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Northeastern Naturalist Volume 18, Number 2, 2011

Contents. Click on the hotlinked titles to view open-access first pages with abstracts.

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Board of Editors/indicia page  

Seasonal and Spatial Distributions of Black fly Larvae (Diptera: Simuliidae) in Two Lake Outlet Streams of the Mauricie Region of Québec, and Species Survey in Parts of Southern Québec Territory
Christine Gaudreau and Guy Charpentier


A Comparison of Macroinvertebrate and Epiphyte Density and Diversity on Native and Exotic Complex Macrophytes in Three Vermont Lakes
Anna M. Strimaitis and Sallie P. Sheldon

Waterfowl Habitat Change over Five Decades in a Freshwater Tidal Ecosystem in Mid-Coast Maine
John Lichter, Mark E.H. Burton, Sarah L. Close, Juliana M. Grinvalsky, and Jaret Reblin

Diminished Soil Quality in an Old-growth, Mixed Mesophytic Forest Following Chronic Acid Deposition
Jared L. DeForest and Brian C. McCarthy

Response of an Isotria medeoloides Population to Canopy Thinning
William E. Brumback, Sara Cairns, Molly B. Sperduto, and Carol W. Fyler
Effects of Interspecifi c Competition on Early Life History of the Invasive Thistles Carduus nutans and C. acanthoides
D.C. Ruggiero and K. Shea

Are Small Habitat Patches Useful for Grassland Bird Conservation?
Toni Weidman and John A. Litvaitis


Fishes of the Streams of Acadia National Park, Maine
Justin C. Havird, Jennifer K. Parker, and Bruce Connery

An Historical Record of Alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus) in Lake Champlain
Robert E. Schmidt and Richard Morse

Extirpation of the Bridle Shiner (Notropis bifrenatus) from Maryland
Jay V. Kilian, Richard L. Raesly, Scott A. Stranko, Andrew J. Becker, and Eric Durell

European Rabbits as Potential Least Tern Nest Predators
Lauren E. Nolfo-Clements and Mark D. Clements
Common Loon Nest Defense Against an American Mink
Kyle P. McCarthy and Stephen DeStefano
Noteworthy Books 250






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