Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 26, No. 1
H.F. Murray and A.W. D’Amato
Stand Dynamics and Structure of Two Primary Champlain
Valley Clayplain Forests, Vermont
Helena F. Murray¹,* and Anthony W. D’Amato¹
Abstract - Understanding natural forest dynamics is critical for informing forest restoration
and conservation efforts. However, such information is often difficult to generate for areas
that have a long history of intense land use, such as the Champlain Valley of Vermont. We
used dendroecological methods and assessments of forest structural conditions to describe
the tree recruitment history and structural dynamics of 2 examples of valley clayplain forest,
a rare natural community that has been drastically reduced in extent by agricultural land use
in the Champlain Valley. Although historic selective harvesting had occurred in the areas
sampled, these sites represent the best remaining examples of semi-natural valley clayplain
forests in the region, thus providing an opportunity to document long-term patterns of
structural and compositional conditions and tree recruitment in areas with limited land-use.
Age structures in these 2 areas were strongly uneven-aged, with older cohorts composed
of Quercus alba (White Oak), including an individual dating to the 1640s, and recruitment
over the past 2 centuries dominated by Tsuga canadensis (Eastern Hemlock). Size distributions
of live trees also reflected these patterns of recruitment, with White Oak occurring
exclusively in larger diameter classes (>35 cm) and Eastern Hemlock predominating across
all smaller size classes. We observed sparse regeneration of Quercus spp. (oaks) in these
areas, suggesting that this historically important component of valley clayplain forests may
disappear over time in the absence of large, stand-scale natural disturbances or management
activities focused on the perpetuation of this species group.
An understanding of natural forest stand dynamics is critical for informing ecologically
sound forest-management actions (Franklin et al. 2007, Frelich 2002,
Oliver and Larson 1990). Studies of stand dynamics can explain how disturbances
and species interactions drive forest structure and recruitment patterns of tree species
(Spies 1998). Information on factors such as tree establishment dates can be used
to better understand the historical processes and patterns of a forest (D’Amato et al.
2006, 2008; Pederson et al. 2013). In addition, this information can be used to predict
how a forest might respond to future disturbances, including those related to climate
change, invasive species establishment, and forest management activities.
It is difficult to generate an understanding of stand dynamics and successional
trends of forests in areas that have a long history of intense land use (Foster et al.
1998, Lapin 2003, Russel Southgate and Thompson 2014, Sprugel 1991). Forest
fragmentation and land uses such as logging and grazing can drastically alter forest
composition, structure, and successional trends (Russel Southgate and Thompson
¹Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources, University of Vermont, Burlington,
VT 05405. *Corresponding author -
Manuscript Editor: Roland de Gouvenain
Northeastern Naturalist
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2019 Vol. 26, No. 1
2014, Sprugel 1991). Despite these changes, examining forest stand dynamics in
fragmented landscapes remains an important area of research because fragmented
forests may still provide carbon-uptake benefits (Reinmann and Hutyra 2017), and
they can represent important ecological communities, have cultural value, and be
of great significance for guiding ecological restoration of the broader landscape
(Lapin 2003). Fragmented forests with long histories of human land-use represent
much of the forests in the northeastern US.
The structure and composition of New England forests have been shaped by past
land use, particularly historic forest-clearing for agriculture followed by reforestation
(Cronon 1983, Foster et al. 1998). In areas of New England that have fertile soils
suitable for agriculture, ecological transformation of the landscape has been more
acute and permanent with limited recovery of previously forested conditions. One
such example is the Champlain Valley of Vermont, which has been heavily cleared
and farmed since Europeans moved there in the late 1700s (Hemenway 1867, Siccama
1971). Historically, mixed hardwood–conifer forests, called valley clayplain
forests and which grew in the rich clay soils near the shores of Lake Champlain, were
a dominant feature of this landscape. The extent of these forests has been drastically
reduced by increased human population and agriculture in the area over the past 2
centuries, with these forests now existing in a matrix of small patches across the region.
Only 10% of the original area covered by clayplain forest is now forested, and
much of this remaining forest is in early-successional stages (Lapin 2003).
The valley clayplain forest is classified as a rare natural community in Vermont
due to both the influence of land use on these forests and the regionally unique
biophysical settings in which it occurs (Thompson and Sorenson 2000). This natural
community is known to host 28 rare or uncommon herbaceous plant species,
including 5 endangered and threatened species, and contains tree species that are
less common throughout the rest of northern New England and New York, including
Quercus alba L. (White Oak; Lapin 1998, 2003). Given the rarity of the valley
clayplain forest, particularly in relation to its historic abundance, there is increasing
interest in restoring this forest type on agricultural lands and other lands on which it
historically occurred (Lapin 2003). Previous studies have examined the early successional
trends, species composition, classification, and description of this forest type
throughout its range (Lapin 1998, 2003; Otsuka 2004). To date, no historical ecological
research has been published for Champlain Valley clayplain forests, and tree-species
dynamics of late-successional clayplain forest remain largely unknown, particularly
the dynamics related to tree recruitment and forest structure (Lapin 2003).
The objective of this study was to fill key knowledge gaps regarding historic
patterns of tree recruitment, structural conditions characterizing these forests, and
associated implications for restoration efforts (Lapin 2003). We used dendroecological
methods and assessments of forest structural conditions to describe the tree
recruitment history and structural dynamics of 2 Champlain Valley clayplain forest
stands. The first objective of the study was to use tree, seedling, and coarse woody
debris data to quantify current structural and compositional conditions of 2 latesuccessional
Champlain Valley clayplain forest stands. The second objective was
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to determine the tree recruitment history of these 2 sites to draw conclusions about
long-term species interactions with disturbance and the successional trajectory of
the forest. We expected structural conditions and recruitment dynamics to be consistent
with those observed for other oak–mixed hardwood forests in northeastern
North America, with recent recruitment reflecting an increase in shade-tolerant
species and a concomitant shift away from oak-dominated conditions (e.g.,
Lorimer 1993, Orwig et al. 2001, Zaczek et al. 2002). Insights gained from these
characterizations are intended to guide conservation efforts focused on restoring
and maintaining these forest types across the broader Champlain Valley landscape.
Field-site Description
The study took place in 2 forests in the Champlain Valley region of Vermont—
Williams Woods in Charlotte, VT and Church Woods in Shelburne, VT (Fig. 1).
We chose these 2 sites because they had previously been identified as some of
the best remaining examples of late-successional valley clayplain forest patches
in the Champlain Valley (Lapin 2001, The Nature Conservancy 2010). Today,
clayplain forests exist in small fragments throughout the Champlain Valley, and
much of these are in early-successional stages (Lapin 2003, Otsuka 2004). At 25
ha and 15 ha, respectively, Williams Woods and Church Woods are 2 of the largest
Figure 1. Locations of Church Woods and Williams Woods, VT.
Northeastern Naturalist
H.F. Murray and A.W. D’Amato
2019 Vol. 26, No. 1
remaining fragments of clayplain forest in the state of Vermont (Lapin 2001, The
Nature Conservancy 2010). In addition to their size, these 2 forests were of interest
to us because of the advanced age of individual trees on site and species composition.
In particular, both forests contain large White Oak individuals that were
hypothesized to be over 200 y old in previous reports (Lapin 2001, The Nature
Conservancy 2010). Studying these trees was of particular interest because oaks are
a defining species group of valley clayplain forests and are uncommon elsewhere
in Vermont. Field evidence and historic records suggested that neither site was
ever completely cleared for agriculture. Selective harvesting occurred in Church
Woods over the 19th and 20th centuries, as evidenced by scattered cut stumps and
confirmed through discussions with local managers (M. Webb, Shelburne Farms,
Shelburne, VT, and E. Tapper, Vermont Forests, Parks, and Recreation, Essex, VT,
pers. comm.). Selective harvesting was also likely done at Williams Woods in the
19th and early 20th centuries; the property was donated to The Nature Conservancy
in 1996 (The Nature Conservancy 2010). Despite this history of land use, the areas
sampled are recognized as the oldest remaining valley clayplain forests in the
state and provided a unique opportunity to reconstruct historic tree dynamics and
describe the structure and composition of semi-natural, primary forest examples of
this rare forest type. For this work, we defined “primary forest” as areas that were
never converted to a non-forest condition by historical land-use (Peterken 1996).
Plot design
We established one 0.25-ha plot at each of the 2 sites for collecting vegetation
and dendrochronological data. We chose a square plot design for ease of mapping
tree locations and to minimize edge corrections in the calculation of spatial statistics.
Each 0.25-ha plot had nine 2-m–radius regeneration plots spaced 12.5 m apart,
and eight 25-m transects radiating from the center for measuring coarse woody
debris (CWD). At each site, we placed plots in representative areas of the larger
stand that exhibited valley clayplain forest characteristics, including a mixture of
Quercus (oak), Tsuga canadensis (L.) Carrière (Eastern Hemlock), and other hardwood
species. Presence of overstory oak species was an important criterion for plot
location because the recruitment history of these trees was of specific interest. We
recognize that the use of a single plot may have limited our ability to fully capture
the range of variation in recruitment and structure across a given site; however, this
sampling design has proven effective at describing local spatial patterns of cohort
structure in other forest systems (Gill et al. 2015).
Field methods
In each plot, we used an (x, y) coordinate system to map each tree larger than
10 cm in diameter at breast height (DBH; 1.3 m above the ground). We recorded
the species, diameter, and crown class of each tree. We grouped trees into 4 crown
classes based on Oliver and Larson (1990). In total, we measured 242 and 224 trees
at Williams Woods and Church Woods, respectively. We collected an increment
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core at ~30 cm above the ground from each tree >10 cm DBH rooted within each
plot. To capture the age range of this species, we cored 4 additional White Oak
individuals, in close proximity to the plot at Williams Woods, that exhibited bark
and crown characteristics of older trees. We tallied seedlings and saplings in the
2-m radius regeneration plots. For this study, we considered seedlings to be all individual
tree stems shorter than breast height and saplings to be all individual stems
taller than breast height and less than 10 cm DBH. We also collected species presence/
absence data for each regeneration plot to determine regeneration stocking across
each 0.25-ha plot. We measured CWD in each 0.25-ha plot using the line–intersect
method (van Wagner 1968). On each transect, we recorded the diameter, species,
orientation, and decay class for each piece of downed CWD >6 cm diameter and
>1 m in length encountered along the transect. We determined decay classes based
on the 5 classes described in Woodall and Williams (2005). We calculated volume
of CWD based on the formula described by van Wagner (1968).
Lab methods
In the lab, we mounted, sanded to 800 grit, and counted the rings on each increment
core under a microscope to determine the approximate age of each tree. We
used pith indicators based on inner curvature to estimate the establishment date for
cores that did not reach the pith of the tree (Applequist 1958). We excluded from
reconstructions of age distribution all cores that did not reach the inner curvature
of the tree. In total, we included 228 and 205 cores for Williams Woods and Church
Woods, respectively. We employed the list method, which records years of irregular
growth such as narrow rings in each core to visually crossdate (Yamaguchi 1991),
and thus, improve our estimates of tree age. We estimated, but did not confirm, tree
age because, for some species, there could be significant error in dating without
accounting for missing rings (Lorimer et al. 1999).
We calculated importance values (IV) for each tree species based on relative
basal area (m²/ha) and relative density after Curtis and McIntosh (1951). We determined
the shape of the distribution of each DBH class for live trees using the
methods outlined by Janowiak et al. (2008). In short, this method involves using
polynomial regressions in which the base-10 logarithm of each 5-cm DBH class is
regressed against various combinations of DBH, DBH², and DBH³, with the bestapproximating
model selected based on the corrected Akaike information criterion
(AICC). We used the significance and sign of regression parameters from the bestapproximating
model to assign a curve form based on Janowiak et al. (2008). We
employed the Ripley’s K function to determine spatial patterns of live trees based
on (x, y) coordinates (Stoyan and Stoyan 1994). We used the function to determine
whether trees in different species and cohort groups were dispersed, clumped, or
randomly distributed. In our analyses, we ran the L-function, which is a square-root
transformation of the K-function that stabilizes its variance and equals zero under
complete spatial randomness. We calculated 999 Monte Carlo simulation envelopes
to test for deviations from complete spatial randomness using a 95% confidence
level. We conducted both the diameter-distribution curves and the spatial statistics
in R (R Core Team 2017).
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Species composition and stand structure
Williams Woods. The forest at Williams Woods was strongly dominated by Eastern
Hemlock (IV = 0.60), which was present in every crown class of the canopy but
was most numerous in the smaller DBH classes—below 30 cm (Fig. 2a). The 2 next
most-important trees, Acer rubrum L. (Red Maple; IV = 0.08) and White Oak (IV =
0.08) were mostly located in the dominant and co-dominant canopy-crown classes
(Fig. 3a). We found Pinus strobus L. (Eastern White Pine; IV = 0.07) in every crown
class of the canopy. The 5th most important tree was Betula lenta L. (Black Birch;
IV = 0.05), and most individuals of this species were 10–15 cm DBH (Fig. 2a).
The Betula alleghaniensis Britt. (Yellow Birch; IV = 0.03) surveyed were in the
intermediate and codominant crown classes, with DBHs of 25–45 cm (Figs. 2a, 3a).
Fagus grandifolia Ehrh. (American Beech; IV = 0.02) and Fraxinus nigra Marshall
(Black Ash; IV = 0.01) occurred in the lower canopy crown classes (Fig 3a). We
classified tree species with a count of less than 5 stems as “other” species. These
species are Carya ovata (Mill.) K. Koch (Shagbark Hickory), Quercus rubra L.
(Red Oak), and Acer saccharum Marshall (Sugar Maple). Spatial analysis of stem
locations indicated that the distribution of Eastern Hemlock and other species was
completely spatially random at all distances (Fig. 4a). The diameter distribution for
Williams Woods (Fig. 2a) was best described by a negative exponential curve (AICC
= 5.85).
Red Maple was the most numerous and widespread seedling species documented
in the Williams Woods regeneration plot (Table 1) with over 20,000 stems/ha and
Table 1. Seedling (all stems shorter than 1.37 m) and sapling (all stems less than 10 cm DBH and taller than
1.37 m) data from Williams Woods in Charlotte, VT, and Church Woods in Shelburne, VT. Regeneration
was measured both in terms of stems per hectare and stocking. Stocking is based on presence or
absence in each of the 9 regeneration plots.
Williams Woods Church Woods
Seedl. Sapl. Seedl. Sapl.
Species /ha Stock. /ha Stock. /ha Stock. /ha Stock.
Acer rubrum (Red Maple) 20,071 89% 0 0% 88 11% 0 0%
Tsuga canadensis (Eastern Hemlock) 88 11% 531 44% 177 11% 88 11%
Fagus grandifolia (American Beech) 265 22% 177 22% 1945 33% 796 22%
Fraxinus pennsylvanica (Green Ash) 177 11% 88 22% 88 11% 0 0%
Acer saccharum (Sugar Maple) 177 22% 0 0% 2210 89% 88 11%
Quercus rubra (Red Oak) 177 22% 0 0% - - - -
Carya cordiformis (Bitternut Hickory) 88 11% 0 0% - - - -
Betula alleghaniensis (Yellow Birch) 442 44% 707 22% - - - -
Quercus alba (White Oak) 442 22% 0 0% - - - -
Fraxinus nigra (Black Ash) 265 11% 0 0% - - - -
Pinus strobus (White Pine) 531 22% 0 0% - - - -
Amelanchier arborea (Michx. F.) Fernald - - - - 0% 0 88 11%
(Common Serviceberry)
Lonicera spp. (honeysuckle) - - - - 442 22% 0 0%
Betula lenta (Black Birch) - - - - 3714 22% 0 0%
Rhamnus cathartica (Common Buckthorn) - - - - 265 22% 531 11%
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Figure 2. Tree DBH distributions for (a) Williams Woods in Charlotte, VT, and (b) Church
Woods at Shelburne Farms in Shelburne, VT. “Other” species in Williams Woods include
Carya ovata (Shagbark Hickory), Tilia Americana (American Basswood), Fraxinus pennsylvanica
(Green Ash), Quercus rubra (Red Oak), and Acer saccharum (Sugar Maple).
“Other” species in Church Woods include Ulmus Americana (American Elm), Carya cordiformis
(Bitternut Hickory), Rhamnus cathartica (Common Buckthorn), Betula papyrifera
(White Birch), Betula lenta (Black Birch), Ostrya virginiana (American Hophornbeam),
Acer platanoides (Norway Maple), and Carya ovata (Shagbark Hickory).
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2019 Vol. 26, No. 1
Figure 3. Basal area of canopy tree species by crown class in (a) Williams Woods in Charlotte,
VT, and (b) Church Woods in Shelburne, VT. See Figure 2 for species contained in
“other” category.
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Figure 4. Map of living trees at (a) Williams Woods in Charlotte, VT, and (b) Church Woods
in Shelburne, VT.
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2019 Vol. 26, No. 1
89% stocking (i.e., percentage of regeneration plots with at least 1 individual). The
other most common seedling species were Yellow Birch with 44% stocking and
442 stems/ha and Eastern White Pine with 22% stocking and 531 stems/ha. Red
Oak and White Oak both had 22% stocking across the site. Only 1 species, Carya
cordiformis (Wangenh.) K. Koch (Bitternut Hickory), had seedling presence (88
stems/ha and 11% stocking) but was not reported as present in the overstory. Yellow
Birch was the most numerous sapling species (707 stems/ha), and Eastern Hemlock
had the highest stocking of saplings (44%). The total volume of CWD at Williams
Woods was 77.85 m³/ha. A larger portion of this CWD was from hardwood species
in advanced stages of decay (decay classes 4 and 5; Fig. 5a). Softwood CWD was
less common and was concentrated primarily in the least decayed classes (decay
classes I and II; Fig. 5a).
Church Woods. Eastern Hemlock was also the most dominant species at Church
Woods (IV = 0.43). Other important species were White Oak (IV = 0.17) and Fraxinus
pennsylvanica (Green Ash, IV = 0.11). Eastern Hemlock and Green Ash trees
were mostly smaller than 30 cm DBH and located in the lower 3 crown classes, with
a few individuals of larger DBH present in the plot (Figs. 2b, 3b). We only found
White Oak trees that were in codominant and dominant crown classes and had
DBHs larger than 30 cm (Figs. 2b, 3b). Red Maple, Sugar Maple, Tilia americana
L. (American Basswood), and American Beech were also abundant in the smaller
DBH classes (Fig. 2b). Less-frequent species (less than 5 stems) were Ulmus
americana L. (American Elm), Bitternut Hickory, Rhamnus cathartica L. (Common
Buckthorn), Betula papyrifera Marshall (Paper Birch), Black Birch, Ostrya
virginiana (Mill.) K.Koch (Hophornbeam), Acer platanoides L. (Norway Maple),
and Shagbark Hickory. Individuals of these species were all smaller than 25 cm
DBH (Fig. 2b). Spatial analysis of stem location showed significant clumping of
Eastern Hemlock at distances of 2–20 m and clumping of all other tree species at
3–15 m (Fig. 4b). The DBH distribution for Church Woods was best explained by
a negative exponential curve (AICC =15.85).
The most widespread seedling species at Church Woods was Sugar Maple at
89% stocking (Table 1). The most abundant seedling species was Black Birch
with 3714 seedlings/ha. American Beech also had a widespread presence in the
plot with 33% stocking and 1945 stems/ha. Common Buckthorn and Lonicera spp.
(honeysuckles) were also present in the regeneration layer. Saplings were primarily
American Beech and Common Buckthorn (Table 1). Coarse woody debris volume
at Church Woods was 48.62 m³/ha. Most of this material was hardwood CWD in
decay classes 3, 4, and 5, with softwood CWD found in low volumes across decay
classes 2–5 (Fig. 5b) .
Age structure
Williams Woods. The forest at Williams Woods was uneven-aged with several
distinct recruitment periods (Fig. 6a). The oldest cohort established between 1790
and 1839. However, 2 White Oaks, established in 1640 and 1712, predated this
cohort. A second cohort established between 1840 and 1899 and was primarily
Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 26, No. 1
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Figure 5. Volume (m³/ha) of course woody debris present in (a) Williams Woods in Charlotte,
VT, and (b) Church Woods at Shelburne Farms in Shelburne, VT, grouped by decay
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dominated by Eastern Hemlock as well as most of the Red Maples, Black Birches,
and Eastern White Pines present in the plot (Fig. 6a). The youngest cohort, established
between 1900 and 1990, consisted mostly of Eastern Hemlocks. Most
of the Yellow Birches present in the plot were recruited between 1930 and 1960,
Figure 6. Establishment dates for trees in (a) Williams Woods in Charlotte, VT, and (b)
Church Woods at Shelburne Farms in Shelburne, VT. Insets represent subset of core samples
that reached pith or were estimated to be 5 years or less from the pith. “Other” species
in Williams Woods include Carya ovata (Shagbark Hickory), Quercus rubra (Red Oak),
and Acer saccharum (Sugar Maple). “Other” species in Church Woods include Ulmus
americana (American Elm), Carya cordiformis (Bitternut Hickory), Rhamnus cathartica
(Common Buckthorn), Betula papyrifera (White Birch), Betula lenta (Black Birch), Ostrya
virginiana (American Hophornbeam), Acer platanoides (Norway Maple), and Carya ovata
(Shagbark Hickory).
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Figure 7. Spatial point patterns for cohorts established in the (a) 1930s and 1940s at Williams
Woods, VT, and (b) 1960s at Church Woods, VT. The dark continuous line represents
the variance-stabilized Ripley’s K-function (L-function) and dashed lines represent 95%
confidence envelope for complete spatial randomness hypothesis. Values above the confidence
envelope indicate clustering and values below indicate regularity.
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2019 Vol. 26, No. 1
and an older generation of this species established around 1850 (Fig. 6a). Most
of the Black Ash trees present established after 1970, with a few individuals establishing
between 1860 and 1870. Removing from our analysis trees with cores
that we estimated to be more than 5 y from the pith did not substantially change
the age-structure results, but accentuated the recruitment events in the 1860s, and
1930s–1950s (Fig. 6a). Analysis of spatial distribution of trees grouped by these
age cohorts indicated that cohort distribution was spatially random. However, spatial
analysis of only trees with cores reaching 5 y and closer to the pith (Fig. 6a)
indicated that there was significant clumping of trees that established in the 1930s
and 1940s at distances between 3 m and 6 m (Fig. 7a).
Church Woods. The forest at Church Woods was also uneven-aged with 3 distinct
cohorts (Fig. 6b). The oldest cohort consisted mostly of White Oaks and established
between 1780 and 1810. A second pulse of recruitment occurred between 1860 and
1920, when most of the Eastern Hemlocks in the plot established. The most recent,
distinct recruitment event was mixed hardwood establishment from 1940 to 1990,
with a peak between 1960 and 1970. Most of the non-oak hardwoods in the plot
were established during this time. Removal from our analysis of trees with cores
that we estimated to be more than 5 y from the pith did not substantially change the
age-structure results, but highlighted the increase in tree recruitment in the 1870s,
1890s, 1960s, and 1970s. Spatial analysis of trees with cores estimated to be 5 y or
less from the pith (Fig. 6b) showed that trees established in the 1960s were significantly
clumped at 5–10 m (Fig. 7b).
Quercus dynamics
Both study sites contained scattered oak trees in the overstory, and Williams
Woods had limited White Oak and Red Oak seedlings in the plot. However, no oaks
were present in the lower crown classes of the canopy at either site, and there were
no oaks present in either plot established after 1875. Instead, the overtopped and
intermediate crown classes were dominated by Eastern Hemlock, Yellow Birch,
Red Maple, and American Beech, indicating a long-term shift from oak dominance
to those late-successional species. This successional trend away from oak has
been recorded extensively in recent decades throughout the temperate forests of
the eastern US (Frelich and Reich 2002, Knopp 2012, Lorimer 1993, Orwig et al.
2001, Zaczek et al. 2002). Evidence from those previous studies suggests that large
disturbances, such as fires, that historically favored oak regeneration no longer occur
in contemporary landscapes. Without these disturbances, shade-tolerant species
begin to predominate as small-scale disturbances generate conditions more favorable
for their establishment (Buchanan and Hart 2012, Knopp, 2012, Lorimer 1993,
Zacek et al. 2002); thus, Frelich and Reich (2002) listed wind disturbance as one of
the 3 main threats to old-growth oaks in fragmented ecosystems, given that these
events do not create canopy gaps large enough for oak regeneration to successfully
recruit into the overstory (Frelich and Reich 2002). Past studies of clayplain forests
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have identified localized wind events and ice storms as the main disturbances affecting
contemporary clayplain forest ecosystems (Lapin 2003), which may explain
the lack of recent oak recruitment into the sapling layer and overstory crown classes
observed in this study. Deer browse has also been identified as a factor limiting
oak recruitment (Rodewald 2003); however, we did not find evidence of extensive
deer browsing within the study area. Finally, changes in land use over time may
also explain the trend away from oak in late-successional clayplain forests. In particular,
the 2 study sites were likely used as open-canopy grazing woodlots when
oaks established (late 1700s and early 1800s), which would have provided the open
conditions necessary for oak to successfully recruit.
One question that remains regarding the valley clayplain forest is what processes
originally led to the establishment of oaks on these sites. Records and evidence
from our data show that oak was present in these forests before Europeans moved
into the area. Fire is thought of as the preeminent driver of oak regeneration (Johnson
et al. 2009), and studies from central New England indicated that old-growth
oak–hickory forests were present in areas that have a higher fire occurrence than
the surrounding areas (Orwig et al. 2001). It was previously thought that fire was
not a common disturbance in the Champlain Valley (Lapin 2003); however, historic
burning by the Abenaki tribe in this region may have encouraged and maintained
oak dominance in these areas (Cogbill et al. 2002, Cronon 1983, Siccama 1971).
Structural and compositional conditions
The dominance of Eastern Hemlock in the 2 sites we examined reflects a lack of
historic agricultural clearing, as this species rarely dominates areas with a history of
agricultural land use (D’Amato et al. 2008, Foster et al. 1998). At Williams Woods,
Black Birch and Yellow Birch were also abundant, which is consistent with other
work in the region that has highlighted these 2 species as common components of
old-growth Eastern Hemlock forests (D’Amato et al. 2006). The high frequency of
CWD and historic windthrows at Williams Woods likely provided ideal environments
for Yellow Birch regeneration; this species regenerates on downed logs,
particularly those of Eastern Hemlock, and on exposed mineral soil (Marx and
Walters 2008).
Eastern Hemlock also dominated the Church Woods site; however, there was a
significant hardwood component that included several species associated with wet
forest conditions such as Black Ash, Green Ash, and Red Maple. The tree spatial
patterns at this site indicated significant clumping and likely reflected an underlying
environmental gradient in the plot, as there was a wetter portion of the stand in the
southwestern corner that contained a high number of hardwood species associated
with lowland areas. This result is consistent with past observations of clayplain
forest communities that documented significant shifts in species composition over
short distances due to slight changes in underlying soil drainage (Lapin 2003).
We detected the invasive species Norway Maple, Common Buckthorn, and
honeysuckle at Church Woods. The presence of invasive species such as Common
Buckthorn and honeysuckle has been recognized as one of the 3 main threats to
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2019 Vol. 26, No. 1
old-growth oak communities in fragmented landscapes (Frelich and Reich 2002).
The presence of these species in Church Woods represents a significant challenge
to future maintenance of the ecological conditions in this area.
Previous studies of forests similar in composition to valley clayplain forest have
not measured CWD (Buchanan and Hart 2012, Knopp 2012, Zaczek et al. 2002).
The volume of CWD we documented fell between amounts recorded for other types
of oak- and hemlock-dominated forests in the eastern US (D’Amato et al. 2008,
Goebel and Hix 1996, Wilson and McComb 2005). This pattern likely reflects the
transition from detrital inputs dominated by hardwood species towards the more
decay-resistant Eastern Hemlock, as oak becomes a lesser component over time
and Eastern Hemlock ascends into dominant canopy positions. The difference in
CWD volumes at Williams Woods and Church Woods is likely due to a difference
in land-use history between the 2 sites, such as a more recent clearing in Church
Woods, and a recent large wind disturbance in 2007 at Williams Woods that blew
down many overstory trees (The Nature Conservancy 2010).
Recruitment history
As has been demonstrated for much of New England (Cronon 1983, Foster et al.
1998), land-use history can influence forest composition, structure, and long-term
forest dynamics. Evidence from this study suggests that land use was the driving
factor for recruitment events in both forests, despite their general characterization
as old-growth forest remnants. Before this study, the oldest tree in Williams Woods
was estimated to be 285 y old (The Nature Conservancy 2010); however, we cored
2 White Oak trees in Williams Woods, established in 1640 and 1712, that predate
Europeans moving to the Champlain Valley. Although there were some Europeans
present in the Champlain Valley before the signing of the Treaty of Paris in 1783, it
was after this event that European population increased substantially (Hemenway
1867). Local experts believe that most trees were felled in the area during that period
and that even the oldest stands in the valley are mostly second growth, with
oaks sprouting from the original old-growth trees that were felled at that time (M.
Lapin, Middlebury College, Middlebury, VT, pers. comm.).
The 2 oldest trees at Williams Woods displayed an initial period of suppression
in the late 1700s and early 1800s (H. Murray, unpubl. data), which reflects recruitment
under a tree canopy (Frelich 2002) and indicates that this area was never completely
cleared of trees. However, both cores showed evidence of a release event
in the early to mid-1800s, a potential response to selective logging of trees in the
area by farms adjacent to this fragment (Beers 1869). Grazing was also a common
practice in farm woodlots during that time, and the cessation of grazing as farms
were abandoned or converted to other agricultural uses may have contributed to
a change in species composition and to increasing recruitment during this period
(Cronon 1983, Foster et al. 1998).
Natural disturbances and drought have also likely played a role in the recruitment
history at Williams Woods. The recruitment event documented between 1810
and 1840 corresponds with an 1815 hurricane that may have contributed to gap
Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 26, No. 1
H.F. Murray and A.W. D’Amato
formation favoring advance regeneration of shade-tolerant species (Orwig et al.
2001). The recruitment event documented between 1930 and 1960 overlapped with
the 1938 hurricane and with the 1960s drought, the most severe drought in New
England over the last century (Pederson et al. 2013). Given the shallow rootingdepth
in these forests, overstory trees are quite susceptible to wind disturbance
and to moisture stress, and those 2 events likely contributed to the recruitment
event observed over this period. The significant clumping of trees that established
in the 1930s and 1940s supports the idea that gaps were created in the 1938 hurricane,
allowing successful recruitment of groups of trees. Given the decay rates
for oak CWD (Russell et al. 2014), the amount of hardwood CWD in decay class 4
at Williams Woods also may be the result of these past events. There has not been
a stand-replacing disturbance at Williams Woods since Europeans arrived in the
Champlain Valley (Lapin 2003), but the largest documented disturbance in recent
history was a large wind event in 2007 (The Nature Conservancy 2010). Trees that
established or recruited after this event were too small at the time of the study to
extract increment cores but were evident by the abundance of Yellow Birch in the
regeneration layer.
Most of the recruitment patterns documented at Church Woods were directly or
indirectly related to human disturbance. This record includes a heavier and more
recent history of logging than at Williams Woods, with the last harvest occurring in
1975 and 1976 (E. Tapper, pers. comm.). The first continuous European population
in Shelburne was established in 1784 (Hemenway 1867), a time period corresponding
with the establishment of White Oak at Church Woods. Anecdotal accounts
indicate that the area was forested at the time of purchase in 1886 (E. Tapper and
M. Webb, pers. comm.); given its location at the corner of 4 different farms, it was
most likely used as a grazing woodland in the early 1800s.
A selective timber harvest in 1976 at Church Woods has had a large impact
on recruitment of hardwood species in this forest. During this harvest, 118 m3 of
Eastern White Pine and assorted hardwood species were harvested from the site
(E. Tapper, pers. comm.). This harvest released advance hardwood regeneration
and led to the recruitment of other hardwood species, including American Basswood
and Black Ash. Harvest records from this event indicate that numerous
overstory Sugar Maple, American Beech, and White Oak were removed, with
this composition matching descriptions of pre-settlement vegetation for the area
(Cogbill 2002, Siccama 1971). The significant clumping of trees that established
during the 1960s and the diverse group of species in that age cohort suggests that
mixed hardwoods in the understory were released into the canopy after trees were
removed in the 1976 harvest.
Prior to this study, little was known about the dynamics and development of
present-day valley clayplain forests (Lapin 2003). Descriptions based on field observations
have emphasized the dominance of oaks, Green Ash, Eastern White Pine,
and hickories, and a projected successional trajectory of this community toward
Northeastern Naturalist
H.F. Murray and A.W. D’Amato
2019 Vol. 26, No. 1
overstory dominance of Eastern Hemlock in addition to oak, hickory, and ash species
(Lapin 1998, 2003; The Nature Conservancy 2010, Thompson and Sorenson
2000). Our results confirm the general pattern of Eastern Hemlock as a late-successional
species in these systems and provide greater detail about the recruitment
dynamics of this and other constituent species. Although oak is often described
as a defining feature of these forests (Cogbill et al. 2002; Lapin 1998, 2003; The
Nature Conservancy 2010), the lack of recent recruitment of these species and the
advanced age of the individuals already present indicate that those species may not
be sustained over time. If oak is a desired future component of these forests, deliberate
management actions may be required to encourage regeneration and subsequent
recruitment into the canopy. This activity may include removing the understory of
shade-tolerant species in places to promote oak regeneration (Lorimer 1993).
Our results indicate that the valley clayplain forest has a species composition and
recruitment history that have been heavily influenced by human land-use throughout
the past 225 y. Current species composition in these areas indicates that tree species
present in the clayplain forest are variable and that there is no one stable condition
that can describe a typical clayplain forest. However, the valley clayplain forest
contains unique tree species assemblages that managers, landowners, and conservation
organizations might want to preserve. Evidence from our study suggests that
regeneration of late-successional species will happen naturally despite forest fragmentation,
but a large threat to valley clayplain forest systems is invasive species,
many of which were present in large concentrations at Church Woods. Invasive species
such as Norway Maple and Common Buckthorn could alter natural recruitment
dynamics of native tree species characterizing valley clayplain forests and should be
aggressively managed in areas where clayplain forest restoration is a goal.
We thank J. Waskiewicz, S. Rayback, M. Lapin, and E. Tapper for their expertise, and P.
Murakami, K. Kaiter-Snyder, R. Stern, and C. Hansen for their help with data collection and
analysis. We thank Shelburne Farms and The Nature Conservancy for giving access to their
land. Funding for this project came from the University of Vermont Office of Undergraduate
Research and the University of Vermont Honors College. Comments from the manuscript
editor and 2 anonymous reviewers helped improve an earlier version of this paper.
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