Use of an Artificial Nesting Mound by Wood Turtles
(Glyptemys insculpta): A Tool for Turtle Conservation
Kurt A. Buhlmann1,* and Colin P. Osborn2
Abstract - We constructed an artificial nesting mound for Glyptemys insculpta (Wood
Turtle) in the Great Swamp National Wildlife Refuge, NJ. The original nesting site
was impacted by development and invasive plants. The new nesting mound was
constructed from similar soil and was 100 m distant from the original site. The new
mound was 50 m from stream habitat and in an old field where it received full sun for
the entire day. The mound was 18 m long, 8 m wide, and had a maximum height of 1.5
m, with gently sloping sides. We encountered nest-searching female Wood Turtles on
the impacted site during late May to early June for four years, 2007–2010. We carefully
hand-carried females to the new nesting area and allowed them to choose whether
or not to nest on the mound. We protected all nests from predators. Seventeen of 18
nests that were deposited and left on the nesting mound produced live hatchlings. Six
clutches had 100% hatching success, with only one failing completely. At least nine
different female Wood Turtles nested on the mound. One female returned on her own
in three subsequent years, another returned on her own in one subsequent year, several
were re-shown the mound in subsequent years, and one turtle found the mound and
nested on it on her own. The nesting mound has produced 142 hatchling Wood Turtles
over the four years. We suggest that it is possible to entice female turtles to nest in a
new area and that when nesting resources are limited, construction and protection of
nesting areas can be a useful conservation action.
The problems facing turtle populations worldwide are sobering. Of 305 or
more recognized species, at least 42% are considered threatened (IUCN 2009).
Major causes of population declines include loss of habitat through human development
and habitat alteration, and collection of specimens for food and the
pet trade markets (Bailey et al. 2006, Gibbons et al. 2000, Turtle Conservation
Fund 2002, van Dijk et al. 2000). Conservation efforts for turtles have focused
primarily on habitat protection, with turtles fortunately being included in large
tracts of federal and state natural areas, parks, refuges, and wildlife management
areas. However, simply setting aside areas and managing habitat for turtles may
not be sufficient to sustain or achieve viable populations as unaddressed threats
continue to erode population size. These factors may include mortality by automobiles
on adjacent roadways (Steen et al. 2006), poaching by unscrupulous
persons for the pet trade (Garber and Burger 1995, Levell 2000, Niederberger and
Seidel 1999), certain agricultural practices (Saumure and Bider 1998, Saumure et
1University of Georgia, Savannah River Ecology Laboratory, Aiken, SC 29802. 2US Fish
and Wildlife Service, Great Swamp National Wildlife Refuge, 241 Pleasant Plains Road,
Basking Ridge, NJ 07920. *Corresponding author - kbuhlmann@earthlink.net.
316 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 18, No. 3
al. 2007) and increased predation by subsidized meso-predators, namely Procyon
lotor L. (Raccoon) and dogs (Vulpes and Canis spp.). Therefore, techniques are
needed to enhance or augment turtle populations on protected sites, especially
where populations exist at densities below their historic levels. Techniques that
produce turtle conservation benefits for limited cost and maintenance are highly
desirable. We report here on a technique that we have used since 2007 in the
Great Swamp National Wildlife Refuge, NJ to provide secure nesting areas for
state-threatened Glyptemys insculpta LeConte (Wood Turtle) (NJDEP 2009).
Our goal has been to help compensate for the loss of historic nesting sites due to
human habitat alteration on adjacent private land and perceived intense levels of
turtle nest predation by Raccoons.
Wood Turtles occur in the northeastern US and Canada (Ernst and Lovich
2009). They inhabit streams with gravel or cobble bottoms, deep pools, and
undercut banks with overhanging trees. Hibernation and mating take place in
streams. Much of the active season is spent in terrestrial habitats, notably riparian
hardwood forests and old fields where these omnivores feed on slugs,
earthworms, insects, and berries (Arvisais et al. 2004, Farrell and Graham 1991,
Harding and Bloomer 1979). Brooks et al. (1992) found that age at maturity for
Wood Turtles in Canada was 17–18 years at a minimum carapace length of 185
mm for females and 199 mm for males. Farrell and Graham (1991) suggested
that Wood Turtles may mature by age 14 in a New Jersey population. Longevity
of Wood Turtles in the wild has been reported to 33 years (Ross et al. 1991). One
of us (K.A. Buhlmann) marked adult Wood Turtles in 1988 in Virginia, and two
were found alive at the same site in 2009 (T. Akre, Longwood University, Farmville,
VA, pers.comm.), and thus are +40 yrs of age.
Wood Turtles in all populations studied lay only one clutch of eggs per year,
and some may skip years (Walde et al. 2007). Mean clutch size was 10.6 eggs
(range = 5–15) in a Québec study (Walde et al. 2007), while Farrell and Graham
(1991) reported clutch means of 8.5 eggs (range = 5–11) in a New Jersey population.
The largest clutch size yet documented was 20 eggs in a Quebec population
(Walde and Saumure 2008). Hughes et al. (2009) reported incubation periods
of 79–92 d in Ontario, and Walde et al. (2007) reported a range of 60–116 d
over two years in Québec. Farrell and Graham (1991) recorded emergence of
hatchlings from semi-natural nests 70–71 days after laying. Nesting occurred
in early June in New Jersey (Farrell and Graham 1991) and mid-late June in
Québec (Walde et al. 2007). Hatchlings emerged 23–28 August in New Jersey
(Farrell and Graham 1991), 13–29 August in New Hampshire (Tuttle and Carroll
2005) and 17 August–7 October in Québec (Walde et al. 2007). Sex of the
offspring is genetically determined, rather than by incubation temperature (Ewert
and Nelson 1991). Nesting sites include open sloping areas consisting of welldrained
gravelly or sandy soils with sparse-to-no vegetation and are associated
with abandoned gravel pits, quarries, roadway embankments, agricultural fields,
and natural sandy beaches (Castellano et al. 2008, Harding and Bloomer 1979,
Hughes et al. 2009, Walde et al. 2007).
2011 K.A. Buhlmann and C.P. Osborn 317
Field-Site Description
At the Great Swamp National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) in Morris County,
NJ, we have studied a small population of Wood Turtles along a tributary of
the Passaic River since 2006. The exact location of the study site is not published
in order to help further conservation goals. The stream at our study
site is typical of previously described habitat, with flowing current, gravel
bottom, deep pools, and undercut banks with overhanging trees that provide
suitable hibernation sites. The stream reach studied is bordered by riparian
hardwood forest and old abandoned pastures that contain patches of Rubus sp.
(blackberry) and invasive Rosa multiflora Thunb. ex Murr (Multiflora Rose).
The Wood Turtle population has persisted presumably because it is isolated
from any major roads (one road mortality has been observed in the past four
years) and is protected from poaching by both private property (with supportive
landowners and where trespassing would be obvious) and the federal land
of the Refuge. An adjacent old farm contained a previously active spoil area
where the farmer had dumped compost, manure, some trash, and occasionally
excavated dirt. The spoil area provided a suitable nesting area for Chelydra
serpentina L. (Snapping Turtle), Chrysemys picta Schneider (Painted Turtle),
Sternotherus odoratus Latreille (Common Musk Turtle), Terrapene carolina
L. (Eastern Box Turtle), and Wood Turtles.
We had observed several Wood Turtles nesting on the old farm property
in 2006. We also observed high levels of turtle nest destruction of co-nesting
Painted and Snapping Turtles and assumed that Wood Turtle nests suffered the
same fate. Nest predation was caused chiefly by Raccoons, but also by Vulpes
vulpes L. (Red Fox). The active farming had ceased in 2005, the land was sold,
and the nesting site began to be reclaimed by herbaceous vegetation, including
Artemisia vulgaris L. (Common Mugwort), a non-native invasive plant. Simultaneously,
we learned of plans to subdivide the property and build a large home on
the nesting site. Thus, we began discussions about providing an alternative nesting
site, how it would be constructed and located, whether nest predation could
be deterred, and most importantly, whether female Wood Turtles would use it and
nests hatch successfully.
We captured Wood Turtles at our study site by hand in the stream (adults
and juveniles) and on land adjacent to the stream in either the old farm nesting
area (females) or in the riparian forest (adults of both sexes). All turtles
were measured (carapace [CL] both maximum and midline, plastron [PL] and
weight [nearest g]). All turtles were individually marked by filing marginal
scutes (Cagle 1939) and using the 1-2-4-7 marking system (e.g., Buhlmann et
al. 2008, Honegger 1979). We X-radiographed gravid Wood Turtles in 2006
(n = 2) and 2007 (n = 7) to determine total clutch sizes; turtles were not Xrayed
in subsequent years.
318 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 18, No. 3
Nesting mound
At the beginning of the 2007 turtle nesting season, we constructed a mound of
soil on Great Swamp NWR in an old field adjacent to the stream that supported
the Wood Turtle population. The field was located directly across the stream from
the old farm nesting area. We obtained soil that was similar in color, friability,
and texture to the soil at the old farm nesting area. We used a backhoe to construct
the mound (Fig. 1).
The mound was 18 m in length and 8 m in width at the base, with a maximum
height of 1.5 m. The sides of the mound were sloped at a 40 degree
angle, and the top of the mound was flat and 2 m in width. The location of
the mound in the old field was positioned with the long sides facing north and
south, and it received full sun for the entire day. The mound was located approximately
25 m into the old field from the 25-m-wide riparian forest; thus,
the mound was 50 m from the stream. Straight-line distance between the old
farm nesting site and our nesting mound was 100 m. In May 2008, we added
soil and rounded the ends of the existing structure to increase the availability
of nesting areas facing east and west. The sloping front of the existing mound
was given a porch-like base to minimize the length of the angled slope and reduce
erosion (Fig. 2).
Our goal was to make the mound visible to gravid female Wood Turtles
that were in the riparian woodland or the old field. We hand-planted the slopes
Figure 1. We used a backhoe to construct a mound of dirt in an open canopy area of the
old field at Great Swamp National Wildlife Refuge, NJ.
2011 K.A. Buhlmann and C.P. Osborn 319
of the mound with mature clumps of translocated grasses, mostly Sorghastrum
nutans (L.) Nash (Indian Grass) that we obtained from the old farm nesting
site. Grass clumps were planted irregularly, but approximately 1 m distant
from each other and mimicked conditions observed on the old farm nesting
area, prior to Common Mugwort colonization. Grass clumps presumably
provided some concealing structure for female turtles seeking a nest site, but
did not shade developing nests, nor were they close enough together to create
interlocking root mats that are known to cause turtle embryo mortality (Harding
and Bloomer 1979, Hughes et al. 2009). We hand-weeded the mound prior
to each nesting season. Grass clumps also helped prevent erosion caused by
rainfall. Using the backhoe, we also constructed two small wetlands in the old
field approximately 5 m x 5 m in size within 3 m of the north- and west-facing
toes of the mound. Our thought was to provide an optional area for nestsearching
females to recharge their bladder water or for hatchlings to escape
into aquatic cover after emergence.
Treatment of gravid female Wood Turtles
In each of the four years of the study, we searched suitable nesting areas
on the old farm property for gravid females during the day and evening from
Figure 2. The mound we created at Great Swamp National Wildlife Refuge, NJ was 18 m
in length and 8 m in width at the base. The maximum height was 1.5 m. The sides of
the mound were sloped at a 40-degree angle and the top of the mound was flat and 2 m
in width.
320 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 18, No. 3
approximately the third week in May to the end of the second week of June.
We determined gravidity by hand palpation and attached a radio transmitter
to a posterior side of the carapace. After processing, females were returned
to the stream, monitored, but allowed to reemerge to nest at their choosing.
Processed females that were subsequently found searching for nests on the
old farm were gently picked up by hand, carefully carried (horizontally with
head facing away from researcher) the 100-m distance to the constructed nest
mound. The researcher’s walking pace was steady with no distractions or detours,
and took approximately 2 minutes. We then retreated out of sight of the
turtle to a concealed location 30 m away and observed her behavior through
binoculars. Treatment of individual females was highly variable and depended
on time of day encountered, previous or new capture, and year (Table 1). The
goal was to introduce females to the constructed mound quickly and with as
little disturbance as possible.
Nesting cage
We installed an experimental “nesting cage” on the top of the mound (Fig. 3).
The goal of the cage was to provide an opportunity for nest-searching female
turtles to enter and nest under a wire mesh protective screening that made it diffi
cult, if not impossible, for predators, such as Raccoons, Red Fox, and Corvus
brachyrhynchos Brehm (American Crow), to access the buried nests. Our pilot
nesting cage design was 3.6 m long, 1.2 m wide, and 0.6 m tall. The 7.7-cm (3-in)
gap or slot was installed along the entire length of the cage and was constructed
between two wood beams (one buried 2 x 4” and one above ground 2 x 2”; Fig. 3)
that would allow adult Wood Turtles, but not predators, to crawl through. Gap
height can be modified for select turtle species; the 7.7-cm gap also excluded
large Snapping Turtles. (The list of materials needed for construction is available
from the authors).
Nest protection
Turtle nests that were constructed on the slope of the mound were protected
immediately after egg deposition by installing a 1- x 1-m piece of 0.64-cm
(¼-inch) galvanized hardware cloth (Fig. 3; e.g., Baskale and Kaska 2005).
The nest was centered under the hardware cloth, and the ends of the hardware
cloth were secured with 6-inch-long metal landscape stakes. Approximately 2
wks prior to egg hatching, the 1- x 1-m piece of hardware cloth was replaced
with a 25.5-cm-wide x 30.0-cm-long x 6.5-cm-tall cage made from the same
0.64-cm hardware cloth. At the lower portion of the cage, a 1.9-L (1/2-gal.)
bucket was buried with half of the top under the cage. Moist Sphagnum sp.
was added, and a wood lid was placed on the other half of the bucket top and
weighted with a large rock (Fig. 4). In 2010, we also encircled the base of the
mound with a 30-cm-tall aluminum drift fence, with four 19-L buckets to detect
and capture hatchlings from unknown, but suspected, nests. Buckets were
covered with 30- x 30-cm plywood covers and a cinder block on four 5-cm
2011 K.A. Buhlmann and C.P. Osborn 321
tall pedestals, which allowed hatchlings to fall into the bucket, but prevented
predators from reaching in to access them. Thus, hatchling turtles that emerged
from nests were captured in buckets and remained moist, shaded, and protected
from predators until retrieved by biologists on daily inspections. All nests were
exhumed post-hatching to determine the fate of unhatched eggs and match
clutch sizes to X-radiographs (2007 only). We determined whether unhatched
Table 1. Wood Turtle (Glyptemys insculpta) use of a constructed nesting mound at the Great Swamp
National Wildlife Refuge, NJ, 2007–2010. Behavior codes: 0 = not shown mound; 1 = shown
mound, nested that night; 2 = shown mound, left, returned on own, nested a subsequent night; 3=
shown mound, nested elsewhere; 4 = re-shown mound in subsequent yr, nested; 5 = returned to
mound on own in subsequent yr, nested; 6 = returned to mound on own in subsequent yr, inspected,
but nested elsewhere; 7 = found mound on own, nested; 8 = never on mound, nested elsewhere; 9 =
nested on mound on own, but unknown if turtle found it on its own or was returning in a subsequent
yr after being shown it previously.
Nest Behavior Clutch Partially Days
Female Year date code size Hatch Infertile developed Emergence date incubated
F12 2007 3 Jun 2 10 10 0 0 24 Aug 82
F25 2007 4 Jun 2 11 5 4 2 4 Sep 92
F22 2007 6 Jun 1 10 10 0 0 29 Aug 84
F24 2007 3 Jun 0 13 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
F26 2007 13 Jun 2A 7 0B n/a n/a n/a n/a
F21 2007 6 Jun 0 16 1B n/a n/a 31 Jul 55C
F12 2008 4 Jun 5 9 6 2 1 22 Aug 79
F26 2008 4 Jun 5 10 5 4 1 22 Aug 79
F28D 2008 4 Jun 8 10 7 0 3 15 Aug 72
F22 2009 21 May 4 10 10 0 0 18 Aug 88
F23 2009 29 May 1 10 7E 3 0 31 Aug 94
F25 2009 31 May 4 13 8 5 0 2 Sep 94
F12 2009 1 Jun 5 9 7 2 0 3 Sep 94
F21 2009 2 Jun 1 13 13 0 0 5 Sep 95
F30 2009 2 Jun 7 9 0 5 4 n/a n/a
F31 2009 7 Jun 2 12 8 4 0 8 Sep 93
F26 2009 10 Jun 4 9 9E 0 0 14 Sep 96
F26 2010 26 May 5F 9 9 0 0 10 Aug 76
F12 2010 27 May 5 8 7 1 0 6 Aug 71
F14 2010 27 May 2 11 10 1 0 7 Aug 72
F21G 2010 28 May 6 14 9 4 1 29 Jul 62
UN1 2010 n/a 9 12 8 4 0 8–9 Aug n/a
UN2 2010 n/a 9 11 10 0 1 10–13 Aug, 29 SeptH n/a
AShown mound twice, then nested.
BClutch moved to incubator.
CIncubated indoors.
DNot a mound-using turtle, but nest found and protected.
EHatchlings escaped cage and were not marked.
FReturned on own, but left, was re-shown mound and nested.
GNest protected on old farm site.
H29 September is capture date, not hatch date.
322 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 18, No. 3
eggs had been infertile (hard yellow yolks with no blood vessels) or whether
embryos had died in development.
During 2009, we installed Hobo Temperature dataloggers (Onset Computer
Corporation, Pocasset, MA) in 4 nests on the mound, one each on north-, east-,
Figure 3. We installed an experimental “nesting cage” on the top of the mound. Turtle
nests that were laid on the slope or porches of the mound were protected immediately
after egg deposition by installing a 1- x 1-m piece of 0.64-cm (¼-inch) galvanized hardware
2011 K.A. Buhlmann and C.P. Osborn 323
south-, and southwest-facing slopes in order to characterize differences in incubation
temperatures. Data loggers were buried adjacent to the middle of each
clutch and recorded temperature hourly.
Use of the constructed nesting mound
Gravid females were often found exploring the nesting areas during the day,
and three turtles constructed nests during the day. Of those, two were nesting at
11:00 h, and one at 17:00 h. We observed 18 instances where females initiated
nest construction in the evenings between 19:00–20:00 h.
On 2 June 2007, we located Female #12 (F12), on the old farm nesting area
at 19:20 h. She was actively searching for a nest site and was using typical
nest-searching behavior such as placing her snout to the ground as if sniffing
and flipping dirt with her front feet (Harding and Bloomer 1979). F12 was
the first turtle we introduced to the newly constructed nesting mound, and
she was carried and placed on the mound’s north-facing slope. F12 immediately
resumed her nest searching behavior and within an hour had begun nest
construction with her hind feet. However, at 21:35 h she abandoned the nesting
attempt, slipped down off the mound, and traveled the 50 m back to the
stream. At dusk, 20:05 h the following evening, we scanned the nest mound
from our concealed location and were surprised to see her on the north slope
Figure 4. Nest covers were modified close to time of hatching to capture the hatchlings.
324 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 18, No. 3
of the mound (having returned to it on her own), where she was finishing a
nest in which she deposited 10 eggs. We protected the nest after she finished
at 20:30 h. All 10 eggs hatched on 24 August 2007 (Table 1). The use of the
nest mound by F12 encouraged us to continue the study. Three other Wood
Turtles were treated similarly in 2007 (n = 4). F22 nested immediately on the
mound the same night, F25 behaved similarly to F12, while F26 was shown
the mound two different nights and nested there on the second (Table 1).
F24 was not shown the mound, but was found near the mound the next night
without eggs and her nest was not located. F21 was not shown the mound,
and because she subsequently moved 535 m upstream and off the Refuge, we
recaptured her, induced oviposition with oxytocin and incubated her eggs in
captivity. We also moved F26’s eggs to an incubator (set at 25 °C) as a hedge
against total loss of that year’s reproductive effort if the mound proved to be
an unsuitable site for egg incubation; however, the incubator malfunctioned,
and only one egg hatched from F21’s clutch, and none from F26.
In 2008, F12 was discovered nesting on the mound on her own on 4 June. She
constructed her nest within 5 m of her 2007 nest. F26 also returned to the mound
on her own and successfully nested (Table 1). One Painted Turtle hatchling was
found at the base of the mound in April 2008, indicating that this species also
nested on the mound in 2007 and that a hatchling successfully over-wintered in
the nest. The mound also produced 38 Snapping Turtle hatchlings in September
2008 from an unknown number of nests, as well as another Painted Turtle hatchling.
Two female Eastern Box Turtles inspected the mound, but did not nest on it;
one nested 10 m away in the old field.
In 2009, F12 once again returned to the mound and nested on 1 June. Seven
other Wood Turtles nested on the mound in 2009 (n = 8). These included F22,
F25, and F26, who were again found on the old farm nesting area, and F21, who
was again found upstream as in 2007. They were transported, and three nested
on the mound the night it was re-shown to them; F22 returned to the stream that
night but returned to the mound on her own the next night and nested. F23 and
F31 were found on the old farm site and were shown the nest mound for the first
time; F23 nested that night, whereas F31 hid in the small wetland at the base of
the mound for two days before nesting on the mound. F30 found the mound on
her own and nested. F24 was again found near the mound, as in 2007, but she
was not gravid. Thus, in 2009, one female returned to the mound on her own,
one found it for the first time on her own, and all six females that were shown
the mound in 2009 nested on it either that same night or within 1–2 nights. In
2010, the nesting season began early, and two Wood turtles nested on the mound
without our knowledge (UN1 and UN2; Table 1), but the eggs hatched without
protection. F12 again returned and nested; maximum distance between all four
years’ nests was 6 m. F21 inspected the mound (displayed nest-searching behavior),
but left and nested at the old farm. F26 returned to the mound on her own,
inspected, but left and traveled upstream 865 m over 4 d. We decided to recover
2011 K.A. Buhlmann and C.P. Osborn 325
her and re-showed her the mound; she left, but returned on her own and nested
on it the next night. F31 returned on her own, inspected the mound, but her nest
was not confirmed. F14 was transported to the mound and nested there for the
first time.
In total, at least 9 different turtles representing 60% of our known female
population (n = 15) have nested on the constructed nest mound, 2007–10. We
observed Wood Turtles, as well as an Eastern Box Turtle, entering the nesting
cage, but they did not nest inside. Wood Turtles preferred to nest on the 40-degree
slopes of the nest mound; only three of 18 nests were at the top of the mound.
One small Snapping Turtle did nest inside the cage and there were no indications
that predators ever squeezed inside.
Hatching success
Three nests deposited on the mound in 2007 produced viable hatchlings;
25 hatchlings emerged from 31 eggs between 24 August and 4 September
(Table 1). The number of eggs deposited matched the number of eggs on
the X-radiographs and gave us confidence that we could accurately estimate
clutch size, post hatching. Both nests deposited on the mound in 2008 produced
hatchlings (11 hatchlings from 19 eggs, 22 August). In 2009, 7 of 8
nests produced hatchlings (62 hatchlings from 85 eggs, 18 August–14 September).
In 2010, 5 nests on the mound produced 44 hatchlings from 51 eggs
(43 hatchlings, 6–13 August). The 44th hatchling was found 29 September
in a drift fence bucket. It displayed growth on its annuli, thus we presume it
emerged with the others, but lived and grew in the grasses at the base of the
mound before being captured in a bucket.
In total (2007–10), 17 of 18 nests (186 eggs) constructed on the nest mound
produced 142 hatchlings (76%), 35 infertile eggs (19%), four embryos that
died in early development (no shell or skeleton discernible, 2%), and five
that died in later development (3%). Six clutches had 100% hatching success,
and one failed completely.
In addition, one egg each from F13 in 2006 and F21 in 2007 were successfully
incubated indoors, F28’s nest of 2008 (not on the mound) was protected and
produced 7 hatchlings, and F21’s nest of 2010 (not on the mound) was protected
and produced 9 hatchlings. Thus, 160 Wood Turtle hatchlings have been released
into the study site. Overall, mean clutch size for this population was 10.7 eggs
(n = 23 clutches, 246 eggs, range = 7–16; Table 1).
Duration of clutch incubation on the mound varied among the three years,
with 2010 being the shortest (71–76 d, n = 3 clutches) < 2008 (79 d, n = 2) <
2007 (82–92 d, n = 3) < 2009 (88–96 d, n = 7). Interestingly, the overall shortest
incubation observed was 62 d for F21 in 2010. Her nest was not on the mound,
but on the old farm in a patch of black shredded rubber and crushed stone with
natural soil substrate below. Incubation temperature mean of means was 24.0 °C
for the four 2009 nests. Daily temperatures ranged as low as 13.8 °C and as high
326 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 18, No. 3
as 37.8 °C for F22’s nest (Fig. 5). F22’s hatchlings (10 of 10) emerged on 18
August, the day after that nest experienced its highest temperature. F30’s nest on
the SW portion of the mound failed completely; four embryos were in advanced
development. F30’s nest experienced a maximum temperature of 39.3 °C on 15
July. Depths of the egg chambers for two nests measured in 2008 were 9.5–14.5
mm (F12) and 7.5–13.5 mm (F26).
Hatchling releases
Each year, the hatchlings were removed from the capture buckets that surrounded
their nest cage and were measured and marked (marginal scutes clipped
with nail cutters). The 2007 hatchlings were cohort marked by nest, but hatchlings
in subsequent years received individual marks. All hatchlings were released within
2 days of capture. Release sites included the base of the nest mound, the edge of the
main stream, the riparian woodland, and small feeder streams. The exact release
location of each hatchling was recorded, and future recaptures may help elucidate
which sites provide higher survivorship. The late hatchling from 29 September
2010 was fitted with a microtransmitter (0.2 g) and released at the mound on 29 October.
It traveled 95 m from the mound in the old field, moving parallel to the stream.
Figure 5. Maximum and minimum nest temperatures of F22’s nest deposited 21May 2009
on the east-facing portion of the mound. Ten hatchlings emerged from 10 eggs on 18
August 2009. Dataloggers were installed 15 June–26 August and temperatures recorded
hourly. Lowest temperature during this period was 13.8 °C (17 June); highest was 37.8
°C (17 August) and hatchlings emerged the next day. The average temperature between
15 June and 17 August was 24.3 °C. The median temperature was 23.5 °C.
2011 K.A. Buhlmann and C.P. Osborn 327
It survived multiple nights of sub-freezing temperatures by nestling into forms in
grasses but was found dead on 17 November, having never reached the stream.
Understanding turtle life histories is essential for effective conservation planning.
Most turtle species are long-lived, and individuals require many years to
reach sexual maturity (often 15–20 years) and they live for a long time (40–70
years), depending on species (Congdon and Gibbons 1990). Once mature, they
have many years over which to produce offspring. Maintaining stable turtle
populations require that the annual adult survivorship is relatively high (>96%),
and that the juvenile survivorship (although unknown for most species) is also
high (Congdon et al. 1993, Tuberville et al. 2009). Nest and early hatchling
survivorship is perceived to be low, but it is unclear if human alterations to the
environment and associated increases in subsidized meso-predator abundance
have not altered the true pattern. At our study site, the overall adult population
size is currently known to contain 20 individuals (5 males and 15 females). We
also captured 2 juveniles, not including hatchlings released. This is small relative
to some other Wood Turtle populations studied. For example, approximately half
of 316 animals were adults in an earlier New Jersey study (Farrell and Graham
1991); 77 turtles (21 males, 56 females) were studied in Ontario (Brooks et al.
1992), and 188 turtles (55 males, 83 females, 50 immatures) in Québec (Walde
et al. 2003). Given that our population is located on protected land, the adult
population seems stable, and all typical Wood Turtle habitat components are
present (except for the potential impending loss of the old farm nesting site), we
constructed the alternative nesting site and actively protected nests from predation
in an effort to boost population recruitment.
Use of the constructed nest mound
Our goal of this study was to determine if female Wood Turtles would alter
their nesting behavior and accept a new nesting site. Hand carrying of nestsearching
gravid female Wood Turtles was considered successful as none voided
their bladder water (e.g., Kinney et al. 1998) and all resumed some nest-searching
behavior (12 of 12 occurrences) once placed on the nest mound, although not all
completed a nest at that time. We found this particularly interesting, as Wood
Turtles are known to be sensitive to disturbance prior to initiation of oviposition
(Walde et al. 2007). We caution that our hand-carrying technique is unlikely to
work with “high-strung” species, notably Snapping Turtles and Deirochelys reticularia
Latreille (Chicken Turtle) (Buhlmann et al. 2009).
The experimental nest mound was thus more successful than we initially
expected. One turtle (F12) nested on it for three consecutive years after the
initial introduction (total = 4 yrs). Some females returned to the old farm site
in subsequent years and were reintroduced to the mound and nested there.
Two females returned and investigated the mound on their own, but then left;
one (F21) nested on the old farm, while F26 was re-shown the mound and
328 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 18, No. 3
nested there. It is presumed that these turtles were not yet ready to nest, but
they may also have been disturbed by us. (Walde et al. 2007). Two females
that nested on the mound in 2007 were not seen there again until 2009. When
radio-tracked, one of these females (F22) was found gravid, but we never
saw her nest; it is possible that the other (F25) skipped a reproductive bout as
suggested by Walde et al. (2007). These varied behaviors indicate that nestsite
fidelity is perhaps stronger in some females than others, and whereas
one female accepted the new alternative site immediately and used it for four
years, other females returned to the original nesting site in a subsequent year,
and needed multiple introductions to the new site. Site fidelity to nesting
sites, although variable, has been well-documented in a number of turtle species.
Szerlag-Egger and McRobert (2007) found that nest-site selections in
Malaclemys terrapin Schoepff (Diamondback Terrapin) varied greatly from
approximately 4–1307 m (mean inter-nesting distance = 202.75 m), yet 39%
were recaptured within 50 m of their initial nesting location. Standing et al.
(1999) found that 73.3% of Emydoidea blandingii Holbrook (Blanding’s Turtle)
returned to nest on the same beach. Rowe et al. (2005) found that 29.4%
of Painted Turtles in their study nested between 0 and 25 m from their nests of
the previous year, although some individuals nested as far as 648 m. It is unknown
what factors will make a female switch her nesting site location. Under
natural conditions and over the course of a turtle’s long life, certain nesting
sites likely become unsuitable (i.e., due to plant succession), just as new
sites would become available (i.e., tree blow-downs, fires). Therefore, turtles
must have the ability to modify their choice of nesting sites. Given that Wood
Turtles in our population returned to the new nesting mound in subsequent
or alternate years or found it on their own initially, it seems that the turtles
became aware of the new nesting site resource in their landscape. Another
possible explanation for the results we observed could be that the old farm
nesting site was marginal and Wood Turtles were receptive to finding a more
suitable nesting site. This hypothesis might also explain the small population
size and apparent dearth of juvenile animals.
Protection of nests
We prevented egg predation by covering each nest immediately after each
female finished nesting. Returning the next day, we often found attempts by Raccoons
to dig up the nest. Raccoon predation has been reported to cause 85–97%
failure of sea turtle nests (Engeman et al. 2006, Ratnaswamy and Warren 1998).
Congdon et al. (2000) reported that predation of Blanding’s Turtle nests averaged
78% over a 23-yr study and was 100% for nine of those years. Horne et al. (2003)
reported 42–100% nest mortality during a 4-yr study of Graptemys flavimaculata
Cagle (Yellow-Blotched Map Turtle). Brooks et al. (1992) reported that predators
destroyed 15 of 17 nests and injured 60% of adult Wood Turtles in their study.
Nest screening, along with relocation and fencing, have been demonstrated to
increase hatching success of Caretta caretta L. (Loggerhead Sea Turtle) nests
2011 K.A. Buhlmann and C.P. Osborn 329
against predation and inundation (Baskale and Kaska 2005). Although two nests
survived unprotected in 2010, we are relatively certain that without the use of
nesting covers, most of our Wood Turtle nests would have been destroyed by
predators within the first or second night after oviposition. Christiansen and
Gallaway (1984) removed Raccoon predators from a study site containing
Kinosternon flavescens Agassiz (Yellow Mud Turtle) and reported a coincidental
increase in numbers of juvenile turtles captured 3 and 4 years later. We intend to
continue this study and will document all observations of juvenile Wood Turtles,
previously marked and unmarked, in future years.
A potential drawback of the nesting mound is that, due to its relatively
small size and its popular use by nesting turtles, a concentration of eggs
may attract mammalian predators. Each year, multiple Snapping Turtles also
nested on the mound, but we did not protect those nests, and those nests were
regularly destroyed. However, nests were regularly destroyed on the old farm
nesting area as well. Our placement of the nesting cage structure on top of
the mound was an attempt to provide Wood Turtles with a suitable nesting
site that predators could not access and would not require a researcher’s presence
to manually protect the nest after oviposition. Similar cages have been
installed on the causeway along a Georgia salt marsh for use by Diamondback
Terrapins, and the nests deposited inside were not depredated (K. Buhlmann,
A. Grosse, T. Norton, and B. Crawford, unpubl. data). Our future intention
is to construct new nesting cages and place them on the slopes of the nesting
mound, thus better correlating automatic nest protection with preferred microhabitat
nest-site selection by Wood Turtles.
Hatching success
Our nest mound produced live hatchlings from 17 of 18 nests that
incubated there. Our egg incubation period was similar to ranges reported for
natural nests in New Hampshire (76 d; Tuttle and Carroll 1997) and Québec
(77–86 d, Walde et al. 2007), although variable by year. Hughes et al. (2009)
recorded a temperature range of 8.5–41.0 °C for five natural nests that produced
live hatchlings. Our nest temperatures in 2009 were also highly variable
(Table 2, Fig. 5). Our hottest nest reached 39.3 °C, but was the one nest that
did not produce live hatchlings.
Table 2. Four dataloggers installed in nests of the Wood Turtle (Glyptemys insculpta) on a humanconstructed
nest mound at Great Swamp National Wildlife Refuge, in NJ from 15 June 2009
through each nest’s egg incubation period. To facilitate comparisons of nest temperature conditions
among the four nests, we summarized the data below for 15 June–26 August, when all four dataloggers
were operating at the same time.
Female Location Hatching Mean nest Median nest Nest temperature
nest on mound success temperature temperature range (min–max)
F30 SW 0 of 9 24.1 °C 23.3 °C 13.5–39.3 °C
F25 S 8 of 12 24.2 °C 23.4 °C 14.0–38.4 °C
F22 E 10 of 10 24.3 °C 23.8 °C 13.8–37.8 °C
F26 N 9 of 9 23.5 °C 23.3 °C 14.9–32.1 °C
330 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 18, No. 3
Our nest mound has produced live hatchlings from nests deposited on
slopes facing north, east, and south. Our only total nest failure was on the
southwest-facing slope, and no nests have been deposited on the west-facing
slope. Although Wood Turtles are known to have genetically determined sex,
Hughes et al. (2009) found that Wood Turtles selected for warm and variable
nest temperatures which led to faster embryo development. However,
the construction of artificial nesting areas for other turtles with temperaturedependent
sex determination will need to entail particular attention to the
thermal characteristics of the site.
Thoughts on hatchling releases
We chose a variety of sites, both terrestrial and aquatic, for release, including
allowing some hatchlings to find their own way from the base of the nest
mound, which was 50 m from the stream. Castellano et al. (2008) found that
some hatchlings remain on land in agricultural fields from several days to
weeks following emergence from the nest and that they grow during that time.
Tuttle and Carroll (2005) powder-tracked 53 hatchlings and were able to document
that at least 12 made it to a stream, taking 1–24 d between mid-August
and early September to make the journey. The one hatchling we radio-tracked
and which did not survive was probably released too late in the season to
find the aquatic habitat. We suspect that the trek from nest site to stream is a
high-risk period for hatchling survivorship. Accordingly, the old field habitat
surrounding the nest mound is mowed only in winter, when Wood Turtles
are in the stream (Saumure et al. 2007). Tuttle and Carroll (2005) also suggested
that direct release into the stream may be equally risky, as hatchlings
clearly feed on land and make overnight forms; those that initially survive
may be those that find vegetative cover near the stream. Natural nesting sites
selected by Wood Turtles are elevated and well-drained and likely represent a
tradeoff between being far enough and high enough away from the stream to
prevent flooding, but also close enough to allow hatchlings to find and access
the water (Hughes et al. 2009). We have not yet observed released hatchlings
in subsequent years. Future recaptures of these juveniles should shed some
light on the best release strategies given that population recruitment is our
goal. At this point, we are arguably more concerned with enhancing hatchling
survivorship and recruitment and less so with assuring a link between the
hatchlings and their nest site fidelity as future breeding females. However,
continued population monitoring and study is needed.
It appears that female Wood Turtles can be convinced to use a new nesting
area and that physically showing them the site is a successful way of making
them aware of its existence. Further experimentation with automatic nestprotection
devices may yet foil predators and increase turtle hatching success,
as well as require less manpower and monitoring. Alternative nest sites should
2011 K.A. Buhlmann and C.P. Osborn 331
be conspicuous to nest-searching females. We suggest that construction of
alternative nesting sites may help recover turtle populations where natural
nesting habitat is not available or has been impacted. Thus, in densely humanpopulated
areas, small protected areas may yet function to maintain viable
populations if all the necessary habitat components are clustered within the
protected area boundaries.
We thank Michael Horne for constructing the nest mound for us with the backhoe
and Susi Ponce for thoughts on the initial nesting-cage design. We also thank Len Soucy
and technicians of the New Jersey Raptor Trust for X-radiographing turtles, Rich Seigel
and Jackie Record for providing historical information about Great Swamp Wood Turtles,
and William Koch, Refuge Manager, for his support of this project. We thank the
following individuals who helped to track and locate Wood Turtles in the field: Heather
Barrett, George Cevera, Kean Clifford, Tom Clifford, Greg Cooper, Charlie Cotton,
Ray Farrell, Andrew Ferreira, Bridget Goldsmith, Anthony Henehan, Steve Henry,
Chris Hernandez, Peter Hrinewski, Georgina Jacquez, Helen Johnson, Marilyn Kitchell,
Scott Kuhn, Marnie Miller-Keas, Dave Moskowitz, Laura Newgard, Adam Osborn,
Hanina Osborn, Joe Pignatelli, Harry, Harriet, and Harley Spaven, Tim and Marcia Stevens,
Kelly Triece, Tracey Tuberville, Peter Warny, Bob Zappalorti, and Brian Zarate.
We thank Tony Cullen and Dave Miller for mowing the old field each winter. We thank
Brett DeGregorio and three anonymous reviewers for greatly improving earlier drafts of
the manuscript. Manuscript preparation was supported by the US Department of Energy
under Award Number DE-FC-09-075R22506 to the Savannah River Ecology Laboratory,
and by Buhlmann Ecological Research, LLC.
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