Lead Objects Ingested by Common Loons in New England
Mark Pokras, Michelle Kneeland, Anna Ludi, Ethan Golden,
Andrew Major, Rose Miconi, and Robert H. Poppenga
Northeastern Naturalist, Volume 16, Issue 2 (2009): 177–182
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Lead Objects Ingested by Common Loons in New England
Mark Pokras1, Michelle Kneeland1, Anna Ludi1, Ethan Golden1,
Andrew Major2, Rose Miconi1, and Robert H. Poppenga3
Abstract - Necropsies of Gavia immer (Common Loon) recovered lead and non-lead
foreign objects from gastrointestinal tracts. Carcasses collected between 1987 and
2000 reveal that a great deal of loon mortality on lakes in New England is attributable
to ingestion of lead objects. In this study, 522 carcasses were examined to inspect the
types, sizes, and masses of 222 objects responsible for lead toxicosis. Most ingested
lead objects were less than 2.5 cm long and weighed less than 25 g. Information on
objects ingested by loons may help in development of non-toxic alternatives.
Lead ingestion by birds has been documented in a wide range of avian
species from loons to geese to woodpeckers (Bloom et al. 1989, Locke et
al. 1982, Mörner and Petersson 1999, Pain 1990, Wobeser 1997) beginning
with Grinnell’s seminal 1894 publication. Ingested lead is most commonly
reported to be shotgun pellets obtained by birds while foraging in wetlands.
Lead poisoning from ingested fishing gear has regularly been reported in
four avian species: Gavia immer (Brunnich) (Common Loon; Locke et al.
1982), Cygnus olor (Gmelin) (Mute Swan; Sears et al. 1989) Cygnus buccinators
Richardson (Trumpeter Swan; Blus et al. 1989), and Grus canadensis
(L.) (Sandhill Crane; Windingstad et al. 1984). Previous studies of loon mortality
have documented significant lead ingestion and elevated lead levels in
tissues (Daoust et al. 1998, Pokras and Chafel 1992, Pokras et al. 1992, Poppenga
et al. 1992, Stone and Okoniewski 2001). However, sizes and shapes
of ingested lead fishing gear have not previously been reported in detail. In
the present study, we collected ingested lead objects from the gastrointestinal
tracts of loon carcasses to determine the shape, size, mass, and type of
objects loons consumed. Information on objects ingested by loons and other
wildlife may help to minimize unintended mortalities in the future.
Dead Common Loons were collected from the 6 New England states by
state and federal agencies, private wildlife groups, and interested individuals.
Carcasses were shipped on ice to the Tufts Cummings School of Veterinary
Medicine (TCSVM) Wildlife Clinic. We conducted necropsies, collected tissues
for histopathology and toxicology, and catalogued food items and objects
found within the digestive tracts. We visually classified ingested lead
objects by type into six categories: sinker, jighead, split shot, firearms, other,
1Tufts Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine, 200 Westboro Road, North Grafton,
MA 10536. 2United States Fish And Wildlife Service, 22 Bridge Street, Suite 400, Concord,
NH 03301-4901.3California Animal Health and Food Safety Laboratory, University
of California, Davis, CA 95616. *Corresponding author - mark.pokras@tufts.edu.
178 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 16, No. 2
and unknown. Any objects not easily identified by eye were examined with a
dissecting microscope. The sinker category included trolling sinkers, bass
casting sinkers, worm weights, or many other shapes of fishing gear used to
weight fishing line. We defined jigheads as lead weights of a variety of shapes
that had been cast around a hook shaft. The “firearms” category included projectiles
such as shotgun shot and bullets. “Other” included lead gear used for
fishing that could not otherwise be classified (eg: lead wires or tapes). We
placed objects in the “unknown” category if original use could not be determined
because of wear, fragmentation, or deformation. We determined the
weight of objects using a Pesola® spring scale accurate to the nearest 0.1 g. We
defined length as the longest axis measurable, and width as the largest diameter
perpendicular to the longest axis. A mechanic type 6911 caliper (Fischer Scientific) was used to measure lengths in mm to the nearest 0.05 mm. We tested
objects for lead by using a commercial, buffered rhodizonate dye swab test
(LeadCheck® Swabs, Hybrivet Systems, Inc., Natick, MA), a rapid chemical
test used for testing painted surfaces in homes and consumer products. Toxicological
analyses were performed as described in Sidor et al. (2003).
Between 1987 and 2000, 522 loon carcasses were collected from New England
(Sidor et al. 2003). Of these, 118 had ingested lead objects. Of these 118
birds, 69 were male, 42 were female, and 7 could not be sexed at necropsy due to
autolysis or scavenging. All but two birds with ingested lead were aged as adults
using plumage characteristics; the other two were juveniles. Of the carcasses
without ingested lead objects for which gender could be determined, there were
equal numbers of males and females. For intact cadavers with ingested lead,
mean weight for females and males was 3.69 and 4.59 kg, respectively. Each
of the 118 loons was found to have ingested at least one lead object with many
having ingested more than one, for a total of 222 lead objects. Eighty-seven
percent of the ingested lead objects were fishing weights, 11% were from firearms,
and 2% could not be identified. The majority of the fishing weights (60%)
were sinkers or split shot, while approximately one-fifth (19%) were jigheads
(Fig. 1). The firearms category of Figure 1 consists primarily of shotgun pellets,
but also includes two bullets (one .22 caliber and one of roughly .44–.45 caliber).
About 36% of loons with ingested lead had other fishing-related objects
Figure 1. Data on 222
lead objects collected
from 1989 through
2000 at TCSVM. The
“Other” category includes
other Pb fishing
gear (lead wire, etc.).
“Unknown” includes
Pb fragments and objects
too deformed to
identify. The “Firearm”
category includes shotgun
pellets and bullets.
2009 M. Pokras et al. 179
(mostly hooks, swivels, and monofilament line) present in the GI tracts, with
one bird containing 4 swivels in addition to a sinker. Of the 118 loons with ingested
lead objects, slightly over half (73) had more than one lead object in their
gizzards. Nearly half of the birds with ingested shotgun pellets had either 2 or
3 such projectiles present. Nearly one third of the birds with ingested jigheads
had a second piece of lead present; in most cases, this second item was either
a sinker or split shot. One third of the birds with ingested sinkers had a second
piece of lead present; these second items were roughly equally distributed
among sinkers, split shot and jigheads.
Length, width, and mass varied significantly among sinkers, jigs, and
split shot (Table 1). As expected, pellets were found to have relatively little
variation in length or width due to spherical manufacturing conventions.
No jig heads recovered from the GI tracts had hooks remaining attached,
although partially digested hook fragments were recovered from 31 of the
118 birds. Thus, length measurements of jigs includes only the lead portion.
Over 94% of the 222 lead objects ingested were found to be less than 1.0 in.
(2.54 cm) in length, and 44% had a length of less than 1.0 cm (Fig. 2). Of all
lead objects ingested, 94% weighed less than 10 g (Fig. 3).
In this sample, all adult loons ingesting lead objects also had demonstrable
lead poisoning. As piscivores, loons are expected to have a lower
stomach pH than that found in herbivorous waterfowl (Schmidt-Nielsen
1997), leading to more rapid absorption of lead from the GI tract. Most lead
mortalities occurred on freshwater lakes (Sidor et al. 2003), and the primary
lead objects encountered were fishing sinkers and jig heads. Ingestion of
small lead objects by adult loons on lakes is the major cause of mortality
in our studies (Sidor et al. 2003). The source of the ingested lead is likely
fishing gear picked up from lake bottoms, and also ingestion of fish with attached
fishing gear. The ingested lead fishing gear primarily represents the
smaller sizes and weights available on the market.
Burgess et al. (2005) gave mean body weights of healthy loons captured
in a mercury study in Nova Scotia as 4.50 kg for females and 5.54
kg for males. This is greater than mean weights for female and male loons
with ingested lead in the current study (respectively, 3.69 and 4.59 kg).
However, as Sidor et al. (2003) discussed, loons dying from lead poisoning
were generally in better body condition and of heavier weight than loons
dying of other causes. We have interpreted this to indicate that, although
Table 1. Dimensions of sinkers, jigheads, and split shot ingested by Common Loons.
Length (mm) Width (mm) Mass (g)
Lead object Mean Median Range Mean Median Range Mean Median Range
Sinkers 14.03 12.7 4.0–40.2 5.89 5.5 0.3–15.2 4.04 2.4 0.3–25.0
(± 6.47) (± 2.55) (± 4.63)
Jigheads 16.53 15.3 5.2–33.6 6.55 6.0 3.0–13.9 3.89 3.2 0.3–18.1
(± 6.58) (± 2.33) (± 3.64)
Split shot 5.79 6.1 1.2–9.9 4.85 4.5 1.5–8.13 1.60 1.4 0.3–5.7
(± 2.33) (± 1.68) (± 1.04)
180 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 16, No. 2
the loons have lost some body condition prior to death, they most likely
die fairly rapidly after ingesting lead.
Loons ingest stones selected individually from lake bottoms (J. Barr,
University of Guelph, Guelph, ON, Canada, pers. comm), presumably to aid
in digestion. Loons may ingest lead objects accidentally while collecting gizzard
stones. Alternatively, loons may deliberately select lead objects because
such objects fit whatever subjective criteria the birds have evolved to choose
stones. Such criteria might logically include such factors as size, mass, shape,
texture, or taste. In England, Mute Swans treated for lead toxicosis and released
have a high rate of recurrence of lead toxicosis implying that the swans may
have developed a taste for lead objects (Sears et al. 1989). Reports indicate that
both children and cattle develop a taste for lead paint (Sears et al. 1989).
Ingestion of baitfish on fishing lines, or of escaped fish with attached fishing
gear are other possibilities for accidental lead ingestion. We were called
regarding one instance of an angler fishing a small lake with a single loon
pair, who hooked a loon when using a live baitfish. He cut the line to free the
Figure 3. Distribution by mass of lead objects found in loons.
Figure 2. Distribution by maximum length of lead objects and stones found in the
ventriculus of loons.
2009 M. Pokras et al. 181
loon. Within a few days, a dead loon containing a lead sinker was found on
the lake, but whether it was the same individual bird is unknown.
Because of the grinding action of the gizzard and the presence of small
stones against which the fishing gear is abraded, we suspect that measured
sizes are somewhat smaller at necropsy than at the time they were first ingested
by loons. The prevalence of small lead objects being ingested may be a
reflection of loon preference, given the comparative sizes of stones ingested by
loons. Although stones of various sizes are presumed to exist throughout loon
habitat, we found stones in loon GI tracts to be small (Franson et al. 2001).
Stones in 132 New England loons had lengths from 5.6 to 23 mm; (Fig. 3).
It is interesting to note that while we found lead objects as small as 1 mm, no
rocks smaller than ≈6 mm were encountered. A logical conclusion is that rocks
smaller than ≈6 mm may be able to be passed out of the gizzard through the pylorus,
while even the smallest lead objects may have inhibited gastrointestinal
peristalsis and are more likely to be retained.
It should be noted that the size of lead fishing gear encountered in the
current study shows very close correlation with the sizes found by Franson et
al. (2003) in a broad US study, even though the frequency of lead poisoning
was much lower in that sample population.
One can make the argument that, given what we know about the toxicity of
lead to loons, humans, and a wide variety of other species, every effort should
be made to utilize non-toxic alternatives and minimize the introduction of
lead into the environment. Minnesota provides useful information on sources
for non-lead fishing gear (http://www.pca.state.mn.us/oea/reduce/sinkers.
cfm#manufacturers). Until the complete elimination of lead for such sporting
uses is achieved, a clear understanding of the sizes and types of gear that pose
the greatest threat to loons and other fish-eating species will allow us to formulate
rational policies for the protection and management of these species.
We would like to thank the many veterinary students and volunteers whose help
over the years has made these studies possible. We thank R. Wood, J. McIntyre of Utica
College (Syracuse University), P. Spitzer of the Center for Northern Studies, and C.
Perry of the US Fish and Wildlife Service for their invaluable advice and assistance.
We thank J.C. Franson of the National Wildlife Health Research Center (USGS) and
R. Haebler of the Atlantic Ecology Division (US EPA) for their wise advice and encouragement
over the years. We gratefully acknowledge financial support from the US
EPA, the USFWS, the Wharton Trust, Massachusetts Environmental Trust, the New
Hampshire Charitable Foundation, the North American Loon Fund and the Wood Family
Trust. Participation of the following organizations has been critical to our study:
North American Loon Fund, Loon Preservation Committee of New Hampshire, Vermont
Institute of Natural Sciences, Maine and Massachusetts Audubon Societies, MA
Division of Fisheries and Wildlife, ME Department of Fish and Wildlife, VT Department
of Fish and Wildlife, and NH Department of Fish and Game. We thank the many
wildlife rehabilitators and members of the public who went out of their way to send
loons for analysis. The Pathology Department of Tufts Cummings School of Veterinary
Medicine generously contributed their expertise to this project. This paper is a publication
of the Tufts Center for Conservation Medicine’s Seanet Project.
182 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 16, No. 2
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