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The Genus Sphagnum in Nova Scotia: An Annotated Checklist of Species with Notes on Their Ecology, Distribution, and Conservation Status

Sean P. Basquill1,*, Sean R. Haughian2, and Thomas H. Neily2

1Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources and Renewables, Wildlife Division, 136 Exhibition Street, Kentville, NS B4N 4E5, Canada.2Nova Scotia Museum, 1747 Summer Street, Halifax, NS B3H 3A6, Canada. *Corresponding author.

Northeastern Naturalist, Volume 31, Monograph 25 (2024): 1–30

First published early online: 1 September 2024

We present the first checklist of Sphagnum occurring in Nova Scotia, Canada. This compilation includes detailed information on the diversity, distribution, and ecology of the genus. We also summarize the rarity and conservation status of each Sphagnum species, with a general overview of threats. We confirm 50 species, 13 newly documented since the last taxonomic treatment, including 4 resulting from project surveys. Species summaries are based on more than 11,000 observations, including over 3000 collected for this project and almost 1800 additional observations newly digitized from herbarium records. Nova Scotia has remarkably high Sphagnum species richness, reflecting its comprehensive survey history, varied climatic conditions, and abundant wetlands. We discuss rare and infrequently collected species and make recommendations for further study.

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