The Journal of the North Atlantic (JONA) is a multi-disciplinary, peer-reviewed and edited archaeology and environmental history journal focusing on the peoples of the North Atlantic, their expansion into the region over time, and their interactions with their changing environment (ISSN #1935-1948 [print] and 1935-1933[online]).
Since it is a full-featured online-only journal, articles can be quickly
published and made available to researchers worldwide. Journal content
can be conveniently accessed both by subscription and on a single-article basis. The journal publishes individual papers on an article-by-article basis. Whenever a manuscript has completed its peer review process and the article galley has been approved by the author, it will be immediately published online in the BioOne database and on the JONA website. This publishing model is also available for special volumes such as conference and symposium proceedings or other collections of papers. In effect, this means that articles are grouped online over time, i.e., the table of contents of volumes will grow as articles are posted online, which has the advantage of rewarding prompt authors, while enabling tardier authors to retain the option of being included in a special volume without delaying its publication.The journal has no publication fees, even for special
volumes and large monographs. We are happy to work with volume editors and authors to arrange for professionally printed copies of their JONA publications. The journal is indexed in a full range
of journal content databases.
The journal publishes a wide diversity of research papers, as well as research summaries and general interest articles in closely related disciplines, which, when considered together, help contribute to a comprehensive multi-disciplinary understanding of the historical interplay between cultural and environmental changes in the North Atlantic world. Specifically, the journal's focus includes paleo-environmental reconstruction and modeling, historical ecology, archaeology, ecology of organisms important to humans, anthropology, human/environment/climate interactions, climate history, ethnography, ethnohistory, historical analyses, discussions of cultural heritage, and place-name studies.
The journal is part of the database. This database allows authors to include supporting files such as video, database, powerpoint, and audio files, and to freely include color photographs, maps, and figures with their articles.
For more information, click on the following links:
Instructions for Authors ... Prints on A4 and 8.5x11" paper ... Maximum 30 second download by 56K modem
Board of Editors ... JONA's international Board of Editors welcomes your interest in the Journal of the North Atlantic!
Personal and organizational subscription orders online (over a secure server) ... Or use the JONA subscription order form in the Call for Papers.
Organizations can also access to the journal by subscribing to Journal Collection 1 of the database. Single articles may be ordered as needed from the website, which provides free access to article abstracts.
JONA listserv - Click here to receive occasional updates about JONA (name and e-mail address only).
The Skálholt Map, whose first version dates back to 1570, is
the earliest cartographic attempt to combine knowledge of the vast North
Atlantic region with the travel accounts contained in the Viking Sagas.
This map provided the principle clue which led to the discovery of the
Viking site, L'Anse-aux Meadows, on the Northern tip of Newfoundland.
The map is reproduced here, courtesy of The Royal Library in Copenhangen,
Denmark (official
Skálholt Map website).
The publisher, Eagle Hill Institute reserves the copyright to all its publications. Any reproduction, other than for an individual's own personal and private use, or distribution of journal content is prohibited without written permission from Eagle Hill Institute.
Green Access: Payment of the publication fee allows authors of articles published in the Journal of the North Atlantic to post the pdf reprints of their articles on their own website or within the repository of their affiliated institution without any embargo period, as well as personally distribute copies to their colleagues for their research purposes, provided they do so along with a clear statement of the Institute's copyright policy as stated above.