Northeastern Naturalist
R.A. Urban and M.E. Dwyer
22001166 NORTHEASTERN NATURALIST 2V3(o3l). :2430,8 N–4o1. 93
Asexual Reproduction and its Potential Influence on the
Distribution of an Invasive Macrophyte
Rebecca A. Urban1,* and Matthew E. Dwyer1
Abstract - Utricularia inflata (Swollen Bladderwort) is a submersed macrophyte that is expanding
its range in the northeastern US. Although Swollen Bladderwort is a new addition
to this region, Utricularia purpurea (Purple Bladderwort) and U. vulgaris (Common Bladderwort)
are 2 morphologically similar free-floating species within the invaded waterways.
Through a series of greenhouse and field studies, we sought to distinguish traits among
these 3 macrophytes. We conducted a greenhouse experiment to compare the vegetative
propagation of Swollen Bladderwort and Common Bladderwort in a temperature-controlled
tank. In field trials, we examined the displacement of all 3 species by water movement and
their distribution across a range of depths at 5 lake sites. Swollen Bladderwort and Common
Bladderwort both produced potential propagules, but exhibited differences in their asexual
reproduction. New Common Bladderwort branches grew significantly longer, while Swollen
Bladderwort fragments exhibited a greater number of new branches. Each new branch
has the potential to develop into a new individual as the original stolon decays; this trait
may help explain how Swollen Bladderwort is quickly establishing populations in newly
colonized lakes. The results of the displacement experiment showed that all species were
less likely to remain in the shallows compared to deeper waters. However, displacement
of Swollen Bladderwort was greater than Common Bladderwort. Vegetation sampling also
indicated that Common Bladderwort and bladderwort species attached to the sediment
(U. resupinata [Lavender Bladderwort] and U. intermedia [Flat-leaf Bladderwort]) are
found in the shallows, while Swollen Bladderwort and Purple Bladderwort are found at
greater depths. These results suggest that Swollen Bladderwort is more susceptible to water
movement and may be spread to downstream systems at a faster rate, compared to Common
Bladderwort and attached bladderwort species.
Submersed aquatic vegetation shapes the littoral zone in freshwater ecosystems
(Carpenter and Lodge 1986). These species mediate trophic interactions (Diehl
and Kornijόw 1998), increase sedimentation (Petticrew and Kalff 1992), and influence
water-column chemistry (Ondok et al. 1984). Aquatic plant communities are
threatened by the introduction of invasive species. Invasive macrophytes jeopardize
biodiversity, ecosystem functioning, and the survival of native aquatic plants
(Caraco and Cole 2002, Madsen et al. 1991).
Utricularia inflata Walt. (Swollen Bladderwort) has expanded its range into
the northeastern US, including Pennsylvania (Block and Rhoads 2011), New
York (Barringer and Clemants 2003, Mitchell et al. 1994, Titus and Grisé 2009),
1Biology Department, Lebanon Valley College, 101 North College Aveniue, Annville, PA
17003. *Corresponding author -
Manuscript Editor: C. Thomas Philbrick
Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 23, No. 3
R.A. Urban and M.E. Dwyer
Massachusetts (Sorrie 1992), and Rhode Island (K. DeGoosh, RI Department
of Environmental Management, Providene, RI; pers. comm.). Previous research
has documented how the presence of Swollen Bladderwort may cause the local
extirpation of native isoetid species in Adirondack lakes due to an increase in
light attenuation (Urban et al. 2009). The decline of the native isoetid Eriocaulon
aquaticum (Hill) Druce (Seven-angle Pipewort) results in cascading effects on lake
chemistry, including increased sediment porewater pH, carbon dioxide, and ammonium,
as well as decreased sediment redox potential (Urban et al. 2006). The effect
is first observed in the sediment porewater; increased concentrations of porewater
ions in turn facilitate a diffusion of these ions into the water column, eventually
causing a positive feedback and accelerating ecosystem change (Urban et al. 2013).
Although Swollen Bladderwort is a new addition to Adirondack mountain lakes,
there are a number of closely related bladderwort species already present in the
invaded systems. All bladderwort species are rootless and have carnivorous traps
(Taylor 1989). Some of these plants have stems that penetrate the sediment and
thereby anchor themselves in place, such as U. resupinata B.D. Greene (Lavender
Bladderwort) and U. intermedia Hayne (Flat-Leaf Bladderwort). Utricularia
purpurea Walt. (Purple Bladderwort) and U. vulgaris L. (Common Bladderwort)
are also common in Adirondack lakes, but are more similar to Swollen Baldderwort—
they are free-floating just above the sediment and daughter shoots (hereafter
referred to as branches) may emerge along the stem and form new individuals when
they separate from the original plant. The rate of vegetative propagation in bladderworts
has been studied by counting the number of branches per shoot (Adamec
and Kovářová 2006); bladderworts grown in favorable conditions have a higher
branching rate (Adamec 2011).
Vegetative reproduction helps macrophytes spread in aquatic environments
(Sculthorpe 1967). Fragmentation can facilitate the dispersal of invasive macrophytes
(Ceccherelli and Piazzi 2001), and in the case of seagrasses, fragments
can travel thousands of km farther than seeds (Berković et al. 2014). Vegetative
propagules are also more likely to colonize bare sections of streams compared to
seeds (Sand-Jensen et al. 1999). The exact mechanism for Swollen Bladderwort’s
northern spread is uncertain, but it is likely fragments were carried on boats, boat
trailers, or waterfowl (Figuerola and Green 2002, Johnstone et al. 1985). Water
movement and successful asexual reproduction have facilitated Swollen Bladderwort’s
downstream spread into Adirondack lakes connected by the Raquette River
and the Middle Branch of the Moose River (T itus and Urban 2013).
We conducted a series of greenhouse and field studies that compared features
of the invasive Swollen Bladderwort to those of native species. Our first objective
was to conduct a fragmentation experiment to determine differences in asexual
reproduction between Swollen Bladderwort and Common Bladderwort. A previous
greenhouse experiment showed that fragments just 1.0 cm in length had a 100%
survival rate (Titus and Urban 2013). We hypothesized that Swollen Bladderwort
reaches high frequencies in invaded lakes due to greater asexual reproduction than
Common Bladderwort.
Northeastern Naturalist
R.A. Urban and M.E. Dwyer
2016 Vol. 23, No. 3
Our second objective was to determine how the local distribution of Swollen
Bladderwort compared to those of other bladderworts. We conducted a field experiment
to investigate how water movement displaced unattached bladderwort
species. We sampled vegetation with SCUBA to determine bladderwort distribution
across a range of depths at 5 lake sites. We hypothesized that Swollen Bladderwort
would have a greater dispersal ability, resulting in fewer individuals at waveexposed
Field-site Description
Our field sites were located within 4 lakes of the circumneutral Fulton Chain
of Lakes in the southwestern Adirondack Mountains of New York. We conducted
vegetation sampling at a single site in First (43.7088°N, 74.9322°W), Second
(43.7248°N, 74.9107°W), and Third Lakes (43.7251°N, 74.9036°W), as well
as 2 sites in Seventh Lake (site A: 43.7519°N, 74.7254°W; site B: 43.7394°N,
74.7434°W). We selected sites with abundant macrophytes from a range of relatively
exposed and sheltered locations. We carried out a displacement experiment
at 1 site in Seventh Lake (43.7511°N, 74.7315°W). The substrate at all sites was
sandy in the shallows, and got increasingly silty as depth increased. We use the term
shallows to refer to depths <2 m. In addition to Utricularia species, common macrophytes
included Eleocharis robbinsii Oakes (Triangle Spike-rush), Eleocharis
acicularis (L.) R. & S. (Needle Rush), Isoetes sp. (quillwort), Juncus pelocarpus
Mey. (Brown-fruit Rush), Myriophyllum heterophyllum Michx. (Variable-leaf
Watermilfoil), Najas flexilis (Willd.) Rostk. & Schmidt (Nodding Water Nymph),
Najas gracillima (A. Br.) Magnus (Slender Water Nymph), Nitella spp. (green algae),
Potamogeton robbinsii Oakes (Robbins’ Pondweed), Potamogeton epihydrus
Raf. (Leafy Pondweed), Sagittaria sp. (arrowhead), and Vallisneria americana
Michx. (Wild Celery).
Species Description
Free-floating Swollen Bladderwort, Purple Bladderwort, and Common Bladderwort
have a linear stolon with dissected side-branches that are sometimes referred
to as leaves (Taylor 1989). The whorled arrangement of Purple Bladderwort’s leaflike
side branches easily distinguishes it from the other species (Crow and Hellquist
2000a), while the reddish color and alternate leaves of Swollen Bladderwort can be
used to differentiate this invader from Common Bladderwort (Block and Rhoads
2011). Lavender Bladderwort plants are firmly attached to the substrate by an underground
stolon with photosynthetic branches, up to 5 cm long, growing into the
water column and bearing traps (Crow and Hellquist 2000a, Taylor 1989). Unlike
the other species, Flat-Leaf Bladderwort has 2 distinct types of branches: photosynthetic
branches that grow erect in the water column but lack traps, and branches
that often penetrate the substrate that have traps, but lack chlorophyll (Crow and
Hellquist 2000a).
Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 23, No. 3
R.A. Urban and M.E. Dwyer
Fragmentation experiment
On 11 July 2013, we collected Common Bladderwort and Swollen Bladderwort
from First Lake in the Adirondack Mountains (Hamilton County; 43.7088°N,
74.9322°W). We cut 8 plants of both species behind the apical meristem at 1.0 cm
and 10.0 cm, spread the 9.0-cm fragments in a plastic pot (9 cm high, 8.5-cm-top
diameter) over ~300 cm3 of sediment collected from Big Moose Lake (Herkimer
County; 43.8401°N, 74.8306°W), and randomly placed the pots in a 550-L cattle
tank that was filled to a depth of 40 cm with reverse osmosis water in Lebanon Valley
College’s west greenhouse. Water temperature was maintained at 23 °C with a
Remcor CFF-500 refrigerated circulator, and plants received ambient sunlight.
After 23 days, we recorded the number and length of newly initiated branches,
blotted the plants to remove adherent water, and recorded fresh biomass. We used
a Welch’s t-test to analyze our results in R software (R Foundation for Statistical
Computing, Vienna, Austria). We also examined the fragmentation ability of Purple
Bladderwort, but we did not include these data in our analyses because our greenhouse
study demonstrated that non-fragmented Purple Bladderwort were unable to
thrive in our greenhouse conditions.
Displacement trials
We collected Common Bladderwort, Purple Bladderwort, and Swollen Bladderwort
from Seventh Lake, trimmed the pieces to 15-cm-long terminal apices, kept
the plants in water, and labeled each with flagging tape (a 1.5 cm x 1 cm label with
a 5 cm x 0.3 cm “tail” used to tie the tag to the plant).
In Seventh Lake, we laid a transect line perpendicular to shore, reaching a
depth of 3.5 m. At every 0.5-m depth increment, starting at 0.5 m, a SCUBA diver
carefully spread 10 individuals of each species in 1.0 m x 1.0 m quadrats. SCUBA
divers minimized their influence on sediment and plant movement by using cavediving
fin-kick techniques. We conducted field trials 3 times: plants were laid out
on 21 June 2007, 21 July 2007, and 8 July 2013. Upon checking the quadrats 4 or 5
days after laying out the plants, we recorded the number of tagged plants remaining.
We analyzed the results using a two-way ANOVA in R software.
Vegetation sampling
Vegetation sampling occurred at 5 sites where Swollen Bladderwort, Purple
Bladderwort, and Common Bladderwort grew within the Fulton Chain of Lakes
in the Adirondack Mountains. At each site, we established 50-m transect lines following
depth contours at 0.5 m, 1.0 m, 1.5 m, 2.0 m, and 2.5 m. A SCUBA diver
(R.A. Urban) identified all species present in the 50 contiguous 0.2 m x 1.0 m
quadrats along each transect line. For identifying plants, we followed Crow and
Hellquist (2000a, b). We documented attached Flat-leaf Bladderwort and Lavender
Bladderwort at 4 lake sites and they were included in our calculations. These
data were also used previously to compare the distribution of Swollen Bladderwort
and isoetids. Urban and Titus (2010) found that the distribution of the former
varied with site exposure.
Northeastern Naturalist
R.A. Urban and M.E. Dwyer
2016 Vol. 23, No. 3
We calculated frequency by determining the number of observations for an individual
species as a percent of the total number of quadrats along a transect. To
evaluate the correlation between plant frequency along each transect versus depth,
we performed linear regressions in R software.
Fragmentation experiment
Fragments of both species survived and produced new growth as evidenced by
the development of side branches off the original stolon. The average length summation
of newly formed branches was 1.4 cm greater for Swollen Bladderwort than
Common Bladderwort; however, these results were not statistically significant (t =
0.05, P > 0.05; Fig. 1a).
New growth developed differently in Common Bladderwort and Swollen Bladderwort
(Fig. 2). Each fragment of Swollen Bladderwort developed 4–12 new
branches (average = 8.1), while Common Bladderwort fragments developed 84.6%
fewer new branches (t = 7.1, P < 0.001; Fig. 1b). The lengths of new branches were
significantly longer for Common Bladderwort than Swollen Bladderwort (t = 4.8,
P < 0.001; Fig. 1c). On average, newly developed Common Bladderwort branches
were 11.7 cm longer than those of Swollen Bladderwort. While total new growth was
similar for Common Bladderwort and Swollen Bladderwort, each species exhibited a
different growth pattern; thus, growth was dispersed differently on the plants.
Displacement trials
Depth significantly affected the percentage of bladderwort plants remaining in
quadrats (F6, 43 = 4.1, P < 0.01; Fig. 3). Generally, we recovered a greater number
of plants as depth increased, with no plants found at 0.5 m, and no Swollen Bladderwort
individuals recovered until depth reached 2.5 m, at which we observed the
greatest increase of Common Bladderwort and Swollen Bladderwort recovered. At
this depth, the quadrats were adjacent to some sparse Wild Celery plants. Other
than a bed of Nitella sp. near 3.5 m, we observed few macrophytes along the rest
of the transect line.
Common Bladderwort and Purple Bladderwort were less likely to be displaced
from their original quadrats compared to Swollen Bladderwort (F2, 43 = 4.1, P less than
0.05). Common Bladderwort plants had a higher recovery rate in shallower water
(1.0 m–2.5 m), while at greater depths, Purple Bladderwort had a higher recovery
(3.0 m–3.5 m) (Fig. 3).
Vegetation sampling
Across the 5 sites, frequency of Swollen Bladderwort and Purple Bladderwort
were positively correlated with depth (R2 = 0.34, P < 0.01 and R2 = 0.31, P < 0.01,
respectively; Table 1). At 3 sites, the frequency values for these species increased
as depth increased across the 2.5-m depth profile (Fig. 4c, d, e). For the more
sheltered First Lake site and Seventh Lake site A, frequency values increased until
1.5 m or 2.0 m, respectively (Fig. 4a, b). Common Bladderwort followed a similar
Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 23, No. 3
R.A. Urban and M.E. Dwyer
Figure 1. Average (+ SE)
growth measurements
of Utricularia vulgaris
(Common Bladderwort)
and U. inflata (Swollen
Bladderwort) at the end
of a 23-d greenhouse experiment:
(a) total length
of new growth (t = 0.5,
P > 0.05), (b) number
of new branches that developed
off the original
fragments (t = 7.1, P less than
0.001), and (c) length of
each new branch (t = 4.8,
P < 0.001).
Northeastern Naturalist
R.A. Urban and M.E. Dwyer
2016 Vol. 23, No. 3
Figure 2. Photographs of representative (a) Common Bladderwort and (b) Swollen Bladderwort
fragments at the end of a 23-d greenhouse experiment. At the beginning of the
experiment, the stem fragments were 9.0 cm in length and did not contain a visible apical
meristem. Arrows point to where a new branch started to grow from the original fragment.
Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 23, No. 3
R.A. Urban and M.E. Dwyer
trend of increasing frequency values in the shallows; however, the greatest frequencies
for Common Bladderwort occurred at shallower depths compared to the other
unattached bladderwort species (Fig. 4). The greatest frequency values of Common
Bladderwort were consistently at depths 0.5–2.0 m shallower than Swollen Bladderwort
and Purple Bladderwort.
In contrast, the relative frequency of the attached Flat-leaf Bladderwort, which
was less common overall than the other bladderworts, was negatively correlated to
depth (R2 = 0.23, P < 0.05; Table 1). Flat-leaf Bladderwort was absent at depths of
1.5–2.5 m, except for at Seventh Lake site B, where it had a frequency value of 2%
at 2.0 m in depth (Fig. 4). Lavender Bladderwort also tended to be more common
in the shallows, although the linear regression was not statistically significant (R2 =
0.01; Table 1). This attached macrophyte was absent at the 2.0-m and 2.5–m depths
across all but 1 site. At the more exposed Second Lake site, it was a dominant species
and had a frequency value of 60% at 2.5 m (Fig. 4c).
Swollen Bladderwort and Common Bladderwort exhibited a difference in their
asexual reproduction. While new Common Bladderwort branches grew longer,
there were only 1–2 new branches per fragment; new Swollen Bladderwort branches
were significantly shorter, but there were up to 12 new branches per fragment.
Figure 3. Mean
(± SE) percent
values of deployed
Bladderwort (■),
Purple Bladderwort
(●), and
Common Bladderwort
(▲) remaining
in the
original quadrats
in relation
to depth from 3
separate trials.
Table 1. Summary results from linear regressions that tested the relationship of plant frequency and
lake depth for 5 bladderwort species at vegetation sampling sites in the Adirondack Mountains of NY.
*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ns = not significant.
Plant Equation df R2
Lavender Bladderwort y = 25.40-3.0x 18 0.01 ns
Flat-leaf Bladderwort y = 21.55-9.7x 18 0.23*
Common Bladderwort y = 1.60-0.01x 23 0.05 ns
Purple Bladderwort y = 0.94 + 0.01x 23 0.31**
Swollen Bladderwort y = 1.01 + 0.15x 23 0.34**
Northeastern Naturalist
R.A. Urban and M.E. Dwyer
2016 Vol. 23, No. 3
Each new branch has the potential to develop into a new individual as the original
stolon decays. This mechanism may help explain why Swollen Bladderwort occurs
at high frequencies in many Adirondack lake sites. The development of branches
was likely stimulated when the removal of the apical bud resulted in a decline of
auxin reaching the axillary buds (Raven et al. 2013).
Swollen Bladderwort is unique among the other bladderworts mentioned in this
paper due to its production of large radial floats that subtend its inflorescences. It
is possible that these structures could aid the dispersal of this species; however, we
believe that fragments are more important. We rarely observed Swollen Bladderwort
flowering in Adirondack lakes, even in systems with large populations of this
invasive species.
Figure 4. Frequency of Swollen Bladderwort (■), Purple Bladderwort (●), Common Bladderwort
(▲), Lavender Bladderwort (□), and Flat-leaf Bladderwort (○) in relation to depth
at 5 different sites: (a) First Lake, (b) Seventh Lake site A, (c) Second Lake, (d) Seventh
Lake site B, and (e) Third Lake. Lavender Bladderwort was not observed at Seventh Lake
site B, while Flat-leaf Bladderwort was not observed at the Second Lake site.
Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 23, No. 3
R.A. Urban and M.E. Dwyer
The results of our field trials showed that Common Bladderwort was less likely
to be displaced at depths of 1.0–2.5 m compared to Swollen Bladderwort and Purple
Bladderwort. Although unattached bladderworts can sometimes form dense mats at
the water surface, the basal ends of these bladderworts were covered in periphyton
and in direct contact with the substrate during our vegetation sampling. The apical
ends of these species were often turned upward towards the water surface, but the
growing tips of Purple Bladderwort and Swollen Bladderwort were almost always
positioned higher in the water column than Common Bladderwort. It appears that
Common Bladderwort is less buoyant, which causes this species to better withstand
water movement compared to the other 2 unattached species. How far a plant is
carried in moving water can vary between species, with more-buo yant species less
likely to remain in their original location (Riis and Sand-Jensen 2006).
Our vegetation-sampling data showed that a zonation pattern existed for different
bladderwort species: attached bladderworts were more common in the shallows,
followed by Common Bladderwort, and finally Purple Bladderwort and Swollen
Bladderwort. Aquatic plant communities typically exhibit a zonation pattern
in which emergent species occur along the land–water interface, floating-leaved
plants occupy relatively sheltered locations, and submersed macrophytes range
from the shallows to much greater depths (Spence 1982). Light availability is the
main determinant for depth limits of submersed macrophytes; temperature and
type of substrate act as modifying variables (Spence 1982) and wave activity likely
determines the upslope limit for aquatic plants (Chambers 1987). Although wave
activity may prevent an unattached plant from thriving in the shallows, susceptibility
to water movement facilitates the downstream spread of such species.
We believe Swollen Bladderwort’s prolific asexual reproduction and high dispersal
ability have positively influenced its spread, and may be part of the reason it
is found at greater frequencies in Adirondack Mountain lakes compared to Common
We thank John Titus, Jeff Bohner, Jim Doherty, and Timothy Doty for their assistance
in the field. Thanks also to 2 anonymous reviewers for constructive comments on an earlier
draft of the manuscript. This research was funded in part by 2 Lebanon Valley College
Faculty Research Grants and the Lebanon Valley College Wolf Biology Research Fund. The
vegetation sampling was originally conducted under a GRO (STAR) Research Assistance
Agreement No. F6E61477 awarded by the US Environmental Protection Agency. This manuscript
has not been formally reviewed by the EPA. The views expressed in this document
are solely those of the authors, and the EPA does not endorse any products or commercial
services mentioned in this publication.
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