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Brief Communicaions

No. 14
Are we Thinking of Earth to Orbit Transportation Requirements in too Complicated a Way?: The Idea of “Everyman’s Rockets”
William H. Knuth
No. 14
Replace the Outer Space Treaty
Ronald Portz
No. 13
Concentric Cryogenic Tanks, per se, are of Questionable Utility
William H. Knuth
No. 12
The Benefits of a Rocket Vehicle Concentric Cryogenic Tank Design
Russel Rhodes
No. 11
A Path and Definition to Sustainable Man’s Habitation of Space
Russel Rhodes
No. 10
The Energy Crisis, Space Crisis, and the Future of the International Space Station
William H. Knuth
No. 9
American Leadership in Space: Relishing Memories of a Glorious Past while the Future Eludes Us
George S. Robinson
No. 8
Suggestions Regarding a Department of Space and the Easing of Space Access
William H. Knuth
No. 7
Bootstrapping Human Evolution into Space with LOX Depots
James A. Martin
No. 6
Thoughts About a Consulting Firm Focusing on the Globalization of Space-related Activities
George S. Robinson
No. 5
The Test Tower at the Stennis Space Center and the J2X Rocket Engine
Russel Rhodes
No. 4
Squandering America’s Leadership in Exploration … Is American Leadership Predictably Too Unreliable?
Ronald P. Portz
No. 3
Does the Future of the Human Species in Space Critically Depend upon NASA and the United States?: A Followup to the OSTP Call of October 14, 2014
George S. Robinson
No. 2
Special Presentation to SPST by David McGrath of ATK on October 9, 2014
Edward Henderson
No. 1
An “Ignition Group” for Sparking a Truly Frank Dialogue about the Future of NASA
William H. Knuth