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Northeastern Naturalist Volume 16, Number 3, 2009

Contents. Click on the hotlinked titles to view open-access first pages with abstracts.

Front Cover  
Inside Front cover  
Board of Editors/indicia page  
The Status of the Northern Population of the Copper-bellied Watersnake, Nerodia erythrogaster neglecta
Omar Attum, Yu Man Lee, and Bruce A. Kingsbury
Nest-site Selection by Wood Turtles (Glyptemys insculpta) in a Thermally Limited Environment
Geoffrey N. Hughes, William F. Greaves, and Jacqueline D. Litzgus
Population Attributes of an Endangered Mussel, Epioblasma torulosa rangiana (Northern Riffleshell), in French Creek and Implications for its Recovery
Darran L. Crabtree and Tamara A. Smith
Modern Records of the Pink Heelsplitter Mussel, Potamilus alatus (Say, 1817), in the Ottawa River Drainage, Québec and Ontario, Canada
Isabelle Picard, Jean-François Desroches, Frederick W. Schueler, and André L. Martel
Effects of Zebra and Quagga Mussel (Dreissena spp.) Invasion on the Feeding Habits of Sternotherus odoratus (Stinkpot) on Presque Isle, Northwestern Pennsylvania
James C. Patterson and Peter V. Lindeman
Influences of High-flow Events on a Stream Channel Altered by Construction of a Highway Bridge: A Case Study
Lara B. Hedrick, Stuart A. Welsh, and James T. Anderson
Nutrient Limitation of Periphyton and Phytoplankton in Cape Cod Coastal Plain Ponds
Maribeth Kniffin, Christopher Neill, Richard MCHorney, and George Gregory
The First Records of Neocyema (Teleostei: Saccopharyngiformes) in the Western North Atlantic with Comments on its Relationship to Leptocephalus holti Schmidt 1909
Shannon C. DeVaney, Karsten E. Hartel, and Daphne E. Themelis
Dermestid Beetles Inhabiting Wading-bird Nests in Northeastern US Estuaries
Katharine C. Parsons, Janet E. Yacabucci, Stephanie R. Schmidt, and Neil A. Hurwitz
Status and Trends of Birds in an Extensive Western Massachusetts Forest
Bradford G. Blodget, Randy Dettmers, and John Scanlon
Variability of Arrival Dates of Maine Migratory Breeding Birds: Implications for Detecting Climate Change
W. Herbert Wilson, Jr.
Windows and Vegetation: Primary Factors in Manhattan Bird Collisions
Yigal Gelb and Nicole Delacretaz
Winter Habitat Associations of a Low-Density Moose (Alces americanus)
Population in Central Labrador

Thomas S. Jung, Tony E. Chubbs, Colin G. Jones, Frank R. Phillips, and Robert D. Otto
Use of Subtidal Habitat by the Asian Shore Crab Hemigrapsus sanguineus in Long Island Sound
Michael Gilman and Sean Patrick Grace
Noteworthy Books 488






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