Front cover |
Inside front cover |
Board of Editors/indicia page |
One Century Later: Species Richness and Temporal Turnover in Mammals and Amphibians on a Small, Temperate Island
Giorgia G. Auteri, Corrie J. Navis, Katherine Greenwald, and Allen Kurta |
435 |
Exposure to Anticoagulant Rodenticides in American Kestrels (Falco sparverius) in Kentucky, 2014–2018
Angel R. Smallwood, Nicole M. Nemeth, Kate Slankard, Michael Patton, Christine Casey, Caitlin E. Burrell, and Mark Ruder |
458 |
Allometric Equations for Estimation of Ash-Free Dry Mass from Length Measurements for Two Megascolicid Earthworms: Amynthas tokioensis and Amynthas agrestis
Bradley M. Herrick, Emily Snelson, and Jessica Ross |
467 |
Nest-Associating Minnows Prefer Occupying Longear Sunfish Nests Over Green Sunfish Nests
Joel B. Corush |
479 |
Radio-tracking Two Perimyotis subflavus (Tricolored Bat) During Spring Emergence in Wisconsin
Heather M. Kaarakka, Katie L. Luukkonen, and J. Paul White |
488 |
Investigating Differential Range-wide and Patch-level Winter-Habitat Use for Ipswich Sparrows (Passerculus sandwichensis princeps)
Chance Hines, Laura Duval, Bryan D. Watts, Fletcher M. Smith, Bill Hulslander, Rebecca J. Jardine, and Amy K. Whitear |
498 |
Growth Rates and Generation Times of Bobcat and River Otter Populations in Illinois Before and After Harvesting
Justin J. Remmers, Stefano Anile, and Clayton K. Nielsen |
517 |
Tracking the Origin of Raccoon (Procyon lotor) Translocations in Northeastern North America Using Population Genetics
Matthew W. Hopken, Brian Bjorklund, Clara C.P. Mankowski, Jordona Kirby, Richard B. Chipman, Tore Buchanan, Larissa Nituch, Marianne Gagnier, Ariane Massé, and Amy T. Gilbert |
539 |
Common Tern (Sterna hirundo) Use of a Staging Site in the Chesapeake Bay
Benjamin C. Springer, Jeffery D. Sullivan, Diann J. Prosser, Kyle E. Rambo, and J. Jordan Price |
555 |
Eastern Bluebirds (Sialia sialis) Nesting in Photovoltaic Solar Energy Facilities in Eastern New York
Amanda L. Klehr, Alexis N. Laskowski, and David I. King |
N30 |
The Brief Emergence of a Nineteenth-Century White Pine Forest from a Massachusetts Reservoir
W. Wyatt Oswald and Barry S. Goodell |
N35 |
A New Record of Atlantic Bluefin Tuna (Thunnus thynnus) Consuming a Seabird in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean
Nathan D. Stewart, Louise Chavarie, Alex Hanke, Ana Storch, François Turcotte, and Aaron T. Fisk |
N42 |
First Breeding of Brown-headed Nuthatch in New Jersey
Scott McConnell |
N51 |