Historical Analysis of the Spring Arrival of Migratory
Birds to Dutchess County, New York: A 123-year Record
Jessica Vitale1 and William H. Schlesinger1,*
Abstract - Through an examination of historical records maintained by a local bird club,
consisting of naturalist diaries, daily check-lists, and informal bird surveys, we found that
44 springtime migrant bird species show evidence of an increasingly early first arrival
date (FAD) during a 123-year record (1885 to 2008) in Dutchess County, NY. Ninety-one
percent of the species showed a significant advance in FAD over this period, with the
mean advance being 11.6 days/century. Using truncations of the full data-set corresponding
to available data for changes in observer effort and population trends, we found that
adding these ancillary independent variables to a multiple linear regression contributed
little to explain the change in FAD in recent years. The advance in FAD is potentially an
index of global climate change in this region.
Numerous recent studies have examined changes in the spring arrival of migrant
songbirds in response to ongoing changes in climate. Whereas some studies
show little change in springtime arrival in the eastern and midwestern United
States (Marra et al. 2005, Strode 2003, Wilson 2007, Wilson et al. 2000), others
show significantly earlier arrival in recent years (Butler 2003, Dunn and Winkler
1999, Miller-Rushing et al. 2008a, Van Buskirk et al. 2009). For the initiation of
spring migration, most birds respond to changes in day length on the wintering
grounds; however, changes in temperature and in the springtime phenology of
vegetation are likely to alter the rate of northward movement (Bauer et al. 2008).
Changes in the date of spring arrival on traditional breeding grounds, not accompanied
by similar changes in the emergence of insects and other food resources,
could have significant impacts on breeding success of harbinger individuals (e.g.,
Møller et al. 2008, Van der Jeugd et al. 2009, Visser et al. 1998), posing a signifi-
cant challenge to the conservation of threatened species. For Ficedula hypoleuca
Pallas (Pied Flycatcher) in the Netherlands, mistiming between food and migration
times led to a local population decline (Both et al. 2006).
Given year-to-year variations in climate conditions, synoptic changes in the
phenology of migration are difficult to ascertain without quantitative long-term
field studies. Unfortunately, these are few, so some workers have relied on records
of first arrival date (FAD) as reported from volunteer and amateur bird-watchers
(e.g., Ledneva et al. 2004). Significant biases may accompany these analyses;
nevertheless, the naturalists’ data are often useful to test and extend the record
of systematic field studies (Miller-Rushing et al. 2008b). Often extending over
1Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies, Millbrook, NY 12545. *Corresponding author -
336 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 18, No. 3
multiple decades, the records of amateur birdwatchers are sometimes the only
data available. Increases in birdwatching activity and bird population numbers
potentially confound the reported trends in FAD, since both make the detection
of early individuals more likely (Miller-Rushing et al. 2008a, van Strien et al.
2008). Conversely, declining population numbers make it more difficult to ascertain
the first arrival of a species, potentially masking trends due to climate change
(Miller-Rushing et al. 2008a).
In this study, we used data from a variety of sources to compile an exceptionally
long record (123 years) for the FAD of 44 spring migrants to Dutchess
County, located in the Hudson River valley of eastern New York. The objectives
of this work were: 1) to use unique, long-term, multi-source records from a local
bird club in Dutchess County to examine and test for changes in the spring arrival
of migrants during the past century, and 2) to examine the causes of any changes
observed, using rigorous statistical analysis to evaluate the effect of alternative
factors and potential biases causing earlier FAD.
Field Site Description
Dutchess County embraces nearly 2100 km2 of rolling hills, with patchy
deciduous forests dominated by maple and oak, interspersed with farmland, exurban
development, ponds, and streams on a landscape of glacial till (DeOrsey
and Butler 2006). The continental climate consists of short, warm summers and
long, cold winters, with average temperatures of +22 °C and -4.2 °C during July
and January, respectively. During the 123-year period of our study, the vegetation
of much of the eastern United States and Dutchess County has changed from a
landscape dominated by agriculture in the late 1800s to one dominated by mixedage
stands of forest today (DeOrsey and Butler 2006).
Forty-four species with discrete dates of spring arrival were chosen for analysis
by examining the species-specific migration graphs published in The Birds of
Dutchess County, New York (DeOrsey and Butler 2006). Species were selected if
they showed a limited history of sporadic winter records, had an abrupt period of
arrival during spring migration, and are not listed by DeOrsey and Butler (2006)
as uncommon or rare in Dutchess County during the migration period. This reference
was also used to classify the birds as breeders or transients in Dutchess
County. Each species was categorized as migrating northward from: “North
America” (north of Florida’s tip), the “Caribbean” (Central America and the
West Indies), or “South America” (mainland South America). Wintering range
for each species was ascertained from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology (2008),
based on the position of the northern winter range boundary. We categorized the
breeding-season habitat of each species based on the personal experience of the
junior author in Dutchess County.
The Ralph T. Waterman Bird Club (WBC) provided many of the historical
records of the first spring arrival of migratory birds, taken from the original birding
records of Maunsell Crosby and Ralph T. Waterman, prominent figures in the
2011 J. Vitale and W.H. Schlesinger 337
birding community in the 1900s. We also gleaned FAD from the WBC monthly
newsletter, Wings Over Dutchess and a variety of other sources (Table 1). These
data were found in a variety of formats, ranging from narrative diaries, checklists
from field trips, reports from a systematic spring survey held annually by
members of the Waterman Bird Club, and computerized records maintained on
Cornell’s eBird website. The data for FAD from 1885 to 2008 were compiled for
each species by reviewing all data sources for the first mention of a species in
each year.
Linear regressions of Julian Day of arrival versus year of record were calculated
to determine whether the date of first arrival of each species has changed
during the past 123 years covered in the historical records. The correlation coeffi
cient (r) given by the regression output was evaluated for significance at the P =
0.05 level following Snedecor and Cochran (1967). SYSTAT was used to identify
data lying beyond the 0.99 confidence interval of the least-squares linear regression
for each species. The test identified 28 species with outliers in the data, but
removal of these outliers did not affect the significance of the regression for any
species, so the complete data set was kept for further analysis.
The long record of data for Dutchess County is a unique and valuable resource,
but there are no simultaneous measures of local abundance that can be
Table 1. Sources of published and unpublished data used in this study.
Time period Sources
1885–1905 Hyatt, Mary. Original field notes from the Waterman Bird Club. (N.B., data for
1900 and 1905 are also included in Eaton 1910).
1896 Roosevelt, Franklin D. Original field notes at Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential
Library, Hyde Park, NY.
1887–1932 Griscom, Ludlow. 1933. The Birds of Dutchess County New York from records
compiled by Maunsell S. Crosby. The Linnaean Society of New York 3:68–174.
1900, 1905 Eaton, Elon Howard. 1910. Birds of New York. University of the State of New York
at Albany, Vol. 1, pp.73–75.
1901–1917 DeOrsey, Stan. 2001. Historic Bird Lists of Dutchess County. Waterman Bird Club,
1909–1916 Crosby, Maunsell S. A Yearbook of bird-life at Rhinebeck and Dutchess County,
New York. Original field notes at Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library,
Hyde Park, NY.
1922–1929 Crosby, Maunsell S. Original bird diaries at Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential
Library, Hyde Park, NY.
1930–1966 Baker, John H. Original field notes from the Waterman Bird Club.
1933–1964 Pink, Eleanor, and Otis Waterman. 1967. Birds of Dutchess County 1933–1964.
Waterman Bird Club, Inc.
1945–1952 Waterman, Ralph T. Original field notes from the Waterman Bird Club.
1958–1982 Pink, Eleanor. Summaries of original Dutchess County Bird Records of the Waterman
Bird Club from the Waterman Bird Club.
1964–1979 Pink, Eleanor, and Otis Waterman. 1980. Birds of Dutchess County 1964–1979.
Waterman Bird Club, Inc.
1982–2008 Wings Over Dutchess monthly newsletter of the Waterman Bird Club (2001–present,
available at www.watermanbirdclub.org).
2000–2008 eBird online database for arrivals and departures including Dutchess County, available
at ebird.org.
338 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 18, No. 3
used to correct for changes in bird populations, as done so elegantly by Miller-
Rushing et al. (2008a), who combined local mist-net samples of population size
with observations for FAD for a 33-year period in Massachusetts. Rather, we
used published data from the USGS FWS Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) showing
bird population trends for New York State since 1966 (Sauer et al. 2007) to
investigate their relationship with the records of first arrival.
Trends in the number of birdwatchers were provided by the WBC member
records, but those extend only to the founding of the Club in 1958. To estimate
changes in observation effort before 1958, we used reports of the number of
birdwatchers participating in a local, informal annual census of spring birds,
organized in 1919 by Maunsell Crosby, Allen Frost, and Ralph T. Waterman (see
Wings over Dutchess, April 2010). We used these records of population trends
and birdwatching effort in multiple linear regressions with truncations of the
full 123-year dataset to ascertain their influence on the general observation of an
advance in spring arrival in recent years.
For each species, the slope of the linear regression of first arrival date (FAD)
versus time since 1885 is an indication of the advance of spring arrival (e.g., Fig. 1).
Species with negative slopes are arriving earlier; species with positive slopes are
arriving later. Our study found that 40 of the 44 species examined had significant
changes in migration towards earlier spring arrival during the past 123 years
(Table 2). Specifically, the negative slope of the regression multiplied by -100 is
equivalent to the advancement in spring arrival, measured in days per century.
During the past century, two of the largest changes in migration are a springtime
advance of 53 days for Charadrius vociferous L. (Killdeer) and 51 days
for Scolopax minor Gmelin (American Woodcock). For all 44 species, the average
advance in arrival is 11.6 days per century. Some of the species, which
traditionally are first to arrive in spring (e.g., Tachycineta bicolor Vieillot [Tree
Swallow]), showed large advances in spring migration, but Dendroica striata
Forster (Blackpoll Warbler), often considered a sign of the end of spring migration,
also showed a significant advance in FAD of about 10.0 days per century.
In contrast, other traditionally late migrants (e.g., Coccyzus erythropthashow
Wilson [Black-billed Cuckoo] and C. americanus L. [Yellow-billed Cuckoo];
DeOrsey and Butler 2006) show little change.
The change in FAD for species based on wintering grounds was 21 days/
century for those wintering in North America (n = 13), 12 days/century for
South America (n =15), and 10 days/century for the Caribbean (n = 16). ANOVA
showed no significant difference between mean slopes of species related to different
wintering grounds (F = 2.9, P = 0.07).
The average advance in FAD for species based on their status in Dutchess
County was 15 days/century for breeding species (n = 37) and 9 days/century for
transients (n = 7). There is no significant difference between these groups (F =
1.2, P = 0.27). The average change in FAD for species based on their habitat was:
25.5 days/century for wetland species (n = 6), 23.1 days/century for field species
2011 J. Vitale and W.H. Schlesinger 339
(n = 3), 10.5 days/century for forest species (n = 24), 10.4 days/century for shrubland
species (n = 8), and 5.8 days/century for urban species (n = 2). Here, the
ANOVA revealed a significant difference among the slopes of species residing in
Figure 1. These scatterplots show the arrival trends for 3 representative species of the 44
species studied. All trends are significant.
340 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 18, No. 3
the five habitats (F = 3.0, P = 0.03); however, a post-hoc Tukey pairwise comparison
showed no significant difference among these various habitats, possibly
due to the small and uneven sample size among categories (P = 0.08).
Data for the number of observers, as an index of bird-watching effort, were
obtained from two records of the WBC. There was no significant trend (P = 0.12)
in the number of participants in the May Census from 1919–1957 (Fig. 2). In contrast,
the number of people submitting springtime records to the WBC increased
significantly (P < 0.0001) from 1958–2008 (Fig. 3), which may affect our analysis
of arrival date.
Figure 2. Participants in the May Census of the Waterman Bird Club from 1919–1957, from
data accessed at http://www.watermanbirdclub.org/RecordsMay1919-58_2006_0725.
pdf. The trend is not significant.
Figure 3. Number of observers submitting springtime observations to the WBC from
1958–2008. The trend is significant.
2011 J. Vitale and W.H. Schlesinger 341
We used a truncated subset of the FAD data (1958–2008) to analyze the effect of
year and observer number on the arrival date for each species in linear and multiple
linear regressions. For this 50-year period, only 14 of the 44 species show signifi
cant changes in arrival date in a simple linear regression with year, and three of
these (Hirundo rustica L. [Barn Swallow], Chaetura pelagic L. [Chimney Swift],
and Chordeiles minor Forster [Common Nighthawk]) showed positive slopes,
indicating a tendency towards later spring arrival. In this truncated dataset, 12 of
these species also had a significant negative correlation in a simple linear regression
between arrival date and birdwatcher effort. In multiple linear regressions, all
14 species showed a significant relationship between arrival date as the dependent
variable and both year and birdwatcher numbers (1958–2008) included as independent
variables, but birdwatcher effort is a significant component in the regression
for only two species (Tree Swallow and Chimney Swift).
In simple linear regressions using a further truncation of the data (1966–
2007), which corresponds to the available data for population trends (Sauer et
al. 2007), 6 species show a significant negative relationship between date of
first arrival and bird population numbers in New York State. Twenty-six species
show a significant advance in FAD in a multiple linear regression with the same
dataset, with 3 species showing significant effects associated with year, 4 species
associated with birdwatcher effort, and one (Vermivora ruficapilla Wilson
[Nashville Warbler]) associated with population trend.
Although all 44 species showed a negative slope for the regression of FAD versus
year, suggesting that each species is showing earlier springtime arrival, there
are several potential confounding factors which may have led to this pattern. First,
any change in the population size of a species may have an effect on its perceived
first arrival date. For a species with a decrease in population, one might expect to
perceive a delay in migration, since there would be fewer birds present to observe
each spring. Many (52%) of the species studied have declining populations in New
York (Sauer et al. 2007), including 49% of the species for which we report signifi
cant earlier arrival (Table 2). The advance in FAD for species with significant
declining populations is 14.1 days/century (n = 20). The average for species with
significant positive population trends is 11.8 days/century (n = 24). Despite declining
populations for many species, 91% of all the species we examined are observed
to arrive significantly earlier.
Several species have had well-publicized population declines in North
America during the past few decades (NABCI 2009). Among these, Dolichonyx
oryzivorus L. (Bobolink) has a population trend of -0.36% per year in New York
State and a spring arrival 14 days earlier over the past century, and the Wood
Thrush, has a 9.6-day earlier arrival and a population trend of -1.54% per year
(Fig. 1).
Changes in the number of observers, their skills, and the quality of their
equipment could also obscure true arrival trends. An increase in the number of
observers has the same effect as an increase in bird population: the data would
342 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 18, No. 3
Table 2. The 44 species investigated ranked in descending order of change in the date of first arrival (day/year) since 1885. (*correlations significant at P less than
0.05). For northernmost winter habitat: NA = North America, CAR = Carribean, SA = South America. For status in Dutchess County (Status): B = Breeds,
T = Transient. Population trend (%/yr) is from Breeding Bird Survey routes in New York, 1966–2007 (Sauer et al. 2007).
Winter Population
Species habitat Status Habitat Slope R trend (%/yr)
Killdeer (Charadrius vociferous L.) NA B Field -0.531 0.48* -0.739*
American Woodcock (Scolopax minor Gmelin) NA B Wetland -0.506 0.67* -1.379
Tree Swallow (Tachycineta bicolor Vieillot) NA B Wetland -0.458 0.64* 1.547*
Green Heron (Butorides virescens L.) NA B Wetland -0.253 0.52* -1.376*
Broad-winged Hawk (Buteo platypterus Vieillot) SA B Forest -0.238 0.34* 2.072
Chipping Sparrow (Spizella passerine, Bechstein) NA B Forest -0.205 0.40* 0.537*
Rose-breasted Grosbeak (Pheucticus ludovicianus L.) CAR B Forest -0.203 0.49* -1.049*
Prairie Warbler (Dendroica discolor Vieillot) CAR B Shrubland -0.187 0.50* 2.558*
Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica L.) SA B Field -0.163 0.51* -1.118*
Blue-winged Warbler (Vermivora pinus L.) CAR B Shrubland -0.156 0.57* 2.908*
Baltimore Oriole (Icterus galbula L.) NA B Forest -0.152 0.26* -1.336*
Solitary Sandpiper (Tringa solitaria, Wilson) SA T Wetland -0.151 0.45* -1.562
Bobolink (Dolichonyx oryzivorus L.) SA B Field -0.140 0.55* -0.361
Indigo Bunting (Passerina cyanea L.) CAR B Shrubland -0.130 0.56* 0.997*
Blue-headed Vireo (Vireo solitarius Wilson) NA B Forest -0.121 0.38* 8.730*
Ruby-throated Hummingbird (Archilochus colubris L.) CAR B Forest -0.116 0.46* 42.810*
House Wren (Troglodytes aedon Vieillot) NA B Shrubland -0.107 0.39* -0.633*
Palm Warbler (Dendroica palmarum Gmelin) NA T Wetland -0.104 0.36* No data
Blackpoll Warbler (Dendroica striata Forster) SA T Forest -0.100 0.46* -1.282
Red-eyed Vireo (Vireo olivaceus L.) SA B Forest -0.099 0.49* 3.081*
Wood Thrush (Hylocichla mustelina Gmelin) CAR B Forest -0.096 0.53* -1.540*
2011 J. Vitale and W.H. Schlesinger 343
Table 2, continued.
Winter Population
Species habitat Status Habitat Slope R trend (%/yr)
Great-crested Flycatcher (Myiarchus crinitus L.) NA B Forest -0.093 0.49* -0.401*
Magnolia Warbler (Dendroica magnolia Wilson) CAR T Forest -0.093 0.57* 1.136*
Eastern Wood-pewee (Contopus virens L.) SA B Forest -0.093 0.32* -0.307
Eastern Kingbird (Tyrannus tyrannus L.) SA B Field -0.092 0.46* -1.140*
Scarlet Tanager (Piranga olivacea Vieillot) SA B Forest -0.086 0.55* -0.821*
Black-throated Green Warbler (Dendroica virens Gmelin) CAR B Forest -0.084 0.44* 4.780*
Black-throated Blue Warbler (Dendroica caerulescens Gmelin) CAR B Forest -0.082 0.32* 1.018
Yellow Warbler (Dendroica petechia L.) CAR B Shrubland -0.080 0.54* 0.313
Warbling Vireo (Vireo gilvus Vieillot) CAR B Forest -0.077 0.40* 2.170*
Chestnut-sided Warbler (Dendroica pensylvanica L.) CAR B Shrubland -0.066 0.42* 0.104
Ovenbird (Seiurus aurocapilla L.) NA B Forest -0.066 0.46* 5.040*
Tennessee Warbler (Vermivora peregrina Wilson) CAR T Forest -0.063 0.33* -38.461*
Common Yellowthroat (Geothlypis trichas L.) NA B Shrubland -0.063 0.42* 0.430*
Chimney Swift (Chaetura pelagic L.) SA B Urban -0.058 0.33* -0.814*
Yellow-throated Vireo (Vireo flavifrons Vieillot) CAR B Forest -0.057 0.31* -0.994*
Spotted Sandpiper (Actitis macularia L.) SA B Wetland -0.055 0.21* -3.061*
Black-and-white Warbler (Mniotilta varia L.) NA B Forest -0.045 0.24* 0.818
American Redstart (Setophaga ruticilla L.) CAR B Forest -0.042 0.33* -0.220
Nashville Warbler (Vermivora ruficapilla Wilson) CAR T Shrubland -0.040 0.21* 1.959*
Black-billed Cuckoo (Coccyzus erythropthalmus Wilson) SA B Forest -0.040 0.16 -0.563
Veery (Catharus fuscescens Stephens) SA B Forest -0.039 0.17 -1.015*
Yellow-billed Cuckoo (Coccyzus americanus L.) SA B Forest -0.016 0.04 0.659
Common Nighthawk (Chordeiles minor Forster) SA T Urban -0.014 0.09 -0.661*
344 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 18, No. 3
show an earlier arrival trend due to an increased likelihood of observation of
early arriving individuals. Fourteen species show a significant change in FAD in
our regression analysis of the truncated dataset (1958 to 2008), corresponding to
the record of WBC members (Fig. 3). For the remaining 30 species, which show
a significant advance in FAD only in the full 123-year dataset, the trend must
largely stem from the greater degrees-of-freedom in the longer regression, since
observer number was relatively constant from 1919 to 1958 (Fig. 2). The fact
that only about one-third (14) of the species show an advance in FAD during this
period suggests that the increase in birdwatching effort was of relatively minor
importance as a bias-affecting trend in FAD with time.
Multiple linear regression analyses of the 1958–2008 data (corresponding to
data for observer number) and the 1966–2007 data (corresponding to data for observer
number and population trends) suggest that in both cases the influence of
observer effort was relatively minor—affecting only 2–3 species in the multiplelinear
regression analysis.
Although many local site factors may affect the selection of breeding habitat
by birds (Betts et al. 2008), a continuous expansion of favorable habitat for
woodland species during the past century in Dutchess County could lead to
greater population numbers and a greater likelihood of early detection of such
species. However, there is no indication that species nesting in young forest habitats
are arriving earlier, and being detected more easily, as a result of a greater
distribution of such habitats on land abandoned from agriculture in Dutchess
County (DeOrsey and Butler 2006). Similarly, the provision of nest boxes for
Tree Swallows and Troglodytes aedon Vieillot (House Wrens) and birdfeeders for
Archilochus colubris L. (Ruby-throated Hummingbirds) may make it easier for
birdwatchers to watch for and detect the first arrival of these species. All three
species show a significant increase in the FAD in Dutchess County—Tree Swallows
by 46 days/century (Table 2).
We found a slight tendency (P = 0.07) for a greater advance in FAD for species
wintering in the southeastern US than for those wintering in more distant locales.
Butler (2003) and Miller-Rushing et al. (2008a) also found that among North
American species, those migrating shorter distances tend to show the greatest
trends toward earlier FAD (cf. Végvári et al. 2010 for Europe).
For 123 years of data for 44 species in Dutchess County, we find an average
advance of migration of 0.12 days/year, with no evidence that changes in population
sizes and only modest evidence that the total effort of birdwatchers has a
great influence on this conclusion. In other studies, Tree Swallows in the northern
United States have advanced their egg-laying date by a mean of 9 days between
1959 and 1991 (Dunn and Winkler 1999). Using 33 years of data for 32 species
in eastern Massachusetts, Miller-Rushing et al. (2008a) deduced a 7.8-day average
advance in spring arrival using mean arrival dates (i.e., 0.24 days/year). Van
Buskirk et al. (2009) report a mean springtime advance of 0.71 days/year for 78
species in a 46-year study in western Pennsylvania.
The average annual temperature in New England and New York has warmed by
1.1 °C during the past century (Trombulak and Wolfson 2004), and temperatures
2011 J. Vitale and W.H. Schlesinger 345
in Poughkeepsie, NY (in Dutchess County) have increased by 0.0135 °C/yr during
the past 119 years (NEISA 2011). While many factors may be involved, at least part
of the advance in FAD for springtime migrant birds may be due to global warming
over this period. Most birds breeding in New York State also show northward shifts
in their distribution during the past 20 years (Zuckerberg et al. 2009). Changes in
migration due to climate change have the potential not only to affect the synchrony
of bird arrival and food availability, but also to disrupt other evolutionary interactions
of species in natural communities (Root et al. 2003).
All 44 species in this study exhibit negative linear relationships between the
date of first springtime observation and year since the beginning of our time series
(1885), which indicates earlier spring arrivals during the past century. This
change in migratory phenology, if not accompanied by similar changes in the
availability of food, could contribute to population decline for the affected species
(cf. Both et al. 2006).
We thank Barbara A. Butler and Stan DeOrsey of the Waterman Bird Club for their
help in all phases of this project, and who, along with Gary Lovett, Ken Schmidt, Lisa
Dellwo Schlesinger, and anonymous reviewers provided helpful reviews of earlier drafts
of this manuscript. Drs. Felicia Kessing and Charles Canham provided statistical assistance,
and Martin Senzel alerted us to several historical references. This is a contribution
to the program of the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies. Financial support was provided
by the National Science Foundation.
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