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NENA ... where the results are significant

For almost 30 years, the Northeastern Naturalist has been buidling a solid reputation for publishing high quality research related to the natural history sciences of northeastern North America. We welcome your interest in joining those authors who have experienced all that the journal has to offer.

Thanks to our diverse Editorial Board of experienced, detail-oriented, dedicated researchers who appreciate the value of a double-blind review process for providing impartial, constructive feedback, NENA authors frequently remark on the quality of helpful consideration their manuscripts receive. They also appreciate the personal attention, responsiveness, and efficiency of the journal staff and the fine-tuned review process.

NENA articles are published early online just as soon as they are ready for prompt distribution and then assembled into quarterly issues. Authors receive a print-quality pdf reprint, which they are free to post on their personal web pages or institutional online repositories.

Through representation in major indexes, plus inclusion in the BioOne database, EBSCOhost product line, the Proquest Information and Learning databases, and JSTOR databases, NENA publications receive high visibility and global distrubution.

Geographic scope: The Northeastern Naturalist covers all aspects of the natural history sciences of terrestrial, freshwater, and marine organisms and the environments of the northeastern portion of North America, roughly bounded from Virginia to Missouri, north to Minnesota and Nunavut, east to Newfoundland, and south back to Virginia. Manuscripts based on field studies outside of this region that provide information on species within this region may be considered at the Editor’s discretion.

Subject matter: The journal welcomes manuscripts based on fieldwork, observations, and associated lab work that focus on terrestrial, freshwater, and marine organisms, plants, and habitats. Studies testing specific hypotheses as well as surveys gathering demographic and life-history data are encouraged, but the journal also welcomes summary review papers and observational notes. Subject areas include, but are not limited to, field ecology, biology, conservation applications, behavior, biogeography, taxonomy, evolution, anatomy, and physiology. Strict lab, modeling, and simulation studies on natural history aspects of the region, without any field component, will also be considered for publication as long as the research has direct and clear significance to field naturalists and the manuscript discusses these implications.

In addition to submissions for regular issue articles, we offer stand-alone monograph publication for longer manuscripts, which can provide the flexibility needed to best present a more in-depth treatment of a topic. For those interested in publishing the proceedings of a conference or meeting, or a thematic collection of papers, we have extensive experience in the publication of special issues that meet the praticular goals of the issue organizers/editors. If you have an idea for a monograph or special issue, we encourage you to contact the Editor-in-Chief. Special issue organizers can also check out our Guidelines for Special Issues to familiarize themselves with the process and expectations.

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Open access browsing of table of contents and abstract pages. Full text pdfs available for download for subscribers.

Issue-in-Progress: Vol. 32 (1) ... early view

Current Issue: Vol. 31(4)
NENA 31(4)

Check out NENA's latest monograph and the current Special Issue In Progress:

Monograph 25
NENA monograph 25

Special Issue 12
NENA special issue 12

All Regular Issues


Special Issues






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