Rapid Assessment Tools for Conserving Woodland Vernal
Pools in the Northern Blue Ridge Mountains
Erik D. Lindquist, David K. Foster, Samuel P. Wilcock, and Jeffrey S. Erikson
Northeastern Naturalist, Volume 20, Issue 3 (2013): 397–418
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Monograph 22
Rapid Assessment Tools for Conserving Woodland Vernal
Pools in the Northern Blue Ridge Mountains
Erik D. Lindquist1,*, David K. Foster1, Samuel P. Wilcock2,
and Jeffrey S. Erikson1
Abstract - Woodland vernal pools, small-scale forested depressions that flood in the
spring and dry as summer progresses, are an essential and rapidly disappearing component
of breeding habitat for numerous amphibian and macroinvertebrate species. Here
we propose five multiple linear regression models to assist in the rapid assessment of
vernal pools to conserve those with the greatest amphibian, aquatic macroinvertebrate,
and herbaceous vegetation features. These models are based on samples taken from 21
pools distributed throughout the South Mountain landscape, a largely forested landscape
matrix in south-central Pennsylvania. A comparison of the vegetative community
of vernal pools and upland sites using Morisita’s index of community similarity shows
them to be quite distinct. Based on our analyses and models, we propose conserving
woodland vernal pools that possess plant species indicative of seasonal inundation, a
large water volume when inundated, high tree cover, presence of coarse woody debris,
high phosphate level in the water, and low sphagnum presence along the pool perimeter.
Vernal pools with high herbaceous, shrub, and tree diversity likewise predict high
amphibian productivity (abundance). This rapid assessment is expected to be a set of
invaluable tools for identifying and ranking woodland vernal pools for state and federal
conservation agencies.
Pennsylvania possesses roughly 87,000 ha (215,000 acres) of forested wetlands
that boast a wide diversity of plant and animal species, including many of threatened
and endangered status (PA DEP 2003). Despite the predominance of forest
wetlands, the US Environmental Protection Agency (1996) reported that 56% of
wetlands had been lost from Pennsylvania between the 1780s and the 1980s.
Woodland vernal pools are small-scale ecosystems—natural depressions
which are inundated with rainwater in the winter and spring months and desiccate
throughout the summer months (Colburn 2004, Purer 1939). Studies on vernal
pools have shown that unique species assemblages of plants and animals exist
in such ecosystems, where the aquatic community is devoid of species requiring
permanent water impoundments (De Meester et al. 2005). The distinctiveness of
assemblages in small-sized, short-hydroperiod pools has been empirically confirmed
in amphibians (Gibbs 1993, Semlitsch et al.1996, Snodgrass et al. 2000)
and plants (Bauder 1989, Zhulidov et al. 1997). The role of such wetlands has
been demonstrated to be important for recruitment in many amphibian meta-
1Department of Biological Sciences, Messiah College, Grantham, PA 17027. 2Department
of Information and Mathematical Sciences, Messiah College, Grantham, PA 17027. *Corresponding
author - quist@messiah.edu.
E.D. Lindquist, D.K. Foster, S.P. Wilcock, and J.S. Erikson
2013 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 20, No. 3
populations, as well as the persistence of unique macroinvertebrate communities
(Boorse 1999, Dehoney and Lavigne 1984, King et al. 1996, Skelly et al. 2005,
Werner et al. 2007).
The degree of ephemerality, or hydroperiod, of such wetlands is thought
to be an abiotic predictor of species presence (Bauder 2005 Hargeby 1990,
Pechmann et al. 1989, Schneider and Frost 1996, Van Buskirk 2005, Werner
et al. 2007). Plant species that inhabit vernal pools are those that are capable
of enduring periods of soil saturation and desiccation (Bliss and Zedler 1998,
Colburn 2004, Zedler 1981). The animals that occupy vernal pools and adjacent
areas are not only adapted to these hydrological extremes, but rely upon
temporal fluctuations to avoid predation and/or competitors (Ebert and Balko
1984; Grodhaus 1980; Schneider 1990, 1999; Skelly 1996; Wiggins et al. 1980;
Wilbur 1972,1987). Woodlands adjacent to vernal pools often appear more as
a combination of wetland forest (palustrine or riparian) and upland deciduous
forest due to higher local ground saturation. These forests represent important
terrestrial refugia for a variety of species requiring pools for some period of
their life cycle (Colburn 2004). It is expected that localized densities would be
higher for some species of reptiles, amphibians, aquatic macroinvertebrates,
and herbaceous vegetation and ferns (combined as “herbaceous vegetation”
hereafter) requiring moist to saturated soils as compared to those of upland
forest (McDiarmid 1994). These biota are important to forests because of their
ecological uniqueness and connectivity through food webs and nutrient cycling
(Colburn 2004). Vernal pools serve as key stopover sites for migrating birds,
as well as foraging sites for resident mammals and birds (Colburn 2004). They
also serve as potentially important habitat islands for plants and invertebrates.
Vernal pools are associated with Mediterranean climates or glaciated terrain in
the United States, yet in south-central Pennsylvania they exist in unglaciated,
moist deciduous forest. Therefore, a community-study approach can provide
insight on a distinct category of vernal pools.
The encroachment of housing developments and agriculture on woodland
vernal pool complexes along this northwestern edge of the range is visible by
air (E.D. Lindquist, pers. observ.) and poses a serious threat to the biological
diversity of the landscape (Azous and Horner 2001). We expect that the progressive
loss and destruction (conversion) of this critical habitat is detrimental to a
number of ephemeral forest pool species.
The chief objective of our study was to develop landscape-level models that
predict amphibian species diversity, species richness, and abundance in vernal
pools and immediately adjacent forests. The secondary objective was to develop
the same type of models, but for aquatic macroinvertebrate species richness,
herbaceous vegetation species diversity, and herbaceous vegetation species
richness. The overarching goal of these objectives was to assist conservation
and land managers to rapidly assess, identify, and adopt best-practice policies
for conservation.
E.D. Lindquist, D.K. Foster, S.P. Wilcock, and J.S. Erikson
2013 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 20, No. 3
Study sites
In south-central Pennsylvania, the South Mountain landscape is physiographically
unique in that it rises as the northern terminus of the Blue Ridge, ranging
over 600 miles from the southern terminus in North Carolina. The landscape was
identified by the Pennsylvania Bureau of Topologic and Geologic Survey of the
Department of Conservation and Natural Resources as one of eleven distinct
state ecological regions (Fike 1999). A forest matrix block of over 15,000 acres
in the South Mountain landscape has emerged as a conservation priority for government
agencies and non-governmental organizations alike, and has become a
particular priority due to the pervasive wetland and vernal pool complexes on the
landscape’s northwestern border. Through aerial orthophotoquad image analysis
(of winter images), we counted and estimated that around 600 vernal pools were
present on the South Mountain landscape before 1960. To our best knowledge,
roughly 40% have been drained, filled, or otherwise removed as v iable habitat.
Across the South Mountain landscape in Pennsylvania, we studied 21 vernal
pools and adjacent terrestrial areas (vernal pool units) and 8 upland terrestrial
areas (upland units) between 10 February 2005 and 10 February 2007 (29 study
units total; Fig. 1). This effort followed a pilot study that identified sites from
more than 75 vernal pools mapped by recent aerial photography, a leaf-off flyover
in April 2004 ( E.D. Lindquist, pers. observ.), and field confirmation. Each
Figure 1. The South Mountain landscape representing the terminus of the Blue Ridge.
E.D. Lindquist, D.K. Foster, S.P. Wilcock, and J.S. Erikson
2013 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 20, No. 3
woodland vernal pool study unit consisted of a vernal pool and its respective
adjacent terrestrial area to ensure sufficient sampling evenness .
Terrestrial transects within woodland vernal pool units were included to
increase the probability of encountering vertebrate species that require vernal
pools at some time throughout their life cycle as well as plants adapted to intermittently
saturated soils. Within a geographic site where vernal pool complexes
are extensive, study pools were randomly selected to minimize observer bias.
Upland sites were located minimally 500 m away from vernal pool areas. Study
sites (some with multiple pool areas) were located on both public and private
lands in order to identify potential biodiversity issues with respect to land use.
Permission of landowners and public lands authorities was secured before site
inclusion in the study. Time, date, geographic position (lat./long.), and weather
conditions were noted for each vernal pool and upland unit. Notes on slope,
aspect, drainage, and prominent geological features were also recorded. Each
pool and terrestrial transect was photographed from a south position looking
north for reference and archival purposes. Potential and actual human features,
threats, and impacts (e.g., houses, roads, mines, clearcuts, etc.) were also noted.
Between 1 April and 30 September (high field season), each site was visited
biweekly. Site visits for physical measurements also occurred during the remainder
of the year (low field season).
Woodland vernal pool sampling
Vegetation, aquatic macroinvertebrate, and vertebrate species in each vernal
pool and within 1 m of the shoreline were identified during sampling periods.
Rooted plants within and around the pool (to 1 m outside shoreline) were identified.
Canopy closure and DBH of canopy trees found within the vernal pool
sampling were noted. This survey was repeated twice during the study period
(May and July 2005) to capture peak cover for spring and summer vegetation.
In order to minimize impact on each vernal pool, sampling with a 500-μmmesh
D-frame dip net occurred at one end of a pool so as not to stir up sediment
across the pool. We attempted to standardize a five-minute dip-net sampling
protocol in the following manner: first, along the shore for 1 m in the water column,
then a 1-m return sweep through the pool bottom (with vertical chopping
motions), and then a final return sweep back through the water column. Dip net
contents were spread over white plastic sorting trays to separate macroinvertebrates
and vertebrates from the leafy detritus. This procedure was repeated
in three different locations to get representation of macroinvertebrate activity.
Extensive leaf and net inspections were conducted to thoroughly inventory the
sample. Representative vertebrate individuals were keyed out to the species level
and returned to the location they were taken from. During the egg-laying period
for ambystomatid (mole) salamanders and Lithobates sylvaticus (Wood Frog),
censuses of visible egg masses were conducted.
Macroinvertebrates captured by net sampling were preserved in 70% ethanol
for laboratory identification. Macroinvertebrates were identified to the lowest
E.D. Lindquist, D.K. Foster, S.P. Wilcock, and J.S. Erikson
2013 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 20, No. 3
taxonomic level using Merritt and Cummins (1996) and Pennak (1989). Aquatic
sampling was conducted up to drying events. Because a central goal of this study
was to construct a rapid assessment tool and because we sought to minimize pool
turbidity and maintain a food source for larval amphibians, aquatic macroinvertebrate
species richness was determined without assessing quantitative abundance
of species.
Before biotic sampling commenced, water in each vernal pool was tested for
nitrates, phosphates, sulfates, turbidity, and pH. Nitrates, sulfates, dissolved
oxygen, phosphates, and turbidity were measured using a HACH DR-850
Colorimeter (HACH Company, Loveland, CO). Water pH was tested using a
portable Oakton Instruments Basic pH Tester (Oakton Instruments, Vernon
Hills, IL). Water temperature was recorded with a standard glass organic chemistry
At the end of each day of data collection, the daily high and low temperature,
wind speed and direction, sky conditions, precipitation, dew point, relative humidity,
and barometric pressure were gathered from the National Weather Service
reporting stations for York and Harrisburg, PA and Hagerstown, MD.
Lastly, a Trimble ProXR/TSCe (Trimble, Sunnyvale, CA) was used to obtain
precision shoreline positions by point averaging, and GPS Pathfinder Office v.
4.00 (Trimble, Sunnyvale, CA) was used to calculate the area of each vernal pool
during peak period of rainfall of the second year. GPS measurements were done
once during the study at approximate maximum water levels. Average pool depth
was calculated by taking measurements at meter intervals between shorelines.
Volume was estimated by multiplying the pool area by the average pool depth (n
= 17). Due to rapid pool drying in five ephemeral pools, we were unable to make
volume measurements (n = 4), and in one pool, we were unable to determine dissolved
oxygen. Volumetric and area relationships among the majority of vernal
pool dimensions are given in Figure 3.
Pool-related and pool-unrelated adjacent forest sampling
Radiating from the pool shore, or from a central point for upland sites, a
50-m-diameter sampling area was established to conduct a modified point-quarter
measure of associations of biological diversity between study units. Within
the 50-m-diameter survey area, five randomly positioned 2-m x 2-m vegetation
plots and one randomly positioned 5-m x 5-m herpetological plot was surveyed
in each of four quadrants opening toward each cardinal bearing (N, E, S, and
W). Each plot was randomized within its corresponding cardinal quadrant
(Fig. 2). We estimated percent cover within vegetation plots for each vegetation
size category (herbaceous, ferns, shrubs, and trees). Herpetological sampling
included rolling and replacing coarse woody debris and stones, and temporarily
raking away superficial leaves within plots. Macroinvertebrates were only
sampled with dip nets in the woodland vernal pools and not in the terrestrial
transects. Community type (Fike 1999), coarse woody debris cover, basal area
factor, and browse condition estimates were noted.
E.D. Lindquist, D.K. Foster, S.P. Wilcock, and J.S. Erikson
2013 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 20, No. 3
Statistical analysis
Statistical analysis proceeded in a three-pronged approach. First, Morisita’s
index of community similarity (IM) (Brower and Zar 1984) was used to compare
the similarity of herb, fern, and shrub/vine species composition from within 50
m of woodland vernal pools and from adjacent upland sites. We used herbaceous
vegetation and shrub species, but not tree data, for the IM values (Brower and Zar
1984), as tree data integrates a broader area and often reflects the conditions near
the pool instead of in it. Secondly, principal components analysis (PCA) using
Figure 2. Vegetation and Herpetological Survey. Numbered diamonds in a vegetative
survey represent 2-m x 2-m sample plots for herbaceous, shrub, seedling, sapling,
pole-tree, and large-tree cover observations. Lettered diamonds indicate 5-m x 5-m
herpetological sample plots. The dashed line around the vernal pool perimeter demarcates
location for presence/absence survey of plant species within 2 m of the shoreline.
Northern and eastern cardinal quadrants are illustrated; surveys were completed twice in
each of the four cardinal quadrants.
E.D. Lindquist, D.K. Foster, S.P. Wilcock, and J.S. Erikson
2013 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 20, No. 3
SAS® was used to ordinate sites along axes of principal variation in potentially
important ecological variables. Variables considered are as follows: for vernal
pool physical and chemical parameters (pool volume [m3], pool area [m2], pool
perimeter [m], turbidity [FAU], pH, phosphates [mg/L PO4], nitrates [mg/L NO3],
sulfates [mg/L SO4] and dissolved oxygen [DO]); and for pool perimeter and
adjacent terrestrial plot (sum tree cover [%], tree species richness, tree species
diversity [Shannon-Wiener index; H'], shrub cover [%], shrub species richness,
shrub species diversity [H'], herbaceous vegetation cover [%], herbaceous vegetation
species richness, herbaceous vegetation species diversity [H'], perimeter
sphagnum cover [%], coarse woody debris [>30 cm diameter] cover [%], aquatic
macroinvertebrate species richness, and reptile species richness). Lastly, multiple
linear regression (MLR) with forward addition of variables using SAS®
was employed to identify variables significantly correlated to amphibian species
richness, herbaceous vegetation species richness, and aquatic macroinvertebrate
species richness.
Environmental parameters used in developing MLR models were the same
used for PCA. PCA axis scores were not used as variables in MLR modeling.
MLR models were constructed for each of the following parameters of interest:
species diversity, species richness, and abundance of amphibians; species richness
of aquatic macroinvertebrates; and species diversity and species richness
of herbaceous vegetation. These six models represent important ecological
features for conservation of vernal pools (Colburn 2004). Due to the low encounter
rate of reptiles, statistical modeling with reptile species richness was
not considered and reptile species diversity was not calculated (see Results,
Zoological section).
MLR models were developed by stepwise addition of the variables beginning
with the one most correlated to the parameter of interest. Variables needed
to have a maximum α value of 0.10 to enter the model and then to remain in
subsequent steps as additional variables were added. MLR modeling for amphibians
and aquatic macroinvertebrates was calculated based on the 16 pools that
had data sets with volume and DO values (see Woodland vernal pool sampling
section). The procedures determining the predictors of herbaceous vegetation
species diversity and species richness excluded data on volume and DO because
analyses including volume and DO were not found to be significant using the
16 pools that had these data. Therefore, the herbaceous vegetation models were
calculated using data from all 21 woodland vernal pools.
Botanical and zoological parameters showed marked variation across the
woodland vernal pool and upland study sites. Physical and chemical parameters
also varied substantially across these sites, providing a basis for MLR model
construction (Table 1, Fig. 3).
E.D. Lindquist, D.K. Foster, S.P. Wilcock, and J.S. Erikson
2013 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 20, No. 3
At vernal pool study sites combined, we encountered 76 herbaceous plant species,
7 fern species, 33 shrub species, and 27 tree species. For upland sites, we
identified 34 herbaceous plant species, 7 fern species, 18 shrub species, and 20
tree species.
The ten most abundant herbaceous vegetation and shrub/woody vine species
for the vernal pool and adjacent upland sites are similar (Table 2); however, their
order varies considerably. More informative is the comparison of all species.
Despite the ten most common species being similar, the vernal pool sites were
botanically very different from adjacent upland sites. Of the sites having both
vernal pools and adjacent upland sites (n = 8), the vernal pool sites sampled from
the pool margin out to 50 m had 105 species of herbaceous vegetation and shrub/
Table 1. Chemical and physical parameter data for vernal pools (n = 21) in the study.
Mean Std. dev. Minimum Maximum
Turbidity (FAU) 71.8 54.8 26.0 239.0
pH 5.7 0.6 4.5 6.8
D.O. (mg/L; n = 20) 9.4 3.7 4.7 16.5
NO3 (mg/L) 22.3 23.5 3.7 80.9
PO4 (mg/L) 2.2 0.9 0.2 2.8
SO4 (mg/L) 73.1 18.0 14.0 80.0
Perimeter (m) 96.9 60.5 32.7 223.8
Area (m2) 428.4 397.0 49.7 1408.7
Volume (m3; n = 17) 167.8 166.4 15.5 475.3
Figure 3. XY scatter plot of vernal pool area to volume ratio for 17 of the vernal pools
under consideration; four of the 21 vernal pools lacked volume data due to rapid pool
E.D. Lindquist, D.K. Foster, S.P. Wilcock, and J.S. Erikson
2013 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 20, No. 3
Table 2. The ten most common herbs and shrubs for vernal pool sites and their adjacent uplands.
Although these appear similar, note the order is different and the average percent cover is quite
different. Hay-scented Fern, a frequent indicator of heavy browsing by Odocoileus virginianus
Zimmermann (White-tailed Deer), is the most abundant plant at both sites.
Species Cover
Vernal pool: 10 most common species
Herbaceous vegetation
Dennstaedtia punctilobula Michx. (Hay-scented Fern) 10.84
Osmunda cinnamomea L. (Cinnamon Fern) 5.32
Smilax rotundifolia L. (Greenbrier) 4.16
Symplocarpus foetidus L. (Skunk-cabbage) 1.08
Viola spp. (violets) 0.84
Maianthemum racemosum Link. (False Solomon’s-seal) 0.52
Polygonatum pubescens Willd. (Solomon's-seal) 0.40
Medeola virginiana L. (Indian Cucumber-root) 0.36
Smilax herbacea L. (Carrion-flower) 0.36
Veronica arvensis L. (Corn Speedwell) 0.36
Vaccinium pallidum Aiton (Lowbush Blueberry) 7.40
Gaylussacia baccata Wangenh. (Black Huckleberry) 6.08
Vaccinium corymbosum L. (Highbush Blueberry) 3.00
Hamamelis viginiana L. (Witch-hazel) 2.88
Rubus hispidus L. (Swamp Dewberry) 2.68
Rubus pensilvanicus Poir. (Blackberry) 2.12
Rhododendron periclymenoides Michx. (Pinkster-flower) 1.04
Rhododendron spp. (rhododendrons) 1.04
Vaccinium stamineum L. (Deerberry) 0.68
Rubus enseleni Tratt. (Southern Dewberry) 0.68
Upland: 10 most common species
Herbaceous vegetation
Hay-scented Fern 33.84
Persicaria hydropiperoides Michx. (Water Smartweed) 7.36
Greenbrier 3.12
False Solomon’s-seal 2.56
Violet 2.44
Cinnamon Fern 2.08
Gaultheria procumbens L. (Teaberry) 1.88
Skunk-cabbage 1.52
Indian Cucumber 1.32
Amianthium muscaetoxicum Walt. (Fly-poison) 0.96
Lowbush Blueberry 14.84
Witch-hazel 9.84
Black Huckleberry 9.12
Swamp Dewberry 5.16
Highbush Blueberry 4.64
Rhododendron 3.28
Ilex mucronata L. (Catberry) 1.92
Viburnum dentatum L. (Southern Arrow-wood) 0.96
Lindera benzoin L. (Spicebush) 0.92
Photinia melanocarpa Michx. (Black Chokeberry) 0.84
E.D. Lindquist, D.K. Foster, S.P. Wilcock, and J.S. Erikson
2013 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 20, No. 3
woody vines, whereas the adjacent upland sites (500 m away) had 66 species,
and these sites had 51 species in common. This result means that the vernal pool
sites had 54 species not found in the adjacent uplands. The mean IM for any of the
eight upland sites sampled compared with the composite species of all adjacent
vernal pool sites was low, at 14.4%, with a maximum on one site of 32.4% and
a minimum value of 5.5%. The herbaceous vegetation and shrub/woody vine
species for upland sites were thus quite different from vernal pool sites. Species
composition for vernal pool botanical communities was similar to the summary
species lists published by Colburn (2004).
At woodland vernal pool study sites, we encountered 15 amphibian species
and 9 reptile species in our surveys. For upland sites, we identified 6 amphibian
species and 1 reptile species in our surveys. Amphibians were seen in 25 of the 29
sampling units, with only one of the four absence sites being a vernal pool study
unit. Reptiles were detected much less frequently, with species present in only 7
of the 29 sites. Of these sites, six were vernal pool units. Table 3 summarizes the
most common amphibians and reptiles, and their frequency of encounter at vernal
pools and adjacent upland sites.
Thirty-five species of aquatic macroinvertebrates were observed within the
vernal pools. Table 4 summarizes the ten most frequently encountered taxa. Of
particular note, mosquito larvae in the family Culicidae were only the 19th most
Table 3. The most common amphibians and reptiles for vernal pool sites. Names follow Collins and
Taggart (2009).
Species Frequency
Lithobates sylvaticus LeConte (Wood Frog) 0.76
Anaxyrus americanus Holbrook (American Toad) 0.43
Plethodon cinereus (Green) (Northern Redback Salamander) 0.38
Lithobates clamitans melanotus (Rafinesque) (Green Frog) 0.19
Ambystoma maculatum (Shaw) (Spotted Salamander) 0.14
Plethodon glutinosus (Green) (Northern Slimy Salamander) 0.14
Notophthalmus viridescens (Rafinesque) (Eastern Newt) 0.10
Eurycea bislineata (Green) (Northern Two-lined Salamander) 0.10
Eurycea longicauda (Green) (Long-tailed Salamander) 0.10
Hemidactylium scutatum (Temminck & Schlegel) (Four-toed Salamander) 0.10
Pseudacris crucifer (Wied-Neuwied) (Spring Peeper) 0.10
Lithobates catesbeianus Shaw (Bullfrog) 0.10
Ambystoma opacum Gravenhorst (Marbled Salamander) 0.05
Diadophis punctatus edwardsii (Merrem) (Northern Ringneck Snake) 0.29
Terrapene carolina (L.) (Eastern Box Turtle) 0.19
Glyptemys insculpta (LeConte) (Wood Turtle) 0.10
Thamnophis sirtalis (L.) (Common Garter Snake) 0.10
E.D. Lindquist, D.K. Foster, S.P. Wilcock, and J.S. Erikson
2013 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 20, No. 3
abundant macroinvertebrate, occurring in only 10% of vernal pools sampled.
Two functional feeding groups, predators (Coleoptera, Diptera, Odonata, and
Hemiptera) and collector-gatherers (Diptera, Ephemeroptera, and Naididae) were
found in 20 of 21 pools. Predators were the most common (47.7%) followed by
collector gatherers (30.5%). The least abundant functional feeding group was
scrapers (Gastropoda) (2.27%), found in 4 of 21 pools.
Most of the aquatic macroinvertebrates encountered are capable of living
in low-oxygen waters. Forty-seven percent of organisms found had tolerance
values of 5 or lower (Yuan 2004). Ephemeroptera and Trichoptera occurred in
10% or less of the samples and were amongst the least frequently encountered
in the study. These two orders were found in four vernal pools that occasionally
received streamwater spillover during periods of high precipitation.
Species composition for vernal pool zoological communities was on par
with summary lists published by Colburn (2004). Some deviation from this general
trend occurred with the same four woodland vernal pools that occasionally
received input from nearby streams during flooding events. Typically riparian
amphibian species such as Eurycea bislineata (Northern Two-lined Salamander)
and Eurycea longicauda (Long-tailed Salamander) were encountered at some of
these sites.
Principal components analysis
PCA of sites by physical, chemical, vegetative, and faunal parameters indicated
that there were three principal axes of variation ordinating the sites. In
order, these were 1. variation in tree species diversity (H'), 2. variation in herbaceous
vegetation species diversity (H'), and 3. variation in shrub species diversity
(H'). Figure 4 shows XY scatterplots of the eigenvalues for sites along each axis.
The scatterplots suggest that there is no strong correlation between these axes,
a finding also confirmed by the fact that neither tree species diversity nor shrub
species diversity axes emerge as predictive variables in MLR for herbaceous
Table 4. Ten most frequently encountered macroinvertebrate taxa at vernal pool sites. Mosquitoes
did occur but in 10% or less of sites, they were the 19th most abundant macroinvertebrate. Likewise,
the majority of the most abundant organisms in this table are indicators of low oxygen content,
especially Chironomid midges, here found in 86% of the pools sampled.
Macroinvertebrate taxa Frequency
Diptera: Chironomidae 0.86
Oligochaeta 0.67
Hemiptera: Notonectidae: Notonecta 0.57
Coleoptera: Dytiscidae: Acilius 0.52
Odonata: Aeshnidae: Aeshna 0.43
Anostraca: Branchiopoda: Eubranchipus 0.38
Diptera: Chaoboridae: Chaoborus 0.33
Diptera: Chaoboridae: Mochlonyx 0.33
Trichoptera: Phryganeidae: Ptilostomis 0.33
E.D. Lindquist, D.K. Foster, S.P. Wilcock, and J.S. Erikson
2013 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 20, No. 3
Figure 4. Principal components analysis of sites by physical, chemical, vegetative, and
faunal parameters revealed three strong axes of variation across sites. Sites are plotted
herein using eigenvalues of site scores along these axes, which were tree species diversity,
herbaceous species diversity, and shrub species diversity.
E.D. Lindquist, D.K. Foster, S.P. Wilcock, and J.S. Erikson
2013 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 20, No. 3
species diversity (see below). We did not use the axis PCA scores for MLR
modeling because our objective was to directly examine variation in amphibian
species diversity, amphibian species richness, amphibian abundance, and aquatic
macroinvertebrate species richness.
Multiple linear regression models
Six MLR models were constructed in this study, five of which are strongly
predictive (with an r2 ≥ 0.6%, explaining greater than 60% the variability in
the parameter of interest) and useful for faunal conservation and landscape
management. Regression analysis does not assume that the raw variables are
normally distributed, but does assume that the residuals of the model follow
a normal distribution. For this reason, the residuals for each of the predictive
models were checked for departures from normality. For each model, the residuals
did not exhibit any indication of significant departure from normality.
Therefore, there is no cause for concern about the normality assumption in any
of the models presented in this paper. Each model is generally explained below
and is in greater detail in Table 5.
1) Amphibian diversity. 72.75% of variability in amphibian diversity (AD)
(H') is explained by the following linear model: AD = -0.857 + 0.055
herbaceous vegetation species richness + 0.001 percent tree cover +
0.397 mg/L PO4 - 0.236 percent perimeter sphagnum cover.
2) Amphibian richness. 89.42% of variability in amphibian diversity (AR)
is explained by the following linear model: AR = -1.739 + 0.161 herbaceous
vegetation species richness - 0.007 FAU turbidity + 1.222 mg/L
PO4 + 0.005 m3 pool volume - 0.773 percent perimeter sphagnum cover.
3) Amphibian abundance. 88.23% of variability in amphibian diversity
(AA) is explained by the following linear model: AA = -61.430 + 12.865
herbaceous vegetation species diversity + 7.814 shrub species diversity
+ 11.948 tree species diversity + 0.012 pool area + 2.694 coarse woody
4) Macroinvertebrate species richness. 61.53% of variability in macroinvertebrate
diversity (MR) is explained by the following linear model:
MR = -17.945 + 0.255 tree species richness + 0.008 percent tree cover
+ 3.577 pH.
5) Herbaceous vegetation species diversity 16.09% of variability in herbaceous
vegetation and fern species diversity (HFD) is explained by
the following linear model: HFD = 1.576 + 0.094 percent perimeter
sphagnum cover for the site. This model is not strongly predictive of
herbaceous species diversity.
6) Herbaceous vegetation species richness. 67.02% of variability in herbaceous
vegetation and fern species richness (HFR) is explained by the
following linear model: HFR = -14.241 + 6.025 pH - 0.191 mg/L NO3 +
1.181 percent perimeter sphagnum cover for the site.
E.D. Lindquist, D.K. Foster, S.P. Wilcock, and J.S. Erikson
2013 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 20, No. 3
Table 5. Multiple linear regression models predicting value for six dependent variables important for assessing the health of vernal pools. For this study,
conservation of vernal pools and immediately adjacent areas prioritized amphibian species diversity, amphibian species richness, amphibian abundance,
macroinvertebrate species richness, herbaceous vegetation species diversity, and herbaceous vegetation species richness as the variables of interest.
Variables added to the model intercept are listed by column in the order they were brought in through stepwise analysis (see Methods, Statistical analysis
subsection). HerbVegSR = herbaceous vegetation species richness, HerbVegSD = herbaceous vegetation species diversity, ShrubSD = shrub species diversity,
Tree SR = tree species richness, Tree SD = tree species diversity, CWD = coarse woody debris.
Variable 1 Variable 2 Variable 3 Variable 4 Variable 5
Model dependent variable n Intercept (coefficient) (coefficient) (coefficient) (coefficient) (coefficient) r2 F P
Amphibian species 16 -0.85665 HerbVegSR Tree cover PO4 Sphagnum - 0.7275 6.83 0.0061
diversity (0.05501) (0.00117) (0.39654) (-0.23628)
Amphibian species 16 -1.73893 HerbVegSR Turbidity PO4 Pool volume Sphagnum 0.8294 9.72 0.0013
richness (0.16144) (-0.00655) (1.22235) (0.00511) (-0.77286)
Amphibian abundance 16 -61.42953 HerbVegSD ShrubSD TreeSD Pool area CWD 0.8823 14.99 0.0002
(12.86532) (7.81390) (11.94848) (0.01172) (2.69367)
Macroinvertebrate 16 -17.94493 Tree SR Tree cover pH - - 0.6153 6.4 0.0078
species richness (0.25457) (0.00841) (3.57680)
Herbaceous vegetation 21 1.57635 Sphagnum - - - - 0.1609 3.64 0.0715
species diversity (0.09439)
Herbaceous vegetation 21 -14.24138 pH NO3 Sphagnum - - 0.6702 11.52 0.0002
species richness (6.02525) (-0.19115) (1.18116)
E.D. Lindquist, D.K. Foster, S.P. Wilcock, and J.S. Erikson
2013 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 20, No. 3
Table 6. Herbaceous vegetation species, shrub species, and tree species most correlated with
amphibian species diversity, amphibian species richness, amphibian abundance, and macroinvertebrate
species richness. Species that were included had a P value of 0.1 or less. The Pearson
correlation coefficient (r), P-value, and Region 1 Indicator status (USACE 2012) is provided for
each species and by each model dependent variable. Taxonomic designations follow Rhoads and
Block (2007).
Region 1
Dependent variable/Species r P indicator
Herbaceous vegetation
Amphibian species diversity
Apocynum androsaemifolium L. (Spreading Dogbane) 0.44233 0.0447
Circaea alpina L. (Enchanter's Nightshade) -0.46583 0.0333 FACW
Parthenocissus quinquefolia L. (Virginia Creeper) -0.37534 0.0936 FACU
Pilea pumila (L.) A. Gray (Canadian Clearweed) 0.40761 0.0666 FACW
False Solomon’s-seal -0.38732 0.0828 FACU
Amphibian species richness
Spreading Dogbane 0.59154 0.0047
Enchanter's Nightshade -0.43536 0.0485 FACW
Galium boreale L. (Northern Bedstraw) 0.37345 0.0954 FACU
Glechoma hederacea L. (Ground Ivy) 0.37345 0.0954 FACU
Virginia Creeper -0.40296 0.0701 FACU
Canadian Clearweed 0.45722 0.0372 FACW
Saururus cernuus L. (Lizard’s Tail) 0.37345 0.0954 OBL
False Solomon’s-seal -0.39312 0.0779 FACU
Stellaria holostea L. (Greater Stitchwort) 0.37345 0.0954
Thalictrum thalictroides L. (Rue Anemone) 0.37345 0.0954
Amphibian abundance
Maianthemum canadense Desf. (Canada Mayflower) 0.72077 0.0002 FAC
Macroinvertebrate species richness
Chimaphila maculata L. (Striped Wintergreen) 0.37686 0.0922
Ageratina altissima L. (White-snakeroot) 0.42862 0.0525 FACU
Northern Bedstraw 0.68214 0.0007 FACU
Galium circaezans Michx. (Licorice Bedstraw) 0.4124 0.0632 UPL
Ground Ivy 0.68214 0.0007 FACU
Impatiens capensis Meerb. (Jewelweed) 0.66807 0.0009 FACW
Oxalis acetosella L. (Northern Wood-sorrel) 0.46069 0.0356 FAC
Canadian Clearweed 0.71348 0.0003 FACW
Persicaria perfoliata L. (Mile-a-minute Weed) 0.39493 0.0764 FAC
Lizard’s Tail 0.68214 0.0007 OBL
False Solomon’s-seal -0.39533 0.0761 FACU
Greater Stitchwort 0.68214 0.0007
Rue Anemone 0.68214 0.0007
Amphibian species diversity
Catberry -0.41161 0.0638 OBL
Highbush Blueberry -0.43314 0.0498 FACWAmphibian
species richness
Catberry -0.37023 0.0985 OBL
Highbush Blueberry -0.48082 0.0274 FACWAmphibian
- - -
E.D. Lindquist, D.K. Foster, S.P. Wilcock, and J.S. Erikson
2013 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 20, No. 3
Plant correlations
Plant species correlating with amphibian species diversity. Statistically
significant correlations between plants and AD are detailed in Table 6. Two features
are clear from the plant species that are significantly correlated with AD.
First, there are no obligate hydrophytic herbaceous species correlated to AD. Of
the two species that are positively correlated with AD, Pilea pumila (Canadian
Clearweed) is a facultative wetland species (FACW) and an annual plant, indicative
of seasonal overabundance of soil moisture (Rhoads and Block 2007).
Herbaceous species negatively correlated to AD tended to be those that do not
normally occur in sodden ground. In the shrub layer, AD is negatively correlated
to plants indicative of perennially wet soil, one of which (Ilex mucronata [Catberry])
is an obligate hydrophyte. In the tree layer, AD is negatively correlated
only to two species, both of which are primarily grow on uplands, and positively
correlated to Tsuga canadensis (Eastern Hemlock), which is a facultative upland
species but occupies a wide range of soil moisture conditions, as its seedlings are
highly sensitive to drought.
Plant species correlating with amphibian species richness. AR repeats the
same correlation patterns with herbaceous species as in AD, but with one exception:
it is positively correlated with Saururus cernuus (Lizard’s Tail). This species,
although not an annual, reaches peak abundance in seasonally flooded areas
(Rhoads and Block 2007). Likewise, the same pattern is repeated between AR
and shrub and tree species.
Plant species correlating with amphibian abundance. AA does not correlate
to most herbaceous vegetation species. However, it strongly correlates to one
herbaceous species, Maianthemum canadense (Canada Mayflower), an herb that
occupies similar site conditions to Eastern Hemlock (Rhoads and Block, 2007). No
Table 6, continued.
Region 1
Dependent variable/Species r P indicator
Macroinvertebrate species richness
Berberis thunbergii DC (Japanese Barberry) 0.44536 0.043 FACU
Witch-hazel 0.4116 0.0638 FACTrees
Amphibian species diversity
Castanea dentata Marshall (American Chestnut) -0.39709 0.0747
Nyssa sylvatica Marshall (Blackgum) -0.4763 0.0291 FAC
Tsuga canadensis L. (Eastern Hemlock) 0.39616 0.0754 FACU
Amphibian species richness
Blackgum -0.41172 0.0637 FAC
Eastern Hemlock 0.40169 0.0711 FACU
Amphibian abundance
Betula lenta L. (Sweet Birch) 0.48519 0.0258 FACU
Macroinvertebrate species richness
Pinus strobus L. (Eastern White Pine) 0.54567 0.0105 FACU
Quercus palustris Müenchh. (Pin Oak) -0.39287 0.0781 FACW
Eastern Hemlock 0.52861 0.0138 FACU
E.D. Lindquist, D.K. Foster, S.P. Wilcock, and J.S. Erikson
2013 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 20, No. 3
shrub species correlated with AA. The one tree species that correlated (positively)
to AA was Betula lenta (Sweet Birch), a pattern which defies easy explanation.
Plant species correlating with macroinvertebrate richness. The pattern of correlation
of vegetative species to aquatic macroinvertebrates is less clear in that
vegetative species occupy a wide variety of indicators in the US Army Corp of
Engineers National Wetlands Plant List (2012). However, it is evident that MR,
like AR, is positively correlated with Canadian Clearweed and Lizard’s Tail, both
of which are indicators of seasonally wet or flooded ground.
Our analysis suggests that species diversity, species richness, and abundance
of amphibians; species richness of aquatic macroinvertebrates; and species
richness of herbaceous vegetation in woodland vernal pool ecosystems may be
predicted by a few relatively easily measured variables. Physical and chemical
parameters such as area, volume, pH, and DO fell within the ranges summarized
by Colburn (2004). Sulfate levels were low, while other parameters such as nitrate
and phosphate revealed that the vernal pools in our study were eutrophic
(Table 1; Swistock 2010).
Principal components analysis
PCA indicates that there are three primary axes differentiating sites from one
another. These axes are all related to plant diversity features, namely tree species
diversity, herbaceous species diversity, and shrub species diversity. While no
regression analysis was performed of axis scores (eigenvalues) directly, all three
of these vegetative features are significant predictors of amphibian abundance,
as demonstrated from the MLR model (see Results). Diversity in herbaceous,
shrub, and tree layers is an indicator of sites with conditions that promote higher
abundance of amphibians.
MLR modeling
MLR modeling for amphibian species diversity indicates that the herbaceous
species richness, tree cover, and phosphate levels were all positively
correlated. Sites with high tree cover and high herbaceous richness indicate
moderately high soil fertility, although soil fertility was not measured directly.
High levels of nutrient influx presumably drive relatively high vernal pool
phosphate levels via annual leaf fall (Colburn 2004). Conversely, amphibian
species diversity is negatively correlated to percent perimeter sphagnum cover,
an indicator of nutrient-poor, acidic soils.
Amphibian species richness is predicted by similar coefficients, with the addition
of positive correlation to vernal pool volume and negative correlation to
turbidity. This model lacks percent tree cover as a variable. Amphibian species
richness is thus greatest in larger pools with relatively little disturbance (turbidity)
and relatively high nutrient conditions as indicated by high vernal pool
phosphate level. Admittedly, the vernal pool volume parameter makes a rapid
E.D. Lindquist, D.K. Foster, S.P. Wilcock, and J.S. Erikson
2013 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 20, No. 3
assessment difficult to perform in the field. Were conservation and land managers
to exclude this parameter from the assessment, the loss of predictability would be
approximately 19%.
As stated by PCA results, diversity in herbaceous, shrub, and tree layers is
highly positively correlated with amphibian abundance. When vernal pool area
and coarse woody debris are added to the model, this increased prediction of
amphibian abundance further. Site conditions provide a variety of hydrological
microenvironments that produce high plant diversity through a seasonally wet
and a perennially dry soil mosaic.
Aquatic macroinvertebrate species richness is positively correlated with
tree species richness, percent tree cover, and pH. The percent tree cover and
circumneutral pH indicate high productivity for plants in general and thus a
higher potential input of biomass into the macroinvertebrate food chain in the
vernal pool.
Our secondary objective in this study was to look at assessing herbaceous
species diversity and species richness. The MLR model generated for herbaceous
species diversity did not satisfy the level of statistical significance
needed for inclusion into the overall rapid assessment protocol. On the other
hand, herbaceous species richness can be predicted across these sites by a relatively
simple MLR model in which it is positively correlated to vernal pool pH
and percent perimeter sphagnum cover, but negatively correlated to pool nitrate
concentration. Higher pH of the pool and simultaneous presence of sphagnum
around its perimeter may indicate a diversity of microenvironments for plant
growth. It is, however, unclear why herbaceous species richness is negatively
correlated with nitrate concentration in the vernal pool. Linkages between vernal
pool chemical concentration and its impact on adjacent site vegetation are
beyond the scope of this study, and may merit further study.
Plant correlations
Our analysis of the community similarity between woodland vernal pools and
upland sites demonstrates that on average 14.4% of the herbaceous vegetation
and shrub/woody vine species were very dissimilar. That said, amphibian species
diversity and species richness are both positively correlated with herbaceous
and tree species that are found in upland sites but can facultatively tolerate wet
conditions and plant species that are found in wetland sites that are seasonally
but not perennially inundated. On the other hand, Amphibian species diversity
and species richness are negatively correlated to plant species that have their
primary distributions on upland sites. Additionally, amphibian species diversity
and species richness are negatively correlated with shrub species associated with
perennial wetlands (Table 6). To summarize, woodland vernal pools that have
vegetation indicating seasonal, but no permanent inundation should be the most
species rich and diverse for amphibians.
Interestingly, macroinvertebrate richness is most strongly correlated with
a variety of herbaceous vegetation that together indicate a diversity of soil
E.D. Lindquist, D.K. Foster, S.P. Wilcock, and J.S. Erikson
2013 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 20, No. 3
moisture conditions adjacent to the vernal pools. This finding is also reflected
with correlations with shrub and tree species (Table 6).
As stated in the methods, we estimated that roughly 40% of vernal pools
have been destroyed. In light of this finding, perhaps the greatest benefit of this
study is that it has provided five simple modeling tools for the rapid assessment
of vernal pools to conserve those with the greatest amphibian, aquatic macroinvertebrate,
and herbaceous vegetation features.Our findings show similar trends
to those of Werner et al. (2007), Egan and Paton (2004), and Rowe and Dunson
(1995); yet, our more simplistic rapid assessment models presented here can be
used and implemented in one field season, committing fewer human and financial
resources. Likewise, our models focus on a greater number of amphibian
species, several measures of amphibian community health (diversity, richness,
and abundance), aquatic macroinvertebrate species richness, and herbaceous
species richness—all in order to broadly assess vernal pool community health.
We therefore recommend to state and private land managers that these tools be
considered for implementation for rapid identification of potentially ecologically
important vernal pools, before they are threatened by impending development.
In conclusion, conservation and land managers should be interested in preserving
woodland vernal pools that possess the following features: plant species indicative
of only seasonal inundation, a large water volume when inundated, high tree
cover, presence of coarse woody debris greater than 30 cm in diameter, high
phosphate concentration in the water, and low sphagnum presence along the pool
perimeter. Vernal pools with high herbaceous, shrub, and tree diversity predict
high amphibian productivity.
We would like to thank the Pennsylvania Chapter of The Nature Conservancy and
the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources for funding this
research. We are indebted to Ashley Rosenberger, Michael Currie, Charles DeCurtis,
Miranda Demos, Jarrod Derr, Scott Forbes, Rebecca Kern, Lindsay Johnson, Alyssa
Poplaski, Brook Reeve, and Megan Starace for their invaluable assistance in planning
and carrying out data collection. We also thank Anne Barrett, Todd Sampsell, Tracy Coleman,
and Nels Johnson for their encouragement and advocacy for our conservation work
in Pennsylvania.
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