Distribution and Habitat Use of the Invasive
Carcinus maenas L. (European Green Crab) and the Native
Cancer irroratus (Say) (Rock Crab) in Intertidal Zones in
the Upper Bay of Fundy, Canada
Amelia J. MacDonald, Hannah M. Kienzle, David Drolet, and Diana J. Hamilton
Northeastern Naturalist, Volume 25, Issue 1 (2018): 161–180
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Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 25, No. 1
A.J. MacDonald, H.M. Kienzle, D. Drolet, and D.J. Hamilton
Distribution and Habitat Use of the Invasive
Carcinus maenas L. (European Green Crab) and the Native
Cancer irroratus (Say) (Rock Crab) in Intertidal Zones in
the Upper Bay of Fundy, Canada
Amelia J. MacDonald1,2,*, Hannah M. Kienzle1,3, David Drolet1,4, and
Diana J. Hamilton1
Abstract - Carcinus maenas (European Green Crab) is an invasive marine portunid crab
that has established populations globally outside of its native range and has been implicated
in declines of benthic invertebrates in invaded ecosystems. Observations of Green
Crab on intertidal mudflats in the upper Bay of Fundy have increased in recent years. We
assessed the distribution and relative abundance of crab populations in Chignecto Bay, an
arm of the upper Bay of Fundy, by trapping Green Crab and native Cancer irroratus (Say)
(Rock Crab) at mudflats and in rocky intertidal zones in 2013 and 2014. Spatial distribution
of Green Crabs indicated a preference for rocky intertidal habitats and greater abundance
geographically lower in the Bay, which would correspond with an initial introduction at the
mouth of the Bay and subsequent inward expansion. Abundance declined drastically from
2013 to 2014, suggesting that Green Crab may not yet be well established in Chignecto Bay.
Carapace width indicated that crab age may be less variable further into the Bay, suggesting
these sites may only be colonized in years with favorable environmental conditions. The
population may be vulnerable under poorer conditions in other years, like 2014, when high
overwintering mortality is a possible cause for the observed decline. There was not a corresponding
decline in native Rock Crab. While Green Crab abundance is currently relatively
low in Chignecto Bay, and their impact on mudflats likely minimal, prolonged favorable
environmental conditions could lead to an increased presence.
The portunid crab Carcinus maenas L. (European Green Crab; Fig. 1A) is native
to the eastern Atlantic from northern Africa to Norway, but has established
invasive populations worldwide (Carlton and Cohen 2003, Klassen and Locke
2007). Green Crabs occupy both hard and soft substrate habitats on exposed coast
and in protected embayments (Grosholz and Ruiz 1995). They can be found from
the shallow subtidal to the upper intertidal zone. Adult Green Crabs can survive
freezing temperatures, but prefer temperatures above 0 ºC (Klassen and Locke
1Department of Biology, Mount Allison University, 63B York Street, Sackville, NB,
Canada, E4L 1G7. 2Current address - Department of Biology, Trent University, 1600 West
Bank Drive, Peterborough, ON, Canada K9L 1Z8. 3Current address - Department of Biological
Sciences, 507 Campus Drive NW, University of Calgary, 2500 University Drive
NW, Calgary, AB, Canada T2N 1N4. 4Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Institut Maurice-Lamontagne,
850 Route de la Mer, Mont-Joli, QC, Canada G5H 3Z4. *Corresponding author
- ajmacdonald3@gmail.com.
Manuscript Editor: Thomas Trott
Northeastern Naturalist
A.J. MacDonald, H.M. Kienzle, D. Drolet, and D.J. Hamilton
2018 Vol. 25, No. 1
2007). The Green Crab is an aggressive competitor, and may outcompete sympatric
native crustaceans (Haarr and Rochette 2012, MacDonald et al. 2007, McDonald
et al. 2001). It has a generalist diet, and has had negative effects on several invertebrate
species, notably bivalves (DFO 2011, Klassen and Locke 2007), but also
polychaetes (Estelle and Grosholz 2012, Gregory and Quijón 2011) and amphipods
(Grosholz and Ruiz 1995). Green Crabs can destroy Zostera marina L. (Eelgrass)
beds (DFO 2011, Garbary et al. 2014, Neckles 2015, Matheson et al. 2016), and
their foraging behavior has the potential to affect shorebird prey consumption by
altering the availability of benthic invertebrates (Estelle and Grosholz 2012).
The Green Crab was first introduced to the eastern US around 1817 and was
detected in Atlantic Canada in rocky intertidal areas of the outer Bay of Fundy in
1951 (Klassen and Locke 2007). Green Crabs were found along the southeastern
coast of Nova Scotia by the mid-1960s, but were not reported for the northeastern
coast until the early 1980s. Genetic analysis suggests that multiple introductions
have occurred in the Maritime Provinces since the 1980s. These crabs likely
originated from a more northerly region of their native range than earlier arrivals,
making these recently introduced crabs and their descendants more tolerant
of cold temperatures (Roman 2006). The hardier northern crabs are also more effective
predators (Haarr and Rochette 2012, Rossong et al. 2012), and these traits
may have facilitated their rapid invasion of the Northumberland Strait, Prince
Edward Island, and Newfoundland. They may have also spread southward and
into the outer Bay of Fundy, mixing with crabs descended from the original introduction
(Jeffery et al. 2017, Klassen and Locke 2007). The Green Crab’s broad
geographic range in Atlantic Canada overlaps with that of the native crab Cancer
irroratus (Say) (Rock Crab; Fig. 1B), and both species share similar requirements
for food and habitat (Bélair and Miron 2009). Caging experiments examining
competition between the 2 species have revealed mixed results. In a microcosm
experiment, larger Green Crabs often out-competed smaller Rock Crabs for Mytilus
edulis L. (Blue Mussel), particularly in warmer water temperatures (Matheson
and Gagnon 2012). In another study, each species reduced foraging efficiency of
the other at high densities (Gregory and Quijón 2011). There is also evidence that
Figure 1. (A) Invasive Carcinus maenas (European Green Crab) and (B) native Cancer
irroratus (Rock Crab). Photographs © A.J. MacDonald and H.M. Kienzle.
Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 25, No. 1
A.J. MacDonald, H.M. Kienzle, D. Drolet, and D.J. Hamilton
the 2 species may coexist by reducing interspecific competition through temporal
and spatial segregation (Bélair and Miron 2009).
The Bay of Fundy is characterized by some of the highest tides in the world.
The upper arms, Chignecto Bay and Minas Basin, include ~35,000 ha of intertidal
mudflat ecosystems (Hicklin 1987) in addition to rocky intertidal habitats. The
upper Bay of Fundy is a critical migratory stopover site for shorebirds, particularly
Calidris pusilla L. (Semipalmated Sandpiper) (Hicklin 1987). Shorebirds, as
well as benthic and demersal fish, forage extensively on mudflat invertebrates and
biofilm (Gerwing et al. 2016, McCurdy et al. 2005, Quinn and Hamilton 2012),
highlighting the ecological significance of these systems.
We have worked in the upper Bay of Fundy for over 15 y and first detected Green
Crabs on mudflats in Chignecto Bay in 2012 (D. Drolet, pers. observ.). A local naturalist
also noticed an increase in Green Crab carapaces on shores in recent years (D.
Christie, Naturalist, Harvey, NB, Canada, pers. comm.), and 12 Green Crabs were
caught in the lower Minas Basin in 2001 (Roman 2006). Further, previous surveys
at 5 mudflats in the Minas Basin in 2013, each comprising two 800-m transects
perpendicular to shore and one 100-m transect parallel to shore at the high-tide line,
reported a molted carapace density of 0.014m-2 (MacDonald 2014). Green Crabs
have reduced amphipod and polychaete densities in enclosure experiments (Estelle
and Grosholz 2012, Gregory and Quijón 2011, Grosholz and Ruiz 1995). These
mudflat invertebrates provide important resources for native species; thus, the current
status—early phase of establishment if Green Crab abundance is lower than
Rock Crab, middle phase if abundances are similar, and late phase if Green Crabs
are significantly more abundant than Rock Crabs (sensu O’Connor 2014)—of the
Green Crab population in Chignecto Bay merits investigation. We monitored Green
Crabs and their potential competitors, native Rock Crabs, at mudflats and adjacent
rocky intertidal sites in Chignecto Bay from May 2013 to January 2014 and June
2014 to January 2015 to assess their current distribution and relative abundance.
Field-site Description
We surveyed Green Crab and Rock Crab populations at 3 mudflats in Chignecto
Bay, an arm of the upper Bay of Fundy, bordered by New Brunswick and Nova
Scotia, Canada (Fig. 2). Pecks Cove mudflat (45º45'21.6''N, 64º29'13.2''W) extends
about 850 m at low tide, Minudie mudflat (45º45'39.6''N, 64º23'42.0''W) extends between
500 m and 1500 m, and Mary’s Point mudflat (45º43'26.4''N, 64º40'01.2''W)
extends ~1500 m at low tide. Common invertebrates at these mudflat sites include
the amphipod Corophium volutator (Pallas), Tritia obsoleta (Say) (Eastern Mudsnail),
and Macoma spp. (clams). Gerwing et al. (2015) provide biotic and abiotic
characteristics of the sites. We also monitored Green Crabs and Rock Crabs at
rocky intertidal areas adjacent to the mudflat sites. Slack’s Cove (45º43'30.0''N,
64º32'49.2''W) was paired with Pecks Cove, Joggins (45º41'52.8''N, 64º27'7.2''W)
with Minudie mudflat, and Two Rivers (45º39'07.2''N, 64º43'30.2''W) with Mary’s
Point mudflat (Fig. 2). Intertidal zones at rocky sites generally had a steeper slope
and were characterized by large outcrops of bedrock, Fucus sp. (wrack), and
Northeastern Naturalist
A.J. MacDonald, H.M. Kienzle, D. Drolet, and D.J. Hamilton
2018 Vol. 25, No. 1
Ascophyllum sp. (rockweed) with some surrounding sand and mud. C. volutator,
Macoma spp., Semibalanus balanoides L. (Acorn Barnacle), and Littorina littorea
L. (Common Periwinkle) were some invertebrate taxa found at these sites (Kienzle
2015). We considered Pecks Cove, Slack’s Cove, Minudie, and Joggins as upper
Chignecto Bay, and Mary’s Point and Two Rivers as lower Chignecto Bay because
these sites were geographically closer to the mouth of the Bay of Fundy and the
location of the earliest detection of Green Crab in the Bay of Fundy.
Population surveys
We surveyed crabs using crab-specific 60 cm x 40 cm x 20-cm Fukui traps (Fukui
North America, Eganville, ON, Canada) with 12-mm mesh, and horizontal slits
running the full width of the trap. We deployed 15 traps at each site, with 5 traps
at each of 3 distances, corresponding to low, intermediate, and high tidal elevation.
We placed low traps 50 m above the low-tide line, high traps 50 m below the
Figure 2. Sites in Chignecto Bay, an arm of the upper Bay of Fundy, Canada, where we surveyed
Green Crab and Rock Crab populations in 2013 and 2014. Mudflat sites are denoted
by circles, and rocky intertidal sites are marked by triangles. NB refers to New Brunswick,
and NS indicates Nova Scotia.
Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 25, No. 1
A.J. MacDonald, H.M. Kienzle, D. Drolet, and D.J. Hamilton
high-tide line, and intermediate traps at the midpoint between high and low traps.
Submersion time varied with tidal elevation—traps closer to the low tide line were
under water longer than those closer to the high-tide line. At each level, we placed
traps 3–5 m apart and parallel to the water so that openings were positioned in line
with main currents (Drolet et al. 2012). At most sites, we secured the traps to 2
rebar posts so that their position remained the same during every sampling period.
We marked trap locations at Two Rivers with a GPS unit and secured traps with
rocks because bedrock prevented the use of rebar posts. We baited all traps on each
deployment with herring in perforated bait buckets that allowed odors to diffuse.
We set all traps at low tide and returned after ~24 h to collect them the following
day shortly after they became exposed. We sampled pairs of sites sequentially
with deployment and collection days for each site, which amounted to a 6-d survey
period to cover all sites once. We identified to species, sexed, measured carapace
width with calipers (±1 mm) between the last antero-lateral points, and released all
captured crabs. We conducted surveys at all sites once every 3 weeks from May
through August in 2013, then monthly from September through December, though
Mary’s Point and Two Rivers were surveyed in January 2014 rather than December
2013 due to inclement weather. We surveyed sites monthly from June through
December 2014, though Pecks Cove and Slack’s Cove were sampled in January
2015 rather than December 2014 because the sites were temporarily inaccessible.
We considered sampling conducted during December and January as a single survey
period. Although our methods did not exclude recaptures between sampling
periods, we marked Green Crabs at Two Rivers in 2014 and found an extremely
low rate of recapture, with only 3 crabs recaptured between June and December
(Kienzle 2015); thus, recaptures are highly unlikely to have in fluenced results.
Statistical analysis
We analyzed Green Crab and Rock Crab abundance separately using generalized
linear models with negative binomial distributions and log-link functions to
account for overdispersed count data (Norušis 2008). We defined survey period,
site, and year as fixed factors; the number of crabs caught per trap per 24-h deployment
period, or catch per unit effort (CPUE), was the dependent variable. We dealt
with significant interactions by splitting the data by site to examine temporal effects
and by year to examine spatial effects. We then reran models and performed biologically
meaningful specific contrasts with applied alpha-level corrections (sensu
Benjamini and Hochberg 1995). Contrasts were designed to examine temporal,
spatial, and site type (mudflat versus rocky intertidal) variability. We also compared
Green Crab and Rock Crab abundance using generalized linear models. When this
comparison resulted in significant interactions, we split the data by site and year to
examine differences between species. We excluded Pecks Cove and Minudie from
this analysis because of very low sample size (≤3 Green Crabs were caught at these
sites in either year). We employed a Kruskal-Wallis test to compare Green Crab and
Rock Crab size among sites. We considered variability in carapace width as a proxy
for the breadth of ages represented in trapped crabs and used Bartlett’s test to assess
this variable among sites. A wider range of ages may indicate a longer Green Crab
Northeastern Naturalist
A.J. MacDonald, H.M. Kienzle, D. Drolet, and D.J. Hamilton
2018 Vol. 25, No. 1
presence at a site, rather than a single strong age class (Grosholz and Ruiz 1995). We
excluded Pecks Cove and Minudie from this analysis due to low sample size. We examined
sex ratios for each species in each year using chi-square contingency tests.
To obtain an index of winter severity and conditions relative to seasonal
norms, we retrieved from the Environment Canada Historical Climate Database
(Environment Canada 2015) daily air temperatures for the winters before each
year of the study (December 2012–March 2013 and December 2013–March
2014), daily summer (May–August) air temperatures during the study, and average
monthly air temperatures calculated from climate data collected from
1981–2010. Data were collected at Moncton International Airport (46°06'43.2''N,
64°40'44.4''W) and Moncton, NB (46º06'03.6''N, 64º47'24.0''W), and thus, while
not exact for our study locations, serve as a proxy for the weather conditions at
our sites. We compared the winter thermal environment experienced by crabs
across months and years using a 2-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). Using
the historical monthly average temperatures (1981–2010) as a baseline, we calculated
the difference between the daily winter air temperatures during our study
period and the historical average to detect any sustained anomalous temperatures
during our study. We specified post-hoc contrasts that examined differences between
years and applied an alpha-level correction (sensu Benjamini and Hochberg
1995). We also employed 1-sample t-tests to compare monthly winter temperatures
directly to corresponding historical averages. Further, we calculated mean
summer air temperature (±1 SD). We conducted all analyses in R v. 3.0.2 (R Core
Team 2013) using the MASS (Venables and Ripley 2002), multcomp (Hothorn
et al. 2008), and pgirmess (Giraudoux 2013) packages. We created figures in
ArcMap 10.3 (ESRI 2014), and R v. 3.0.2 (R Core Team 2013) using the ggplot2
package (Wickham 2009).
Temporal effects
In 2013, we caught Green Crabs at all 6 sites, totaling 1488 crabs. In 2014, numbers
declined substantially and we caught 402 crabs at 5 sites. CPUE (individuals
caught per trap in ~24 h) varied from 0 to 90 in 2013 and 0 to 25 in 2014. Differences
in crab abundance between years varied among sites (site x year interaction,
Dev5, 1511 = 72.53, P < 0.001), but abundance was higher in 2013 than 2014 at Slack’s
Cove (Dev1, 254 = 3.88, P = 0.049), Joggins (Dev1, 254 = 5.71, P = 0.017), Mary’s Point
(Dev1, 254 = 17.86, P < 0.001), and Two Rivers (Dev1, 254 = 323.36, P < 0.001). We
also caught more crabs at Pecks Cove and Minudie in 2013 than 2014, but did not
evaluate these sites statistically because we caught ≤3 crabs at either site each year.
Despite lower numbers in 2014, we observed a similar trend in abundance across
survey periods in both years (survey x year interaction, Dev1, 1516 = 0.27, P = 0.602),
where numbers increased as the year progressed, peaked in October, and declined
drastically in December/January (Fig. 3). We caught 396 and 111 Green Crabs
in October in 2013 and 2014, respectively, whereas we caught only 6 and 2 crabs in
December/January during the 1st and 2nd years of the study, respectively.
Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 25, No. 1
A.J. MacDonald, H.M. Kienzle, D. Drolet, and D.J. Hamilton
Contrary to the decrease in Green Crab abundance, native Rock Crab numbers
increased from 2013 to 2014 (Dev1, 1522 = 5.41, P = 0.020), though the increase was
not as pronounced as the decline in Green Crabs. We caught 819 Rock Crabs in
2013 and 994 in 2014, and CPUE varied from 0 to 28 and 0 to 66 in the 2 years, respectively.
This increase was consistent across most survey periods (survey x year
interaction, Dev1, 1516 = 0.87, P = 0.351; Fig. 3), and there was no significant difference
among sites (site x year interaction, Dev5, 1511 = 10.39, P = 0.065; Table 1),
though some survey periods and sites showed larger increases than others. Whether
Green Crabs outnumbered native Rock Crabs depended on site and year (site x
year x species interaction, Dev5, 3036 = 31.44, P < 0.001; Table 1). At Slack’s Cove,
CPUE for Green Crab and CPUE for Rock Crab were not significantly different
in 2013, but CPUE for Rock Crab was higher than that of Green Crab in 2014. At
Joggins, Rock Crab was more abundant than Green Crab in both 2013 and 2014.
Table 1. Total numbers of Green Crabs and Rock Crabs caught at each site in Chignecto Bay in 2013
and 2014.
Green Crab Rock Crab
Site type Site 2013 2014 2013 2014
Mudflat Pecks Cove 3 2 38 28
Mudflat Minudie 2 0 2 6
Mudflat Mary’s Point 488 23 81 177
Rocky Slack’s Cove 144 1 169 125
Rocky Joggins 138 13 327 312
Rocky Two Rivers 713 363 202 346
Figure 3. Catch per unit effort (±1 SE) of (A) Green Crab (n = 1890) and (B) Rock Crab
(n = 1813) for all sites across survey periods per year. Points correspond to the first day of
each survey period. Circles represent data collected in 2013, and triangles represent data
collected in 2014.
Northeastern Naturalist
A.J. MacDonald, H.M. Kienzle, D. Drolet, and D.J. Hamilton
2018 Vol. 25, No. 1
At Mary’s Point, Green Crab CPUE was higher in 2013. This trend was reversed
in 2014 when Rock Crab CPUE was higher. Green Crab CPUE was greater at Two
Rivers in both 2013 and 2014 (Table 2). The total number of Rock Crabs exceeded
the total number of Green Crabs caught at Pecks Cove in both years and at Minudie
in 2014. Equal numbers of Green Crab and Rock Crab were caught at Minudie in
2013 (Table 1).
In 2013, the ratio of male to female Green Crabs decreased as the season progressed
(χ2 = 100.92, df = 8, P < 0.001). The proportion of Green Crabs trapped that
were female was also higher in fall 2014 (χ 2 = 17.354, df = 7, P = 0.015; Fig. 4).
Male-to-female ratio varied across the season for Rock Crabs in 2013 (χ 2 = 71.588,
Figure 4. Total counts of male versus female Green and Rock Crabs throughout the trapping
season in each year. Points correspond to the first day of each survey period.
Table 2. Results of generalized linear models comparing Green Crab and Rock Crab CPUE at 4 study
sites each year. Pecks Cove and Minudie were not statistically analyzed due to low Green Crab numbers.
Site Year Direction of difference, if any df Residual df Deviance P-value
Slack’s Cove 2013 No significant difference 2 268 0.71 0.703
2014 Green Crab < Rock Crab 2 238 59.93 less than 0.001
Joggins 2013 Green Crab < Rock Crab 2 268 34.56less than 0.001
2014 Green Crab < Rock Crab 2 238 118.07 less than 0.001
Mary’s Point 2013 Green Crab > Rock Crab 2 268 62.35 less than 0.001
2014 Green Crab < Rock Crab 2 238 17.73 less than 0.001
Two Rivers 2013 Green Crab > Rock Crab 2 268 244.61 less than 0.001
2014 Green Crab > Rock Crab 2 238 85.16 less than 0.001
Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 25, No. 1
A.J. MacDonald, H.M. Kienzle, D. Drolet, and D.J. Hamilton
df = 7, P < 0.001), with particularly high numbers of females trapped in September,
but did not vary in 2014 (χ 2 = 2.32, df = 7, P = 0.940; Fig. 4)
The temporal profile of winter air temperatures varied between study years
(year x month interaction, F3, 209 = 6.30, P < 0.001). Deviation from historical climate
averages differed significantly between study years in December and March.
December 2013 was significantly colder relative to climate norms than December
2012 (adjusted α = 0.03, P = 0.015), as was March 2014 compared to March 2013
(adjusted α = 0.03, P < 0.001). Further, December 2013 was significantly colder
than the historical average (t = -2.93, P = 0.006), whereas December 2012 was not
(t = 0.78, P = 0.444). March 2014 was also colder than the historical average (t =
-4.63, P < 0.001), while March 2013 was warmer (t = 2.57, P = 0.016; Fig. 5B).
Deviation from historical average temperatures did not differ significantly between
January 2013 and 2014 (adjusted α = 0.03, P = 0.056) or February 2013 and 2014
(adjusted α = 0.03, P = 0.748). Neither January 2013 nor 2014 differed from the
historical average (t = -1.59, P = 0.126; t = 0.61, P = 0.546). February 2013 and
2014 were also similar to climate norms (t = 0.41, P = 0.687; t = -0.05, P = 0.960;
Fig. 5). Average winter temperature preceding the 1st year of the study was -5.1 ºC
and was -7.1 ºC preceding the second year; however, December 2013–March 2014
was characterized by a period of relatively consistent cold, while temperatures from
December 2012–March 2013 were more variable (Fig. 5A). Average summer air
temperature was similar in 2013 (16.5 ± 4.8 ºC) and 2014 (16.1 ± 5.2 ºC).
Spatial effects
Green Crab abundance varied with site in both 2013 (Dev6, 804 = 458.88, P less than
0.001) and 2014 (Dev6, 714 = 380.55, P < 0.001). In 2013, CPUE was significantly
higher at Slack’s Cove and Joggins than at their respective mudflat pairs, Peck’s
Cove and Minudie, while CPUE did not differ significantly between Two Rivers
and Mary’s Point (Table 3). In 2014, greater abundance at Two Rivers than Mary’s
Point was the only significant difference between site pairs.
Table 3. Post-hoc comparisons examining differences in Green Crab CPUE between mudflat and rocky
site pairs and upper and lower Chignecto Bay rocky sites in 2013 and 2014. Comparisons between
mudflat sites were not performed due to low crab numbers at Pecks Cove and Minudie. The adjusted
alpha-level (α = 0.03) is based on Benjamini and Hochberg’s (1995) correction.
Year Comparison Sites and direction of difference, if any P-value
2013 Mudflat vs. rocky site Pecks Cove < Slack’s Cove less than 0.001
2013 Mudflat vs. rocky site Minudie less than Joggins less than 0.001
2013 Mudflat vs. rocky site Mary’s Point–Two Rivers 0.104
2013 Upper vs. upper Bay Slack’s Cove–Joggins 0.868
2013 Upper vs. lower Bay Slack’s Cove less than Two Rivers less than 0.001
2013 Upper vs. lower Bay Joggins < Two Rivers less than 0.001
2014 Mudflat vs. rocky site Pecks Cove–Slack’s Cove 0.580
2014 Mudflat vs. rocky site Minudie–Joggins 0.990
2014 Mudflat vs. rocky site Mary’s Point < Two Rivers less than 0.001
2014 Upper vs. upper Bay Slack’s Cove < Joggins 0.017
2014 Upper vs. lower Bay Slack’s Cove < Two Rivers less than 0.001
2014 Upper vs. lower Bay Joggins < Two Rivers less than 0.001
Northeastern Naturalist
A.J. MacDonald, H.M. Kienzle, D. Drolet, and D.J. Hamilton
2018 Vol. 25, No. 1
In both years, we caught more Green Crabs at Two Rivers than at either rocky
site geographically further into Chignecto Bay (Table 3). CPUE did not differ significantly
between Slack’s Cove and Joggins in 2013, but abundance was greater at
Joggins than Slack’s Cove in 2014 (Table 3). We caught 713, 144, and 138 Green
Crabs in 2013 at Two Rivers, Slack’s Cove, and Joggins, respectively. In 2014, we
trapped 363 crabs at Two Rivers, 1 crab at Slack’s Cove, and 13 crabs at Joggins.
We did not statistically compare upper vs. lower Bay mudflat sites due to low crab
Figure 5. (A) Average temperature (±1 SE) at Moncton International Airport during winters
directly preceding each crab trapping season. (B) Average deviation in winter temperatures
during the study period from monthly climate norms based on temperature data collected
from 1981–2010.
Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 25, No. 1
A.J. MacDonald, H.M. Kienzle, D. Drolet, and D.J. Hamilton
numbers. However, abundance was greater at Mary’s Point than at Pecks Cove and
Minudie, most notably in 2013, when we caught 488 Green Crabs at Mary’s Point,
3 at Pecks Cove, and 2 at Minudie. In 2014 we trapped 23 crabs at Mary’s Point, 2
at Pecks Cove, and 0 at Minudie (Table 1).
Green Crab carapace width varied across sites (H = 21.46, df = 3, P < 0.001),
though median width only ranged from 40 mm to 45 mm among sites (Fig. 6A).
The variability in carapace width also differed among sites (K2 = 23.99, df = 3, P less than
Figure 6. Variability in (A) Green Crab and (B) Rock Crab carapace width across sites, excluding
Pecks Cove and Minudie. Carapace width is divided into 5-mm–interval size classes.
Northeastern Naturalist
A.J. MacDonald, H.M. Kienzle, D. Drolet, and D.J. Hamilton
2018 Vol. 25, No. 1
0.001). Mary’s Point and Two Rivers had a broader range of sizes than Slack’s Cove
and Joggins (Fig. 6A). Rock Crab carapace width also varied among sites (H =
257.83, df = 3, P < 0.001), with median width varying from 69 to 79 mm. Variability
in carapace width also differed among sites as well (K2 = 15.84, df = 3, P =
0.001). Two Rivers and Joggins had a wider range of Rock Crab sizes than Slack’s
Cove and Mary’s Point (Fig. 6B).
This study is, to the best of our knowledge, the first formal survey of the Green
Crab in Chignecto Bay. Our capture data show that Green Crabs are present in
Chignecto Bay, though abundance varied substantially among sites and between
years. Green Crabs have been documented on rocky flats of the lower Bay of Fundy
since the 1950s (MacPhail and Lord 1954). We present evidence that they have
expanded into the upper Bay. This area is characterized by extensive intertidal
mudflats (Gerwing et al. 2015), which are unique to the region and provide a novel
habitat for the species. Rocky flats, more similar to habitat wh ere Green Crabs occur
in the lower Bay and elsewhere in their introduced range throughout the world,
are also present in Chignecto Bay.
We found that the spatial distribution of Green Crabs varied with geographical
location and habitat type within Chignecto Bay. Abundance was higher at sites
geographically lower in the Bay of Fundy. This finding suggests that Green Crabs
are expanding from lower regions into upper regions of the Bay, consistent with the
idea that they entered the Bay of Fundy at its mouth and have since moved further
up its coast (Klassen and Locke 2007). Hardier crabs that stemmed from later introductions
(Roman 2006) may have driven the spread into the upper Bay of Fundy.
These crabs moved north into areas previously considered to be too cold for Green
Crab (Roman 2006) and may be capable of tolerating harsher conditions in the upper
Bay, such as colder temperatures and extreme tides. Some crabs collected in the
Bay of Fundy had haplotypes linked to later introductions, though the majority of
haplotypes from this location could be linked to the original New England introduction
(Blakeslee et al. 2010, Roman 2006). Similarly, Williams et al. (2015) found
that northern haplotypes stemming from later introductions were uncommon on the
northern US Atlantic coast. This distribution of haplotypes suggests that northward
expansion in the Bay of Fundy may be currently limited, and that perhaps only a
subset of the crabs present have the capacity to persist in these areas. Over time,
selection in the region for these hardier haplotypes could lead to larger populations
in the upper Bay of Fundy.
Overall, we caught more Green Crabs at rocky sites than at mudflats. As crabs
expanded further into the Bay of Fundy, they may have continued to colonize areas
similar to previous habitat in the lower Bay. Movement onto mudflats in Chignecto
Bay would require an adjustment to the prey base, which differs from prey available
at rocky intertidal sites. Rocky intertidal zones may also provide better protection
from predation for juvenile Green Crabs than the relatively homogenous mudflat
substrate. Megalopa larvae experience lower predation and settling mortality on
Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 25, No. 1
A.J. MacDonald, H.M. Kienzle, D. Drolet, and D.J. Hamilton
structurally complex substrates (Moksnes et al. 1998) and actively select such habitats
(Hedvall et al. 1998). Thus, Green Crab larvae may be preferentially settling in
rocky habitats over mudflats in Chignecto Bay, or experiencing greater survivorship
in these areas. However, while the rocky intertidal appears to be a more suitable
habitat for Green Crab, numbers observed at Mary’s Point in 2013 suggest that
they can survive on mudflats. It is also possible that our sampling design may have
influenced the comparison between the 2 habitat types. Rocky sites have steeper
slopes than mudflats, resulting in smaller intertidal zones. If Green Crabs are moving
in and out of the intertidal zone with the tide cycle (e.g., Aagaard et al. 1995),
and if they are relatively evenly distributed within habitats (which is probably not
the case), it is possible that more crabs would be caught in the higher traps at rocky
intertidal sites because crabs would not need to travel as far to reach the higher
traps. Conversely, due to greater distance between trap levels at mudflat sites, we
surveyed a larger mudflat than rocky area, which could lead to increased capture
rates on mudflats, generating the opposite effect of the steeper slope at rocky sites.
We observed a substantial decline in Green Crab abundance from 2013 to 2014.
Two Rivers was the only site at which Green Crabs were still regularly caught in
2014, and we trapped roughly 50% fewer crabs even there. Similar declines in Green
Crab abundance were observed in other parts of Atlantic Canada in 2014 (N. Simard,
Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Mont-Joli, QC, Canada [DFO],
pers. comm.). We speculate that this decline was related to over-winter mortality
in 2013–2014. The winter of 2013–2014 is best characterized as a 4-month period
of relatively consistent cold, in contrast to 2012–2013, when similar temperatures
were experienced in only January and February. Additionally, December 2013 and
March 2014 were colder than historical temperature averages for those months
(Fig. 5). Green Crab abundance has declined following harsh winters in their native
range (Beukema 1991), and cold temperatures have been cited as a limiting factor in
their northward progression in Atlantic Canada (Audet et al. 2003). Thus, it is possible
that the particularly long winter of 2014 may have caused the Chignecto Bay
Green Crab population to decline dramatically at recently invaded sites, potentially
due to both reduced larval recruitment and adult mortality. We did not observe any
newly settled crabs in 2014, and we caught fewer crabs around the age of maturity
(Sharp et al. 2003), suggesting low recruitment. We also caught fewer large adults
in 2014, indicating some mortality may have occurred. Habitat differs between the
upper and lower Bay of Fundy, and sites further into Chignecto Bay may function as
marginal habitat where Green Crabs have an appreciably greater presence in years
with favorable conditions but struggle under unfavorable conditions. We speculate
that the extra length of winter in 2013–2014 may have reduced Green Crab survivorship.
Further, crab size was less variable at Joggins and Slack’s Cove than at
Two Rivers and Mary’s Point, sites geographically lower in the Bay. This finding
suggests that crabs at these upper sites may have been from fewer cohorts, only
colonizing these areas in years with favorable conditions, whereas Green Crabs
may be more established at sites lower in the Bay where more age classes may be
present. Ocean conditions have been linked with year-class strength of Green Crabs
Northeastern Naturalist
A.J. MacDonald, H.M. Kienzle, D. Drolet, and D.J. Hamilton
2018 Vol. 25, No. 1
(Behrens-Yamada and Kosro 2010), and in a location where abundance remains
low compared to other areas of the Atlantic coast, the population in Chignecto Bay
may be particularly susceptible to environmental stressors, as occurred in winter
Although the substantial decline of Green Crabs in 2014 suggests they are not
yet well established in Chignecto Bay, a series of strong year-classes could lead
to a stable or increasing population. Green Crab numbers decreased when temperatures
were below average; thus, increases of winter temperatures predicted by
climate change models (Stachowicz et al. 2002) could lead to population increases
in this region and result in the formation of established populations. We caught 2
ovigerous Green Crabs at Joggins in June 2013, indicating that they were breeding
at the site following a relatively mild winter (A.J. MacDonald, unpubl. data).
More winters like this could lead to additional reproduction in these upper areas
of the Bay. Although the mesh size of the Fukui traps prevented us from cap turing
particularly small crabs, we observed newly settled Green Crabs at Slack’s Cove
and Mary’s Point in August and September 2013 (A.J. MacDonald, pers. observ.).
Only 1 month in winter 2012–2013 was warmer than historical averages, whereas
2 months in winter 2013–2014 were colder than climate norms. Green Crab numbers
decreased when air temperatures were below average. If winter temperatures
increase due to climate change, population increases in this region are a clear possibility
in coming years and could lead to formation of established populations.
Green Crab populations declined from 2013 to 2014, but Rock Crab abundance
increased slightly. The lack of a decline in Rock Crabs is not surprising,
and provides additional support for our hypothesis that winter stressors, as opposed
to some widespread habitat or food-base change, were responsible for
the decline in Green Crabs. Native Rock Crabs are well adapted to cold and
are sensitive to warm temperatures. Jost et al. (2012) found that Rock Crab
righting-response time after being turned over slowed at 20 °C and stopped at
30 °C, whereas Green Crab response time did not slow and stopped at 34–36 °C.
Although most invertebrate foraging is to some degree temperature-sensitive,
foraging efficiency in Green Crabs has been shown to decrease markedly in
colder water (Bélair and Miron 2009, Matheson and Gagnon 2012). Thus, while
a colder winter would be of little consequence to Rock Crabs in Chignecto Bay,
it would be detrimental to invasive Green Crabs. Further, Rock Crab CPUE was
higher than that for Green Crab at every site in 2014 other than Two Rivers,
where Green Crabs were most strongly established. In 2013, Rock Crab CPUE
exceeded that of Green Crab at only Joggins and Pecks Cove. This result suggests
that the Green Crab invasion of Chignecto Bay is in early stages at most locations,
though the Green Crab appears to be a late-phase invader at Two Rivers
(sensu O’Connor 2014). However, the changes in abundance between the 2 species
at some sites over the course of our study indicate that invasion status could
change quickly. We observed within-site spatial segregation between Green Crabs
and Rock Crabs in 2013. Rock Crabs were primarily caught in the lower intertidal,
while Green Crabs were more prevalent in the upper intertidal (MacDonald
Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 25, No. 1
A.J. MacDonald, H.M. Kienzle, D. Drolet, and D.J. Hamilton
2014). Rock Crab distribution did not change in 2014 when Green Crab presence
was minimal, suggesting that Rock Crabs may have been outcompeting Green
Crabs in the low intertidal zone (Kienzle 2015).
Despite the overall decline in Green Crab abundance from 2013 to 2014, both
years showed the same within-year temporal trend. CPUE increased as the season
progressed, peaking in October. We may have caught more crabs later in the season
because of the age distribution at the sites we surveyed. Aagaard et al. (1995)
found that adult males displayed greater tidal rhythmicity in foraging activity than
juveniles, which remained in the low intertidal zone. Based on observed sizes,
many Green Crabs caught at all sites were around the age of maturity (Sharp et al.
2003), though Two Rivers and Mary’s Point had several particularly large adults
in 2013. Placement of traps may have generated a bias by catching few crabs early
in the season if they were predominantly in the low intertidal or subtidal zones,
and then catching more crabs later in the season when they began foraging in the
upper intertidal zone after moulting during the summer (e.g., Aagaard et al. 1995).
Additionally, an increase in females caught in fall (Fig. 4) may have contributed to
the overall increase in CPUE. More female crabs may have entered traps after the
summer breeding period because ovigerous females are less likely to be attracted
to bait (Klassen and Locke 2007).
Green Crab abundance currently appears to be lower in Chignecto Bay than in
certain other invaded areas in Atlantic Canada. Average CPUE in Chignecto Bay
was 1.84 Green Crabs per trap per 24 h in 2013 and 0.56 in 2014. Recent Green
Crab monitoring programs led by the DFO used a protocol similar to our study,
with Fukui traps deployed for 24 h. However, DFO set traps just below the low-tide
line and they were submerged for the entire deployment (Simard et al. 2013, Vercaemer
and Sephton 2016), whereas we placed traps in the intertidal zone, so time
submerged varied. Further, our mudflat habitat was certainly distinct from anything
found in these other study locations. Monitoring efforts from 2008 to 2015 (Vercaemer
and Sephton 2016) that included the lower Bay of Fundy, southern and eastern
shores of Nova Scotia, and Cape Breton reported an average CPUE of 12.54. Green
Crabs were particularly abundant along the eastern shore and in Cape Breton with
the maximum annual average CPUE reaching 52.0 and 43.0, respectively. Average
CPUE for the lower Bay of Fundy was 20.1 in 2008, but only 0.1 in 2011.
Mudflat invertebrate communities provide important food resources for fish
and migrating shorebirds (Hamilton et al. 2003, McCurdy et al. 2005, McLean et
al. 2013, Quinn and Hamilton 2012). Green Crabs are present in Chignecto Bay
at all sites we surveyed, though the population does not yet appear to be widely
established, given the limited abundance at many sites. Impacts of small Green
Crabs (less than 40 mm carapace width) at relatively low densities on mudflat invertebrate
biomass are likely negligible (MacDonald 2014). However, Green Crab predation
rates increase substantially with crab size (Boudreau et al. 2013), so if the population
stabilizes and older crabs become more prevalent, as could occur in the event
of consecutive warm winters, mudflat invertebrate taxa could be affected. There is
mixed evidence on the potential for adverse effects of a Green Crab invasion on
Northeastern Naturalist
A.J. MacDonald, H.M. Kienzle, D. Drolet, and D.J. Hamilton
2018 Vol. 25, No. 1
other trophic levels. In an enclosure experiment, Estelle and Grosholz (2012) found
that Green Crabs reduced polychaete consumption by Calidris alpina L. (Dunlin).
Wong and Dowd (2014) modeled the effects of a Green Crab removal program on
an intertidal sand flat and predicted that removal of 50% or 95% of Green Crabs
from the food web would result in increased Pluvialis squatarola L. (Black-bellied
Plover) biomass and increased removal of benthic prey by migrating shorebirds.
However, Grosholz et al. (2000) did not observe changes in shorebird abundance
in a 9-y period following the introduction of Green Crabs to Bodega Bay Harbor,
CA. Nevertheless, because polychaetes are an important prey item of Semipalmated
Sandpipers in the upper Bay of Fundy (Quinn and Hamilton 2012), indirect
effects of Green Crab predation could occur in the long term if the invasion is
highly successful. Green Crabs also prey on amphipods and may reduce Corophium
sp. densities (Grosholz and Ruiz 1995). Corophium volutator, a prey item for
Semipalmated Sandpipers (Gerwing et al. 2016, Quinn and Hamilton 2012) and
potentially Green Crabs, is usually the dominant species in Chignecto Bay’s mudflat
invertebrate community (Drolet et al. 2012), thus creating an opportunity for
competition to develop between the 2 species. Such competition, however, is likely
only under extremely high crab densities. Green Crabs burrow and pit mudflat
surfaces through foraging (Floyd and Williams 2004, Ropes 1968). We observed
such pits on mudflats in Chignecto Bay (D. Drolet, pers. observ.), and changes to
the structural integrity of mudflat sediments in Chignecto Bay under increased crab
densities have the potential to affect the infaunal invertebrate community (e.g.,
Schratzberger and Warwick 1999).
Given the ecological importance of mudflats in the region, the status of Green
Crabs in Chignecto Bay merits continued monitoring. As average winter temperatures
increase (Stachowicz et al. 2002), so too does the likelihood of a greater
Green Crab presence in the upper Bay of Fundy. The invasion history of the Green
Crab demonstrates its ability to detrimentally affect intertidal invertebrate populations
(Floyd and Williams 2004, Grosholz and Ruiz 1995, Ropes 1968), which are
essential to Bay of Fundy mudflats. An established population of invasive Green
Crabs has the potential to negatively impact native species at multiple trophic levels
through predation and both direct and indirect competition.
We thank Hilary Mann, Elizabeth MacDonald, Shaun Allain, Lauren Jonah, Jeremy
Dussault, Sarah Neima, Brittany Dixon, Clay Steell, Marissa Hackman, Laura Steeves,
Sebastian Carrera, Caila Henderson, Jeff Bell, Abby FitzGerald, Clara Doucette, Jacob
Bach, Sylvain Lemieux, and Nicole Tweddle for assistance with fieldwork. Mary’s Point
Shorebird Reserve, Joggins Fossil Centre, and Karin Bach provided access to field sites.
The DFO provided Fukui traps, and Dawn Sephton, Benedikte Vercaemer, and Andrea
Locke gave valuable advice during project design. We also thank 3 anonymous reviewers
and manuscript editor Thomas Trott for their helpful comments that improved this manuscript.
Funding was provided by a Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council
Discovery Grant (to D.J. Hamilton), the New Brunswick Wildlife Trust Fund ( to D. Drolet
and D.J. Hamilton), NSERC Undergraduate Summer Research Awards (to A.J. MacDonald
and H.M. Kienzle), and Mount Allison University.
Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 25, No. 1
A.J. MacDonald, H.M. Kienzle, D. Drolet, and D.J. Hamilton
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