A. Sanmark, S. Semple, N. Mehler, and F. Iversen
2013 Journal of the North Atlantic Special Volume 5
The study of lordship and power in medieval
societies in northwest Europe has seen considerable
attention in historical as well as archaeological
scholarship, with a particular focus on the transition
between chiefdoms and petty kingdoms to supraregional
kingdoms and states. The study of military
and royal institutions has largely dominated the
scholarly discourse, however, at the expense of discussion
on what can be considered perhaps the most
important agent in the process of medieval power:
the assembly. Around the North Sea littoral, by the
9th to 12th centuries A.D., kingdoms were governed
using systems of power in which assembly—both
royal and public—were integral elements in the
processes of negotiating, achieving consensus and
exercising authority. In Norse society, assemblies
referred to as thing, which were both parliaments
and courts, are evidenced in runic inscriptions and
written documents from the 11th century onwards.
The term thing is, however, much older in origin,
and the existence of a thing organization in other
areas of Germanic settlement, can be gleaned in
sources from, e.g., Neustria, Austrasia, Saxony, and
East Frisia.
Assemblies may in some regions have drawn on
late prehistoric antecedents (e.g., Anundshög, Västmanland,
Sweden and Lunde, Vestfold, Norway)
and they could also prove enduring, surviving as an
activity in certain places into the late medieval, early
modern, and even modern eras (e.g., Þingvellir, Iceland
and Tynwald Hill, Isle of Man, Great Britain).
In contrast to other power centers, such as palaces
and castles, the assembly seems to have been more
focused around a collective ethos, where decisions
and verdicts were made jointly by groups of assembly
participants. The thing institution, despite often
being labeled “democratic”, was a place where those
with power often seem to have been able to push
decisions in their favor, even before Scandinavian
kings, through new legislation and legal reform,
took full control of the assemblies from the late 13th
century (Helle 2001, Sanmark 2006).
The Assembly Project (TAP) represents the first
international collaborative project dedicated to investigating
the role of assemblies in the emergent
power structures of medieval northwest Europe
(A.D. 400–1500). TAP is led by the Museum of
Cultural History (University of Oslo) and involving
principal investigators from the Department of Archaeology,
Durham University, the Department of
Prehistory and Historical Archaeology, University
of Vienna, and the Centre for Nordic Studies, University
of the Highlands and Islands. TAP is studying
the northwestern European assembly-institution
in its widest geographic and temporal contexts.
By means of archaeological and historical enquiry
from a landscape perspective, the project seeks to
explore the role of the assembly in the development
and maintenance of these complex networks of
power and authority.
This renewed interest in assembly is prescient
in an era in which the investigation of social networks
via material culture has risen to prominence
(e.g., Knappett 2011). Most social networks in premodern
societies integrated both hierarchical topdown
and peer-to-peer relations, with one type of
relationship likely to dominate the other (Iversen et
al. 2007). The assembly was an institution that often
sat at the axis of lordship and peer-to-peer relations
(Adolfsen 2000). The balance between these major
forces of society changed and varied through time,
and throughout, the assembly or thing played an
integral role in the shaping and balancing of these
power systems. At the assembly, information was
exchanged on many levels and power relations were
negotiated. According to Norse written sources,
assembly attendants represented different social
levels to some extent, while active participation was
limited to landowners. The existence of assemblies
across medieval societies in northwest Europe demonstrates
their significance at this time. They could
be fluid, powerful, and even dangerous places where
authority could be consolidated or challenged.
Through the dynamics of those attending and participating
in the meetings, they could at times act as a
sort of independent agency. To control the assembly
was therefore vital in the formalization, expansion,
and consolidation of power, e.g., for kings in the
Scandinavian kingdoms and for the Norse elite in the
newly settled territories in the west.
Debating the Thing in the North I: Introduction and Acknowledgments
Alexandra Sanmark1,*, Sarah Semple2, Natascha Mehler3, and Frode Iversen4
Debating the Thing in the North I: The Assembly Project
Journal of the North Atlantic
1Centre for Nordic Studies, University of the Highlands and Islands, Kirkwall, Orkney KW15 1QX, UK. 2Department of
Archaeology, Durham University, South Road, Durham, DH1 3LE, UK. 3Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte, Universität
Wien, Franz-Klein-Gasse 1, 1190 Wien, Austria. 4Department of Cultural Management, Museum of Cultural History, University
of Oslo, Oslo, Norway. *Corresponding author - alexandra.sanmark@uhi.ac.uk.
2013 Special Volume 5:1–4
A. Sanmark, S. Semple, N. Mehler, and F. Iversen
2013 Journal of the North Atlantic Special Volume 5
As part of The Assembly Project, four workshops
have been held that have brought together the TAP
team with external researchers, from a variety of
disciplines and countries, to discuss and debate
our major research themes. Invited speakers have
contributed papers on their own research, complementing
and contrasting concepts of assembly
drawn from historical source material, place-names,
mythology, literature, and archaeological evidence.
This volume, the first of two, presents eight selected
papers from the first two workshops. The papers
build on four of our project and workshop themes:
Valorization – assemblies in long-term perspective;
Rhetoric – variations and similarities in the physical
form and location of assemblies;
Territorialization – the role of assemblies within
existing and emerging kingdoms; and
Migration of Administrative Frameworks – the
implementation of systems of administration in
new areas, especially in the Norse settlements
in the west.
In this volume, the papers fall into three sections.
The first, Debating Sources, examines the
age and role of assemblies, mainly through the
use of written sources. Frode Iversen’s article reviews
some of the earliest sources to the Germanic
assembly institution, starting with the work of
Tacitus from the 1st century A.D. and moving on
to the core areas of the Frankish kingdom and then
to the outlying areas, arguing for the possibility of
a tripartite thing system in existence prior to the
6th century. It is the first study that not only traces
the roots of the thing institution in the Germanic
world, but also puts it in context with the thing
institution in Scandinavia. Nanna Løkka and Anne
Irene Riisøy, in two separate studies, take the novel
approach of exploring the significance of eddic
poetry in the study of law and assembly. Løkka,
through detailed textual analyses, identifies several
strong ritual elements connected to the assemblies
and also highlights the role of mythology for
assembly procedures, while Riisøy argues that the
population of Viking-Age Scandinavia attempted
to reproduce the “ideal assembly site”, described
in the poetry, in their own landscape. In terms of
assembly rituals, she points to the significance of
sacrifices of both animals and humans.
The volume’s second section, Systems of Power,
contains studies from Norway and England, which
together demonstrate the similarities and differences
in administrative organization in the large geographical
area under scrutiny by TAP. These papers
also point to local variations in the administrative
system, within and between law districts, showing
that there is a lot of complexities and variation on the
ground, despite the streamlined systems described
in medieval laws and other sources. The first article,
by Halldis Hobæk, illustrates through a study of
the Hardanger area in western Norway, the value of
detailed retrogressive analysis using a combination
of written sources and archaeological material in order
to reconstruct older administrative systems and
units. In this way, Hobæk suggests eight possible
local assembly (heraðsþing) districts, which earlier
researchers have presupposed for this area, but have
not been able to identify. In Marie Ødegaard’s case
study, the focus is shifted to the Borgarthing law
province in southeastern Norway, exploring the administrative
organization and assembly sites, both
on regional and lower levels, in particular the skipreiða
units. Ødegaard convincingly demonstrates
how the king’s varying position of power in the
different parts of the Borgarthing area influenced
law and enforcement. The third article in this section,
by John Baker and Stuart Brookes, examines
the hundredal organization in the southern Danelaw,
again through detailed landscape analysis. Through
a starting point in the 11th-century Domesday Book,
Baker and Brookes illustrate that the administrative
organization of the Danelaw at this time, which
consisted of hundreds and wapentakes, was a multifaceted
palimpsest of older and newer elements,
reflecting the shifting and complex political history
of the area. This administrative landscape is showing
not only Scandinavian influence, but also English,
especially from the kingdoms of Wessex and Mercia.
The third and final section, entitled Places of
Assembly, deals with the archaeological evidence
of assembly sites, placing them within the judicial
networks in the landscape, from Shetland (Alex
Sanmark) to Iceland and the wider North Atlantic
Norse settlements (Orri Vésteinsson). Sanmark’s
study of Norse assembly sites in Shetland illustrates
the strong pattern of assembly characteristics, both
in terms of landscape characteristics and archaeological
features, found in this area. The article also
makes clear that assemblies formed an integral part
of Norse society and were therefore most likely
introduced rather early on in the settlement history,
instead of merely being products of the Norwegian
kingdom. Finally, Vésteinsson’s article contains a
detailed investigation of the role and function of
the “booths”, which have long been considered to
be a key component of an Icelandic assembly site.
Vésteinsson’s argument goes beyond function, as
he sees a symbolic meaning in the booth structures
and in this way offers a fascinating and tempting
interpretation of the political underlying symbolism
of the booths in Iceland.
A. Sanmark, S. Semple, N. Mehler, and F. Iversen
2013 Journal of the North Atlantic Special Volume 5
The Assembly Project (TAP) – Meeting Places
in Northern Europe AD 400–1500 (2010–2013)
is funded by HERA (Humanities in the European
Research Area). We would like to express our gratitude
to all invited speakers to our workshops for
contributing research papers and sharing their
expertise. The first workshop was held at Durham
University,Great Britain, in February 2011, while
the second event took place in October 2011 at
Utstein Monastery, Stavanger, Norway. Participants
and speakers at these two events were: Dr.
John Baker, University of Nottingham; Dr. Stuart
Brookes, University College London; Prof. Stephen
Driscoll, University of Glasgow; Endre Elvestad,
Stavanger Maritime Museum; Dr. Ulf Jansson,
Stockholm University; Dr. Nanna Løkka, Telemark
University College; Dean Paton, University of
Chester; Prof. Andrew Reynolds, University College
London; Dr. Anne Irene Riisøy, Buskerud
University College; Ola Svensson, The Institute for
Language and Folklore, Lund; Prof. Orri Vésteinsson,
University of Iceland; and Prof. Ingvild Øye,
University of Bergen.
Literature Cited
Adolfsen, E. 2000. Maktforholdene på tingene i Norge ca.
900–ca.1200. Unpublished Master’s Thesis. Universitetet
i Bergen. Bergen, Norway. 114 pp.
Helle, K. 2001. Gulatinget og Gulatingslova. Skald, Leikanger,
Norway. 240 pp.
Iversen, T., J.R. Myking, and G. Thoma (Eds.). 2007.
Bauern zwischen Herrschaft und Genossenschaft. Tapir
Academic Press, Trondheim, Norway. 289 pp.
Knappett, C. 2011. An Archaeology of Interaction: Network
Perspectives on Material Culture and Society. Oxford
University Press, Oxford, UK. 251 pp.
Sanmark, A. 2006. The communal nature of the judicial
system in Early Medieval Norway, Collegium Medievale
A Note on Terms and Conventions
For terms where standard English translations
exist, these have been used. This applies to titles of
Icelandic sagas, eddic and skaldic poetry, and laws,
and in most cases, Old Norse titles have also been
provided. For terms for which there is no standard
English translation, standardized Old Norse terminology
has been applied.
Glossary containing some of the most important
terms discussed in this volume
Althing – a thing in Scandinavia were all members
of a defined group where obliged or encouraged to
meet, depending on the type of meeting. In a local
context, this applied to all free men and some women.
In a regional context where assemblies were
often representational, the “all” probably referred to
all the representatives. In Iceland, on the other hand,
althing was the name of the general assembly at the
top of the hierarchy.
Áttungr – “one eighth”. This administrative unit is
known from all the Scandinavian countries, although
their form and function varied strongly between regions.
Within the Gulathing law province, which is
discussed in this volume, the áttungar represented
subdivisions of the fylki (see fylki).
Birk – a judicial district that did not form part of the
herað organization. These districts, which in most
cases were tied to manors, are first mentioned in
manuscripts dating from the middle of the 13th century
in the areas that are, or were, part of Denmark.
Its origins are unclear, but connections with the
Viking-Age trading site Birka in Sweden, and a basis
in special royal legislation, have been proposed.
Fjórðungr – “one fourth”. This administrative unit is
known from all the Scandinavian countries, although
their form and function varied strongly between regions.
Within the Gulathing law province, which is
discussed in this volume, the fjórðungar represented
subdivisions of the fylki (see fylki).
Fylki – large administrative divisions in Norway,
usually translated as “province” (see provincial
Gau – A Germanic term used in the Carolingian Empire
for large administrative divisions comparable to
fylki and shire (see these terms).
Herað – the smallest administrative unit, known
from all the Scandinavian countries, although it was
never uniformly enforced. Other types of such units
also existed (see skipreiða).
Heraðsþing – a local thing for the population of the
herað (see herað).
Hundred – the smallest administrative unit in Anglo-
Saxon England. The equivalent of the Scandinavian
herað. Not uniformly enforced, as other such units
existed too (see wapentake).
Lagsogn – a subdivision of a law province (see
this term). Each lagsogn had its own lawman (see
lǫgmaðr). For example, in Norway in 1223, there
were three such subdivisions in the Frostathing law
province and two in the other law provinces.
Landzþing – In Sweden, this was the assembly at the
top of hierarchy in each law province, equivalent
to the Norwegian lawthing (see this term). In Denmark,
there were at least thirteen such assemblies,
A. Sanmark, S. Semple, N. Mehler, and F. Iversen
2013 Journal of the North Atlantic Special Volume 5
of which three were ranked above the rest from
the 13th century onwards. In East Frisia, Landdinge
were held within areas denoted by the element land
(Brokmerland, etc.)
Lathe – administrative units in Kent, Great Britain
which consisted of several hundreds and filled some
roles usually associated with hundreds (see hundred
and rape).
Law province – an area that had its own law. In the
13th/14th centuries, there were sixteen such provinces
across Scandinavia, and at least five in the Norse
settlements in the west.
Lawthing – The highest ranked thing(s) (there could
be several) within a law province (see this term). A
lawthing was a representative assembly where royal
law was introduced and enforced.
Lǫgmaðr (lawman)/Lǫgsǫgumaðr (lawspeaker)
– the person whose responsibility it was to memorize
and recite the laws at the assembly and give
órskurðr, i.e. explain the stance of the law regarding
matters brought to the thing. From the late 13th
century, the lawman had become an approved judge,
who could deliver verdicts.
Pagus – Latin term for Gau (see this term) or a
general term for an administrative area in the Carolingian
Provincial law – a law that applied in each of the
law provinces of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden.
In the 13th/14th centuries, there were sixteen such
laws across Scandinavia. Latin medieval sources
referred to them as, e.g., mos provinciae (provincial
customs), ius terre (the law of the land), and regionis
consuetudo (regional customs).
Rape – administrative unit in Sussex, Great Britain,
which consisted of several hundreds and filled some
roles usually associated with hundreds (see hundred
and lathe).
Riding – secular (?) administrative unit in Yorkshire
and Lincolnshire, Great Britain (cf. Þriðjungr).
Shire – English term equivalent to fylki and Gau (see
these terms). A flexible designation, it was largely
synonymous with the county. However, it was also
associated with the archaic “small shires” of the
north and indeed served as a gloss for a number of
later feudal estates.
Skipreiða – administrative unit connected to the
levy fleet (leiðung) in Norway in the 10th and 11th
centuries. The skipreiður were also administrative
districts with their own assemblies (cf. herað).
Sýsla – administrative district connected to royal office,
found in Norway, Denmark (Jutland), and Iceland.
In Iceland, these districts were only introduced
in the 13th century, when Iceland became part of the
kingdom of Norway.
Sýslumaðr – the royal officials of the sýslur (see
Tithing – A sub-division of the Anglo-Saxon hundred
consisting of ten members designated to vouch
surety for one another. An equivalent term, Temanetale,
is encountered in the wapentakes of Richmondshire,
UK (see hundred and wapentake).
Þingmaðr – Landowners/”freemen”, most likely including
landowning women too, aged over twelve or
fifteen, depending on geographical area, who had the
right to participate in the thing meetings.
Þriðjungr – “one third”. An administrative unit. In
eastern Norway (Romerike and Hedmark), known
only as an ecclesiastical unit. Also found in Yorkshire,
Great Britain (see Riding).
Wapentake – administrative district found in the
Danelaw. A division of the Riding and/or Shire (see
these terms). The rough equivalent of an Anglo-
Saxon hundred. Term derived from ON vápnatak.
Ward – administrative district found in northern
England north of the Tees, functionally equivalent to
a hundred or wapentake but of likely post-Conquest
OE Old English
ME Middle English
OHG Old High German
ON Old Norse
OScand Old Scandinavian
OSw Old Swedish