Goldie’s Fern (Dryopteris goldieana; Dryopteridaceae) New to the Nova Scotia Flora
Colin J. Chapman-Lam1,* and Sean Blaney1
1Atlantic Canada Conservation Data Centre, PO Box 6416, Sackville, NB, Canada. *Corresponding author.
Northeastern Naturalist, Volume 28, Issue 3 (2021): N30–N33
We report a record of Dryopteris goldieana (Goldie’s Fern; Dryopteridaceae) from the Bras d’Or Lakes watershed, new to the native flora of Nova Scotia. A small population of the species was discovered in 2020 in a Populus balsamifera (Balsam Poplar) floodplain forest of the Baddeck River, Victoria County, Cape Breton Island, NS, Canada.
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