Status of Exotic Round Goby and Tubenose Goby in
Jay R. Stauffer Jr., Jeanette Schnars, Casey Wilson, Richard Taylor, and Charles K. Murray
Northeastern Naturalist, Volume 23, Issue 3 (2016): 395–407
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Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 23, No. 3
J.R. Stauffer Jr., J. Schnars, C. Wilson, R. Taylor, and C.K. Murray
Status of Exotic Round Goby and Tubenose Goby in
Jay R. Stauffer Jr.1,*, Jeanette Schnars2, Casey Wilson1, Richard Taylor1, and
Charles K. Murray3
Abstract - The relative abundance of Neogobius melanostomus (Round Goby) in the Pennsylvanian
waters of Lake Erie, has increased dramatically since 1996. Associated with this
increase, all benthic species in the main portion of the lake, except Percopsis omiscomaycus
(Trout-perch), decreased in occurrence or were extirpated. Proterorhinus semilunaris
(Tubenose Goby), which has established a reproducing population in Presque Isle Bay, Lake
Erie, coexists with the Round Goby and Etheostoma exile (Iowa Darter), a candidate species
for rarity listing by the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission. Conversely, the decline
in potadromous populations of Percina caprodes (Logperch) may be exacerbated by direct
competition in the lake, and the presence of Round Gobies in the breeding grounds of tributaries
(e.g., Twentymile Creek). In Elk Creek, the presence of Round Goby is associated
with dietary shifts of Etheostoma caeruleum (Rainbow Darter), although Rainbow Darters
co-exist with the Round Goby. The Round Goby has established a reproducing population
in LeBoef Creek, a tributary of French Creek (Allegheny River), and we documented its
presence in the main channel of French Creek. We suggest that natural barriers (e.g., waterfalls)
may prevent the upstream migration of gobies. Furthermore, providing substrate
to facilitate spawning and recruitment of native benthic species may impede the spread of
invasive species throughout the tributaries of Lake Erie.
The homogenization of the Earth’s biota by the introduction and spread of
non-native species is one the most damaging anthropogenic impacts on biodiversity
today (Kolar and Lodge 2002, Mills et al. 1994). Degradation of aquatic
ecosystems by the introduction of non-native fish species is exemplified in the Laurentian
Great Lakes. Native fish communities in this region have been irreparably
harmed by introductions, both accidental and intentional, of exotic species (Jude
et al. 1995). Infamous piscine invaders such as Petromyzon marinus L. (Sea Lamprey),
Alosa pseudoharengus (Wilson) (Alewife), and Osmerus mordax (Mitchill)
(Rainbow Smelt) have had cascading detrimental effects on the native biota of the
Great Lakes (Fuller et al. 1999, Jude et al. 1995). The most recent round of aquatic
invaders that have impacted the integrity of the Great Lakes are mainly Ponto-
Caspian natives including 2 bivalve species (Dreissena polymorpha Pallas [Zebra
Mussel] and Dreissena bugenis Andrusov [Quagga Mussel]) and 3 fish species
1Ecosystem Science and Management, Penn State University, University Park, PA 16802-
4302. 2Tom Ridge Environmental Center, 301 Peninsula Drive, Suite 9, Erie, PA 16505.
3Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission, 2000 Lohrer Road, Fairview, PA 16415. *Corresponding
author -
Manuscript Editor: David B. Halliwell
Northeastern Naturalist
J.R. Stauffer Jr., J. Schnars, C. Wilson, R. Taylor, and C.K. Murray
2016 Vol. 23, No. 3
(Gymnocephalus cernuus L. [Ruffe], Neogobius melanostomus [Round Goby],
and Proterorhinus semilunaris [Heckel] [Western Tubenose Goby]). Of the 3 most
recent fish introductions, Round Gobies are the most prolific and widespread, and
currently occur throughout the Laurentian Great Lakes and their tributaries, many
Eurasian rivers, and the Baltic Sea (Charlebois et al. 1997). Introduced Round Goby
have also established numerous populations in Eurasia (Kornis et al. 2012).
The Round Goby is a small, benthic, nocturnally feeding fish that is native to the
Sea of Azov, the Caspian Sea, the Black Sea, and the Sea of Marmara (Charlebois
et al. 1997, Hayden and Miner 2009, Hensler and Jude 2007). Brown and Stepien
(2009) and Kornis et al. (2012) listed the likely source of Round Goby in the Great
Lakes as the Dnieper River, Kerson, Ukraine.
Round Goby were first discovered by anglers in the Laurentian Great Lakes in
1990 in the St. Clair River at Sarnia, ON, Canada, where they were assumed to have
been introduced from ballast waters of freighters (Charlebois et al. 1997, Hayden
and Miner 2009, Hensler and Jude 2007, Jude et al. 1992, Mills et al. 1993). The
Round Goby was thought to be confined to the St. Clair River; however, in 1993
new populations were documented in the Calumet River near Lake Michigan and in
Grand River Harbor, OH (Charlebois et al. 1997), and they were found in western
Lake Michigan and eastern Lake Erie in 1995 (Charlebois et al. 1997). Since that
time, Round Goby have spread rapidly to all of the Great Lakes, presumably by
inter-basin ballast transfer (Clapp et. al 2001, Kornis et al. 2012). However, based
on our observations in Pennsylvania, natural dispersal and release/escape from bait
buckets could have also aided their dispersal. The first Round Goby found in the
Pennsylvania waters of Lake Erie was by the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission
(PFBC) in 1996.
Harka and Bíró (2007) indicated that in its native range, Round Goby are found
in lakes and large, slow-flowing rivers. In Eurasia, they are rare in faster-flowing
waters; however, they have invaded several tributaries 10–40 stream km above the
stream mouths, including those to Lake Michigan (Kornis et al. 2013) and the Ontario
side of Lake Erie (Poos et al. 2010). Based on our collections from 2006–2016,
Round Goby are abundant in the mouths and below the first riffle above the mouth
in small tributaries (e.g., Elk Creek, Sixteen Mile Creek, Twentymile Creek) of
Lake Erie.
The presence of Round Goby has been associated with the extirpation of Cottus
bairdi (Mottled Sculpin) in Calumet Harbor in southern Lake Michigan (Jansen and
Jude 2001) and the decline of Etheostoma nigrum Rafinesque (Johnny Darter; Lauer
et al. 2004). Round Goby have been found to prey on eggs of Percina caprodes
(Logperch) and those of several other native species (Chotkowski and Marsden
1999). Under experimental conditions, Round Goby prey on Etheostoma caeruleum
(Rainbow Darter) and Etheostoma blenniodes Rafinesque (Greenside Darter) (Jude
et al. 1995). Studies have demonstrated competition between Round Goby and native
species for food and habitat (French and Jude 2001, Jansen and Jude 2001).
Conversely, the spread of the Tubenose Goby has been slow compared to that
of the Round Goby (Grant et al. 2012) and has been partially restricted to the
Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 23, No. 3
J.R. Stauffer Jr., J. Schnars, C. Wilson, R. Taylor, and C.K. Murray
connections between Lake Huron and Lake Erie, and the western portions of Lake
Erie and Lake Superior (Grant et al. 2012, Kocovsky et al. 2011). The potential for
the Tubenose Goby to displace native species is not well understood, but the species
may have the potential to compete for habitat and food (French and Jude 2001,
Grant et al. 2012, Kocovsky et al. 2011).
The objectives of this study are to report on the status of the Round Goby in
the Lake Erie watershed of Pennsylvania, to determine if there was a shift in diet
of the native fishes when Round Goby were present in selected Pennsylvanian
tributaries (i.e., Elk Creek, Twentymile Creek) of Lake Erie, and to compare the
diet of the Tubenose Goby in Lake Erie with the syntopic native Iowa Darter.
Materials and Methods
We anesthetized in MS222, fixed in a 10% formalin solution for 2 weeks, and
transferred to 70% ethanol for later identification all fishes kept for further analyses.
Voucher specimens of the sampled fish were catalogued into the Penn State
University Fish Museum. We followed all protocols required by the Animal Use
and Care Committee at Penn State (IACUC# 35338).
Presence/absence of benthic fishes in Lake Erie
We employed trawls (trawl aperture = 5.88 m2, wingspread = 5.44 m, gape
height = 1.08 m, mesh size in the cod-end liner = 0.64 cm) to sample Round Goby
in off-shore habitats in Pennsylvania’s portion of Lake Erie. Pennsylvania’s portion
of Lake Erie totals 1193 km2, or 7.8% of the total area of the lake, and includes
the southeastern portion of the central basin and southwestern portion of the eastern
basin. We conducted most of the trawls near long-term monitoring stations
off Walnut Creek (42°4'37.28''N, 80°14'22.95''W), Trout Run (42°3'32.49''N,
80°16'22.02''W), Presque Isle Peninsula (42°10'14.97''N, 80°5'59.82''W), Eightmile
Creek (42°10'49.60''N, 79°59'6.38''W), and Sixteenmile Creek (42°14'33.92''N,
79°49'55.41''W) (Fig. 1). We conducted an average of 14 trawls annually from
1985 through 2012, ranging from as few as 2 trawls in 1997 to as many as 28 in
1987. Due to logistical constraints, no trawling was conducted in 2006, 2010, and
2011. Annual assessment by the PFBC Lake Erie Research Unit (LERU) included
offshore (>12 m) bottom-trawling during the summer and fall. The program was not
specifically designed to determine the density of benthic fishes; thus, we used the
percentage of the trawl samples in which benthic fishes were present as an indicator
of relative abundance.
Impact of Round Goby on fishes in Twentymile Creek
We collected fishes in Twentymile Creek on 17 July 2003 from the mouth of
the stream to the waterfall (site 1: 42º15'38.71''N, W9º46'49.33''W) and above the
waterfall just below an old railroad bridge (site 2: 42º15'29.48''N, 79º46'39.68''W)
with a battery-powered backpack electro-fishing unit (Aquashock Solutions; 300
volts DC). We chose the 2 sites based on physical similarities and our previous
investigations, which indicated a similar species composition and the absence of
Northeastern Naturalist
J.R. Stauffer Jr., J. Schnars, C. Wilson, R. Taylor, and C.K. Murray
2016 Vol. 23, No. 3
Round Goby at the upstream site. At each site, we shocked from shore to shore
while moving upstream. We did not use block nets to segregate the area shocked.
We continued to collect at both sites, until we were convinced that further sampling
would not yield additional species (Barila et al. 1981, Hocutt 1978). We identified
to species fishes collected, then counted and released all except for the voucher
specimens we retained for each species. For each site, we calculated percent community
composition, population estimates, and Brillouin’s diversity indices (H =
Nln [N!N!N2!...Ns!]), where H = diversity index, N = the total number of individuals
in the sample; N1, N2…, is the number of individuals in species 1, 2, …, and s is
the total number of species in the collection; Pielou 1977). Based on the work of
Pielou (1975, 1977), Kaesler et al. (1978) concluded that Brillouin’s index is the
preferred metric for the type of data we obtained because it actually measures the
diversity of the sample rather than just statistically estimating it.
Diet selectivity
We used non-treated plywood to construct 9 boxes with 2 m x 4 m x 10 cm inside
dimensions and an open top. We filled them with 3 different types of substrate: 2b
gravel (small substrate), #1 gravel (medium substrate), and rip-rap (rocks 4–10 cm
diameter). In May 2012, we submerged the boxes in a 3 x 3 design in Elk Creek at
the first riffle above the mouth (42°1'10.65"N, 80°22'17.09"W). Sampling began
30 d after we placed the plots in the stream; we conducted a 24-h sample once per
month from June until September 2012. On sampling days, we electrofished 3 of
the 9 plots every 8 h, 1 from each substrate type (small, medium, and rip-rap). We
positioned a seine downstream to collect the fishes. At the end of the 24-h hour
sampling period, we used D-frame kick-nets to collect macroinvertebrates residing
in the substrate of each plot. We preserved samples from the kick-nets in 70%
ethanol, and examined them under dissecting microscopes in the laboratory to
Figure 1. Trawl sites sampled by the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission in Lake Erie.
Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 23, No. 3
J.R. Stauffer Jr., J. Schnars, C. Wilson, R. Taylor, and C.K. Murray
search for macroinvertebrates. Although we placed no substrate boxes upstream of
the waterfalls in Elk Creek (42°0'24.90"N, 80°21'13.89"W), we collected macroinvertebrates
and fishes there in June 2012 with a D-frame kick-net and backpack
electro-fishing unit, respectively, and preserved samples as described above.
In the laboratory, we dissected and removed the stomachs of all benthic fishes.
We examined macroinvertebrates from the gut contents and the D-frame kick-net
collections, and enumerated and identified them to the lowest possible taxon (family
or genus) using Merritt et al. (2008). We compared the relative abundance of
selected organisms in the stomachs to the relative abundance in the environment
by calculating electivity indices (Ilev 1961) using the formula (ri – pi ) / (ri + pi ),
where ri is the percent composition of a macroinvertebrate taxon in the gut and pi
is the percent composition of the taxon in the D-frame kick-net sample. Thus, we
were able to determine if macroinvertebrate taxa were being selected, avoided,
or eaten in the same ratio of abundance that they were found in the environment.
If taxa were absent from either the D-frame kick net samples or the stomachs, an
electivity index could not be calculated.
Tubenose Gobies were not present in any lotic systems; thus, we sampled fishes
in Presque Isle Bay during the periods 9–10 September and 7–8 October 2011 to
search for Tubenose Gobies. We employed a benthic electric trawl that generated
an electrical field to stun fishes and increase capture efficiency as described by
Freedman et al. (2009). We conducted the trawls just west of Perry Monument on
the north side of the bay in Presque Isle State Park (42°9'13.96"N, 80°5'24.80"W).
We preserved fishes as described above.
Presence/absence of benthic fishes in Lake Erie
Round Gobies were first found in the Pennsylvanian portion of Lake Erie 1996,
when they were present in less than 20% of the trawls taken by the PFBC (Fig. 2).
Of the native benthic fishes, Percopsis omiscomaycus (Wahlbaum) (Trout-perch)
was present in the highest proportion of the trawls prior to the occurrence of the
Round Goby in 1996. Its presence in the trawl samples was comparable before
and after 1996. The Mottled Sculpin was routinely collected with the trawls, but
disappeared entirely after 1999. The Logperch was erratically present, but was last
captured in 2003 (Fig. 2). The Johnny Darter disappeared in all trawl samples after
1999 and Ammocrypta pellucida (Putnam) (Eastern Sand Darter) was last collected
in 2005 (Fig. 2).
Impact of Round Goby on fishes in Twentymile Creek
We found Round Goby only downstream of the first waterfalls in Twentymile
Creek. We collected 17 species below and 18 species above the waterfall (Table 1).
In addition to the Round Goby, we documented Lepisosteus osseus (Longnose Gar),
Cyprinella spiloptera (Spotfin Shiner), Luxilus cornutus (Common Shiner), Notropis
atherinoides (Emerald Shiner), Hypentelium nigricans (Northern Hog Sucker),
Noturus flavus (Stonecat), and Micropterus dolomieu (Smallmouth Bass) at the
Northeastern Naturalist
J.R. Stauffer Jr., J. Schnars, C. Wilson, R. Taylor, and C.K. Murray
2016 Vol. 23, No. 3
Figure 2. Proportion
of trawls where
Round Goby and native
benthic fishes
(Trout Perch, Mottled
Sculpin, Logperch,
Johnny Darter, and
Eastern Sand Darter)
were captured.
Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 23, No. 3
J.R. Stauffer Jr., J. Schnars, C. Wilson, R. Taylor, and C.K. Murray
downstream site but not above the waterfalls. We collected Salmo trutta (Brown
Trout), Luxilus chrysocephalus (Striped Shiner), Pimephales notatus (Bluntnose
Minnow), Rhinichthys cararactae (Longnose Dace), Semotilus atromaculatus
Mitchill, Catostomus commersoni (White Sucker), Ameiurus nebulosus (Brown
Bullhead), Logperch, and Mottled Sculpin above the falls, but not below the falls.
Round Goby comprised 45% of the total fishes at the lower site, while Rainbow
Darters comprised 35%. In total, Rainbow Darters constituted the greatest percentage
of the benthic-species composition at both sites, when Round Goby were
excluded from the downstream site data. Brillouin’s diversity index values below
the falls and above the falls were 1.39 and 2.11, respectively.
Diet selectivity
The July kick-net samples downstream in Elk Creek yielded primarily dipterans
(Chironomidae) and ephemeropterans (Baetidae, Caenidae) (Table 2). The only
taxon that had a positive electivity index for the Round Goby was Chironomidae.
The Rainbow Darter selectively fed on Tricoptera and Ephemeroptera. The kick-net
Table 1. Fishes collected downstream and upstream of the waterfall on Twentymile Creek, 22 June
Species Downstream Upstream
Ambloplites rupestris (Rafinesque) (Rock Bass) 1 1
Ameiurus nebulosus (Lesuer) (Brown Bullhead) 0 2
Campostoma anomalum (Rafinesque) (Stoneroller) 17 53
Catostomus commersoni (Lacepède) (White Sucker) 0 1
Cottus bairdi Girard (Mottled Sculpin) 0 11
Cyprinella spiloptera (Cope) (Spotfin Shiner) 1 0
Etheostoma caeruleum Storer (Rainbow Darter) 88 48
Etheostoma flabellare Rafinesque (Fantail Darter) 2 6
Hypentelium nigricans (Lesuer) (Northern Hog Sucker) 1 0
Lepisosteus osseus (L.) (Longnose Gar) 1 0
Lepomis gibosus (L.) (Pumpkinseed Sunfish) 2 2
Lepomis macrochirus Rafinesque (Bluegill) 2 1
Luxilus chrysocephalus Rafinesque (Striped Shiner) 0 22
Luxilus cornutus (Mitchill) (Common Shiner) 1 0
Micropterus dolomieu Lacepède (Smallmouth Bass) 7 0
Neogobius melanostomus (Pallas) (Round Goby) 113 0
Nocomis micropogon (Cope) (River Chub) 4 124
Notropis atherinoides Rafinesque (Emerald Shiner) 1 0
Noturus flavus Rafinesque (Stonecat) 3 0
Oncorhyncus mykiss (Walbaum) (Rainbow Trout) 4 15
Percina caprodes (Rafinesque) (Log Perch) 0 4
Pimephales notatus (Rafinesque) (Bluntnose Minnow) 0 1
Rhinichthys atratulus (Hermann) (Blacknose Dace) 2 59
Rhinichthys cataractae (Valenciennes) (Longnose Dace) 0 26
Salmo trutta L. (Brown Trout) 0 1
Semotilus atromaculatus (Mitchill) (Creek Chub) 0 4
Total number of species 17 18
Total number of individuals 250 388
Brillouin’s diversity index 1.39 2.11
Northeastern Naturalist
J.R. Stauffer Jr., J. Schnars, C. Wilson, R. Taylor, and C.K. Murray
2016 Vol. 23, No. 3
samples taken in September at the downstream site in Elk Creek yielded primarily
Ephemeroptera and Diptera (Table 3). The only taxon that had a positive electivity
index for the Round Goby was Chironomidae. The Rainbow Darter selectively
fed on Diptera. The June kick-net samples upstream in Elk Creek (Table 4) yielded
primarily Diptera, Trichoptera, and Coleoptera. The Rainbow Darters in this reach
consumed primarily Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera.
Table 2. Comparison between percentages of macroinvertebrates from kick-net samples in July 2012
and stomach contents of Rainbow Darter and Round Goby with calculated electivity-index.
% in stomach
Macroinvertebrates % in Rainbow Electivity Round Electivity
Order/Family environment Darter (n =32) index Goby (n = 24) index
Gammaridae 0.52
Elmidae 0.78
Chironomidae 82.72 67.12 0.09 87.40 0.03
Nymphomyudae 0.04
Tipulidae 0.04
Simulidae - 0.58
TOTAL Diptera 82.80
Ephemeroptera 1.78
Baetidae 2.08
Heptageniidae 1.08
Leptohyphidae 4.94 17.58 0.27 9.00 -0.06
Siphlonuridae 0.22
TOTAL Ephemeroptera 10.10
Hirudinea 0.04
Asellidae 0.04
Corydalidae 0.74
Sialidae 0.87
TOTAL Megaloptera 1.61
Bivalva 0.04
Coenagrionidae 0.04
Aeshnidae -
TOTAL Odonata 0.04
Plecoptera 0.13
Perlidae 0.13
Pternoarcyidae 0.09
TOTAL Plecoptera 0.35
Trichoptera 0.09
Hydopsychidae 0.26
Hydophilidae -
Polycentropodidae 0.13 3.48 0.74 0.40 -0.13
Hydroptilidae 0.04
TOTAL Trichoptera 0.52
Unidentified macroinvertebrate 9.55 3.20
Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 23, No. 3
J.R. Stauffer Jr., J. Schnars, C. Wilson, R. Taylor, and C.K. Murray
Grant et al. (2012) reported Tubenose Goby in the Pennsylvanian portion
of Lake Erie on 28 June 2012. As of this writing, Tubenose Goby had not been
collected outside of Presque Isle Bay in Pennsylvania. Our collections with the
electric trawl in Presque Isle Bay on 9–10 September 2011 and 7–8 October 2011,
resulted in the capture of Tubenose Goby. The Round Goby, Tubenose Goby, and
the native Iowa Darter all consumed Zebra Mussels, but these mussels comprised
almost the entire diet of the 2 goby species (Table 5). Iowa Darter fed primarily on
freshwater shrimp species.
Within Lake Erie in Pennsylvania, Round Goby have occurred in the vast majority
of the trawls since 1998. Although Trout-perch are still routinely collected in
off-shore trawls, the occurrence of Logperch, Mottled Sculpin, Johnny Darter, and
Table 3. Comparison between percentages of macroinvertebrates from kick-net samples for data collected
in Elk Creek in September 2012 and stomach contents of Rainbow Darter and Round Goby with
calculated electivity-index.
% in stomach
Macroinvertebrates % in Rainbow Electivity Round Electivity
Order/Family environment Darter (n = 7) index Goby (n = 17) index
Gammaridae 0.26
Elmidae 0.68
Hydrophilidae 0.83
Psephenidae 0.15
TOTAL Coleoptera 1.66
Chironomidae 5.69 69.29 0.85 43.82 0.77
Baetidae 0.12
Caenidae 60.61
Heptigeniidae 0.79
Leptohyphidae 27.37
TOTAL Ephemeroptera 88.89 17.14 -0.68 50.29 -0.28
Physidae 0.87
Planorbidae 0.08
TOTAL Gastropoda 0.95
Hirudinea 0.04
Asellidae 0.15
Coenagrionidae 2.34
Gomphidae 0.04
Libellulidae 0.04
TOTAL Odonata 2.42
Hydroptilidae - 13.57 - 5.88 -
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J.R. Stauffer Jr., J. Schnars, C. Wilson, R. Taylor, and C.K. Murray
2016 Vol. 23, No. 3
Eastern Sand Darter have decreased since the establishment of the Round Goby and
these 4 native species have not been found at all in the trawl samples since 2007.
In Twentymile Creek, the Mottled Sculpin is found upstream of the falls but
is absent downstream of the falls, where Round Goby is established. We also collected
Logperch above the falls, but not below the falls. Over the past 15 years,
we have observed a population of Logperch that are resident in the tributaries
year-round, and a lake population, which migrates into tributaries to spawn.
Perhaps the decreased occurrence of the Logperch in Lake Erie is attributable
both to direct competition with the Round Goby in the lake and the invasion of
Round Goby into the spawning grounds in the tributaries. As stated previously,
Table 5. Average percentages of items found in stomach contents of Iowa Darters, Round Goby, and
Tubenose Goby collected 11 September 2011 from Presque Isle Bay, Lake Erie.
Prey taxon Iowa Darter (n = 13) Round Goby (n = 26) Tubenose Goby (n = 5)
Zebra Mussel 3.8 67.0 27.0
Mussel species 0.0 2.9 0.0
Freshwater shrimp 30.4 0.0 0.0
Insect species 0.4 0.8 0.0
Fish eggs 0.0 0.0 1.0
Table 4. Percentages of macroinvertebrates from kick-net samples and stomachs from Rainbow Darters
(n = 17) in Elk Creek above first waterfall.
Order/Family % in environment % in stomach Electivity index
Tricladida 11.72 0.00 -1.00
Hydopsychidae 8.45
Polycentropodidae 15.80 14.00 -0.27
TOTAL 24.25
Psepehenidae 7.08 0.00 -1.00
Elmidae larvae 1.63
Elmidae adult 0.27
TOTAL 8.98
Baetidae 15.53 58.50 0.60
Perlidae 0.54 1.10 0.30
Chironomidae 37.60 17.60 -0.37
Simulidae 0.27
TOTAL 37.87
Gammaridae 0.27 0.00 -1.00
Oligochaeta 0.82 0.00 -1.00
Megaloptera 0.00 3.10 -
Coenagrionidae 0.00 6.20 -
Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 23, No. 3
J.R. Stauffer Jr., J. Schnars, C. Wilson, R. Taylor, and C.K. Murray
Chotkowski and Marsden (1999) documented the predation of Logperch eggs by
Round Goby.
In Elk Creek, the Round Goby selected chironomids during July and September.
Our data indicate that the Round Goby was a selective feeder; Rosca et al.
(2010) reached the same conclusion for populations on the Black Sea Coast. In
the same reach, Rainbow Darters chose Trichoptera and Ephemeroptera. Above
the waterfalls in Elk Creek, where Round Goby were absent, Rainbow Darters
avoided Trichoptera and fed primarily on Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera. Nevertheless,
the Rainbow Darter has been successful in co-habiting with the Round Goby.
In the Lake Erie basin, Rainbow Darters in lotic environments and Iowa Darters
in lentic habitats apparently continue to maintain viable populations. Unlike many
other benthic species (e.g., Mottled Sculpin, Logperch, and Eastern Sand Darter),
we consistently collect Rainbow Darters in areas invaded by Round Goby.
To date, the Round Goby has not been successful in colonizing upstream of the
first natural barrier (e.g., waterfalls) in Pennsylvania’s tributaries of Lake Erie. In
2014, we documented Round Goby in LeBoef Creek, a tributary of French Creek
(Allegheny River), and by July 2015 we found them in the main channel French
Creek below LeBoef Creek. Round Gobies were first found in the lake drained by
LeBoef Creek, and we hypothesize that their presence was a result of bait-bucket
introductions. The invasion of the Round Goby into the Allegheny River drainage
suggests that the upstream areas of the tributaries of Lake Erie are vulnerable to
colonization via bait-bucket transfer.
Irrespective of the means of transfer (e.g., bait bucket, ballast water) the success
of an introduced population of Round Goby depends to some extent on the biological
components that presently inhabit the area in question. Certain environments are
saturated with species, while other areas are considered to be depauperate. At one
time, it was assumed that the predominant factor that controlled the organization of
natural communities was interspecific competition (Dunham et al. 1979). This assumption
was inferred from niche shifts and morphological changes in the form of
character displacement, which were correlated with geographic variation (Dunham et
al. 1979). Simberloff and Wilson (1969), however, suggested that competition might
not be as important as previously thought, at least for insular areas. Based on work by
several authors, Pianka (1981) stated that the outcome of interspecific competition
depends upon (1) initial population densities (Neyman et al. 1956), (2) environmental
conditions (Park et al. 1964), and (3) the genetic constitution of competing
populations (Park et al. 1964). Thus, one management strategy that may impede the
establishment of viable populations of invasive species may be to artificially raise
and stock native fishes to increase their density. A diverse and abundant native benthic
fish fauna may in fact slow the spread of species such as the Round Goby.
Funding was provided by the Pennsylvania Water Resources Research Center, Coastal
Zone Management, and The Pennsylvania State University Sea Grant Program. We extend
special thanks to Elizabeth Boyer and Robert Light.
Northeastern Naturalist
J.R. Stauffer Jr., J. Schnars, C. Wilson, R. Taylor, and C.K. Murray
2016 Vol. 23, No. 3
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