Consumption of Invasive Western Mosquitofish Fry by Adult
Conspecifics and Native Crayfish
Jessica E. Rettig, Geoffrey R. Smith, Genevieve Eng-Surowiac, Davit Mirzashvili, Mallory Smyk, Maggie Jones, and Jeremy Hollis
Northeastern Naturalist, Volume 25, Issue 1 (2018): 117–122
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Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 25, No. 1
J.E. Rettig, G.R. Smith, G. Eng-Surowiac, D. Mirzashvili, M. Smyk1, Ma. Jones, and J. Hollis
Consumption of Invasive Western Mosquitofish Fry by Adult
Conspecifics and Native Crayfish
Jessica E. Rettig1,*, Geoffrey R. Smith1, Genevieve Eng-Surowiac1,
Davit Mirzashvili1, Mallory Smyk1, Maggie Jones1, and Jeremy Hollis1
Abstract - The absence of predators is often invoked to explain the ability of non-native
species to successfully invade a habitat, however native species can control or regulate
populations of invasive species through predation. To better understand the regulation of
invasive Gambusia affinis (Western Mosquitofish), we conducted a laboratory experiment
to examine the potential for native Cambarus thomai (Little Brown Mudbug) and adult conspecifics
to consume Western Mosquitofish fry. On average, female Western Mosquitofish
consumed nearly 3 times the number of fry in 24 h than males. Little Brown Mudbug, consumed
some of the Western Mosquitofish fry, but the resulting mosquitofish mortality was
not significantly higher than the control (which had 100% survivorship). Our results show
that cannibalism is a potentially significant source of mortality in Western Mosquitofish,
and thus may be a factor involved in the regulation of their population dynamics. However,
native Little Brown Mudbug, while they do consume mosquitofish fry, are probably not a
major source of mosquitofish mortality in nature.
The ability of non-native species to successfully invade a habitat is often thought
to be related to an absence of predators; however, some studies have shown that
native species can control or regulate populations of invasive species through predation
(Coccia et al. 2014, deRivera et al. 2005, Weis 2011). It is also possible that
self-regulation, perhaps in the form of cannibalism, may limit some populations of
invasive species (e.g., Lohrer and Whitlatch 2002). Cannibalism in invasive populations
can also be more prevalent in invasive populations than in populations of
the same species in its native range (Tayeh et al. 2014).
The presence of crayfish, both native and non-native, can negatively impact fish
populations (see reviews Dorn and Mittelbach 1999, Reynolds 2011). Some crayfish
are known to consume fish eggs (Findlay et al. 2015, Karjalainen et al. 2015, Morse
et al. 2013), fish fry (Edmonds et al. 2011, Mueller et al. 2006, Renai and Gherardi
2004, Rubin and Svensson 1993), and even small adult fish (Guan and Wiles 1997,
Ilhéu et al. 2007, Thomas and Taylor 2013). However, crayfish do not eat the fry of
all fish species (Shu 1995). Native crayfish may be a potential predator on invasive
fish, especially smaller-bodied fish, but few studies have examined the predatory
impacts of crayfish in their native ranges (McCarthy et al. 2006 ).
To better understand the factors that might affect populations of the invasive
Gambusia affinis (Baird & Girard) (Western Mosquitofish), we conducted a
1Department of Biology, Denison University, Granville, OH 43023. *Corresponding author
Manuscript Editor: David Yozzo
Northeastern Naturalist
J.E. Rettig, G.R. Smith, G. Eng-Surowiac, D. Mirzashvili, M. Smyk1, Ma. Jones, and J. Hollis
2018 Vol. 25, No. 1
laboratory experiment to examine the potential for both native crayfish Cambarus
thomai Jezerinac (Little Brown Mudbug) and adult Western Mosquitofish to consume
Western Mosquitofish fry. Little Brown Mudbug is an omnivorous, burrowing
crayfish (Jezerinac et al. 1995, Loughman and Simon 2011), and thus, might be
expected to have a minimal effect on fish relative to other crayfish. However, we
have observed Little Brown Mudbug in the same habitats as Western Mosquitofish,
and therefore, it may be an opportunistic predator on these fish and their fry. Given
the strong negative effects that Western Mosquitofish can have on native communities
(Pyke 2008), knowledge of predation on this species may help us to understand
what factors may limit or affect their populations.
We employed dipnets or Gee’s® Minnow traps (Tackle Factory, Fillmore, NY)
to collect adult male and female Western Mosquitofish and adult, inter-molt Little
Brown Mudbugs from Olde Minnow Pond on the Denison University Biological
Reserve, Granville, Licking County, OH, during the summer of 2014. Olde Minnow
Pond is a small pond (0.60 ha) in which Western Mosquitofish was the only fish
present at the time of this study (J.E. Rettig and G.R. Smith, unpubl. data). Descriptions
of Olde Minnow Pond can be found in Schultz and Mick (1998) and Surace and
Smith (2016). To obtain fry, we maintained 4 pregnant female Western Mosquitofish
in aquaria until they gave birth. We separated from females within 12 h of parturition
and maintained the fry in aerated aquaria until used in the experiment.
We conducted our experiments in small plastic containers (18 cm W x 31 cm L x
12 cm H) filled with 5 L of tapwater that had been aged for 24 h. We assigned each
container to 1 of the 4 treatments: control (no predator), male Western Mosquitofish
(2–3 cm TL), female Western Mosquitofish (4.5–5.5 cm TL), or Little Brown
Mudbugs (5–6 cm TL) and placed a single individual of the appropriate predator in
each non-control treatment container. No refugia were provided in the experimental
containers. We withheld food from predators for 24 h prior to the trials. We used
partitions to visually isolate each container. We replicated treatments 15 times over
3 separate trial days with 5 replicates each day. To examine consumption rates, we
placed 10 fry into each container and counted remaining fry after 24 h with the assumption
that any missing fry had been consumed. We conducted the experiment at
21 °C and under a 12h:12h light:dark cycle.
We employed a non-parametric Kruskal–Wallis test to examine the effects of
predator treatment on the proportion of Western Mosquitofish fry consumed after
24 h. We used pairwise Wilcoxon tests to determine which treatments were significantly
different. We conducted all analyses in JMP 10.0 (SAS Institute, Inc., Cary,
NC) for all statistical tests.
There was a significant effect of predator treatment on the proportion of fry consumed
after 24 h (Fig. 1; H3 = 44.88, P < 0.0001). Female Western Mosquitofish
Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 25, No. 1
J.E. Rettig, G.R. Smith, G. Eng-Surowiac, D. Mirzashvili, M. Smyk1, Ma. Jones, and J. Hollis
treatments had the highest proportion of fry consumed, followed by male Western
Mosquitofish (Fig. 1). Control and Little Brown Mudbug treatments did not differ
from each other, and both had significantly lower proportions of fry consumed
after 24 h than either Western Mosquitofish treatment (Fig. 1). We found that some
fry had been consumed in the Little Brown Mudbug treatments; 100% of fry were
recovered in all control treatments.
We found that adult Western Mosquitofish were substantial potential predators
of conspecific fry. In particular, female Western Mosquitofish consumed an average
of almost 3 times the number of fry in 24 h than did males. The native crayfish,
Little Brown Mudbug, consumed an average of 2% of the fry, but the number consumed
resulted in a mosquitofish fry mortality that was not significantly different
than the control (which had 100% survivorship). Our results show that cannibalism
is a potentially significant source of mortality for Western Mosquitofish fry,
although the laboratory conditions may overestimate the extent of cannibalism in
nature (see Meffe 1986). The high proportions of fry eaten in 24 h by adult mosquitofish
in our experiment, especially by the females, indicates the possibility that
cannibalism could impact population dynamics in Western Mosquitofish.
Our documentation of cannibalism is not unexpected. Previous studies have
demonstrated that cannibalism exists in Gambusia (mosquitofish) (Dionne 1985,
Hubbs 1991, Nesbit and Meffe 1993). In addition, our results suggest that female
Western Mosquitofish are greater consumers of conspecific fry than males. This
pattern of greater cannibalism by females has been demonstrated in Western Mosquitofish
(Hubbs 1991) and Gambusia holbrooki Girard (Eastern Mosquitofish)
(Nesbit and Meffe 1993). The larger size of females may facilitate consumption of
the fry, as has been shown in the consumption of larval Siphateles bicolor mohavensis
Girard (Mohave Tui Chub) (Henkanaththegedara and Stockwell 2013). Females
Figure 1. Mean (± 1 SE)
proportion of Western
Mosquitofish (Gambusia
affinis) fry consumed
after 24 h in 4 predator
treatments. Means sharing
the same letter are
not significantly different
(pairwise Wilcoxon
tests: P < 0.05).
Northeastern Naturalist
J.E. Rettig, G.R. Smith, G. Eng-Surowiac, D. Mirzashvili, M. Smyk1, Ma. Jones, and J. Hollis
2018 Vol. 25, No. 1
also attack prey at higher rates than do males (Arrington et al. 2009, Blanco et al.
2004, Shankuntala 1977); thus, both size and attack rate may explain the higher rate
of cannibalism in female Western Mosquitofish compared to males.
Our experiment shows that Little Brown Mudbugs are able to consume Western
Mosquitofish fry, although the consumption rate is low and mosquitofish fry survival
was not significantly different from the control. To our knowledge, this is the
first demonstration that Little Brown Mudbug potentially consumes fish fry. However,
other species of crayfish have been observed to consume fish fry (Edmonds et
al. 2011, Mueller et al. 2006, Renai and Gherardi 2004), and Procambarus clarkii
Girard (Red Swamp Crayfish) can consume adult mosquitofish (Gutiérrez-Yurrita
et al. 1998, Ilhéu et al. 2007). Thus, it is possible that Little Brown Mudbug may
consume some Western Mosquitofish fry in natural ecosystems. However, it seems
unlikely that they would be capable of controlling Western Mosquitofish populations
via consumption of fry, given the low consumption rate in the laboratory
which likely overestimates the natural consumption rate due to the simple environment
without refugia used in the experiment and the burrowing habit of Little
Brown Mudbug (Jezerinac et al. 1995, Loughman and Simon 2011). We observed
Little Brown Mudbugs in the same minnow traps as adult Western Mosquitofish,
suggesting that the 2 species may spatially overlap in the pond. Further experiments
considering the interaction of adult Western Mosquitofish and Little Brown
Mudbug might be useful to examine whether larger adults of the former may be
susceptible to predation or damage by the latter. It would also be informative to examine
the potential for other native crayfish, particularly species that may be more
likely to interact with the fish (e.g., non-burrowing species), to consume invasive
Western Mosquitofish.
In conclusion, our experiment demonstrated that cannibalism, especially by female
Western Mosquitofish, could be a substantial source of mortality for conspecific
fry. In contrast, the low consumption of Western Mosquitofish fry by the native Little
Brown Mudbug, suggests it is unlikely to be a major source of mortality for Western
Mosquitofish fry in nature. It is unclear what the long-term population consequences
of cannibalism are on Western Mosquitofish populations, but our results, and those of
others (e.g., Meffe and Crump 1987), suggest future investigations into the role that
cannibalism plays in the population biology of Western Mosquitofish would be fruitful
in understanding the population dynamics of this invasive species. For example,
future research might explore cannibalism in natural populations and in mesocosms
to examine the conditions under which cannibalism likely occurs with high enough
frequency to affect population growth. Experiments where alternative prey are provided
would also help address the preference for cannibalism relative to consumption
of other species. In addition, modelling studies that examine the role of cannibalism
in the population dynamics of mosquitofish could contribute to our understanding of
the sensitivity of mosquitofish populations to cannibalism, especially if the models
consider both negative and positive effects (e.g., increased energy for adult mosquitofish)
of cannibalism on population dynamics.
Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 25, No. 1
J.E. Rettig, G.R. Smith, G. Eng-Surowiac, D. Mirzashvili, M. Smyk1, Ma. Jones, and J. Hollis
We thank the Anderson Endowment of Denison University for financial support. G.W.
Stocker identified the crayfish predators used in our study. This experiment was approved
by the Denison University IACUC. The comments of 2 anonymous reviewers helped improve
the manuscript.
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