A. Payne and G.P. Kraemer
2013 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 20, No. 3
Morphometry and Claw Strength of the Non-nativeAsian
Shore Crab, Hemigrapsus sanguineus
Andrew Payne1 and George P. Kraemer1,*
Abstract - The invasive crab Hemigrapsus sanguineus (Asian Shore Crab) arrived on the
northeast coast of the United States about fifteen years ago, and has attained high population
levels at the expense of other resident crabs. Data collected between 1998–2012
at a low-energy, rocky intertidal site in the western Long Island Sound reveal continued
Asian Shore Crab dominance. A body of research has suggested several reasons for the
success of the Asian Shore Crab, including predation on resident crabs. We coupled morphometric
data with measurements of claw closure force to model strength as a function
of crab size and sex, enabling interspecific comparisons. The model provides indirect
support for conclusions of an earlier study that suggested Asian Shore Crab dominance
was achieved through predation on juvenile recruits of resident crabs such as Carcinus
maenas (Green Crab). Asian Shore Crab males may have had more impact than females
on Green Crabs due to the sexual dimorphism of Asian Shore Crab chelae and consequent
strength disparity.
Invasive species are of increasing concern to ecologists and, more recently, to
natural systems economists (e.g., Aukema et al. 2011, Pimentel 2007). Invaders
often have major impacts on the ecological structure and function of the receiving
ecosystem (e.g., Strayer et al. 2006), effects that may ultimately manifest as
evolutionary change (Freeman and Byers 2008). In the marine environment, invaders
affect population levels of native species (Kraemer et al. 2007, Riisgård et
al. 2012), modify and/or reduce access to required habitats (Kostecki et al. 2011),
cause local extinctions of native species (Lafferty and Kuris 2011, Sommer et al.
2007), and alter the flux of ener gy and materials (Norkko et al. 2011).
Hemigrapsus sanguineus De Haan (Asian Shore Crab), a native of the western
Pacific Ocean, was first recorded in 1988 in southern New Jersey (Williams
and McDermott 1990). Ballast-water discharge from commercial ships is the
likely vector for the introduction of this non-native (McGee et al. 2006). Since
its discovery, the Asian Shore Crab has spread into rocky shores from North
Carolina through Maine (Gilman and Grace 2009). The Asian Shore Crab is
omnivorous, feeding on amphipods, gastropods, bivalves, barnacles, sea grass,
and macroalgae (Bourdeau and O’Connor 2003, McDermott 1998b), though it
prefers animal prey to algae (Brousseau and Baglivo 2005, Griffen et al. 2011).
Populations of Asian Shore Crab have risen to levels that argue for significant
local and regional impacts, particularly in the southern section of its range (e.g.,
Bordeau and O’Connor 2003, Kraemer et al. 2007, Lohrer and Whitlatch 2002).
1Department of Environmental Studies, Purchase College (SUNY), 735 Anderson Hill
Road, Purchase, NY 10577. *Corresponding author - george.kraemer@purchase.edu.
A. Payne and G.P. Kraemer
2013 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 20, No. 3
The species diversity and evenness of intertidal crab populations at a Rye, NY
site, for example, have fallen greatly since the arrival of Asian Shore Crab in
1994 (Kraemer et al. 2007).
Carcinus maenas L. (Green Crab) is another non-native species, long established
on the northeast US coast, having arrived in the 1800s (Vermeij 1978).
This omnivore has a broad diet comprising algae, annelids, mollusks, and
crustaceans, including crabs (Ropes 1968). In Long Island Sound, intertidal
Green Crabs have largely been replaced by the Asian Shore Crab (Delaney et al.
2011, Kraemer et al. 2007, Whitlatch and Lohrer 2002). The replacement stems
from a host of factors (Griffen 2011, Jensen et al. 2002), but likely involves predation
(Lohrer and Whitlatch 2002). Both Green Crabs and Asian Shore Crabs
feed on the conspecific juveniles, as well as those of the other species (Lohrer and
Whitlatch 2002). However, the Asian Shore Crab appears to be a more effective
interspecific predator than the Green Crab, a factor Lohrer and Whitlatch (2002)
believe underlies the Green Crab population decline.
Cheliped size and strength have been implicated in the success of other decapod
invaders (Garvey and Stein 1993). Interspecific differences in predation
success may stem from differences in claw strength, since the force applied by
claw closure determines the type and maximum size of prey a crab can consume
(Preston et al. 1996). The Asian Shore Crab uses its claws to crush and
chip away the shells of prey. As Asian Shore Crabs increase in size, the size of
prey consumed also increases (Brousseau et al. 2001). Net prey energy yield
can influence prey consumption (Elner and Hughes 1978). Claw strength may
also determine diet range; prey with greater shell strength such as Mercenaria
mercenaria L. (Northern Quahog) and the Littorina littorea L. (Common Periwinkle)
are only consumed by the largest Asian Shore Crabs (Bourdeau and
O’Connor 2003). The assumption here is that allometries of claw size and
strength with Asian Shore Crab body size are neutral to positive, as is generally
the case for other decapods (McLain et al. 2003). Greater claw strength may
also explain why Asian Shore Crabs are capable of consuming larger-than-self
Green Crabs (Lohrer and Whitlatch 2002). Adult Asian Shore Crabs have an
advantage in agonistic encounters with Green Crabs; even when the Green Crab
was larger by 5 mm of carapace width (CW), its chances of successfully consuming
Asian Shore Crab were only 50% (Lohrer and Whitlatch 2002).
Like many crabs that consume hard-shelled prey (e.g., mollusks), the Green
Crab is heterochelous, with a slow, crusher claw and a fast, cutter claw (Juanes et
al. 2008). These two claws differ not only in operational speed, but also strength,
with the crusher claw being the more powerful (Taylor et al. 2009). The Asian
Shore Crab is homochelous, with left and right claws similar in morphology and
presumably adapted to serve similar functions. However, the Asian Shore Crab is
sexually dimorphic, with males’ claws larger and possessing greater mechanical
advantage than those of females (McDermott 1999). Sexual dimorphism likely
extends to claw strength; males can open larger mollusks than females of the
same size (Bordeau and O’Connor 2003).
A. Payne and G.P. Kraemer
2013 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 20, No. 3
The goal of this study was to better understand the ecology of the Asian Shore
Crabin its western Atlantic habitat and further explore the reasons underlying the
success of this invader. We had two main objectives: 1) to describe the morphological
changes in claw size and strength during development, comparing males
and females; and 2) to create a model relating crab size to claw strength to enable
comparison of the Asian Shore Crab and the now-scarce Green Crab. In addition,
we report crab population density and diversity for this highly impacted site,
updating records from 1998–2005 (Kraemer et al. 2007).
Materials and Methods
Population levels of Asian Shore Crab have been monitored since 1998 in the
intertidal zone on the western end of Long Island Sound at Read Wildlife Sanctuary
(Rye, NY; 40°57'57.81"N, 73°40'6.67"W). We sampled three cross-intertidal
transects during the first spring low tide in June of each year. At 2-m intervals
from low water to the sandy dune face (≈43 m horizontally), all crabs within a
0.49 m2 quadrat were captured (Kraemer et al. 2007). In addition, eight quadrats
were sampled each year along a horizontal transect in the mid-intertidal zone, the
region of highest Asian Shore Crab abundance.
For the study of claw strength and related morphology, Asian Shore Crabs
were collected by hand during low tides between May and July of 2009 at Read
Wildlife Sanctuary. A total of 351 Asian Shore Crabs were collected haphazardly
at a range of vertical elevations within the intertidal zone. For each crab, the CW
was measured at its maximum, just behind the anterior edge, and the wet biomass
was recorded. Asian Shore Crabs of all sizes were collected, ranging from 5.9
to 40.5 mm CW. Gravid females were excluded from analysis. Recently molted
crabs (those with soft carapaces) were also rejected. At this site, the Green Crab is
now present at very low density, making this species very difficult to find. Therefore,
only 11 Green Crabs were included in the morphometric study, of which five
were found in 2009, and another six in 2007–2008. Green Crab carapace widths
ranged from 34.9 mm to 46.6 mm.
After capture, crabs were placed in plastic bags over a layer of ice in a cooler
and transported back to the lab. The CW, mass, and sex of each crab were recorded
while the crabs warmed to room temperature (≈22–24 °C). To restrain
the crab, plastic-coated wire was looped through holes in a basal Plexiglas plate.
The pollex (immovable finger) of the claw was then inserted into the loop and the
wire tightened to hold the claw in place. An Imada DPS-11 tensometer was attached
to the dactyl (movable finger) of the claw directly behind the dark-colored
dactyl tip using twenty-pound-test (9-kg-test) fishing line (attempts using a bare
wire loop from tensometer to dactyl were unsuccessful; crabs did not resist tension
when applied with bare wire). Once the crab had closed its claw, tension was
applied gradually, and the force necessary to re-open the claw was recorded. The
maximum force applied by both left and right claws was recorded, alternating
with each crab the side first measured. After measuring the claw strengths, each
crab was placed in a separate container at -20 °C. Later, claws were detached
A. Payne and G.P. Kraemer
2013 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 20, No. 3
from the body at the chela-cheliped junction, and the mass of each claw measured.
Strength measurements and morphological characters were measured for
147 female and 204 male Asian Shore Crabs in this study (the difference between
sexes reflects the preponderance of males at larger sizes; Kraemer et al. 2007). Of
the six Green Crabs captured for claw strength measurements, only five provided
data (the sixth did not respond by closing its claws). From these, only measurements
from the larger, crusher claw are reported. Microsoft Excel software was
used for statistical summarization, plotting, generation of regression lines, and
testing of sample means, while homogeneity of regression slopes was evaluated
using R software. Regressions were performed on linearly related variables, and
on log-log transformed power relationships.
Although the population of Asian Shore Crabs at the Rye site has continued to
fluctuate from year to year in the mid-intertidal zone, Asian Shore Crab population
densities measured in June have averaged more than 100 crabs m-2 over the
past 10 years (Fig. 1). Before the Asian Shore Crab population increase in 2000,
intertidal crab species richness, determined from three yearly cross-intertidal
transects (total of 54.3 m2 sampled each year), averaged 3.5 species (SD = 0.8;
Fig. 2). The average richness of intertidal transects dropped by more than 50% to
1.7 species (SD = 1.0; most quadrats contained only Asian Shore Crabs) during
2000–2012. Green Crabs, in particular, became scarce during the same period
(Fig. 2), dropping from an average of 3.8 individuals per 54.3-m2 transect (SD =
3.2) to 0.5 per transect (SD = 1.0).
Figure 1. Population density of Hemigrapsus sanguineus (Asian Shore Crab) estimated
in the mid-intertidal zone (characterized by highest intertidal densities) at Read Wildlife
Sanctuary (Rye, NY). Error bars represent one standard deviation around the means.
A. Payne and G.P. Kraemer
2013 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 20, No. 3
The biomass of male and female Asian Shore Crabs was predictably related
to size, measured as CW (Fig. 3). The scaling appeared to differ slightly by sex
(power exponent = 3.04 vs. 2.91 for males and females, respectively). However,
the difference in slope was not significant (F1,253 = 2.67, P = 0.103). Green Crab
biomass may scale differently with size than Asian Shore Crab biomass (exponent
= 2.64), though small sample size precludes certainty.
Male and female Asian Shore Crab claws are clearly sexually dimorphic,
with claw growth from the post-settlement stage differing in males and females.
Claws of males increase as a power function (exponent = 1.27; F1,190 = 15,299,
P < 0.0001; Fig. 4A), while those of females increase linearly with overall body
mass (F1,143 = 9004, P < 0.0001). Claws of females remain in constant proportion
to body mass (≈2.2%, F1,143 = 0.78, P = 0.380; Fig 4B), while males’ claws grow
to constitute an increasingly large fraction of body mass. A power curve with an
exponent of 0.27 provided the best fit of the data representing male mass and
percent of total biomass constituted by chelae (F1,190 = 671, P < 0.0001). Youngof-
the-year males (10–12 mm) already possess claws that constitute 3–4% of
body mass, and this fraction grows to 10% for the largest males (35–40 mm CW).
A paired sample t-test determined there was no significant difference between
the strengths of the right and left claws (ratio of strength [R:L] average = 1.1, median
= 1.0; t = 0.05, df = 155, P > 0.05). Therefore, the strongest measured claw
strength for individual crabs was used in the remaining analyses. Claw strengths
of female Asian Shore Crabs ranged from 1–7 N, while strengths of males ranged
from 1–11 N. As male and female Asian Shore Crabs grew larger, their claws also
developed greater strength. The exponents in the power relationship between size
(CW) and claw strength for males and females (1.59 and 1.56, respectively) did
not differ significantly (F1,166 = 0.01, P = 0.91; Fig. 5). Regressions were highly
Figure 2. Brachyuran species richness and number of Carcinus maenas (Green Crab) captured
per cross-intertidal transect at Read Wildlife Sanctuary (Rye, NY). Estimates were
obtained from three transects per year (area sampled per year = 54.3 m2).
A. Payne and G.P. Kraemer
2013 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 20, No. 3
significant (males: F1,130 = 384, P < 0.0001; females: F1,37 = 35.5, P < 0.0001).
Males of all sizes were stronger than equivalently sized females. The disparity
in strength ranged from male Asian Shore Crabs being about 50% stronger than
females for small young-of-the-year (10 mm CW) to 120% stronger at the size
of the largest females (38 mm). The sex-based difference in Asian Shore Crab
strength was due to differences in claw size. When claw strength was examined
as a function of claw mass (Fig. 6), the strength of male and female claws varied
in a similar fashion (i.e., exponents were not significantly different; F1,221 = 1.08,
Figure 3. Relationship
between size (as
carapace width [CW;
mm]) and biomass
(as fresh weight [FW;
g]). A. Hemigrapsus
sanguineus (Asian
Shore Crab) females
(non-gravid females
only). Biomass (FW)
= 0.000542*(CW)2.91;
R2 = 0.987). B. Hemigrapsus
males. Biomass (FW)
= 0.000444*(CW)3.02;
R2 = 0.993). C. Carcinus
maenas (Green
Crab)males and females
pooled for regression
(Biomass (FW)
= 0.000892*(CW)2.65;
R2 = 0.852).
A. Payne and G.P. Kraemer
2013 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 20, No. 3
P = 0.30). In both cases, the regressions were highly significant (males: F1,128 =
433, P < 0.0001; females: F1,92 = 99.9, P < 0.0001).
A comparison of the claw strengths of similarly sized Asian Shore Crabs and
Green Crabs was not feasible because of the scarcity of Green Crabs. Mitchell et
al. (2003), however, recorded claw strength of Green Crabs employing methods
similar to ours. The allometric equations relating CW to claw strength were used
to compare the (stronger) crusher claws of Green Crabs (Mitchell et al. 2003)
Figure 4. Claw biomass in male and female Hemigrapsus sanguineus (Asian Shore
Crab) as a function of crab body mass (FW; g). A. Claw biomass as a function of crab
body mass. Claw biomassmale = 0.0491*(body mass)1.265, R2 = 0.988; claw biomassfemale =
0.0221*(body mass) – 0.0014, R2 = 0.984. B. Claw biomass as a percent of crab body
mass. Percent claw biomassmale = 0.0491*(body mass)0.265, R2 = 0.779; Percent claw biomassfemale
= 0.022*(body mass); slope for females not significantly different than zero.
A. Payne and G.P. Kraemer
2013 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 20, No. 3
with claws of Asian Shore Crabs (this study). The claws of male Asian Shore
Crabs are predicted to be stronger than the crusher claws of similarly sized female
Green Crabs (Fig. 7). Additionally, the model predicts that claws of male
Asian Shore Crabs are stronger than claws of male Green Crabs at CW less than
15 mm (Fig. 7). Claws of female Asian Shore Crabs are predicted to be stronger
than the crusher claws of similarly sized female Green Crabs when both species
are smaller than 23 mm CW. Female Asian Shore Crabs are also predicted to be
stronger than similarly sized male Green Crabs, though only when both individuals
are smaller than 9 mm CW.
The population density of Asian Shore Crabs in the mid-intertidal zone of
the Rye, NY site has ranged from 70–160 crabs m-2 between 2002–2012. The
mid-intertidal average (110 crabs m-2) is roughly 12-times the combined density
of all crabs during the first population census (1998; 9 crabs m-2). Across the
entire intertidal zone, total crab density is now ≈50-times greater than in 1998.
This increase derives from an increase in the Asian Shore Crab because this
species now constitutes >99.5% of all crabs captured in the intertidal zone. The
increase of the Asian Shore Crab population has clearly occurred at the expense
of other crabs, evidenced by the drop in brachyuran species richness, and has
undoubtedly driven other, undocumented ecological changes. In addition, the
fact that Asian Shore Crabs are now more numerous than all crabs combined
at the start of the population expansion (i.e., 1998–1999) suggests that energy
Figure 5. Claw strength as a function of crab size (measured as carapace width [CW]).
Note the log10 scaling. Slopes of two regression lines do not differ significantly. Hemigrapsus
sanguineus (Asian Shore Crab) females: Strength (N) = 0.0376*(CW)1.44, R2 =
0.490. Asian Shore Crab males: Strength (N) = 0.0497*(CW)1.59, R2 = 0.747.
A. Payne and G.P. Kraemer
2013 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 20, No. 3
and materials have been rerouted from other components of the local ecosystem
through the Asian Shore Crab. Greater certainty of this conclusion would be
possible with measures of total biomass, but crab sizes were not uniformly recorded
during the first two years of this study.
Asian Shore Crabs possess claw strengths that are within the range reported
for other decapods. Yamada and Boulding (1998) reported claw strengths of
Figure 6. Hemigrapsus sanguineus (Asian Shore Crab) claw strength as a function of
claw mass. Female: Strength (N) = 10.49*(CW)0.488, R2 = 0.521. Male: Strength (N) =
10.89*(CW)0.449, R2 = 0.774. Slopes are not significantly different.
A. Payne and G.P. Kraemer
2013 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 20, No. 3
similarly sized (8.7 g) West Coast crabs Hemigrapsus nudus Dana (Purple Shore
Crab), Cancer productus Randall (Red Rock Crab), and Lophopanopeus bellus
Figure 7. Allometric models relating carapace width (CW; mm) to claw strength (N)
for Carcinus maenas (Green Crab) (Mitchell et al. 2003) and Hemigrapsus sanguineus
(Asian Shore Crab) (this study). A. Male H. sanguineus vs. male and female
C. maenas (Green Crab) crusher claws. B. Female H. sanguineus vs. male and
female C. maenas crusher claws. Small insets present model output from small crabs
(young of the year to second year).
A. Payne and G.P. Kraemer
2013 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 20, No. 3
Stimson (Blaclclaw Crestleg Crab) at 4.5, 12.2, and 25.5 N, respectively. Our
model of claw strength indicates that Asian Shore Crabs of similar biomass
(8.7 g) possess a claw strength of 4.8–9.8 N (range encompasses females and
males of that size). According to our data, male Asian Shore Crabs are stronger
than similarly sized female Green Crabs, and stronger than similarly sized male
C. maenas during the Asian Shore Crab’s first year (i.e., CW is less than ≈ 15
mm). This finding strengthens the link between the Asian Shore Crab invasion
and the recorded declines of intertidal Green Crab populations in CT and NY
(Lohrer and Whitlatch 2002). Although adult Green Crabs are, in general, much
larger and stronger than those of Asian Shore Crabs (Lohrer and Whitlatch 2002),
the unexpected consequence (the Green Crab decline) is inevitable if the Asian
Shore Crab preys heavily on juvenile Green Crab recruits.
Our findings suggest a mechanism explaining the results of Lohrer and Whitlatch
(2002), who demonstrated that Asian Shore Crabs and Green Crabs have an
equal chance of successfully preying on one another only when the Green Crab
is 5 mm larger. We believe the size differential in predation outcome derives, in
part, from the strength differences reported here. However, our data also suggest
claw strength alone does not provide the full explanation of the dominance of
Asian Shore Crabs over Green Crabs. A 40-mm Green Crab has a strength of ≈7
N, while 35-mm male Asian Shore Crabs generate a closure force of 15 N. We
estimate that Asian Shore Crabs with claws as strong as a 40-mm Green Crabs
are only 21 mm (male). Since this size difference exceeds the 5 mm predation differential
reported by Lohrer and Whitlatch (2002), the larger body mass of Green
Crabs may also play a role in determining the outcome of agonistic encounters
between these two species. In addition, Asian Shore Crab carapaces are more
resistant to being crushed than those of Green Crabs (MacDonald et al. 2007).
Aggression in crabs tends to be correlated with chela size (Vermeij 1977).
Informal observations by G. Kraemer over 15 years have identified the Asian
Shore Crab as the most pugnacious of the crabs present at the Rye, NY site at
the 1997 outset of study (Asian Shore Crab, Green Crab, Cancer irroratus Say
[Atlantic Rock Crab], Eurypanopeus depressus Smith [Flatback Mud Crab],
and Libinia emarginata Leach [Portly Spider Crab]). Differences in strength
and aggressiveness may also have caused the displacement of Green Crab juveniles
by Asian Shore Crabs from under sheltering rocks, exposing the former
to greater risk of predation by terrestrial and marine predators during emersion
and immersion, respectively (Jensen et al. 2002).
For Asian Shore Crabs, the strength to claw-mass relationship did not differ
for males and females, arguing that the claws differ not in structure (mechanical
leverage) or musculature, but in size alone. Male and female non-claw biomass
scaled similarly with CW (i.e., overall biomass differences between males and
females of the same CW are driven by the sexual dimorphism in claw size).
Increased claw size and strength are tied to selection for increased fitness via several
possible mechanisms: increased chance of success in agonistic encounters
over habitat or other scarce non-reproductive resources, more fruitful foraging,
A. Payne and G.P. Kraemer
2013 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 20, No. 3
and/or greater reproductive output if the males compete for access to females.
Competition for resources is not likely to be the primary driver of the evolution
of larger male claws in Asian Shore Crabs because males and females occupy
similar intertidal habitat, and are presumably under similar re source constraints.
Claw strength is correlated with diet; those species with the largest fraction of
the diet comprising hard (i.e., shelled) prey have the strongest claws (Schenk
and Wainwright 2001,Yamada and Boulding 1998). While claw strength is an
important prerequisite for feeding on hard-shelled prey, the applied stress (i.e.,
force per area) determines prey shell-failure (Schenk and Wainwright 2001).
Though apparently similar, the dentition and occlusal patterns of male and female
Asian Shore Crabs and Green Crabs were not compared quantitatively in
this study. Male and female Asian Shore Crabs appear to have similar dentition
and diets, but females could not open clams, and males could (Brousseau et al.
2001). Larger Asian Shore Crabs also consumed mussels at greater rates than
small crabs. Because smaller Asian Shore Crabs constitute the majority of the
population (Kraemer et al. 2007) and are not strong enough to consume significant
numbers of hard-shelled prey, most male and female Asian Shore Crabs rely
on similar diet.
The Asian Shore Crab male-female similarity in diet, and the similar habitats
occupied by the two sexes suggest, therefore, that the sexual dimorphism in claw
size derives from a male reproductive advantage accruing to those males possessing
larger, stronger claws. This benefit should outweigh the material and energetic
costs associated with the construction and maintenance of the more massive male
structure (Lee 1995). Hartnoll (1974) suggested that intersexual size dimorphism
begins to develop at sexual maturity. However, for Asian Shore Crabs, such dimorphism
appears to be developed earlier since the positive allometric growth of
the male chelae begins shortly after recruitment from the plankton (CWs as small
as 5 mm), and sexual maturity, at least in the female, occurs at a minimum size
of ≈12 mm CW (G.P. Kraemer, unpubl. data).
Male and female Asian Shore Crabs differ in both average size and claw
strength. Sexual dimorphism may also have anti-predator benefits. Bildstein et
al. (1989) demonstrated an aversion by a bird predator to male crabs compared
with females, and to clawed males compared with declawed males. The observed
numerical dominance of male Asian Shore Crabs in the largest size classes (>26
mm) could be generated by a sex-based difference in susceptibility to predation,
a possibility yet to be tested.
The Asian Shore Crab was preadapted for successful establishment at the
Rye, NY site through a combination of life-history characteristics (broad environmental
tolerances, high reproductive output and dispersal). Strength and
aggression have undoubtedly played roles in the disappearance of the Green
Crab at the Rye site, but other factors were likely involved. Although the Asian
Shore Crab is dominant, its population size relative to that of the Green Crab
varies from 16:1 to 525:1 within Long Island Sound (Delaney et al. 2011). The
A. Payne and G.P. Kraemer
2013 Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 20, No. 3
decline of the Green Crab may also have been influenced by the interspecific
difference in time required to attain sexual maturity. The Asian Shore Crab produces
its first brood of embryos at ≈12 mm CW when the crabs are less than
seven months old (Epifanio et al 1998); Green Crabs must survive 2–3 years,
depending on temperature, before maturing. Shelter influences survival, as it
reduces both the stresses associated with intertidal emersion and predator efficacy
and impact. Availability and use of substrate (Beck 2000) may differ for
the invader and resident crabs in a way that may have contributed to the success
of the Asian Shore Crab, though the paucity of residents make a test of this possibility
a difficult and ethically tenuous proposition.
We are grateful for financial support from Lucille Werlinich and the School of Natural
and Social Sciences (Purchase College). Field assistance was provided by many people,
but in particular by Anthony Alves, Nicole Mazur, and Jessica Rassmusen. Susan Letcher
conducted the ANCOVA evaluating regression slopes. The bulk of the work presented
here represents the Senior Project research of A. Payne, in partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the BA degree in Environmental Studies.
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