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A Comparative Study of Wetland Vegetation in the Ausable and Boquet River Watersheds
Meiyin Wu and Dennis Kalma

Northeastern Naturalist, Volume 20, Issue 2 (2013): 229–254

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2013 NORTHEASTERN NATURALIST 20(2):229–254 A Comparative Study of Wetland Vegetation in the Ausable and Boquet River Watersheds Meiyin Wu1,* and Dennis Kalma2 Abstract - The Ausable and Boquet rivers are two of New York’s major tributaries to Lake Champlain. The two watersheds are referred to as the Boquet/Ausable Subbasin. The Subbasin receives drainage from 795 square miles including diverse wetland types. From 2005 to 2009, a total of 768 sampling sites (324 in the Ausable watershed and 444 in the Boquet watershed) within 56 wetlands were surveyed from mid-June to mid-August. A total of 470 plant species were recorded, including 138 species of woody plants, 85 species of graminoids, 23 species of pteridophytes, and 224 herbaceous species. Included in the sampled plant species were 50 exotic species, 14 non-native invasive species, 2 New York State (NYS) endangered species, 2 threatened species, and 31 species listed as exploitably vulnerable by the New York State Natural Heritage Program. Herbaceous plants were the most abundant group and accounted for 48% of all species (45% at Ausable, 49% at Boquet). The least abundant group was the pteridophytes (5%). The Ausable watershed samples included a larger number of plant species (368) than the Boquet watershed samples (332). This difference was statistically significant (P = 0.001). The Ausable watershed had larger numbers of native, exotic, invasive, and vulnerable species than the Boquet watershed. The differences were statistically significant for the native plants (P < 0.001), exotic plants (P = 0.001), and exploitably vulnerable plant species (P = 0.005) observed in the two watersheds. However, the difference in non-native invasive plant species observed in the two watersheds was not statistically significant (P = 0.505). Plant species differences between the two watersheds might have resulted from variations of multiple environmental factors including elevation, soil types, water chemistry, nutrient levels, and anthropogenic factors. Introduction Wetlands support both aquatic and terrestrial organisms and provide many ecological services. Through growth, metabolism, and decay, wetland plants provide food, shelter, and substrate for a variety of organisms. A diverse wetland plant community offers optimal food sources for a variety of animals including waterfowl, which consume seeds, tubers, foliage, and plant-dwelling invertebrates. Protozoan, and other invertebrates inhabit underwater leaves and stems on wetland plants. Rotifers and crustaceans filter bacteria, algae, and detritus from wetland water. Snails, certain leeches, and many insect larvae scrape algae and detritus from the foliage, and these animals are, in turn, consumed by other aquatic insects, fish, waterfowl, and aquatic mammals. Documenting wetland vegetation assemblages is especially important under current environmental threats, such as invasive exotic species and global climate change. 1Department of Biology and Molecular Biology, Montclair State University, 1 Normal Avenue, Montclair, NJ 07043. 2Private Consultant, 103 Spear Road, Willsboro, NY 12996. *Corresponding author - 230 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 20, No. 2 Currently, many wetland ecosystems are facing the common threat of exotic species invasion. Both accidentally and deliberately, humans are dispersing an array of species beyond their historical ranges. While many exotic species are not a threat to ecosystems, some exotics do become invasive species. Invasive exotic plant species might also result in the eventual alteration of biogeochemical cycles and energy fluxes, thus disrupting entire ecosystems (Kiviat 1996, Mal et al. 1992, Thompson et al. 1987). Many non-native invasive plant species were found in the wetlands of the Ausable and Boquet watersheds. Wetland vegetation surveys provide a record for future comparative studies addressing impacts of exotic species on the structure and function of wetland plant communities (Kiviat 1996, Mal et al. 1992, Thompson et al. 1987). Studies of such long-term changes will require extensive baseline data from many widely dispersed wetlands. This study quantifies wetland plant species assemblages of the Ausable River and Boquet River watersheds. It provides baseline records of wetland vegetation conditions that allow long-term comparative studies. Special attention is paid to New York State’s endangered, threatened, exploitably vulnerable plant species, plus exotic and non-native invasive species in selected wetlands of the Boquet/Ausable Subbasin. Boquet/Ausable Subbasin The Ausable and Boquet rivers are major tributaries to Lake Champlain and are referred to as the Boquet/Ausable Subbasin (Subbasin) situated in the Adirondack Park (Clinton and Essex Counties) of New York State. Headwaters of both rivers are in the “High Peaks Region” of the Adirondack Mountains, the highest land mass in New York State. Both rivers traverse mountainous terrain and enter Lake Champlain at an elevation of 95 feet. Due to the mountainous terrain they traverse, the Boquet River and Ausable River are considered the steepest and second steepest rivers, respectively, in New York. However, the majority of the Boquet watershed is at lower elevation than the Ausable River watershed. The Boquet River watershed (725 km2 [280 mi2]) is smaller than the Ausable watershed (1326 km2 [512 mi2]) and the length of the Boquet River is shorter (126 km [78 mi]) than the Ausable River (151 km [94 mi]). Most of the Boquet watershed is underlain by limestone/dolostone bedrock and in most places is covered with deep glacial moraine. Most of the Ausable watershed is underlain by granitic rocks with only a thin covering of glacial materials. The Boquet watershed is mostly second-growth hardwood forest that developed after agricultural abandonment, and the Ausable watershed is covered primarily by second-growth mixed coniferous-northern hardwoods that developed after logging. While the headwaters of the Boquet River are on designated Adirondack Wilderness within the Forest Preserve, more than 70% of the Boquet River watershed is privately owned and is mostly rural. The Ausable River is fed by more than 70 small streams. While both branches of the Ausable River begin on designated Adirondack Wilderness within the Forest Preserve, approximately 85 percent of the watershed area is privately owned and is mostly rural. 2013 M. Wu and D. Kalma 231 Methods Abundant and diverse types of wetlands are situated within the two watersheds, such as river deltas, swamp forests, wet meadows, emergent marshes, and riparian wetlands. It was impossible to survey all wetlands within the two watersheds. Fifty-six wetlands within the Subbasin, 20 in Ausable and 36 in Boquet, were selected for this study using information from the Adirondack Park Agency, NYS Natural Heritage Program, NYS Freshwater Wetland Maps, Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) soil map, aerial photos, and local knowledge (Fig. 1). Wetlands were selected to include as many habitat types and as many vegetation associations as possible. Wetland size, elevation, position within the watershed landscape, underlying bedrock, accessibility, degree of disturbance, land use, water sources, known protected species, and local importance Figure 1. Fifty-six selected wetlands (stars) within the Ausable and Boquet river watersheds, Clinton and Essex counties, NY. The dotted lines delineate the boundaries of the two watersheds. Both watersheds discharge into Lake Champlain (the gray shaded area on the right). 232 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 20, No. 2 were additional criteria in the selection process. Thus, the numbers of wetlands selected for this study were not equal between the two watersheds. For each wetland, a 7.5’ US Geological Survey topographic map with UTM NAD 83 coordinate system was used as the base map. On the base map, a north– south or an east–west baseline was drawn outside of the National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) wetland boundary; the orientation of the baseline was chosen in order to maximize its length. Transects were placed perpendicular to the baseline. Three to seven transects were laid out for each wetland depending on the length of the baseline following the Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE) protocol (USACOE 1987). Sampling locations were selected along each transect. Nonrandom sampling locations were selected along a transect, which was established following ACOE procedures, so as to be approximately evenly spaced and to include as many vegetation associations as possible. A maximum of seven sampling locations were chosen along each transect for a total of 768 sampling sites (324 in Ausable and 444 in Boquet) within the 56 wetlands in this study (Table 1). Sampling locations with the wetlands ranged from 12 to 24, with 12–14 for small Table 1. Comparison of Ausable and Boquet river watersheds and the Subbasin. Ausable Boquet Subbasin Drainage Area, km2 1326 725 2051 Length of channel, km 1126 78 Elevation, m 29–1615 29–853 29–1615 Selected wetlands 20 36 56 Selected sampling points 324 444 768 Plant species richness 368 321 470 Native 332 289 420 Exotic 36 32 50 Invasive 11 10 14 NYS listed 27 23 35 NYS endangered 1 1 2 NYS threatened 2 1 2 NYS vulnerable 24 21 31 Herbaceous 166 156 224 Woody plants 110 98 138 Graminoids 74 51 85 Pteridophytes 18 16 23 Native herbaceous 145 129 189 Native woody plants 103 94 131 Native graminoids 66 50 77 Native pteridophytes 18 16 23 Exotic herbaceous 21 27 35 Exotic woody plants 7 4 7 Exotic graminoids 8 1 8 Exotic pteridophytes 0 0 0 Invasive herbaceous 5 5 8 Invasive woody plants 5 4 5 Invasive graminoids 1 1 1 Invasive pteridophytes 0 0 0 2013 M. Wu and D. Kalma 233 wetlands (2 ha [5 acres] or less), 15–20 for medium size wetlands (2 to 6 ha [5 to 15 acres]) and 20–24 for large wetlands (larger than 6 ha [15 acres]). The number of sampling sites within each watershed differed and were the result of a selection process following the pre-determined site-selection criteria. Vegetation surveys were conducted from mid-June to mid-August 2005 to 2009 utilizing US Army Corps of Engineers (1987) and US Environmental Protection Agency (2002) procedures. Plant identification was conducted by trained project personnel utilizing standard references: Crow and Hellquist (2000), Flora of North America Editorial Committee (1993–2010), Gleason and Cronquist (1991), the USDA Plants database (USDA 2012), and the Integrated Taxonomic Information System database (ITIS 2012). Plant taxonomy is determined based on the USDA Plants database. Plants were photographed but not collected when the species was considered common and identification in the field was possible. When field identification was not possible, plant specimens were collected. After identification, the plant vouchers were deposited to the herbarium located at the State University of New York College at Plattsburgh (voucher numbers were not available at the time of publication). Information on location of plant (UTM coordinates), observation date, weather condition, wetland type, and plants in the same association were recorded. Invasive potential of exotic plant species was based on the list developed by the Adirondack Park Invasive Plant Program (APIPP 2008). Statistical analyses (chi-square) were performed using SPSS 16.0. Results and Discussion The results of this study should only be used to document the presence and absence of wetland plant species within the two watersheds. A total of 470 vascular plant species were recorded at our sampling sites within the Subbasin, including 138 species of woody plants, 85 species of graminoids, 23 species of pteridophytes, and 224 species of herbaceous species (Appendix 1). Herbaceous plants were the most abundant group and accounted for 48% of all plant species sampled in the Subbasin (45% in Ausable and 49% in Boquet; Fig. 2). Woody plants were the second-most abundant group in the Subbasin and accounted for 29% in the Subbasin (30% in Ausable and 31% in Boquet; Fig. 2). The least abundant group was pteridophytes at approximately 5% (Fig. 2). Approximately 8% (35 out of 470) of the plant species found at the study sites are New York State listed species including two NYS endangered species (Carex atherodes Spreng. [Wheat Sedge] and Schoenoplectus heterochaetus (Chase) Soják [Slender Bulrush]), two threatened species (Equisetum pratense Ehrh. [Meadow Horsetail] and Viburnum edule (Michx) Raf. [Squashberry]), and 31 species that are currently listed as exploitably vulnerable by the NYS Natural Heritage Program (Tables 1, Appendix 1). Species are listed as exploitably vulnerable when they are considered likely to become threatened in the near future. The endangered species Carex atherodes prefers open and moist to wet habitats, such as marshes, and might be threatened by overgrowth of woody 234 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 20, No. 2 vegetation. Carex atherodes is currently listed as an endangered species in Indiana, Maine, New York, and Pennsylvania (USDA Plants Database 2012). This population was found in a marsh habitat, a shallow depression in the underlying limestone in the Boquet River watershed. The marsh is predominantly sedges, with cattails growing in the deeper areas and shrubs in the peripheral areas. Schoenoplectus heterochaetus (synonym Scripus heterochaetus) is a large sedge up to 2 m in height and grows in a variety of wetland habitats including ponds, lakes, and marshes (Gleason and Cronquist 1991). Schoenoplectus heterochaetus is a perennial plant with a belowground rhizome. This plant is currently listed as an endangered species in Kentucky and New York and as an extirpated species in Pennsylvania (USDA Plants Database 2012). This population was found in a transition zone between a marsh and old growth bottomland forest dominated by Acer rubrum L. (Red Maple) and Acer saccharinum L. (Silver Maple) located at the Ausable River Delta where the river empties into Lake Champlain. Equisetum pratense is a perennial plant with below-ground rhizomes and can be found in moist meadows, hay-meadows, and fields. Equisetum pratense is listed as an endangered species in New Jersey, threatened species in Illinois, New Hampshire, and New York, and species of special concern in Connecticut Figure 2. Plant assemblage observed in selected wetlands of the Ausable River watershed, the Boquet River watershed, and the Boquet-Ausable Subbasin. 2013 M. Wu and D. Kalma 235 (USDA 2012). This species was found at two wetlands surveyed. One was an old glacial-era floodplain wetland in the Ausable River watershed. The other was a semi-open woodland with a moderately well-developed shrub layer, and a welldeveloped herbaceous layer dominated by sedges in the Boquet River watershed. Viburnum edule belongs to the honeysuckle family. This shrub can grow up to 3 m tall in moist swamps and produce edible bright red berries with a single, white, flattened seed. This species is currently listed as an endangered species in Wisconsin, threatened species in Michigan, New York, and Vermont, and a species of special concern in Maine (USDA Plants Database 2012). This species was found at three wetlands surveyed, all in the Ausable River watershed. One population was found in a swamp forest dominated by Red Maple, Thuja occidentalis L. (Eastern White Cedar), and Abies balsamae (L.) Mill. (Balsam Fir). Another was an extensive low floodplain dominated by Balsam Firs. The third wetland was a moist forest also dominated by Balsam Fir. There was a statistically significant difference in the total number of species between the two watersheds (P < 0.001). Statistically significant differences were also observed between the watersheds for native (P < 0.001), exotic (P = 0.001), and NYS-listed (P = 0.005) plant species. The results indicate there are significant differences between vegetation assemblages of the two watersheds, although the watersheds are adjacent to each other and might be assumed to have similar environmental conditions and management histories. Differences in plant assemblages between the two watersheds might have resulted from variations in multiple environmental and landscape factors including elevation, soil and water characteristics, nutrient levels, and land-use history. The Ausable River watershed includes high peaks with elevations up to 1615 m (5300 ft), which is much higher than the highest peak of the Boquet River watershed (853 m [2800 ft]); therefore, differences in plant associations might be caused by wetland elevation differences. Additionally, the Boquet River watershed is closer to Lake Champlain, where larger human populations, different land-use patterns, and greater road traffic volume plus larger amounts of pollution might be found. Treadwell (2008) documented higher concentrations of total and dissolved phosphorus in Boquet River water than in Ausable River water. Among the 470 recorded species within the Subbasin, 50 species are not native to the Adirondacks (Table 1). Fourteen of the 50 exotic species were categorized as invasive species (or species with invasive potential) by the Adirondack Park Invasive Plant Program (APIPP 2008). Eleven non-native exotic species were recorded within the Ausable River watershed, and 10 non-native invasive species were found in the Boquet River watershed. These differences were not statistically significant (P = 0.505). The Ausable and Boquet river watersheds are adjacent to each other, and corridors or vectors for movement of invasive species, such as roads, wind, mammals, etc., are likely to facilitate the dispersal of exotic species between the watersheds. The majority of non-native invasive species are either herbaceous or woody plants, with Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin.ex Steud. (Common Reed) as the 236 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 20, No. 2 exception (Table 2). Lythrum salicaria L. (Purple Loosestrife) was the most abundant of the invasive species. Rhamnus cathartica L. (Common Buckthorn), Phragmites australis, Lonicera morrowii A. Gray (Morrow’s Honeysuckle), and Lonicera tatarica L. (Tartarian Honeysuckle) were other aggressive invaders. The invasive potential of the 36 non-native species not currently on the APIPP’s list has not been documented in the past. This study found that 7 of the 36 non-native with unknown invasive potential were dominant species in at least one study area using the 50/20 rule (USACOE 1987). Those seven species were Lysimachia nummularia L. (Creeping Jenny), Solanum dulcamara L. (Climbing Nightshade), Sparganium emersum Rehmann (European Bur-reed), Vicia cracca L. (Bird Vetch), Ranunculus acris L. var. acris (Showy Buttercup), Typha angustifolia L. (Narrowleaf Cattail), and Galium mollugo L. (False Baby’s Breath). These species have a high potential for population expansions in the future. Long-term comparative studies are recommended to monitor the distribution, abundance, and invasive potential of these species. Conclusion The Ausable and Boquet River watersheds are adjacent to each other and are often mistakenly assumed to have similar ecological characteristics, environmental conditions, and species assemblages. The results of this study showed significant differences in native, exotic, and NYS-listed plant species assemblages between the two watersheds. The difference in non-native invasive plant species between the two watersheds was not statistically significant. Additional research is required to identify landscape factors that explain the differences in plant species assemblages between the Ausable and Boquet river watersheds. Acknowledgments The project was funded by the Wetland Programs Development Grants, US Environmental Protection Agency. We thank Mr. Steven Flint, Mrs. Robin Ulmer, Ms. Kathleen Wiley, the Ausable River Association, the Boquet River Association, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, the New York State Adirondack Park Agency, and the Adirondack Park Invasive Plant Project. The authors extend special thanks to all landowners for granting permission to survey their wetlands. The authors thank the anonymous reviewers for their helpful and valuable comments and suggestions on an earlier version of this paper. The field work was conducted with assistance from dedicated SUNY Plattsburgh students: Jaysen Dickson, Jannel Gabriel, Andrew McMillan, Marc Morgenstern, Michael Praeger, Adrian Sellars, and Lou Trotta. Literature Cited Adirondack Park Invasive Plant Program (ADIPP). 2008. Adirondack Park’s invasive plant invaders and potential plant threats. Available online at http://www.adkinvasives. com/PlantList.html. Accessed 22 June 2012. Crow, G.E., and C.B. Hellquist. 2000. Aquatic and Wetland Plants of Northeastern North America. Vol. 2. Angiosperms: Monocotyledons. University of Wisconsin Press, Madison, WI. 448 pp. 2013 M. Wu and D. Kalma 237 Flora of North America Editorial Committee (Eds.). 1993. Flora of North America North of Mexico. Vol 2. Pteridophytes and Gymnosperms. New York, NY. 475 pp. Flora of North America Editorial Committee (Eds.). 1997. Flora of North America North of Mexico. Vol 3. Magnoliophtya: Magnoliidae and Hamamelidae. New York, NY. 590 pp. Flora of North America Editorial Committee (Eds.). 2000. Flora of North America North of Mexico. Vol 22. Magnoliophyta: Alismatidae, Arecidae, Commelinidae (in part), and Zingiberidae. New York, NY. 352 pp. Flora of North America Editorial Committee (Eds.). 2002a. Flora of North America North of Mexico. Vol 23. Magnoliophyta: Commelinidae (in part): Cyperaceae. New York, NY. 608 pp. Flora of North America Editorial Committee (Eds.). 2002b. Flora of North America North of Mexico. Vol 26. 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Plants database. Available online at http:// Accessed 22 June 2012. US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). 2002. Methods for evaluating wetland conditions: Using vegetation to assess environmental conditions in wetlands. EPA- 822-R-02-020. Washington, DC. 38 pp. 2013 M. Wu and D. Kalma 239 Appendix 1. Plant species observed at Ausable and Boquet River watersheds (A: Ausable, B: Boquet), its NYS status (E = endangered, I = invasive, N = non-native, T = threatened, V = vulnerable), habitats (AB = aquatic bed, US = unconsolidated shoreline, EM = emergent, ML = moss-lichen, SS1 = broad-leaved deciduous scrub-shrub, SS3 = broad-leaved evergreen scrub-shrub, FO1 = broad-leaved deciduous forested, FO2 = needle-leaved deciduous forested, FO3 = broad-leaved evergreen forested, FO4 = needle-leaved evergreen forested), and voucher specimens deposited (Y). NYS Scientific name Common name status Watershed Counties (NYS) Habitat Voucher Abies balsamea (L.) Mill. Balsam Fir A, B Clinton, Essex ML, SS1, SS3, FO1, FO4 Acer negundo L. Box Elder A, B Essex FO1 Acer pensylvanicum L. Striped Maple A, B Clinton, Essex FO1 Acer rubrum L. var. rubrum Red Maple A, B Clinton, Essex SS1, FO1 Acer rubrum L. var. trilobum Torr., A. Gray ex K. Koch Red Maple A, B Clinton, Essex SS1, FO1 Acer saccharinum L. Silver Maple A, B Clinton, Essex FO1 Acer saccharum Marshall var. saccharum Sugar Maple A, B Clinton, Essex FO1 Acer spicatum Lam. Mountain Maple B Essex FO1 Achillea millefolium L. Yarrow A, B Essex FO1 Actaea pachypoda Elliott White Baneberry V B Essex FO1 Actaea rubra (Aiton) Willd. ssp. rubra Red Baneberry V A, B Essex FO1 Adiantum pedatum L. Maidenhair Fern V A Essex FO1 Agalinis tennuifolia (Vahl) Raf. Slender False Foxglove B Essex SS1 Y Ageratina altissima (L.) King & H. Rob. var altissima White Snakeroot A, B Essex SS1, FO1 Agrimonia gryposepala Wallr. Common Agrimony B Essex FO1 Agrostis capillaris L. Colonial Bentgrass N A Clinton, Essex SS1 Y Agrostis gigantea Roth Redtop N A, B Clinton, Essex SS1 Y Agrostis scabra Willd. Ticklegrass, Rough Bentgrass A, B Clinton, Essex SS1, FO1 Y Agrostis stolonifera L. Creeping Bentgrass N A Essex SS1, FO1 Y Alisma subcordatum Raf. Water Plantain A, B Clinton, Essex EM Y Alisma triviale Pursh Northern Water Plantain A, B Clinton, Essex EM Y Alliaria petiolata (M. Bieb.) Cavara, Grande Garlic Mustard N, I B Essex FO1 Allium tricoccum Aiton Wild Leek A, B Essex FO1 Alnus incana (L.) Moench ssp. rugosa (Du Roi) R.T. Clausen Speckled Alder A, B Clinton, Essex SS1 Alnus serrulata (Aiton) Willd. Smooth Alder A, B Essex SS1 Alopecurus pratensis L. Meadow Foxtail N A Essex EM, SS1 Y 240 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 20, No. 2 NYS Scientific name Common name status Watershed Counties (NYS) Habitat Voucher Amelanchier laevis Wiegand Smooth Juneberry A Clinton, Essex SS1, FO1 Ammophila breviligulata Fernald American Beachgrass A Essex EM Y Amphicarpaea bracteata (L.) Fern. Hog Peanut A, B Clinton, Essex SS1, FO1 Andromeda polifolia L. Bog Rosemary A Clinton, Essex ML, SS3 Anemone quinquefolia L. var. quinquefolia Wood Anemone A, B Clinton, Essex FO1 Angelica atropurpurea L. Angelica A Essex EM, SS1 Apios americana Medik. Groundnut A, B Clinton, Essex SS1, FO1 Apocynum cannabinum L. Indian Hemp B Essex SS1, FO1 Aralia nudicaulis L. Wild Sarsaparilla A, B Clinton, Essex FO1 Arceuthobium pusillum Peck Eastern Dwarf Mistletoe A Clinton, Essex FO4 Arctium minus Bernh. Lesser Burdock N B Essex EM, SS1 Arisaema triphyllum (L.) Schott ssp. stewardsonii (Britton) Jack in the Pulpit A Clinton, Essex FO1 Hutleston Arisaema triphyllum (L.) Schott ssp. triphyllum Jack in the Pulpit A, B Clinton, Essex FO1 Asarum canadense L. Wild Ginger B Essex FO1 Asclepias incarnata L. ssp. incarnata Swamp Milkweed A, B Clinton, Essex EM, SS1 Asclepias syriaca L. Common Milkweed A, B Essex SS1 Asparagus officinalis L. Wild Asparagus N B Essex SS1 Athyrium filix-femina (L.) Roth ssp. angustum (Willd.) Subarctic Ladyfern V A, B Clinton, Essex FO1 R.T. Clausen Barbarea vulgaris W.T. Aiton Garden Yellowrocket N B Essex SS1 Berberis vulgaris L. Common Barberry N, I A Essex FO1 Betula alleghaniensis Britton Yellow Birch A, B Clinton, Essex FO1 Betula lenta L. Sweet Birch A, B Clinton, Essex FO1 Betula papyrifera Marshall var. cordifolia (Regel) Fernald Paper Birch A Clinton, Essex FO1 Betula papyrifera Marshall var. papyrifera Paper Birch A, B Clinton, Essex FO1 Betula populifolia Marshall Gray Birch A, B Clinton, Essex FO1 Bidens cernua L. Nodding Beggartick A Essex SS1 Y Bidens frondosa L. Devil’s Beggarticks B Essex SS1 Y Bidens tripartita L. Threelobe Beggarticks B Essex SS1 Y Boehmeria cylindrica (L.) Sw. Smallspike False Nettle A, B Essex FO1 Brasenia schreberi J.F. Gmel. Water Shield A, B Clinton, Essex AB 2013 M. Wu and D. Kalma 241 NYS Scientific name Common name status Watershed Counties (NYS) Habitat Voucher Bromus inermis Leyss. ssp. inermis Smooth Brome N A Essex EM, SS1 Y Calamagrostis canadensis (Michx.) P. Beauv. var. canadensis Bluejoint A, B Clinton, Essex EM, SS1 Y Calla palustris L. Water Arum A Clinton, Essex EM Caltha palustris L. var. palustris Yellow Marsh Marigold A, B Clinton, Essex EM Calystegia sepium (L.) R.Br. Hedge Bindweed A, B Clinton, Essex SS1 Campanula rotundifolia L. Harebell V A, B Essex FO1 Cardamine diphylla (Michx.) Alph. Wood Toothed Pepperwort B Essex FO1 Cardamine pratensis L. var. pratensis Cuckoo Flower A Essex SS1 Carex aquatilis Wahlenb. var. aquatilis Water Sedge A, B Clinton, Essex ML, EM, SS1 Y Carex arctata Bott ex Hook. Drooping Woodland Sedge A Clinton, Essex SS1, FO1 Y Carex atherodes Spreng. Wheat Sedge E B Essex SS1 Y Carex brunnescens (Pers.) Poir. ssp. Sphaerostachya (Tuck.) Brownish Sedge A, B Essex EM, SS1 Y Kalela Carex comosa Boott Longhair Sedge A, B Clinton, Essex EM, SS1 Y Carex crinita Lam. var. crinita Fringed Sedge A, B Clinton, Essex SS1, FO1 Y Carex cristatella Britt. Crested Sedge A, B Essex EM, SS1 Y Carex cryptolepis Mack. Northeastern Sedge B Essex SS1 Y Carex debilis Michx. White Edge Sedge A Essex SS1 Y Carex diandra Schrank Lesser Panicled Sedge B Essex EM, SS1 Y Carex flava L. Yellow Sedge B Essex EM, SS1 Y Carex gracillima Schwein. Graceful Sedge A Clinton, Essex SS1, FO1 Y Carex gynandra Schwein. Nodding Sedge A, B Clinton, Essex SS1, FO1 Y Carex hystericina Muhl. ex Willd. Bottlebrush Sedge A, B Essex SS1 Y Carex intumescens Rudge Greater Bladder Sedge A, B Clinton, Essex FO1 Y Carex lacustris Willd. Hairy Sedge A, B Clinton, Essex ML, EM, SS1 Y Carex lasiocarpa Ehrh. var. americana Fernald Woolyfruit Sedge A, B Clinton, Essex ML, EM, SS1 Y Carex laxiculmis Schwein. var. copulata (L.H. Bailey) Fernald Spreading Sedge A Clinton, Essex SS1, FO1 Y Carex lenticularis Michx. var. lenticularis Lakeshore Sedge A, B Essex EM, SS1 Y Carex lupulina Muhl. ex Willd. Hop Sedge A, B Clinton, Essex EM, SS1 Y Carex lurida Wahlenb. Shallow Sedge B Essex EM, SS1 Y Carex pauciflora Lightf. Fewflower Sedge A Clinton, Essex SS1 Y Carex pellita Muhl. ex Willd. Wooly Sedge B Essex EM, SS1 Y 242 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 20, No. 2 NYS Scientific name Common name status Watershed Counties (NYS) Habitat Voucher Carex projecta Mack. Necklace Sedge A, B Clinton, Essex EM, SS1 Y Carex retrorsa Schwein. Knot Sedge A, B Essex SS1 Y Carex rosea Schkuhr ex Willd. Rosy Sedge A Essex SS1 Y Carex scabrata Schwein. Eastern Rough Sedge B Essex SS1 Y Carex scoparia Schkurk ex Willd. var. scoparia Broom Sedge A, B Essex EM, SS1 Y Carex sprengelii Dewey ex Spreng. Sprengel’s Sedge B Essex FO1 Y Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd. var. stipata Owlfruit Sedge A, B Clinton, Essex EM, SS1 Y Carex stricta Lam. Upright Sedge A, B Clinton, Essex EM, SS1 Y Carex torta Boott ex Tuck. Twisted Sedge B Essex EM Y Carex trisperma Dewey var. billingsii Knight Billings’ Sedge A Clinton, Essex ML, SS1, FO1 Y Carex trisperma Dewey var. trisperma Threeseeded Sedge A Clinton, Essex ML, SS1, FO1 Y Carex tuckermanii Dewey Tuckerman’s Sedge A, B Clinton, Essex FO1 Y Carex utriculata Boott Northwest Territory Sedge A, B Clinton, Essex EM, SS1 Y Carex vesicaria L. Blister Sedge A, B Essex EM, SS1 Y Carpinus caroliniana Walter ssp. virginiana (Marsh.) Furlow American Hornbeam A, B Clinton, Essex FO1 Carya cordiformis (Wangenh.) K. Koch Bitternut Hickory A Essex FO1 Carya glabra (Mill.) Sweet Pignut Hickory B Essex FO1 Carya ovalis (Wangenh.) Sarg. Sweet Pignut Hickory B Essex FO1 Carya ovata (Mill.) K. Koch Shagbark Hickory B Essex FO1 Caulophyllum thalictroides (L.) Michx. Blue Cohosh A, B Essex FO1 Celtis occidentalis L. Common Hackberry A Essex FO1 Centaurea stoebe L. ssp. micranthos (Gugler) Hayek Spotted Knapweed N, I A, B Essex SS1 Cephalanthus occidentalis L. Buttonbush A, B Clinton, Essex SS1 Ceratophyllum demersum L. Coon’s Tail A, B Essex AB Chamaedaphne calyculata (L.) Moench Leatherleaf A, B Clinton, Essex ML, SS3 Chelone glabra L. White Turtlehead V A, B Clinton, Essex EM, SS1 Chimaphila umbellata (L.) W. Bartram ssp. cisatlantica Pipsissewa A Clinton, Essex FO1 (S.F. Blake) Hulten Chrysosplenium americanum Schwein. ex Hook. American Golden Saxifrage A Essex EM, FO1 Cicuta bulbifera L. Bulb-bearing Water Hemlock A, B Clinton, Essex EM Cimicifuga racemosa (L.) Nutt. Black Cohosh B Essex FO1 Cinna arundinacea L. Sweet Woodreed A Clinton, Essex EM 2013 M. Wu and D. Kalma 243 NYS Scientific name Common name status Watershed Counties (NYS) Habitat Voucher Circaea lutetiana L. ssp. canadensis (L.) Asch. & Magnus Broadleaf Enchanter’s A, B Essex FO1 Nightshade Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop. Canada Thistle N, I A Essex EM Cladium mariscoides (Muhl.) Torr. Smooth Sawgrass A Essex ML, EM Y Clematis virginiana L. Devil's Darning Needles A, B Clinton, Essex SS1 Clintonia borealis (Aiton) Raf. Bluebead A, B Clinton, Essex FO1 Comarum palustre L. Purple Marshlocks A Clinton, Essex EM Coptis trifolia (L.) Salisb. Threeleaf Goldthread A Clinton, Essex FO1 Cornus alternifolia L. f. Alternateleaf Dogwood A, B Essex SS1, FO1 Cornus amomum P. Mill. Silky Dogwood A, B Clinton, Essex SS1 Cornus canadensis L. Bunchberry Dogwood A, B Clinton, Essex FO1 Cornus obliqua Raf. Silky Dogwood A, B Clinton, Essex SS1 Cornus racemosa Lam. Gray Dogwood A, B Essex SS1 Cornus sericea L. ssp. sericea Red Osier Dogwood A, B Clinton, Essex SS1 Corylus americana Walter Hazelnut A, B Clinton, Essex FO1 Corylus cornuta Marshall var. cornuta Beaked Hazelnut A Clinton, Essex FO1 Crataegus chrysocarpa Ashe Fireberry Hawthorn A, B Essex FO1 Cyperus strigosus L. Strawcolored Flatsedge V B Essex EM, SS1 Y Cypripedium acaule Aiton Moccasin Flower B Essex FO1 Daucus carota L. Queen Anne’s Lace N B Essex SS1 Dalibarda repens L. Robin Runaway A Clinton, Essex FO1, FO3 Decodon verticillatus (L.) Elliot Swamp Loosestrife A Essex EM, SS1 Desmodium canadense (L.) DC. Showy Ticktrefoil B Essex FO1 Desmodium glutinosum (Muhl. ex Willd.) Alph. Wood Pointedleaf Ticktrefoil B Essex FO1 Dianthus deltoides L. Maiden Pink N A Essex SS1 Dichanthelium clandestinum (L.) Gould Deertongue A, B Essex SS1, FO1 Diervilla lonicera Mill. Northern Bush Honeysuckle A Essex FO1 Dirca palustris L. Eastern Leatherwood A, B Essex FO1 Doellingeria umbellata (Mill.) Nees var. umbellata Parasol Whitetop A Clinton, Essex SS1 Drepanocladus (Mull. Hal.) G. Roth Drepanoncladus Moss B Essex AB Drosera intermedia Hayne Spoonleaf Sundew V A Clinton, Essex ML, SS3 Drosera rotundifolia L. Roundleaf Sundew V A Clinton, Essex ML, SS3 244 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 20, No. 2 NYS Scientific name Common name status Watershed Counties (NYS) Habitat Voucher Dryopteris cristata (L.) A. Gray Crested Woodfern V A Essex FO1 Dryopteris marginalis (L.) A. Gray Marginal Woodfern V B Essex FO1 Dulichium arundinaceum (L.) Britton var. arundinaceum Three-way Sedge A Clinton, Essex ML, EM, SS1 Y Echinocystis lobata (Michx.) Torr. & A. Gray Wild Cucumber A, B Clinton, Essex SS1 Eleocharis acicularis (L.) Roem., Schult. var. acicularis Needle Spikerush A, B Clinton, Essex EM, SS1 Y Eleocharis compressa Sull. Flatstem Spikerush A, B Essex EM Y Eleocharis palustris (L.) Roem., Schult. Common Spikerush A, B Clinton, Essex EM Y Eleocharis robbinsii Oakes Robbin’s Spikerush A, B Clinton, Essex EM Y Eleocharis uniglumis (Link) Schult. Onescale Spikerush A Clinton, Essex EM Y Elodea canadensis Michx. Canadian Waterweed A, B Clinton, Essex AB Elymus hystrix L. var. hystrix Eastern Bottlebrush Grass A Essex SS1, FO1 Y Elymus repens (L.) Gould Quackgrass N A Clinton, Essex EM Y Elymus wiegandii Fernald Wiegand’s Wildrye A Essex EM, FO1 Y Epilobium coloratum Biehler Purpleleaf willowherb A, B Clinton, Essex EM, SS1 Y Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz broadleaf Helleborine N A Clinton, Essex FO1 Equisetum arvense L. Field Horsetail A, B Clinton, Essex EM, SS1, FO1 Equisetum fluviatile L. Water Horsetail A, B Clinton, Essex ML, EM, SS1 Equisetum pratense Ehrh. Meadow Horsetail T A, B Essex SS1, FO1 Equisetum scirpoides Michx. Dwarf Scouring Rush B Essex SS1, FO1 Equisetum sylvaticum L. Woodland Horsetail A, B Clinton, Essex FO1 Equisetum x ferrissi Clute (pro sp.) [hyemale x laevigatum] Scouring Rush B Essex SS1, FO1 Eragrostis frankii C.A. Mey. ex Steud. Sandbar Lovegrass B Essex EM, SS1 Y Eragrostis pectinacea (Michx.) Nees ex Steud. var. pectinacea Tufted Lovegrass B Essex EM, SS1 Y Erigeron annuus (L.) Pers. Daisy Fleabane A Essex SS1 Eriophorum tenellum Nutt. Fewnerved Cottongrass A Clinton, Essex EM, SS3 Y Eriophorum virginicum L. Tawny Cottongrass A, B Clinton, Essex EM, SS3 Y Eutrochium fistulosum (Barratt) E.E. Lamont Trumpetweed A Essex SS1 Eutrochium maculatum (L.) E.E. Lamont var. maculatum Spotted Joe-pye Weed A, B Clinton, Essex EM, SS1 Eupatorium perfoliatum L. var. perfoliatum Common Boneset A, B Clinton, Essex EM, SS1 Euphorbia cyparissias L. Cypress Spurge N, I A Essex SS1 Eurybia divaricata (L.) G.L. Nesom White Wood Aster A Clinton, Essex FO1 Euthamia caroliniana (L.) Greene ex Porter & Britton Slender Goldentop A Clinton, Essex SS1, FO1 2013 M. Wu and D. Kalma 245 NYS Scientific name Common name status Watershed Counties (NYS) Habitat Voucher Fagus grandifolia Ehrh. Beech A, B Clinton, Essex FO1 Festuca filiformis Pourr. Fineleaf Sheep Fescue N A Essex EM Y Filipendula rubra (Hill) B.L. Rob. Queen of the Prairie B Essex SS1 Fragaria vesca L. Woodland Strawberry B Essex FO1 Fragaria virginiana Duchesne Virginia Strawberry A, B Clinton, Essex SS1, FO1 Fraxinus americana L. White Ash B Essex FO1 Fraxinus nigra Marshall Black Ash A, B Clinton, Essex SS1, FO1 Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marshall Green Ash A, B Clinton, Essex SS1, FO1 Galium aparine L. Cleavers A Essex EM Y Galium asprellum Michx. Rough Bedstraw A, B Clinton, Essex EM, SS1 Y Galium boreale L. Northern Bedstraw A Essex ML, EM, SS1, SS3 Y Galium mollugo L. False Baby’s Breath N A, B Clinton, Essex SS1 Y Galium palustre L. Common Marsh Bedstraw A, B Clinton, Essex EM, SS1 Y Galium triflorum Michx. Fragrant Bedstraw A Clinton, Essex EM, SS1 Y Gaultheria hispidula (L.) Muhl. ex Bigelow Creeping Snowberry A Clinton, Essex FO1 Gaylussacia baccata (Wangenh.) K. Koch Black Huckleberry A Clinton, Essex SS1, FO1 Gentiana andrewsii Grisb. var. andrewsii Closed Bottle Gentian A Clinton, Essex EM Geum aleppicum Jacq. Yellow Avens B Essex EM, SS1 Geum rivale L. Purple Avens A, B Clinton, Essex EM, SS1 Glechoma hederacea L. Ground Ivy N A, B Essex SS1 Glyceria canadensis (Michx) Trin. Rattlesnake Mannagrass A Clinton, Essex ML, EM, SS1 Y Glyceria grandis S. Watson var. grandis American Mannagrass B Essex EM, SS1 Y Glyceria septentrionalis Hitchc. Floating Mannagrass A, B Clinton, Essex EM, SS1 Y Glyceria striata (Lam.) Hitchc. Fowl Mannagrass A, B Clinton, Essex EM, SS1 Y Gymnocarpium dryopteris (L.) Newman Western Oakfern A, B Clinton, Essex FO1 Hamamelis virginiana L. American Witchhazel A, B Clinton, Essex FO1 Helianthus decapetalus L. Thinleaf Sunflower B Essex SS1, FO1 Heracleum maximum W. Bartram Common Cowparsnip A Essex EM Hesperis matronalis L. Dame’s Rocket N B Essex EM, SS1 Hieracium caespitosum Dumort. Meadow Hawkweed B Essex SS1 Hieracium maculatum Sm. Spotted Hawkweed B Essex SS1 Hierochloe odorata (L.) P. Beauv. Sweetgrass A Essex FO1 246 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 20, No. 2 NYS Scientific name Common name status Watershed Counties (NYS) Habitat Voucher Houstonia caerulea L. Azure Bluets B Essex FO1 Hydrocotyle americana L. American Marshpennywort A, B Essex EM Hylotelephium telephium (L.) H.Ohba. ssp. telephium Witch’s Moneybags N A Essex SS1 Hypericum ellipticum Hook. Pale St. Johnswort A, B Essex ML, EM, SS1 Hypericum perforatum L. Common St. Johnswort N A, B Essex EM, SS1 Ilex laevigata (Pursh) A. Gray Smooth Winterberry A, B Clinton, Essex SS1, SS3 Ilex verticillata (L.) A. Gray Common Winterberry A, B Clinton, Essex SS1, SS3 Ilex mucronata (L.) Powell, Savolainen & Andrews Catberry A, B Essex SS1 Impatiens capensis Meerb. Jewelweed A, B Clinton, Essex SS1, FO1 Impatiens pallida Nutt. Pale Touch-me-not A Clinton, Essex SS1 Inula helenium L. Elecampane Inula N B Essex FO1 Iris pseudacorus L. Paleyellow Iris B Essex EM, SS1 Iris versicolor L. Harlequinblueflag A, B Clinton, Essex EM, SS1 Juglans cinerea L. Butternut A, B Clinton, Essex FO1 Juglans nigra L. Black Walnut B Essex FO1 Juncus bufonius L. var. bufonius Toad Rush A Clinton, Essex EM Y Juncus effusus L. Common Rush A, B Essex EM, SS1 Y Juniperus virginiana L. var. virginiana Eastern Redcedar B Essex SS1, FO1, FO4 Kalmia angustifolia L. Sheep Laurel A, B Essex ML, SS3, FO2 Kalmia polifolia Wangenh. Bog Laurel A, B Clinton, Essex ML, SS3, FO2 Lactuca serriola L. Prickly Lettuce N A Essex FO1 Laportea canadensis (L.) Weddell Canadian Woodnettle A, B Clinton, Essex FO1 Larix laricina (Du Roi) K. Koch Tamarack A Clinton, Essex ML, FO1 Lathyrus latifolius L. Perennial Pea N A Essex SS1 Ledum groenlandicum Oeder Boglabrador Tea A Clinton, Essex ML, SS3, FO2 Leersia oryzoides (L.) Sw. Rice Cutgrass A, B Essex EM, SS1 Y Lemna minor L. Common Duckweed A, B Clinton, Essex AB Leonurus cardiaca L. Common Motherwort N B Essex SS1, FO1 Leucanthemum vulgare Lam. Oxeye Daisy N B Essex EM, SS1 Lilium canadense L. Canada Lily V B Essex SS1, FO1 Lindera benzoin (L.) Blume var. benzoin Northern Spicebush B Essex SS1, FO1 2013 M. Wu and D. Kalma 247 NYS Scientific name Common name status Watershed Counties (NYS) Habitat Voucher Linnaea borealis L. ssp. americana (Forbes) Hultén ex Twinflower A Essex FO1 R.T. Clausen Lobelia cardinalis L. Cardinalflower V B Essex SS1, FO1 Lobelia spicata Lam. var. spicata Palespike Lobelia B Essex SS1 Lonicera morrowii A. Gray Morrow’s Honeysuckle N, I A, B Essex SS1, FO1 Y Lonicera oblongifolia (Goldie) Hook. Swamp Fly Honeysuckle A Essex SS1, FO1 Y Lonicera tatarica L. Tartarian Honeysuckle N, I A, B Clinton, Essex SS1, FO1 Y Lotus corniculatus L. Bird’s-foot Trefoil N B Essex EM, SS1 Lupinus polyphyllus Lindl. ssp. polyphylllus var. polyphyllus Bigleaf Lupine B Essex EM Lycopodium dendroideum Michx. Tree Groundpine V A Clinton, Essex FO1 Lycopodium digitatum Dill. ex A. Braun Fan Clubmoss V A Clinton, Essex FO1 Lycopus americanus Muhl. ex W. Bartram American Water Horehound A, B Clinton, Essex EM, SS1, FO1 Lycopus uniflorus Michx. Northern Bugleweed A, B Clinton, Essex EM, SS1, FO2 Lycopus virginicus L. Virginia Water Horehound A, B Clinton, Essex EM, SS1, FO3 Lyonia ligustrina (L.) DC. var. ligustrina Maleberry A Essex SS1 Lysimachia ciliata L. Fringed Loosestrife A, B Clinton, Essex SS1 Lysimachia nummularia L. Creeping Jenny N A, B Clinton, Essex EM, SS1, FO1 Lysimachia quadrifolia L. Whorled Yellow Loosestrife A, B Clinton, Essex SS1, FO1 Lysimachia terrestris (L.) Britton, Sterns, & Poggenb. Earth Loosestrife A, B Clinton, Essex EM, SS1 Lysimachia thyrsiflora L. Tufted Loosestrife A, B Essex EM, SS1 Lythrum salicaria L. Purple Loosestrife N, I A, B Clinton, Essex EM, SS1 Maianthemum canadense Desf. Canada Mayflower A, B Clinton, Essex FO1 Maianthemum racemosum (L.) Link ssp. racemosum Feathery False Lily of the A Clinton, Essex FO1 Valley Maianthemum stellataum (L.) Link Starry False Lily of the Valley B Essex SS1 Matteuccia struthiopteris (L.) Todaro Ostrich Fern V A, B Clinton, Essex FO1 Medeola virginiana L. Indian Cucumber A Essex FO1 Menispermum canadense L. Common Moonseed A, B Essex SS1 Mentha arvensis L. Wild Mint B Essex EM, SS1 Menyanthes trifoliata L. Buckbean A Clinton, Essex ML, SS3 Mimulus ringens L. var. ringens Allegheny Monkeyflower A, B Essex EM, SS1 Mitchella repens L. Partridgeberry A, B Essex FO1 248 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 20, No. 2 NYS Scientific name Common name status Watershed Counties (NYS) Habitat Voucher Mitella diphylla L. Twoleaf Miterwort A Clinton, Essex SS1, FO1 Monarda fistulosa L. ssp. fistulosa Wild Bergamot A Essex SS1 Monotropa uniflora L. Indianpipe A Clinton, Essex FO1 Muhlenbergia uniflora (Muhl.) Fernald Bog Muhly A Essex EM Y Myosotis scorpioides L. True Forget-me-not N A, B Clinton, Essex FO1 Myrica gale L. Sweetgale A Clinton, Essex SS1, SS3 Nuphar lutea (L.) Sm. ssp. variegata (Durand) E.O. Beal Variegated Yellow Pond-lily A, B Clinton, Essex AB Nymphaea odorata Aiton ssp. odorata American White Waterlily A, B Clinton, Essex AB Nymphaea odorata Aiton ssp. tuberosa (Paine) Wiersma & American White Waterlily A, B Clinton, Essex AB Hellquist Nymphoides cordata (Elliott) Fernald Little Floatingheart A, B Clinton, Essex EM Oenothera perennis L. Little Evening Primrose B Essex SS1 Onoclea sensibilis L. Sensitive Fern A, B Clinton, Essex EM, SS1, FO1, FO4 Osmunda cinnamomea L. var. cinnamomea Cinnamon Fern V A, B Clinton, Essex SS1, FO1 Osmunda claytoniana L. Interrupted Fern V A, B Clinton, Essex FO1 Osmunda regalis L. var. spectabilis (Willd.) A. Gray Royal Fern V A, B Clinton, Essex SS1 Ostrya virginiana (Mill) K. Koch var. virginiana Hophornbeam A, B Clinton, Essex SS1, FO1 Oxalis montana Raf. Mountain Woodsorrel A, B Essex FO1 Oxalis stricta L. Common Yellow Oxalis A, B Clinton, Essex EM, SS1, FO1 Packera schweinitziana (Nutt.) W.A. Weber & A. Love Schweinitz’s Ragwort A Clinton, Essex EM Y Parthenocissus quinquefolia (L.) Planch. Virginia Creeper A Clinton, Essex SS1, FO1 Y Parthenocissus vitacea (Knerr) Hitchc. Woodbine A, B Essex SS1, FO1 Y Phalaris arundinacea L. Reed Canarygrass A, B Essex EM Y Phegopteris connectilis (Michx.) Watt Long Beechfern V A, B Clinton, Essex FO1 Photinia melanocarpa (Michx.) K.R. Robertson & Phipps Black Chokeberry A, B Clinton, Essex SS1 Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud. Common Reed I A, B Essex EM Y Physocarpus opulifolius (L.) Maxim var. opulifolius Common Ninebark A Essex FO1 Picea glauca (Moench) Voss White Spruce A Clinton, Essex SS1, FO1 Picea mariana (Mill.) Britton, Sterns, & Poggenb. Black Spruce A Essex ML, SS1, FO4 Picea rubens Sarg. Red Spruce A, B Clinton, Essex ML, SS1, FO4 Pilea pumila (L.) A. Gray var. deamii (Lunell) Fernald Deam’s Clearweed A Clinton, Essex FO1 Pinus resinosa Aiton Red Pine A Clinton, Essex FO1 2013 M. Wu and D. Kalma 249 NYS Scientific name Common name status Watershed Counties (NYS) Habitat Voucher Pinus rigida Mill. Pitch Pine B Essex FO1 Pinus strobus L. Eastern White Pine A, B Clinton, Essex SS1, FO1, FO4 Pinus sylvestris L. Scots Pine N A Essex FO4 Plantago major L. Common Plantain B Essex EM, SS1 Platanthera macrophylla (Goldie) P.M. Brown Greater Roundleaved Orchid A Essex EM Platanus occidentalis L. American Sycamore B Essex FO1 Poa palustris L. Fowl Bluegrass A Essex EM, SS1 Y Polygala paucifolia Willd. Gaywings A Clinton, Essex FO1, FO4 Polygonum amphibium L. var. emersum Michx. Longroot Smartweed A, B Clinton, Essex AB Polygonum amphibium L. var. stipulaceum Coleman Water Smartweed A, B Clinton, Essex EM Polygonum cilinode Michx. Fringed Black Bindweed B Essex SS1 Polygonum cuspidatum Siebold, Zucc. Japanese Knotweed N, I B Essex SS1, FO1 Polygonum hydropiper L. Marshpepper Knotweed N B Essex SS1 Polygonum hydropiperoides Michx. Swamp Smartweed A Essex EM, SS1 Polygonum sagittatum L. Arrowleaf Tearthumb A, B Clinton, Essex EM, SS1 Polypodium virginianum L. Rock Polypody V A Essex FO1 Polystichum acrostichoides (Michx.) Schott var. acrostichoides Christmas Fern V B Essex FO1 Pontederia cordata L. Pickerelweed A Essex EM Populus balsamifera L. ssp. balsamifera Balsam Poplar A, B Essex SS1, FO1 Populus deltoides W. Bartram ex Marshall ssp. deltoides Eastern Cottonwood B Essex FO1 Populus grandidentata Michx. Bigtooth Aspen B Essex FO1 Populus tremuloides Michx. Quaking Aspen A, B Clinton, Essex SS1, FO1 Potamogeton crispus L. Curly Pondweed N, I A Clinton, Essex AB Y Potamogeton gramineus L. Variableleaf Pondweed A, B Essex AB Y Potamogeton natans L. Floating Pondweed A, B Clinton, Essex AB Y Potentilla simplex Michx. Common Cinquefoil A, B Essex SS1 Prunella vulgaris L. ssp. lanceolata (W. Bartram) Hultén Lanceselfheal A, B Clinton, Essex SS1, FO1 Prunus nigra Aiton Canadian Plum B Essex FO1 Prunus pensylvanica L. f. var. pensylvanica Pin Cherry A, B Clinton, Essex SS1, FO1 Prunus serotina Ehrh. var. serotina Black Cherry A, B Clinton, Essex SS1, FO1 Prunus virginiana L. var. virginiana Chokecherry A, B Clinton, Essex SS1, FO1 Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn Western Brackenfern A Clinton, Essex FO1, FO4 250 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 20, No. 2 NYS Scientific name Common name status Watershed Counties (NYS) Habitat Voucher Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn var. latiusculum (Desv.) Western Brackenfern B Essex FO1, FO4 Underw. ex A. Heller Pyrola elliptica Nutt. Waxflowershinleaf A, B Clinton, Essex FO1 Quercus alba L. White Oak A, B Clinton, Essex SS1, FO1 Quercus bicolor Willd. Swamp White Oak A Clinton, Essex SS1, FO1 Quercus rubra L. Northern Red Oak A, B Clinton, Essex SS1, FO1 Quercus x schuettei Trel. [bicolor x macrocarpa] Swamp White x Bur Hybrid Oak A, B Clinton, Essex FO1 Y Ranunculus abortivus L. Littleleaf Buttercup A Essex SS1, FO1 Ranunculus acris L. var. acris Showy Buttercup N A, B Clinton, Essex SS1, FO1 Ranunculus flabellaris Raf. Yellow Water Buttercup B Essex AB Ranunculus recurvatus Poir. var. recurvatus Blisterwort B Essex SS1 Rhamnus cathartica L. Common Buckthorn N, I A, B Clinton, Essex SS1, FO1, FO4 Rhus typhina L. Staghorn Sumac B Essex SS1, FO1 Rhynchospora alba (L.) Vahl White Beaksedge A Clinton, Essex EM Y Ribes americanum Mill. American Black Current B Essex SS1, FO1 Riccia fluitans L. Crystalwort B Essex AB Rorippa palustris (L.) Besser ssp. fernaldiana (Butters, Abbe) Fernald’s Yellowcress B Essex SS1 Jonsell Rubus allegheniensis Porter var. allegheniensis Allegheny Blackberry A Clinton, Essex SS1, FO1 Rubus hispidus L. Bristly Dewberry A, B Clinton, Essex EM, SS1 Rubus idaeus L. American Red Raspberry A, B Clinton, Essex EM, SS1, FO1 Rubus odoratus L. var. odoratus Purpleflowering Raspberry A, B Essex SS1, FO1 Rubus pensilvanicus Poir. Pennsylvania Blackberry A, B Essex SS1, FO1 Rudbeckia hirta L. Blackeyed Susan A Essex SS1 Rumex orbiculatus A. Gray Greater Water Dock B Essex EM Rumex verticillatus L. Swamp Dock B Essex EM, SS1 Sagittaria latifolia Willd. Broadleaf Arrowhead A, B Clinton, Essex EM Salix bebbiana Sarg. Bebb Willow B Essex SS1 Y Salix candida Fluegge ex Willd. Sageleaf Willow B Essex SS1 Y Salix discolor Muhl. Pussy Willow A, B Clinton, Essex SS1, FO1 Y Salix fragilis L. Crack Willow N, I A, B Clinton, Essex FO1 Y Salix lucida Muhl. ssp. lucida Shining Willow B Essex SS1 Y 2013 M. Wu and D. Kalma 251 NYS Scientific name Common name status Watershed Counties (NYS) Habitat Voucher Salix nigra Marshall Black Willow B Essex SS1, FO1 Y Salix petiolaris Sm. Meadow Willow A, B Clinton, Essex EM, SS1 Y Salix sericea Marshall Silky Willow A, B Clinton, Essex SS1 Y Sambucus nigra L. ssp. canadensis (L.) R. Bolli American Black Elderberry A Clinton, Essex SS1 Sambucus racemosa L. var. racemosa Red Elderberry B Essex SS1 Sanguinaria canadensis L. Bloodroot V A, B Essex FO1 Sanguisorba canadensis L. Canadian Burnet A Clinton, Essex SS1 Sanicula marilandica L. Maryland Sanicle A, B Essex FO1 Sanicula trifoliata E.P. Bicknell Largefruit Blacksnakeroot B Essex FO1 Saponaria officinalis L. Bouncingbet N B Essex EM, SS1 Sarracenia purpurea L. ssp. gibbosa (Raf.) Wherry Purple Pitcherplant V A Clinton, Essex EM Schedonorus phoenix (Scop.) Holub Tall Fescue N A Clinton, Essex EM, SS1 Y Schoenoplectus fluviatilis (Torr.) M.T. Strong River Bulrush A Clinton, Essex EM Y Schoenoplectus heterochaetus (Chase) Soják Slender Bulrush E A Clinton, Essex EM Y Schoenoplectus pungens (Vahl) Palla Three-square Bulrush B Essex US Y Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani (C.C. Gmel.) Palla Softstem Bulrush A, B Clinton, Essex EM Y Scirpus atrocinctus Fernald Blackgirdle Bulrush A, B Clinton, Essex EM Y Scirpus atrovirens Willd. Green Bulrush A, B Clinton, Essex EM, SS1 Y Scirpus cyperinus (L.) Kunth Woolgrass A, B Clinton, Essex EM Y Scirpus expansus Fernald Woodland Bulrush B Essex SS1 Y Scirpus microcarpus J. Presl, C. Presl Panicled Bulrush B Essex SS1 Y Scutellaria galericulata L. Marsh Skullcap A, B Clinton, Essex SS1, FO1 Scutellaria lateriflora L. Blue Skullcap B Essex SS1, FO1 Silene vulgaris (Moench) Garcke Maidenstears N B Essex SS1 Sium suave Walter Hemlock Waterparsnip A, B Clinton, Essex EM Smilax herbacea L. Smooth Carrionflower B Essex FO1 Solanum dulcamara L. Climbing Nightshade N A, B Clinton, Essex SS1 Solidago canadensis L. Canada Goldenrod A, B Clinton, Essex EM, SS1 Solidago canadensis L. var canadensis Canada Goldenrod A, B Clinton, Essex EM, SS1 Solidago flexicaulis L. Giant Goldenrod A Essex EM, SS1 Solidago gigantea Aiton Smooth Goldenrod A, B Essex EM, SS1 Solidago rugosa Mill. ssp. rugosa var. rugosa Wrinkleleaf Goldenrod A, B Clinton, Essex SS1 252 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 20, No. 2 NYS Scientific name Common name status Watershed Counties (NYS) Habitat Voucher Sorbus american Marshall American Mountain Ash A Essex SS1 Sorbus decora (Sarg.) C.K. Schneid. Northern Mountain Ash A Clinton, Essex SS1 Sparganium androcladum (Engelm.) Morong Branched Bur-reed A, B Clinton, Essex EM Y Sparganium emersum Rehmann European Bur-reed N A, B Clinton, Essex EM Y Sparganium eurycarpum Engelm. Broadfruited Bur-reed A, B Clinton, Essex EM Y Sparganium fluctuans (Engelm. ex Morong) B.L. Rob. Floating Bur-reed A, B Clinton, Essex AB Y Sphagnum L. Sphagnum B Essex ML, EM Spiraea alba Du Roi var. alba White Meadowsweet A, B Clinton, Essex EM, SS1, FO1, FO4 Spiraea alba Du Roi var. latifolia (Aiton) Dippel White Meadowsweet A, B Clinton, Essex EM, SS1, FO1, FO4 Spiraea tomentsa L. Steeplebush A, B Clinton, Essex SS1 Spirodela polyrrhiza (L.) Schleid. Common Duckmeat A, B Essex AB Streptopus lanceolatus (Aiton) Reveal Twistedstalk A Clinton, Essex FO1 Symphyotrichum cordifolium (L.) G.L. Nesom Common Blue Wood Aster A Essex FO1 Symphyotrichum novi-belgii (L.) G.L. Nesom New York Aster A, B Essex SS1 Symphyotrichum racemosum (Elliott) G.L. Nesom Smooth White Oldfield Aster A, B Clinton, Essex SS1 Symplocarpus foetidus (L.) Salisb. ex Nutt. Skunk Cabbage A Essex EM Tanacetum vulgare L. Common Tansy N B Essex SS1 Taraxacum officinale F.H. Wigg. Common Dandelion B Essex EM, SS1 Taxus canadensis Marshall Yew A Essex FO1 Teucrium canadense L. Canada Germander A Essex FO1 Thalictrum dioicum L. Early Meadow Rue B Essex FO1 Thalictrum pubescens Pursh King of the Meadow A, B Clinton, Essex SS1, FO1 Thelypteris palustris Schott var. pubescens (G. Lawson) Fernald Eastern Marsh Fern V A, B Essex EM, SS1 Thuja occidentalis L. Arborvitae A, B Clinton, Essex SS1, FO1, FO4 Tiarella cordifolia L. var. cordifolia Heartleaf Foamflower A, B Clinton, Essex FO1 Tilia americana L. Basswood A, B Clinton, Essex SS1, FO1 Toxicodendron radicans (L.) Kuntze Eastern Poison Ivy B Essex SS1, FO1 Y Toxicodendron rydbergii (Small ex Rydb.) Greene Western Poison Ivy A Clinton, Essex SS1, FO1 Y Toxicodendron vernix (L.) Kuntze Poison Sumac A Essex SS1 Tragopogon L. Goatsbeard N B Essex SS1 Triadenum virginicum L. Virginia Spiderwort A, B Clinton, Essex EM, SS1 Trientalis borealis Raf. ssp. borealis Starflower A Clinton, Essex FO1 2013 M. Wu and D. Kalma 253 NYS Scientific name Common name status Watershed Counties (NYS) Habitat Voucher Trifolium pratense L. Red Clover A, B Clinton, Essex SS1 Trillium erectum L. Red Trillium V A, B Clinton, Essex FO1 Trillium grandiflorum (Michx.) Salisb. White Trillium V A, B Essex FO1 Trillium undulatum Willd. Painted Trillium V A Clinton, Essex FO1 Tsuga canadensis (L.) Carrière Eastern Hemlock A, B Essex FO1, FO4 Tussilago farfara L. Coltsfoot N B Essex EM, SS1, FO1 Typha angustifolia L. Narrowleaf Cattail N A, B Essex EM, SS1 Typha latifolia L. Broadleaf Cattail A, B Clinton, Essex EM, SS1 Ulmus americana L. American Elm A, B Clinton, Essex SS1, FO1 Ulmus rubra Muhl. Slippery Elm A, B Clinton, Essex SS1, FO1 Urtica dioica L. ssp. gracilis (Aiton) Seland. California Nettle A, B Clinton, Essex FO1 Utricularia cornuta Michx. Horned Bladderwort A Clinton, Essex AB Utricularia macrorhiza Leconte Common Bladderwort A, B Clinton, Essex AB Vaccinium angustifolium Aiton Lowbush Blueberry A, B Clinton, Essex FO1 Vaccinium corymbosum L. Highbush Blueberry B Essex ML, SS1 Vaccinium macrocarpon Aiton Cranberry A Clinton, Essex EM Vaccinium myrtilloides Michx. Velvetleaf Huckleberry A Essex SS1 Vaccinium oxycoccos L. Small Cranberry A Clinton, Essex EM Vaccinium pallidum Aiton Blue Ridge Blueberry B Essex FO1 Veratrum viride Aiton Green False Hellebore A, B Clinton, Essex SS1, FO1 Verbascum thapsus L. Common Mullein N B Essex EM, SS1 Verbena hastata L. var. hastata Swamp Verbena A, B Essex EM, SS1 Veronica officinalis L. Common Gypsyweed A Essex SS1 Veronica scutellata L. Skullcap Speedwell B Essex SS1 Viburnum dentatum L. var. lucidum Aiton Southern Arrowwood B Essex SS1 Viburnum edule (Michx) Raf. Squashberry T A Clinton, Essex SS1 Viburnum lantanoides Michx. Hobblebush A Clinton, Essex FO1 Viburnum lentago L. Nanneyberry A, B Clinton, Essex SS1, FO1 Viburnum nudum L. var. cassinoides (L.) Torr., A. Gray Withe-rod A, B Clinton, Essex SS1, FO1 Viburnum opulus L. var. americanum Aiton American Cranberrybush A Clinton, Essex SS1 Vicia cracca L. Bird Vetch N A, B Essex EM, SS1 Viola blanda Willd. Sweet White Violet A Essex FO1 254 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 20, No. 2 NYS Scientific name Common name status Watershed Counties (NYS) Habitat Voucher Viola pubescens Aiton Yellow Forest Violet B Essex FO1 Vitis riparia Michx. Riverbank Grape A, B Clinton, Essex SS1, FO1 Waldsteinia fragarioides (Michx.) Tratt. ssp. Fragarioides Appalachian Barren Strawberry A, B Clinton, Essex FO1 Wolffia columbiana Karst. Columbian Watermeal B Essex AB Zizania aquatica L. var. aquatica Annual Wildrice A Clinton, Essex EM Y Zizia aurea (L.) W.D.J. Koch Golden Zizia A, B Clinton, Essex SS1, FO1