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Northeastern Naturalist Volume 27, Special Issue 10, 2020

Marine Ecosystem Assessment of Pleasant Bay, Cape Cod, Massachusetts

Contents. Click on the hotlinked titles to view open-access first pages with abstracts.

Front cover  
Inside front cover  
Board of Editors/indicia page  
General Acknowledgments i
Mon Cochran
Introduction to Special Issue: Marine Ecosystem Assessment of Pleasant Bay, Cape Cod, Massachusetts
Patricia E. Hughes
Tidal Inlet Evolution and Impacts of Anthropogenic Alteration: An Example from Nauset Beach and Pleasant Bay, Cape Cod, Massachusetts
Graham S. Giese, Mark Borrelli,, and Stephen T. Mague
Using CMECS to Create Benthic Habitat Maps for Pleasant Bay, Cape Cod, Massachusetts
Agnes Mittermayr, Bryan J. Legare, Cristina G. Kennedy, Sophia E. Fox, and Mark Borrelli
The Use of Multimodal Data to Augment Shallow-water Benthic Habitat Maps for Pleasant Bay, Cape Cod, Massachusetts: Stratigraphic Data and Seafloor Maps
Mark Borrelli, Bryan Andrew Oakley, Jeremiah Bradford Hubeny, Heath Love, Theresa Lynn Smith, Bryan Joseph Legare, and Ted Lucas
Seasonal Occurrence and Relative Abundance of Fishes and Macroinvertebrates in Pleasant Bay (Massachusetts)
Owen C. Nichols, Bryan J. Legare, Timothy Famulare, Emily Sgarlat, and Ted Lucas
The Seasonal Diet, Distribution, and Counts of Harbor Seals (Phoca vitulina vitulina) and Gray Seals (Halichoerus grypus atlantica) in Pleasant Bay and Chatham Harbor, Cape Cod, Massachusetts
Lisa Sette, Corey M. Accardo, Katherine McKenna, Kristen Patchett, Kathryn Rose, Brian W. Sharp, and Gordon T. Waring
Relationships between Species Communities as Determined by Analysis of Data from Multiple Surveys of Pleasant Bay, Cape Cod, MA
Bryan J. Legare, Owen C Nichols, Agnes Mittermayr, and Mark Borrelli
Calculating Rates of Shoreline Change in a Coastal Embayment with Fringing Salt Marsh Using the “Marshline”, a Proxy-based Shoreline Indicator
Mark Borrelli and Jon C. Boothroyd
Marine Ecosystem Assessment of Pleasant Bay, Cape Cod, MA: Conclusions
Patricia E. Hughes






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