Macrolichens of Forillon National Park, Quebec, Canada
Hayley A. Paquette1,* and R. Troy McMullin1
1Canadian Museum of Nature, PO Box 3443, Station D, Ottawa, ON K1P 6P4, Canada. *Corresponding author.
Northeastern Naturalist, Volume 27, Monograph 16 (2020): 1–35
In Canada, detailed knowledge of the macrolichen biota in national parks is surprisingly sparse. Forillon National Park (Forillon) in Quebec, Canada, is an example, with no previously published accounts of lichens. To fill this knowledge gap, we conducted a survey of the macrolichens in the park and reviewed past collections to establish a baseline list of species. We report 140 taxa from Forillon (139 species and 2 subspecies, in 39 genera). Notable species include: Melanohalea exasperata, a first record for Canada; Scytinium teretiusculum, a first record for Quebec; Parmelia fertilis, a northern range extension; Hypogymnia subobscura, a species with an Arctic affinity; and Bryoria salazinica, Cladonia labradorica, and Leptogium acadiense, which are endemic to northeastern North America and infrequently collected. We provide an annotated list of species and an identification key to the macrolichen species of Forillon.
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