Changes in Population Demography and Reproductive
Output of the Invasive Hemigrapsus sanguineus (Asian
Shore Crab) in the Long Island Sound from 2005 to 2017
George P. Kraemer
Northeastern Naturalist, Volume 26, Issue 1 (2019): 81–94
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Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 26, No. 1
G.P. Kraemer
Changes in Population Demography and Reproductive
Output of the Invasive Hemigrapsus sanguineus (Asian
Shore Crab) in the Long Island Sound from 2005 to 2017
George P. Kraemer*
Abstract - Cross-intertidal transects at a western Long Island Sound estuary site provided
estimates of the density of the non-native Hemigrapsus sanguineus (Asian Shore Crab)
from 1998 to 2017, and measurements of crab size (carapace width; CW) from 2005 to
2017. Since 2001, average intertidal density declined by ~5% per year. This decline was
driven by decreases in the density of larger crabs, with consequent reductions in average
and maximum sizes of both males and females. The proportion of the largest crabs (>24 mm
CW) dropped from 10.1% of the population in 2005 to 1.4% in 2017. Individual reproductive
output scales with size; thus, I estimate the loss of the largest females to have reduced
population reproductive output by half between 2005 and 2017. Also, the frequency of
ovigerous females in the smallest reproductively mature classes (12–14 mm CW) increased.
Though the density and average size of Asian Shore Crab have declined significantly, resident
and native crab populations have still not recovered.
Non-native species are an increasingly important aspect of the marine biological
landscape, the result of global trade transporting novel biota via ballast water
and substrate fouling (Molnar et al. 2008, Seebens et al. 2013). Ecological and
economic impacts of non-natives are generally negative, though the degree of harm
reported varies from moderate (Sargassum muticum [Yendo] Fensholt [Japanese
Wireweed] on the Pacific Coast; Smith 2016) to severe (e.g., Dreissena polymorpha
[Pallas] [Zebra Mussel]; Karatayev et al. 2015). This variability may represent
real ecological differences in invader–host community interactions. Alternately,
because invasions are complex, dynamic processes, the variability in perceived
impact could stem from examination of invasions at different times after the initial
introduction (Campbell and Echternacht 2003). Most ecological investigations are
limited in duration (Jenkins and Uyà 2016); thus, time may be insufficient for the
full integration of the invader into the receiving community and the re-equilibration
of community structure. Many invasion studies may be snapshots of current conditions
from within a variable, successional process.
Much of recent non-native species research has focused on understanding the
mechanisms underlying the success of invaders. Though not uniformly the case,
arrival of non-natives without the predators, parasites, and competitors of the home
environment plays a role in success (Prior et al. 2015), as does the ability to produce
*Department of Environmental Studies, Purchase College (SUNY), 735 Anderson Hill
Road, Purchase, NY 10577;
Manuscript Editor: Thomas Trott
Northeastern Naturalist
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2019 Vol. 26, No. 1
copious, widely dispersing offspring (Brousseau and McSweeney 2016). The enemy
release hypothesis has been invoked to explain the growth of the non-native
Carcinus maenas (L.) (Green Crab), to larger size in the invaded environment than
in the home range (Grosholz and Ruiz 2003). Size is an ecologically important
life-history characteristic (Peters 1983); organism size determines diet composition
(Costa 2009), metabolic requirements (Gillooly et al. 2001), and population density
(LaBarbera 1989, White et al. 2007). Accordingly, the importance of size in understanding
the invasion process and ecological impacts cannot be underestimated.
Predators act as agents of natural selection. Preferential selection of largest prey
has ecological and evolutionary consequences, since this behavior removes individuals
with a high degree of fitness from the breeding stock. Removal of the largest
individuals can shift the genotype profile of the population to one of slower growth,
earlier age and smaller size at maturity, and altered reproductive output and recruitment
(Conover and Munch 2002, Enberg et al. 2012). Hemigrapsus sanguineus
(de Haan) (Asian Shore Crab) is a western Pacific grapsid crab introduced onto the
coast of northeastern North America in the mid- to late 1980s likely via transport of
ballast water (McDermott 1998). The species has spread to inhabit rocky coastlines
from North Carolina to Maine. In the Long Island Sound estuary, the Asian Shore
Crab grew from low densities in 1998, similar to those of the most abundant native
crab, to become extremely abundant by 2001 (Kraemer et al. 2007). Monitoring of
populations of Asian Shore Crab and other crabs in the intertidal zone of a western
Long Island Sound site has continued through 2017. This long-term data set
provides an opportunity to examine the Asian Shore Crab population in detail and
detect changes over many generations. The objectives of this retrospective analysis
were to (1) examine the intertidal Asian Shore Crab population for changes in
density over time, (2) investigate whether this successful non-native crab exhibits
the increase in size reported for other estuarine invaders, and (3) determine whether
demographic shifts may be reflected in changes in reproductive o utput.
Materials and Methods
The study site at Read Wildlife Sanctuary (Rye, NY; 40°57'58.85"N,
73°40'7.07"W) is ~240 km (linear) from the site of initial discovery (Cape May,
NJ), south of the geographic midpoint of the current range of the Asian Shore
Crab. The site is located at the western end of the Long Island Sound estuary
(LIS), and is a low-energy, gradually sloping, rocky intertidal site. The surface
of the intertidal site consists of pebbles, cobbles, and boulders overlying a sandgravel-
mud substrate.
At the outset of the study, I observed 5 crab species within the intertidal zone:
Asian Shore Crab, Panopeus herbstii H. Milne-Edwards (Chocolate-fingered
Mud Crab), Green Crab, Cancer irroratus Say (Atlantic Rock Crab), and Libinia
emarginata Leach (Common Spider Crab) (Kraemer et al. 2007). Densities of the
intertidal crabs at this site have been recorded during the first set of spring low tides
in June each year since 1998. Intertidal abundance of the Asian Shore Crab is highest
from June to September (Kraemer et al. 2007).
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During each sampling event, I positioned 2–4 (average = 2.9) 50-m transects
across the intertidal zone from mean lower low water toward the dunes. I haphazardly
chose locations of the starting points. I placed a 0.49-m2 PVC quadrat
alongside the transect tape at 2-m intervals along each cross-intertidal transect,
(i.e., during most years, 26 quadrats were sampled per transect, totaling 78 quadrats
per sampling event). Teams of 3 people captured crabs under rocks within each
quadrat. We bagged the crabs, which we placed on ice, returned to the laboratory,
and counted. Beginning in 2005, we recorded sex and used calipers to measure the
carapace width (to nearest 0.1 mm; CW) of each crab. Morphological differences
between males and females are evident for CW > ~10 mm. I used a dissecting microscope
(120x) to determine the sex of smaller crabs by examination for gonopods
(males only). I estimated the average intertidal density of each crab species by
summing data from all quadrats within each transect. I also recorded the number
of species of brachyuran crabs discovered in each collection within quadrats and
pooled the data for each transect.
Population reproductive output was modeled for each year from 2005. In 2010,
2012, 2015, and 2017, I measured the total egg mass for females that spanned much
of the size variability (12–30 mm CW) found during the study. I removed eggs
from ovigerous females (n = 264) and dried them overnight at 60 °C. Year did not
influence the total egg mass; hence, I pooled data. I modeled reproductive output as
total dry-egg mass as a power function of the size (CW) of the female. In addition,
I placed small aliquots of freshly collected eggs on pre-weighed microscope slides
(n = 102 crabs). I photographed the slides at 63x using a Leica S6D digital microscope
before drying at 60 °C overnight, and employed ImageJ software (https:// to count the eggs in the photos. I combined the relationship between
dry mass of eggs (1–14 mg dry weight) and number of eggs (50–1300) with
the relationship between CW and total dry-egg mass to estimate the potential reproductive
output of each reproductively mature female captured in the population
census (≥12 mm CW; though see Brousseau and McSweeney 2016) from 2005 to
2017. The number of reproductive events was not determined and depends on crab
size and temperature (Fukui 1988); thus, estimates are presented as output relative
to the starting 2005 value.
I plotted and fitted average population densities of Asian Shore Crab (integrated
across the intertidal zone) and maximum and average CW for both sexes against
year in Sigmaplot (Systat Software, Inc. San Jose, CA) using a 2-parameter exponential
model. The R2 value from an exponential model fit to the data was greater
than the R2 value from a linear model fit to the data.
The number of different crab species at the study site declined by ~56% over
the course the study, from an average of 3.2 species per transect from 1998 to 2001
(median = 4; n = 12) to only 1.4 species per transect from 2002 to 2017 (median =
1; n = 47). The loss of resident, non-Hemigrapsus crabs was dramatic, with virtual
extirpation of other crab species after 1999 (Fig. 1). Before 2000, densities of the
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Asian Shore Crab (7.5 crabs m-2) and all other crabs pooled (7.2 m-2) were similar,
while the same metrics calculated over the 2000–2017 period were significantly different
(51.6 vs. 0.15 crabs m-2, respectively, MannnWhitney U = 0.000, P < 0.001).
Overall densities of the Asian Shore Crab, integrated across the intertidal zone,
peaked at ~74 crabs m-2 in 2001, and then declined ~5% yr-1 from 2005 to 2017
(Table 1, Fig. 2). The exponential decline was statistically significant (P = 0.013).
Figure 1. Asian Shore Crab dominance (Rye, NY). The relative abundance of invader and
resident crab species has changed across the invasion record. See the text for a summary
of the changes in the number of brachyuran crab species. No crab species other than Asian
Shore Crab were captured in 2005, 2011–2014, and 2016–2017.
Table 1. Results of regression analyses of Asian Shore Crab size dynamics (all metrics regressed
against year from 2005 to 2017). Data were obtained by pooling quadrats within cross-intertidal transects.
I used a two-parameter exponential model. ns = non-significant result.
Metric Regression analysis outcome P Rate of change (% y-1)
Overall density (2001–2017) F1,52 = 6.64 0.013 -4.6
Adult density (≥12 mm; 2005–2017)
Males F1,36 = 24.5 less than 0.0001 -6.7
Females F1,36 = 25.2 less than 0.0001 -8.8
Size of largest ♂ crab F1,11 = 8.58 0.0137 -1.6
Size of largest ♀ crab ns
Average size of ♂ F1,11 = 7.01 0.023 -2.2
Average size of ♀ F1,11 = 5.47 0.039 -2.1
Density less than 12 mm ns
Density 12–20 mm F1,36 = 11.8 0.0015 -4.2
Density 20–24 mm F1,36 = 24.8 less than 0.0001 -12.8
Density >24 mm F1,36 = 46.7 less than 0.0001 -15.6
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The endpoints derived from the regression indicate a 38% drop in density from
2001 to 2017. Similarly, the density of adult male and female crabs (≥12 mm CW)
crabs declined significantly from 2005 to 2017; average intertidal densities of females
dropped by 8.8% y-1 and that of males declined by 6.7% y-1.
The size (CW) of the largest crab captured each year, invariably male due to the
marked sexual dimorphism in this species (Payne and Kraemer 2013), shrank by
1.6% y-1 from 2005 to 2017, for a total decline of ~15% (Fig. 3). The regression
also fits well the single field-measurement of a very large male (43 mm CW) discovered
outside of quadrats during 2001 sampling. The size of the largest female
crab did not vary significantly with time (Fig. 3), even though the maximum size
of males and females was significantly correlated (F1,11 = 4.896, P = 0.0489; data
not shown). The average size of male and female Asian Shore Crabs also declined
significantly by 2.2% y-1 ((F1,11 = 7.01, P = 0.023) and 2.1% y-1 (F1,11 = 5.47, P =
0.039), respectively.
The changing demographics of the Asian Shore Crab population at the Rye, NY
site were size-dependent. Densities of young of the year through small juveniles,
defined as less than 12 mm CW, did not vary from 2005 to 2017 (Table 1; Fig. 4). Densities
of crabs with 12–20-mm CW (numerically the most abundant class after the
less than 12 mm class) declined significantly, as did the densities of crabs with 20–24-mm
CW and those with >24-mm CW (Fig. 4). In 2005, the largest crabs (>24 mm)
Figure 2. Population
density estimates
for Asian
Shore Crab during
the course of
the study during
which morphometric
data was
collected. Upper
panel : overal l
density (all sizes).
Lower panel:
male and female
crabs ≥12 mm
CW. Each symbol
represents the average
density for
a cross-intertidal
transect. In both
cases, regressions
are significant
(see Table 1 for
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constituted 10.1% of the population, while in 2017 the same size-range accounted
for only 1.4% of crabs. The rate at which densities declined was greater for larger
size classes (Table 1).
Smaller crabs were roughly 50% female, while largest crabs (≥24 mm) were
mostly male (85%; Fig. 5). Though the largest Asian Shore Crabs disappeared from
the population, the proportion of females remained similar from 2005 to 2017.
Larger variability in the relative abundance of males and females is seen in larger
size classes because sample sizes are smaller. For example, crabs >24 mm CW captured
in 2005 numbered 27–58 per transect, while those captured in 2017 numbered
1–5 per transect. At the level of the population, the relative abundance of males and
females did not differ in 2005 and 2017 (χ 2 = 1.49, P > 0.05).
Sexual maturity in female Asian Shore Crab was well defined at this site; of the
10,988 crabs examined from 2005 to 2017, no crab smaller than 12 mm CW was
found brooding eggs. Ovigerous female crabs provided the data to relate size (CW)
to production of egg biomass. The power model relating CW and total egg mass
was highly significant (F1,256 = 922, P much less than 0.0001, R2 = 0.67), with an exponent close
to 3 (Fig. 6, top panel). The number of eggs was linearly related to dry-egg mass
(Fig. 6, middle panel). This relationship was also highly significant (F1,101 = 474,
P much less than 0.0001, R2 = 0.81). Combining these 2 relationships predicted the reproductive
output by individual crabs: number of eggs = 4.08 * CW2.90. The model, applied to
females ≥12 mm CW collected in cross-intertidal transects each year in June, suggests
that areal reproductive output (eggs m-2) dropped significantly between 2005
and 2017 (Fig. 6, bottom panel).
Figure 3. Largest male
(circles) and female
(triangles) Asian Shore
Crab captured in transects
each year. The
unfilled symbol (upper
panel) was a single,
field-measured crab discovered
under intertidal
rocks during a random
search. Year significantly
influenced the
size of the largest male
from 2005 to 2017 (P
= 0.0150), but year did
not significantly influence
the size of the largest
female (P = 0.12; see
Table 1 for details).
Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 26, No. 1
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Of the smallest females, the fraction brooding embryos increased over the
course of the study (Fig. 7). Before 2009, none of the 12–13-mm CW females
captured, and only 4% of the 13–14-mm CW females were ovigerous. When we
examined three 4–5-y periods during the study, a similar pattern of increasing proportion
of small females brooding eggs was evident for the 2 size-classes of female
crabs. Average intertidal densities of small ovigerous females (12–14 mm CW) in
2005 did not differ from those in 2017 (t-test, P value = 0.22), nor did densities of
Figure 4. Densities
of Asian
Shore Crab from
2005 to 2017 by
size class. Declines
in density
over time for
crabs of 12–20
mm carapace
width (CW),
20–24 mm CW,
and >24 mm
CW were statistically
(in all
cases, P < 0.01;
see Table 1 for
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ovigerous females 12–15 mm and 12–16 mm CW differ between 2005 and 2017 (P
values = 0.23 and 0.96, respectively).
Data from this long-term study provide detailed evidence of population-level
change at this estuarine rocky intertidal site. The declines in overall population
density and in maximum and average crab sizes (via the disappearance of the largest
crabs), suggest a change in ecological interactions among the Asian Shore Crab
and other intertidal organisms. The fraction of crabs that were female remained
essentially unchanged from 2005 to 2017; thus, the data suggest a mechanism
unconnected to sex (i.e., the reduction in density affected both males and females
The generality of the patterns reported here is not known; the present study sacrificed
geographic range for temporal extent. This approach was required to reveal
patterns in an inherently variable system. Most ecological investigations are of
limited duration; 85% of marine benthic ecological investigations last 2 y or less
(Jenkins and Uyà 2016), perhaps representing snapshots from within a dynamic
equilibration. Two exceptions to this generalization are the studies of O’Connor
(2014) and Bloch et al. (2015). The former study also reported a slight shift to
smaller size over the course of the invasion, while the latter demonstrated rising
Asian Shore Crab density from 2003–2012, though at a slower rate than seen at the
Rye, NY, site (Kraemer et al. 2007).
Figure 5. Average percent male Asian Shore Crab by size class for collections representing
early (2005) and late (2017) invasion. A total of 1733 crabs were captured in 2005, and 1046
crabs in 2017. The small number above each bar represents the number of males captured.
Error bars are standard deviation of transect averages (absence of error bars indicates equal
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The observation that marine and estuarine invertebrates in novel habitats increase
in size compared with their size in native habitat (Grosholz and Ruiz 2003,
McGaw et al. 2011) was not supported by the present study’s data. In fact, Grosholz
and Ruiz (2003) reported a slight, but non-significant reduction in the maximum
size of the Asian Shore Crab from 4 populations in the introduced range. The lack
of significance may derive from the need for a long-term, fine-grained investigation
to reveal the change in a variable ecological system.
Larger individuals are disproportionately important from the standpoint of ecology
(Birkeland and Dayton 2005, Peters 1983). Claw strength, a determinant of
Figure 6. Reproductive
output by Asian Shore
Crab at Rye, NY. Upper
panel: determination
of total egg mass
brooded as a function
of crab size (n = 264).
Middle panel: number
eggs as a function of
mass of eggs (n = 102).
Lower panel: estimated
areal reproductive output
(eggs m-2, integrated
over intertidal zone),
standardized to average
2005 estimate (472,000
eggs per m2 per reproductive
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prey identity and size, scales as a power function of crab size (Payne and Kraemer
2013). The disappearance of the largest (i.e., strongest) crabs influences population
diet composition, with consequences for local prey, and possibly also for the
predator (Belgrad and Griffen 2016). The loss of the largest female size classes
suggests a reduction of the population’s reproductive output, since the data presented
here predicts that the number of eggs brooded per reproductive event
is roughly a function of the cube of crab size (CW). This estimate assumes no
compensatory increase in individual reproductive output, via either an increase
in the number of reproductive events per year or a change in the number of eggs
brooded. Were the decline in population reproductive output (measured as total
mass of eggs) compensated for by an increased number of (smaller) eggs, principles
of geometry require a population-wide reduction in egg radius by almost
half (42%). Non-compensation is supported by the observation that, while the frequency
of brooding by the smallest Asian Shore Crabs has increased, the average
intertidal densities of these smallest ovigerous females did not differ between 2005
and 2017. The life histories of prey populations exposed to predators that focus
on large-prey individuals often adapt; earlier sexual maturity and increased reproductive
effort are commonly seen (e.g., Conover and Munch 2002, Kindsvater
and Palkovacs 2017). The former possibility may have occurred in this system;
the fraction of females of 12–13 mm CW and 13–14 mm CW that were captured
brooding eggs increased over time (Fig. 7), even though the densities of these size
classes were not significantly different at the start (2005) and 12 y later (2017). The
latter possibility (increased reproductive effort) is also possible; the smallest females
may produce more broods per season than in the past. Fukui (1988) reported
that year-1 females produce only 1 brood per season within the native range.
Taken together, the data demonstrate significant demographic changes in this
non-native grapsid crab population at the western LIS site. Over the 16 y, from
Figure 7. Changing frequency across the study of ovigerous female crabs with 12–13- mm
and 13–14-mm CW. Values under X axis labels represent the number of females examined
during each phase of the invasion.
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2001 to 2017, the number of different crab species has remained low, and populations
of other crabs were essentially non-existent during the ~63% decline in the
density of Asian Shore Crab adults. These data suggest at least a demographic lag
in recovery (e.g., Borja et al. 2010, Esler et al. 2017), if not a state change (e.g.,
Hughes et al. 2005). Similarly, Schab et al. (2013) reported a reduction in the Asian
Shore Crab population density (2001 vs. 2011, 2012) with no clear, accompanying
increase in the native Chocolate-fingered Mud Crab. The lack of evidence for
population rebounds after invasion may derive from the paucity of studies of a
duration sufficient to detect change in a “noisy” system. The pattern of change at
the site in Rye, NY, follows a gradual boom–bust cycle (Strayer et al. 2017). However,
the dynamics of the Asian Shore Crab invasion may be context-dependent.
O’Connor (2018) described boom–bust dynamics at 2 sites, but not at a low-energy
estuarine site (Narragansett Bay), where densities continued to increase from 1999
to 2016. The reason(s) for the changes observed over the course of 12 y of morphometric
measurements and 20 y of density records cannot be ascertained from
this data set. At least 2 ecological mechanisms could have influenced Asian Shore
Crab demography: changes in predator–prey interactions and altered pathogen and/
or parasite impact. Asian Shore Crabs within the invaded range exhibited low incidence
of parasitism (Blakeslee et al. 2009, McDermott 2011). Asian Shore Crabs
from parasite-naïve populations were almost twice as likely to become infected by
rhizocephalan parasites as individuals from highly parasitized populations (Keogh
et al. 2017). Genetic evidence points to repeated introductions into LSI (Blakeslee
et al. 2017); thus, the possibility of parasites accompanying recent introductions
and reducing fitness of local populations cannot be ruled out.
Size-selective predation is common (e.g., Torres et al. 2012). Although Tautoga
onitis (L.) (Tautog) in LIS consume Asian Shore Crabs (Clark et al. 2006), the largest
Asian Shore Crabs may reach a refuge in size, rendering them immune to predation.
The loss of larger crabs could have occurred via a mechanism similar to that proposed
for the Green Crab decline (Lohrer and Whitlatch 2002); though large crabs
are relatively safe from predation, smaller ones are not. Large Asian Shore Crabs
may not have been replaced due to predation on smaller-size classes. Loss from
the population through predation by humans (i.e., harvest) can be cautiously ruled
out. Fishermen who might use the Asian Shore Crab as bait (McDermott 1998)
are periodically seen at the study site (Read Wildlife Sanctuary), though they not
numerous. In addition, the numerical dominance of Asian Shore Crabs at the site,
and connectivity with other sub-populations would require intense, widespread, and
continued harvest to bring about the changes observed here. Crabs captured during
this study (2005–2017) were estimated at ~0.1% of the crabs present in the Read
Sanctuary rocky intertidal zone at the time of collection (data not presented here).
In addition, the present study did not target the largest individuals.
Overall, the study demonstrated a ~40% reduction in overall density of Asian
Shore Crabs. The reduction in density occurred at the expense of the largest crabs,
both male and female. The loss of the largest female crabs may have reduced
population output. Notwithstanding reductions in the population density and
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reproductive output, the native and resident crab populations have not demonstrated
the increases one would expect if competitors are less abundant.
I thank A. Jackson and M. Jonas for comments on an earlier version of the manuscript.
Supplies and equipment were provided by support from the Werlinich Foundation and
grants in support of research from Purchase College.
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