Influences of Precipitation, Temperature, and Acorn
Mast on White-Tailed Deer Body Weight in the Northern
Piedmont of Virginia
Sean A.B. Campbell and Thomas C. Wood
Northeastern Naturalist, Volume 20, Issue 3 (2013): 469–477
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22001133 NORNToHrEthAeSaTstEeRrnN N NaAtuTrUaRlisAtLIST 20V(o3l). :2406,9 N–4o7. 73
Influences of Precipitation, Temperature, and Acorn
Mast on White-Tailed Deer Body Weight in the Northern
Piedmont of Virginia
Sean A.B. Campbell1,* and Thomas C. Wood2,3
Abstract - Management strategies for Odocoileus virginianus (White-tailed Deer) often
use changes in body weight as an indicator of population health and density. Annual fluctuations
in White-tailed Deer age-sex classes are influenced by numerous environmental
variables. We analyzed 1989–2009 deer harvest data from Virginia’s Deer Management
Assistance Program (DMAP), consisting of 15,622 deer in the Northern Piedmont of
Virginia. We used Pearson’s correlation and t-tests to examine impacts of annual fluctuations
in precipitation, days with snow accumulation ≥1 inch, temperature, and acorn mast
on average weights (kg) of current-year, 1-year-lag, and 2-year-lag fawn, and yearling
age-sex classes. Of the variables we examined, seasonal precipitation appears to be the
most significant environmental factor influencing White-tailed Deer body weight in the
Northern Piedmont of Virginia. When using deer weight fluctuations as an indicator in
management plans, managers should consider the influence of seasonal precipitation
specific to their geographic region or management unit. Managers in the Northern Piedmont
of Virginia should continue to use changes in average deer weights as an indicator
of population density and habitat quality due to the stability of weights in response to
regional environmental stochastic events.
Annual trends in Odocoileus virginianus Zimmerman (White-tailed Deer)
body weight variation are often used as an indicator of population health and
density, which then becomes the basis for management decisions involving harvest
limits (Cypher and Cypher 1988, Keyser et al. 2005a). However, temporal
changes in deer body weight are hypothesized to be directly correlated to environmental
variables (Osborne 1976). Wildlife managers often try to influence
deer population body weight by addressing density-dependent factors through
harvest limits and increasing food availability.
Variables that can influence average body weight of deer populations, but
which managers cannot control, include abiotic, density-independent climatic
variables such as temperature, precipitation, and snow accumulation (French
et al. 1960, Mech et al. 1987, Silver et al. 1971). Understanding the influence
of abiotic variables on deer body weight will enable wildlife managers to forecast
potential regional body weight changes outside their control, especially
if observed with a time lag effect. Climatic variables are known to influence
1256 Stevens Avenue, Portland, ME 04103. 2New Century College, George Mason University,
4400 University Drive MSN 5D3, Fairfax, VA 22030-4444. 3Environmental Studies
on the Piedmont, 6712 Blantyre Road, Warrenton, VA 20187. *Corresponding author
S.A.B. Campbell and T.C. Wood
2013 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 20, No. 3
White-tailed Deer behavior such as movement patterns, habitat selection, and
feeding rates (Beier and McCullough 1990, Moen 1976, Ozoga and Gysel
1972). Because climatic variables also influence deer body weight and certain
physiological processes, understanding how these variables interact with
regionally specific biotic factors to impact deer body weight is essential for effective
management (Bauer 1993, Hoffman and Robbinson 1966, Mautz et al.
1992, Messier 1995, Patterson and Power 2002, Strickland et al. 2005, Taillon
et al. 2006).
Quercus spp. (Oak) mast (acorns) is a widely studied biotic variable known
to influence White-tailed Deer movement patterns, body condition, and feeding
behaviors (Harlow et al. 1975, McCullough 1985, McShea and Healy 2002,
McShea and Schwede 1993, Wentworth et al. 1989). During the fall and winter,
acorns are a staple food for White-tailed Deer and can compose up to 76–90%
of their diet (Harlow et al., 1975, McCullough, 1985). In Front Royal, VA, deer
increased their annual home ranges during the fall to include areas where acorns
were abundant (McShea and Schwede 1993). Feldhammer et al. (1989) and
Wentworth et al. (1989) stated that birth weights and fawn survival in deciduous
hardwood forests were positively correlated with the abundance of the previous
year’s hard-mast crops. However, oak-mast availability varies both spatially and
temporally (McShea and Healy 2002). The significance of oak mast in the diet
of a White-tailed Deer population varies considerably depending on oak forest
abundance and species, land cover types, and availability of alternative food
sources. White-tailed Deer may compensate for oak-mast scarcity or decreased
forage quality by altering their movement patterns, foraging time, and consumption
rates (Taillon et al. 2006).
The influence of annual fluctuation in climatic and acorn-mast variables on
deer weights may not become evident until one or two years later. Current deer
body condition and population productivity, including recruitment and fecundity,
may be a reflection of past food abundance and quality, rainfall, and population
density, suggesting the importance of understanding time-lag effects of environmental
variables on deer body weight (Fryxell et al. 1991, Keyser et al. 2005a,
b; Monteith et al. 2009; Patterson and Power 2002). Time lags have been identified
in relationships between rainfall, vegetation, and deer recruitment (Teer et
al. 1965), as well as in correlations between deer body weight and current and
previous year oak-mast index (Feldhamer et al. 1989, Wentworth et al. 1992).
The objective of our study is to determine the influence of climatic and oakmast
variables on annual White-tailed Deer average body weights in the Northern
Piedmont of Virginia. Specifically, we correlated seasonal fluctuations in temperature,
precipitation, snow accumulation, and acorn mast with current-year, and
subsequent one- and two-year average body weights of White-tailed Deer. The
results of our study will provide managers with insight into how environmental
factors influence changes in deer population body weight within the Northern
Piedmont of Virginia.
S.A.B. Campbell and T.C. Wood
2013 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 20, No. 3
Study Area
Our study area included the Virginia counties of Fauquier, Culpeper, Rappahannock,
Loudoun, Madison, and Orange, which together encompasses 3698 km2
and represents the physiographic region of the Northern Piedmont in Virginia
(Fig. 1). The 2006 National Land Cover Database shows that land-cover types in
the study area were a mix of pasture/hay (36%), deciduous forest (32%), cultivated
crops (7%), and developed landscapes (15%) (Fry et al. 20 11).
In the Northern Piedmont, composition of mature hardwood forest communities
varies regionally with soils and topography. Xeric, acidic soils support oak/
heath forests composed of Quercus alba L. (White Oak), Q. prinus L. (Chestnut
Oak), Q. rubra L. (Northern Red Oak), and common Ericaceous (heath) plants
including Kalmia latifolia L. (Mountain Laurel) and Rhododendron periclymenoides
(Michaux.) Shinners (Wild Azalea). More basic (higher pH) upland soils
usually support oak-hickory (Quercus-Carya) forests. White Oak is a ubiquitous
dominant in both groups. Mixed forests of Fagus grandifolia Ehrhart (American
Beech), oaks, and Liriodendron tulipifera L. (Tulip-Poplar) are common in mesic,
acidic ravines throughout the Piedmont (VADCR 2010).
White-tailed Deer data
White-tailed Deer body-weight data from deer harvested by hunters between
1989–2009 were compiled by Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries
(VDGIF) District Biologists and Department personnel using the VDGIF Deer
Management Assistance Program (DMAP). White-tailed Deer were harvested
during the Virginia hunting season from September through January. Growth
rates of fawns and yearlings during the hunting season were assumed to be consistent
between years of the study and have minimal impact on average weights
Figure 1. Virginia counties within our study area (in dark): Fauquier, Culpeper, Rappahannock,
Loudoun, Madison, and Orange.
S.A.B. Campbell and T.C. Wood
2013 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 20, No. 3
for each deer age-sex class. The Virginia DMAP requires participants to record
sex, eviscerated body weight (to nearest 0.45 kg), lactation, age (Severinghaus
1949), antler points, outside antler spread, and diameter at antler base from every
deer harvested. Fawn (0.5 years), yearling (1.5 years), and mature (≥ 2.5 yearold)
deer are most accurately aged through tooth development and wear (Gee et
al. 2002, Severinghaus 1949). We limited our analysis to fawns and yearlings
because these age groups represented >50% of our dataset. More importantly,
these age classes exhibit the greatest growth rate and, therefore, would be more
likely to exhibit the influences of environmental variables on body weight. The
number of fawn and yearling deer harvested in our study area from 1989–2009
was 57–1326 per year, with a total of 15,622 individuals harvested. Offspring per
female and fawn date of birth are two potential variables that may impact end-ofyear
weights. These two variables were not included in the analysis due to lack
of available data.
Oak-mast data
Oak-mast data was obtained from surveys conducted by foresters working with
the Virginia Department of Forestry (G. Norman, VDGIF , Verona, VA, 2009, unpubl.
data). Annual canopy surveys of oak tree-mast crop were conducted between
18 August and 18 September from 1993 through 2009. Surveys were conducted
in various locations throughout the Northern Piedmont of Virginia. Oak mast is
surveyed and classified by Red Oak group, White Oak group, and Chestnut Oak
group. Oak-mast abundance was visually surveyed on individual trees and given
an average mast-index ranking on a scale from 1 to 4 (1 = light, 2 = moderate, 3 =
heavy, 4 = no opinion). Mast index rankings were averaged by county and region.
The Northern Piedmont mast-index rankings were used in this analysis.
Weather data
Precipitation, snow accumulation, and temperature data from 1989–2009
were obtained from the National Climatic Data Center, Climate Data Online
System (NCDC CDO System). The annual climatic summary of monthly surface
data for the weather station listed as Warrenton 3 SE, VA (448888/99999) was
used for precipitation and temperature data because it is centrally located in the
study area. For this study, we used the weather variables: departure from normal
monthly precipitation (DPNP), days with snow accumulation ≥1 in (DSNW), and
departure from normal monthly temperature (DPNT). The DPNP measures the
difference in monthly precipitation from the 30-year average for total monthly
precipitation. The DPNT data, measured in degrees Fahrenheit, is the monthly
average of daily deviations from the 30-year average monthly temperature. The
DSNW dataset was obtained from three weather stations (Warrenton 3SE, The
Plains, and Sperryville) located centrally in the study area. These data sets were
averaged to generate a mean snow accumulation data set to be correlated with the
DMAP data.
S.A.B. Campbell and T.C. Wood
2013 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 20, No. 3
Data analysis
Pearson’s correlation coefficient was used to examine the relationships between
the environmental variables and deer weight (kg). Annual oak-mast index,
DPNP, DSNW, and DPNT and were treated as the independent variables. Annual
average deer weights by age-sex class were treated as dependent variables. Using
t-tests, correlations were considered significant at P < 0.05.
The NCDC CDO system records weather data by month. Therefore, to analyze
precipitation and temperature by season, we designated January–March as winter,
April–June as spring, July–September as summer, and October–December
as fall. DPNT and DPNP for each month were correlated to yearly average deer
weights for each age-sex class. Pearson correlations were performed between
the seasonal (three-month) weather periods and average deer wei ghts of sex-age
classes to determine the influence of seasonal weather variables on deer body
weight. Total numbers of days per year with snow accumulation were correlated
to average yearly body weight of each deer age-sex class. Annual oak-mast rankings
for each oak group were correlated to annual average body weight for each
age-sex group. To test for time-lag effects, we correlated environmental variables
to same year and subsequent 1- and 2-year average deer body wei ghts.
Significant relationships were observed between winter precipitation and
current-year body weight (1” above average = 0.17–0.32 kg) in fawn females
(r = 0.114, P = 0.026) and yearling males (r = 0.121, P = 0.028). Significant
relationships were seen between winter precipitation and deer weights (each
1” above average = 0.17–0.56 kg) with a 1-year time lag for fawn females (r =
0.11, P = 0.033), fawn males (r = 0.127, P = 0.022), yearling females (r = 0.164,
P = 0.005), and yearling males (r = 0.211, P = 0.004). Significant relationships
were seen between winter precipitation from two-years-prior and current-year
deer body weight (each 1” above average = 0.23–0.26 kg) for yearling females
(r = 0.124, P = 0.025) and yearling males (r = 0.099, P = 0.053). We found no
correlation between DSNW data and current-year, 1-year-lag, and 2-year-lag
body weight of any age-sex class (P > 0.05), nor between spring precipitation
and current-year body weight of any age-sex class (P > 0.05). There was a significant
correlation between spring precipitation and deer body weight (each 1”
above average = -0.28 kg) under a 1-year time lag in yearling males (r = -0.112,
P = 0.022). Significant effects from spring precipitation were seen on deer body
weights (each 1” above average = 0.17–0.25 kg) under a 2-year lag in fawn
females (r = 0.126, P = 0.015), fawn males (r = 0.17, P = 0.002), and yearling
males (r = 0.142, P = 0.007). The relationship between summer precipitation and
current-year body weight in fawn males (each 1” above average = 0.1 kg) was
significant (r = 0.095, P = 0.048). Significant negative relationships were seen
between fall precipitation and current-year body weight (each 1” above average
S.A.B. Campbell and T.C. Wood
2013 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 20, No. 3
= -0.17-0.3 kg) in fawn females (r = -0.134, P = 0.011) and yearling males (r =
-0.115, P = 0.029). Fall precipitation had a significant effect on deer body weight
(each 1” above average = 0.14-0.28 kg) with a 1-year time lag for fawn females
(r = 0.099, P = 0.053), fawn males (r = 0.103, P = 0.045), and yearling males (r =
0.112, P = 0.034).
Significant relationships (each 1 °F above average = 0.08 kg) were observed
between winter temperature and male fawn weights with a 2-year time
lag (r = 0.118, P = 0.023). Spring temperature had a significant relationship
(each 1 °F above average = -0.24 kg) for yearling males after a 2-year time lag
(r = -0.115, P = 0.026). There were no other effects of seasonal temperature on
deer weights for current-year or 1- or 2-year lags (P > 0.05).
White Oak, Chestnut Oak, and Red Oak groups had no effect on current-year
or 1- or 2-year-time-lag White-tailed Deer body weight for any age-sex class (P
> 0.05).
Precipitation correlations
The results of our study suggest that, of the variables we tested, seasonal precipitation
had the most significant effect on White-tailed Deer body weight in the
Northern Piedmont of Virginia. Above normal precipitation in winter correlated
with increased deer weights in current-year fawn female, yearling male; 1-year
lags in fawn female, fawn male, yearling female, and yearling male; and 2-year lag
in yearling female and yearling male age-sex classes. Maternal condition during
gestation can impact weights of fawns and have lifelong consequences for
offspring that may become apparent in subsequent years (Monteith et al. 2009).
Increased winter precipitation may improve vegetation and habitat quality, likely
resulting in improved maternal condition and greater body weights of offspring
(Halls 1984). In the Northern Piedmont of Virginia, snow depths and winter weather
are not as harsh as those encountered in more northern latitudes. Snow in this
region does not generally reach depths severe enough to restrict movements and
substantially reduce food sources (Halls 1984). Indeed, no effect was seen between
days with snow accumulation (ranging from 5–31 days) and current-year, 1-yeartime-
lag or 2-year-time-lag deer weights.
Oak correlations
Prior studies indicate the importance of oak mast as a staple food for Whitetailed
Deer during the fall and winter (Harlow et al. 1975, McCullough 1985,
McShea and Schwede 1993). The results of our study indicate that annual fluctuations
in oak mast had no influence on current-year, 1-year-lag, or 2-year-lag
body weights of fawn and yearling White-tailed Deer in the Northern Piedmont
of Virginia. These results may be explained by the ability of White-tailed
Deer to utilize alternate food sources, and alter their feeding behaviors during
years of oak-mast scarcity (Anderson 1997, Harlow et al. 1975, McShea and
Schwede 1993, Taillon et al. 2006). Human development and habitat alteration
S.A.B. Campbell and T.C. Wood
2013 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 20, No. 3
in the region have created a diversity of habitats and an abundance of available
food sources that may mitigate the adverse impact of oak-mast failures on deer
body weight, especially as compared to other study areas composed primarily
of oak-dominated forests (Harlow et al. 1975, McShea and Schwede 1993).
The Northern Piedmont of Virginia has a high biological carrying capacity,
and most of the region’s deer population remains under this threshold (VDGIF
2011). Considering the findings of these studies, regional best management
practices for White-tailed Deer management should incorporate habitat diversity
and increase availability of alternate food sources to optimize deer health
in forest-dominated landscapes.
Management implications
White-tailed Deer have developed numerous adaptations to endure both shortterm
(i.e., weather events) and long-term (i.e., season and climate) changes in
their environment. Impacts from seasonal variations in normal temperature and
days with snow accumulation, when looked at as density-independent, exogenous
influences on deer health, appear to be relatively minimal to cumulative health as
observed in body weights of harvested White-tailed Deer in the Northern Piedmont
of Virginia. The ability of deer to acclimatize and flourish in the region’s
temperate ecosystem is enhanced by the evolutionary adaptations of White-tailed
Deer to cope with fluctuating temperature, precipitation, and fo od availability.
Changes in deer body weights are used as an indicator of density and habitat
quality (Keyser et al. 2005a, Smith et al 1975, Strickland and Demarias 2000).
The results of our study suggest that deer weights were generally stable in
response to fluctuating environmental variables and environmental stochastic
events over a 16-year period in the Northern Piedmont of Virginia. Wildlife managers
in the Northern Piedmont of Virginia should continue to use changes in deer
body weight as an indicator of density and habitat quality.
We would like to thank Environmental Studies on the Piedmont for financial support
of this study. We would like to thank all the staff and research scientists who contributed
to our datasets and helped to make this analysis possible, and for their timely and informative
responses to all requests with our study. We especially are grateful to the staff
from the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, Virginia Department of Forestry,
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and the US Geologic Survey.
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