Freeze-Drying to Preserve Birds for Teaching Collections
Alexandra V. Shoffner1 and Margaret C. Brittingham1,*
Abstract - Collections of bird specimens are an important resource for teaching bird identification,
but acquiring suitable specimens can be problematic. Older collections tend to
be preserved with a variety of potentially harmful chemicals; additionally, traditional
methods for preparing specimens typically require extensive training. Freeze-drying is
a method that involves removing water from specimens via sublimation, and may be an
acceptable alternative to conventional taxidermy techniques for teaching collections. We
freeze-dried 63 birds and 12 bird parts (i.e., talons and wings) of 44 species salvaged from
throughout Pennsylvania since January 2008 using a Taxi-Dry Freeze-Dryer (Freeze-dry
Specialties, Inc.). To determine the extent of water lost during the freeze-drying process,
we measured the masses of birds and parts before and after preservation. Whole birds
that were successfully freeze-dried lost 59.4% ± 0.9% (mean ± SE) of their initial mass,
and unsuccessfully dried birds lost 46.9% ± 3.5% of their initial mass. Generally, birds
with an initial mass >160 g did not lose enough water in the freeze-drying process to be
effectively preserved. We conclude that if proper storage and maintenance conditions are
met, freeze-drying can be an effective method for preserving small bird specimens for
teaching collections.
Collections of avian specimens are helpful, and perhaps even necessary,
for teaching bird identification. Birds in the hand are more easily identified
than in photographs or in the field (Remsen1995) and as such are a critical
resource for teaching identification. Specimens provide hands-on experience
allowing the student to see and compare morphology, color, and individual
variation (Remsen 1995). Clearly, access to specimens is a priority for those
teaching bird identification.
However, obtaining or creating high-quality specimens that retain their identifying
characteristics (e.g., plumage color and natural posture) can be time-consuming
and expensive. Older specimens have typically been preserved with a variety of
potentially harmful chemicals, many of which have been phased out in more recent
years due to health concerns (e.g., Edolan U and arsenic and mercury compounds;
Hower 1979). Preserving new specimens by conventional taxidermy methods can
also be problematic because of the skill level required to prepare specimens.
Freeze-drying is an alternative preparation method that holds potential for
creating specimens for teaching collections. Freeze-drying is a process that
dehydrates materials by sublimation, which is the direct transition of ice (solid
phase) to water vapor (gas phase) (Meryman 1960). It has been used for preparing
specimens used in educational displays and exhibits but is not generally
1Department of Ecosystem Science and Management, The Pennsylvania State University,
University Park, PA. *Corresponding author - mxb21@psu.edu.
A.V. Shoffner and M.C. Brittingham
2013 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 20, No. 3
recommended for long-term preservation or for specimens that may be used in
biochemical research because deterioration and degradation of cells and tissues
occurs during and after the freeze-drying process (Florian 1990). Our objective
was to evaluate the effectiveness of a commercially available freeze-drying system
for freeze-drying bird specimens for use in a University teaching collection.
We used freeze-drying to prepare specimens, and discuss the advantages and
disadvantages of this method.
A basic freeze-drying system consists of a refrigerated specimen chamber, a
refrigerated condenser or vapor trap, and a vacuum pump (Fig. 1; Hower 1979).
Specimens are kept at low temperatures within a chamber, and a vacuum pump
lowers the pressure within the chamber to facilitate sublimation and the removal
of water vapor from the chamber. Water that sublimates from specimens moves to
the condenser, or vapor trap, that is kept at a lower temperature than the specimen
chamber. The optimal equipment and settings for freeze-drying vary slightly with
the type of material being preserved. Systems can be purchased from suppliers,
though there are also resources available for those who wish to build their own
freeze-drying system (Hower 1979, Meryman 1961).
We used a Taxi-Dry Freeze-Dryer system purchased from Freeze-dry Specialties,
Inc. (Model ARA 1800 R.V.T.; Fig. 1). This system, which is actively
marketed for freeze-drying vertebrate specimens, consists of an upright freezer
with dimensions 1.65 m H x 0.8 m W x 0.6 m L (65” H x 32” W x 23.5” L) containing
an approximately 0.1-m3 (3.5-ft3) chamber with two rows of shelves.
A valid Federal Migratory Bird Special Purpose Salvage Permit an d a concurrent
state salvage permit are necessary to salvage and possess bird carcasses. Bird
carcasses were salvaged (State permit SAL00436, Federal permit MB028785-0)
between 2008 and 2012 from two sources: private individuals from throughout
Pennsylvania, and from a local wildlife rehabilitation clinic. The majority of birds
died from trauma, such as collisions with windows or cars. Bird carcasses that
could not be freeze-dried immediately were stored in a chest freezer set to -21 °C .
Most birds were stored frozen for less than one year before freeze-drying, although
one specimen was successfully freeze-dried after being stored for 13 years.
We identified all birds to species level and aged and sexed them by plumage
with the aid of Pyle (1997, 2008). Wings and talons were collected from large
raptors to be freeze-dried separately. If a bird carcass had been frozen, it was
thawed before we measured the wing chord and tail length with calipers, and the
mass with a triple beam balance. Birds were configured into desired positions
using pins, cotton, and string on Styrofoam and cardboard, and then frozen for
at least 24 hours in a chest freezer set to -21 °C before beginning freeze-drying.
Once the birds were completely frozen, we loaded them into the chamber (set to
-20.5 °C) and turned the vacuum pump on to begin freeze-drying.
A.V. Shoffner and M.C. Brittingham
2013 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 20, No. 3
The manufacturer-recommended freeze-drying schedule for vertebrates was
to slowly increase the temperature from -20.5 °C (-5 °F) to 15.5 °C (60 °F) over
10 days. They provided a temperature chart which we modified to a 12-day
schedule. The freeze-drying chamber was set to -20.5 °C on the first day, and
the temperature was increased incrementally over 12 days to 15.5 °C to induce
sublimation in the specimens. Sublimation is the transition from the solid state
directly to the vapor state, bypassing an intermediate liquid state; i.e., during
Figure 1. Freeze-drying
schematic adapted from
Hower 1979 (top) and
our freeze-drying system
(bottom). A = specimen
chamber, B = condenser
or vapor trap, C = vacuum
pump valve, D =
vacuum pump, and E =
pressure gauge.
A.V. Shoffner and M.C. Brittingham
2013 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 20, No. 3
freeze-drying, ice within frozen specimens sublimes to water vapor without transitioning
via liquid water (Hower 1970). Temperature and pressure determine
the phase (solid, gas, or liquid) a substance takes. At different combinations of
low pressure and temperature, sublimation occurs. By increasing the temperature
gradually, water is slowly removed from the specimen.
After a minimum of 12 days, we turned off the vacuum pump, removed the
specimens, and recorded their mass. Rarely, specimens were freeze-dried for
longer than 12 days (maximum 24 days) because we had limited access to the
feeze-drying system on weekends and holidays. Success of freeze-drying was
initially determined subjectively by the feel of the bird. Freeze-dried specimens
tend to have a dry, brittle texture (Florian 1990). We initially classified a bird as
unsuccessfully freeze-dried based on whether the bird felt dry, thin, and brittle or
felt soft and flexible. In addition, birds that were unsuccessfully dried tended to
leave oil marks when laid out on cardboard, suggesting they were leaking fat.
For each bird and bird part, we calculated the mass before freeze-drying and
the percent of mass lost after freeze-drying. For birds that were successfully
freeze-dried, we calculated total mass lost and percent mass lost. We used a t-test
to determine whether initial mass or percent mass loss differed between birds
that were successfully freeze–dried and birds deemed unsuccessfully dried due to
fat leakage. We regressed mass lost by initial mass to determine the relationship
between the two.
If specimens were deemed successfully freeze-dried, we placed them in storage.
Because we were unsure of the vulnerability of these specimens to insect
damage and their condition over the long-term, we avoided storing them in the
cabinets with our collection of birds that had been preserved by traditional taxidermy.
Instead, specimens were wrapped in cotton and stored within an airtight
plastic container. Each specimen was labeled with a tag providing information on
the specimen including species, age, sex when known, date collected, and location
where collected. Specimens were periodically examined for evidence of fat
leakage and insect damage.
Between 2008 and 2012, we freeze-dried 63 birds and 12 bird parts (wings
and talons), representing 44 species (Table 1). Groups of specimens were freezedried
together with runs consisting of 4–14 birds or bird parts. Total mass per run
ranged from 121.16 g to 1173 g (mean ± SE = 439 ± 110).
Fifty-eight whole birds were successfully dried. Five specimens were classified
as unsuccessful due to fat leakage or squishy texture. The 58 successfully
freeze-dried specimens consisted of 40 different species ranging in mass from a
2.5-g Archilochus colubris (Ruby-throated Hummingbird) to a 147.8-g Colaptes
auratus (Northern Flicker) (Table 1). One Tringa melanoleuca (Greater Yellowlegs)
and four Corvus brachyrhynchos (American Crow) ranging in mass from
165 g to 595.5 g were not successfully dried and were discarded .
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2013 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 20, No. 3
Table 1. Bird specimens that were freeze-dried 2008–2012. Mass measurements of species with
multiple representative individuals are listed as ranges.
Initial % mass
Species Number mass lost Success
Whole birds
Falco columbarius L. (Merlin) 1 125.0 61.2 Yes
Falco sparverius L. (American Kestrel) 2 76.8–104.0 42.3–63.2 All yes
Tringa melanoleuca (Gmelin) (Greater Yellowlegs) 1 165.0 41.4 No
Chordeiles minor (Forster) (Common Nighthawk) 1 77.0 51.8 Yes
Archilochus colubris (L.) (Ruby-throated Hummingbird) 1 2.5 64.0 Yes
Picoides pubescens (L.) (Downy Woodpecker) 1 24.3 58.0 Yes
Colaptes auratus (L.) (Northern Flicker) 2 112.0–148.0 55.0–66.5 All yes
Sayornis phoebe (Latham) (Eastern Phoebe) 1 11.8 66.9 Yes
Myiarchus crinitus (L.) (Great Crested Flycatcher) 1 28.2 65.6 Yes
Cyanocitta cristata (L.) (Blue Jay) 2 67.0–82.5 62.2–63.7 All yes
Corvus brachyrhynchos Brehm (American Crow) 4 298.0–596.0 36.8–56.6 All no
Hirundo rustica L. (Barn Swallow) 1 13.8 58.0 Yes
Tachycineta bicolor (Vieillot) (Tree Swallow) 2 11.1–13.7 62.0–62.2 All yes
Poecile atricapillus (L.) (Black-capped Chickadee) 2 8.7–11.6 57.5–59.5 All yes
Baeolophus bicolor (L.) (Tufted Titmouse) 1 19.2 53.1 Yes
Certhia americana Bonaparte (Brown Creeper) 1 6.4 43.8 Yes
Catharus guttatus (Pallas) (Hermit Thrush) 1 32.3 57.9 Yes
Hylocichla mustelina (Gmelin) (Wood Thrush) 1 42.9 62.7 Yes
Catharus ustulatus (Nuttall) (Swainson's Thrush) 1 28.9 54.3 Yes
Turdus migratorius L. (American Robin) 1 73.8 65.9 Yes
Dumetella carolinensis (L.) (Gray Catbird) 3 31.6–37.7 66.8–68.7 All yes
Bombycilla cedrorum Vieillot (Cedar Waxwing) 5 21.8–38.6 62.4–66.7 All yes
Seiurus aurocapilla (L.) (Ovenbird) 1 17.4 64.4 Yes
Mniotilta varia (L.) (Black-and-white Warbler) 1 9.7 60.8 Yes
Oreothlypis peregrina (Wilson) (Tennessee Warbler) 1 7.9 67.1 Yes
Oreothlypis ruficapilla (Wilson) (Nashville Warbler) 1 8.6 62.8 Yes
Geothylpis trichas (L.) (Common Yellowthroat) 4 6.0–9.8 53.8–63.3 All yes
Setophaga magnolia (Wilson) (Magnolia Warbler) 1 9.4 59.6 Yes
Setophaga castanea (Wilson) (Bay-breasted Warbler) 1 9.7 58.8 Yes
Setophaga striata (Forster) (Blackpoll Warbler) 1 17.4 29.9 Yes
Pipilo erythrophthalmus (L.) (Eastern Towhee) 1 46.9 56.7 Yes
Passerella iliaca (Merrem) (Fox Sparrow) 1 39.6 60.2 Yes
Piranga olivacea (Gmelin) (Scarlet Tanager) 3 24.8–34.5 56.4–63.7 All yes
Cardianalis cardinalis (L.) (Northern Cardinal) 2 30.8–49.8 59.8–64.9 All yes
Pheucticus ludovicianus (L.) (Rose-breasted Grosbeak) 1 41.8 63.9 Yes
Passerina cyanea (L.) (Indigo Bunting) 1 10.9 54.1 Yes
Icterus galbula (L.) (Baltimore Oriole) 1 32.3 60.6 Yes
Carpodacus purpureus (Gmelin) (Purple Finch) 1 29.0 55.9 Yes
Carpodacus mexicanus (Muller) (House Finch) 2 17.9–20.3 50.6–65.4 All yes
Carduelis pinus (Wilson) (Pine Siskin) 1 13.8 58.7 Yes
Coccothraustes vespertinus (Cooper) (Evening Grosbeak) 1 39.0 40.5 Yes
Carduelis tristis (L.) (American Goldfinch) 1 11.5 55.6 Yes
Total 63
Bird parts
Raptor spp. (talons) 7 6.2–26.2 17.7–40.4 Yes
Raptor spp. (wings) 5 25.4–78.6 23.4–40.0 Yes
Total 12
A.V. Shoffner and M.C. Brittingham
2013 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 20, No. 3
Whole birds that were successfully freeze-dried differed from unsuccessfully
freeze-dried birds in both initial mass (t = 4.78, P = 0.009) and percent of mass
lost (t = -3.45, P = 0.026). Initial mass of successfully dried birds was 33.7 ±
4.1 g (mean ± SE) as compared to 408.7 ± 78.3 g for unsuccessfully dried birds.
For birds that were successfully freeze dried, mass loss varied significantly with
initial mass (P < 0.0001, r2 = 96.6%, slope ± SE = 0.579 ± 0.014; Fig. 2). Birds
that were successfully freeze-dried lost 59.5% ± 7.2% of their mass, and unsuccessfully
dried birds lost only 46.9% ± 7.9%.
Birds that were not adequately dried were included in three separate runs all of
which also had birds that were successfully dried. Runs where all specimens were
successfully dried ranged from a combined mass of 121.2 g to 503.4 g, while
those that contained at least one individual that was not completely dried ranged
in mass from 567 g to 1173 g. In one run, we had a 165-g Greater Yellowlegs
that was not successfully dried while a 124.6-g Falco columbarius (Merlin) was
successfully dried.
All 12 bird parts (wings and talons) dried successfully. Wings (n = 5) had
an initial mass of 51.5 ± 11.2 g and lost 32.5% ± 3.2% of their mass, and talons
(n = 7) had an initial mass of 18.5 g ± 3.3 g and lost 30.0 ± 3.2% of their mass.
All successfully freeze-dried birds have been free of pest damage and fat leakage
since freeze-drying and subsequent storage.
Figure 2. Mass loss of 58 successfully freeze-dried whole birds 2008–2012. Mass lost =
0.492 + 0.579 Initial mass (P < 0.001).
A.V. Shoffner and M.C. Brittingham
2013 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 20, No. 3
There are few studies that present data on the percent of mass lost in birds
throughout freeze-drying (e.g., Hower 1979; Meryman 1960, 1961), so it is
difficult to pre-determine the percentage loss necessary to be assured that a specimen
is completely freeze-dried. In most cases, freeze-drying is deemed complete
when the specimen ceases to lose weight with additional days of drying (Meryman
1960). Meryman conducted periodic weighing throughout freeze-drying by
maintaining a balance in a “deep-freeze unit” to prevent specimens from thawing
while being weighed, and by assuming that breaking the vacuum would have no
ill effects on freeze-drying (1960). With our system, we could not easily weigh
birds on a daily basis to track change in mass because that would entail losing
the vacuum seal and warming the birds and chamber up. However, our results
suggest that successfully freeze-dried birds lose almost two-thirds of their mass
(59.2%) on average, in contrast to unsuccessfully dried birds, which lost less
than half of their mass (46.9%). This is in agreement with Meryman (1961) who
reported mass loss of 59% and 62% for a Sturnus vulgaris (European Starling)
and a Northern Flicker that he successfully freeze-dried.
We were unable to freeze dry birds over 160 grams in our 12-day drying
schedule. Although large birds were poorly represented (both in numbers and
diversity) in our sample, this suggests that there is an upper limit to the mass of
birds that could be freeze-dried by our system. Our results suggest that the mass
of the individual bird may be more important than the combined mass of the birds
within the run since we had small birds that were successfully freeze dried in runs
with a combined mass of over 1000 g.
There are many variables that affect the success of freeze-drying a specimen,
such as the fat content of the specimen, the temperature and pressure of
the freeze-drier, and the length of time a specimen is dried (Cumberland 1999,
Hower 1979, Meryman 1960). The difference in our ability to successfully freeze
dry the similarly sized Greater Yellowlegs and Merlin suggests there may be interspecific
differences perhaps related to fat levels. Shorebirds tend to carry high
levels of fat during migration perhaps making them harder to fr eeze dry.
Others have successfully freeze-dried birds at least as large as Haliaeetus
leucocephalus (L.) (Bald Eagle; Cumberland 1999), and other large animals
such as an adult alligator (Hower 1979), suggesting that large animals can
be freeze dried under proper conditions. In general, larger animals require a
larger freeze-drying chamber, a higher-capacity vapor trap, and a longer drying
time; for example, a Strix varia Barton (Barred Owl), (approximately 0.5
kg) required 130 days to complete freeze-drying, and the aforementioned alligator
required a 5-m3 (177-ft3) chamber (Hower 1979). Though these lengths
of time and chamber sizes are upper limits, it is clear that large specimens
quickly become time- and cost-prohibitive to freeze-dry.
In addition to freeze-drying, bird specimens can be prepared by conventional
taxidermy or air-drying and stuffing study skins, a common
museum preservation technique. Each technique has its own advantages
A.V. Shoffner and M.C. Brittingham
2013 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 20, No. 3
and disadvantages, and the choice of a technique will depend on the intended
purpose of specimens and the resources available to the collector (Cumberland
1999, Meryman 1960). When choosing a preservation technique, factors to consider
include the amount of training required to perform the technique, the cost
of equipment, the authenticity and lifetime of the resultant specimens, and the
need for chemicals for preservation.
A major benefit of freeze-drying is that it requires no training outside of learning
how to operate the equipment. Unlike conventional taxidermy and drying
study skins, freeze-drying does not require cutting animals open or manipulating
them internally in any way (Meryman 1960). However, this reduction in preparation
time results in losing potentially critical information about the specimen,
such as reproductive status and stomach contents, and so other methods may be
preferable depending on information needs (Winker 2000).
An additional benefit of freeze-drying is that, at least in the preparation
stage, no chemicals are used to prepare the specimens. This can be particularly
important if the specimens will be handled by students or members of the public
who may have sensitivities to some chemicals and preservatives. Freeze-drying
also produces authentic-looking specimens: colors are well-preserved, the body
is undistorted by drying, and specimens can be easily manipulated in a range
of positions before drying (Hower 1970, 1979). Though elaborate displays are
feasible, the best positions for use in for teaching collections are those that emphasize
the identifying physical characteristics of the bird.
A disadvantage of freeze-drying is the upfront cost of equipment. Freezedrying
equipment costs thousands of dollars, even for the smallest systems: in
1961, the “simplest possible” freeze-drying system retailed for $2000 (Meryman
1961); our Taxi-Dry freeze-drying system cost approximately $12,000 in 2008.
Costs may be reduced by purchasing individual components or building a system
from scratch, but this clearly requires more training and time than buying a
system. However, freeze-drying may still be the most cost-effective method of
producing specimens after considering the minimal training and preparation time
required. In addition, cost-sharing a system among individuals working with different
taxonomic groups or with nature centers or other organizations interested
in developing teaching collections is an additional way to make it affordable.
Over the long-term, durability of specimens may be a concern. One potential
disadvantage of freeze-dried specimens is their brittleness (Hower 1979, Meryman
1960). Because freeze-drying removes the water and thus the elasticity of
living tissue, specimens must be stored, transported, and handled with some care.
Reducing the number of protruding parts before freeze-drying can reduce the
risks of later damaging specimens. Freeze-dried specimens can have long lifetimes
if they are stored properly (i.e., out of the reach of insects, predators, and
UV light.)
Because freeze-dried specimens generally do not contain chemicals to deter
insects, they can be quite vulnerable to insect damage, particularly if they
are improperly stored. Incompletely freeze-dried specimens are susceptible to
A.V. Shoffner and M.C. Brittingham
2013 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 20, No. 3
tissue decay, fat leakage, and subsequent insect damage, and even completely
freeze-dried specimens are vulnerable to insects, predation, UV damage, and
mechanical damage. Predation, though uncommon, is a possibility; a gray squirrel
once consumed four freeze-dried bird specimens at the Smithsonian (Meryman
1960), and one of our specimens (a Carduelis tristis [American Goldfinch])
was partially eaten when left unattended overnight, likely by a rat. There is also
debate over whether rehydration is possible at high ambient humidity (Cumberland
1999, Meryman 1960).
General storage recommendations are to keep specimens enclosed and
protected as much as possible—e.g., wrapped in cotton (to prevent mechanical
damage) within airtight plastic containers (to prevent insect damage,
predation, and UV damage) in a climate-controlled room (to prevent
potential rehydration) (Cumberland 1999). These precautions, along with
frequent inspection of specimens for any problems, have worked well for
our freeze-dried specimens. Additional precautions include storing freezedried
specimens separately from specimens preserved by other methods, and
re-freeze-drying specimens periodically (such as once a year) to prevent rehydration
and insect attraction (Cumberland 1999). Though chemicals are not
required to preserve freeze-dried specimens, professional taxidermists use
insect-deterring chemicals to protect freeze-dried specimens that are intended
for display (Cumberland 1999, Hower 1979).
In summary, freeze-drying is most effective for preserving small bird specimens
in cases where there is a ready source of specimens, time and training
constraints are an issue, and the absence of chemicals, and color preservation
are priorities. Freeze-drying is also an effective method for preserving other
taxa, such as insects, fishes, reptiles, marine invertebrates, and small mammals
(Hower 1979, Meryman 1960). Though larger specimens can be effectively
preserved by freeze-drying with different chamber specifications and longer
periods of time, we found that a 12-day drying cycle using a 0.1-m3 (3.5-ft3)
specimen chamber was not sufficient to completely freeze-dry specimens
with initial mass >160 g. Freeze-drying should also not be used if information
regarding sex or reproductive status is desirable, because the dissection
required for this data eliminates the convenience that is an advantage of freezedrying.
In general, freeze-drying is also inappropriate for specimens with high
fat content, such as waterfowl, as well as specimens that will be on display
(i.e., exposed to sunlight and highly vulnerable to insect damage) such as in a
museum setting. Finally, the equipment required for freeze-drying may be costprohibitive
for smaller organizations. Despite the limitations of freeze-drying,
it may be an acceptable or even preferable alternative to conventional taxidermy
for those wishing to produce a teaching collection.
We thank Andrew Weber, Shannon Harding, Sarah Pabian, and members of the Avian
Outreach class for assistance with freeze-drying. We also thank Centre Wildlife Care for
A.V. Shoffner and M.C. Brittingham
2013 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 20, No. 3
providing bird carcasses. Funds to purchase the freeze-dryer were provided by the School
of Forest Resources at The Pennsylvania State University.
Literature Cited
Cumberland, B. 1999. Using freeze-dried animal specimens in exhibits. Cultural Resource
Management 22:23–26.
Florian, M. L. 1990. The effects of freezing and freeze-drying on natural history specimens.
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Hower, R.O. 1970. Advances in freeze-dry preservation of biological specimens. Curator:
The Museum Journal 13:135–152.
Hower, R.O. 1979. Freeze-Drying Biological Specimens: A Laboratory Manual. Smithsonian
Institution Press, Washington, DC. 196 pp.
Meryman, H.T. 1960. The preparation of biological museum specimens by freeze-drying.
Curator: The Museum Journal 3:5–19.
Meryman, H.T. 1961. The preparation of biological museum specimens by freeze-drying:
II. Instrumentation. Curator: The Museum Journal 4:153–174.
Pyle, P. 1997. Identification Guide to North American Birds, Part I: Columbidae to Ploceidae.
Slate Creek Press, Bolinas, CA. 732 pp.
Pyle, P. 2008. Identification Guide to North American Birds, Part II: Anatidae to Alcidae.
Slate Creek Press, Bolinas, CA. 835 pp.
Remsen, J.V. 1995. The importance of continued collecting of bird specimens to ornithology
and bird conservation. Bird Conservation International 5:145–180.
Winker, K. 2000. Obtaining, preserving, and preparing bird specimens. Journal of Field
Ornithology 71:250–297.