curtis 1959; Thompson 1979). Bluff prairies in southeastern Minnesota
are characterized by thin soils formed in loess and residuum with abundant rock
fragments from the underlying bedrock and frequent bedrock outcrops (Minnesota DNR
2005). In these systems edaphic factors including exposure, slope, and soil texture play an
important role in limiting woody invasion (Thompson 1979).
The effects of fire and woody encroachment on prairie plant communities have been studied
extensively. Along with grazing, recurrent fire is a major disturbance process in prairies
that affects species composition, community structure, and plant biomass production (Brockway
et al. 2002; Dix and Butler 1954; Knapp et al. 1999). Weather conditions (temperature,
humidity, wind velocity, year-to-year variation), topography, and seasonal timing, frequency,
and intensity of burns are important factors in the effect of fire on prairies (Ewing and Engle
1988; Gibson and Hulbert 1987; Novak et al. 2021). Encroachment of woody plants into prairies
follows either mismanaged grazing, complete lack of grazing, the cessation of frequent
fire, or any combination of these factors (Briggs et al. 2002; Capozzelli et al. 2020). In general,
woody encroachment in North American prairies and savannas decreases vascular plant species
diversity and alters community composition (Abella et al. 2020; Ratajczak et al. 2012),
while also impacting carbon dynamics (Scharenbroch et al. 2010).
1Biology Department, Winona State University, Winona, MN 55987. 2Department of Biological Sciences, 219
Harned Hall Mississippi State University, Starkville, MS 39762. 3Biology Department, Pasteur 250 Winona State
University, Winona, MN 55987. *Corresponding author: connorjjohanson@gmail.c om.
Associate Editor: Jennifer Larson, Forest Service, St Paul, MN
Prairie Naturalist
C.J. Johanson, S.A. Schmid, N.D. Mundahl
2024 No. 56
Lichens are diverse symbiotic organisms that contribute essential functions to ecosystems
worldwide (Allen et al. 2019). Lichens grow very slowly compared to plants, generally
within the range of 0.5–4 mm annually, and they exhibit a range of general growth
forms with many intermediate types that defy easy classification (Brodo et al. 2001). Since
lichens are highly diverse, they occur in diverse environmental conditions in a wide variety
of microhabitats. Some species tolerate infrequent moisture whereas others need high
humidity and frequent wetting to survive, and this variability in moisture requirements is
very important in the distribution of lichens (Wetmore and Bennett 1997). Many important
ecosystem functions are provided by lichens, such as mechanical and chemical weathering
of rock surfaces, primary colonization, soil formation, nitrogen fixation, and photosynthesis,
as well as carbon fixation, denitrification, regulation of water flow, and water quality
regulation (Zedda and Rambold 2015).
Relatively little is known about the effects of fire or woody encroachment on lichens
in North American grasslands. In an ungrazed Montana grassland, terricolous lichens were
almost completely eliminated by a hot wildfire and showed little signs of re-establishment
a year later (Antos et al. 1983). In Puget Sound prairies in Western Washington state, mean
terricolous lichen coverage was severely reduced (from 26% to 0.03%) by prescribed fires
(Calabria et al. 2016). In a Minnesota old field grassland, soil-dwelling lichens were greatly
reduced by fire in both the short and long term but survived lower intensity fire proportionally
to their pre-fire population size (Johansson and Reich 2005). In an Iowa sand prairie,
soil-dwelling lichens were reduced to 32.4% of their original cover by end of one season
after fire and 10.7% by the end of the second season after fire (Schulten 1985). Previous
studies have focused on the effects of fire on soil lichens, but no research has investigated
the effects of fire on saxicolous lichens in upper Midwest prairies. As lichens are poikilohydric
organisms, lacking mechanisms for regulating uptake and loss of water, lichen growth
is dependent upon local microclimatic conditions (Canters et al. 1991; Hauck et al. 2007;
Pearson and Lawrence 1965; Palmqvist and Sundberg 2000; Renhorn et al. 1997). Variations
in light, moisture, and inclination of slope have previously been reported as important
for community composition of limestone outcrop lichen communities in the Driftless Area
(Foote 1966). It is assumed that with woody encroachment in a prairie there will be more
shade coverage and higher humidity in microsites (Siegert and Levia 2011). Availability to
light and moisture are important factors for lichen growth (Palmqvist and Sundberg 2000).
The objective of this study was to assess how the saxicolous macrolichen community
composition was affected by fire history and woody encroachment. To address this objective,
we assessed two hypotheses: Taxa richness at a given plot (plot richness) in the macrolichen
community will decrease as number of burns at that plot increases; and Plot richness will be
greater at plots with high woody encroachment than plots with low woody encroachment.
In cases where individual lichens could not be reliably identified to species across all study
sites, they were recorded as their genus; we collectively refer to species and generic groupings
in this study as taxa. While we expect fire and woody encroachment to broadly influence
the saxicolous microlichen communities, since lichens are a diverse group of organisms, we
expect these factors to affect the frequency of individual lichen taxa differently.
Study Area
This study was carried out at sites in Winona County within 6.5 km of Winona, Minnesota
in the Driftless Area (Fig. 1). In Minnesota, the Driftless Area is a plateau of rock strata
that formed in the Paleozoic Era that is dissected by rivers and streams, and is characterPrairie
C.J. Johanson, S.A. Schmid, N.D. Mundahl
2024 No. 56
ized by steep-sided bluffs. The entire region of the Driftless Area in Wisconsin, Minnesota,
Iowa, and Illinois was not glaciated during the last glacial maximum and retains a rugged
topography distinct from the surrounding area (Knox 2019).
The areas of study sites ranged from approximately 0.4 to 9.8 ha (Table 1). The geological
setting of the study sites is characterized by Prairie du Chien Group dolomite outcroppings
on the upper portions of bluffs above Jordan sandstone exposures and scattered dolomite
boulders of the Prairie du Chien Group mostly on the lower portions of the slopes (Setterholm
2014). Of eight sites, seven are actively managed to restore and maintain tallgrass prairie
and oak savanna communities. They have been cleared of woody encroachment within nine
years of the time of this study (Table 1). One site was not actively managed and not cleared
at the time of study. Burned sites were done so by prescribed fire within six years of the time
of this study, except one area burned by accidental fire in 2023 on Pleasant Bluff. All sites
were bluff prairies with vegetation characterized by tallgrass prairie grasses, forbs, and occasionally
trees of Quercus macrocarpa Michx. (Bur Oak), Carya ovata (P. Mill.) K. Koch
(Shagbark Hickory), Prunus serotina Ehrh. (Black Cherry), and Juniperus virginiana L.
(Eastern Redcedar). The most common species encroaching upon these sites was Rhamnus
cathartica L. (European Buckthorn). Other encroaching species include European Lonicera
spp. (honeysuckles), Rhus spp. (sumacs), Populus tremuloides Michx. (Quaking Aspen), and
Eastern Redcedar. All sites were isolated prairie communities surrounded by oak savanna,
Figure 1. Map of study sites (indicated by yellow dots) near Winona, Minnesota, and location of
Winona within the Driftless Area of the Upper Midwest, USA (indicated by a star). Sites and their
corresponding numbers included Busch Bluff (1), Ericksen Bluff (2), Lallaman Bluff (3), McGuire
Bluff (4), Miller Bluff (5), Old Baldy Bluff (6), Pleasant Bluff (7), and Woodlawn Bluff (8)
Prairie Naturalist
C.J. Johanson, S.A. Schmid, N.D. Mundahl
2024 No. 56
juniper-dominated woodland, or deciduous forest. Cut material in six of the seven managed
sites had previously been concentrated into large piles and burned during the next winter following
clearing. Miller Bluff was the only cleared site with unburned piles. Burn scars from
such piles were not surveyed under the assumption that the fire intensity was extreme. Finer
woody debris that was not piled was left in place and consumed by prescribed fire.
Materials and Methods
Field surveys
Surveying was completed between August 21 and October 5, 2023, and totaled 172
plots in eight sites: 52 plots with zero burns, 51 plots with 1 burn, and 69 plots with ≥2
burns. These sites included Busch Bluff, Ericksen Bluff, Lallaman Bluff, McGuire Bluff,
Miller Bluff, Old Baldy Bluff, Pleasant Bluff, and Woodlawn Bluff. Sites were selected
with known fire histories of the following three categories: unburned for at least 30 years or
more, burned once, or burned two or more times.
Sites were surveyed by random 1-m2 quadrat sampling, and sampling effort was scaled
with the area of habitat at each site. Plots were randomly placed in targeted habitat recognized
by level of woody encroachment and presence of herbaceous prairie vegetation in study sites.
Quadrats were placed across large outcrops and immovable boulders at the eight study sites.
Such habitat was assumed to have been exposed and available to macrolichens for a long
period of time, rather than small fallen rocks or small outcrops more recently exposed by erosion.
The term “macrolichen” traditionally refers to fruticose and foliose lichens. Although
Lecanora valesiaca (Müll. Arg.) Stizenb., L. muralis (Schreb.) Rabenh., and Squamulea
galactophylla (Tuck.) Arup, Søchting and Frödén are commonly classified as crustose microlichens,
for this study we are including them with macrolichens given their size, relatively
thick thalli, and lobed margins. All macrolichen taxa growing directly on rock within a 1-m2
Table 1. Study sites and approximate study areas (ha), greatest number of burns at each site, management
activities, and number of plots sampled of each fire history. The two largest sites, Old Baldy
Bluff and Pleasant Bluff, had multiple burn units with dif ferent fire histories.
Site Study Area
Greatest Number
of Burns
Management Number of Plots
Busch Bluff 0.6 1 Cleared (2021), burned (2023) 7 (1 burn)
Ericksen Bluff 0.4 ≥2
Cleared (2015), burned (2017
onward) 6 (≥2 burns)
Lallaman Bluff 1.3 ≥2
Cleared (2017 onward),
burned (2021 onward) 11 (≥2 burns)
McGuire Bluff 0.7 1 Cleared (2021), burned (2023) 8 (1 burn)
Miller Bluff 0.8 0 Cleared (2022 onward) 7 (0 burns)
Old Baldy Bluff 4.0 1
Cleared (2021 onward),
half burned (2023)
24 (0 burns), 31 (1
Pleasant Bluff 9.8 ≥2
Cleared (2017 onward),
burned (2017 onward)
1 (0 burns), 5 (1
burn), 52 (≥2 burns)
Bluff 1.2 0 Not managed 20 (0 burns)
Prairie Naturalist
C.J. Johanson, S.A. Schmid, N.D. Mundahl
2024 No. 56
plot were recorded (Fig. 2). Only living lichens were recorded, (i.e., they turned green when
sprayed with water, indicating the presence of living algae and photosynthetic capacity). Material
insufficient to be identified to species with a hand lens and spot tests was recorded as its
genus, or in two cases to multi-generic taxa (Placidium/Clavascidium).
The degree of woody encroachment of each plot was evaluated in the field qualitatively
and recorded in two categories: low woody encroachment or high woody encroachment.
The class of woody encroachment for each plot was estimated by examining the number of
stumps of various sizes inside the plot and within 1 meter of the plot. Plots were classified as
having high woody encroachment if a plot contained more than 10 1–2-cm diameter stumps
or a 10-cm diameter stump or larger, or if the area located within 1 meter surrounding the
plot in all directions had several 10-cm diameter or larger stumps. All plots sampled contained
herbaceous prairie vegetation or were surrounded by herbaceous prairie vegetation if
the outcrop completely filled the plot. Areas of very high woody encroachment, approaching
a closed tree canopy or extremely high density of shrubs were excluded. Plots within
or adjacent to an obvious fire scar from a large pile of burned material were likewise not
surveyed, under the assumption that fire intensity was extreme i n such areas.
Statistical analyses
Plot richness was calculated to quantify the lichen community of each plot. Plot richness
was defined as the number of unique taxa within a plot. To test the effects of burn history and
woody encroachment on lichen community composition, comparative analyses were used
with burn history categories (0, 1, and ≥2) and woody encroachment categories (high and
low) as independent variables and plot richness as the dependent variable. The effects of burn
history and woody encroachment on plot richness were assessed via two-factor ANOVA with
burn history and woody encroachment categories fitted as main effects. Differences in plot
richness between treatment groups were tested via Tukey’s multiple range test.
Figure 2. Survey plots on Pleasant Bluff on August 22, 2023 (A) and on Old Baldy Bluff on September
14, 2023 (B). Photos by Connor J. Johanson.
Prairie Naturalist
C.J. Johanson, S.A. Schmid, N.D. Mundahl
2024 No. 56
The effects of burn history and woody encroachment on individual taxa also were assessed.
To test these effects, logit function generalized linear models (GLMs) were fit with
burn history and woody encroachment categories as independent variables and frequency of
occurrence for the target taxon as the dependent variable. Differences in frequency of occurrence
between treatment groups were tested via pairwise chi-squared tests with Bonferroni
adjustment. Highly pruinose specimens of Lecanora muralis, which require thin layer chromatography
(TLC) to positively discern from L. valesiaca, are reported from the Great Plains.
As TLC was not performed for identification, we have grouped L. valesiaca and L. muralis
in our analyses and refer to them as the Lecanora spp. Dermatocarpon dolomiticum Amtoft,
Lecanora spp., and Phaeophyscia spp. (Neck.) Moberg were selected for taxon-specific
analysis. Statistical significance for analyses were determined with α = 0.05. Analyses and
graphing were conducted in R (R Core Team 2023) and RStudio (RStudio Team 2023) using
the packages “car” (Fox and Weisberg 2019), “tidyverse” (Wickham et al. 2019), “plotrix”
(Lemon 2006), “rcompanion” (Mangiafaco 2023), and “ggeffects” (Lüdecke 2018).
In total, 14 taxa of saxicolous macrolichens were identified and recorded in the 172 plots
surveyed across eight sites in southeastern Minnesota. Supplemental Fig. 1 (available online
zfeb9k0o52714rlqx5&st=8gegg4zc&dl=0). Nineteen species were identified on outcrops or
boulders across all study sites (Table 2). Taxon richness in a single plot ranged from zero
to nine taxa per plot. Seven of the nineteen species identified are primarily corticolous and
likely require a woody source of spores and/or vegetative propagules to establish on rocks
nearby (Table 3). Two commonly saxicolous species identified in our plots, Phaeophyscia
adiastola and Physconia leucoleiptes, require shade to grow on rock. The most common
taxa, found in more than 50% of all plots, were Dermatocarpon dolomiticum Amtoft and
Lecanora spp. All other taxa occurred in less than 30% of all plots. Macrolichens were absent
from 17% of all plots; all but one of such plots were burned two or more times. Among
treatments, both number of burns and class of woody encroachment separately affected plot
richness. Specifically, plots with greater numbers of burns had significantly lower richness
(P < 0.001), while plots with high woody encroachment had significantly higher richness
than plots with low woody encroachment (P < 0.001; Fig. 3).
Table 2. Total number of plots across all study sites in each category of greatest number of burns and
class of woody encroachment.
Burns Woody Encroachment Plots
0 Low 26
0 High 26
1 Low 32
1 High 19
≥2 Low 31
≥2 High 38
Prairie Naturalist
C.J. Johanson, S.A. Schmid, N.D. Mundahl
2024 No. 56
Table 3. Study taxa (bolded) and identified species present on dolomite a t each study site are marked
with an X. Primarily corticolous species are indicated with an asterisk. Numbers 1–8 correspond to
sites Busch Bluff (1), Ericksen Bluff (2), Lallaman Bluff (3), McGuire Bluff (4), Miller Bluff (5), Old
Baldy Bluff (6), Pleasant Bluff (7), and Woodlawn Bluff (8).
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Candelaria concolor* X X X X X X
Lathagrium fuscovirens X X X
Scytinium lichenoides X
Thyrea confusa X
Lecanora spp. X X X X X X X
L. muralis X X X X X X
L. valesiaca X X X X X X X
Squamulea galactophylla X X X X
Rusavskia spp. X X X X X X X X
R. elegans X X X X X X X
R. sorediata X X
Xanthomendoza spp. X X X X X X
X. fallax* X X
X. ulophyllodes* X X X X X
X. weberi* X X
Phaeophyscia spp. X X X X X X
P. adiastola X
P. hirsuta* X X X
Physciella spp. X X X X X
P. chloantha* X X
P. melanchra* X
Physconia sp. X X
Physconia leucoleiptes X X
Psora pseudorussellii X X X X X X
Dermatocarpon dolomiticum X X X X X X X X
Placidium/Clavascidium spp. X X X X X X X
Prairie Naturalist
C.J. Johanson, S.A. Schmid, N.D. Mundahl
2024 No. 56
The most common species in this study was Dermatocarpon dolomiticum, present on
72% of all plots. This is the first record of D. dolomiticum in Minnesota following its description
by Amtoft et al. (2008) as a new species distinct from Dermatocarpon miniatum
(L.) W. Mann. Species-specific analysis of D. dolomiticum indicated that its frequency of
occurrence was significantly lower in plots with greater number of burns (P < 0.001; Fig.
4). Class of woody encroachment was not found to have a significant effect on D. dolomiticum
frequency of occurrence (P = 0.056). We observed that D. dolomiticum thalli appear
to reduce drastically in size with greater numbers of burns (Fig. 5). In sites burned once,
burned thalli often had curled edges and some were blackened. In sites burned two or more
times, the curled margins of many damaged thalli had broken or burned off. Most thalli in
sites burned two or more times were reduced to the central parts of the thalli around the
umbilicus attached to the substrate; many were bleached white and no longer turned green
when sprayed with water and were assumed to no longer be photosynthetically active.
Lecanora spp. was the second most common taxon in this study, present on 65% of all
plots. Lecanora spp. frequency was significantly lower (as determined by logistic regression)
in plots with greater number of burns (P = 0.013; Fig. 6), but there was no significant difference
between plots of low and high woody encroachment (P = 0.083). Pairwise chi-squared
with Bonferroni adjustment failed to detect significant differences between treatment groups.
In plots with low woody encroachment that were unburned, burned once, or burned two or
more times, the frequency of Lecanora spp. was 0.85, 0.63, and 0.48, respectively (Table 4).
In plots with high woody encroachment that were unburned, burned once, or burned two or
more times, the frequency of Lecanora spp. was 0.54, 0.68, and 0.42, respectively.
Figure 3. Mean plot richness (mean number of taxa per plot) categorized by number of burns and class
of woody encroachment. P-values indicate significance of main effects on plot richness as determined by
two-way ANOVA: P < 0.001 for woody encroachment; P < 0.001 for number of burns. Significant pairwise
comparisons as determined by Tukey’s range test are indicated by letter display. Error bars ±1 SE.
Prairie Naturalist
C.J. Johanson, S.A. Schmid, N.D. Mundahl
2024 No. 56
The frequency of Phaeophyscia spp. in plots burned two or more times was significantly
less than in unburned plots (P < 0.001; Fig. 7). Similarly, the frequency of Phaeophyscia
spp. in plots of low woody encroachment was significantly less than in plots of
high woody encroachment (P < 0.001). In plots with low woody encroachment that were
unburned, burned once, or burned two or more times, the mean frequency of Phaeophyscia
spp. was 0.04, 0.09, and 0, respectively (Table 4). In plots with high woody encroachment
that were unburned, burned once, or burned two or more times, the mean frequency
of Phaeophyscia spp. was 0.58, 0.53, and 0.11, respectively.
Figure 4. Dermatocarpon dolomiticum frequency of occurrence across all plots categorized by number
of burns and class of woody encroachment. P-values indicate significance of effects on plot richness
as determined by logistic regression: P < 0.001 for number of burns; P = 0.056 (not significant)
for woody encroachment. Significant pairwise comparisons as determined by pairwise chi-square test
(P-values adjusted using Bonferroni method) are indicated by le tter display. Error bars±1 SE.
Figure 5. Dermatocarpon dolomiticum thalli on dolomite outcrops in bluff prairie study sites of differing
fire histories. Thalli in a prairie not burned within the last 30 years of the time of this study
(A). Thalli in a prairie burned once in 2023 (B). Thalli in a prairie burned twice (2021 and 2022;
C). Photos by Connor J. Johanson.
Prairie Naturalist
C.J. Johanson, S.A. Schmid, N.D. Mundahl
2024 No. 56
The results of this study show a significant decline in plot richness as number of burns increased,
thus supporting our first hypothesis. Additionally, our data show significantly greater
plot richness in plots with high woody encroachment than in plots with low woody encroachment,
which supports our second hypothesis. While these effects were broadly applicable to
saxicolous macrolichen communities, they affected individual taxa within those communities
independently. Dermatocarpon dolomiticum was selected for species-specific analysis because
it was the most frequently encountered species in this study and appeared to be strongly
damaged by fire, from observations made while surveying. Lecanora valesiaca was analyzed
because it has a growth form that lies closer to the substrate, compared to foliose species, and
it appeared to maintain similar mean frequencies across all burn categories. Phaeophyscia
spp. was chosen for taxon-specific analysis because Phaeophyscia species exhibited greater
mean frequency in plots with high woody encroachment but were mostly absent from plots
burned two or more times regardless of class of woody encroachment.
Lichen species are highly microhabitat-sensitive, with numerous variables potentially affecting
each species differently on each individual rock. At the eight sites we studied factors
which may be important to saxicolous lichen diversity but for which we could not control
include: bluff aspect (south-facing vs. west-facing slope), bluff slope steepness, intensity and
extent of controlled burns (amount of fuel, wind speed, and direction), year of most recent burn,
year each site was cleared, plot position on the slope (top, middle, or bottom), total area of exposed
rock within each plot, maximum height of exposed rock at each plot, angle of tilt of the
face of each rock, and presence of irregularities, cracks, and seepage tracks on rock surfaces.
Figure 6. Lecanora spp. frequency of occurrence across all plots categorized by number of burns
and class of woody encroachment. P-values (as determined by logistic regression) for effect on plot
richness achieved significance for burn frequency (P = 0.013) but not for woody encroachment (P =
0.083). Significant pairwise comparisons as determined by pairwise chi-square test (P-values adjusted
using Bonferroni method) are indicated by letter display. Error bars ±1 SE.
Prairie Naturalist
C.J. Johanson, S.A. Schmid, N.D. Mundahl
2024 No. 56
Fire effects
This study found lower lichen richness in plots with increasing numbers of burns. For
three individual taxa, plots with greater numbers of burns had significantly lower frequency of
occurrence. Frequencies of occurrence for Dermatocarpon dolomiticum, Lecanora spp., and
Phaeophyscia spp. were significantly lower in plots with higher number of burns and were
observed to be lowest in plots burned twice or more. Interestingly, crustose saxicolous microlichens
were present in all plots, even when macrolichens were absent. These observations
are consistent with a similar anecdotal observation of relatively high survival of saxicolous
crustose lichens in a burned Montana grassland (Antos et al. 1983). It is worth noting that
some outcrops in recent burn scars did not have crustose microlichens, which were present in
every plot surveyed in this study, even when macrolichens were not present.
The effects of fires on saxicolous lichen communities in grasslands have rarely been studied.
In native Brazilian grasslands an accumulation of vegetation on a site that had not burned
in 15 years created fire intensity that significantly decreased saxicolous lichen cover and taxa
richness compared with a control parcel managed by grazing and annual burning (Koch et al.
2015). In dry mediterranean grasslands frequent fires drastically reduced the biodiversity of
saxicolous lichens on calcareous outcrops (Giordani et al. 2016). No prior studies have been
conducted on the effects of fire on saxicolous lichens in the Upper Midwest of the USA.
Wildfire intensity has an important effect on corticolous lichen communities in forests
(Miller et al. 2018; Johansson et al. 2006). Terricolous lichens, unlike many vascular plants,
do not have extensive perennating parts below ground that would survive a fire (Schulten
1985). Grassland soil lichens are known to be very vulnerable to fire (Antos et al. 1983;
Figure 7. Phaeophyscia spp. frequency of occurrence across all plots categorized by number of burns
and class of woody encroachment. P-values indicate significance of effects on plot richness as determined
by logistic regression: P < 0.001 for number of burns; P < 0.001 for woody encroachment.
Treatment groups that share a letter are not significantly different as determined by pairwise chisquared
with Bonferroni adjustment. Error bars±1 SE.
Prairie Naturalist
C.J. Johanson, S.A. Schmid, N.D. Mundahl
2024 No. 56
Schulten 1985) and slow to recolonize burned areas (Johansen et al. 1984). In burned areas
of Allison Savanna in Anoka County, MN, Wetmore (1981) reported that most soil lichens
were largely eliminated by fires and only sterile Cladonia squamules were present. Johansson
and Reich (2005) reported that soil lichens in prairies survived a low-intensity fire
proportionally to their pre-fire population size, but experienced high mortality rates above
a certain fire-intensity threshold. Holt and Severns (2005) found that burning reduced terricolous
lichen diversity and abundance in wet prairies in Western Oregon; the persistence
of fire-damaged thalli, protective microhabitats, and post-fire propagule dispersal were
important in the recovery of wet prairie lichen communities subjected to prescribed fire.
More research is needed on saxicolous lichen communities to determine the effects of differing
fire intensities, how long recolonization takes after such fires, and what protective
microhabitats might be important for lichen survival.
Woody encroachment effects
This study found that lichen plot richness was higher under high woody encroachment than
under low woody encroachment. Foote (1966) studied the lichen and bryophyte community of
limestone outcrops in the Wisconsin portion of the Driftless Area and concluded that outcrops
without visible water runoff that were in shade for half or more of the daylight supported the
most species. Our results were consistent in that higher lichen richness was observed under
high woody encroachment in the present study within the western Driftless Area.
In the present study there appeared to be a group of taxa associated with high woody
encroachment that were mostly absent from prairie dolomite outcrops in sites burned two
or more times: Candelaria concolor (Dicks.) Trevis, Phaeophyscia spp., Physciella spp.,
Physconia spp., and Xanthomendoza spp. All these taxa very commonly grow on the bark
of trees and shrubs in the surrounding forested landscape and can reproduce vegetatively
via soredia (propagules containing fungal hyphae and algal cells) which support colonization
of new locations (Johansson et al. 2006). Woody encroachment expands shaded and
moist habitat for these species and contributes to the sources of vegetative propagules that
colonize the rocks below. These primarily corticolous lichen species do not persist on rocks
in cleared prairies burned twice or more.
Management implications
Although prairie management necessitates the use of frequent fire, especially in early
stages of restoration and management of woody encroachment, fire intensity should be considered
when burning areas of significant saxicolous macrolichen habitat. We observed that
plots at the top of Pleasant Bluff burned two or more times still had macrolichens present
in them that appeared to have suffered only minor damage. In contrast, many plots on the
lower slope of the same site were devoid of macrolichens. A possible explanation for this
distribution may be due to reduced fire intensity on the top of the site from the practice of
Table 4. Frequency of occurrence in all study plots by number of burns (0, 1, ≥2) and class of woody
encroachment (low, high) for Dermatocarpon dolomiticum, Lecanora spp., and Phaeophyscia spp.
Taxon Frequency 0, Low 0, High 1, Low 1, High ≥2, Low ≥2 High
Dermatocarpon dolomiticum 0.91 1 0.86 1 0.39 0.42
Lecanora spp. 0.85 0.54 0.63 0.68 0.48 0.42
Phaeophyscia spp. 0.04 0.58 0.09 0.47 0 0.11
Prairie Naturalist
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2024 No. 56
“back-burning”. Prescribed burning of bluff prairies usually starts with the burning of the
uppermost part of the slope, letting the fire burn slowly downhill; “backing” into the wind.
When this burned area has expanded sufficiently, the unit is usually lit on fire down the
sides. Often, the same back-burning approach is applied on a downwind side. Finally, fire is
ignited along the bottom edge, whereupo n the fire rapidly moves uphill and with any prevailing
wind. The back-burned areas are an effective firebreak for this rapid uphill burning
(G. Ericksen, LandSpirit Design Landscaping Inc., Winona, MN, 2024 pers. comm.). Managers
may reduce fire intensity around outcrops by backburning directly around them. This
may be too time-consuming for many sites; possible practices may include walking through
the burn unit with a drip torch and lighting points of fire wherever they may encounter a
large outcrop, or simply lighting a series of continuous lines through the unit perpendicular
to the slope to slow down the uphill speed of the fire and possibly reduce fire intensity. Additionally,
carefully managed grazing may reduce fuels in prairies to sufficiently reduce fire
intensity (Briggs et al. 2002; Knapp et al. 1999).
Fire history and woody encroachment affect saxicolous macrolichen communities on
dolomite, prairie outcrops, and boulders in southeastern Minnesota bluff prairies. Our data
is limited, and further research is needed to discern the specific effects of fire and woody
encroachment on saxicolous macrolichen communities. Low intensity fire is likely important
in the survival of macrolichens in fire-adapted grassland systems. Although we do not
present any fire intensity data here, our results indicate that plot richness (number of taxa
per plot) on dolomite outcrops and boulders significantly decreased with greater number
of burns. Managers are recommended to reduce fire intensity around areas of significant
saxicolous lichen habitat when managing bluff prairies.
We are grateful for the assistance of Gabe Ericksen in coordinating the access of managed sites
and the generosity of the respective landowners in allowing their properties to be surveyed for this
study. The inspiration for this study arose from correspondence with John Thayer and we are thankful
for his knowledge and passion for the lichen flora of Minnesota. We also thank the reviewers for their
time and effort which improved this paper.
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