Caribbean Naturalist
Range and Scope
Board of Editors
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Other EH Journals
Northeastern Naturalist
Southeastern Naturalist
Neotropical Naturalist
Urban Naturalist
Prairie Naturalist
Journal of North American Bat
Eastern Paleontologist
Journal of the North Atlantic
The Caribbean Naturalist is an online journal that is available by subscription. Subscribers have access to complete content for all current and past articles and special issues.
Students: $10 in the Caribbean region and $15 elsewhere.
Individuals: $15 in the Caribbean region and $20 elsewhere.
Organizations: $125 in the Caribbean region and $150 elsewhere.
*Add $10 surcharge for manual processing of payments by check rather than using online subscription sign up and payment.
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We welcome submissions of manuscripts. Please consider the following guidelines.
Submission guidelines
Formatting guidelines
If you have questions, please contact the Editor
or the Publisher
Online access to the Caribbean Naturalist Tables of Contents and abstract pages is available to everyone. Access to the complete contents is available by subscription (LINK).
Photo essays about the Caribbean from the journal, Natural History Now, are mirrored here within the Caribbean Naturalist.
Natural History Now photo essays
The Eagle Hill Institute reserves the copyright to the content of its journals. Any reproduction in print or electronic format, other than for an individual's own personal and private use, is prohibited without written permission from the Institute.
Authors may post their articles on their personal and their institution’s website.