40 Journal of the North Atlantic Special Volume 3
Stable carbon and nitrogen isotopic ratios (measured
as δ13C and δ15N values) of remnant collagen
in ancient human bone can provide direct information
on the relative amounts of marine and terrestrial
protein consumed by the human, and on the trophic
position in the food chain from which the protein
was obtained. This method has been widely applied
in archaeology, and the details of the underlying
measurement and interpretive processes have been
extensively reviewed (cf. Ambrose 1993, Kelly
2000, Schoeninger and Moore 1992) and need no
repetition here. We simply remind the reader that
the protein of the terrestrial and marine biospheres
has characteristic carbon and nitrogen isotopic
signatures that can be traced through a food chain.
The carbon isotopic signature changes little with increase
in trophic level, while the nitrogen signature
depends strongly on trophic level. The δ13C value
of human collagen thus provides information on
the relative amounts of protein obtained from the
terrestrial and marine reservoirs, and the δ15N value
provides confirmation and additional information on
the trophic level of the food consumed.
For this method to be reliably applied to reconstruct
human diet, it is necessary to test the underlying
assumptions by conducting a detailed analysis of
the food from which the people under study obtained
their sustenance. As will be seen in what follows,
significant regional differences do exist, and so one
cannot simply apply results from studies in other
regions. For example, the animal data obtained by
Coltrain et al. (2004) for the eastern Canadian Arctic
are significantly different from those obtained here
for Greenland. In this paper, the results from the first
extensive carbon and nitrogen isotopic study of the
most important Greenlandic wild prey species are
presented and evaluated with respect to the extent
that we can use the isotopic method to obtain independent
information on ancient Greenlandic diet.
We make no attempt here to compare and integrate
this data into the Arctic literature as a whole.
The Greenlandic Food Chains of Interest
At first glance, isotopic measurements on bone
protein should be particularly well suited to marine/
terrestrial dietary studies in Greenland, as many
of the possible complicating factors are absent. A
comprehensive overview of Greenlandic ecology,
including human adaptation, is given in Born and
Böcher’s (2001) “The Ecology of Greenland”. The
summary descriptions to follow rely heavily on that
text, on McGovern (1985), and on the faunal lists for
excavated Neo-Eskimo sites as described in Gulløv
2012 [this volume].
The climate of southern Greenland is classed as
Low Arctic, with a small Sub-Arctic area at the extreme
southwestern tip; this latter portion includes
the Norse Eastern Settlement. The remainder of the
island is High Arctic. Neither C4 nor CAM plants
are likely to be present, as these are adaptations to
hot and dry climates. Plant husbandry need not be
considered, as the Greenlandic climate was simply
too cold; it was not a part of Neo-Eskimo culture
and it was not possible for the Greenland Norse, except
perhaps on a very limited basis. There were no
wild plants that can have contributed directly in any
significant amount to either human energy or protein
needs (Arneborg et al. 2012 [this volume]).
The food available to both Norse and Neo-
Eskimo alike was primarily protein and fat from the
terrestrial and marine ecosystems. In such circumstances,
human intake of protein will greatly exceed
minimum daily requirements, as the protein will also
be used as a major source of energy. Human bone
Stable Carbon and Nitrogen Isotopic Measurements of the Wild Animals
Hunted by the Norse and the Neo-Eskimo People of Greenland
D. Erle Nelson1, Jeppe Møhl2, Jan Heinemeier3, and Jette Arneborg4,5,*
Abstract: Isotopic measurements of the terrestrial and marine wild animal species of greatest importance to Greenlandic
Norse and Neo-Eskimo people were obtained to provide a solid basis for undertaking isotopic dietary analyses of these two
human groups. The samples studied were animal bones from archaeological excavations of Norse and Neo-Eskimo middens.
As expected, the values for the terrestrial and marine species were found to have characteristic isotopic composition,
but there is sufficient variation within each group to require detailed consideration in interpreting isotopic information on
the humans.
Special Volume 3:40–50
Greenland Isotope Project: Diet in Norse Greenland AD 1000–AD 1450
Journal of the North Atlantic
1Simon Fraser University, Department of Archaeology. Burnaby, BC, Canada. 2Natural History Museum, Zoological Museum,
University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark. 3AMS 14C Dating Centre, Department of Physics and Astronomy,
Aarhus University, Ny Munkegade 120, DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark. 4National Museum of Denmark. Middle Ages and
Renaissance, Research and Exhibitions, Frederiksholms Kanal 12, DK-1220 Copenhagen. Denmark. 5Institute of Geography,
School of GeoSciences, University of Edinburgh, Scotland UK. *Corresponding author - Jette.arneborg@natmus.dk.
2012 D.E. Nelson, J. Møhl , J. Heinemeier and J. Arneborg 41
collagen will thus directly reflect the carbon and
nitrogen isotopic values of the protein consumed.
The terrestrial biosphere in Greenland is also
relatively simple when compared to those of temperate
regions at lower latitudes. There are only two
native mammals in the Greenlandic terrestrial food
chain which could form a significant portion of a
long-term human diet: the musk ox (Ovibos moschatus)
and the caribou (Rangifer tarandus). In the time
period of interest here, both had limited ranges in
Greenland. The musk oxen were to be found only in
the far northern and northeastern areas of the island,
and were not available to either the Norse or to the
southern Neo-Eskimo (Vibe 1981). From a technical
viewpoint, these wild bovids form an interesting
isotopic counterpart to their near relatives, the Norse
cattle and sheep in the Southwest.
Caribou were to be found throughout much of
Greenland, but in western Greenland, they occurred
in significant numbers only on the south-central
coast. There they were extensively hunted by both
Norse in the Western Settlement and by the Neo-
Eskimo, as is seen in the frequent occurrence of
caribou bone in Norse and Neo-Eskimo sites. To the
south, there were only small, scattered herds, and
caribou bone is infrequent there in the middens of either
group (cf. McGovern 1985, Meldgaard 1986).
The Arctic hare (Lepus arcticus) played a very
minor role in the diet of both Neo-Eskimo and
Norse. The only other terrestrial species that could
have contributed to diet in any significant sense are
the ptarmigan (Lagopus mutus) and one or two species
of geese. All are present in midden collections,
but none in significant amounts (McGovern 1985,
Meldgaard 1986).
Unlike the terrestrial reservoir, the marine dietary
reservoir may not be simple, as the oceans
and ice surrounding Greenland are complex physical
systems (Buch 2001) that support complex
ecosystems (Andersen 2001). For both Norse and
Neo-Eskimo, it was the marine mammals, and in
particular the seals, which were the wild animals of
greatest importance. The primary prey species were
different for these two groups. For the Neo-Eskimo,
the ringed seal (Phoca hispida) was of fundamental
importance in all locales. For the Norse in the Eastern
Settlement, two migratory seal species, the harp
(Phoca groenlandica) and the hooded (Cystophora
cristata), were those targeted and consumed. As
hooded seals tend not to migrate so far north as the
Western Settlement, the seals taken by the Norse in
that locale were the harp and the stationary harbor
seal (Phoca vitulina). Both Norse and Neo-Eskimo
also hunted the bearded seal (Erignathus barbatus)
and the walrus (Odobenus rosmarus), but it is not
clear whether these formed a substantial part of their
diet or whether the animals were of greater importance
for their hides and for the walrus ivory. Whales
were also taken or scavenged, but it is not clear
whether the Norse routinely hunted whales. There
is not a great amount of whalebone in the Norse
middens (McGovern 1985), but a single individual
would have contributed a great amount of meat over
a short time period. While the Neo-Eskimo hunted
white whale (Delphinaptera leuca) and narwhal
(Monodon monoceros) these species do not appear
to have been a large part of their diet (Savelle 1994).
The overall contribution of whale to Greenlandic
diet remains uncertain, but it is clear that it was
not nearly as fundamental to either Neo-Eskimo or
Norse as were the seals.
Marine birds, such as murres, guillemots, auks
and eider ducks did provide important contributions
to the Neo-Eskimo diet in some regions, but were
not a significant part of the Norse diet. As strange as
it may seem, fish bone is only rarely found in Neo-
Eskimo sites and almost not at all in Norse sites. A
recent faunal analysis (Enghoff 2003) of the Norse
site Farm beneath the Sand illustrates this. There,
some 166 fish bone fragments provide direct evidence
for Norse fishing. In comparison, there were
nearly 24,000 fragments of mammalian bone in the
same collection. The amount of protein provided by
fish remains unclear.
Although the isotopic signatures of terrestrial and
marine food chains are in general similar the world
over, it is most useful to isotopically characterize the
local food chains before studies on the human consumers
are undertaken. To what extent are the basic
requirements met? Do the isotopic values for the
animals in the two reservoirs form homogeneous distributions
with well-defined and distinctive averages,
such that isotopic end-points can be defined for their
consumers? In principle, it would be best to measure
samples of the dietary protein itself, e.g., the meat of
the various animals which made up the diets of the
humans in question. That ideal is impossible, as such
material is not preserved in the archaeological record
and as there could be isotopic differences between
modern animal tissue and that consumed in the past.
In this study as in most, we use surrogate measurements
obtained from the bone collagen of the animals
actually eaten, as these bones can be found in the middens
of the ancient consumers.
For practical reasons, not all possible food species
have been included in this first isotopic study.
With one exception, those chosen for measurement
are the marine and terrestrial mammals that constituted
the primary prey species, especially those
taken by the Norse. The exception was a small
sample of thick-billed murre (Uria lomvia) bones
taken from a Neo-Eskimo site in which this species
was so abundantly represented that it numerically
overwhelmed all other species (Gulløv 1997), and
42 Journal of the North Atlantic Special Volume 3
so it must have been locally very important to the
All measurements were taken on bone samples
obtained from previous excavations of Norse sites
and of Neo-Eskimo middens from about the same period
and slightly later, e.g., within the time range A.D.
≈1000 to A.D. ≈1600. While there were extensive collections
of such materials available to us, this process
did sometimes place limits on sample choice.
The Samples
Table 1 gives the specific and common names of
the Norse and Neo-Eskimo sites from which bone
samples were taken from archival faunal collections
at the Zoological Museum of the University of Copenhagen.
For both technical and practical reasons,
the numbers of samples measured for each species
roughly reflects its importance to human diet. The
heavily exploited animals needed to be well characterized
and there were numerous such bones in
the collections, while it was sometimes difficult to
find appropriate samples of the peripheral species.
Figure 1 locates the sites on a map. Table 2 gives a
list of the species and numbers of bone samples (n)
examined for each.
As all came from archaeological excavations,
it was not always possible to be certain that each
sample represented a different individual. Where
circumstances permitted, the same bone element was
chosen, or samples were taken from different locales
and excavation levels within a site. As will be seen,
the isotopic analyses themselves provide further
information, as samples that have very different
isotopic values are unlikely to be from the same
individual. The last column in Table 2 gives a best
estimate of the number of individuals (N) measured.
While there is a possibility of a double measurement
in a few cases, the average results obtained for each
species is likely to provide a very good first estimate
for that population.
Measurement Methods
Each bone was sampled at the Zoological Museum
by using a clean, slow-speed drill to bore 3–6-
mm holes into the bone after the surface had been
cleaned by either scraping or milling. The drillings
were collected on fresh sheets of aluminum foil,
transferred to a tared, heat-cleaned glass vial, and
weighed. At the outset, typical sample sizes taken
were 300–500 mg, of which some 50–80 mg were
used for stable isotope determinations. Later, these
amounts were reduced by a factor of four or five. All
samples were taken to the Archaeometry Laboratory
at Simon Fraser University for preparation and
Various methods for extracting the remnant collagen
from bone are in use. Here, we used the SFU
method (Takahashi and Nelson 2012 [Appendix
1, this volume]), which is designed to select from
the sample only those molecular fragments that are
a large fraction of the original protein molecule.
Aliquots of the material thus isolated were then measured
using a Carlo-Erba CHN analyzer coupled to a
Micromass Prism mass spectrometer. Determinations
of the carbon and nitrogen concentrations of the extract
were thus obtained in addition to the isotopic results.
These concentration measures provide a direct
indication of the extract purity, as collagen has C and
N concentrations of about 44% and 15% by weight
Table 1. The sites from which samples were obtained.
Site location
Danish FM site Lat- Long-
Site name NM # number* itude itude
Neo-Eskimo sites
Illuminersuit 75V1-II-002 75°21' 58°37'
Nugarsuk 72V1-IV-017 72°49' 55°43'
Annertusup Nuua 68V2-IV-078 68°35' 51°52'
Qajaa 69V2-II-002 69°10' 52°40'
Sermermiut 69V2-II-013 69°12' 51°08'
IIlorpaat 64V1-III-029 64°05' 52°00'
Dødemandsbugten 74Ø2-II-005 74°07' 20°53'
Rypefjeldet 76Ø-025 76°56' 20°23'
Norse sites
Niaquusat V48 64V2-III-507 64°14' 50°20'
Nipaatsoq V54 64V2-III-502 64°07' 50°07'
Kilaarsarfik/Sandnes V51 64V2-III-511 64°15' 50°10'
Farm beneath the Sand 64V2-III-555 64°07' 50°07'
Igaliku/Gardar Ø47 60V2-IV-621 60°59' 45°26'
VatnahverfiØ167 60V2-IV-603 60°50' 45°21'
Qorlortoq Ø34 61V3-III-525 61°12' 45°33'
*FM site number refers to the register of ancient monuments of the
Greenland National Museum and Archives.
Table 2. The species sampled.
Number of
Samples individuals
Common name Species measured (n) (N)
Musk ox Ovibos moschatus 6 6
Caribou Rangifer tarandus 27 23 to 27
Hare Lepus arcticus 1 1
Harp seal Phoca groenlandica 18 14 to 18
Hooded seal Cystophora cristata 12 11 or 12
Ringed seal Phoca hispida 23 20 to 23
Harbor seal Phoca vitulina 9 8 or 9
Bearded seal Erignathus barbatus 5 4 or 5
Walrus Odobenus rosmarus 9 9
Baleen whale Not determined 5 5
White/narwhale Delphinapterus leucas/ 1 1
Monodon monoceros
Figure 1 (opposite page). Map of Norse and Neo-Eskimo
sites used in this study.
2012 D.E. Nelson, J. Møhl , J. Heinemeier and J. Arneborg 43
44 Journal of the North Atlantic Special Volume 3
respectively, and a C/N ratio of about 2.9. Samples
with values deviating significantly from these values
are suspect. The isotopic measurements are given, as
is common practice, as δ13C (‰ PDB) and δ15N (‰
AIR). Experience has shown that these methods give
a measurement precision (reproducibility of international
laboratory standards) of ≤0.1‰ for carbon and
≤0.2‰ for nitrogen. These uncertainties are much
smaller than the differences of interest and so have
little influence on interpretation.
Results and Interpretations
Terrestrial animals
The isotopic composition of bone collagen of
northern grazers and browsers are discussed in
Nelson et al. (2012c [this volume]). The δ13C values
typically fall within the range -22 to -21‰ if no C4 or
CAM plants are present. Such animals will typically
have δ15N values in the approximate range 2–6‰,
unless they are water-stressed or their diet includes
nitrogen fixers. Suckling young animals can be expected
to have δ15N values about 3‰ higher than
those of their mothers, a value which gradually falls
to that of an adult after weaning (see Nelson et al.
2012c [this volume] and references therein). These
are values that can be anticipated for Greenlandic
animals. As is shown below, this is usually but not
always the case.
Musk oxen and hare. Table 3 gives the results obtained
for the musk oxen from the northeast and the
single southwest coast hare. The average δ13C value
and standard deviation (< δ13C > = -20.2 ± 0.2‰)
for the musk oxen is as expected for terrestrial C3
plant-consuming animals, and the small variability
for the six measures indicates both that the measurement
method is reliable and that the individual
animals consumed a very similar diet. The value for
the hare (-20.6‰) is very similar, even though it is
from a very different part of the island. For the musk
oxen, the nitrogen average (< δ15N > = 2.8 ± 0.4‰)
is also well within the range expected for northern
herbivores. The hare is slightly higher at 3.8‰. In
all, these results are exactly as anticipated. From
them, we can predict that the Norse domestic bovids
will have values similar to those of the musk oxen
unless there are regional or latitudinal effects which
for some reason are not reflected in these data.
Caribou. As seen in Table 4, the caribou are also
clearly terrestrial in their isotopic values, yet a little
different from the musk oxen. The six individuals
from northeastern sites have average values < δ13C >
= -19.3 ± 0.2‰ and < δ15N > = 1.5 ± 0.5‰. As with
the northeastern musk oxen, the variability is small.
For these two co-existing herbivores, both carbon
and nitrogen averages are significantly different
(Students t: P < 0.0001 and = 0.0005, respectively).
The isotopic values are so clearly distinct that it is
possible to distinguish between these species.
The west coast caribou samples are from Norse
sites in the Western Settlement, with only one from
an Eastern Settlement site. As this individual has
isotopic values well within the range of the others,
all these southwest coast samples have been combined,
yielding averages of < δ13C > = - 18.2 ± 0.4‰
and < δ15N > = 2.0 ± 0.7‰. Their carbon values are
different from those of the northeastern musk oxen
and caribou. As a group, the nitrogen values are also
slightly lower than those of the musk oxen, although
some individuals have values that are similar. These
anomalous carbon isotopic values have been noted
when Greenlandic caribou bone and antler has been
radiocarbon dated (e.g., the Danish National Museum
and Aarhus University radiocarbon date lists).
The cause is usually attributed to caribou consumption
of lichen (cf. Coltrain et al. 2004, see also Nelson
and Møhl 2003).
Marine animals
Overly simplistic explanations of the marine/
terrestrial isotopic differences would indicate that
North Atlantic animals which exclusively use marine
protein will have bone collagen δ13C values of
about -12 to -13‰ (e.g., Arneborg et al. 1999) and
δ15N values ranging from about 10 to 18‰, depend-
Table 3. Musk oxen and hare.
Sample Danish FM site Extract δ13C δ15N
ID NM number number Bone element C % N % C/N (‰ v PDB) (‰ v AIR)
Musk oxen
Northeast Greenland
#357 74Ø2-II-005 Metatarsus 45.1 14.6 3.1 -20.1 3.2
#373 76Ø1-025 Humerus, dex. 44.2 15.2 2.9 -20.1 2.7
#374 76Ø1-025 43.9 15.1 2.9 -20.6 2.6
#375 76Ø1-025 44.1 15.3 2.9 -20.3 3.3
#376 76Ø1-025 44.8 14.9 3.0 -20.3 2.6
#377 76Ø1-025 44.0 15.2 2.9 -19.9 2.3
n = 6 Average -20.2 2.8
St Dev 0.2 0.4
Western Settlement
#31 V48 64V2-III-507 Tibia 44.7 16.1 2.8 -20.6 3.8
2012 D.E. Nelson, J. Møhl , J. Heinemeier and J. Arneborg 45
The harp seals from northeast Greenland are part
of a different population, and this fact is clearly refl
ected in both carbon and nitrogen isotopes (<δ13C >
= - 15.7 ± 0.4‰; < δ15N > = 11.8 ± 21‰), which are
both lower than those of their western counterparts.
This difference in nitrogen isotopic composition is
almost as large as that observed between adjacent
trophic levels in a food chain. It is evident that these
two harp seal populations occupy different ecological
niches. In this data-set, there is an individual from
each coast (#122 and #378) which would seem to fit
better within the other population, and it is interesting
to speculate whether interchanges of animals
between these two groups sometimes take place. The
reason for the observed differences in isotopic levels
could be either differences in trophic level or in the
base values of the food chain; this question cannot be
resolved on the basis of the present data.
Hooded seals. The hooded seal results (Table 6)
represent a sample obtained entirely from Norse
sites in the Eastern Settlement, as hooded seal bones
only rarely occur in either Western Settlement sites
or in Neo-Eskimo sites on either the west or east
coasts. The west coast hooded seal population is
ing on the animals' position in the marine food chain.
However, the results reported below indicate that
this generalization does not hold true for the marine
mammals studied here.
Harp seals. Table 5 gives the results for the harp
seal samples taken from Eastern Settlement and
Western Settlement sites and from northeastern Neo-
Eskimo sites. None of the δ13C values are as positive
as -13‰.
As one would expect, the average values for the
samples from the Eastern- and Western Settlement
are similar, since the animals were taken from the
same population of migrating animals. One of the
Eastern Settlement samples (#122) is a little lighter
than those from the Western Settlement. Two others
(Ø34–75 and Ø34–77) have both carbon and nitrogen
values identical within measurement accuracy,
and may represent a single individual. More detailed
statistical comparisons between these two groups are
not warranted with the present data, nor required for
the present purpose. Both groups of samples can be
combined to give average values for southwest coast
harp seals of < δ13C > = -14.3 ± 0.5‰ and < δ15N >
= 14.5 ± 0.7‰.
Table 4. Caribou.
Danish Extract δ13C δ15N
Sample ID NM number FM site number Bone element C % N % C/N (‰ v PDB) (‰ v AIR)
Northeast Greenland
#366 74Ø2-II-005 Radius, sin. 44.0 15.7 2.8 -19.2 1.3
#367 74Ø2-II-005 44.6 15.7 2.8 -19.1 1.2
#368 74Ø2-II-005 Humerus, dex. 44.6 15.5 2.9 -19.2 2.1
#369 74Ø2-II-005 43.8 15.4 2.8 -19.1 1.8
#370 74Ø2-II-005 43.8 15.6 2.8 -19.6 1.0
#371 74Ø2-II-005 44.1 14.8 3.0 -19.5 2.0
n = 6 Average -19.3 1.5
St Dev 0.2 0.5
Western Settlement
#42 V54 64V2-III-502 Radius, sin. 44.5 16.1 2.8 -17.9 2.1
#34 V48 64V2-III-507 Costa 44.6 16.1 2.8 -18.4 2.7
#35 V48 64V2-III-507 Tibia 43.4 15.3 2.8 -17.9 1.9
#45 V48 64V2-III-507 Radius, dex. 43.4 15.3 2.8 -17.7 2.4
#47 V48 64V2-III-507 Humerus,sin. 41.6 14.2 2.9 -18.1 3.1
#48 V48 64V2-III-507 Humerus, dex. 43.9 15.7 2.8 -18.2 1.6
#49 Farm beneath the Sand 64V2-III-555 Femur, dex. 44.5 15.5 2.9 -18.5 2.6
#50 Farm beneath the Sand 64V2-III-555 Metatarsus, sin. 44.8 15.9 2.8 -18.5 1.8
#51 Farm beneath the Sand 64V2-III-555 Phalange 43.9 15.6 2.8 -17.9 3.0
#52 Farm beneath the Sand 64V2-III-555 Humerus, sin. 44.3 15.9 2.8 -18.7 1.3
#55 Farm beneath the Sand 64V2-III-555 Tibia, sin. 44.0 16.0 2.8 -18.3 2.5
#106 Farm beneath the Sand 64V2-III-555 Astragulus, dex. 45.4 16.7 2.7 -18.6 1.0
#107 Farm beneath the Sand 64V2-III-555 Humerus, sin. 45.6 16.2 2.8 -18.8 1.4
#398 V51 64V2-III-511 " " 44.5 16.7 2.7 -17.4 0.9
#401 V51 64V2-III-511 Scapula, sin. 45.3 17.0 2.7 -17.3 1.9
#406 V51 64V2-III-511 Ulna, sin. 45.0 17.1 2.6 -18.6 1.5
#411 V51 64V2-III-511 Tibia 44.8 16.8 2.7 -18.4 1.3
#412 V51 64V2-III-511 Pelvis, dex. 44.6 16.5 2.7 -18.3 2.8
#413 V51 64V2-III-511 Ulna, sin. 45.9 16.9 2.7 -18.6 1.1
#416 V51 64V2-III-511 Scapula, sin. 45.0 16.9 2.7 -18.1 2.7
Eastern Settlement
Ø34-64 Ø34 61V3-III-525 Scapula 45.4 15.8 2.9 -18.0 2.5
n = 17–21 Average -18.2 2.0
St Dev 0.4 0.7
46 Journal of the North Atlantic Special Volume 3
harp and hooded seals. It is shelf-stationary, it tends
to stay clear of the ice, and its food is primarily
higher trophic-level fish (Vibe 1981). This different
adaptation is clearly evident in both the carbon and
nitrogen isotopic results (Table 7), with average values
of < δ13C > = -12.6 ± 0.3‰ and < δ15N > =17.0
± 0.9‰. Both are 2–3‰ more positive than those of
the harp and hooded seals.
Ringed seals. This coastal seal was of fundamental
importance to the Neo-Eskimo, but few were taken
by the Norse (Table 8). The four samples from the
Norse sites have C and N isotopic values little different
from those from the west coast Neo-Eskimo sites
(Students t: P = 0.36 and 0.31), and so have been inmigratory,
with a pattern similar to that of the west
coast harp, but not extended so far to the north (Vibe
1981). The average values are < δ13C > = -13.6 ±
0.5‰ and < δ15N > = 15.8 ± 1.0‰. These results are
similar to, but still significantly different from those
of the harp seals from the same area. The nitrogen
result in particular suggests food choice at a slightly
higher trophic level than that of the harp seals. No
measures of hooded seal from the eastern population
were made, as the east coast Neo-Eskimo apparently
made very little use of this animal, perhaps because
the extensive sea-ice in the area limits access.
Harbor seals. The harbor seal occupies a different
locale and ecological niche than the migratory
Table 6. Hooded seals.
Danish Extract δ13C δ15N
Sample ID NM number FM site number Bone element C % N % C/N (‰ v PDB) (‰ v AIR)
Eastern Settlement
#88 Ø167 60V2-IV-603 Cranium, bulla 43.4 15.4 2.8 -13.7 15.5
#89 Ø167 60V2-IV-603 " " 41.7 14.6 2.9 -14.2 13.9
#90 Ø167 60V2-IV-603 " " 43.5 14.8 2.9 -14.8 14.5
#121 Ø167 60V2-IV-603 Mandible, dex. 47.7 16.5 2.9 -13.1 16.6
#123 Ø167 60V2-IV-603 " , dex. 46.8 15.9 2.9 -13.5 16.3
#260 Ø47 60V2-IV-621 " , dex. 42.9 14.4 3.0 -13.3 15.3
#296 Ø47 60V2-IV-621 Mandible, sin. 43.0 15.3 2.8 -13.5 15.4
#297 Ø47 60V2-IV-621 " , dex. 42.8 15.3 2.8 -13.1 17.0
#298 Ø47 60V2-IV-621 " , dex. 43.7 15.8 2.8 -13.4 16.9
#299 Ø47 60V2-IV-621 " , dex. 43.9 14.6 3.0 -13.7 16.4
#300 Ø47 60V2-IV-621 " , dex. 44.3 14.6 3.0 -13.4 16.5
#301 Ø47 60V2-IV-621 " , dex. 44.2 14.9 3.0 -13.2 15.4
n = 11 or 12 Average -13.6 15.8
St Dev 0.5 1.0
Table 5. Harp seals.
Danish Extract δ13C δ15N
Sample ID NM number FM site number Bone element C % N % C/N (‰ v PDB) (‰ v AIR)
Northeast Greenland
#363 74Ø2-II-005 Humerus, dex. 44.0 15.4 2.9 -16.1 9.9
#364 74Ø2-II-005 " , dex. 44.3 15.4 2.9 -15.9 11.2
#365 74Ø2-II-005 " , dex. 44.3 15.6 2.8 -16.0 11.5
#372 74Ø2-II-005 " , sin. 44.3 14.8 3.0 -15.3 11.0
#378 76Ø-025 Pars petrosa, sin. 44.4 14.5 3.1 -15.3 15.5
n = 5 Average -15.7 11.8
St Dev 0.4 2.1
Western Settlement
#68 64V2-III-555 Femur 43.4 15.7 2.8 -13.9 13.7
#69 64V2-III-555 Humerus, dex. 43.5 15.7 2.8 -14.2 14.5
#70 64V2-III-555 Femur, dex. 42.9 15.5 2.8 -14.3 13.9
#71 64V2-III-555 Ulna, dex. 43.1 15.6 2.8 -14.3 15.5
#263 64V2-III-555 Pars petrosa 41.8 12.8 3.3 -14.6 13.8
#72 V48 64V2-III-507 Mandible, sin. 43.0 15.5 2.8 -13.8 15.1
#74 V48 64V2-III-507 Ulna 41.1 14.6 2.8 -14.1 15.1
#75 V48 64V2-III-507 Cranium, bulla 42.8 14.0 3.1 -14.5 15.6
#76 V48 64V2-III-507 Mandible, dex. 41.2 14.5 2.8 -13.4 15.3
n = 6–9 Average -14.1 14.7
St Dev 0.4 0.8
Eastern Settlement
#122 Ø167 60V2-IV-603 Mandible, sin. 47.2 15.3 3.1 -15.3 14.7
Ø34-10 Ø34 61V3-III-525 " , dex. 47.9 17.2 2.8 -14.0 14.3
Ø34-75 Ø34 61V3-III-525 " , sin. 43.4 15.4 2.8 -14.8 13.7
Ø34-77 Ø34 61V3-III-525 " , dex. 45.9 16.2 2.8 -14.8 13.6
n = 3 or 4 Average -14.7 14.1
St Dev 0.6 0.5
2012 D.E. Nelson, J. Møhl , J. Heinemeier and J. Arneborg 47
cluded in the same group, giving overall average values
of < δ13C > = -14.1 ± 0.7‰ and < δ15N > = 16.6 ±
1.4‰ for the west coast ringed seals. It is noteworthy
that two of the specimens with high nitrogen values
(#423 and #425) are juveniles with δ15N-values that
must reflect their mothers milk. The other individuals
with nitrogen values far above the average may also
have been juveniles. Young ringed seals are easier to
hunt than the more experienced adults.
As with the eastern harp and hooded seals, the
eastern ringed seals have significantly more negative
average isotopic values (<δ13C > = -15.2 ± 0.3‰
and < δ15N > = 14.3 ± 1.3‰), although there is some
overlap in the values for individuals (Students t: P <
0.0001 and = 0.012).
Bearded seals. As discussed, the solitary bearded
seal was not a large part of the diet of either Neo-
Eskimo or Norse (Table 9). While the average carbon
value (< δ13C > = -12.6 ± 0.3‰) is identical to
that for the harbor seals, the much lower nitrogen
values (< δ15N > = 13.5 ± 1.9‰) reflect their different
trophic positions in the food chain. The bearded
seal tends to be a benthic feeder with many lower
level organisms in its diet (Vibe 1981).
Table 7. Harbor seals.
Danish Extract δ13C δ15N
Sample ID NM number FM site number Bone element C % N % C/N (‰ v PDB) (‰ v AIR)
Western Settlement
#73 V48 64V2-III-507 Cranium 42.5 13.7 3.1 -13.0 16.9
#140 V48 64V2-III-507 Mandible 43.7 15.2 2.9 -12.6 18.0
#141 V48 64V2-III-507 Pars petrosa 42.6 14.4 3.0 -12.2 17.8
#142 V48 64V2-III-507 " " 41.8 14.2 2.9 -13.0 17.4
#143 V48 64V2-III-507 " " 43.1 15.0 2.9 -12.6 17.4
#144 V48 64V2-III-507 Mandible 43.6 14.9 2.9 -12.2 17.0
#145 V48 64V2-III-507 " 43.0 14.9 2.9 -12.1 17.3
#261 Farm beneath the Sand 64V2-III-555 Mandible, sin. 43.1 14.1 3.1 -12.7 15.5
#262 Farm beneath the Sand 64V2-III-555 Parspetrosa, sin. 43.6 14.1 3.1 -12.8 15.8
n = 8 or 9 Average -12.6 17.0
St Dev 0.3 0.9
Table 8. Ringed seals.
Danish Extract δ13C δ15N
Sample ID NM number FM site number Bone element C % N % C/N (‰ v PDB) (‰ v AIR)
Neo-Eskimo sites, Eastern Greenland
#358 74Ø2-II-005 Humerus, dex. 44.3 14.9 3.0 -15.1 15.6
#359 74Ø2-II-005 " , dex. 44.0 14.8 3.0 -14.9 15.5
#360 74Ø2-II-005 " , dex. 43.9 14.8 3.0 -15.4 14.5
#361 74Ø2-II-005 " , dex. 43.1 15.6 2.8 -15.2 12.8
#362 74Ø2-II-005 " , dex. 44.0 15.8 2.8 -15.5 13.1
n = 5 Average -15.2 14.3
St Dev 0.3 1.3
Neo-Eskimo sites, Western Greenland
#417 72V1-IV-017 Humerus, sin. 44.6 16.1 2.8 -13.8 15.7
#418 72V1-IV-017 " , dex. 44.6 15.7 2.8 -13.8 15.6
#419 72V1-IV-017 " , dex. 44.9 15.8 2.8 -14.1 15.5
#420 72V1-IV-017 " , sin. 45.0 15.7 2.9 -14.3 18.1
#421 72V1-IV-017 " , dex. 44.8 16.0 2.8 -13.2 16.6
#422 72V1-IV-017 " , dex. 45.0 15.9 2.8 -14.3 15.4
#423 64V1-III-029 Bulla, sin. 44.8 15.2 2.9 -15.3 19.7
#424 64V1-III-029 " , sin. 44.8 15.1 3.0 -14.9 14.6
#425 64V1-III-029 " , dex. 46.8 15.0 3.1 -14.8 18.0
#426 69V2-II-002 Humerus, sin. 47.4 14.4 3.3 -15.2 15.8
#427 69V2-II-013 " , dex. 45.5 16.3 2.8 -13.4 18.7
#428 68V2-IV-078 Humerus, sin. 44.9 15.8 2.8 -13.7 15.4
#429 75V1-II-002 " , sin. 44.9 16.0 2.8 -13.9 17.6
#430 75V1-II-002 " , sin. 45.1 15.5 2.9 -13.2 17.5
Western Settlement
#77 V48 64V2-III-507 Bulla 43.6 13.7 3.2 -13.8 15.3
#264 Farm beneath the Sand 64V2-III-555 Pars petrosa, dex. 44.3 15.0 3.0 -14.6 16.1
Eastern Settlement
#293 Ø47 60V2-IV-621 " " , dex. 43.3 13.5 3.2 -13.5 17.0
#294 Ø47 60V2-IV-621 " " , sin. 43.2 14.1 3.1 -13.2 16.2
n = 15–18 Average -14.1 16.6
St Dev 0.7 1.4
48 Journal of the North Atlantic Special Volume 3
niche of the walrus, which feeds almost exclusively
on clams (Vibe 1981).
Whales. Only a few whales were measured, as
only a few samples were available from the midden
collections. In most cases, it was not possible to identify
the species, but an attempt was made to distinguish
between the large baleen whales and the smaller
carnivorous whales as is shown in Table 11. These
distinctions are clearly reflected in the data obtained,
in that the baleen whales have nitrogen values indicating
a lower trophic level position, while the single
white or narwhal specimen has carbon and nitrogen
values which are both well within the range of values
for the high-trophic-level harbor seals.
Thick-billed murre. As birds were not of great
importance to the Greenlandic Norse, only one
species, the thick-billed murre was included in this
Walrus. Seemingly, neither Norse nor Neo-
Eskimo included much walrus in their diet, the importance
of the ivory to the Norse being emphasized
by the nature of the samples measured here. Seven
of the nine samples in Table 10 are premaxillary portions
of the skulls of animals, which had been killed
in areas north of the settlements. The tusk-bearing
snouts were then chopped off and transported back
to the Eastern Settlement so that the precious ivory
could be carefully removed later.
The average carbon result (< δ13C > = -12.7 ±
0.2‰) for these animals is not significantly different
from those for the harbour and bearded seals, while
the nitrogen average (< δ15N > = 11.7 ± 0.9‰) is
about one trophic level lower than that of the bearded
seal and two lower than that of the harbor seal.
This result clearly reflects the specialized benthic
Table 9. Bearded seals.
Danish Extract δ13C δ15N
Sample ID NM number FM site number Bone element C % N % C/N (‰ v PDB) (‰ v AIR)
Western Settlement
#147 V54 64V2-III-502 Pelvis 43.8 14.8 3.0 -12.3 12.9
#148 V48 64V2-III-507 - 43.4 15.0 2.9 -12.6 16.6
Eastern Settlement
#302 Ø47 60V2-IV-621 Humerus, dex. 42.9 15.1 2.8 -12.7 13.7
#303 Ø47 60V2-IV-621 Femur, sin. 42.9 15.9 2.7 -13.0 12.3
#304 Ø47 60V2-IV-621 Humerus, dex. 42.5 15.7 2.7 -12.5 11.9
n = 4 or 5 Average -12.6 13.5
St Dev 0.3 1.9
Table 10. Walrus.
Danish Extract δ13C δ15N
Sample ID NM number FM site number Bone element C % N % C/N (‰ v PDB) (‰ v AIR)
Eastern Settlement
#310 Ø47 60V2-IV-621 Premaxillary 45.1 14.2 3.2 -12.9 10.5
#311 Ø47 60V2-IV-621 " 44.6 15.9 2.8 -12.7 10.9
#312 Ø47 60V2-IV-621 " 43.4 15.4 2.8 -12.5 11.5
#313 Ø47 60V2-IV-621 " 43.0 15.9 2.7 -12.8 12.4
#314 Ø47 60V2-IV-621 " 43.8 14.2 3.1 -12.5 12.3
#315 Ø47 60V2-IV-621 " 44.5 15.0 3.0 -12.6 10.9
#316 Ø47 60V2-IV-621 " 44.7 14.8 3.0 -13.1 12.2
Ø34-1 Ø34 61V3-III-525 Costa 43.4 16.0 2.7 -13.0 11.2
Western Settlement
#79 V48 64V2-III-507 Tooth 44.0 15.4 2.9 -12.6 13.3
n = 9 Average -12.7 11.7
St Dev 0.2 0.9
Table 11. Whales.
Sample Bone Extract δ13C δ15N
ID Danish NM number FM site number element C % N % C/N (‰ v PDB) (‰ v AIR)
Western Settlement
Whale (baleen?) #78 V48 64V2-III-507 - 42.5 15.3 2.8 -13.7 11.0
B. mysticetus? #36 V48 64V2-III-507 Vertebra 42.1 13.8 3.1 -14.9 15.2
Whale (baleen?) #317 Farm beneath the Sand 64V2-III-555 " 44.0 15.2 2.9 -13.8 10.9
" " #318 Farm beneath the Sand 64V2-III-555 " 42.9 15.5 2.8 -14.4 13.1
#319 Farm beneath the Sand 64V2-III-555 " 45.0 15.7 2.9 -15.2 12.8
Eastern Settlement
White/narwhale Ø34-56 Ø34 61V3-III-525 Costa 45.3 15.8 2.9 -12.6 16.1
2012 D.E. Nelson, J. Møhl , J. Heinemeier and J. Arneborg 49
terrestrial and marine animals are approximately
as expected, it is immediately evident that neither
group as a whole forms a narrow, random distribution
about a mean value. In both reservoirs, there is a
range of isotopic values to be considered. Of greater
importance, there is patterning evident between
different species within the same ecosystem and
between the same species in different locales; e.g.,
the northeastern caribou and musk oxen are isotopically
distinguishable at the level of the individual,
and there are clear differences between east and west
coast populations of caribou, harp seal, and ringed
seal. Arctic marine food webs are known to be isotopically
complex (cf. Hobson and Welch 1992),
but it is beyond the scope of this study to attempt to
measurement series (Table 12). These birds are
completely marine-adapted (Boertmann 2001), as is
evident from the nitrogen isotopic results (< δ15N >
= 14.6 ± 1.3‰). (It is curious that two individuals
seem to be at a lower trophic level than the others.)
In contrast, the average δ13C (< δ13C > = -16.1 ±
0.6‰) is the lightest observed for any marine species
measured here and only 2‰ different from that
for the caribou from the same region.
This wealth of data is summarized in a plot of
the average values and standard deviations for all
species measured (Fig. 2). While the results for both
Table 12. Thick-billed murres.
Extract δ13C δ15N
Sample ID FM site number Bone element C % N % C/N (‰ v PDB) (‰ v AIR)
Neo-Eskimo site, W. Greenland
#433 64V1-III-029 Humerus, sin. 46.1 15.7 2.9 -16.1 12.5
#434 64V1-III-029 " " 45.4 15.3 3.0 -15.0 15.3
#435 64V1-III-029 " " 43.6 15.7 2.8 -16.4 15.8
#436 64V1-III-029 " " 44.4 15.6 2.8 -16.2 15.0
#437 64V1-III-029 " " 44.1 14.7 3.0 -16.7 15.5
#438 64V1-III-029 " " 44.5 15.3 2.9 -16.0 13.3
n = 6 Average -16.1 14.6
St Dev 0.6 1.3
Figure 2. Summary plot of average values. The uncertainties are one standard deviation. Full species names are given in
Table 2.
50 Journal of the North Atlantic Special Volume 3
compare these data with those of others in the hope
of explaining this patterning. Our purpose was to
explore the implications for human dietary studies
in Greenland, and those are evident.
If all humans under consideration randomly
consumed food from all species in both marine and
terrestrial reservoirs, then it would be possible to use
these data as the basis for generic dietary end-points
that could be applied to human groups in all Greenlandic
locales. That is not the case, as we know from
archaeological and palaeoecological research that
past people in Greenland had differing access to, and
differing preferences for, these animals. Depending
on the specific foods utilized, the carbon isotopic
difference between terrestrial and marine reservoirs
can vary between about 7–8‰ to as little as 2‰.
While the nitrogen data does provide most useful information
on the terrestrial/marine ratio, it contains
the additional variable of trophic level. As a consequence,
it would appear that each circumstance must
be evaluated separately, and appropriate dietary endpoints
calculated for each locale and for each human
group under consideration. These calculations must
therefore incorporate information on the habits and
the past distributions of the prey animals, as well as
information provided by the archaeological faunal
studies. Those species that were not present or not
hunted can be removed from consideration, and
those that were of great importance can be emphasized.
Some examples illustrate this point. Neither
the musk ox nor the ringed seal need be considered
in studies of the diet of the Norse, and the caribou
provided at most a very small part of the protein of
the Eastern Settlement Norse. For the southwestern
Neo-Eskimo, the ringed seal was the species of primary
importance, and the only terrestrial mammal of
dietary consequence was the caribou. It follows that
isotopic analyses of human bone cannot provide a
detailed estimate of diet in Greenland that is entirely
independent of other knowledge.
This conclusion has a further important consequence.
Precise radiocarbon dating of human bone
requires an accurate estimate of the relative amounts
of marine and terrestrial carbon in the bone collagen
so that the age obtained can be corrected for the
oceanic reservoir effect. In Greenland, obtaining this
information will require careful consideration of the
isotopic circumstances in each area under study.
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