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Northeastern Naturalist Volume 28, Special Issue 11, 2021–2022

Climate Change in the Mountains of Maine and the Northeast

Contents. Click on the hotlinked titles to view open-access first pages with abstracts.

Front cover  
Inside front cover  
Board of Editors/indicia page  
General Acknowledgments i
Introduction: Climate Change in the Mountains of Maine and the Northeast
Sarah Nelson, Caitlin McDonough MacKenzie, Toni Lyn Morelli, Jay Wason, Bryan Wentzell, Rachel Hovel, Glenn Hodgkins, Abe Miller-Rushing, David Miller, Steve Tatko, Amanda Cross, and Mike Pounch
Maine’s Ecological Reserves: A Scientific Wellspring for Monitoring Natural Forest Dynamics
Justin Schlawin and Andrew Cutko
Plant Responses to Climate Change and an Elevational Gradient in Mont Mégantic National Park, Québec, Canada
Mark Vellend, Mélanie Béhé, Alexis Carteron, Anna L. Crofts, Victor Danneyrolles, Hasanki T. Gamhewa, Ming Ni, Christina L. Rinas, and David A. Watts
Thirteen Years of Rare Plant Population Changes in the Adirondack Alpine
Timothy G. Howard, Kayla White, and Julia Goren
Sentinel Research Sites in Global Change Research: Whiteface Mountain, New York
Jay Wason, John Battles, Monica B. Berdugo, Paul Casson, Jordon Tourville, and Martin Dovciak
Climate Trends on the Highest Peak of the Northeast: Mount Washington, NH
Georgia L.D. Murray, Anne M. Colgan, Sarah J. Nelson, Eric P. Kelsey, and Kenneth D. Kimball
Understanding Northeastern US Alpine Mountains: Context, Causal Agents of Treeline, and Meteorology to Approximate their Response to Climate Change
Kenneth D. Kimball, Douglas M. Weihrauch, and Georgia L.D. Murray
Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation in the Face of Local Uncertainty: A Phenomenological Study
Lydia Horne, Sandra De Urioste-Stone, and John Daigle
Northeastern High-Elevation Areas: Ecological Values and Conservation Priorities
David A. Publicover, Kenneth D. Kimball, and Catherine J. Poppenwimer
Calling Phenology in Rana sylvatica (Wood Frog) at High-elevation Ponds in the White Mountains, New Hampshire
Scott D. Smyers, Michael T. Jones, Lisabeth L. Willey, Tigran Tadevosyan, Joe Martinez, Kyle Cormier, and Dominic B. Kemmett
Future of Winter in Northeastern North America: Climate Indicators Portray Warming and Snow Loss that will Impact Ecosystems and Communities
Elizabeth A. Burakowski, Alexandra R. Contosta, Danielle Grogan, Sarah J. Nelson, Sarah Garlick, and Nora Casson






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