An Evaluation of Interstate Efforts to Re-introduce
Paddlefish to the Upper Ohio River Basin
David G. Argent, William G. Kimmel, Rick Lorson, and Mike Clanc
Northeastern Naturalist, Volume 23, Issue 4 (2016): 454–465
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Northeastern Naturalist
D.G. Argent, W.G. Kimmel, R. Lorson, and M. Clancy
22001166 NORTHEASTERN NATURALIST 2V3(o4l). :2435,4 N–4o6. 54
An Evaluation of Interstate Efforts to Re-introduce
Paddlefish to the Upper Ohio River Basin
David G. Argent1,*, William G. Kimmel1, Rick Lorson2, and Mike Clancy3
Abstract - Historically, Polyodon spathula (American Paddlefish) occurred within the Mississippi
River Basin’s large rivers, traversing hundreds of kilometers to complete their life
cycle. However, populations declined in response to the installation of lock and dam (L/D)
structures, declining water quality, and the loosely regulated harvest of the species. By the
late 1800s, American Paddlefish were extirpated from many portions of their historic range.
In response, federal and state agencies sought to restore inter-jurisdictional populations of
this fish. Our objective was to assess reintroduction efforts in the northeastern-most portion
of its range. Using a combination of gill nets, boat electrofishing, and larval drift nets, populations
were sampled in Pennsylvania and New York over a 10-year-period, post-stocking.
Although American Paddlefish were at large in navigable waters of the upper Ohio River
Basin, free-flowing and tail-water areas below L/D structures appeared to hold more fish
than impounded reaches. The presence of L/D structures and fixed-crest dams may inhibit
upstream passage of fish and reduce the availability of forage, as reflected in reduced condition-
index scores. Although gravid fishes were captured in Pennsylvania and New York,
little evidence exists to suggest the presence of self-sustaining populations, as only one larval
American Paddlefish was captured. The recovery of this species to its historic northeast range
may hinge on continuing stocking efforts, development of fish-passage structures, conservation
lockages, and improvement and protection of suitable spawning habitats.
Polyodon spathula (Walbaum in Artedi) (American Paddlefish, hereafter “Paddlefish”),
a potamodromous species (Wilcox et al. 2004), once swam freely within
the Mississippi River Basin. This fish is known to travel long distances throughout
its range and relies on precise timing of environmental cues, including water
temperature, photoperiod, and river flows to successfully complete its life cycle
(Jennings and Zigler 2009). The combination of declining water quality and physical
impediments, such as dams, restricted populations to core areas in the mid-western
United States (Bettoli et al. 2009). In response, the Mississippi Interstate Cooperative
Resource Association (MICRA) was formed, pooling private, state, and federal
resources to facilitate recovery of inter-jurisdictional fishes, including Paddlefish.
In the northeastern United States, the Ohio River Basin represents the easternmost
extent of Paddlefish (Argent et al. 2009, Bettoli et al. 2009, Cooper 1983).
1California University of Pennsylvania, 250 University Avenue, California, PA 15419. 2The
Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission Fisheries Management Area 8, 236 Lake Road,
Somerset, PA 15501, 3New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Region
9, Bureau of Fisheries, 182 East Union Street, Allegany, NY 14706. *Corresponding author
Manuscript Editor: Tom Maier
Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 23, No. 4
D.G. Argent, W.G. Kimmel, R. Lorson, and M. Clancy
This Basin includes the Monongahela and Allegheny rivers, which drain portions
of New York, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia, forming the headwaters of the Ohio
River in Pittsburgh, PA. Lock and Dam (L/D) navigation structures, acid mine
drainage, and alteration of habitat caused by dredging likely drove the decline of
Paddlefish here, resulting in their designations as “extirpated, protected, or threatened”
(Bettoli et al. 2009, Henley et al. 2001), depending upon location within the
Ohio River Basin.
The most-recent reliable historical account of Paddlefish came from a 1919
collection made at the confluence of the Kiskiminetas and Allegheny rivers in
Pennsylvania (Fowler 1919). Following passage of the Federal Clean Water Act
Amendments of 1972, water quality improved dramatically, such that in the 1990s
natural resource agencies (e.g., Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission [PFBC],
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation [NYSDEC], and
West Virginia Department of Natural Resources [WVDNR]), with assistance from
MICRA, developed programs to reintroduce Paddlefish to the upper Ohio River
Basin (Clancy 2005; Henley et al. 2001; Lorson 1991, 2008).
From 1991 to 2006, the PFBC released Paddlefish throughout 48 km of the lower
Allegheny River and 64 km of the upper Ohio River. From 2007 through 2011,
stocking locations were reduced and confined to Pool 2 (11 km in length) of the
Allegheny River in odd years and to Dashields Pool (12 km in length) of the Ohio
River in even years to achieve a higher stocking density of 3 Paddlefish/ha. This
hatchery-derived program resulted in the stocking of over 120,000 fish of a size
thought to minimize predation (250–300 mm TL; Parken and Scarnecchia 2002).
Companion programs initiated by NYSDEC in 1998 and WVDNR in 2005, added
9271 and 500 fish to portions of the Allegheny and Monongahela rivers, respectively.
In addition, since 2006 NYSDEC has stocked 3341 Paddlefish in Conewango
Creek, which joins the Allegheny River at Warren, PA, and WVDNR has added
26,000 Paddlefish to the Ohio River immediately downstream of the Pennsylvania
border (C. O’Bara, WVDNR, Parkersburg, WV, pers. comm.) providing other potential
sources of colonizers. All stocked fish were tagged with binary-coded wire
tags (CWT) following MICRA protocols.
The PFBC committed, as part of their recovery plan, to a dedicated 10-year
monitoring and assessment effort focused on the navigable reaches of the Ohio and
Allegheny rivers (Lorson 2008). Post-stocking movement (Barry et al. 2007) and
food resource availability (Counahan 2004) studies were conducted from 2003 to
2005. Results indicated that recently stocked Paddlefish generally crowded near
L/D structures immediately following release and that zooplankton densities were
considerably lower than those documented from the Mississippi River Basin which
supports self-sustaining Paddlefish populations. Concurrent with these studies,
survey efforts were initiated to evaluate reintroduction efforts in portions of the
lower Allegheny and upper Ohio rivers in Pennsylvania. These efforts were later
expanded and replicated in West Virginia and New York to permit assessment of
Paddlefish in their northeastern range.
Northeastern Naturalist
D.G. Argent, W.G. Kimmel, R. Lorson, and M. Clancy
2016 Vol. 23, No. 4
Our primary objective here is to summarize these assessment efforts to reintroduce
Paddlefish to their historic range in the upper Ohio River Basin. In addition,
we document the presence and condition of Paddlefish in the northeastern US from
a region below Kinzua Dam to Allegheny L/D 9 (a free-flowing reach of the Allegheny
River) and compare those to individuals captured from L/D 9 of the Allegheny
River to downstream navigable reaches of the Allegheny, Ohio, and Monongahela
rivers (an area bounded by a series of L/D structures).
From 2004 to 2010, we used gill nets (2.4-m-deep panels consisting of 2.5-,
5.0-, 7.6-, 10.1- and 12.7-cm bar mesh) to sample adult fishes every ~1.28 km
in Pennsylvania’s portions of the Monongahela and Allegheny rivers’ navigable
reaches (sections where water is pooled by L/D structures and has at least 2.7 m of
water depth maintained for commercial boat traffic [Fig. 1]). We set nets perpendicular
to shore and fished overnight, between 14–20 hours. On the Monongahela
River, the study reach extended from the Morgantown L/D (located in Morgantown,
WV) to the confluence with the Allegheny River in Pittsburgh, PA, a distance
of nearly 142 km (Fig. 1). The navigable reach on the Allegheny River extended
from Pittsburgh to the mouth of Catfish Run, a distance of nearly 115 km. At Catfish
Figure 1. Map depicting locations of sampling reaches within the Upper Ohio River Basin:
(1) Allegheny Reservoir; (2) Kinzua Dam tailrace; (3) free-flowing reach of the Allegheny
River, from Kinzua Dam to Lock/Dam #9; and (4) navigable reaches of the Allegheny,
Monongahela, and Ohio rivers, bounded by series of L/D structur es.
Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 23, No. 4
D.G. Argent, W.G. Kimmel, R. Lorson, and M. Clancy
Run, the character of the river changed dramatically as the pool maintained by L/D
9 transitioned to a free-flowing/navigable river (Fig. 1). From here, we employed
backpack electrofishing and gillnetting upstream to the mouth of French Creek,
every 1.28 km when possible. In addition, we performed targeted gill-net sampling
with multi-mesh gill nets (7.6-m-long panels of 10.1-, 12.7-, 15.2-, 17.8-, and 20.3-
cm bar mesh hobbled from 6- to 4.5-m deep) on the Ohio and Allegheny rivers in
areas below L/D structures. In 2011–2012, we intensively sampled with gill-nets
utilizing a combination of net sizes and effort, as described above, below Emsworth
and Dashields L/Ds on the Ohio River and L/D 2 and 3 on the Allegheny River,
covering a reach about 65 km in length (hereafter, these areas of the Allegheny,
Monongahela, and Ohio rivers will be referred to as the “naviga ble reaches”).
In 2008, NYSDEC monitored the movement of Paddlefish within the Allegheny
Reservoir using radio-telemetry (see Budnik 2010), observing that nearly half of
the fish tracked left the reservoir during fall water releases from the epilimnion
(Budnik et al. 2014). To assess the fate of these reservoir emigrants, Argent and
Kimmel (2014) initiated a targeted sampling program in 2013–2014, using gillnets
of varying dimensions (as described above) in areas of the upper Allegheny River,
from its confluence with French Creek to the tailrace of Kinzua Dam, a distance of
nearly 112 km (hereafter, designated as the “free-flowing” reach; Fig. 1).
Because flow restrictions directly below Kinzua Dam prevented the use of
gillnets, we employed boat electrofishing gear to sample this tailrace reach during
spring 2013 and 2014, with two electrofishing runs performed each night. Electrofishing
output ranged from 15 to 50 amps (peak) and 260 to 485 volts DC (peak),
over an area about 120 m in width and 365 m in length.
Lastly, data collected by NYSDEC from Paddlefish captured in Allegheny Reservoir
(summarized in Budnik 2010 and Budnik et al. 2014) were obtained to allow
for comparisons among all fish collected. All captured Paddlefish were examined
for the presence of a CWT, weighed (to the nearest kg), measured (eye-to-fork
length [EFL] to the nearest cm), sexed (by gamete expression), and released. We
used weight and length data to compare size differences among the 4 populations
sampled and to calculate Fulton’s condition index (K) for comparison with the results
of Budnik (2010), using:
K = (WT x 105) / EFL3,
where WT is weight in kg, and EFL is eye-to-fork length measured in cm (Hoxmeier
and Devries 1997). While we used Fulton’s condition index to compare fish growth
among the 4 reaches surveyed, we could not determine growth rates because length
or weight data at the time of stocking was not available.
We used paired larval drift nets with identical dimensions (0.5-m-diameter nets,
750-μm mesh), following Braaten et al. (2009), in 15-minute sets at mid-water and
benthic locations in areas where sufficient river flow permitted full deployments.
This gear has been proven successful in capturing larval Paddlefish in portions of
their range (Braaten et al. 2009); however, this methodology was ineffective in
capturing larval fish due to low flow in navigable reaches. Therefore, in such lowNortheastern
D.G. Argent, W.G. Kimmel, R. Lorson, and M. Clancy
2016 Vol. 23, No. 4
flow reaches we elected to perform 15-minute moving (active; ~5 km/hr) trawls in
a downstream direction with the paired nets mounted from the bow of the boat to
cover as much water as practicable within a given pool. One 15-minute paired-net
active deployment permitted ~1 km of river to be sampled at mid-water and benthic
depths. Active deployments were performed during the daytime at stations that
were also sampled by gillnetting and trawling within each targeted pool. After each
timed haul, the contents of each paired net were preserved on-site in 10% formalin,
returned to the laboratory at California University of Pennsylvania to be identified
to the lowest practicable taxonomic level, and pooled to form a station composite
from both stationary and active sampling events.
We determined Paddlefish length–weight relationships for each sampling locality
and compared the log-transformed data using analysis of covariance (Zar 2010)
to determine if differences existed in the slopes of these relationships. In addit ion,
we used analysis of variance to determine if differences in Fulton’s condition index
existed among the 4 defined sampling localities. To determine where differences
occurred, we conducted Fisher’s LSD post-hoc. All tests were considered significant
if P < 0.05.
Varying amounts of gillnet effort were used to capture Paddlefish from 2004
to 2014 in New York and Pennsylvania (Table 1), with differing levels of success
(Table 2). New York State DEC captured 78 Paddlefish with gill-nets in Allegheny
Reservoir, while efforts in Pennsylvania yielded 13 fish from navigable reaches
and 11 fish from free-flowing reaches with similar gear. No Paddlefish were collected
with backpack electrofishing gear. As fish crowded below Kinzua Dam in
spring 2013 and 2014, the ability to capture Paddlefish with boat electrofishing gear
greatly increased, yielding 24 fish after nearly 4 hours of effort, compared to the
24 fish collected from 28,143 gillnet-hours expended elsewhere. Boat electrofishing
within the environment below the dam produced catch per unit effort (CPUE)
orders of magnitude higher than gillnetting (Table 2).
Of the 126 Paddlefish collected, 2 were not weighed or measured; the remaining
124 fish ranged in size from 41 to 112 cm EFL and in weight from 1.2 to 24.9 kg
(Fig. 2). Length–weight relationships, although similar in shape, revealed patterns
Table 1. Summary of location, year sampled, period sampled, gear, and effort expended to capture
Paddlefish. Reservoir = Kinzua Reservoir; Tailrace = tailrace of Kinzua Dam; Free-Flowing = region
of river from tailrace of Kinza Dam to LD#9 on the Allegheny River; and Navigable = navigable
waterways bounded by L/D structures on the Allegheny, Monongahela, and Ohio rivers within Pennsylvania.
EF = electrofishing.
Location Year sampled Period sampled Gear Effort (hr)
Reservoir 2008–2011 May–June Gillnet 6939.0
Tailrace 2013–2014 May Boat EF 3.8
Free-flowing 2013–2014 May–July Gillnet 6083.0
Navigable 2004–2012 April–July Gillnet 15,121.0
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D.G. Argent, W.G. Kimmel, R. Lorson, and M. Clancy
with significantly different slopes (ANCOVA: P < 0.05; Fig. 2). Fulton’s condition
index (K) ranged from 0.65 to 4.15, with differences apparent among the 4 sampling
localities; it peaked in the reservoir and slowly declined downstream to the navigable
reaches (Fig. 3). The average condition (as measured by Fulton’s K) of reservoir
Paddlefish was significantly higher than that of all other sampling localities (Fisher’s
LSD: P < 0.05). We could not determine sex for most fish as they were in either immature
or in pre-spawn condition; however, 4 were externally identified as gravid
females by gamete expression.
Table 2. Summary of Paddlefish captures location on reaches (reservoir, tailrace, free-flowing, or
navigable; see Table 1 for definitions) of the Ohio, Allegheny, and Monongahela rivers from 2004 to
2014. Number of fish capture, CPUE, mean eye-to-fork length, and mean weight are presented.
Location No. caught CPUE (fish/100 hr) Mean EFL (cm) Mean weight (kg)
Reservoir 76 1.12 80.38 13.71
Tailrace 24 632.00 79.27 9.21
Free-flowing 11 0.18 76.82 8.04
Navigable 13 0.09 84.08 10.20
Figure 2. Length–weight relationships (exponential) among 4 Paddlefish populations of
the Upper Ohio River Basin. Line designations are as follows, dotted = reservoir (n = 76,
R2=0.79), dashed = tailrace (n = 24, R2 = 0.87), dot-dash = free-flowing (n = 11, R2 = 0.71),
and solid line = navigable (n = 13, R2 = 0.95). Figure represents a grand total (N) of 124
Northeastern Naturalist
D.G. Argent, W.G. Kimmel, R. Lorson, and M. Clancy
2016 Vol. 23, No. 4
Among Paddlefish collected from the reservoir, tailrace, and free-flowing
reaches (i.e., fishes from New York’s stocking efforts), CWTs were detected in most
fish. We did not detect a CWT in 1 Paddlefish collected in the navigable reaches
of Pennsylvania or from 4 fish captured in the tailrace reach. Although 2 stocking
locations (Conewango River and Allegheny Reservoir) were used by NYSDEC,
recovered CWTs indicated that all fish originated from the Allegheny Reservoir
stocking. Despite performing over 500 hauls with drift nets, we captured only 1
larval paddlefish from the navigable reach of the Allegheny River.
Natural resource agencies in Pennsylvania, New York, and West Virginia have
made concerted efforts to reintroduce Paddlefish populations to the northeast fringe
of their range in the upper Ohio River Basin with limited success. Monitoring efforts,
in addition to angler reports compiled by the PFBC, provide ample evidence
of the movement of Paddlefish stocked from bordering states into reaches of the
Monongahela and the upper Allegheny rivers not stocked by the PFBC. Yet, evidence
of self-sustaining Paddlefish populations in the upper Ohio River Basin is
scant, consisting solely of the capture of a single larval paddlefish and 5 adult fish
Figure 3. Fulton’s K mean-condition factor values of Paddlefish from reaches (n: reservoir
= 76, tailrace = 24, free-flowing = 11, and navigable = 13) of the Allegheny, Monongahela,
and Ohio rivers. Vertical whiskers denote standard deviation. Overall, data ranged from
0.65 to 4.15, with significantly higher values for the reservoir (Fisher’s LSD: P < 0.05).
Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 23, No. 4
D.G. Argent, W.G. Kimmel, R. Lorson, and M. Clancy
lacking identifiable tags (Argent and Kimmel 2006), suggesting that spawning habitat
may be limited or non-accessible within the upper Ohio Rive r Basin.
One of the most significant challenges to the reintroduction of self-sustaining
Paddlefish populations to the northeastern portion of their range is presented by the
Kinzua Dam, which blocks upstream fish movement in the upper Allegheny River.
While Budnik et al. (2014) documented a 50% dispersal of Paddlefish from Allegheny
Reservoir to downstream reaches, upstream passage of fishes is impossible
given the design of the structure.
With respect to the establishment of Paddlefish populations in the free-flowing
upper Allegheny River and navigable downriver reaches below Kinzua Dam,
however, fish from the Allegheny Reservoir, along with periodic stockings in Conewango
River since 2006, have provided potential colonizers, enhancing restoration
efforts in Pennsylvania. The success of those efforts is supported by gillnet-captured
fish as far as 24 km below Kinzua Dam and a 2014 angler report, documenting
movement to the tailrace of Tionesta Reservoir, located 74 km downstream of
Kinzua Dam.
In the navigable reaches, fish can move freely within pools, but have likely
been restricted in traveling from one pool to an upstream contiguous pool by the
rate at which lockages occur. Downstream movement is less dependent on lockage
frequency, as fish may actively or passively traverse dam crests. Anecdotally, 2
Paddlefish monitored by Barry et al. (2007) were captured by anglers in Kentucky,
675 km downriver and 6 years after these fish were stocked in the Montgomery Pool
of the Ohio River.
Recent changes by the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) may further hamper
fish movement both up and down-stream on the Allegheny and Monongahela
rivers. In 2013, L/D structures 6 through 9 were closed on the Allegheny River,
given insufficient-to-nonexistent barge traffic to warrant lockages, thereby restricting
movement across 42 km of river for all fishes. Federal funding was secured to
permit a lockage on each weekend day and holiday between late May and June 2015
for recreational boat traffic in this area (USACE 2015). Likewise, given reduced
barge traffic, the Hildebrand and Opekiska L/D structures in West Virginia remain
closed indefinitely on the Monongahela River (USACE 2013), thereby restricting
access to the upper reaches of the Monongahela River .
The CWT program launched by resource agencies and MICRA is anticipated
to provide further evidence of movement by Paddlefish, given that spools used
by MICRA are sequentially numbered and retention is relatively high. The PFBC
and NYSDEC reported approximately 99% and 90% CWT retention, respectively,
among hatchery-reared fishes. Recovered CWTs suggest that some Paddlefish
had been at large for up to 15 years. No fish stocked by WVDNR were recovered
in Pennsylvania by gillnetting, suggesting that downriver movements in the
Monongahela River and upstream movements within the Ohio River are rare or
The capture of 5 Paddlefish lacking identifiable tags provides a measure of support
for the possibility that natural reproduction may have occurred (Argent and Kimmel
Northeastern Naturalist
D.G. Argent, W.G. Kimmel, R. Lorson, and M. Clancy
2016 Vol. 23, No. 4
2006). The size of fish we collected included individuals that should be sexually
mature (following Jennings and Zigler 2009). These results lend support to the possibility
that these fish are the result of natural reproduction and that self-sustaining
populations may eventually exist. Our attempts to collect larval Paddlefish with drift
nets (gear described by Braaten et al. 2009), however, were largely unsuccessful, as
only one larval individual was captured after more than 1000 hours of sampling. This
result suggests that spawning habitat may be limited in the upper Ohio River Basin.
While Paddlefish may have access to nearly 200 km of free- flowing river and a few
hundred km of navigable tributary waters, a lack of suitable spawning habitat may
impede the establishment of self-sustaining populations.
Most fish collected as part of this evaluation were documented from upstream
free-flowing reaches where riverine habitats changed from slow-moving pools to
swift-flowing reaches. The presence of L/D structures in the navigable reaches
provided only isolated locations where scoured gravels remained. Bathymetry
work summarized by Nieman et al. (1999) and Long and Chapman (2008) identified
a complexity of habitat types along many reaches of the Allegheny and Ohio
rivers; however, when compared with preferred Paddlefish habitat descriptions
(Hubert et al. 1984), these may have been too widely scattered in the northeastern
river sections considered here to provide sufficient habitat to sustain a
Paddlefish population.
Budnik et al. (2014) reported condition factors for Paddlefish collected inside
Allegheny Reservoir comparable to those from populations in the mid-western US,
suggesting that fish were able to find a suitable forage base. However, while zooplankton
are present in and around Allegheny Reservoir, populations of the invasive
Bythotrephes longimanus (Leydig) (Spiny Water Flea), which periodically dominate
the tailrace, may hamper Paddlefish growth in the river (Argent et al. 2014).
The Spiny Water Flea has been implicated as a predator of zooplankton (Yan et al.
2011), and the presence of the large spine inhibits its consumption by some fish
species (Compton and Kerfoot 2004). The spine may also render these organisms
difficult for Paddlefish fry to consume as they become obligate filter feeders. The
tailrace below Kinzua Dam harbors a high density of zooplankton, which declines
progressively downstream (Argent et al. 2014). Unlike Allegheny Reservoir and its
tailrace, however, navigable reaches of the Ohio and Allegheny rivers do not support
high densities of zooplankton (Counahan 2004). The lack of zooplankton may
be responsible for the lower condition-index values exhibited by fish captured there
and the shift in length–weight relationships from Allegheny Reservoir downriver to
the navigable reaches.
The protection afforded to Paddlefish by Pennsylvania and New York as a
“species of conservation concern” and the effort both agencies have put forth
to restore this species may not be enough to guarantee robust self-sustaining
populations throughout the northeast fringe of their range, given the threats and
challenges identified above. Of greatest attainable need is determining what contribution
fishes stocked in Conewango Creek and Allegheny Reservoir have on
the establishment of Paddlefish in free-flowing reaches downstream from Kinzua
Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 23, No. 4
D.G. Argent, W.G. Kimmel, R. Lorson, and M. Clancy
Dam to L/D 9, and if natural reproduction is occurring to the degree necessary to
support self-sustaining populations.
Sampling reaches below Kinzua Dam confirmed movement of Paddlefish
stocked by NYSDEC through Kinzua Dam. While stocked fish were at large,
however, our collection of few Paddlefish in either pre- or post-spawn condition
or larvae provided little evidence of natural reproduction. Unlike portions of the
impounded lower Allegheny and upper Ohio rivers, which appear habitat-limited,
the reaches sampled in the free-flowing sections provide a diversity of habitat types.
Therefore, while we were unable to document evidence of self-sustaining populations,
the presence of adult Paddlefish, the availability of suitable habitat (though
widely scattered), and riverine connectivity portend well for the future of this species
in the free-flowing upper Allegheny River, below Kinzua Dam.
The continued recovery of Paddlefish to the upper Allegheny River may also
hinge on future stocking efforts by NYSDEC, as this reach was never targeted for
restoration by the PFBC during the 20-year period in which Pennsylvania waters
were stocked. Future population assessments should include:
1. Continued radio-telemetry studies focusing on pre- and post-spawning
movement of adult Paddlefish to reveal the effect of dams on migratory
patterns and to identify potential spawning habitat;
2. Further dialogue among the Seneca Nation, NYDEC, PFBC, WVDNR,
and the USACE, as each party exercises some level of fishery or water
resources management that affects Paddlefish and other aquatic species in
the upper Ohio River Basin;
3. Expanded efforts using appropriate methods (e.g., consider increasing boat
electrofishing surveys during spring) to document natural reproduction
via larval drift- netting, as well as sampling to capture adult free-ranging
4. Increased stockings in the reach between Allegheny L/D 9 and Kinzua
Dam; and
5. Evaluating the zooplankton resources available to Paddlefish in Allegheny
Reservoir and the Allegheny, Ohio, and Monongahela rivers.
We thank the US Fish and Wildlife Service/PA Fish and Boat Commission for funding
this work through state wildlife grant SWG T2-10-R-1. We gratefully acknowledge
assistance from US Army Corps of Engineers, the PA Fish and Boat Commission (Brian
Ensign, Diana Day, Robert Ventorini [former], and Kelly Wiley), and numerous private
boat dock/launch owners/operators for helping with field-sampling logistics. We thank the
following individuals for their help with field sampling: Jeffrey Ambrose, Nick Bobich,
Dan Dascani, Brian Deleonibus, Devin Demario, David Drescher, Levi Kaczka, Matthew
Kinsey, Justin Peel, Colton Riley, Benjamin Trask, and Chris Warden. Lastly, 2 anonymous
reviewers and Manuscript Editor, Tom Maier, provided helpful comments on earlier
drafts of this manuscript.
Northeastern Naturalist
D.G. Argent, W.G. Kimmel, R. Lorson, and M. Clancy
2016 Vol. 23, No. 4
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State Wildlife Grant Project: T-13. Final Report. The Pennsylvania Fish and
Boat Commission, Somerset, PA.
Argent, D.G., and W.G. Kimmel. 2014. Update on the status of Paddlefish in Pennsylvania.
Pennsylvania State Wildlife Grant Project: T2-10-R-1. Phase III. Final Report. The
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Argent, D.G., W.G. Kimmel, R. Lorson, P. McKeown, D.M. Carlson, and M. Clancy. 2009.
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in the 21st Century: Building From 20 Years of Research and Management.
American Fisheries Society Special Symposium 66, Bethesda, MD. 443 pp.
Argent, D.G., W.G. Kimmel, D. Gray, B. Deleonibus, and D. Drescher. 2014. Longitudinal
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