Habitat Assessment and Conservation Status of
Endangered Northeastern Bulrush
Kendra A. Cipollini1,* and Don Cipollini2
Abstract - Scirpus ancistrochaetus (Northeastern Bulrush) is a federally endangered sedge
that grows in temporary wetlands. We performed surveys of 90 wetlands in Pennsylvania,
Maryland, West Virginia, and Virginia, measuring areal extent, stem density, and number
of flowering stems of Northeastern Bulrush. We also measured percentage of tree canopy
closure, presence of threats, and size of wetland. Percentage of tree canopy closure was
negatively correlated with wetland area, percentage of wetland area occupied by Northeastern
Bulrush, total number of stems, stem density, and percentage of flowering stems.
Wetland area was positively related to percentage of flowering stems and had a tendency
to be positively related to stem density, likely in part due to larger wetlands having lower
tree canopy closure. Invasive Phalaris arundinacea (Reed Canarygrass) and Microstegium
vimineum (Japanese Stiltgrass) were present at 7% and 21% of the wetlands, respectively.
Odocoileus virginianus (White-tailed Deer) and Ursus americanus (Black Bear) damage
were present in 38% and 17% of wetlands, respectively. Modification of habitat was noted
at 27% of wetlands. For wetlands with previous data on population size, 14% had increased,
34% were stable, 25% had decreased, and 27% were absent or had severely decreased. Our
recommendations for management include reducing tree canopy closure with control of
invasive species and White-tailed Deer where needed.
The US Endangered Species Act uses sound scientific principles to enhance
recovery of species threatened by extinction (NRC 1995). Basic research on a
species’ population biology is necessary to integrate into recovery plans for effective
conservation (Schemske et al. 1994). Conservation of plants generally
receives less attention than animals. Compared to those for animals, recovery
plans for plants are more likely to fail to address research on species biology
and to properly consider threat mitigation (Schultz and Gerber 2002). Those
species with readily mitigable threats, such as those that can be addressed with
ecological management, may be those that are most likely to recover (Abbitt
and Scott 2001). In a review of recovery plan implementation, only about
half included monitoring the results of management activities (Boersma et al.
2001). Yet continued monitoring of populations and threats is necessary for effective
conservation and adaptive management in plants (MacKenzie and Keith
2009). Those recovery plans that incorporate “explicit and dynamic science”
are more likely to be successful (Boersma et al. 2001), pointing towards the
need for continual basic research of endangered species and re-visitation of recovery
plan goals.
1Wilmington College, Wilmington, OH 45177. 2Wright State University, Department of Biological
Sciences, Dayton, OH 45435. *Corresponding author - KAL143@alumni.psu.edu.
276 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 18, No. 3
Scirpus ancistrochaetus Schuyler (Northeastern Bulrush) is a perennial
emergent sedge, generally found in small depressional wetlands within forested
ecosystems. While some authors do not recognize Northeastern Bulrush as a
species (e.g., Gleason and Cronquist 1991), others do (e.g., Kartesz and Kartesz
1980, ITIS 2010). Schuyler (1962) provided the first description of the species.
Northeastern Bulrush is limited to ≈120 populations in the northeastern
United States (USFWS 2009; R. Popp, VT Department of Fish and Wildlife,
pers. comm.) and is currently listed as federally endangered (USFWS 1991).
Northeastern Bulrush can be found in a single isolated wetland or found in
one to several wetlands within a clustered wetland complex. The species is
found in Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, Virginia, and
West Virginia, but most populations (57%) occur in Pennsylvania. Common
habitat associates include Glyceria canadensis (Mich.) Trin. (Rattlesnake Mannagrass),
Cephalanthus occidentalis L. (Buttonbush), Ilex verticillata (L.) A.
Gray (Common Winterberry), Dulichium arundinaceum (L.) Britton (Threeway
Sedge), and Glyceria acutiflora Torr. (Creeping Mannagrass) (USFWS 1993).
While some wetland habitats that support Northeastern Bulrush in the northern
range of this species (i.e., New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Vermont) are
similar to those in the southern range (i.e., Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia,
and West Virginia), there are enough differences to warrant separating the two
groups of wetlands into different studies. For example, wetlands in the northern
range tend to be larger, are often influenced by Castor canadensis Kuhl
(Beaver) activities, and have Northeastern Bulrush populations that fluctuate
more dramatically in size (USFWS 2009; K.A Cipollini, pers. observ.). We are
therefore limiting the scope of this paper to the southern range of Northeastern
Bulrush. To date, we have done most of the existing ecological research on this
species, particularly in the southern range of Northeastern Bulrush, focusing on
factors that affect germination, survival, growth, and distribution (e.g., Lentz
1998, 1999; Lentz and Cipollini 1998; Lentz and Dunson 1999; Lentz and Johnson
1998; Lentz-Cipollini and Dunson 2006).
Important threats to Northeastern Bulrush include loss or alteration of the
temporary wetland habitats on which it depends due to hydrologic modification,
fragmentation, fire suppression, logging, mining, and other forest uses.
About half of the extant populations are located on public land, affording them
some level of protection. Isolated wetland habitats tend to have a higher proportion
of rare species than non-isolated wetlands (Hérault and Theon 2008),
most likely due to difficulty in effective dispersal in fragmented habitats (Ozinga
et al. 2009). Since Northeastern Bulrush responds to hydrology (Lentz
and Dunson 1998, Lentz-Cipollini and Dunson 2006), global warming may
also pose a particular threat to this species through alteration of hydrologic
regimes (Bauder 2005, Brooks 2009). Although Northeastern Bulrush suffers
little from insect herbivores and disease, it is sensitive to simulated vertebrate
herbivory (Lentz and Cipollini 1998), and an important biotic threat is grazing
by Odocoileus virginianus (Zimmermann) (White-tailed Deer; hereafter
2011 K.A. Cipollini and D. Cipollini 277
“Deer”). Wetland and aquatic plant invaders also have the potential to severely
impact this species, due to its restriction to small, isolated wetland habitats. Finally,
it is thought that shifts in forest species composition from Quercus spp.
(oaks) to Acer spp. (maples) (due to a number of factors including changes
in fire regime, an impact not only of forest management but also of climate
change) will affect understory light conditions (Abrahamson and Gohn 2004),
which will in turn adversely affect this relatively high-light-requiring species
(Lentz and Cipollini 1998, Lentz and Dunson 1999).
To date, monitoring, research, and management efforts for this species are
fairly limited, leaning towards a “hands-off” protective approach to conservation.
On Pennsylvania State Forest land, managed by the Pennsylvania Department of
Conservation and Natural Resources (PADCNR), “public plant sanctuaries” have
been identified. Of the 52 sanctuaries identified in 2001, 14 of them (27%) are
targeted for enhanced protection primarily due to the presence of Northeastern
Bulrush. Land managers essentially set the public plant sanctuaries aside, being
careful to limit forest management and other activities near sensitive areas,
without any active conservation management. Land managers generally lack
scientifically based guidelines for monitoring and management for this species.
This lack of information is not unexpected, given that, while plants comprise over
half of the species listed under the Endangered Species Act, they are allocated
less than 5% of federal funding (Roberson 2002).
New populations of Northeastern Bulrush have been discovered since its
listing in 1991, which in part prompted the recent recommendation of changing
its status from endangered to threatened (USFWS 2009). The discovery of new
populations is one factor that can lead to downlisting of a species (Gordon et al.
1997), though complete delisting is generally uncommon (Doremus and Pagel
2001). However, it is clear that this species is not necessarily secure. Many populations
lacked detailed status information (C. Copeyon, USFWS, State College,
PA, pers. comm.). From a brief survey in 2006, we found that many extant previously
studied populations (Lentz 1998) were declining. This finding illustrated
the need to revisit existing populations to document their status, to assess a suite
of habitat variables, and to document potential threats to each population.
Using data provided by state natural heritage programs, National Wetland
Inventory (NWI) topographic maps, and aerial photos from Google Earth, and
aided by a handheld GPS (Earthmate GPS PN-20, DeLorme, Yarmouth, ME),
we navigated to each wetland previously known to hold Northeastern Bulrush
(Fig. 1). Sites in Pennsylvania were located on State forest land and State game
land, with one site on land owned by The Nature Conservancy (TNC). In Maryland,
Virginia, and West Virginia, we visited 3 sites managed by the US Forest
Service (USFS), 1 site managed by Virginia Department of Natural Resources
(VADNR), and 5 privately owned sites. For this study, we visited 90 separate
278 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 18, No. 3
wetlands found at 57 different sites (as this species can be found in multiple
wetlands within a site), representing 69% of sites found in Pennsylvania, 70%
of sites found in the southern range of Northeastern Bulrush, and 58% of sites
range-wide (Table 1). We visited the majority of Pennsylvania sites in July 2008,
Figure 1. Location of Northeastern Bulrush sites in Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia,
and West Virginia surveyed for habitat variables, population variables, and threats.
Darker circles indicate overlapping wetland points as a result of multiple wetlands per
site or as a result of map resolution.
Table 1. Number of extant sites with Northeastern Bulrush (from USFWS 2009 except where
noted), number of sites surveyed, and percentage of sites surveyed by state and region.
Total number Number of Percentage of
State of extant sites sites surveyed sites surveyed
MD 1 1 100%
PA 70 48 69%
VA 7 5 72%
WV 3 3 100%
NH, VT, MA 41A 14B 34%
Total across range 122 71 58%
Total in southern region 81 57 70%
A Number of sites in NH, VT, and MA are based on current information from R. Popp of VT Fish
and Wildlife Department.
B Sites surveyed in northern range (i.e., NH, VT, and MA) are not included in current analyses.
2011 K.A. Cipollini and D. Cipollini 279
but a few sites were visited in October 2007 and October 2008. Sites in Maryland,
Virginia, and West Virginia were surveyed in June 2010.
At each wetland, we recorded the coordinates and elevation using the GPS,
later checking for accuracy on Google Earth and on USGS topographic maps. We
used a fiberglass measuring tape to measure the approximate width and length of
the wetland in meters. Boundaries were fairly easy to estimate as there was generally
a topographic drop-off and/or a sharp change to forest at the boundary of
the wetland. We calculated elliptical wetland area in m2 by multiplying the halflength
and half-width by π. We noted the identity of the mature tree species in the
forest within ≈10 m of the wetland and the presence of any recognized wetland or
aquatic plant invaders. We also recorded herbivory or damage by Deer on Northeastern
Bulrush (which was readily attributable to Deer based on the feeding style
and presence of other circumstantial evidence). We recorded instances of other
direct threats to the wetland, including evidence of adjacent road drainage and
Ursus americanus Pallus (Black Bear) wallowing activity.
In the center of each wetland, we used a convex spherical densiometer (Forest
Densiometers, Bartlesville, OK) to estimate forest canopy closure in each
cardinal direction (N, S, E, and W). The four measurements were averaged to
determine percentage of tree canopy closure for each wetland, using the instructions
provided on the spherical densiometer. Measuring tree canopy closure in
the center of the wetland provides an estimate of the general light conditions of
the entire wetland, as the center of the wetland is generally open, with the tree
canopy overhanging the wetland from the forest edge. As the forest matures, the
canopy gap over the center of the wetland gradually closes, reducing light in
the wetland (Fig. 2). Measurements with spherical densiometers may be biased,
Figure 2. Diagram of progression of tree canopy closure over time. Ovals represent
wetland boundaries, irregular polygons represent tree canopy, and solid black diamonds
represent where tree canopy closure was measured.
280 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 18, No. 3
yet can be more precise than other methods for measuring vertical canopy cover
(Cook et al. 1995). The densiometer is better suited to measuring canopy closure,
i.e., the “proportion of the sky hemisphere obscured by vegetation when viewed
by a single point,” rather than canopy cover, i.e., the “area of ground covered by
a vertical projection of the canopy” (Jennings et al. 1999). Nuttle (1997) argues
that angular methods such as the spherical densiometer may be a better assessment
of an organism’s perception of cover. The spherical densiometer represents
a tradeoff between speed of measurement and accuracy (Korhonen et al. 2006).
The measurements taken by a spherical densiometer can also later be converted
to percent canopy cover if desired by developing predictive models specific to a
given ecosystem (Fiala et al. 2006). Taking all of these factors into consideration,
the spherical densiometer can easily provide precise comparative measurements
of the light conditions experienced by Northeastern Bulrush at each wetland.
Canopy closure was not measured in October, at which time tree leaves were
already beginning to fall.
In many wetlands (generally towards the center), there was one large fairly
uniform monoculture of Northeastern Bulrush, as is common for asexually reproducing
species. We measured the approximate length and width of the patch
(or patches) of Northeastern Bulrush and calculated the areal extent of the population
in each wetland by multiplying the width of each patch by its length.
In each patch of Northeastern Bulrush, we counted the total number of stems
and the number of flowering stems of Northeastern Bulrush in three 0.25-m2
areas that appeared to visually represent the average density of the patch. We
then averaged the three measurements to find the average density of stems
and flowering stems. By multiplying the average densities by areal extent,
we estimated the total number of stems and flowering stems in each wetland.
We used number of stems rather than number of individuals since determining
number of individuals in this clonal species is not possible in the field. To
control for possible wetland size effects, we also calculated the percentage area
of each wetland occupied by Northeastern Bulrush. In wetlands where populations
were small, the number of stems and number of flowering stems in the
entire population were counted directly. We performed pairwise correlations to
examine relationships among six habitat and Northeastern Bulrush variables:
wetland area, percentage of wetland occupied by Northeastern Bulrush, total
number of stems, density of stems, percentage of flowering stems, and percentage
of tree canopy closure (Ryan et al. 2005).
Based on our observations, we developed a comparative element occurrence
(EO) ranking system for this species, based on number of stems,
metapopulation structure, threat assessment, population change, and qualitative
assessment of habitat. Element occurrence rankings for each site were
based in part on guidelines of NatureServe (Hammerson et al. 2008). Due to
year-to-year variation in number of stems, it is difficult to rank sites solely on
the number of stems. Additionally, number of stems does not necessarily represent
the number of individuals, and thus, genetic diversity may be low even
2011 K.A. Cipollini and D. Cipollini 281
if number of stems is high. We therefore developed a ranking for each site that
took into account not only the number of stems, but also the threats, recent
changes in stem number, and landscape context. Those sites with a high and
stable number of stems, low threats, and nearby appropriate habitat that provided
dispersal opportunity were ranked highest. Rankings proceed downward
from A (the best condition) through F (the worst condition). When populations
were intermediate between rankings, they received a two-letter ranking. For
59 wetlands, there was enough information on population size and stem number
from previous surveys, either in the Natural Heritage databases or from
our own site visits, to make a comparative qualitative evaluation of the status
of the population, similar to qualitative assessments found in USFWS (2009).
We categorized populations as increased (≈25% increase or greater), stable,
decreased (≈25–50% decrease), or decreased greatly (>50% decrease)/locally
extirpated. We used rather large thresholds for determining these categories
in order to incorporate the fact that some amount of year-to-year variation in
population size is expected in Northeastern Bulrush.
Wetlands containing Northeastern Bulrush were found at elevations between
225 and 1087 m, with a median of 510 m. Wetlands tended to be small, ranging
from 70 m2 to 5655 m2, with a median of 481 m2 (Table 2). The percentage of
tree canopy closure had fairly strong relationships with population parameters
of Northeastern Bulrush (Table 3). Percentage of tree canopy closure was negatively
correlated with percentage of wetland occupied by Northeastern Bulrush,
total number of stems, stem density (Fig. 3), and percentage of flowering stems.
Wetland area was negatively related to the and percentage of tree canopy closure
and positively related to the percentage of flowering stems, with a tendency to be
positively related to stem density.
The invasive plant species Phalaris arundinacea L. (Reed Canarygrass) was
present at 7% of wetlands, and was the probable cause of extirpation at one heavily
invaded site, while invasive Microstegium vimineum (Trin.) A. Camus (Japanese
Stiltgrass) was present at 21% of wetlands. Deer activity (either trampling or
Table 2. Sample size, minimum, maximum and median values for wetland habitat measures and
population variables of Northeastern Bulrush, for the subset of wetlands containing Northeastern
Measure n Minimum Maximum Median
Wetland area (in m2) 82 70 5655 481
Elevation (in m) 82 225 1087 510
Areal extent (in m2) 82 1 1236 3
Percentage of wetland occupied 78 <1 100 61
Total number of stems 82 2 116,971 294
Stem density (in number of stems/m2) 38 21 137 63
Percentage of flowering stems 83 0 97 19
Percentage of tree canopy closure 80 0 99 71
282 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 18, No. 3
browsing) was noted in 38% of wetlands, with more significant impacts during
the fall. Black Bear activity, including wallows, were observed in 17% of wetlands.
In 27% of wetlands, we observed habitat and/or hydrologic modification,
such as road drainage discharging directly into wetlands and roads crossing parts
of a wetland. Of the 59 wetlands with previous data, 14% had increased populations
of Northeastern Bulrush, 34% had stable populations, 25% had decreasing
populations, and 27% had severely decreased or locally extirpated populations.
Element occurrence rankings developed for this species are described in Table 4.
For site EO rankings, 47.4% of sites were ranked “C” or above (implying likely
long-term persistence), 40.3% of sites were ranked “CD” or “D”, and 12.3% were
ranked as “DF” or “F”, or species likely absent.
Figure 3. Relationship between percentage of tree canopy closure and Northeastern Bulrush
stem density.
Table 3. Pairwise correlation matrix for Northeastern Bulrush habitat and population variables. Superscripts:
A = 0.10 < P < .05, B = P < 0.05, C = P ≤ 0.005. Number in parentheses is n, the number
of points in each relationship.
% of Total % of
wetland number flowering
Wetland area occupied of stems Stem density stems
% of wetland occupied -0.065 (78)
Total number of stems -0.021 (82) 0.777C (78)
Stem density 0.293A (37) 0.129 (36) 0.341B (37)
% of flowering stems 0.341C (79) 0.096 (78) 0.125 (82) 0.496C (38)
% of tree canopy closure -0.498C (78) -0.318C (76) -0.488C (80) -0.523C (38) -0.454C (80)
2011 K.A. Cipollini and D. Cipollini 283
We visited 90 wetlands known to contain populations of the federally endangered
Northeastern Bulrush to document their status, to assess a suite of habitat
variables, and to document potential threats to each population. Earlier studies
focused on a much smaller scale, studying only 3, 4, or 17 wetlands containing
Northeastern Bulrush (Bartgis 1992, Lentz and Dunson 1999, and Lentz-Cipollini
and Dunson 2006, respectively). Despite the fact that most of the populations surveyed
were found on relatively protected public or conservation lands, over 50%
were in decline or possibly extirpated. This finding indicates that the current conservation
strategy of setting aside and simply conserving areas with Northeastern
Bulrush may be ineffective. Admittedly, populations in ephemeral habitats may
undergo population fluctuations (Lesica 1992), but different species do have individualistic
responses (Deil 2005). Indeed, Lentz-Cipollini and Dunson (2006)
found evidence that population size fluctuates with precipitation input. We would,
however, expect that fluctuation in population size would be less severe in general
for large populations of this perennial species (capable of both asexual and sexual
reproduction), particularly in its southern range, where hydrological fluctuations
are presumed to be less severe than in its northern range.
Table 4. Element occurrence (EO) ranking for Northeastern Bulrush.
Letter No. of
EO rank description rank sites
Population thriving with >15,000 stems in general, excellent example of habitat, A 2
prospects for long-term (≈25 yrs) persistence excellent given current condition,
intact hydrology and wetland well buffered from development, few to no threats,
ample opportunities for dispersal/metapopulation dynamics.
AB 3
Population stable or in good condition with >5000 stems in general, good example B 3
of habitat, prospects for long-term persistence good given current conditions,
hydrology largely intact and wetland mostly well buffered from development,
some threats, little opportunity for dispersal/metapopulation dynamics.
BC 9
Population declining or condition only fair with >500 stems in general, fair C 10
example of habitat, hydrology somewhat compromised with minimal buffer,
obvious threats, prospects for long-term persistence uncertain (but still likely),
little opportunity for dispersal/metapopulation dynamics, management necessary
within next 5 years.
CD 10
Population very small (less than 500 stems in general), degraded habitat, hydrology and D 13
buffer clearly compromised, obvious threats, high probability of extirpation if
current conditions continue, little to no opportunity for dispersal/metapopulation
dynamics, management necessary immediately.
DF 1
Population not found, degraded habitat, obvious threats, and most likely locally F 6
extirpated under current conditions.
284 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 18, No. 3
Current recommendations for forest management adjacent to wetlands includes
a no-cut buffer (C. Firestone, PADCNR, Wellsboro, PA, pers. comm.),
which may actually be detrimental to this relatively high-light requiring species.
Our study is the first to provide replicated data correlating forest canopy closure
over wetlands with population parameters of Northeastern Bulrush on a large
scale. Our findings are not unexpected given the known experimental response
of this species to light availability (Lentz and Cipollini 1998), and that species
composition in isolated forested wetlands can be determined in part by plant light
requirements (Hérault and Theon 2008). Further, the forest canopy closure was
negatively related to percentage of wetland occupied by Northeastern Bulrush, a
variable that removes any confounding effect of wetland size. It is important to
note that the data from this study simply provides a snapshot of current conditions
and relationships between variables; therefore, it does not experimentally
illustrate cause-and-effect. However, for the 17 sites for which we have data
from 1994, percentage of tree canopy closure has generally increased by ≈25%
overall, with a concomitant decline in populations. Other monitoring efforts have
also documented increases in population size with both experimental and natural
removal of tree canopy adjacent to wetlands (K. O’Malley, WV Department of
Natural Resources, Romney, WV, pers. comm.). Based on this information and
on our current results negatively linking percentage of forest canopy with several
population parameters of Northeastern Bulrush, we suggest that experimental reduction
of tree canopy closure is advisable to adaptively manage the populations
and to provide a buffer against other environmental changes. Our recommendations
have already been incorporated into the five-year review of the status of this
species (USFWS 2009).
Removing a portion of the forest canopy will not only allow more light into
the site, but may also have slight effects on the hydrologic regime by changing
evapotranspiration rates (Brooks 2005, 2009). Standing water has been observed
to be more frequent in cut forests (Russell et al. 2002); however, we are suggesting
low levels of canopy removal primarily in an area immediately adjacent to the
wetland, and hydrologic effects are therefore expected to be limited. Increased
light and any increased water should benefit Northeastern Bulrush (Lentz and
Cipollini 1998 and Lentz-Cipollini and Dunson 2006, respectively) provided the
water level is not too high (Lentz and Dunson 1998). Higher light levels can also
help this species tolerate other forms of stress, such as Deer herbivory (Lentz and
Cipollini 1998).
We recommend that the forest canopy for all sites with greater than 70% closure
be reduced to 40–50% closure (measured in the center of the wetland using
a spherical densiometer) by trimming, girdling, or otherwise killing selected
trees on the perimeter of the wetland. We selected this level based on thresholds
noted for Northeastern Bulrush occurrence (Lentz and Dunson 1999) as
well as our current findings. Populations of Northeastern Bulrush with greater
than 70% canopy closure were small, with a low percentage of flowering stems.
Reducing forest canopy closure to 40–50% is still within the natural range of
2011 K.A. Cipollini and D. Cipollini 285
variation, yet will allow for more infrequent management events. By carefully
tracking how populations change with changing tree canopy closure, with each
researcher using the same measurement protocol, the recommended management
level can be adjusted as adaptive management warrants. Common trees
surrounding and shading these wetlands include Acer rubrum L. (Red Maple),
Quercus rubra L. (Red Oak), Pinus strobus L. (White Pine), and Nyssa sylvatica
Marsh (Black Gum). Which tree species are cut is not particularly important, so
land managers can make this decision. For the first trials of using this management
method, we recommend the installation of a surface monitoring well and
a data logger which measures water level. A continuous water level monitor is
necessary as wetlands tend to experience a great deal of variation in water level
in short time frames (Lentz 1998). An adjacent unmanaged wetland as similar
as possible to the managed wetland should be used for comparative purposes.
Subsequent monitoring of the hydrologic regime and population response in
both wetlands should occur for 5–7 years. Following the population for a longer
time frame is necessary to get a more accurate assessment of the response of
this perennial species, which is known to have population variance from year
to year. The efficacy of the tree canopy thinning can be evaluated by comparing
the population response of Northeastern Bulrush and the hydrologic responses
of the experimental wetland to the control wetland. Ideally, other species dependent
on this habitat (e.g., amphibians) should also be monitored to assure that
the tree canopy thinning treatment does not adversely impact other components
of biodiversity of these habitats. In fact, some amphibians may even do better
if standing water increases in each wetland (see Russell et al. 2002). Amphibian
diversity can actually increase with a decrease in forest canopy closure (Skelly
et al. 2005)
Monitoring the presence or absence of threats and summarizing these data
across multiple sites can give a quantitative assessment of the potential of each
threat for a species of concern (Wixted and McGraw 2009). We observed human
habitat and/or hydrologic alteration in nearly one-third of wetlands. Since habitat
modification therefore is a fairly common threat and Northeastern Bulrush is
sensitive to water levels (Lentz and Dunson 1998) and to changes in natural hydrology
(Lentz-Cipollini and Dunson 2006), we recommend more field research
into the long-term impact of these anthropogenic activities on Northeastern Bulrush.
Deer activity was noted in 38% of the wetlands that we sampled, and ranged
from substantial grazing to trampling and other forms of disturbance. Deer often
use wetlands as watering holes, and many of the isolated wetlands where Northeastern
Bulrush occurs are the only water sources to be found in large tracts of
forest. Among the plant species that exist in these wetlands, Northeastern Bulrush
also appears to be a preferred species for Deer (D. Cipollini, pers. observ.), especially
in fall when it is among the last of the green herbaceous plants in temperate
forests. It can tolerate a single bout of simulated Deer herbivory, but low light
levels inhibit compensatory ability (Lentz and Cipollini 1998). Restriction of
animal activity by fencing may be warranted at wetlands in areas of high Deer
286 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 18, No. 3
densities. Likewise, several wetlands showed evidence of visitation by Black
Bear, which often use forested wetlands as wallowing areas. One small population
of Northeastern Bullrush appeared to be completely extirpated by chronic
wallowing activity. On the other hand, these forms of animal disturbance may be
important to create open water and soil sites for seed germination for Northeastern
Bulrush, and large animals may be important dispersers of the barbed achenes
that Northeastern Bulrush produces, as has been shown for other species with
similar seeds (Carter 1993).
Invasive species are generally a more local threat to this species. Eradication
of Reed Canarygrass is recommended at the three sites where it was
found. Populations of Northeastern Bulrush either in small wetlands or restricted
to small areas in larger wetlands seem especially vulnerable, since
Reed Canarygrass can readily dominate such areas. A dramatic increase
in Reed Canarygrass at one site in Clinton County, PA is most likely the cause
of the extirpation of a formerly small population of Northeastern Bulrush
that existed at this site. In such instances, complete eradication rather than
control should be the strategy (Mack and Foster 2009), which is currently
feasible at sites where the invasive population size is small. Another invasive
plant, Japanese Stiltgrass, was found co-occurring in only two wetlands with
Northeastern Bulrush, but was found adjacent to 21% of the wetlands that we
surveyed. Japanese Stiltgrass prefers mesic soils, but it can occupy the edge
of seasonal wetlands. Since Northeastern Bulrush tolerates inundation better
than Japanese Stiltgrass (K.A. Cipollini, pers. observ.), the opportunity for
negative impacts from this invasive species may be limited. Nevertheless,
the possible impacts of Japanese Stiltgrass should be more fully investigated,
particularly in drier sites. It might be particularly important at wetland edges,
where Northeastern Bulrush seedling establishment likely occurs.
We recommend using our standardized monitoring protocol for monitoring the
population status of Northeastern Bulrush. In particular, to standardize measures
of population size and status, we recommend using stem number and flowering
stem number as opposed to counting clumps of ramets. Counting clumps has been
used as a method of assessing population size for this species in the past, but the
clumps can vary in the number of ramets that they possess. However, because
Northeastern Bulrush is clonal, neither the number of clumps of ramets nor the
total number of stems necessarily relate to the number of genets in a population.
Indeed, our preliminary genetic studies have shown that within-wetland diversity
is generally low (K.A. Cipollini, unpubl. data), indicating that each wetland may
support few genets. Thus, the best measures of population status will include
estimates of population size and genetic diversity. Additionally, we recommend
the use of our EO ranking system for this species to ensure consistency across
field surveys. This ranking system could be further refined as additional threats
are identified.
There is no information on the conservation genetics of Northeastern Bulrush.
If newly discovered populations are genetically homogenous with existing
2011 K.A. Cipollini and D. Cipollini 287
populations, then they represent the identification of no new genetic resources.
Until we have an understanding of the genetic diversity of this species at local and
regional scales, we will not know the extent to which fluctuations in population
sizes due to environmental impacts such as climate change will negatively impact
the conservation of genetic resources in the field. Even a small loss of population
size can reduce genetic resources; for example, a 5% loss in population size
from small, isolated populations, caused a 30% decline in genetic differentiation
(Butcher et al. 2009). In line with recommendations from the five-year review
(USFWS 2009), we are currently working to determine the population genetic
structure of Northeastern Bulrush in order to add this important information to
our population assessments.
We thank Pennsylvania Wild Resource Conservation Fund (PAWRCF) and US Fish
and Wildlife Service (USFWS) for funding this work. Greg Czarnecki and Teresa Witmer
of PAWRCF, Carole Copeyon of USFWS, and Chris Firestone of Pennsylvania
Department of Conservation and Natural Resources/Bureau of Forestry (PADCNR/
BOF) provided cheerful and prompt assistance during grant development, administration,
and implementation. Pamela Schellenberger and Bonnie Dershem of USFWS
performed the field survey of one site. We also appreciate Pamela’s field assistance
on a very rainy day. Ephraim Zimmerman of WPC, Susan Klugman of PNHP, Scott
Bills, Bert Einodshofer, Mike Ondik, Art Hamley, Rob Criswell and Bruce Metz of
PGC, Amy Griffith, Jim Smith, Steven Hoover, and Bob Merrill of PADCNR/BOF,
Fred Huber of USFS, Kieran O’Malley of WVDNR, Chris Frye and Donnie Rohrback
of MDDNR, and Cathy Milholen, Johnny Townsend, and Bryan Wender of VADCR
provided valuable assistance in finding and/or accessing field sites. We thank Craig
Chapman of PADCNR/BOF, The Nature Conservancy, USFS, VADCR, Barbara
Douglas of USFWS, Richard Palmer and Brandi Moyer of PGC, the Radcliffs, the Rolands
and other land owners for permitting research and/or plant collection on various
properties. We thank Bob Popp and three anonymous reviewers whose comments improved
the manucript. Josh Miller created our map. We are also indebted to our field
assistants Otto and Emmett Cipollini. We are thankful to Fred and Carol Wilcox and
Betty and Donald Cipollini, Sr., who gave Emmett and Otto a break from their field
work with Mom and Dad.
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