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Caribbean Naturalist Special Issue No. 2, 2018–2019

Endangered and Threatened Species of the Caribbean Region

Contents. Click on the hotlinked titles to view open-access cover pages and first page of article with abstract.

Front cover  
Inside front cover  
Board of Editors/Indicia  
Dermatemys mawii (The Hicatee, Tortuga Blanca, or Central American River Turtle): A Working Bibliography
Venetia Briggs-Gonzalez, Sergio C. Gonzalez, Dustin Smith, Kyle Allen, Thomas R. Rainwater, and Frank J. Mazzotti
GPS Telemetry Reveals Occasional Dispersal of Wood Storks from the Southeastern US to Mexico
Simona Picardi, Rena R. Borkhataria, A. Lawrence Bryan Jr., Peter C. Frederick, and Mathieu Basille
Assessment of the Distribution of Seed Plants Endemic to the Lesser Antilles in Terms of Habitat, Elevation, and Conservation Status
C.M. Sean Carrington, Robert D. Edwards, and Gary A. Krupnicke
Updated List of Endemic Seed Plant Species found on San Salvador Island, The Bahamas, with a Perspective on Historical and Current Significance
Lee B. Kass, Thomas P. Snyder, and Karen A. Snyder
Evaluating Seed-banking Capacity and Propagation Potential of Endangered Sierra Bermeja Grasses: Aristida chaseae and Aristida portoricensis
Joyce Maschinski, Jennifer Possley, James Lange, Omar A. Monsegur Rivera, and Katherine D. Heineman
Status and Conservation of the Raptors in the West Indies: A Review
Julio C. Gallardo and Russell Thorstrom
Onychophorans (Velvet Worms): Natural History and Conservation of a Vulnerable Invertebrate Taxon in the Caribbean Islands
Kenneth W. McCravy and Ivo de Sena Oliveira
Species Bioprofile for the Hicatee (Dermatemys mawii)
Venetia Briggs-Gonzalez, Sergio C. Gonzalez, Dustin Smith, Thomas R. Rainwater, and Frank J. Mazzotti






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