Distribution and Abundance of Odonata Species Across
Massachusetts: Results of a Long-term Monitoring Program
Robert Buchsbaum, Christopher W. Leahy, and Taber Allison
Northeastern Naturalist, Volume 23, Issue 4 (2016): 501–524
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Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 23, No. 4
R. Buchsbaum, C.W. Leahy, and T. Allison
Distribution and Abundance of Odonata Species Across
Massachusetts: Results of a Long-term Monitoring Program
Robert Buchsbaum1,*, Christopher W. Leahy1, and Taber Allison1, 2
Abstract - Surveys of Odonata were carried out at Mass Audubon wildlife sanctuaries in
all regions of the state and in multiple habitats. Our goals were to provide a comprehensive
look at patterns of species distribution and relative species richness across Massachusetts
and compare surveys where effort was and was not controlled. Observers encountered a
total of 146 species, 11 of which were very widespread, having been recorded at more than
40 of the 54 properties examined. Thirty-five species were relatively rare, occurring at only
1 or 2 sanctuaries. A few sanctuaries were particularly notable for supporting somewhat
uncommon species. These sites were not located in any particular ecoregion, but reflected
local conditions. In surveys where effort was not controlled, a regression analysis indicated
that about two thirds of the variation in species richness among sanctuaries could be explained
by the amount of observer effort, the size of the sanctuary, and the extent of wetland
habitat. Quantitative surveys that used transects or point counts to control for sampling
effort resulted in observation of fewer species, including state-listed taxa, compared to the
non-quantitative surveys. Despite producing fewer species, data from these quantitative
surveys can be used to make statistical comparisons with data from future studies and detect
changes over time in species richness, abundance, and frequency of occurrence.
The insect order Odonata is a diverse and attractive group for ecological study.
The order includes 2 suborders, Zygoptera (damselflies) and Anisoptera (dragonflies),
both of which are characterized by aquatic nymphal stages and terrestrial
adults. The aquatic nymphs occupy a variety of habitats depending upon the species,
such as streams, rivers, ponds, lakes, bogs, and vernal pools, and they may be
major predators or serve as prey for fish in some of these habitats (McPeek 2008,
Paulson 2011). Odonate nymphs are often central to biological monitoring programs
that assess stream- and river-habitat quality (Chovanec and Waringer 2001,
Oertli 2008, USEPA 2002). Adults are highly visible, aerial predators on insects
over aquatic communities, but can also be found far from water in fields, within
forest openings, and on ridgetops. Some odonates are generalists and occur in a
variety of habitats, and others are specialists that are limited to particular habitats,
such as cold, rocky streams or coastal sandplain ponds.
The diversity of odonate species found in the Northeast and the association
of at least some species with particular ecological communities makes the group
a suitable subject for comparing diversity and distribution across communities
1Mass Audubon, 346 Grapevine Road, Wenham, MA. 2Current address - American Wind
Wildlife Institute, 1110 Vermont Avenue NW, Suite 950, Washington, DC 20005-3544.
*Corresponding author - rbuchsbaum@massaudubon.org.
Manuscript Editor: Pamela Hunt
Northeastern Naturalist
R. Buchsbaum, C.W. Leahy, and T. Allison
2016 Vol. 23, No. 4
and geographic ranges. New England is home to 188 species of odonates, of
which 168 occur in Massachusetts (OdonataCentral 2016). With the aid of new
field guides (e.g., Lam 2007, Nikula et al. 2007, Paulson 2011), it is possible to
characterize the odonate fauna much more completely than it is for other groups
of organisms that contain a much higher number of species and present greater
identification challenges (e.g., beetles, moths). The recent popularity of “ode
watching” also makes possible studies of odonate distribution based on species
lists created by volunteer naturalists.
In this study, we present the results of observations of adult odonates on 54
Mass Audubon wildlife sanctuaries located throughout the Commonwealth of
Massachusetts. Our research examined (1) patterns of odonate species richness in
particular regions and sanctuaries of Massachusetts, (2) the distribution of odonate
species across Massachusetts to determine which ones were the most or the
least widespread, (3) the influence of some physical characteristics (i.e., sanctuary
size and extent of wetlands) on odonate species richness, and (4) the effect
of observer effort on apparent richness. Alteration in the distribution of odonates
has been suggested as an indicator of climate change (Brooks et al. 2007, Hassall
and Thompson 2008, Parmesan 2006); thus, another goal of our inventory was to
provide baseline data that could be used to assess future odonate distribution in
response to a changing climate.
Species lists are usually non-quantitative with only presence/absence recorded
and no information given about sampling effort (temporal and spatial extent). We
evaluated whether quantitative surveys could be incorporated into a monitoring
program, and compared the results of quantitative to non-quantitative surveys.
Field site description
Odonate surveys were conducted at 54 wildlife sanctuaries owned and managed
by Mass Audubon, including at least 1 sanctuary in 12 of the 13 ecoregions
defined by the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) (MassGIS 2015;
Fig. 1). These properties contain a variety of landscapes (e.g., forests, agricultural,
suburban, and urban) and habitats (e.g., fresh and saline wetlands, ponds,
rivers, streams, bogs and fens, fields, and ridgetops) that, in combination with regional
geological and climatic differences, would be expected to support different
odonate species. In total, the Mass Audubon sanctuary system is highly representative
of the entire state, as well as much of southern New England.
We used ArcGIS v.10 (ESRI 2012) in conjuction with a property-boundary data
layer maintained by Mass Audubon to determine the area of the sanctuaries. Sanctuaries
varied in size from 0.7 ha to 917 ha, with an average size of 197 ha (± 218
SD). For the wetlands calculations, we used the 2009 Massachusetts wetlands data
layer from the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassGIS
2011) after “clipping” it with the property boundary data layer.
Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 23, No. 4
R. Buchsbaum, C.W. Leahy, and T. Allison
Surveying odonates
Our study focused on adult odonates. Odonates were sampled in 2 ways: general
surveys to determine whether an odonate species was present at a particular location,
and quantitative surveys within fixed areas.
General surveys. General surveys were carried out by experienced observers,
many of whom were volunteers, at different times of the field season with the goal
of determining overall species richness of a sanctuary. The focus was on presence/
absence rather than on quantifying abundance or sampling effort. An observer
walked through likely odonate habitat with a sampling net and recorded all species
identified. In most cases, no information was collected about the sampling effort
(e.g., amount of time spent in the field, number of habitats visited). Field notes
occasionally provided a general sense of species abundances, but this information
was not collected in a rigorous manner. Individual observers generally focused their
efforts on one or a few sanctuaries, thus reducing the complication of having different
observers with different abilities sampling the same site. These types of surveys
were similar to odonate surveys carried out in many reserves and are analogous to
the lists of observed species that birders keep.
Beginning in 2004, we began to track sampling effort for these general surveys.
We asked observers to note the amount of time they spent searching and to record
basic weather information (temperature, cloud cover, wind speed). We divided
Figure 1. The ecoregions of Massachusetts as defined by USEPA (MassGIS 2015). Locations
of Mass Audubon sanctuaries included in this study are indicated by dots.
Northeastern Naturalist
R. Buchsbaum, C.W. Leahy, and T. Allison
2016 Vol. 23, No. 4
sanctuaries into sampling zones that contained specific habitats, and encouraged
observers to relate their observations to one or more of those zones. We developed
a scale to record abundance classes. We also conducted sampling at different times
throughout the field season to account for seasonal changes. As a quality-control
measure, we asked observers to photograph species that were challenging to identify
so that experienced observers could confirm the identificati ons.
We defined our index of effort for the presence/absence surveys as the number
of days a sanctuary was sampled for odonates. This is not a precise measurement
because it does not take into account the number of hours spent searching, the number
of observers, or the area and habitats covered. Observers are often motivated
by adding new species to a sanctuary list; thus, entries that were from shorter visits
might often have been reports of a new species observed incidental to other activities
on the sanctuary, thus complicating the relationship between the number of
hours spent searching and the number of species recorded. However, most sampling
involved a visit of several hours, and we think that our large sample-size minimizes
the effect of this variation on our results. Effort ranged from 1 day to 433 days per
sanctuary, with most sanctuaries subject to 2–20 days of sampling.
Quantitative surveys. In 2005, we developed 2 types of quantitative surveys to
more rigorously control for sampling effort and to provide information on relative
abundances of odonates: transects and point counts. Their use depended upon the
landscape, as described below.
Transects were used when the terrain allowed an observer to sample a relatively
uniform habitat, such as along an open pond shore or a field. Our method
resembled the Pollard Walk used for censusing butterflies (Pollard 1977). An
observer walked 50–100 m, depending on the landscape, and recorded all odonate
species and the number of individuals of each that passed within 5 m of either
side of the line. Thus, the area sampled a rectangle 10 m wide and 50–100 m long.
Observers spent a minimum of 15 min on each transect. No specimens were collected;
odonates for which a specimen was necessary for identification to species
(e.g., Enallagma spp.) were only identified to genus. Observers sometimes used
an insect net to briefly catch an odonate to aid in identification, but the time it
took to examine a netted specimen was not considered when estimating the time
spent along the transect in a sample run.
Surveyors used point counts at sites where they could not freely walk a transect,
e.g., a small opening on the shoreline of a densely vegetated pond or a bridge over
a stream. The observer stood at an observation point for 10 min and recorded the
genus, species, and number of individuals of all odonates that passed within 5 m
of the sample point. We considered the area sampled to be a circle or a semi-circle
with a radius of 5 m, depending upon whether the observation point was at the edge
or in the middle of odonate habitat. We reduced the chances of recounting the same
individual as it flew back and forth by estimating the maximum number of individuals
of each species we could observe at any one point in time. As with transects, a
net was used to capture specimens that could not be identified as they flew by or
perched, but only after the 10-min sample period ended.
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R. Buchsbaum, C.W. Leahy, and T. Allison
Point counts and transect surveys were carried out between 9 AM and 4 PM
(EDT) in sunny weather when odonates tend to be most active. We calculated
abundance as the number of individuals divided by the area sampled. All samples
presented included ≥5 transects or point counts that encompassed different portions
of the sampling season.
Potential sources of error
One source of error was in not detecting odonates that were present (MacKenzie
et al. 2008). Failure to detect a species that was present could have occurred if
the species was not active when the observer was present or was simply missed.
We sampled mostly between 9AM and 4PM; thus, we could have missed some
crepuscular species such as Neurocordula obsoleta (Umber Shadowdragon). Also,
observers differed in their ability to detect odonates. Surveyors were more likely to
miss smaller damselflies than the larger dragonflies; therefore, the error is probably
not uniform across species.
In general, we made observations during different times of the field season to
take into account the seasonality of odonate species. Eight sanctuaries were sampled
only once; therefore, the data from those sites reflect a bias toward the time of
year of that sample.
Another source of error is misidentification. The primary observers in this study
were experienced with odonates. To enhance their identification skills, less-experienced
observers went out in the field with more experienced observers. We asked
observers to record their identifications only to the lowest taxonomic level for
which they were certain. To avoid a potential source of error, we did not distinguish
between Sympetrum rubicundulum rubicundulum (Say) (Ruby Meadowhawk) and
S. internum Montgomery (Cherry-faced Meadowhawk), which are challenging to
discern. We also asked observers to provide digital images or specimens to support
their observations, particularly for less-common species.
In almost all cases, the same observers sampled the same sanctuary or set of
sanctuaries throughout the season, resulting in consistency in skill levels within
sites. Data from different observers could have contributed to some of the variation
in the number of species recorded among sites. Much of our focus was on patterns
of species accumulation; thus, we do not believe that having different observers
collecting data from the same site affected our results to any great extent.
One possible source of quantitative error for both transects and point counts
was counting the same individual more than once. Adult dragonflies often fly back
and forth or “patrol” a fairly long stretch of shoreline, and thus, may encounter
the sample area several times during the counting period. Observers used their
best judgment to avoid counting the same individual more than once. As described
above, we reduced the chances of double counting during our point counts by estimating
the maximum number of individuals we could observe at any one point of
time. It was also possible for the observer to miss individuals that were out of the
circle or transect rectangle during the time period that the observer was present. We
believe that the time periods were long enough to reduce that possibility.
Northeastern Naturalist
R. Buchsbaum, C.W. Leahy, and T. Allison
2016 Vol. 23, No. 4
Data analysis
For our general surveys, we used regression analysis and analysis of variance
to relate factors such as sampling effort, sanctuary area, the extent of freshwater
wetlands, and ecoregion to species richness of those sanctuaries. We examined the
regression residuals to determine which sanctuaries had actual odonate species
richness values that differed the most from the predicted value based on effort and
area, thereby determining the sanctuaries that were substantially more or less rich
in species than expected.
We used EstimateS (Colwell 2013) to compare species richness among transects
and points, and to account for differences in the number of samples among sites.
We employed the Chao2 estimate of sample-based species richness to project the
number of species in a location by combining what was observed with a projection
of how many species were likely to be missed based on the number of singleton and
doubleton occurrences of repeated examinations of sample units.
Sampling effort
Our database contained over 13,900 records of odonates from our sanctuaries.
About 2500 of these were from quantitative surveys (transects or point counts); the
remainder were from general surveys. We defined as an “event” a sample from a
delineated area on a sanctuary on a particular day; about 1300 separate sampling
events were carried out. Eighty-seven percent of the observations were recorded
from 2000 through 2013 (the latest year included in this paper). We also included
3 records from the literature: Erythemis simplicicollis (Eastern Pondhawk) from a
Nantucket shoreline that is now part of a Mass Audubon sanctuary (Johnson 1930),
Somatochlora linearis (Mocha Emerald) from Broadmoor Sanctuary in Natick
(White et al. 1974), and Enallagma vernale (Vernal Bluet) from Cheshire Pond in
Ashburnham (White et al. 1974).
Patterns of species richness in general surveys
Overall, 146 species of odonates were recorded on 54 Mass Audubon sanctuaries
during general (non-quantitative) surveys, which represents 87% of the species
known to occur in Massachusetts. Species richness at sanctuaries varied between
1 and 83 (Fig. 2). Most sanctuaries contained 20–50 species. Eleven species were
particularly abundant and were recorded on more than 40 sanctuaries (Appendix 1).
In contrast, 18 species were recorded at only 1 sanctuary and 17 species at only 2
sanctuaries (Appendix 1). These less-widespread species included 19 that are classified
as rare or endangered by the Massachusetts Natural Heritage and Endangered
Species Program (2016).
Twenty-one species of odonates known to occur in Massachusetts were not
recorded during this study (Appendix 1). Riverine odonates, in particular, were
underrepresented. Mass Audubon sanctuaries harbored only 65% of species associated
with rivers, as characterized in Nikula et al. (2007).
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R. Buchsbaum, C.W. Leahy, and T. Allison
Factors influencing species richness at sanctuaries. Multiple regression analysis
indicated that sampling effort, sanctuary area, and the percent of freshwater
wetlands on a sanctuary explained about two thirds of the observed species richness
on a sanctuary (R2 = 0.67, F = 37.3, P < 0.001). These 3 variables were each
statistically significant (P < 0.01). Sampling effort, defined as the number of sample
days at a sanctuary, was the most important factor associated with the variation in
species richness in our general surveys. The log of sampling effort alone explained
about half the variation in species richness in these general surveys (R2 = 0.54;
Fig. 3). Adding sanctuary acreage to the multiple regression model increased the R2
value to 0.64, and a further increase in R2 to 0.67 was achieved by incorporating the
percentage of the sanctuary area occupied by freshwater wetlands, including open
water. The best model based on Akaike information criteria (AIC) included these 3
variables but did not include the interactions between them.
We looked at other factors that might be associated with differences in species
richness. We compared the average species richness of sanctuaries within different
ecoregions and found no statistically significant difference associated with ecoregion.
This finding suggests that there was a fair amount of variation in richness
among sanctuaries within an ecoregion. We also compared urban to non-urban areas.
Of the 3 sanctuaries in close proximity to urban land-uses (Boston, Worcester, and
Attleboro), 1 contained only 12 species, while the other 2 cont ained 38 and 45 species,
respectively—values close to the median richness value for all sanctuaries. We
noted from an analysis of the residuals that many of the sanctuaries that were lower
Figure 2. Location of Mass Audubon sanctuaries sampled in this study and their range of
species richness values. We used the totals from both the general and quantitative surveys
to calculate the richness values. There was 1 sanctuary with 2 species whose “dot” is hidden
behind a much larger circle on Cape Cod.
Northeastern Naturalist
R. Buchsbaum, C.W. Leahy, and T. Allison
2016 Vol. 23, No. 4
in species richness than would be predicted by the model are in the eastern part of the
state, and a number of these sanctuaries are in close proximity to the sea coast.
Five sanctuaries were particularly noteworthy for harboring the greatest number
of odonate species found only at those sites. These areas are of obvious importance
from a conservation perspective. One site that contained 4 species not recorded
elsewhere was in the Connecticut River valley and contained uncommon riverine
species. Two sites containing 3 species not recorded elsewhere were in the Northern
Worcester Plateau, an ecoregion harboring northern fauna and flora not common in
much of the rest of Massachusetts. These 2 sanctuaries were both relatively large
in area and contained a diversity of wetland types, including bogs, ponds, shrub
swamps, sedge-dominated wetlands, and a cold stream. Another sanctuary that
also contained 3 species not recorded at other sites was in the southern part of the
state and was noteworthy for its diversity of wetland types—stream, lake, beaver
pond, and marsh. One sanctuary on Cape Cod contained 2 odonate species not recorded
at other sanctuaries. This site had species associated with coastal-plain ponds and
the southeastern Massachusetts coastal plain.
Species-accumulation curves at individual sanctuaries in general surveys.
Sanctuaries had different-shaped curves representing the relationship between the
number of sample days spent at that sanctuary and cumulative odonate species
richness. We present 5 examples that represent typical patterns. In 2 of these, an
asymptote was reached, but the number of samples it took to reach that asymptote
differed (Oak Knoll Wildlife Sanctuary [OK] and Wellfleet Bay [WB]; Fig. 4]).
In 2 others, the curve reached a “temporary” asymptote, but then increased with
continued sampling (Endicott Wildlife Sanctuary [END]; Fig. 4 and Wachusett
Meadow [WM]; Fig. 5). At END, the secondary increase occurred after 31 visits to
Figure 3. Relationship between sampling effort and species richness in general surveys for
adults. Effort is defined as the number of days a sanctuary was visited.
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R. Buchsbaum, C.W. Leahy, and T. Allison
the sanctuary, and at WM, the increase occurred after 391 visits. At Skunknett River
(SK), the curve started to flatten out, then had a secondary sharp increase in species
richness before ultimately flattening out again (Fig. 4). The sanctuaries represented
in Figure 4 were generally sampled by the same observer or team of observers over
several years and covered all seasons and areas of the sanctuary, so the skills of the
observers and the area and time of years sampled were similar throughout.
Quantitative studies with points and transects
Ninety-nine species were detected in our transect- and point-count surveys,
including 3 that are on the state list of rare and endangered species (Massachusetts
Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program 2016). Species richness values
derived from point counts and transects tended to be lower than those derived from
Figure 4. Species-accumulation curves based on non-quantitative surveys. OK = Oak Knoll
Wildlife Sanctuary, WB = Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary, END = Endicott Wildlife Sanctuary,
and SK = Skunknett River.
Figure 5. Species-accumulation curve at Wachusett Meadow Wildlife Sanctuary. Note that
the data are based on many more sample days than those shown in Figure 4.
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R. Buchsbaum, C.W. Leahy, and T. Allison
2016 Vol. 23, No. 4
our general, non-quantitative surveys at the same sanctuaries (Table 1). Part of
that difference could be the greater amount of sampling for the general surveys in
most of the sanctuaries where both types of sampling were carried out, but most
of sanctuaries where sample sizes were similar still showed lower richness in the
quantitative surveys.
Species richness estimates measured by transects and point counts were not directly
comparable because the exact habitat characteristics they sampled differed.
Comparisons of the 2 methods are useful in determining the methods to be used in
a monitoring program. When we pooled all transects and all points, transect surveys
of odonates resulted in higher species richness, diversity (Fisher’s alpha), and
abundance of odonates than did point counts (t–test: P < 0.01 for all parameters;
Table 2). When we compared transects and point counts within individual sanctuaries,
transects still yielded measurably higher species richness and abundance
(paired t-test: n = 6, t = 2.74, P < 0.05; T = 4.01, P < 0.01 for abundances).
Because of the seasonality of most odonate species, the average number of individuals
per sampling event over the field season was highly variable. We chose to
present maximum numbers of each species to represent peak abundance (Tables 3, 4).
Using either transects or point counts, the most abundant species varied by region
and habitat. Ischnura spp., Enallagma spp., Pachydiplax longipennis (Blue Dasher),
Plathemis lydia (Common Whitetail), and Libellula incesta (Slaty Skimmer) were
Table 1. Comparison of species richness from general (non quantitative) surveys and from pointcounts
and transects. Data includes sanctuaries that had at least 5 sample days in both categories.
# species # sample days
Sanctuary General surveys Transects/points General surveys Transects + points
Allens Pond 20 7 6 6
Arcadia 64 23 8 9
Ashumet 45 18 15 4
Cedar Pond 14 27 5 7
Daniel Webster 38 18 12 27
Endicott 23 32 9 39
Lake Wampanoag 37 26 5 7
Moose Hill 55 13 23 6
Oak Knoll 41 22 7 18
Sesachacha Heathlands 13 23 5 9
Skunknett River 49 31 25 20
Stony Brook 51 20 40 13
Wellfleet Bay 35 24 44 20
Whetstone Woods 52 31 15 7
Table 2. Species richness (Chao2), diversity (Fisher’s alpha), and abundance (# of individuals recorded
per sample) in point-counts and transects.
Number of stations Richness Diversity Abundance
Points 21 17.9 3.6 8.2
Transects 12 31.2 5.7 24.0
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R. Buchsbaum, C.W. Leahy, and T. Allison
particularly abundant at several sample stations. The relatively high abundance of
Enallagma recurvatum (Pine Barrens Bluet)—a Massachusetts state-listed species—
at a site on Cape Cod is noteworthy from a conservation perspective.
In addition to abundances, we examined the frequency of occurrence of species
in transects representing 2 communities: freshwater ponds in the coastal zone
(within 10 km of coast) and those farther inland (Tables 5, 6). The ponds were
similar in size (less than 2 ha) and depth and had been sampled at least 5 times. Although
there was some overlap in the species that are common in the 2 habitats, there were
also clear differences. Species common in both communities included Ischnura
Table 3. Most-abundant species recorded in transect surveys. Values are the 14 highest totals of individuals
per species recorded at a transect station during any 1 sample-event. Transect lengths are all
normalized to 100 m for comparison (i.e., the numbers are based on a survey area of 1000 m2).
Genus/species Station habitat High count
Ischnura verticalis Meadow 70
Ischnura verticalis Pond shore 68
Ladona julia Beaver pond shore 62
Ischnura posita Meadow 45
Pachydiplax longipennis Pond shore 40
Enallagma sp. Pond shore 38
Plathemis lydia Wetland edge 38
Lestes sp. Pond shore 30
Sympetrum rubicundulum/internum Pond shore 30
Chromagrion conditum Forest trail 30
Libellula incesta Boggy pond shore 29
Lestes vigilax Boggy pondshore 28
Enallagma hageni Beaver-pond shore 28
Enallagma recurvatum Coastal plain 26
Table 4. Fifteen most-abundant species recorded in individual point-count surveys. Values are the
number of individuals per species recorded at a point-count station during any 1 sample-event. Area
of count circle was 78.5 m 2.
Genus Station habitat High count
Plathemis lydia Wetland edge 50
Pachydiplax longipennis Pond shore 50
Plathemis lydia Pond shore 45
Enallagma ebrium Lake shore 30
Enallagma geminatum Lake shore 30
Enallagma aspersum Pond shore 25
Enallagma doubledayi Pond shore 25
Ischnura verticalis Pond shore 20
Enallagma aspersum Pond shore 20
Erythrodiplax berenice Salt marsh 16
Argia fumipennis River 15
Enallagma geminatum River 15
Pachydiplax longipennis Pond shore 15
Libellula incesta Pond shore 14
Calopteryx maculata River 14
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2016 Vol. 23, No. 4
verticalis (Eastern Forktail), Anax junius (Common Green Darter), Plathemis lydia,
and Libellula cyanea (Spangled Skimmer). However, Ladona julia (Chalk-fronted
Corporal), the most widespread species in the inland pond transects, was not encountered
at all at the coastal transects, nor were Cordulia shurtleffii (American
Emerald) or Enallagma hageni (Hagen’s Bluet).
Only 1 brackish pond was available on a Mass Audubon sanctuary. This pond
contained a mixture of odonates known to occupy saline environments (e.g., Erythrodiplax
berenice [Seaside Dragonlet], Enallagma durum [Big Bluet]) and those
more typical of freshwater ponds (e.g., Erythemis simplicicollis). The odonate
fauna of freshwater ponds in the coastal zone was more similar to this brackish
pond than it was to inland freshwater ponds (Bray Curtis similarity index of 0.55
vs 0.43).
In our quantitative surveys, curves representing the cumulative number of
species per observation showed the expected steep increase during the first few
observations followed by a gradual leveling off (Fig. 6). Very typically, however,
the curves did not flatten out to an asymptote but showed a continual, gradual rise.
Table 6. Occurrence frequency of odonate species at inland ponds >10 km from coast. Only the mostfrequently
encountered species are shown. Data are from 2 transects sampled a total of 14 times.
Species Percent frequency
Ladona julia 71.4%
Ischnura verticalis 64.3%
Anax junius 50.0%
Leucorrhinia frigida 50.0%
Plathemis lydia 50.0%
Enallagma spp. 42.9%
Cordulia shurtleffi 35.7%
Enallagma hageni 35.7%
Leucorrhinia intacta 35.7%
Libellula cyanea 35.7%
Sympetrum rubicundulum/internum 28.6%
Table 5. Occurrence frequency of odonate species at freshwater ponds near the coast. Only the mostfrequently
encountered species are shown. Data are from 5 transects that were sampled a total of 55
Species Percent frequency
Ischnura verticalis 66.0%
Erythemis simplicollis 58.5%
Pachydiplax longipennis 58.5%
Libellula incesta 52.8%
Anax junius 34.0%
Ischnura posita 30.2%
Plathemis lydia 30.2%
Perithemis tenera 28.3%
Sympetrum rubicundulum/internum 28.3%
Enallagma spp. 22.6%
Libellula cyanea 22.6%
Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 23, No. 4
R. Buchsbaum, C.W. Leahy, and T. Allison
Patterns of species richness
Species richness did not vary geographically (e.g., latitude, longitude, ecoregion)
across Massachusetts in our non-quantitative surveys. Many species were
common in all parts of the state. Some exceptions are Enallagma hageni, Cordulia
shurtleffi, and Ladona julia, which are common inland species with northern affinities
and were not found in the southeastern Massachusetts coastal plain. Examples
of odonates only recorded in the eastern part of the state include Enallagma durum
(Big Bluet), E. doubledayii (Atlantic Bluet), and Libellula needhami (Needham’s
Skimmer). These findings are consistent with the known distributions of these species
(Nikula et al. 2007, Paulson et al. 2011). The absence of any geographic pattern
in richness suggests that the number of regional “specialties” was similar throughout
the state even if the species themselves differed. Odonate species richness at
a particular sanctuary is likely a function of the diversity of habitats, primarily
wetlands, within that sanctuary rather than of regional trends in Massachusetts.
In our surveys for adult odonates where sampling effort was not controlled, the
amount of sampling effort explained half the variation in species richness. Other
contributing variables were sanctuary size and the percent of the sanctuary that is
wetland. From the perspective of an overall trend, these are obvious explanatory
variables. One would expect sanctuaries sampled more often to have higher species
richness. Consistent with ecological theory, larger sanctuaries should generally
encompass a greater variety of natural community types that could in turn support
greater species richness of organisms.
Odonate life cycles are closely associated with wetlands; thus, it is no surprise
that sanctuaries with a larger percentage of wetlands tended to have more species,
Figure 6. Species/observation curves for selected transects or points. Numbers are derived
from estimated species richness using resampling procedures of EstimateS. FNt1 = brackish-
pond transect on Martha’s Vineyard; SKt1 = sandy, bog-edged pond transect on Cape
Cod; ENDt1 = wet meadow transect north of Boston; DWp1 = point near freshwater pond
in grassland.
Northeastern Naturalist
R. Buchsbaum, C.W. Leahy, and T. Allison
2016 Vol. 23, No. 4
particularly if that larger percentage also indicates a greater diversity of wetland
types. Most of the sanctuaries with lower diversity have few freshwater ponds
and limited open, freshwater wetlands. Many of these sanctuaries are near the
coast and dominated by salt marshes, which, in Massachusetts support only a few
species. Only 1 odonate species is known to be limited to salt marshes in Massachusetts:
Erythrodiplax berenice (Seaside Dragonlet). The area of lotic and lentic
habitats relevant to odonates (e.g., cold- vs. warm-water streams, boggy vs. warmwater
ponds, seeps, etc.) would have been a better metric than the simple percent of
wetlands, but such a detailed classification has not yet been completed on sanctuaries
in this study.
Riverine odonate species were underrepresented in both our quantitative and
non-quantitative surveys. This result is not surprising, given that many riverine
species, such as a number of the Gomphidae, are rare and state-listed. Perhaps
more importantly, our finding points to the priority of targeting conservation efforts
toward riverine corridors, which are currently underrepresented at Mass
Audubon sanctuaries.
Volunteers often carried out our general surveys for adult odonates. It is highly
likely that larger, more complicated and diverse sanctuaries would naturally be
more attractive sample sites to odonate experts. Increased effort by volunteers
at certain sanctuaries, therefore, does not only “cause” the greater richness we
observed, but is also a reflection of greater observer interest in properties where
more species are likely to occur, and the premium that is put on adding species to
a sanctuary’s list.
How many visits are necessary?
One of the questions we were interested in addressing was how many visits to a
sanctuary were necessary to characterize its odonate fauna. In carefully controlled
sampling of 19 different lentic habitats carried out over 1 entire field season (15–20
weeks), Bried et al. (2011) recommended that biweekly surveys lasting 20–40 minutes
each would be an adequate, cost-effective way to compare richness of adult
odonates among different sites. All species, particularly rare or cryptic ones, may
not be accounted for, so the goals of any study need to be taken into account. Our
transect and point-count surveys differed from those of Bried et al. (2011) in that
our sampling occurred over multiple field seasons and encompassed lotic and terrestrial
habitats as well as lentic habitats. In addition, the number of observations
our observers made varied at each site.
The accumulation of species in our non-quantitative surveys did not consistently
show an expected pattern of initial steep increase as more samples were added followed
by a leveling off to an asymptote. We observed this pattern for data from
several sanctuaries, but the number of visits required varied. Other sanctuaries did
not reach an asymptote in the time frame of this study despite more than 20 days
of observations spaced out over the entire flight season and that covered all areas of
potential odonate habitat. Some curves reached an apparent asymptote after 20 or
more sample days, but then entered another phase of increasing species accumulation
with more observations. These inconsistent patterns could be at least partially
Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 23, No. 4
R. Buchsbaum, C.W. Leahy, and T. Allison
a function of the limited control of sampling effort in these largely volunteer surveys.
However, even in our more-controlled sampling along transects or points,
species richness at a number of sanctuaries did not completely flatten out after 20
visits. This finding suggests that some species were missed in earlier visits in both
our non-quantitative and quantitative sampling, that the ability of the observer increased
with more experience at a site, or that some species may have been missed
in some years because their relative abundance fluctuated. Although carried out
over a much longer time period than any of our observations, the observations of
Shiffer and White (2014) of a Pennsylvania pond show that odonate species can appear,
disappear, or decline to very low abundances, and then reappear over a period
of decades in a given location.
The value of multiple approaches
This study incorporated data from surveys for adult odonates carried out by
experienced naturalists where no attempt was made to control for time spent
surveying or area. These surveys encompassed the variety of habitats present in
the sanctuary. We also carried out quantitative surveys in which we sampled for
a set distance (transects) or time and distance (point counts). Each transect or
point was limited to one particular habitat and a limited area; thus, one would
expect a smaller number of species than in the non-quantitative surveys from the
same sanctuary.
Our comparison of the results of these 2 types of surveys for odonates was similar
to a report by Royer et al. (1998) for butterflies. The non-quantitative surveys
were useful for developing a checklist of species for each sanctuary while engaging
the public, but the results do not lend themselves to statistical comparisons. Their
value from a conservation perspective was that they provided a checklist that indicates
which species, including rarities, had been found. Of 70 records of odonates
on Mass Audubon sanctuaries that are listed as endangered species in Massachussetts,
only 9 were from our transect and point-count surveys, yielding a total of 3
listed species; the remainder were from the non-quantitative su rveys.
In contrast, our modified Pollard Walk methodology used transects controlled
for area searched. Our point-count procedure had a temporal as well as spatial
limit. These methods yielded fewer species than the “checklist” approach, but do
allow for statistical comparisons. Such quantitative surveys will be more useful
for assessing changes in the odonate fauna in a monitoring program that examines
the potential effects of water quality, ecological management measures, climate
change, and other environmental stressors (Brooks et al. 2007, D’Amico et al. 2004,
Hassall and Thompson 2008, Kutcher and Bried 2014, Mabry and Dettman 2010,
Oerti 2008).
Ultimately, multiple approaches are necessary to characterize the odonate
fauna of a region. Our quantitative approaches, like that of Bried et al. (2011),
provide a method for characterizing the species richness of odonate faunas that
can be used for statistical comparisons, which is a critical factor if we are to use
odonates as a barometer of environmental changes. Using these methods, longNortheastern
R. Buchsbaum, C.W. Leahy, and T. Allison
2016 Vol. 23, No. 4
term changes in richness and abundance should be evaluated on the level of
individual sample units because sample sites are inherently variable due to differences
among the habitats and area covered by transects and points or the walking
routes of Bried et al. (2011). Such quantitative surveys can be supplemented by
species searches when the goal is to completely characterize the odonate fauna of
an area and include rarer species.
We gratefully acknowledge the field observations of the following individuals: Bob
Bowker, Susie Bowman, Alexandra Brown, Martha Gach, Fred Goodwin, Gail Howe Trenholm,
Rene Laubach, David Ludlow, David McLain, Paul Miliotis, Blair Nikula, Fred
Saintours, Susie Schwoch, Kenneth Shea, Janet Sisterson, Brian Steinberg, Barbara Williamson,
Taylor Yeager, and Vin Zollo. We thank Pamela Hunt (manuscript editor), and 2
anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments that greatly improved this manuscript. We
also thank Robert Bertin and Jeff Collins who reviewed earlier drafts of the manuscript.
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and Diversity. DOI:10.1111/j.1752-4598.2011.00156.x.
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Mabry, C., and C. Dettman. 2010. Odonata richness and abundance in relation to vegetation
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Massachusetts Geographic Information Systems (MassGIS). 2011. Massachusetts Department
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2016 Vol. 23, No. 4
Appendix 1. List of Massachussets odonates along with the number of sanctuaries at which each species was recorded during surveys.
A “0” indicates that the species was not recorded. Rarity status according to the MA Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program:
E= endangered, T= threatened, and SC= special concern. Distribution codes and habitats within Massachusetts are based on Nikula et al.
(2007): T= throughout, S = southern, SE = southeast, N= northern, W= central and western.
Scientific name Common name # of sanctuaries Rarity Typical habitat Distribution
Calopteryx aequabilis Say River Jewelwing 4 Streams T
Calopteryx amata Hagen Superb Jewelwing 1 Streams T
Calopteryx dimidiata Burmeister Sparkling Jewelwing 0 Warm streams S
Calopteryx maculata (Beauvois) Ebony Jewelwing 29 Streams T
Hetaerina americana (Fabricius) American Rubyspot 1 Streams T
Lestes congener Hagen Spotted Spreadwing 11 General T
Lestes disjunctus Selys Common Spreadwing 19 General T
Lestes dryas Kirby Emerald Spreadwing 3 General T
Lestes eurinus Say Amber-winged Spreadwing 8 General T
Lestes forcipatus Rambur Sweetflag Spreadwing 16 General T
Lestes inaequalis Walsh Elegant Spreadwing 17 General T
Lestes rectangularis Say Slender Spreadwing 45 General T
Lestes unguiculatus Hagen Lyre-tipped Spreadwing 3 General T
Lestes vigilax Hagen in Selys Swamp Spreadwing 26 General T
Amphiagrion saucium (Burmeister) Eastern Red Damsel 6 Bogs, boggy ponds T
Argia apicalis (Say) Blue-fronted Dancer 3 General T
Argia fumipennis (Burmeister) Variable Dancer 24 General T
Argia moesta (Hagen) Powdered Dancer 3 General T
Argia tibialis (Rambur) Blue-tipped Dancer 1 General S
Argia translata Hagen in Selys Dusky Dancer 1 General S
Chromagrion conditum (Selys) Aurora Damsel 22 Cold ponds T
Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 23, No. 4
R. Buchsbaum, C.W. Leahy, and T. Allison
Scientific name Common name # of sanctuaries Rarity Typical habitat Distribution
Coenagrion resolutum (Hagen in Selys) Taiga Bluet 2 General N
Enallagma annexum (Hagen) Northern Bluet 7 General T
Enallagma aspersum (Hagen) Azure Bluet 17 General T
Enallagma boreale Selys Boreal Bluet 0 General T
Enallagma carunculatum Morse Tule Bluet 1 SC General T
Enallagma civile (Hagen) Familiar Bluet 18 General T
Enallagma daeckii (Calvert) Attenuated Bluet 0 SC General SE
Enallagma divagans Selys Turquoise Bluet 4 General T
Enallagma doubledayi (Selys) Atlantic Bluet 5 Coastal plain ponds S
Enallagma durum (Hagen) Big Bluet 2 General S
Enallagma ebrium (Hagen) Marsh Bluet 17 General T
Enallagma exsulans (Hagen) Stream Bluet 3 General T
Enallagma geminatum Kellicott, 1895 Skimming Bluet 20 General T
Enallagma hageni (Walsh) Hagen's Bluet 15 General T
Enallagma laterale Morse New England Bluet 4 Coastal plain ponds T
Enallagma minusculum Morse Little Bluet 2 General N
Enallagma pictum Morse Scarlet Bluet 2 T Coastal plain ponds S
Enallagma recurvatum Davis Pine Barrens Bluet 1 T Coastal plain ponds S
Enallagma signatum (Hagen) Orange Bluet 17 General T
Enallagma traviatum Selys Slender Bluet 3 General S
Enallagma vernale Gloyd Vernal Bluet 1 General N
Enallagma vesperum Calvert Vesper Bluet 7 General T
Ischnura hastata (Say) Citrine Forktail 6 General S
Ischnura kellicotti Williamson Lilypad Forktail 12 General T
Ischnura posita (Hagen) Fragile Forktail 46 General T
Ischnura prognata (Hagen) Furtive Forktail 0 General S
Ischnura ramburii (Selys) Rambur’s Forktail 2 Estuaries S
Ischnura verticalis (Say) Eastern Forktail 48 General T
Nehalennia gracilis Morse Sphagnum Sprite 19 Bogs, boggy ponds T
Nehalennia irene (Hagen) Sedge Sprite 24 General T
Northeastern Naturalist
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2016 Vol. 23, No. 4
Scientific name Common name # of sanctuaries Rarity Typical habitat Distribution
Aeshna canadensis Walker Canada Darner 20 General T
Aeshna clepsydra Say Mottled Darner 7 General T
Aeshna constricta Say Lance-tipped Darner 18 General T
Aeshna eremita Scudder Lake Darner 0 Cold ponds N
Aeshna interrupta Walker Variable Darner 3 General N
Aeshna subarctica Walker Subarctic Darner 1 T Bogs, boggy ponds N
Aeshna tuberculifera Walker Black-tipped Darner 22 Bogs, boggy ponds T
Aeshna umbrosa Walker Shadow Darner 27 General T
Aeshna verticalis Hagen Green-striped Darner 20 General T
Anax junius (Drury) Common Green Darner 50 General T
Anax longipes Hagen Comet Darner 5 SC Coastal plain ponds S
Basiaeschna janata (Say) Springtime Darner 12 General T
Boyeria grafiana Williamson Ocellated Darner 2 SC General T
Boyeria vinosa (Say) Fawn Darner 14 Streams T
Epiaeschna heros (Fabricius) Swamp Darner 13 General T
Gomphaeschna antilope (Hagen) Taper-tailed Darner 2 Bogs, boggy ponds S
Gomphaeschna furcillata (Say) Harlequin Darner 14 Bogs, boggy ponds T
Nasiaeschna pentacantha (Rambur) Cyrano Darner 8 General T
Rhionaeschna multicolor (Hagen) Blue-eyed Darner 0 General Vagrant W
Rhionaeschna mutata (Hagen) Spatterdock Darner 3 SC General S/W
Arigomphus furcifer (Hagen in Selys) Lilypad Clubtail 9 General S/W
Arigomphus villosipes (Selys) Unicorn Clubtail 16 General S
Dromogomphus spinosus Selys Black-shouldered Spinyleg 10 Rivers T
Gomphus abbreviatus Hagen in Selys Spine-crowned Clubtail 2 E Streams T
Gomphus adelphus Selys Moustached Clubtail 1 Rivers T
Gomphus borealis Needham Beaverpond Clubtail 3 General N
Gomphus descriptus Banks Harpoon Clubtail 2 E Streams S
Gomphus exilis Selys Lancet Clubtail 19 General T
Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 23, No. 4
R. Buchsbaum, C.W. Leahy, and T. Allison
Scientific name Common name # of sanctuaries Rarity Typical habitat Distribution
Gomphus fraternus (Say) Midland Clubtail 0 E Rivers T
Gomphus lividus Selys Ashy Clubtail 3 Streams S/W
Gomphus quadricolor Walsh Rapids Clubtail 0 T Rivers T
Gomphus spicatus Hagen in Selys Dusky Clubtail 3 General T
Gomphus vastus Walsh Cobra Clubtail 0 SC Rivers T
Gomphus ventricosus Walsh Skillet Clubtail 1 SC Streams T
Hagenius brevistylus Selys Dragonhunter 4 General T
Lanthus parvulus (Selys) Northern Pygmy Clubtail 1 Streams T
Lanthus vernalis Carle Southern Pygmy Clubtail 3 Streams T
Ophiogomphus aspersus Morse Brook Snaketail 2 SC Rivers N
Ophiogomphus carolus Needham Riffle Snaketail 1 T Streams N
Ophiogomphus howei Bromley Pygmy Snaketail 0 Rivers N/W
Ophiogomphus mainensis Packard in Walsh Maine Snaketail 0 Cold streams T
Ophiogomphus rupinsulensis (Walsh) Rusty Snaketail 1 Rivers T
Progomphus obscurus (Rambur) Common Sanddragon 1 General S
Stylogomphus albistylus (Hagen in Selys) Least Clubtail 3 Streams T
Stylurus amnicola (Walsh) Riverine Clubtail 0 E Rivers W
Stylurus scudderi (Selys) Zebra Clubtail 2 Streams W
Stylurus spiniceps (Walsh) Arrow Clubtail 2 Rivers W
Cordulegaster diastatops (Selys) Delta-spotted Spiketail 9 Streams T
Cordulegaster erronea Hagen in Selys Tiger Spiketail 0 Seeps, cold streams SW
Cordulegaster maculata Selys Twin-spotted Spiketail 10 Streams T
Cordulegaster obliqua (Say) Arrowhead Spiketail 2 Streams T
Didymops transversa (Say) Stream Cruiser 12 General T
Macromia illinoiensis Walsh Illinois River Cruiser 4 General T
Cordulia shurtleffii Scudder American Emerald 8 General T
Dorocordulia lepida (Hagen in Selys) Petite Emerald 17 General T
Dorocordulia libera (Selys) Racket-tailed Emerald 18 General T
Northeastern Naturalist
R. Buchsbaum, C.W. Leahy, and T. Allison
2016 Vol. 23, No. 4
Scientific name Common name # of sanctuaries Rarity Typical habitat Distribution
Epitheca canis (McLachlan) Beaverpond Baskettail 8 Bogs, boggy ponds T
Epitheca cynosura (Say) Common Baskettail 25 General T
Epitheca princeps Hagen Prince Baskettail 25 Lakes T
Epitheca semiaquea (Burmeister) Mantled Baskettail 0 General S
Epitheca spinigera (Selys) Spiny Baskettail 2 General T
Helocordulia uhleri (Selys) Uhler’s Sundragon 2 Streams T
Neurocordulia obsoleta (Say) Umber Shadowdragon 0 SC Rivers T
Neurocordulia yamaskanensis (Provancher) Stygian Shadowdragon 1 SC Rivers T
Somatochlora cingulata (Selys) Lake Emerald 0 Cold ponds N
Somatochlora elongata (Scudder) Ski-tailed Emerald 4 SC Streams T
Somatochlora forcipata (Scudder) Forcipate Emerald 1 SC Streams N
Somatochlora georgiana Walker Coppery Emerald 0 E Warm streams SE
Somatochlora incurvata Walker Incurvate Emerald 1 E Bogs, boggy ponds N
Somatochlora kennedyi Walker Kennedy’s Emerald 0 E Bogs, boggy ponds N
Somatochlora linearis (Hagen) Mocha Emerald 4 SC Rivers S
Somatochlora minor Calvert in Harvey Ocellated Emerald 0 Cold streams T
Somatochlora tenebrosa (Say) Clamp-tipped Emerald 17 General T
Somatochlora walshii (Scudder) Brush-tipped Emerald 2 Streams T
Somatochlora williamsoni (Walker) Williamson’s Emerald 6 Streams T
Williamsonia fletcheri Williamson Ebony Boghaunter 1 E Bogs, boggy ponds N
Williamsonia lintneri (Hagen in Selys) Ringed Boghaunter 4 T Bogs, boggy ponds N
Celithemis elisa (Hagen) Calico Pennant 25 General T
Celithemis eponina (Drury) Halloween Pennant 25 General T
Celithemis fasciata Kirby Banded Pennant 3 General T
Celithemis martha Williamson Martha’s Pennant 6 Coastal plain ponds S
Erythemis simplicicollis (Say) Eastern Pondhawk 44 General T
Erythrodiplax berenice (Drury) Seaside Dragonlet 7 Estuaries T
Ladona deplanata (Rambur) Blue Corporal 4 Coastal plain ponds T
Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 23, No. 4
R. Buchsbaum, C.W. Leahy, and T. Allison
Scientific name Common name # of sanctuaries Rarity Typical habitat Distribution
Ladona exusta (Say) White Corporal 17 General T
Ladona julia (Uhler) Chalk-fronted Corporal 19 General T
Leucorrhinia frigida Hagen Frosted Whiteface 16 Bogs, boggy ponds T
Leucorrhinia glacialis Hagen Crimson-ringed Whiteface 4 General N
Leucorrhinia hudsonica (Selys) Hudsonian Whiteface 7 Bogs, boggy ponds N
Leucorrhinia intacta (Hagen) Dot-tailed Whiteface 34 General T
Leucorrhinia proxima Calvert Red-waisted Whiteface 7 General N
Libellula auripennis Burmeister Golden-winged Skimmer 5 Coastal plain ponds S
Libellula axilena Westwood) Bar-winged Skimmer 1 General S
Libellula cyanea Fabricius Spangled Skimmer 37 General T
Libellula incesta Hagen Slaty Skimmer 41 General T
Libellula luctuosa Burmeister Widow Skimmer 35 General T
Libellula needhami Westfall Needham’s Skimmer 9 General S
Libellula pulchella Drury Twelve-spotted Skimmer 49 General T
Libellula quadrimaculata L. Four-spotted Skimmer 24 General T
Libellula semifasciata Burmeister Painted Skimmer 23 General T
Libellula vibrans Fabricius Great Blue Skimmer 3 General S/W
Nannothemis bella (Uhler) Elfin Skimmer 5 Bogs, boggy ponds T
Pachydiplax longipennis (Burmeister) Blue Dasher 48 General T
Pantala flavescens (Fabricius) Wandering Glider 21 General T
Pantala hymenaea (Say) Spot-winged Glider 15 General T
Perithemis tenera (Say) Eastern Amberwing 33 General T
Plathemis lydia (Drury) Common Whitetail 45 General T
Sympetrum corruptum (Hagen) Variegated Meadowhawk 0 General Vagrant W
Sympetrum costiferum (Hagen) Saffron-winged Meadowhawk 3 General T
Sympetrum obtrusum (Hagen) White-faced Meadowhawk 2 General T
Sympetrum rubicundulum/internum Ruby Meadowhawk 52 General T
Sympetrum semicinctum (Say) Band-winged Meadowhawk 15 General T
Sympetrum vicinum (Hagen) Autumn Meadowhawk 42 General T
Tramea abdominalis (Rambur) Vermilion Saddlebags 0 General Vagrant S
Northeastern Naturalist
R. Buchsbaum, C.W. Leahy, and T. Allison
2016 Vol. 23, No. 4
Scientific name Common name # of sanctuaries Rarity Typical habitat Distribution
Tramea calverti Muttkowski Striped Saddlebags 0 General Vagrant S
Tramea carolina (L.) Carolina Saddlebags 9 General S
Tramea lacerata Hagen Black Saddlebags 23 General S/W