372 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 20, No. 2
Tufted Titmouse Entangled in the Burrs of Beggar’s Lice
(Hackelia virginiana)
Todd J. Underwood1,* and Robyn M. Underwood1
Abstract - We discovered a live Baeolophus bicolor (Tufted Titmouse) entangled in the burrs of
Hackelia virginiana (Beggar’s Lice) on 28 September 2012 in Kutztown, PA. We extracted and
released the titmouse because it appeared to be unable to free itself from the plant. To our knowledge,
this is the second published report of a bird becoming entangled in Beggar’s Lice and the first
documentation of a Tufted Titmouse becoming entangled in any plant. Entanglement in Beggar’s
Lice is unusual because of the small size (3–4 mm) of its burrs.
Birds occasionally fall victim to accidental entanglement in plants (Catling 2006).
Most records in North America are of birds trapped in the relatively large dried fruits
(hereafter burrs) of Arctium spp. L. (Burdock; Hager et al. 2009; McNicholl 1988, 1994).
Here we describe entanglement of a Baeolophus bicolor (L.) (Tufted Titmouse) in the
small burrs of Hackelia virginiana (L.) I.M. Johnst. (Beggar’s Lice). To our knowledge,
this is the second report of a bird trapped in Beggar’s Lice and the first report of a Tufted
Titmouse entangled in any plant.
On 28 September 2012 at 1740 hrs (EST), while walking along the Sacony Trail in
Kutztown, Berks County, PA (40°30'N, 75°46'W), we discovered a live Tufted Titmouse
hanging upside down in herbaceous vegetation (Fig. 1). The bird was approximately
1Department of Biology, Kutztown University, Kutztown, PA 19530. *Corresponding author -
Figure 1. A live Tufted Titmouse entangled in the burrs of Beggar’s Lice (Hackelia virginiana) in
Kutztown, PA. Photograph © T.J. Underwood.
Notes of the Northeastern Naturalist, Issue 20/2, 2013
2013 Northeastern Naturalist Notes 373
1 m from the trail edge in an area where deciduous, riparian forest meets mowed grass
athletic fields. A closer inspection of the titmouse revealed that its tail and both wings
were entangled in the burrs of Beggar’s Lice. The wings were spread slightly, and its right
wing and tail were stuck together. The titmouse was hanging from a point 84 cm above
the ground on a Beggar’s Lice plant that measured 130 cm tall. We watched the bird for
approximately 15 minutes to note its behavior and to determine whether it would be able
to free itself. The titmouse repeatedly pecked at the stems of adjacent plants that were
near its feet and occasionally gave a high frequency distress call. A couple of times it
twisted its head toward its back, presumably in an unsuccessful attempt to grasp or peck
at the stems/burrs that were holding it. The titmouse was badly entangled and did not appear
capable of freeing itself. As R.M. Underwood approached the bird to remove it from
the Beggar’s Lice, it attempted to flap its wings and wriggled its body, but was unable to
free itself. We removed the burrs and released the titmouse, which flew to a nearby tree,
apparently unharmed.
Beggar’s Lice is a biennial plant native to eastern and central North America (USDA,
NRCS 2012). It has single-sided racemes (i.e., flowering stems) with flowers that produce
3–4-mm-wide dried fruits covered in hooklets (Rhoads and Block 2007). Each dried fruit,
or burr, is a cluster of four nutlets (Gleason 1952), which separate as they attach to an animal
for dispersal. After extricating the titmouse, we removed eight individual flowering
stems, one intact burr, and 127 individual nutlets of Beggar’s Lice from its wing and tail
feathers. Thus, we estimate the bird was trapped by at least 33 separate burrs. By comparison,
birds entangled in the larger burrs (≈1–4 cm) of Burdock are usually trapped by
only a few individual burrs (e.g., Stensaas 1989; T.J. Underwood, pers. observ.; Zimmer
and Kantrud 1987). Larger burrs have a higher contact separation force than do smaller
burrs (Gorb and Gorb 2002). Therefore, plants with smaller burrs, like Beggar’s Lice, are
unlikely to entrap a bird unless contact is made with a large number of burrs. Indeed, there
are only a few North American records of birds entangled in plants with small burrs (e.g.,
Craves 1998, Hampson 1970, Mossop 1959). Only one of these reports involved birds
caught in Beggar’s Lice. Hampson (1970) described a Troglodytes aedon Vieillot (House
Wren) that was caught but freed itself from Beggar’s Lice and a Regulus calendula (L.)
(Ruby-crowned Kinglet) that died after becoming entangled.
We suspect that the titmouse was foraging among the low vegetation when it became
entangled. It may have been feeding in nearby plants at the same height as the Beggar’s
Lice and accidentally contacted the burrs. Other herbaceous plants in the area immediately
surrounding the entanglement site included Solidago spp. (goldenrod), Geum
canadense Jacq. (White Avens), Ambrosia trifida L. (Giant Ragweed), and Rubus spp.
(raspberry). There were two Beggar’s Lice plants at the entanglement site and five Giant
Ragweed plants within 1 m of the site. Tufted Titmice forage lower to the ground in fall
and winter and eat a diet consisting of about one-third plant material (Grubb and Pravasudov
1994). Tufted Titmice also feed on Ambrosia spp. (ragweed) seeds, although these
seeds make up a very small portion of their overall diet (Martin et al. 1961).
On three separate days in October 2012, T.J. Underwood observed small flocks of
Tufted Titmice foraging on Giant Ragweed seeds and moving through the herbaceous
vegetation from just above ground level to 2 m high along the edge of the same stretch
of the Sacony Trail. On 5 October 2012, three different titmice made numerous foraging
trips to a Giant Ragweed plant within 1 m of the Beggar’s Lice plant that entangled the
titmouse. While moving to or from the Giant Ragweed plant, the titmice often perched
on raspberry canes within 30 cm of this Beggar’s Lice plant. Thus, our observations
of titmice feeding around the Beggar’s Lice plant provide circumstantial evidence that
374 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 20, No. 2
foraging likely led to this accidental entanglement. Foraging activities have also been
implicated in bird entanglements in Burdock. Birds may be attracted to Burdock plants in
search of seed-depredating insect larvae in the burrs (Needham 1909), seeds in the burrs
(Terres 1980), or nectar produced in the flowers (Hinam et al. 200 4).
Literature Cited
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Craves, J.A. 1998. Swainson’s Thrush caught in Enchanter’s Nightshade. Wilson Bulletin
Gleason, H.A. 1952. The New Britton and Brown Illustrated Flora of the Northeastern United
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Rhoads, A.F., and T.A. Block 2007. The Plants of Pennsylvania: An Illustrated Manual, Second
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plants.usda.gov. Accessed 2 October 2012.
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