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Greenland Isotope Project: Diet in Norse Greenland AD 1000–AD 1450

Journal of the North Atlantic Special Volume 3, 2012

Contents. Click on the hotlinked titles to view open-access first pages with abstracts. 

Front Cover



General Acknowledgments

Research Articles

Norse Greenland Dietary Economy ca. A.D. 980–ca. A.D. 1450: Introduction
Jette Arneborg, Niels Lynnerup, Jan Heinemeier, Jeppe Møhl, Niels Rud,
and Árný E. Sveinbjörnsdóttir

Stable Carbon and Nitrogen Isotopic Measurements of the Wild Animals Hunted by the Norse and the Neo-Eskimo People of Greenland
D. Erle Nelson, Jeppe Møhl, Jan Heinemeier, and Jette Arneborg

A First Isotopic Dietary Study of the Greenlandic Thule Culture
D. Erle Nelson, Niels Lynnerup, and Jette Arneborg

Archaeological Commentary on the Isotopic Study of the Greenland Thule Culture
Hans Christian Gulløv

Isotopic Analyses of the Domestic Animals of Norse Greenland
D. Erle Nelson, Jan Heinemeier, Jeppe Møhl, and Jette Arneborg

An Isotopic Analysis of the Diet of the Greenland Norse
D. Erle Nelson, Jan Heinemeier, Niels Lynnerup, Árný E. Sveinbjörnsdóttir,
and Jette Arneborg

Human Diet and Subsistence Patterns in Norse Greenland A.D. c.980–A.D. c.1450: Archaeological Interpretations
Jette Arneborg, Niels Lynnerup, and Jan Heinemeier

Appendix 1: SFU Archaeometry Laboratory Methods
Cheryl M. Takahashi and D. Erle Nelson







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