Variation in Acer saccharum Marshall (Sugar Maple) Bark
and Stemflow Characteristics: Implications for Epiphytic
Bryophyte Communities
Gregory G. McGee, Megan E. Cardon, and Diane H. Kiernan
Northeastern Naturalist, Volume 26, Issue 1 (2019): 214–235
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Northeastern Naturalist
G.G. McGee, M.E. Cardon, and D.H. Kiernan
22001199 NORTHEASTERN NATURALIST 2V6(o1l). :2261,4 N–2o3. 51
Variation in Acer saccharum Marshall (Sugar Maple) Bark
and Stemflow Characteristics: Implications for Epiphytic
Bryophyte Communities
Gregory G. McGee1,*, Megan E. Cardon1, and Diane H. Kiernan2
Abstract - Past studies have demonstrated successions of epiphyte communities on trees
of progressively larger diameters, suggesting the existence of temporal resource-gradients
associated with aging/growing phorophyte hosts. The objective of this study was to identify
possible resource gradients associated with the diameter/age of Acer saccharum (Sugar
Maple) in northern New York. We determined epiphytic bryophyte cover by species on 102
Sugar Maples (min–max = 11–84 cm diameter at breast height) from 12 Adirondack northern
hardwood forest stands. We extracted a 12.6-cm2 bark sample from each tree to analyze
in the laboratory for moisture-holding capacity, surface-moisture availability, drying rates,
and leachate cation and nitrogen concentrations. We collected throughfall and stemflow
from 15 trees (19–79 cm dbh) at a separate site over the course of a growing season and
analyzed samples for cation and nitrogen concentrations. Bark mass per unit surface area
(g cm-2) was positively correlated with tree diameter, reflecting increasing bark thickness
with age. Bark moisture-holding capacity (H2O as % dry mass) was independent of tree
diameter, but bark surface-moisture availability (g H2O cm-2 bark) increased with diameter
as a result of thickening bark. Bark drying rates were negatively correlated with bark mass
(thickness). Cation (Ca2+, Mg2+, K+) concentrations in bark leachate were all positively correlated
with tree diameter, but NH4
+ and DON concentrations varied independently of tree
diameter, and NO3
- concentrations were typically below detection limits. Stemflow became
enriched 10- to 20-fold with dissolved cations but not with dissolved nitrogen. Percent cover
of several mesophytic and calciphilic epiphytes (e.g., Anomodon rugelii, Brachythecium
laetum, Neckera pennata, and Porella platyphylla) were positively correlated with cation
concentration in bark leachate, bark thickness, and moisture availability, and negatively
correlated with bark drying rate. The results of this study are consistent with hypotheses
that increased moisture and nutrient availability and slower drying rates of bark on large-diameter
trees may account for increasing total cover and species richness of bryophtyes and
increasing dominance of mesophytic and calciphilic bryophytes on larger trees. We extend
McCune’s similar gradient hypothesis with an analogous set of nutrient-based gradients,
and offer an alternative mechanism for McCune’s original time-based moisture gradient.
Epiphytic bryophyte communities are influenced by complex gradients of substrate
moisture, atmospheric humidity, and nutrient and light availability that act
simultaneously at regional, local, and micro-environmental scales. Regionally,
1Department of Environmental and Forest Biology, State University of New York College
of Environmental Science and Forestry, Syracuse, NY 13210. 2Department of Forest and
Natural Resource Management, State University of New York College of Environmental
Science and Forestry, Syracuse, NY 13210. *Corresponding author -
Manuscript Editor: David Richardson
Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 26, No. 1
G.G. McGee, M.E. Cardon, and D.H. Kiernan
epiphyte communities have long been considered to be affected by temperature
and evapotranspirational gradients (e.g., Phillips 1951, Slack 1976). At more local
(forest-stand level) scales, epiphyte community composition appears to be influenced
by the manner by which slope position and aspect affect relative humidity
(Barkman 1958:69, Gimingham and Birse 1957, McCune 1993), how canopy disturbance
and understory vegetation affect light, temperature and relative humidity
(Boudreault et al. 2008, Gustafsson and Eriksson 1995, Halpern et al. 2014, Király
and Ódor 2010, McCune 1993), and how soil chemistry interacts with bark chemistry
to influence nutrient availability for epiphytes (Bates 1992, Boudreault et al.
2008, Gustafsson and Eriksson 1995).
At the microenvironmental scale, interspecific variation in physical bark features
(thickness, depth, moisture-holding capacity) and chemical conditions (pH,
nutrient availability) of different phorophyte host species determine (or have been
invoked to explain) epiphyte host preferences (Barkman 1958; Bates 1992; Billings
and Drew 1938; Cain and Sharp 1938; Cleavitt et al. 2009; Culberson 1955;
Hale 1955; Király and Ódor 2010; McGee and Kimmerer 2002; Mezaka et al. 2008,
2012; Ódor et al. 2014; Slack 1976; Studlar 1982a; Szövényi et al. 2004). Further,
the vertical distributions of epiphytes on trees within a forest stand are associated
with vertical gradients of humidity and light (Billings and Drew 1938, Hosokawa
et al. 1964, McCune 1993, Szovenyi et al. 2004). Xerophytic and light-demanding
species occur higher on tree boles, while mesophytic and shade-tolerant species
occur near the ground in zones of higher humidity, and away from desiccating air
currents (Hosokawa and Odani 1957, Hosokawa et al. 1964).
However, in addition to the predictable variation that epiphytic bryophytes
display across landscapes and hillslopes, among phorophyte species, and along
the vertical gradients of individual phorophytes, a growing body of research has
also demonstrated increased richness (Hazell et al. 1998, Mezaka et al. 2008),
abundance of red-listed species (Fritz et al. 2009, Mezaka et al. 2008, Snäll et al.
2004), and turnover in overall epiphyte community composition in association
with increasing phorophyte host diameter (Aude and Poulsen 2000, Boudreault et
al. 2008, Fritz et al. 2009, Hazell et al. 1998, McGee and Kimmerer 2002, Studlar
1982b). For instance, an associated study in northern hardwood forests of northern
New York demonstrated variation in epiphytic bryophyte communities that
was consistently correlated with Acer saccharum Marsh. (Sugar Maple) diameter,
regardless of stand disturbance or management history (McGee and Kimmerer
2002). Frequency and total cover of mesophytic epiphytes such as Brachythecium
laetum (= B. oxycladon) (Bridel) Schimper in P. Bruch and W.P. Schimper,
B. salebrosum (Hoffmann ex F. Weber & D. Mohr) Schimper in P. Bruch and
W.P. Schimper, Dicranum viride (Sullivant & Lesquereux) Lindberg, Leucodon
brachypus var. andrewsianus Crum & Anderson, Neckera pennata Hedwig,
Plagiomnium ciliare (Müller Hal.) T.J. Koponen,, and Porella platyphylla (L.)
Pfeiff., and calciphilic species such as Anomodon rugelii (Müll. Hal.) Keissl.,
A. attenuatus (Hedw.) Hüb., and Radula complanata (L.) Dumort. were positively
Northeastern Naturalist
G.G. McGee, M.E. Cardon, and D.H. Kiernan
2019 Vol. 26, No. 1
correlated with Sugar Maple diameter, while small-diameter Sugar Maples were
dominated by xerophytic species such as Ulota crispa (Hedw.) Brid., Hypnum
pallescens var. pallescens (Hrdw.) P. Beauv., Sciuro-hypnum reflexum (= B. reflexum)
(Starke) Ignatov & Huttunen, Platygyrium repens (Brid.) Schimp., and
Frullania eboracensis Gottsche (nomenclature follows Crum [1991] for liverworts,
and Flora of North America [2007, 2014] for mosses; a single taxonomic
treatment, P. platyphylla, is applied to P. platyphylla and P. platyphyloidea per
James et al. [1998]). Therefore, just as multiple spatial resource-gradients appear
to influence epiphyte composition at the landscape, stand, and microenvironmental
scales, similar temporal resource gradients probably exist that may influence
epiphyte community composition through time on a given phorophyte host. Such
temporal environmental variation may be due to changing physical and chemical
conditions that accompany the development of mature bark characteristics of
many tree species such as Sugar Maple.
To date, few studies have investigated intraspecific variation in the physical
and chemical conditions of tree bark. Bates (1992) determined that bark pH and
Mg concentration were positively correlated with diameter of Fraxinus excelsior
L. (European Ash). Similarly, Andersson (1991) reported positive correlations between
stemflow cation-concentration and diameter of Quercus robor L. (English
Oak). However, Gustafsson and Eriksson (1995) found no relationship between
bark chemistry and tree diameter during an investigation of epiphytic communities
on Populus tremula L. (European Aspen), and Bourdreault et al. (2008) reported for
Populus tremuloides Michx. (Quaking Aspen) no correlation between bark pH and
diameter, a negative correlation between bark Ca- and Mg-content and diameter,
and a positive correlation between bark K-content and diameter.
Therefore, given the range of conclusions from the few past efforts to characterize
changes in physical and chemical properties of phorophyte bark over time, our
objective was to contribute to a greater understanding of temporal microenvironmental
resource gradients associated with aging trees and their potential influences
on epiphytic bryophyte community composition. Specifically, this study focused
on variation in Sugar Maple bark that may account for the positive relationships
between tree diameter and epiphytic bryophyte richness and mesophytic/calciphilic
bryophyte abundance. We tested the following 4 hypotheses: (1) the moisture-holding
capacity (water as percent dry mass of bark) and surface moisture availability
(g water cm-2 bark) of the bark will increase, and bark drying rate (% water mass
loss hour-1) will decrease with increasing Sugar Maple diameter; (2) bark leachate
will become enriched in elemental nutrients (μmol L-1 NO3
-, NH4
+, DON, Ca2+, K+
and Mg2+) with increasing Sugar Maple diameter; (3) percent cover of mesophytic
bryophytes will be positively correlated with bark surface moisture availability,
which is, in turn, influenced by tree diameter; and (4) percent cover of calciphilic
bryophytes will be positively correlated with bark leachate cation concentrations,
which are, in turn, influenced by tree diameter. Finally, we used observations of
stemflow chemistry from 15 Sugar Maple trees growing within a single forest stand
to corroborate and contextualize our bark-chemistry data.
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G.G. McGee, M.E. Cardon, and D.H. Kiernan
Sugar Maple bark characteristics
Study sites. We conducted field sampling for this study in Adirondack northern
hardwood forests (as described by Braun 1950), which are dominated by Sugar
Maple, Fagus grandifolia Ehrh. (American Beech), and Betula alleghaniensis Britton
(Yellow Birch), with conifer associates including Tsuga canadensis (L.) Carr
(Eastern Hemlock), and Picea rubens Sarg. (Red Spruce). Within the Adirondack
region, northern hardwoods typically occur at elevations below 980 m (all field sites
in this study were between 470 m and 770 m) and on loamy glacial till soils overlying
granitic gneiss (Heimburger 1934). We established 12 study sites in 1996 in 4
replicate stands representing 3 stand histories. At each study site, we established
two 0.1-ha plots to quantify overstory composition and structure (trees > 10.0 cm
diameter at breast height [dbh]). McGee et al. (1999) and McGee and Kimmerer
(2002) described disturbance histories, and stand structure and composition of the
3 stand types in detail, but brief descriptions follow.
Old-growth sites were uneven-aged stands with average ages of dominant trees
varying from 176 y to 212 y. Most sites were likely selectively harvested for only
large-diameter Red Spruce prior to their incorporation into the Adirondack Park in
the early 1890s. The old-growth stands averaged 55 trees ha-1 greater than 50 cm
dbh. Basal areas averaged (± 1 SD) 33.7 ± 4.3 m2 ha-1, and total tree-surface area
available for epiphyte establishment averaged 560 ± 17 m2 ha-1 (from 0 m to 1.5 m
above the ground).
Maturing sites were 90- to 100-y–old even-aged stands that regenerated from
wildfires at the turn of the 20th century and have not been logged since establishment.
Average stand diameters of the post-fire cohorts varied from 23 ± 10 cm to
25 ± 10 cm dbh. Increment coring confirmed that an average of 8 trees ha-1 (all ≥ 50
cm dbh) were residuals that survived the fires. Live basal areas averaged 29.1 ± 4.0
m2 ha-1, and total tree-surface area averaged 654 ± 113 m2 ha-1.
Partially cut sites had received repeated, undefined, partial cuts for more than
100 years. Most recently they have been under 15- to 20-y cutting cycles, with
maximum-diameter limits of 45–60 cm dbh and residual basal areas of ~16 m2 ha-1.
The partially cut stands contained an average of 5 trees ha-1 greater than 50 cm dbh.
Live basal areas averaged 18.2 ± 1.7 m2 ha-1, and total tree-surface area averaged
471 ± 57 m2 ha-1.
Epiphyte field-sampling and cover estimation. Epiphyte communities at the 12
sites were initially sampled during 1996–1997, and overall epiphyte community
composition across sites and stand types was described by McGee and Kimmerer
(2002). The current study focused on only a subset of 102 Sugar Maples that were
part of the initial 241-tree sample, and which originally included a wider variety
of phorophyte hosts. We selected epiphyte sample trees through a stratified (by 10-
cm–diameter classes) random sample of stems occurring on the 2 plots at each study
site. We sampled 1 tree per diameter class, as available, on each plot (Table 1). Tree
diameters varied from 11 cm to 84 cm dbh.
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G.G. McGee, M.E. Cardon, and D.H. Kiernan
2019 Vol. 26, No. 1
We employed line-intercept sampling to estimate percent bryophyte cover along
4 circumferential transects established on each of the 102 trees at 10 cm, 50 cm,
100 cm, and 150 cm above the ground surface. Determination of height-weighted
percent cover (from 0 m to 1.5 m above the ground) for epiphytic bryophyte species
are detailed in McGee and Kimmerer (2002). Briefly, we spaced line-intercepts at
unequal height intervals along the tree bole in order to account for rapid change
in total epiphyte cover and turnover in species composition at lower bole positions.
However, since transects were spaced unequally and the tree circumferences
differed at each height along each bole, the 4 transects accounted for unequal proportions
of each tree’s available surface area. Therefore, the contribution of each
transect to estimating the total cover of each species was weighted by the surface
area of the cylinder it described using the following equation.
d d
% cover = Σ Pi([Areai] / [Σ Areai]) * 100,
i = a i = a
where i represents transects a–d (transect a at 1.5 m above the ground, b at 1.0 m,
c at 0.5 m, and d at 0.2 m); Pi is the proportion of epiphyte cover on each transect
and is defined as the number of 1-cm intervals containing epiphyte cover divided by
the total length (cm) of the transect; and Areai = Li * HTi, with Li equaling the length
of each transect i, and HTi being the vertical extent of the tree bole to which each
intercept is applied (HTa = 50 cm, HTb = 50 cm, HTc = 30 cm, HTd = 20 cm). Note
that transect d was placed at 10 cm above the ground, but we applied a height of 20
cm for the purpose of estimating height-weighted percent cover. Many basal epiphytes
usually occurred above 10 cm but below 50 cm; thus, the height-weighted
cover of basal epiphytes would be systematically underestimated by applying HTd
= 10 cm. Therefore, we applied HTd = 20 to partially correct this sample bias.
Bark sampling and laboratory analyses. In September 1997, we extracted bark
samples from a randomly determined aspect of each tree 50 cm above the ground
by hammering a sharpened 4.0-cm inside-diameter (12.6 cm2) steel pipe into the
bark. Since we removed both inner and outer bark down to cambium, bark samples
varied in thickness based on the condition of each tree. We carefully removed all
Table 1. Summary of epiphyte-community and bark-chemistry sampling effort on 102 Sugar Maples,
by stand type and diameter class, across 12 Adirondack northern hardwood forest study-sites.
Diameter class Number of trees sampled
(cm dbh) Old growth Maturing Partially cut Total
10.0–19.9 4 7 8 19
20.0–29.9 6 7 7 20
30.0–39.9 6 7 8 21
40.0–49.9 5 6 6 17
50.0–59.9 7 0 3 10
60.0–69.9 5 2 0 7
70.0–79.9 4 1 0 5
80.0–89.9 3 0 0 3
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lichens and bryophytes and stored each bark sample in a waxed paper envelope at
4 °C prior to analysis.
We determined the moisture-holding capacity (g water g-1 dry wt bark, expressed
as percent) and surface-moisture availability (g water cm-2 bark) as follows: the bark
samples were soaked in 50 ml of deionized water for 24 h at 4 °C; drained for 15 min;
weighed in their saturated state, air-dried in the laboratory and reweighed at 1, 2, 4, 9,
16, 25, 36, 49, and 64 h; and oven-dried at 40 °C for 48 h to obtain dry mass. We defined
the drying rate of each bark as the slope of the least-squares regression equation
describing the relationship between the percentage of the initial saturated bark water
content remaining and time (h) for the drying curve to become asymptotic. Each of
the 102 drying-curve asymptotes was defined by applying successive linear regressions
using a spline model (Freund and Littell 1991, Littell et al. 1991). It was evident
by observing the drying curves that they became asymptotic at 4–16 h. Therefore,
we applied successive spline regressions while changing the spline point within this
timeframe (i.e., 4, 9, 16 h). We used the spline that maximized the amount of variation
accounted for by the regression to define the asymptote.
We filtered bark extracts (leachate remaining from soaking bark) through a
0.8-μm Supor-800 membrane filter (Pall Corporation, Port Washington, NY). We
determined concentrations (μmol L-1) of Ca2+, K+, and Mg2+ in the leachate using
inductively coupled plasma atomic-emissions spectroscopy; nitrate (NO3
-) and
ammonium (NH4
+) concentrations using an ion chromatograph (Small et al. 1975)
and phenate colorimetry autoanalyzer (US EPA 1983); and total dissolved nitrogen
(TDN) on a Bran Luebbe AA3 auto analyzer after persulfate oxidation (Ameel et al.
1993) and dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) by difference between TDN and the
inorganic N fractions (NO3
- and NH4
Analyses. We used nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMS) ordination to
detect and visualize correlations between bark characteristics and epiphytic bryophyte
community composition. The primary NMS ordination matrix consisted
of height-weighted percent cover for 11 species on 102 trees. We limited the ordination
analysis to only those species that were determined in an earlier study
(McGee and Kimmerer 2002) to characterize epiphyte communities on smalldiameter
(S. reflexum, H. pallescens, Ulota crispa, F. eboracensis and P. repens)
and large-diameter (A. attenuatus, A. rugelii, B. laetum, L. brachypus, N. pennata,
and P. platyphylla) Sugar Maples. The secondary ordination matrix consisted of
9 quantitative chemical and physical characteristics of the102 Sugar Maple bark
samples (bark leachate Ca2+, K+, Mg2+, NH4
+, and DON concentrations; bark drying
rate; dry mass; moisture availability; and tree dbh). We conducted the ordination
in PC-ORD using Sørensen distances in slow and thorough autopilot mode from a
random starting configuration (McCune and Mefford 2011). The cutoff R2 value for
including a descriptor-variable vector in the joint plot was set to 0.20.
We used regression analyses to determine univariate relationships between
tree diameter, physical bark characteristics, and nutrient concentrations (n =
102). Data on drying rate and dry mass were log10-transformed to linearize their
relationships with tree diameter prior to analyses. We used correlation analyses
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G.G. McGee, M.E. Cardon, and D.H. Kiernan
2019 Vol. 26, No. 1
to describe the significance and strength of the most-important relationships detected
by the NMS ordination between bark characteristics and height-weighted
percent cover of the epiphytes.
Sugar Maple stemflow
Study site. We conducted the stemflow study in an uneven-aged northern hardwood
forest at the SUNY-ESF Huntington Wildlife Research Station, Newcomb,
Essex County, NY (74°15'30''W, 44°00'30''N). The research station was situated
roughly at the geographic center of the other 12 field-sampling sites. The study site
was located on a northwest-facing toe slope. The soil type at the site was a loamyskeletal,
mixed, frigid Typic Haplorthod (Somers 1986). We selected from within a
0.5-ha area a stratified (by 10-cm–diameter classes) random sample of 15 canopydominant
and codominant Sugar Maples, varying in diameter from 19 cm dbh to79
cm dbh.
Field sampling. We constructed stemflow collectors from 1.5-cm outside-diameter
Tygon tubing. The top quarter of the tubing was removed to make a trough that
we stapled in a spiral around each tree and sealed with silicone caulk. We emptied
the tubing into 10-L plastic buckets stored in covered 135-L plastic containers. We
collected the throughfall under each tree in a 2-L plastic beaker fitted with a 2-mm
fiberglass-mesh filter, with 1 of these throughfall collectors randomly placed under
the canopy of each tree and randomly repositioned after each precipitation event.
We used a pair of 2-L plastic beakers fitted with a fiberglass mesh filter to collect
bulk precipitation in the nearest clearing, ~2 km from the stemflow-collection area.
We collected all stemflow, throughfall, and precipitation samples (60–120 ml)
within 24 h after 13 rain events between 9 May and 12 September 1997 and stored
them at 4 °C until analyzed. It should be noted that not all trees produced sufficient
stemflow volume to conduct all analyses for all events. The water-collection
vessels and tubing were rinsed with deionized water following each collection.
We analyzed nitrate and NH4
+ with an ion chromatograph (Small et al. 1975) and
phenate colorimetry autoanalyzer (USEPA 1983), and cations (K+, Ca2+, Mg2+) by
inductively coupled plasma atomic-emissions spectroscopy. For the purpose of our
analyses, we applied concentrations of zero to all measurements that were below
analytical detection limits.
Bark physical characteristics
The NMS ordination of Sugar Maple epiphyte community composition indicated
that the percent cover of a number of species (A. rugelii, A. attenuatus, P. platyphylla,
N. pennata L. brachypus, and B. laetum) was positively correlated with
tree diameter and several physical and chemical bark characteristics including dry
mass, moisture availability, and Ca2+ and Mg2+ concentrations in leachate (Fig. 1).
Other species (F. eboracensis, U. crispa, S. reflexum, P. repens, and H. pallescens)
exhibited negative correlations with tree diameter and values of various chemical
and physical bark characteristics. While the old-growth epiphyte communities
Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 26, No. 1
G.G. McGee, M.E. Cardon, and D.H. Kiernan
appeared to separate from the communities of the maturing and partially cut stands
along the second NMS ordination axis, this difference probably reflects the greater
relative proportion of large trees sampled in the old-growth stands and of smaller
trees in the maturing and partially cut stands (Table 1).
Diameters of the 102 Sugar Maples averaged (± 1 SD) 37.3 ± 18.1 cm dbh, and
ranged from 11 dbh to 84 cm dbh. Dry mass of the 12.6-cm2 bark samples varied
from 0.12 g cm-2 to 0.92 g cm-2, averaged 0.34 ± 0.17 g cm-2, and was positively
correlated with tree diameter (Fig. 2a; P < 0.001, R2 = 0.35). A log10-transformed
regression model accounted for a slightly greater level of variation in the data
Figure 1. NMS ordination of epiphytic bryophyte communities and associated bark characteristics
on Sugar Maples (n = 102) in Adirondack Park, NY. Species are: Anomodon
rugelii (Anorug), Brachythecium laetum (Bralae), Frullania eboracensis (Fruebo), Hypnum
pallescens var. pallescens (Hyppal), Leucodon brachypus var. andrewsianus (Leubra),
Neckera pennata (Necpen), Platygyrium repens (Plarep), Porella platyphylla (Porpla),
Sciuro-hypnum reflexum (Sciref), and Ulota crispa (Ulocri).
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2019 Vol. 26, No. 1
compared to a linear model, and more adequately described the asymptotic trend
in bark dry mass, which tended to level off at ~60–70 cm dbh. At saturation, bark
moisture content (mass of water as % bark dry weight) varied from 48% to195%
and averaged 86 ± 26%, but did not vary in relation to tree diameter (Fig. 2b; P =
0.25, R2 = 0.02). Bark surface-moisture availability varied from 0.09 g to 0.67 g
Figure 2. Relationships
Maple diameter
and (a) bark dry
mass, (b) bark
moisture content,
(c) bark
moisture availa
b i l i t y, and
(d) bark drying
rate. Regressions
in panels
(a) and (d) exhibited
fits with
l o g a r i t h m i c
models. Data
are presented
with arithmetic
Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 26, No. 1
G.G. McGee, M.E. Cardon, and D.H. Kiernan
water cm-2 bark, averaged 0.28 ± 0.13 g water cm-2 bark, and increased with increasing
tree diameter (Fig. 2c; P < 0.001, R2 = 0.45).
After 4–9 h of drying under laboratory conditions, the mass of water-saturated
bark became asymptotic (i.e., R2 values of spline regressions peaked [R2 min = 0.76,
max = 0.99, average = 0.96] at 4 h of drying for all 102 samples). Pre-asymptotic
drying rates (loss of mass h-1 as percentage of initial water mass in saturated bark)
varied from ~10% h-1 to 22% h-1 and averaged 16.9 ± 2.6% h-1. Bark drying rates
were negatively correlated with log10-transformed tree dbh (P < 0.001, R2 = 0.32),
with bark of small-diameter trees drying at a rate ~1.3-times faster than bark of
large-diameter trees (Fig. 2d).
Bark chemical characteristics
Average (± 1 SD) cation concentrations of bark leachate (μmol L-1) were 201
± 170 for Ca2+, 76 ± 60 for Mg2+, and 879 ± 817 for K+. Concentrations of Ca2+
(P < 0.001, R2 = 0.41), Mg2+ (P < 0.001, R2 = 0.42), and K+ (P < 0.001, R2 = 0.24)
in bark leachate all increased ~5-fold from the smallest to largest diameter trees
(Fig. 3a–c). Nitrogen in the bark leachate was dominated by the DON fraction (29
± 38 μmol L-1). Nitrate concentrations averaged 0.4 ± 1.9 μmol L-1, with only 3
of the 102 bark samples yielding NO3
- above detection limits. Ammonium concentrations
averaged 5 ± 10 μmol L-1, with 32 bark samples yielding NH4
+ above
detection limits. Unlike the cation nutrients, concentrations of DON (P = 0.60),
+ (P = 0.58), and NO3
- (P = 0.25) in bark leachate exhibited no correlations
with tree diameter.
Epiphyte–bark characteristic relationships
In general, when correlations existed between percent cover of epiphyte species
and the various chemical and physical bark variables, species in the large-tree
epiphyte guild consistently exhibited positive correlations with bark nutrient and
moisture variables (Table 2, Fig. 1). Further, as a group, the percent cover of species
in the large-tree guild tended to have frequent and strongly significant correlations
with the variables we measured, while cover of those in the small-tree guild tended
to be independent of or more weakly negatively correlated with the bark variables
(Table 2). The percent cover of the 5 large-tree epiphyte species were generally
positively and highly correlated with most or all of the 3 measured mineral-cation
concentrations in bark leachate, positively correlated with bark surface-moisture
availability, and negatively correlated with bark drying rate (Table 2). The percent
cover of no epiphyte species was correlated with DON (which was the most abundant
nitrogen fraction), but 2 taxa (A. rugelii and P. platyphylla) exhibited positive
correlations with NH4
+, which consistently occurred at concentrations lower than
those of DON.
Stemflow chemistry
Over the duration of the study, bulk precipitation averaged (± 1SD) 9 ± 2 μmol
L-1 Ca2+, 2 ± 1 Mg2+, 10 ± 2 K+, 27 ± 6 NO3
-, and 24 ± 8 NH4
+. As precipitation
passed through the Sugar Maple canopies, it was enriched 3- to 7-fold in Ca2+, Mg2+,
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G.G. McGee, M.E. Cardon, and D.H. Kiernan
2019 Vol. 26, No. 1
and K+, but not in NO3
- and NH4
+ (Fig. 4). Stemflow was then enriched again in cations
10- to 20-fold over throughfall and averaged 265 ± 192, 1167 ± 824, and 87 ±
65 μmol L-1 of Ca+2, K+, and Mg+2 respectively. There was no additional enrichment
of stemflow with NO3
- and NH4
Bark physical conditions
This study elucidated changes in the physical characteristics of Sugar Maple
bark that occur as trees age and grow, and which may account in part for the
Figure 3. Relationship
Maple diameter
and (a) calcium,
(b) magnesium,
and (c) potassium
of bark
Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 26, No. 1
G.G. McGee, M.E. Cardon, and D.H. Kiernan
succession in epiphytic bryophyte communities observed in the literature. Bark
mass per unit area increased 4- to 5-fold from the smallest to largest trees we studied
(11–84 cm dbh), and while we did not directly measure the thickness of the
unevenly platy and fissured bark of these trees, the increasing mass per standardized
area of bark directly reflects the overall thickening of Sugar Maple bark with
increasing tree diameter. The volume of water absorbed as a percentage of bark dry
weight did not vary as a function of tree diameter, which suggests that no physical
changes occur during the development of mature Sugar Maple bark that influence
moisture absorption (e.g., changes in density or pore space). Rather, moisture retention
in Sugar Maple bark appears to be a simple function of its thickness, resulting
in the capacity for larger trees to hold 4-times more moisture per unit surface area
than the smallest trees we studied. Furthermore, stored water evaporated under
laboratory conditions from the thin bark of small trees at a rate 1.3-times faster
than from thick bark of large trees. Thus, our data indicate that bark of large Sugar
Maple trees retains a greater volume of water per unit of surface area, and dries
more slowly than that of small-diameter trees, and this may be of consequence to
Table 2. Correlations of bark-leachate nutrient concentrations and bark physical properties with
height-weighted mean percent cover of individual large- and small-tree epiphytic bryophyte species.
Pearson correlation coefficients (R) and P-values (P) are shown (* indicates significant interactions;
P-value ≤ 0.05). A Bonferonni adjusted P-value < 0.0007 is required to control for experiment-wise
error rate for 80 individual correlation analyses using α = 0.05. Moist. avail. = moisture availability.
Bark leachate nutrient concentration Bark physical properties
Org. Drying Dry Moist.
Species Mg2+ Ca2+ K+ NH4+ N rate mass avail.
Large-tree species
Anomodon rugelii R 0.37* 0.39* 0.35* 0.34* -0.02 -0.28* 0.39* 0.34*
P 0.000* 0.000* 0.000* 0.001* 0.81 0.004* 0.000* 0.000*
Brachythecium laetum R 0.48* 0.44* 0.28* -0.06 -0.07 -0.36* 0.42* 0.48*
P 0.000* 0.000* 0.004* 0.49 0.48 0.000* 0.000* 0.000*
Leucodon brachypus R 0.22* 0.15 0.20* 0.03 0.03 -0.19 0.08 0.20*
P 0.020* 0.130 0.040* 0.750 0.800 0.060 0.450 0.040*
Neckera pennata R 0.22* 0.29* 0.14 0.03 -0.06 -0.22* 0.26* 0.28*
P 0.020* 0.003* 0.170 0.79 0.570 0.030* 0.008* 0.005*
Porella platyphylla R 0.54* 0.52* 0.54* 0.20* -0.28 -0.45* 0.52* 0.59*
P 0.000* 0.000* 0.000* 0.040* 0.790 0.000* 0.000* 0.000*
Small-tree species
Frullania eboracensis R -0.12 -0.06 -0.03 -0.09 -0.12 -0.09 -0.05 -0.04
P 0.220 0.530 0.800 0.360 0.250 0.370 0.600 0.680
Hypnum pallescens R -0.08 -0.63 -0.11 0.02 0.03 0.23* -0.20* -0.18
P 0.410 0.530 0.300 0.840 0.780 0.020* 0.040* 0.070
Platygyrium repens R -0.26* -0.18* -0.19* -0.10 0.12 0.14 -0.23* -0.17
P 0.008* 0.050* 0.050* 0.300 0.240 0.170 0.020* 0.080
Sciuro-hypnum reflexum R -0.18 -0.18 -0.17 -0.15 -0.02 0.13 -0.14 -0.19
P 0.070 0.070 0.100 0.140 0.840 0.190 0.160 0.060
Ulota crispa R -0.17 -0.13 -0.26* -0.05 -0.04 0.14 -0.26* -0.24*
P 0.090 0.200 0.010* 0.600 0.700 0.150 0.010* 0.020*
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mesophytic epiphytes that utilize moisture reserves in bark. The additional moisture
reserves and slower drying rate may extend the period of hydration and active
metabolism for bryophytes between precipitation events. While several past studies
have described interspecific differences in bark moisture-holding capacity (Billings
and Drew 1938, Culberson 1955, Everhart et al. 2009, Hale 1955, Levia and
Herwitz 2005, Studlar 1982a), few have reported on any intraspecific variation,
particularly with regard to stem age or size. Everhart et al. (2009) observed thicker
Platanus occidentalis L. (American Sycamore) bark, which occurred lower on
trees, absorbed greater volumes of water than thin bark higher on trees, but did not
report findings on a per mass basis. Hoffman and Boe (1977) reported a small (less than 2%)
but significant decline in bark moisture-holding capacity (g water • g dry bark-1)
with increasing diameter of Populus deltoides W. Bartram ex Marshall (Eastern
Cottonwood) varying from ~60 cm to 90 cm dbh.
Although the thicker Sugar Maple bark samples from large-diameter trees held
more moisture and dried out more slowly than thinner samples from small-diameter
trees, the relationships observed in this study do not offer direct evidence that
bark serves as a physiologically meaningful capacitor of moisture for epiphytes
(i.e., absorbing moisture during precipitation events while slowly releasing it over
extended time periods afterward). Recent technological advances are making it
possible to monitor vapor pressure at the small spatial scale necessary to determine
whether bryophytes actually acquire physiologically meaningful levels of supplemental
moisture from their substrate. Techniques pioneered by Haughian and Frego
(2017a, b) for epixylic bryophyte communities could be modified and applied to
Figure 4. Average ±1 SD concentration of inorganic nutrients in bulk precipitation,
throughfall, and stemflow associated with 15 Sugar Maple trees in an Adirondack northern
hardwood forest over 13 precipitation events during the 1997 growing season, and in bark
leachate of 102 Sugar Maples.
Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 26, No. 1
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better quantify vertical gradients of vapor pressure associated with phorophyte
hosts of varying species, diameters, and local canopy disturbances.
Bark chemical conditions
Limitations in mineral nutrient availability are consequential for many bryophytes.
Due to the level of cellular damage that occurs following rehydration,
bryophytes are limited in their tolerance to repeated or extended periods of desiccation,
especially in the absence of nutrient-rich rehydration solution. It is during
the initial period of precipitation events when previously desiccated epiphytic
bryophytes are most vulnerable to nutrient leaching through disrupted plasma and
organelle membranes (Gupta 1977, Proctor 1982), and Brown (1982) hypothesized
that membrane structures of calciphilic bryophytes require greater quantities of
calcium to maintain integrity after desiccation. Not only does the duration and
intensity of drying affect recovery, so does the rate of drying (Proctor et al. 2007).
Rapid desiccation leads to extreme degradation of chloroplasts and mitochondria,
resulting in additional loss of photosynthetic activity and disruption of ATP
synthesis (Richardson 1981). Therefore, high nutrient concentrations are vital to
rehydrating bryophytes in order to lower diffusion gradients and conserve cytoplasmic
To date, few studies have considered elemental nutrient concentration of tree
bark or given particular consideration to intraspecific variation associated with age/
girth of trees or site conditions. Bates (1992) and Boudreault et al. (2008) reported
total cation concentrations per gram dry weight of bark (using acid digestions of
bark samples) for Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl. and European Ash in Scotland,
and Quaking Aspen in British Columbia. Likewise, Gustafsson and Eriksson (1995)
reported total cation concentrations per gram dry weight for European Aspen in
Sweden, but also reported soluble cation concentrations (per gram dry weight)
following extraction with SrCl2. We chose to report bark chemistry as soluble nutrient
concentrations in water, but on a per unit surface area basis rather than gram
dry weight basis in order to reflect the environmental conditions experienced by
epiphyte communities upon saturation of bark. Our intention was to approximate
the nutrient concentration of recently saturated bark in order to understand variation
in nutrients that are leached across the surface of the bark during precipitation
events and made available to epiphytes, rather than the nutrient content of the bark
itself, which may not all be leachable and certainly not accessible to epiphytes.
A reanalysis of our data on bark leachate on a per gram dry weight basis indicated
average (± SD) Ca2+, Mg2+, and K+ concentrations to be 83 ± 55, 19 ± 13, and
376 ± 249 μmol * g dry weight-1 of bark, respectively, with Ca2+ and Mg2+ concentrations
exhibiting positive correlations (P < 0.001, R2 < 0.17) and K+ concentrations
exhibiting no correlation (P = 0.14, R2 = 0.02) with tree diameter. This result adds
to inconsistent findings in the literature. Bates (1992) also reported increased Mg
bark concentrations (per gram dry weight) with increasing diameter of European
Ash, but no relationships for other cations. Gustafsson and Eriksson (1995) reported
no correlations between tree diameter and extractable bark cation concentrations
Northeastern Naturalist
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for European Aspen. However, Boudreault et al. (2008) reported negative correlations
between Quaking Aspen diameter and total bark Ca and Mg concentration on
a gram dry weight basis, and Olsson (1978, as cited by Gustafsson and Eriksson
1995) determined that most bark cation concentrations were negatively correlated
with age and diameter for Betula pendula Roth (Silver Birch), Picea abies (L.) H.
Karst (Norway Spruce), and Pinus sylvestris L. (Scots Pine).
With the exception of our study for Ca2+ and Mg2+, and Bates (1992) for Ca, the
literature suggests bark cation concentrations are independent of, or decline with
increasing tree diameter. This suggests that bark may not typically become more
concentrated with cations through time and, in fact, may lose cations, perhaps
through leaching by stemflow over extended periods. Importantly, however, our
data reveal that even if bark cation concentrations on a dry weight basis remain
constant or decline with increasing tree diameter, if bark thickens sufficiently, then
cation concentrations of leachate per unit surface area of the bark can still increase
as trees age and grow, thereby yielding epiphyte substrate that becomes enriched in
certain elemental nutrients.
Our method most likely over-estimated nutrient leaching since both outside and
inside bark surfaces were exposed during extraction. Elevated rates of nutrient leaching
from bark have been reported when samples are not sealed on their inside surfaces
(Gustafsson and Eriksson 1995). While differences in methodology limit comparison
of our data with that study, our conclusions regarding trends with bark thickness remain
valid. Further, while we likely overestimated the amount of nutrients that would
be leached solely from the outside bark surface; our chosen methodology to soak
12.6-cm2 bark disks, ranging from 1.5 g to 11.6 g, in 50 g of water may have resulted
in solute concentrations that were more dilute than what epiphytes experience immediately
upon saturation of the bark during precipitation events. To properly estimate
nutrient concentrations experienced by epiphytes at the time of bark saturation, the
minute volume of water forming the initial surface film on bark must be analyzed.
However, the mesophytic species considered in this study (N. pennata, L. brachypus,
P. platyphylla, A. rugelii, and B. laetum) grow as thick wefts and mats. Therefore,
the bulk of their photosynthetic tissue is more likely to be exposed to stemflow than
to the initial surface film of bark leachate. The averages and variation we measured
for solute concentrations in our 102 Sugar Maple bark extracts were similar to the
stemflow concentrations of 15 Sugar Maples during the growing season (Fig. 4).
Therefore, the concentrations of bark leachate we measured with our methods appear
to approach the conditions that epiphytes experience naturally.
In this study, cation concentrations in bark leachate increased in relation to
tree diameter, but inorganic and organic forms of nitrogen were very low and frequently
undetectable, and these did not vary with tree diameter. Of the nitrogen
fractions we determined, organic nitrogen was most abundant in the bark extracts.
Further, stemflow became enriched with cations, but not with inorganic nitrogen
(organic N was not included in stemflow analyses). These findings are consistent
with other studies reporting stemflow enrichment by cation nutrients (Andersson
1991, Eaton et al. 1973, Neary and Gizyn 1994, Voigt 1960, Zhang 1989), but not
Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 26, No. 1
G.G. McGee, M.E. Cardon, and D.H. Kiernan
by inorganic nitrogen (Neary and Gizyn 1994, Zhang 1989). Neither this nor prior
studies measured organic nitrogen in stemflow, but our leachate data suggest that
bark may serve as a source of organic nitrogen to stemflow that surpasses the supply
of inorganic nitrogen. Although nitrogen nutrition of bryophytes has not been
widely studied, Hylocomium splendens has been shown to assimilate both organic
(glycine) and inorganic (NH4
+ and NO3
-) nitrogen (Forsum et al. 2006). That study
showed that 64% of experimentally applied NH4
+ was assimilated by H. splendens¸
while 39% of the glycine and 34% of the NO3
- were assimilated. In our study, although
DON concentrations in bark leachate were on average 6 times greater than
those of NH4
+, it was the less abundant NH4
+ that exhibited the few positive correlations
with epiphyte cover.
Nutrient requirements for the mesophytic and calciphilic species highlighted
in this study are not known. However, Basile (1975) recommended that bryophyte
culture media be prepared to 250–4300 μmol Ca2+, 700–2200 μmol K+, 200–3000
μmol Mg2+, 2500–7600 μmol NH4
+, and 1000–8500 μmol NO3
-. Further, Bates
(1994) suggested that high-nutrient doses of ~5000 μmol L-1 K+, PO4
3-, NH4
+, and
- are sufficient to generate measurable growth responses in bryophytes without
inducing severe osmotic imbalances. The average K+ concentration (~900 μmol
L-1) of our bark leachate fell within only the lower range of Basile’s recommended
value for K+; the average Ca2+ concentration (~200 μmol L-1) approached, but did
not meet the minimum recommended value; and the average Mg2+ concentration
(~80 μmol L-1) fell short of the recommended value. The average NO3
- and NH4
concentrations in our bark extract (0.4 μmol L-1 and 5 μmol L-1) were 3–4 orders of
magnitude below the recommended concentrations. Even though the concentration
of DON was greater than the inorganic fractions in our bark extract, the average
molar DON concentration (~31 μmol L-1) was still 2 orders of magnitude less than
the recommended inorganic N concentrations. However, bark from the large-diameter
Sugar Maples yielded leachate that fell within or exceeded (in the case of K+)
Basile’s recommended minimum cation concentrations. Still, maximum nitrogen
concentrations were far below recommended levels. Thus, only the larger-diameter
Sugar Maples in this study yielded bark leachate that approached recommended
concentrations of elemental nutrients for culturing bryophytes.
Implications for epiphytic bryophyte communities
This study demonstrated that moisture and cation nutrient availability per unit
surface area of bark increased with diameter of Sugar Maple trees, and that the
cover of several mesophytic and calciphilic bryophyte species increased in relation
to tree diameter and 1 or more of the bark moisture or nutrient variables, suggesting
that there may be meaningful gradients in time to which individual epiphytic bryophyte
species respond. McCune (1993) proposed the similar gradient hypothesis,
which predicts that epiphytes respond similarly to 3 different spatial and temporal
moisture gradients: vertically on trees within a stand (moisture gradient 1);
spatially, between stands of differing moisture regime (moisture gradient 2); and
temporally, as a stand develops into the understory reinitiation and old-growth
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2019 Vol. 26, No. 1
stages (sensu Oliver and Larson 1996) when greater amounts of precipitation can
penetrate through forest canopy gaps (moisture gradient 3). Our findings suggest
that McCune’s temporal moisture gradient 3 can be explained in other terms. As
bark of certain tree species such as Sugar Maple thickens with maturity, it retains
more moisture per unit surface-area and dries more slowly. If that difference in
moisture availability held within bark is physiologically significant to bryophytes,
then thickened, aged bark would provide favorable conditions for succession to
mesophytic epiphyte communities.
Further, we propose that the similar gradient hypothesis can be conceptually
expanded to also include nutrient gradients. Bates (1992), and Gustafsson and Eriksson
(1995) demonstrated linkages between soil chemistry, bark chemistry, and
epiphyte community composition, thereby providing evidence for an analogous,
stand-level, nutrient gradient 2. Our data suggest an analogous temporal nutrient
gradient 3 reflecting nutrient enrichment of epiphyte substrate as phorophyte bark
thickens with size and age, thereby providing favorable conditions for establishment
of calciphilic epiphytes. Finally, if nutrient availability increases through time
with aging bark, then a vertical nutrient-gradient may also establish on some trees,
reflecting differences in bark conditions across the vertical profile of a tree (nutrient
gradient 1).
Our data support the hypothesis that temporal moisture and nutrient-resource
gradients exist on Sugar Maples that may account for observed succession of
epiphyte communities dominated by calciphilic and mesophytic bryophytes on
large-diameter Sugar Maple trees. However, alternative hypotheses exist to explain
the importance of large trees for maintaining epiphyte diversity. Some researchers
(e.g., Boudreault et al. 2008, Hoffman and Boe 1977; but see Mezaka et al. 2008)
have concluded that increasing bark roughness with size and age may be more
important than bark thickness and moisture-holding capacity for the establishment
of mesophytic epiphytes. Bark fissures may provide sheltered microenvironments
that are critical for establishment of early protonemata, which may be susceptible
to desiccation. Therefore, some epiphytes may be limited to large trees due to their
habitat specificity as young gametophytes (i.e., a regeneration niche, sensu Grubb
1977; see also Alpert 1988, Li and Vitt 1995, Slack 1997), rather than ongoing
conditions required for established, mature gametophytes. Results of an earlier
field-transplant study (McGee and Kimmerer 2004) are consistent with this alternative
hypothesis. That study determined that 6-y growth of A. rugelii, P. platyphylla,
N. pennata, and L. brachypus mature gametophyte transplants were independent
of tree diameter. Therefore, any additional moisture or nutrient availability associated
with thick-barked Sugar Maples did not appear to benefit the growth of these
transplants, although it is still possible that greater moisture and nutrient availability
could improve germination of spores and establishment of protonemata
(Armentano and Caponetti 1972, Forman 1964). Some researchers (Löbel et al
2005, Rose 1992, Snäll et al. 2003) proposed that greater epiphyte species richness
and unique community composition on large, old trees is a function of colonization
probabilities for dispersal-limited organisms. Large, old trees possess greater
Northeastern Naturalist Vol. 26, No. 1
G.G. McGee, M.E. Cardon, and D.H. Kiernan
surface areas that are exposed for longer periods of time to intercept rare or poorly
dispersed diaspores. It is quite reasonable to expect epiphyte assemblages to reflect
interactions between metapopulation dynamics and complex resource-gradients.
This study demonstrated that the abundance of several mesophytic and calciphilic
bryophytes was correlated with increasing Sugar Maple diameter, which in turn
covaried with changes in several chemical and physical bark characteristics. In particular,
bark-moisture availability and bark leachate cation-nutrient concentrations
(per unit surface-area of bark) increased with Sugar Maple diameter, while bark
drying rates decreased with diameter. Inorganic and organic nitrogen concentrations
were low in bark leachate and did not vary with tree diameter. Stemflow was
enriched in dissolved cations, but not inorganic nitrogen, relative to precipitation
and throughfall. Only bark samples extracted from large-diameter Sugar Maples
produced leachate with cation nutrient concentrations approaching levels required
for healthy bryophyte growth in culture. Therefore, these results support the hypothesis
that temporal gradients in substrate moisture and nutrient availability on
phorophyte hosts result in a succession of epiphytic bryophytes eventually dominated
by calciphilic and mesophytic species, and may explain the greater abundance
of these species in old-growth northern hardwood forests. However, this correlative
study was not able to disentangle, among the several covarying factors, the
actual causal mechanisms that might account for observed epiphyte community
succession in relation to Sugar Maple diameter. Further, other hypotheses related
to colonization probabilities and dispersal limitations of these epiphytes may also
explain their observed distributions. The controlled laboratory- and field-based experiments
necessary to tease apart these factors will require sowing of sexual and
vegetative propagules, and transplants of mature gametophytes, coupled with the
technical ability to measure nutrient concentrations and vapor pressure gradients at
the microscales that are relevant to these plants.
Funding for this project was provided by the McIntire-Stennis Cooperative Forestry
Research Program. Field assistance was provided by E.R. McGee, K. Quinlan, R. Sage, C.
Demers, and S. Denniston. We thank 3 anonymous reviewers for their helpful criticisms on
a prior draft of this manuscript.
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