“Island” Attributes and Benthic Macroinvertebrates of
Seasonal Forest Pools
Robert T. Brooks1,* and Elizabeth A. Colburn2
Abstract - Seasonal forest pools (SFPs), also known as woodland vernal pools or simply
vernal pools, are common throughout the forests of the northeastern United States. SFPs
are inundated during all or part of the period between late fall of one year and late spring
to mid-summer of the subsequent year. The pools dry every year or at sufficient frequency
to preclude the establishment of fish populations, are preferred breeding habitat for a
number of amphibian species, and support a rich, diverse, and abundant macroinvertebrate
community. These pools exist as aquatic “islands” in a “sea” of forest, and occur
over a range of sizes, degrees of isolation, and hydroperiod lengths. As islands, pool
area and isolation should affect the composition of biotic communities. The hydroperiod
of ephemeral wetlands has been considered a third “island” attribute and is also known
to affect biotic composition. We surveyed aquatic, benthic macroinvertebrates (BMIs)
for two years using leaf-packs in 24 SFPs, representing a broad range of surface areas,
inter-pool distances (isolation), and hydroperiods. Nearly 35,000 specimens of 76 taxa
were enumerated from 198 leaf-pack samples. Chironomidae and Oligochaeta were the
most abundant and most common taxa. BMI richness and diversity were positively, but
weakly, related to maximum pool surface area, but not to pool isolation. The same results
were found for permanent resident and predator taxa. BMI richness and diversity were
positively related with pool hydroperiod, as reported from numerous other studies of
ephemeral aquatic habitats.
The composition of the flora and fauna of islands is affected by island size
and by the island’s degree of isolation, with size affecting extinction rates and
available habitat niches and isolation affecting immigration rates (MacArthur
and Wilson 1967). As island size increases, extinction rates decrease and as an
island is increasingly isolated, immigration rates decrease. The equilibrium species
richness of an island can be modeled by the intersection of these two rates.
While island biogeographic theories were initially demonstrated using
marine islands, the concepts have been applied to other isolated habitats including
freshwater wetlands (Brose 2001, 2003; De Meester et al. 2005; Ebert
and Balko 1987; March and Bass 1995; Ripley and Simovich 2009). Pool size
has been shown to positively influence the richness of ephemeral pool snails
(Lassen 1975), beetles (Nilsson 1984), chironomids (Driver 1977), and microcrustaceans
(Mahoney et al. 1990); however, the effects have typically been
1US Forest Service, Northern Research Station, University of Massachusetts, Amherst,
MA 01003. 2Harvard Forest, Petersham, MA 01366. *Corresponding author - rtbrooks@
560 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 19, No. 4
weak or inconsistent (Holland and Jain 1981, Oertli et al. 2002). The effects
of pool isolation are less well documented and, where assessed, have generally
been found to be weak (Lopez et. al. 2002, Mahoney et al. 1990, Spencer et
al. 2002). Where a significant isolation effect has been found, the results show
that invertebrate communities in adjacent sites are more similar than those in
distant pools (Briers and Biggs 2005).
The hydroperiod or duration or permanence of the wet phase of ephemeral
wetlands has been considered a third island attribute of these systems (Ebert and
Balko 1987, Kiflawi et al. 2003, Nilsson 1984, Ripley and Simovich 2009). The
recurring dry phase of ephemeral waters precludes the occurrence of fish, and
these systems are known for rich and diverse faunal communities, including both
vertebrates (Mitchell et al. 2008, Semlitsch and Skelly 2008) and invertebrates
(Colburn 2004, Colburn et al. 2008). Hydroperiod has been shown to be the
dominant abiotic factor in structuring the invertebrate community of ephemeral
wetlands (De Meester et al. 2005, Schneider and Frost 1996, Wellborn et al. 1996,
Williams 1997), including seasonal forest pools (Batzer et al. 2004, 2005; Brooks
2000; Schneider 1999). Pool hydroperiod is also positively associated with richness
of the breeding amphibian community (Babbitt 2005, Burne and Griffin
2005, Snodgrass et al. 2000).
Temporary pools occur commonly throughout the world (Ramsar 2002,
Williams 2006). Temporary pools are typically small and shallow wetlands,
characterized by alternating flooded and dry phases, and whose hydrology is
largely autonomous (Ramsar 2002). Seasonal forest pools (SFPs; also “woodland
vernal pools”, Tiner et al. 2002; or simply “vernal pools”, Calhoun and deMaynadier
2008, Colburn 2004), occur in every forest region of the United States, and
are widely but not regularly distributed in forests of the glaciated northeastern
United States and adjacent Canada (Brooks et al. 1998, Palik et al. 2003, Rheinhardt
and Hollands 2008). SFPs are highly variable in most attributes, due to
differences in climate, geology, hydrology, and other factors (Rheinhardt and
Hollands 2008, Tiner et al. 2002). Many SFPs are technically autumnal pools,
based on the timing and pattern of inundation (Brooks 2004, Brooks and Hayashi
2002, Higgins and Merritt 1999). The pools partially inundate in the fall with
rains on saturated or frozen soil, fill to maximum capacity in the spring following
snowmelt, and are generally dry by mid-summer. Most pools are hydrologically
isolated and are expressions of direct precipitation and runoff from immediately
adjacent uplands (Brooks 2004, Leibowitz and Brooks 2008), although interactions
between pool water and local groundwater can also occur, especially in
deeper, more porous soils (Palik et al. 2001, Sobczak et al. 2003). Pools can be
classified as palustrine, unconsolidated bottom, emergent, or scrub-shrub, seasonally
flooded wetlands (Cowardin et al. 1979) or as isolated depressions in the
hydrogeomorphic classification system (Brinson 1993, Cole et al. 1997).
An inventory of SFPs on the Quabbin Reservoir watershed in central Massachusetts
with information on individual pool size and degree of isolation
(Brooks et al. 1998) provided an opportunity to test the theories of island
2012 R.T. Brooks and E.A. Colburn 561
biogeography and the composition of pool fauna. The objectives of this study
were to determine if, after controlling for pool hydroperiod, pool surface area
and/or inter-pool distance (i.e., isolation) of SFPs in northeastern US forests
affect the composition of the benthic macroinvertebrate (BMI) community. We
hypothesized that pool size and pool hydroperiod (i.e., permanence) were positively
related to BMI richness and diversity and that inter-pool distance was
negatively related to BMI richness and diversity. In addition to total community
attributes, we also assessed island effects on invertebrate, predator taxa that
have been shown especially sensitive to pool size (Pearman 1995, Spencer et al.
1999, Wilcox 2001) and passively dispersed taxa (e.g., microcrustaceans) that
we felt would be particularly affected by pool isolation (Bagella et al. 2010).
Study area
The study pools were located on the Quabbin Reservoir watershed in central
Massachusetts (72o21'W; 42o25'N). The publicly owned watershed is 23,473
ha of undeveloped forestland surrounding the 9713 ha Reservoir, which was
created by damming the Swift River in 1938, and is managed by the Office
of Watershed Management, Department of Conservation and Recreation (MA
DCR 2007). Public ownership comprises approximately 64% of the entire
Reservoir watershed. The watershed is composed of glacially sculpted valleys
between gneiss domes. Soils are glacially derived and predominantly well
drained. The forests are composed principally of Quercus spp. (oaks) or Pinus
strobus L. (White Pine).
An aerial-photography-based inventory identified 430 SFPs on the Quabbin
watershed (Brooks et al. 1998). Each identified pool was placed into one
of 7 surface-area classes ranging from <0.025 ha to >0.4 ha. Numbers of pools
declined rapidly with increasing pool area-class (Brooks et al. 1998). Of the
430 pools, 67% were less than 500 m2 in surface area, and only 14% were
1000 m2 or larger. Pool locations were later digitized, and the distance to the
nearest-neighbor pool was calculated for each pool in the inventory. The spatial
distribution of pools was significantly aggregated, with median distance
between nearest-neighbor pools of 243 m and between-pool distances ranging
between 19 m and 2.4 km. We have visited most of the pools located on the
western (Pelham [PL] and New Salem [NS]) and the central (Prescott [PR])
management blocks of the property to verify the pool’s occurrence and to describe
general pool and catchment characteristics.
A sample of 24 SFPs was selected for the study. Three replicate SFPs were selected
in 3 size classes (less than 300 m2, 300–999 m2, and ≥1000 m2 maximum surface area)
by 3 distance classes (less than 200 m, 200–999 m, and ≥1000 m to nearest neighbor SFP)
(Table 1). Only 2 SFPs were identified in the intermediate size and distance class; no
candidate SFPs occurred in the largest size-by-distance class. One additional SFP
was selected for the largest size-by-nearest-distance class.
562 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 19, No. 4
Pool and benthic macroinvertebrate sampling
Maximum SFP surface areas were calculated using data from bathymetric
surveys (Brooks and Hayashi 2002). We calculated an index to SFP hydroperiod
as the number of periodic visits to a SFP when surface water was present as a
proportion of the number of all visits to the SFP (Brooks and Hayashi 2002,
Snodgrass et al. 2000).
BMIs were sampled once annually in each SFP in 1998 and 1999 using leafpack
substrates (Brooks 2000). We placed 5 leaf packs on each SFP bottom in
late November–December, 1997 and 1998, following leaf fall. Typically, the
SFPs were dry at the time of leaf-pack installation. We placed 1 pack at or near
the center of the SFP basin and the remaining 4 packs mid-way between the
center and the SFP edge at the cardinal directions. Each pack was composed of
leaves collected in a 2.5-L plastic tub and enclosed in a 45-cm square of 15-mm
mesh, black plastic garden netting. While litter composition has been shown to
affect consumer communities (Rubbo and Kiesecker 2004, Rubbo et al. 2008),
we collected leaves adjacent to each SFP basin so that they would represent the
composition of leaf fall into the SFP. We tied the corners of each leaf pack closed
with plastic flagging to form a loose “bag” and pinned each pack to the pool bottom
with a wire-stake flag.
Leaf packs were left undisturbed for the late-fall, winter, and early spring duration
of SFP flooding and removed from SFPs over a two-week period in April–
May of the year following installation (1998, 1999). We removed the packs when
the shortest-hydroperiod SFPs started to dry, removing packs from those first
and subsequently from the less ephemeral SFPs. If SFPs were partially or totally
dry, exposed packs were not collected. We removed leaf packs by placement in
a dip net (mesh 0.8 x 0.9 mm) and raising the net vertically to avoid collecting
water-column specimens. Leaf packs were then placed in a sealable plastic bag
and transported to the laboratory. At the lab, we drained loose water from the
packs and stored them in histological grade (90%) 2-Propanol (isopropyl alcohol).
BMIs were sorted from each pack in both white and black enamel pans,
and sorted specimens were enumerated and identified to family or genus using
Merritt and Cummins (1984), Pennak (1989), Peckarsky et al. (1990), or Smith
(1995). We assigned functional group and feeding-mechanism (e.g., predator)
classifications to each taxon according to the trophic relations reported in Merritt
and Cummins (1984). Life-history strategies were taken from Wiggins et al.
(1980) and used to identify passively dispersed, overwintering taxa (Group 1).
Taxonomy generally follows Peckarsky et al. (1990).
Data analysis
We calculated taxon diversity as D' = (T-1) / logeN, where T is the number of
taxa and N is the abundance of individuals (Margalef 1968). Due to the unequal
number of leaf-pack samples collected from each SFP, pool-level analyses were
conducted using median macroinvertebrate sample statistics from each SFP. The
direction of the relationships between macroinvertebrate richness and diversity
2012 R.T. Brooks and E.A. Colburn 563
and the pool island attributes were examined using Spearman correlation coefficients.
The effects of maximum surface area and inter-pool distance on BMI
richness and diversity were analyzed using analysis of covariance by ranks with
arcsine-transformed SFP hydroperiod as the covariate. Significance for statistical
analyses was determined by P ≤ 0.05.
Maximum (spring) surface area of the 24 SFPs ranged between 68 (PL394)
and 2941 m2 (PR246) (Table 1). The mean surface area was 743 m2, but the median
area was only 493 m2, indicating the greater number of smaller-sized SFPs in
the study. The distance from each study SFP to its nearest-neighbor pool ranged
between 73 (PR243) and 1770 m (PL398), with a mean and median distance of
588 and 531 m, respectively. Hydroperiod indices ranged between 0.33 (PR489)
and 1.0 (PL407, PR507), with a mean and median of 0.81. SFPs with indices of
1.0 had surface water at every visit during the study, but they have been observed
dry at other times prior to and following the study.
Table 1. Maximum pool surface area, nearest-neighbor pool distance, area and distance class, hydroperiod
index, and median sample taxa richness and diversity of benthic macroinvertebrates for
24 seasonal forest pools on the Quabbin Reservoir watershed, MA, 1998–1999.
Area Area Distance Distance- Hydroperiod Median sample
Pool (m2) class (m) class index Richness Diversity
PL401 146 1 119 1 0.46 5.0 0.664
NS445 284 1 110 1 0.95 10.0 2.191
NS446 229 1 110 1 0.85 8.0 1.683
PR508 129 1 474 2 0.67 7.0 1.379
NS472 243 1 966 2 0.80 6.0 1.179
PR489 283 1 715 2 0.33 6.0 0.933
PL394 68 1 1267 3 0.85 8.0 1.571
PR505 140 1 1092 3 0.56 4.0 0.414
PL398 152 1 1770 3 0.55 4.0 0.779
PR243 318 2 73 1 0.78 4.5 0.915
PR490 319 2 83 1 0.80 5.0 1.321
PR428 701 2 135 1 0.85 9.5 1.647
PR488 573 2 847 2 0.82 8.5 1.433
NS266 707 2 587 2 0.40 8.0 1.249
ON481 412 2 1051 3 0.82 14.0 2.429
NS448 580 2 1050 3 0.87 5.0 1.001
PL388 781 2 1398 3 0.95 8.0 1.469
PL407 1292 3 155 1 1.00 8.5 1.949
PL406 1482 3 155 1 0.97 7.0 1.461
PR507 1581 3 144 1 1.00 7.0 1.365
NS232 1602 3 137 1 0.82 7.0 1.279
PR241 1380 3 242 2 0.76 6.0 1.083
NS257 1489 3 802 2 0.87 11.0 2.358
PR246 2941 3 627 2 0.95 9.5 1.935
564 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 19, No. 4
Over the two years of the study, 198 of 240 installed leaf packs were collected:
112 in 1998 and 86 in the drier 1999. The remaining 42 packs were either exposed
or disturbed to the extent that they were unrecoverable. Nearly 35,000 (34,971)
BMIs were sorted, identified, and enumerated. Of 76 taxa identified, nearly 60%
were chironomids and another 15% were oligochaetes (Appendix I).
The median leaf-pack sample contained 100 individuals of 7 taxa (Table 2).
Median sample richness was fairly consistent at 7 taxa across all surface area
and inter-pool distance classes (Table 2). Total BMI richness and diversity were
Table 2. Number of samples, median number of taxa, and diversity of benthic macroinvertebrate
taxa, by pool area and distance class of 24 seasonal forest pools on the Quabbin Reservoir watershed,
Distance class All
Area/class <200 m 200–999 m ≥1000 m classes
<300 m2
Samples 23 25 19 67
Taxa 9 6 5 7
Diversity 1.741 1.169 0.973 1.202
300–999 m2
Samples 29 14 27 70
Ttaxa 6 8.5 8 7
Diversity 1.329 1.353 1.498 1.363
≥1000 m2
Samples 35 26 no samples 61
Taxa 7 9 8
Diversity 1.492 1.772 1.593
All classes
Samples 87 65 46 198
Taxa 7 7 7 7
Diversity 1.460 1.333 1.280 1.385
Table 3. Spearman rank correlations among median richness and diversity of benthic macroinvertebrates
and area, isolation, and hydroperiod of 24 seasonal forest pools on the Quabbin Reservoir
watershed, MA, 1998–1999.
Maximum Between-pool Hydroperiod
surface area distance index
Total community
Richness 0.387 0.001 0.543**
Diversity 0.344 -0.061 0.693**
Overwintering residents
Richness 0.267 -0.152 0.258
Diversity 0.137 -0.124 0.041
Richness 0.054 -0.049 0.487*
Diversity 0.243 -0.069 0.493*
*rs significant for P ≤ 0.05 (rs ≥ 0.406).
**rs significant for P ≤ 0.01 (rs ≥ 0.521).
2012 R.T. Brooks and E.A. Colburn 565
moderately (i.e., non-significant) and positively correlated to SFP surface area,
positively and significantly correlated with hydroperiod, and uncorrelated to
inter-pool distance (Table 3). Similar correlation results were found for overwintering
and predatory taxa.
No significant effects of island attributes of SFPs on total, overwintering, or
predatory BMI richness and diversity were identified (Table 4). The best (i.e.,
largest r2, smallest P) full model was of total BMI diversity (r2 = 0.539, P =
0.091) with hydroperiod the only significant (F = 10.6, P = 0.005) variable. Most
of the explanatory power of the models was achieved from the covariate, SFP
hydroperiod (Table 4). Hydroperiod was most significant in explaining the richness
and diversity in all taxa and of predator taxa (Table 4). The least significant
results occurred between the richness and diversity of passively dispersed, overwintering
resident taxa and pool “island” attributes (Table 4).
Seasonal forest pools are geographically and hydrologically isolated wetlands
that occur commonly throughout the temperate forests of the northeastern United
States and adjacent Canada (Rheinhardt and Hollands 2008, Tiner et al. 2002).
The pools are preferred breeding habitat for a number of amphibian species (e.g.,
Lithobates sylvatica Le Conte [Wood Frog] and Ambystoma spp. [mole salamanders])
and support an abundant, rich, and somewhat unique invertebrate fauna
(Colburn 2004, Colburn et al. 2008, Semlitsch and Skelly 2008). Island biogeography
theory proposes that if the pools function as islands, as their isolated
condition suggests, the community attributes of pool biota should be affected by
both the size and isolation of the pools (Holland and Jain 1981, March and Bass
1995, Ripley and Simovich 2009).
Table 4. Covariance statistics from analysis of relationships between seasonal forest pool benthic
macroinvertebrate median richness and diversity and pool area, isolation, and hydroperiod of 24
seasonal forest pools on the Quabbin Reservoir watershed, MA, 1998–1999.
Invertebrate Model Area Isolation Hydroperiod
taxa/statistics Richness Diversity Richness Diversity Richness Diversity Richness Diversity
All taxa
r2 0.475 0.539
F 1.696 0.19 0.455 0.001 1.804 0.709 5.674 10.571
P 0.18 0.091 0.643 0.975 0.199 0.508 0.031 0.005
Overwintering taxa
r2 0.262 0.214
F 0.667 0.511 0.736 0.061 0.638 0.016 0.542 0.021
P 0.713 0.83 0.496 0.941 0.542 0.901 0.473 0.886
Predator taxa
r2 0.363 0.433
F 1.071 1.434 1.533 0.654 0.845 2.004 5.867 7.006
P 0.432 0.261 0.235 0.534 0.449 0.169 0.029 0.018
566 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 19, No. 4
MacArthur and Wilson (1967) stated that there “is an orderly relation between
the size of a sample area and the number of species found in that area”,
but that the relation is not a direct effect of area itself but rather an effect of
the greater number of habitats occurring in larger areas. Studies investigating
this hypothesis in temporary waters have had mixed results. The relationship
between habitat area and species richness has been observed in aquatic
invertebrates in small (<13 m2) rockpools and in flatworm species in temporary
pools in northern Israel (Eitam et al. 2004, Spencer et al. 1999). Neither
study ascertained whether the relationships were the result of biotic factors
(e.g., reduced extinction risk, habitat stability, or microhabitat diversity) or a
sampling effect. In contrast, Bilton et al. (2001) found that size was not significantly
related to invertebrate species richness in 16 ponds in Cornwall,
UK. They postulated that the lack of an area effect might be due to a difference
in scale, with the larger pools of the UK study (up to 2400 m2) being
above a size threshold where detection by dispersing invertebrates was more
probable. They also suggested that any area effect might be marginal compared
to the influence of permanence or hydroperiod.
Our findings parallel positive but weak correlations of biota with area that
have been identified for vascular flora of California vernal pools (Holland and
Jain 1981), plant and insect taxa of montane calcareous fens (Peintinger et al.
2003), vascular plants in temporary wetlands (Brose 2001), macrophytes in
temporary pools (Bazzanti et al. 2003, Oertli et al. 2002), and breeding amphibians
in vernal pools (Burne and Griffin 2005). The weak relationships we
found between macroinvertebrate richness and SFP area may reflect both the
small range in pool surface area and the limited extent of wetland plant cover
in our study pools.
The small range in macroinvertebrate community diversity metrics over the
43-fold range in pool sizes in our study suggests that for SFPs, area alone may not
be a reliable indicator of the within-pool habitat diversity (Tavernini et al. 2005).
Classic studies of island biogeography encompass islands with sizes spanning
several orders of magnitude (e.g., MacArthur and Wilson 1963). The range in
size of vernal pools is limited. Our study encompassed the range of pool surface
area of a representative sample of 34 pools on the Quabbin Reservoir watershed,
MA (Brooks and Hayashi 2002). Larger pools are more likely to be permanent
or to be physically or hydrologically connected to other aquatic systems (Colburn
2004). Smaller, more ephemeral (as versus seasonal, sensu Cowaradin et
al. 1979) pools occur, but were not included in the pool inventory (Brooks et al.
1998) or this study.
Studies that documented relationships between pool size and macrophyte
richness have also found weak positive associations between macrophyte richness
and macroinvertebrate richness in temporary pools (Bazzanti et al. 2003,
Oertli et al. 2002). In our study pools, wetlands vegetation was limited in
distribution and composition. The most common benthic habitat in our pools,
regardless of pool size, was non-vegetated substrate covered with leaf litter.
2012 R.T. Brooks and E.A. Colburn 567
A second, less common sedge/rush-dominated habitat occurred infrequently
in pools with greater solar exposure (i.e., pools ON481, NS257). Due to the
small surface area of the study pools, to abundant overstory tree cover adjacent
to the pools, and to their temporary inundation, submerged aquatic vegetation
was absent, which is a common condition in SFPs (Higgins and Merritt 1999).
When within-pool habitats are limited in number, regardless of pool size, area
should have less or no effect on faunal composition (Della Bella et al. 2005,
Oertli et al. 2002, Smith and Haukos 2002).
The dispersal of organisms among islands is affected both by the distance
between source and recipient islands and by the dispersal capability of the
organism (MacArthur and Wilson 1967). The effects of distance among temporary
pools on faunal community composition have not been as well studied
as have pool-size effects. Spencer et al. (2002) found no effect of inter-pool
distance on invertebrate community similarity in a cluster of 25 rock pools
and concluded that dispersal was not limited among the pools. The same conclusion
was reached in studies of vascular plants (Brose 2001) and carabid
beetles (Brose 2003) in temporary wetlands in an agricultural landscape. Our
findings parallel those of these studies. The distance among SFPs is quite
small compared to the distances among the islands of classic biogeographic
studies. The median nearest-neighbor distance class for all pools on the Quabbin
Reservoir watershed is only 200–299 m (Brooks et al. 1998), which is less
than the median inter-pool distance for this study (531 m). These distances do
not appear to constitute significant barriers to the dispersal of aquatic invertebrates,
even for passively dispersed taxa.
The wide distribution of highly mobile Insecta among vernal pools was expected,
although Angelibert and Giani (2003) found odonate species to be more
philopatric than expected, which would limit dispersal. Insecta have developed
strategies for adapting to the temporary existence of SFPs, typically through
seasonal flight dispersal from permanent water bodies for annual colonization of
pools (Wiggins et al. 1980). The occurrence, regardless of pool isolation, of passively
dispersed, overwintering taxa in SFPs was unexpected. However, King et
al. (1996) found no association between the geographic proximity of California
vernal pools and the similarity of their crustacean assemblages, and Mura and
Brecciaroli (2003) reported the wide distribution of 25 species of microcrustaceans
among 12 temporary pools in a Mediterranean plain forest of coastal
Italy, which they ascribe to dispersal by vertebrates. The passive dispersal of
smaller aquatic organisms by vertebrates and wind has been documented (Bilton
et al. 2001, Brendonck and Riddoch 1999, Maguire 1963), but may not occur
frequently (Jenkins and Underwood 1998). Distance from source habitats has
been shown experimentally to affect dispersal, with the number of taxa declining
with distance beyond 58.5 m (64 yards) from the source pond (Maguire 1963).
The passive dispersal of invertebrate taxa can occur relatively quickly. Maguire
(1963) reported that colonization of experimental water bodies by additional
taxa ceased by about 6 weeks; however, Jenkins (1995) reported the continued
568 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 19, No. 4
colonization of experimental pools by rotifers and microcrustaceans up to one
year into the study. Based on these dispersal statistics, even passively dispersed
taxa should have been able to colonize the most remote pool of this study over
the near 60 years that these pools have existed in their present protected, forested
watershed environment.
Positioned at the top of SFP food webs, predatory taxa were expected to be
most sensitive to pool size (Nilsson 1984, Pearman 1995, Spencer et al. 1999,
Wilcox 2001). Our results support this hypothesis, but again, only weakly. Nilsson
and Söderström (1988) suggested that pool size creates a threshold for the
entry of predatory species based on prey density and minimum population size.
Increasing pool area increases the threshold and allows for additional predatory
species of increasing size. Another potential reason for increased predator species
richness in larger pools would be that larger pools are better buffered against
fluctuations in physiochemical conditions and are more likely to have increased
microhabitat diversity (Spencer et al. 1999). Additionally, larger pools typically
have longer hydroperiods, and longer hydroperiods typically support richer
aquatic communities due to reduced stress associated with avoiding desiccation
(Colburn 2004, Wiggins et al. 1980, Williams 1983). This last hypothesis appears
to hold the strongest explanatory power in relation to our data, as hydroperiod
was the strongest variable in our analyses of predatory taxa. The dominant influence
of hydroperiod on predator community composition was not unexpected
(Bilton et al. 2001, Spencer et al. 1999). The degree of pool isolation had little
effect on predator community composition, given that most members are highly
mobile, annual migrants (Wiggins et al. 1980).
The hydroperiod of temporary aquatic habitats has been suggested to function
as a third, temporal dimension of island biogeographic effects (Bilton
et al. 2001, Ebert and Balko 1987). Permanence, rather than pond area, was
strongly related to overall species richness and the proportion of predators
found in ponds in southwest England (Bilton et al. 2001). Hydroperiod, or
habitat duration, was a dominant influence on invertebrate community composition
of temporary woodland ponds of the midwestern US (Higgins and
Merritt 1999, Schneider 1999, Schneider and Frost 1996). The invertebrate
community of short duration (i.e., days) pools was dominated by overwintering
taxa, composed predominantly of grazers or filterers; longer-duration (i.e.,
months) pools allowed for colonization by predators. Duration acts by mediating
the relative importance of life histories and biotic interactions, particularly
predation, in determining the distribution and abundance of taxa. As vernal
pool hydroperiod approaches permanency, biotic richness and diversity should
approach that of permanent ponds (Driver 1977).
The hydroperiod of short-duration ponds studied by Schneider (1999) and
Schneider and Frost (1996) was much less (i.e., <10 days; temporarily flooded)
than the seasonally flooded hydroperiod of the SFPs in this study. Nevertheless,
even with a much smaller range in hydroperiod among study pools, the relationship
between hydroperiod and BMI community diversity was significant. Total
2012 R.T. Brooks and E.A. Colburn 569
community richness and diversity increased significantly with increasing hydroperiod.
The effect was also observed in predatory taxa, but not in overwintering
taxa. Predatory taxa are most often spring or summer migrants, and larval forms
should occur more often in pools with longer hydroperiod pools. Overwintering
taxa are drought resistant and are expected to occur in all but the most temporary
pools (Brock et al. 2003, Wiggins et al. 1980).
The effects of hydroperiod would likely have been enhanced if invertebrates
had been sampled over the full annual hydrologic cycle of the pools.
There is a successional pattern in aquatic invertebrate taxa occurrence in
temporary wetlands (Brooks 2000, Williams 1983). Early spring inhabitants
are dominated by overwintering, grazing- and filter-feeding taxa; later arrivals
are dominated by migrant, predatory taxa (Higgins and Merritt 1999). In
this study, all invertebrate samples were taken at one point in time. If samples
had been taken later in the year (e.g., mid-summer) in longer hydroperiod
pools, it is likely that the influence of hydroperiod on taxa richness and diversity
would have been stronger, but comparisons could not have been made to
shorter-hydroperiod pools.
From this study, we draw several conclusions about seasonal forest pools in
the context of island biogeography theory, and two methodological observations
about studying these systems. First, we assessed the effects of pool size and
isolation predicted by island biogeography theory, plus the effects of pool hydroperiod,
on benthic macroinvertebrate communities of SFPs. Our study confirmed
the expected results of increased richness and diversity in larger pools, but we did
not observe the expected effects of pool isolation. The distance among our study
pools, even for those most removed, appears to be less than the maximum dispersal
distance of even passively dispersed taxa. As demonstrated in many studies,
pool hydroperiod affected the richness and diversity of BMIs. The strength of the
significant relationships between faunal diversity and pool attributes was minimal,
with all relationships collectively accounting for less than half the variation
in faunal diversity. These results suggest that the BMI community of SFPs is
relatively uniform (Stein et al. 2003), at least over the spectrum of pool attributes
included in this study. This study supports the findings of others that hydroperiod
is a dominant influence in temporary aquatic systems, but that many biotic and
abiotic factors, as well as chance, structure the BMI community of SFPs. Additionally,
since hydroperiod and pool surface area are related, it is difficult to
separate the individual effects in field studies.
The findings of this study would likely be strengthened by methodological
improvements. We sampled all SFPs with the same number of leaf packs, regardless
of surface area. The result was that larger pools were sampled with less effort
(i.e., fewer samples per unit area). A potential consequence would be the underrepresentation
of the true taxa richness of larger pools. This problem is somewhat
ameliorated by the simplicity of the benthic habitats within the SFPs. Predatory
taxa were most likely under-represented in benthic, leaf-pack samples as they are
more active in the water column (Hanson et al. 2000). A second sampling issue
570 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 19, No. 4
was the length of time over which the samples were collected each year. Even
in these short-duration systems, a succession of macroinvertebrate species can
occur with time (Williams 1983). However, in an earlier study (Brooks 2000),
within-year variation in diversity was more a function of abundance than occurrence,
and samples in that study were taken over the course of two months, rather
than just two weeks as in this study.
Finally, the classification of specimens to family or genus is likely to have
negatively impacted the estimation of taxa richness and diversity and may
have hindered our ability to detect more differences among pool area and
distance treatments. A more detailed classification, especially of family-level
identifications, would have resulted in increased community diversity (King
and Richardson 2002). Chironomids and oligochaetes from organic sediments
have long been used in the classification and bioassessment of lakes
(Brinkhurst 1974, Langdon et al. 2006), and chironomid diversity in fresh
waters is often exceptionally high (Ferrington 2008). However, classification
below family would have been difficult and time consuming, especially for
Chironomidae, which accounted for a majority of the specimens. It is an open
question whether a more detailed classification would have affected the results
of the study.
Overall, our study suggests that island biogeography theory has limited application
to SFPs, at least within the forested watershed in which our study pools are
found. Further investigations focused on quantifying hydroperiod differences,
incorporating more extensive sampling over time, and carrying out more detailed
systematic analyses of the fauna, are likely to contribute to better understanding
of the factors influencing community richness and diversity in S FPs.
C. Walker and L. Higgins processed and identified the invertebrate specimens; E.
Nedeau reviewed all identifications. R. DeGraaf , P. Paton, and anonymous referees provided
critical reviews of the manuscript.
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576 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 19, No. 4
Appendix I. Number of benthic macroinvertebrates in seasonal forest pool samples by
taxa and year, Quabbin Reservoir watershed, MA, 1998–1999.
Phylum Class Order Family Genus species 1998 1999
Nematoda 13
Platyhelminthes 12
Turbellaria 1 307
Oligochaeta 2013 2747
Erpobdella sp. 2 8
Glossiphoniidae 7
Batracobdella (Placobdella) picta 5
Gastropoda 2
Lymnaeidae 1 1
Fossaria parva (I. Lea) 5 19
Pseudosuccinea columella (Say) 1
Physa sp. 2 17
Pelecypoda (Bivalvia)
Sphaeriidae 186
Musculium securis (Prime) 215
Pisidium casertanum (Poli) 56
Hydrachnida 132 141
Crustacea 24
Eubranchipus vernalis (Verrill) 23 16
Eubranchipus sp. 3
Cladocera 208 105
Copepoda 115 16
Ostracoda 1110 628
Insecta 6
Collembola 2
Entomobryidae 57 607
Hypogastruridae 13
Isotomidae 653
Poduridae 340
Sminthuridae 5 2
2012 R.T. Brooks and E.A. Colburn 577
Phylum Class Order Family Genus species 1998 1999
Odonata 2
Libellulidae 8 83
Sympetrum sp. 1
Pachydiplax longipennis (Burmeister) 2
Nanothemis bella (Uhler) 1
Coenagrionidae 1
Lestes sp. 15 16
Plecoptera 11
Leuctridae 1 1
Hemiptera 1
Corixidae 1
Gerris sp. 2 3
Hydrometra sp. 3
Polycentropus sp. 167 4
Cernotina sp. 166
Limnephilidae 2
Limnephilus sp. 83 188
Banksiola sp. 3 2
Ptilostomis sp. 17 13
Dytiscidae 2
Acilius sp. 9 8
Agabus sp. 25 27
Dytiscus sp. 4
Hydrocolus sp. 5
Hydroporus sp. 14 47
Hygrotus sp. 1
Ilybius sp. 4
Neoporus sp. 2
Gyrinidae 9
Gyrinus sp. 10 2
Haliplidae 2 8
Haliplus sp. 3 3
Noteridae 1
Hydraena sp. 21
Hydrophilidae 1 5
Anacaena sp. 2
Enochrus sp. 2
Helocumbus sp. 1 14
Hydrochus sp. 2
Helophorus sp. 3
Tropisternus sp. 9
578 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 19, No. 4
Phylum Class Order Family Genus species 1998 1999
Scirtidae 26
Cyphon sp. 22 253
Chauliodes sp. 10 17
Diptera 50 4
Ephydridae 4
Dolichopodidae 3
Empididae 1
Stratiomyidae 18 6
Tabanidae 6 1
Tabanus sp. 1
Ceratopogonidae 197 403
Chaoboridae 30
Chaoborus sp. 2
Mochlonyx sp. 553 378
Chironomidae 13,294 5518
Culicidae 1
Psorophora sp. 11
Aedes sp. 488 336
Dixidae 2
Dixella sp. 6
Tipulidae 4 3
Phalarocera sp. 2