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Do We Impact Neighboring Nests When Managing for House Sparrows on Nest-Box Trails?

Micaela M. Rivera1, Max Mindiola2, Erin Engstrom3, Caren B. Cooper4, and Memuna Z. Khan5,*

1Ripon College, 300 Seward Street, Ripon, WI 54971. 2W2211 St. Peters Road, East Troy, WI 53120. 34414, Dwight Drive #1, Madison, WI 53704. 4Department of Forestry and Resources, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27606. 5Biology Department, Ripon College, 300 Seward Street, Ripon, WI 54971. *Corresponding author.

Northeastern Naturalist, Volume 28, Issue 3 (2021): 397–407

Nest-box trails designed for Sialia sialis (Eastern Bluebird) increase viable nesting sites for several native bird species as well as invasive species such as Passer domesticus (House Sparrow). The management technique of egg and nest removal is purported to cause sparrow usurpation at neighboring boxes. We studied the behavior of nesting House Sparrow pairs before, during, and after application of 2 management treatments: egg swapping and nest removal. Video surveillance did not detect House Sparrows visiting neighboring boxes during the management period. After the removal treatment, 42% of the pairs renested in the same nest box. We also tested the hypothesis that nest removal may shift sparrow interference to neighboring boxes spaced on average 170 m apart. In the week after management, 91% of boxes neighboring a managed box proceeded without incident, which was not different from the outcomes of boxes in areas without sparrow competition. We conclude that nest-box failure does not correlate with management technique at this study site.

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