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An open letter about the music program


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An emerging pattern over many years

The consensus among all who are familiar with Eagle Hill is that there is a logical pattern to its evolution. What is this pattern and to what extent is it apparent within the music program? Is it a pattern that is merely comfortable, in the sense that it should be statically and “safely” maintained, or is it one that is always changing as uncertain opportunities present themselves and as opportunities are created? Our first annual fundraising campaign for the music program is boldly envisaging its future.

Building upon a firm foundation ...

Evolving concert programming ... From a modest beginning of chamber concerts with musicians performing on violin, viola, and cello, the concerts have evolved to include solo recitals on piano, clavichord, and harp, as well as voice recitals with piano accompaniment. This year's concerts for the first time featured jazz performances with charming all-original compositions by the musicians.

Bold innovation ... We offered our first music master class this year. It was a 4-day in-residence class offered by one of the world's finest lutenists who came from Basel Switzerland to teach. It was titled, Technique and Interpretation for Plucked Instruments, Old and New. Other master classes are under discussion.

And soon, a cultural and events center ... It is clear that the institute's interests and commitments to the world of music are naturally evolving beyond the limited seating capacity in the Commons Building. This campaign is focused on raising funds for music program spaces in the multi-function cultural and events center planned for the western slope of Eagle Hill.

What is missing?