Environmental Variability Affects Distributions of Coastal
Fish Species (Maryland)
Joseph W. Love1,*, Paulinus Chigbu1, and Eric B. May1
Abstract - We determined how environmental variability affected distributions of
seasonally recruiting fishes (i.e., transient species) in coastal lagoons of Maryland
from May–October during 1996, 1997, and 1999. A total of 241 monthly sampling
events were conducted in the coastal lagoons at 40 sampling stations. Fluctuations
in salinity resulting from variation in stream discharge were negatively correlated
with intra-annual stability of fish assemblages. Transient, or non-resident species
(e.g., recruiting species), were more frequent in habitats where salinity was less variable.
When stream discharge lessened during dry years, transient species were more
common throughout the coastal lagoons. Thus, environmental variability influenced
distributions of young-of-year fishes in coastal estuaries.
Documenting relationships between environmental variability and habitat
use by fishes builds knowledge on the functional role of coastal estuaries
as nursery habitat, and the conditions under which they serve that role. Interannual
differences in coastal conditions occur as precipitation and stream
discharge levels vary because of large-scale climatic patterns (e.g., El Niño/
La Niña events). Variation in stream discharge affects the first year of life
of fishes (Hare and Able 2007, Rogers et al. 1984, Searcy et al. 2007) and
invertebrates (Hofmann and Powell 1998, Hofstetter 1983) by influencing
salinity levels and nutrient addition (Rabalais et al. 2002). Nutrient addition
may result in lower dissolved oxygen (DO), which can adversely influence
behavior and survivorship of fishes (Eby et al. 2005, Kramer 1987, Love and
Rees 2002). However, fish species respond differently to variation in stream
discharge (Rogers et al. 1984). Some species may emigrate from habitats
that vary considerably in salinity when stream discharge is high, resulting
in greater variability of those assemblages. Thus, more stable environments
may provide greater stability of fish assemblages, as well as higher diversity,
higher biomass, and suitable habitat for larger-bodied predators (Kushlan
1976). We used a multi-species approach to explore the role of environmental
variability in salinity and DO on dynamics of fish assemblages.
The research was conducted in coastal lagoons of the lower eastern shore
of Maryland (Fig. 1) during 1996, 1997, and 1999. In 1996, the average mean
monthly stream discharge on the lower eastern shore from May–October
(≈1.62 m3/sec) was about four times that observed for 1997 (0.39 m3/sec) and
1Department of Natural Sciences, NOAA Living Marine Resources Cooperative
Science Center, University of Maryland Eastern Shore, Princess Anne, MD 21853.
*Corresponding author - jlove@umes.edu.
256 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 16, No. 2
double that observed for 1999 (0.85 m3/sec), as measured for Nassawango
Creek (Snow Hill, MD; USGS Gauge 01485500). While Nassawango Creek is
part of the Chesapeake Bay watershed, it is the only stream gauge on the lower
eastern shore of Maryland with data from 1996–1999. Notably, data from
2 gauges in the coastal bays watershed (USGS 0148471320, Showell, MD;
USGS 01484719, Ironshire, MD) were highly correlated to stream discharge
from Nassawango Creek (r > 0.80) for 2000–2007. Interannual variation
in stream discharge was likely related to interannual variation in precipitation,
which was higher from May–October in 1996 (12.0 cm) than 1997 (2.6
cm) and 1999 (7.8 cm) (data from Remote Automated Weather Stations, Assateague
Island, www.raws.dri.edu/wraws/de_mdF.html).
The coastal lagoons of Maryland lie behind Assateague and Fenwick
Islands (Fig. 1), and two inlets provide access to the Atlantic Ocean. Ocean
City Inlet (OCI) was formed during a 1933 storm and may be an important
dispersal corridor for marine and estuarine fishes (Schwartz 1961, 1964).
Chincoteague Inlet, VA is larger and has been in place for at least 200 years,
providing access for migratory and recruiting fishes (Hall et al. 2005).
Environmental variability was expected to differ between OCI and lagoon
areas closer to rivers. There are over 100 species of fish that utilize coastal
lagoons of Maryland; the distributions of some of these species have been
documented (Love and May 2007; Murphy and Secor 2006; Schwartz 1961,
1964; Slacum et al. 2000). The influence of environmental variability on fish
distribution has not been addressed in this system.
Figure 1. Map of
surveyed sites from
the coastal lagoons
of Maryland and
Virginia. Ocean
City Inlet (OCI) lies
at 38°N and 75°W.
2009 J.W. Love, P. Chigbu, and E.B. May 257
Our objectives were to: 1) determine whether environmental variability
in salinity and DO was high at points of stream discharge, and compare
those patterns between a climatically wet (1996) and dry (1997) year, with
additional comparisons to an intermediate year (1999); and 2) determine if
environmental variability of salinity and DO explained variability in fish
assemblages. We predicted that more environmentally stable habitats would
have greater proportions of transient fishes.
We used environmental and fish survey data from Slacum et al. (2000)
for 1996 (7 sites), 1997 (11 sites), and 1999 (22 sites) (Fig. 1). All sites
were surveyed monthly between May and October. Temperature, DO, and
salinity were measured using a Hydrolab H20 and Surveyor 3 (Hydrolab Corporation).
Dissolved oxygen minima were not measured because sampling
occurred after dawn. Fishes were sampled using a 4.9-m semi-balloon otter
trawl with 5-mm mesh at the cod-end (Slacum et al. 2000). Trawling was
conducted at approximately 4 knots in water more than 1 m deep and for
6 minutes. Two trawls were conducted at each site. For each trawl, all fish
were identified and enumerated, and data were pooled between trawls for
each site. We pooled data because trawl events did not constitute replicate
surveys and yielded a more robust sample for each site. Species were identified in the field, but voucher specimens were preserved in 10% formalin for
later verification. Species were considered rare if they constituted less than
0.01% of the sample (low abundance) for less than 0.01% of all sites (low
frequency). Rare species were excluded from the dataset. Abundance data
were square-root transformed prior to analysis to help normalize variance
(McCune and Grace 2002). All data were entered into spreadsheets twice by
different people and cross-checked for errors.
We quantified the level of monthly variability in temperature, salinity,
and DO at a site for each year using coefficients of variation (CV). We used
linear regression to determine if average temperature, salinity, and DO, or
their respective CVs, differed with increasing distance from OCI to habitats
closer to a stream mouth. The OCI is strongly influenced by tidal flushing, but
may provide more stable and higher salinities. We used separate regressions
for each month and year of study to determine how environmental variability
(dependent variables) differed as distance from OCI increased (independent
variable). Environmental data were log10 transformed prior to analysis, and
CVs were transformed by an arcsine square root. The least distance from each
site to OCI was measured using ArcView (Version 3.3, Environmental Systems
Research Institute, Inc.) and log10 transformed prior to analyses.
We determined if within-year stability of salinity and DO explained variability
of a fish assemblage. Our approach was to: 1) assign similarity scores
to an assemblage sampled at a site, 2) quantify the variability of those
scores for each site across time, and 3) relate variability in those scores to
environmental variability (i.e., CVs). To assign scores to an assemblage, we
258 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 16, No. 2
used an indirect gradient, multivariate analysis (non-metric multidimensional
scaling [NMDS]). Monthly assemblages were scored based on assemblage
dissimilarity (Sörensen or Bray-Curtis distances) following McCune and
Mefford (1999: 114). The NMDS analysis performed an iterative search to
rank and place these scores on k-axes in a manner to minimize the stress of
the k-dimensional configuration (McCune and Grace 2002, McCune and
Mefford 1999). Stress of each axis for each run measures the departure from
monotonicity in the relationship between distance in the p-dimensional matrix
(calculated using the original data matrix with p-columns) and distance
in the reduced k-dimensional configuration. The standard deviation in stress
divided by the number of iterations is the instability criterion and should be
less than 0.001 for acceptable NMDS ordinations (McCune and Grace
2002). We began with a six-dimensional solution and stepped down to a onedimensional
solution using 500 iterations and 10 runs of the data set. The
final number of k-axes was estimated using Scree plots. For each axis, we
used 20 runs with randomized data to assess the significance of obtaining a
stress value less than or equal to the observed stress using Monte Carlo
simulation (McCune and Mefford 1999). For the final number of k-axes, we
generated two-dimensional plots of scores for NMDS axes that represented
the largest proportions of variance from the original data matrix.
To quantify variability of NMDS scores at a site, the coordinates for
scores for each axis were plotted in a new view using ArcView. Each coordinate
in the new view represented sitei for monthj. Scores for sitei were
connected by a polygon that represented the maximum area possible for the
points (i.e., Maximum Area Polygon or MAP). Thus, a polygon represented
by 6 vertices (i.e., six months) was drawn for each site surveyed in 1996,
1997, and 1999. The area of the polygon was calculated using ArcView. The
area of the polygon represented the maximum level of assemblage change
for sitei from May until October. To relate assemblage variability to environmental
variability, we used linear regressions of MAP values (dependent
variable) and CV salinity and CV DO (independent variables). MAP values
were log10 transformed.
We determined if environmental variability affected distribution of transient
species by comparing the number of transient species between habitats
near OCI and habitats further from OCI, which are more influenced by
stream discharge. For these analyses, we used a subset of each of the 1996,
1997, and 1999 datasets and included 3 sites that occurred near OCI (average
distance = 6 km) and 3 sites that occurred farther from OCI (average distance
= 25 km). We defined a habitat near OCI using an 8-km radius or 200-km
area (Fig. 1; Slacum et al. 2000). For each species collected, we categorized
it as either resident or transient based on life history (Table 1). Transient
species included species that recruit to coastal estuaries and species that
strayed into the estuary as adults. Most species collected were not strays, but
recruiting juveniles. The categorization of transience and residence is imperfect
because of complex life histories represented by the diversity of species
collected here. Life-history characteristics were determined using Murdy et
2009 J.W. Love, P. Chigbu, and E.B. May 259
al. (1997), Able and Fahay (1998), and Carpenter (2002). Anguilla rostrata
(American Eel), a catadromous species, was considered a resident because
individuals that were collected were not glass eels (larval stage of ingress)
and the majority of adult life is spent in freshwater and estuary habitats.
We used two methods to determine if the number of transient species differed
between habitats near OCI and farther from OCI. First, we tabulated the
number of species that were proportionately abundant (>50% relative abundance)
in each habitat for each year. For example, if the abundance of a species
was higher near OCI than farther from OCI, it was tallied for habitats near
OCI. Second, we also tabulated the exclusive occurrence of a species in either
habitat for each year. We used contingency tables and Fisher exact tests (twotailed)
to determine if the number of proportionately abundant or exclusively
occurring transient species differed between habitats near OCI and further
from OCI, and compared those patterns for 1996, 1997, and 1999.
Multivariate analyses were performed using PC-ORD (Version 4.01,
MjM Software, Gleneden Beach, OR; McCune and Mefford, 1999). All other
analyses were performed with SYSTAT (Version 11, SYSTAT Software
Inc., Port Richmond, CA).
Sites were polyhaline (20–30 ppt) and typically shallow (<2 m), but
ranged from 1.1 m–5.2 m. Salinity was highest near OCI, and decreased with
increasing distance from OCI in October for 1996, and in June and August
for 1997, but never for 1999 (Table 1). Monthly variability in salinity was
significantly higher further from OCI in 1996 (m = 7.48, r2 = 0.78, P = 0.008)
and 1997 (m = 14.4, r 2 = 0.62, P = 0.004), but not 1999 (m = 0.008, r 2 = 0.03,
P = 0.474). Thus, during the wet conditions of 1996 and the dry conditions
Table 1. Summary of environmental data collected monthly from sampling sites within the
coastal lagoons of Maryland from 1996 (7 sites), 1997 (11 sites), and 1999 (22 sites). Means
with standard deviations in parentheses are given. Variables are salinity (Sal, ppt), dissolved
oxygen (DO, mg/L), and temperature (Temp, °C). The coefficient of variation (CV, %) was generated
across months for each site. The CV and monthly means of temperature, salinity, and DO
were regressed against distance of the site from Ocean City Inlet in Maryland (*P < 0.05).
May June July August September October CV (%)
Sal 25.4 (2.4) 28.0 (1.0) 28.4 (0.9) 26.9 (1.1) 24.6 (2.5) 25.4 (3.6)* 6.0*
DO 5.6 (1.7)* 6.7 (1.1) 6.9 (1.0) 6.8 (0.7) 6.5 (0.8) 8.7 (0.8) 16.0*
Temp 19.5 (3.5) 26.3 (2.3)* 24.6 (1.4)* 24.8 (1.9)* 21.8 (0.9) 15.1 (1.8) 21.0
Sal 25.2 (2.6) 25.9 (1.7)* 26.9 (1.4) 26.5 (1.2) 28.0 (1.3) 27.8 (0.9) 7.0*
DO 7.9 (1.0)* 9.9 (0.7) 6.5 (0.6) 6.0 (0.8) 7.6 (1.0) 9.0 (0.8) 19.0
Temp 18.3 (2.6) 24.7 (1.9)* 25.7 (3.1)* 26.2 (2.4) 20.5 (0.5) 13.8 (1.1) 22.0
Sal 27.6 (1.1) 28.4 (0.7) 29.6 (0.8) 30.2 (0.4) 27.9 (1.3) 27.3 (1.3) 5.1
DO 6.7 (0.4) 6.8 (1.0) 6.0 (0.8) 6.9 (1.1) 7.9 (0.9) 8.0 (1.0) 16.3
Temp 19.8 (1.7) 23.1 (2.3) 27.8 (1.8) 26.1 (1.3) 19.7 (1.6) 15.8 (2.0) 20.7
260 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 16, No. 2
Table 2. Species collected in the coastal lagoons of Maryland (May to October) for 1996 (7
sites), 1997 (11 sites), and 1999 (22 sites) at sampling locations depicted in Figure 1. Relative
percentage of species (%N) collected in 1996, 1997, and 1999 are given. Species are denoted
as transient (T), resident (R), or information not available (N/A). Sources of information are
Murdy et al. (1997), Able and Fahay (1998), and Carpenter (2002).
Species 1996 1999 1997 T/R
Alosa aestivalis (Mitchill) (Blueback Herring) 0.00 0.66 - T
Anchoa hepsetus (Linnaeus) (Striped Anchovy) 5.76 1.28 0.77 T
Anchoa mitchilli (Cuvier and Valenciennes) (Bay Anchovy) 39.96 34.76 30.05 R
Anguilla rostrata (Lesuer) (American Eel) 0.00 0.24 0.34 R
Apeltes quadracus (Mitchill) (Fourspine Stickleback) 0.00 0.19 0.4 R
Archosargus probatocephalus (Walbaum) (Sheepshead) 0.00 0.05 0.00 T
Astroscopus guttatus Abbott (Northern Stargazer) 0.42 0.05 0.06 R
Bairdiella chrysoura (Lacepède) (Silver Perch) 9.95 7.54 4.3 T
Brevoortia tyrannus (Latrobe) (Atlantic Menhaden) 2.62 0.43 0.57 T
of 1997, a significant salinity gradient formed in the coastal bays watershed
during some months of summer, and variability in salinity was higher farther
from OCI. In contrast, during the moderately dry year of 1999, no salinity
gradients formed, and monthly salinity was generally higher, on average,
than during the same months in 1996 and 1997 (Table 1).
Dissolved oxygen across sites ranged from 5.6 mg/L (May 1996) to 9.0
mg/L (October 1997), and monthly averages among sites did not fall to
hypoxic levels (i.e., 2 mg/L). Dissolved oxygen decreased with increasing
distance from OCI in May of 1996 (m = -0.477, r 2 = 0.82, P = 0.005), but
increased with increasing distance from OCI in May of 1997 (m = 0.089, r 2 =
0.39, P = 0.40). Dissolved oxygen also increased with increasing distance
from OCI in October 1996 (m = 0.046, r 2 = 0.68, P = 0.023; Table 1). During
the wet conditions of 1996, monthly variability in DO increased with
increasing distance from OCI (m = 0.25, r 2 = 0.84, P = 0.004). However,
during the drier years of 1997 and 1999, there was no relationship between
distance from OCI and variability in DO.
Distributions of 38, 45, and 52 species of fish (Class: Actinopterygii)
were analyzed for 1996 (43 sampling efforts), 1997 (66 sampling efforts),
and 1999 (132 sampling efforts), respectively. Anchoa mitchilli (Bay Anchovy)
constituted the highest percentage of the collection for all years
(Table 2). The Sciaenidae represented a large proportion of the sample, with
Leiostomus xanthurus (Spot), Bairdiella chyrosoura (Silver Perch), and
Cynoscion regalis (Weakfish) among the most abundant. With the exception
of Bay Anchovy, open-water species, such as Menidia menidia (Atlantic
Silverside) and Clupeidae (herrings) were less common, likely because of
sampling gear bias.
Assemblage similarities among sites were represented in multivariate
plots along NMDS axes (Fig. 2). For 1996 and 1997, the 1st NMDS
axis explained relatively less variance (r 2 = 0.18) than the 2nd and 3rd axes
(r2 = 0.29 and 0.36, respectively). In 1999, the 2nd NMDS axis explained less
2009 J.W. Love, P. Chigbu, and E.B. May 261
Table 2, continued.
Species 1996 1999 1997 T/R
Centropristis striata (Linnaeus) (Black Sea Bass) 0.14 1.76 3.93 T
Chaetodon ocellatus Bloch (Spotfin Butterflyfish) 0.00 0.08 0.08 T
Chasmodes bosquianus Lacepède (Striped Blenny) 0.00 0.40 0.18 R
Chilomycterus schoepfi(Walbaum) (Striped Burrfish) 0.00 0.00 0.51 T
Clupea harengus Linnaeus (Atlantic Herring) 3.74 0.76 1.10 T
Cynoscion regalis (Bloch and Schneider) (Weakfish) 4.04 6.55 7.59 T
Cyprinodon variegatus Lacepède (Sheepshead Minnow) 0.14 0.00 0.26 R
Diplodus holbrooki (Bean) (Spottail Pinfish) 0.00 0.00 0.04 T
Etropus microstomus (Gill) (Smallmouth Flounder) 1.49 0.55 2.87 T
Eucinostomus gula (Quoy and Gaimard) (Silver Jenny) 0.00 0.00 0.12 N/A
Fistularia tabacaria Linnaeus (Bluespotted Cornetfish) 0.00 0.00 0.15 T
Fundulus heteroclitus (Linnaeus) (Mummichog) 0.00 0.08 0.16 R
Fundulus majalis (Walbaum) (Striped Killifish) 0.00 0.00 0.32 R
Gobiosoma bosc Lacepède (Naked Goby) 0.71 0.57 0.53 R
Gobiesox strumosus Cope (Skilletfish) 0.00 0.00 0.00 R
Hippocampus erectus Perry (Lined Seahorse) 1.28 0.54 1.15 R
Hypsoblennius hentz (Lesuer) (Feather Blenny) 0.00 0.00 0.13 R
Lagodon rhomboides (Linnaeus) (Pinfish) 0.00 0.00 0.52 T
Leiostomus xanthurus Lacepède (Spot) 2.36 23.9 7.07 T
Lucania parva (Baird and Girard) (Rainwater Killifish) 0.31 0.43 0.68 R
Menidia menidia (Linnaeus) (Atlantic Silverside) 8.19 0.87 1.42 R
Menticirrhus saxatilis (Bloch and Schneider) (Northern Kingfish) 0.56 0.16 0.57 T
Microgobius thalassinus (Jordan and Gilbert) (Green Goby) 0.56 0.65 0.61 R
Micropogonias undulatus (Linnaeus) (Atlantic Croaker) 2.29 4.52 4.62 T
Monocanthus hispidus (Linnaeus) (Planehead Filefish) 0.14 0.05 0.00 T
Morone saxatilis (Walbaum) (Striped Bass) 0.14 0.00 0.00 T
Mycteroperca microlepis (Goode and Bean) (Gag) 0.14 0.00 0.00 T
Ophidion marginatum DeKay (Striped Cusk-eel) 0.14 0.2 0.19 T
Opsanus tau (Linnaeus) (Oyster Toadfish) 0.56 0.55 1.29 R
Orthopristis chrysoptera (Linnaeus) (Pigfish) 0.14 0.35 1.24 T
Paralichthys dentatus (Linnaeus) (Summer Flounder) 3.48 3.56 7.00 T
Peprilus triacanthus (Peck) (Butterfish) 0.79 0.21 0.20 T
Pogonias chromis (Linnaeus) (Black Drum) 0.14 0.13 0.10 T
Pomatomus saltatrix (Linnaeus) (Bluefish) 0.96 0.11 0.16 T
Prionotus carolinus (Linnaeus) (Northern Searobin) 0.91 0.8 2.67 T
Prionotus evolans (Linnaeus) (Striped Searobin) 0.28 0.23 0.69 T
Pseudopleuronectes americanus (Walbaum) (Winter Flounder) 1.01 1.31 2.73 R
Scomberomorus maculatus (Mitchell) (Spanish Mackerel) 0.00 0.05 0.00 T
Scophthalmus aquosus (Mitchill) (Windowpane) 0.97 0.53 0.64 T
Selene vomer (Linnaeus) (Lookdown) 0.14 0.00 0.10 T
Sphoeroides maculatus (Bloch and Schneider) (Northern Puffer) 2.57 1.00 3.49 T
Sphyraena borealis Dekay (Northern Sennet) 0.14 0.05 0.00 T
Stenotomus chrysops (Linnaeus) (Scup) 0.28 0.00 3.00 T
Symphurus plagiusa (Linnaeus) (Blackcheek Tonguefish) 0.00 0.00 1.65 R
Syngnathus floridae (Jordan and Gilbert) (Dusky Pipefish) 0.42 0.48 0.55 R
Syngnathus fuscus Storer (Northern Pipefish) 2.07 1.74 2.39 R
Synodus foetens (Linnaeus) (Inshore Lizardfish) 0.00 0.18 1.61 T
Tautoga onitis (Linnaeus) (Tautog) 0.00 0.15 0.07 T
Trinectes maculatus (Bloch and Schneider) (Hogchoker) 0.34 0.64 0.76 R
Urophycis regia (Walbaum) (Spotted Hake) 0.14 0.68 0.44 T
262 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 16, No. 2
variance (r2 = 0.20) than the 1st (r 2 = 0.32) or 3rd (r 2 = 0.27). For each time
period, we plotted the two axes explaining the greatest level of variance in
assemblage structure. Stress values for 1996 and 1997, and 1999 suggest that
plots were interpretable (Fig. 2), but may be less useful for detailed analysis
Figure 2. Results
from a
n o n - m e t r i c
m u l t i d i m e n -
sional scaling
analysis of
fish community
data taken
monthly from
the coastal lagoons
of Maryland.
Scores for
ordination axes
that explain
the greatest
variance in the
original community
matrix have
been plotted
for 1996 and
1997 (by location
and by
year) and 1999
(by location).
Points represent
a site near
Ocean City Inlet
(N) or farther
in the estuary
(F). Polygons
help visualize
clusters of
N’s and F’s for
1996 and 1997,
when clear differences
in assemblage
were more
2009 J.W. Love, P. Chigbu, and E.B. May 263
(McCune and Grace 2002). Accordingly, we limited our interpretations to
general patterns of assemblage structure.
During the wet year of 1996, assemblages near OCI and further from
OCI differed more in composition than during the dry year of 1997
(Fig. 2). The NMDS scores were more distant from one another for 1996
between habitats near OCI and farther from OCI, than they were for
1997. In 1999, assemblage composition also differed less between sites
near and farther from OCI, but a well-defined assemblage near OCI did
occur. In 1996, sites with highly variable salinity and DO levels generally
had the least variable assemblages (Table 3). During the drier year of
1997, but not 1999, sites with highly variable salinity levels also had the
least variable assemblages. During 1999, but not 1997, sites with highly
variable DO had the least variable assemblages (Table 3). Thus, monthly
variation in assemblage composition at a site can be explained by annual
differences in climatic variability, and associated spatial gradients of environmental
variability in salinity and DO.
We determined if transient species were more frequently collected near
OCI or farther from OCI, in more environmentally variable habitats. Transient
species were more frequently collected near OCI than farther from OCI during
1996 (Table 4), when environmental variability was also lower near OCI
than farther from OCI (see Table 1). However, during 1997 and especially
1999, transient species were more frequently collected farther from OCI than
in 1996. The ratio of transient to resident species farther from OCI in 1996
was lower (proportionately abundant = 0.4, and exclusively collected = 0.2)
than in 1997 (proportionately abundant = 1.0, and exclusively collected =
0.2) or 1999 (proportionately abundant = 1.0, and exclusively collected = 2.5).
This result indicates that transient species were more frequently collected
and abundant farther in the estuary during moderately dry to dry years, but
Table 3. Results from linear regressions between monthly variability (May–October) in salinity
and dissolved oxygen (DO) (predictors) and fish assemblage variability (response variable inferred
from comparing two axes of the non-metric multidimensional scaling analysis) for three
years (1996, 1997, 1999) in the coastal lagoons of Maryland.
Year variable Axes Slope r2 P-value
1996 Salinity 2 vs. 3 -8.3 0.58 0.045
1 vs. 2 -3.8 0.33 0.177
DO 2 vs. 3 -3.9 0.69 0.022
1 vs. 3 -2.0 0.46 0.093
1997 Salinity 2 vs. 3 -14.2 0.44 0.026
1 vs. 2 -13.5 0.82 0.001
DO 2 vs. 3 2.2 0.04 0.552
1 vs. 2 -1.5 0.04 0.569
1999 Salinity 2 vs. 3 -0.2 0.00 0.950
1 vs. 2 -3.6 0.06 0.290
DO 2 vs. 3 -1.5 0.12 0.110
1 vs. 2 -1.9 0.22 0.030
264 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 16, No. 2
particularly so during 1999 when salinity levels were slightly higher and varied
more similarly among sites than in previous years (see Table 1).
Environmental conditions in estuaries may influence the first year of
life of fishes and also alter population structure for some coastal fishes by
enhancing year-class strength of younger age classes (Hare and Able 2007).
Stream discharge and freshwater input was higher at sites in 1996, and the
distributions of many fishes spending their first year of life in estuaries were
more restricted to more environmentally stable habitats near OCI. Environmental
gradients in the coastal lagoons varied among years, however, and
the distributions of fishes likewise changed among years. Thus, the spatial
extent of essential fish habitat may differ among years for some species.
Distributions of fishes in coastal estuaries have traditionally been explained
by spatial gradients, such as those for salinity (Able et al. 2001, Martino and
Able 2003), DO (Eby et al. 2005), and habitat (Bell and Westoby 1986, Heck
and Orth 1980, Hovel and Lipcius 2001). Here, we suggest that monthly and
interannual changes in an environment’s water quality also play an important
role in distribution of fishes.
In our study, when environmental variability was low, assemblage variability
was high, which is different than that expected from ecological theory
(Grossman et al. 1982, Oberdoff et al. 2001, Schlosser 1982). High variability
in fish assemblages in environmentally variable aquatic habitats is expected
because of higher levels of mortality or emigration (Eby et al. 2005, Grossman
et al. 1982, Palmer et al. 1997, Schaefer 2001, Schlosser 1982, Taylor and
Warren 2001, Taylor et al. 2006). We explain our results by highlighting the
dominance of transient species in coastal lagoons, particularly in environmentally
stable habitats. Marine transient (or migrant) species are those that spend
less of their lifetime in coastal estuaries than residents, and may form assemblages
distinct from resident species in coastal estuaries (Koutrakis et al.
2005, Mariani 2001). The distinctness of such assemblages may explain higher
levels of species turnover (i.e., beta diversity) at tidal freshwater interfaces
in coastal estuaries (Wagner 1999). Transient species may be physiologically
Table 4. Numbers of proportionately abundant (>50% of the sample) resident and transient
species collected near Ocean City Inlet (<8 km) and farther from Ocean City Inlet (>8 km)
in Maryland for 1996, 1997, and 1999. The numbers of resident (Res) and transient (Trans)
species exclusively collected in habitats near (N) and farther (F) from Ocean City Inlet were
also tallied. We tested the null hypothesis that the number of transient species did not differ
between habitats near or farther from Ocean City Inlet using chi-square (χ2) tests of significance
(* signifies P < 0.05).
Abundant Exclusive
Year NRes NTrans FRes FTrans χ2 NRes NTrans FRes FTrans χ2
1996 3 19 9 4 8.9* 2 11 5 1 5.5*
1997 2 15 11 11 4.7* 2 10 6 1 6.0*
1999 3 17 10 10 4.1* 2 7 2 5 0.1
2009 J.W. Love, P. Chigbu, and E.B. May 265
intolerant to fluctuating salinity (i.e., stenohaline marine). Resident species
such as Fundulus spp. (killifishes) may persist in environmentally variable
habitats because of morphological or physiological adaptations (Kirby-Smith
et al. 2003, Kramer 1987, Lewis 1970, Love and Rees 2002, Nordlie 2003),
thereby resulting in lower assemblage variability in such habitats.
In environmentally stable habitats, diversity may be high (Kushlan 1976),
and food webs may be more complex (Paine 1966). If stream discharge
lessens over time (Carpenter et al. 1992), diversity may increase in coastal
estuaries. However, the impact of lessening stream discharge on signaling
immigration of larval fishes, such as American Eel, may be dire, especially if
precipitation plays an important role in larval ingress (Sullivan et al. 2006).
Climatic conditions may also influence recruitment of fishes to seagrass habitats
(Tuckey and Dehaven 2006), which may influence year-class strength
by improving foraging opportunities. For a 72-year period, Hare and Able
(2007) found that warm winters and concurrent warm estuarine waters were
correlated with strong year-class strength for Micropogonias undulatus (Atlantic
We acknowledge several caveats to our interpretations. First, our characterization
of residents and transients, while supported by literature (Able
and Fahay 1998, Murdy et al. 1997), may change with continued study on
the use of estuaries by marine and estuarine fish species. Secondly, while
sites were selected randomly, patterns of transient distributions may have
been spatially dependent if environments were spatially autocorrelated.
Strong relationships between habitat type and fish assemblages may have
accounted for variance not explained in our regression models. Nonetheless,
variation in salinity and DO was useful for explaining changes in fish
assemblages throughout the lagoons. These environmental variables were
not, however, significantly related to both sets of MAP scores produced from
NMDS axes. Because different axes resulting from multivariate analyses
can represent different aspects of the community, it is not surprising that
both sets of MAP scores were not related to environmental variables in the
same manner. Another caveat to our study is that we ignored the larger,
and geologically more stable, Chincoteague Inlet (CI), which also provides
dispersal access to Maryland’s coastal lagoons. Several sampled sites occurred
nearer CI than OCI, and transient species that occurred at these sites
included Bay Anchovy and Spot. Largely, though, no sites were sampled
near CI, making comparisons of fish assemblage structure between this inlet
and other sites impossible. Our fourth caveat is related to gear bias. The
use of a trawl, while effective for sampling water column and some benthic
species, does not sample all species equally well, and did not well-represent
intertidal resident fishes or larger, faster transient fishes (e.g., Carcharhinus
plumbeus (Nardo) [Sandbar Shark]). Because patterns observed here were
largely dependent on the species collected, the importance of environmental
variability on a more thoroughly sampled assemblage needs further study.
Finally, we acknowledge that our observations are limited to three years of
266 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 16, No. 2
data. Two of these years may be considered dry years relative to a third year
(1996). Thus, while we feel the patterns we have observed are meaningful,
their prevalence in the coastal bays watershed and their generality for other
coastal systems require additional years of study.
Managing coastal ecosystems will require more insight into how climatic
variability affects habitat connectivity between coastal lagoons and oceans,
and how such relationships affect biomass and trophic interactions within
coastal lagoons. These considerations will be useful for improving wellknown,
ecosystem-based management practices (Christensen and Walters
2004; Christensen et al. 2002; Pauly et al. 1998, 2002) and modeling responses
of populations to pending climatic change.
We gratefully acknowledge the efforts of Dr. Joseph Margraf and Mr. Ward
Slacum in collecting and identifying species collected during this project. This
research was funded by the Coastal Zone Management Program of the Maryland
Department of Natural Resources, and in part by the NOAA Living Marine Resources
Cooperative Science Center through the NOAA Environmental Partnership Program
(grant #NA06OAR4810163).
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